Bu040815 PDF
Bu040815 PDF
Bu040815 PDF
950769 Bajaj Finance Limited RD 14/08/2015 Priv. placed Non Conv Deb
Payment of Interest
950770 Bajaj Finance Limited RD 14/08/2015 Priv. placed Non Conv Deb
Payment of Interest
950772 Bajaj Finance Limited RD 14/08/2015 Priv. placed Non Conv Deb
Payment of Interest
950795 Bajaj Finance Limited RD 14/08/2015 Priv. placed Non Conv Deb
Payment of Interest
950978 Equitas Finance Private Limited RD 14/08/2015 Priv. placed Non Conv Deb
Payment of Interest
Page 1
530023 Fortune Financial Services (India) BC 08/08/2015TO Equity
950850 JM Financial Asset Reconstruction Company Private RD 13/08/2015 Priv. placed Non Conv Deb
Payment of Interest
509084 Photon Capital Advisors Ltd BC 25/09/2015TO Equity
Please note that in case of POM the date given indicates the date on which Postal Ballot Results will be declared by the
Code Company Name DATE OF PURPOSE
No. Meeting
521141 Aditya Spinners Ltd. 10/08/2015 Quarterly Results
531921 Agarwal Industrial Corporation Limited 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
533029 Alkali Metals Limited 10/08/2015 Quarterly Results
523007 Ansal Buildwell Ltd., 13/08/2015 Quarterly Results
512437 Apollo Finvest (India) Ltd., 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
512344 Aravali Securities & Finance Ltd., 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
530261 Arcuttipore Tea Co. Ltd. 12/08/2015 Audited Results
504370 Ardi Investment & Trading Ltd., 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
531553 Arihant Avenues And Credit ltd. 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
1. Consider and Adopt Unaudited financial results for the 1st Quarter ended on June 30,
1. Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015
2. Finalization of the Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM).
3. Fixation of date, venue & time of AGM.
4. Fixation of date of Book Closure.
5. Fixation of cut-off date for e-voting.
6. Approval of e-voting period.
7. Appointment of Scrutinizer.
8. Transfer of Un-paid dividend (2007-08) to IEPF.
9. Delisting of Equity Shares from the Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd.(CSE) & U P Stock
Exchange Ltd. (UPSE).
500048 BEML Ltd 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
512608 Bhandari Hosiery Exports Ltd. 10/08/2015 Quarterly Results
524396 Biofil Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals 13/08/2015 Quarterly Results
500060 Birla Ericsson Opticaal Ltd. 10/08/2015 Quarterly Results
531671 Bisil Plast Limited 13/08/2015 Quarterly Results
532678 Bombay Rayon Fashions Ltd. 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
1. To consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the
quarter ended as on June 30, 2015;
2. To consider and take on record the Limited Review Report for the quarter ended as on
June 30, 2015;
3. To consider and finalize the date, time, place of holding of the 30th (thirty) Annual
General Meeting (AGM) of the Company for the financial year ended on March 31, 2015
and matters connected therewith;
4. To consider and approve the draft Annual Report including Board's Report, Notice of
AGM and matter related thereof; and
5. To consider and approve the date of book closure for the purpose of Annual General
Page 5
522292 Chandni Textiles Engineering Ind. Ltd 13/08/2015
The Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13, 2015, inter alia, to
consider and take on record the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the
quarter ended June 30 2015 and finalize the date, time, venue and agenda of the 29th
Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company.
& Quarterly Results
532913 Circuit Systems (India) Limited 08/08/2015 Quarterly Results
506935 Continental Chemicals Ltd., 13/08/2015 Quarterly Results
532392 Creative Eye Ltd. 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
1. To consider Un-Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015.
2. To consider and accept the Resignation of Mr. Lalji Yadav and Mr. Mohan
Shankarnarayan as a Director of the Company.
1. To fix date, time & venue for the AGM to be held for the financial year ended March 31,
2. To approve the Notice for the AGM to be held for the financial year ended March 31,
4. To discuss, approve unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 &
the limited review for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
5. To delist the securities of the Company from Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited.
& Quarterly Results
1. To consider and approve the unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter
ended on June 30, 2015 and to take on record the Limited Review Report thereon.
2. To consider and finalize the of Date, Place, Time of holding of Annual General Meeting
(AGM) of the Company for the financial year ended on March 31, 2015 and matters
connected thereto.
& Quarterly Results
The Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 11, 2015, inter alia, to
consider following matters:
1. To fix date, time & venue for the AGM to be held for the financial year ended March 31,
2. To approve the Notice for the AGM to be held for the financial year ended March 31,
4. To discuss, approve unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 &
the limited review for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
5. To delist the securities of the Company from Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited.
& Quarterly Results
530853 Hipolin Ltd. 10/08/2015 Quarterly Results
531661 Hittco Tools Ltd. 13/08/2015 Quarterly Results
500193 Hotel Leela Venture Ltd., 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
1. To consider and approve the un-audited quarterly financial Result for the Quarter ended
30th June, 2015.
3. To fix time, date & venue of 31st Annual General Meeting of the company for the
financial year ended on 31st March, 2015.
4. To fix date of Book closure for the purpose of 31st Annual General Meeting.
5. To fix cut-off date for the purpose of members eligible for Remote E-voting and voting at
the time of 31st Annual General Meeting.
6. To appoint Scrutinizer for the process of Remote E-voting as well as voting at the AGM.
522165 Indsil Hydro Power and Manganese Limited 17/08/2015 Quarterly Results
505358 Integra Engineering India Ltd. 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
511609 ISL Consulting Ltd 12/08/2015
The Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015, inter alia, to
consider the following business:-
1. To consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results and Limited Review Report for
the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
2. To consider the draft of notice of 23rd Annual General Meeting for the financial year
ended March 31, 2015 and to fix the date, time and venue of Annual General Meeting.
1. To consider, approve and to take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the
Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
1. Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
3. Delisting of securities of the Company from The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited.
& Quarterly Results
512415 Mercury Trade Links Ltd., 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
500277 Mid India Industries Limited 12/08/2015
The Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015, inter alia, has
transact the following matters:
1. To consider and approve the un-audited quarterly financial Result for the Quarter ended
June 30, 2015.
3. To fix time, date & venue of 24th Annual General Meeting of the Company for the
financial year ended on March 31, 2015.
4. To fix date of Book closure for the purpose of 24th Annual General Meeting.
5. To fix cut-off date for the purpose of members eligible for Remote E-voting and voting at
the time of 24th Annual General Meeting.
6. To appoint Scrutinizer for the process of Remote E-voting as well as voting at the AGM.
& Quarterly Results
507621 Milkfood Ltd., 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
513303 Modern Steels Limited 10/08/2015 Quarterly Results
539007 MODI UDYOG LIMITED 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
532140 Mohite Industries Limited 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
Page 7
533286 MOIL Limited 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
1. Various options of raising of funds for one of the subsidiaries Timecap Overseas Ltd.,
Mauritius to be used for investment in Natcofarma Do Brasil Ltda, Brasil.
2. Convening of 32nd Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2014-15
3. To issue the notice of postal ballot and evoting to shareholders for approving the
Scheme of Amalgamation of Natco Organics Limited into the Company and related matters.
further, the "TRADING WINDOW" for dealing in the securities of the Company will be
closed from August 04, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
1. To approve Un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30,
3. To fix the day, date, time and venue of the 20th Annual General Meeting of the members
of the company and approve draft notice of AGM for the year ended March 31, 2015.
4. To approve the Directors Report for the year ended March 31, 2015.
& Quarterly Results
539110 Northlink Fiscal And Capital Services Ltd. 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
530127 NPR Finance Ltd. 11/08/2015 Quarterly Results
1. Un Audited Financial results for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
3. Review of the progress of Bio Pharma Division, Agri Division and Pharma Division.
& Quarterly Results
531454 Polylink Polymers (india) Ltd. 11/08/2015 Quarterly Results
532933 PORWAL AUTO COMPONENTS LIMITED 10/08/2015 Audited Results
533605 Prakash Constrowell Limited 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
519014 Prashant India Ltd 14/08/2015 Quarterly Results
531735 Prism Finance Ltd. 13/08/2015 Quarterly Results
526494 Promact Plastics Ltd. 13/08/2015 Quarterly Results
534675 Prozone Intu Properties Limited 11/08/2015 Quarterly Results
1. To approve Un-Audited Financial Results (Provisional) for the first quarter ended June
30, 2015.
3. To fix Book. Closure and Record date for entitlement of Dividend and eligibility for
voting at AGM or through E-Voting.
1. To approve Un-Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015 as
required under Listing Agreement.
2. To fix the Date of Closure of Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the
Company for the purpose of Declaration of Dividend and for 32nd Annual General
Page 8
& Dividend
524667 Savita Oil Technologies Limited 01/08/2015
511672 Scan Steels Limited 12/08/2015 Quarterly Results
The Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015, inter alia, to
consider the following:
1. The Un Audited financial results of the Company for the Quarter ended on 30th June,
2. Limited Review Report from the Statutory Auditor for the Quarter ended on 30th June,
3. Pursuant to Code of Conduct to regulate, monitor and report trading by insiders, the
Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for the
Directors / Officers / Designated Employees and dependents covered under the Code from
the close of business hours of August 01, 2015 till 48 hours after the announcement of
Unaudited financial results to the Stock Exchanges.
1. To take on record of Un-Audited Financial Result of the Company for the Quarter ended
on June 30, 2015 and to close the trading window as per SEBI guideline and to release the
Un-Audited Result to Press.
2. To consider and take on record the Limited Review Report of the Auditors for the
Quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
7. To fix date for closure of Register of Member and Share Transfer Book for the purpose of
declaration of Dividend.
10. To fix cut off date for the purpose of remote E-voting and Voting in AGM.
1. To consider and approve the un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter
ended on June 30, 2015.
2. To call 21st Annual General Meeting of the Company and decide the time, date and
venue of the meeting.
3. To consider and approve Notice of the AGM, Director’s Report, Corporate Governance
Report for the year ended on March 31, 2015.
1. To consider and approve the Un-audited financial results of the Company for the first
quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
2. To appoint and accept resignation of director from board of Directors of the Company.
1. Consideration of the revised audited annual accounts of the Company for the year
ended March 31, 2015 after giving the effect to the Scheme of Amalgamation of SPGI into
SPIL and the proposal for payment of dividend.
1. To take on record the Unaudited ( Provisional) Financial Result of the Company for the
quarter ended June 30, 2015 along with Limited Review Report;
1. To consider and approve the un-audited quarterly financial Result for the Quarter ended
June 30, 2015.
3. To fix time, date & venue of 23rd Annual General Meeting of the Company for the
financial year ended on March 31, 2015.
4. To fix date of Book closure for the purpose of final dividend subject to approva of the
members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
5. To fix cut-off date for the purpose of members eligible for Remote E-voting and voting at
the time of 23rd Annual General Meeting
6. To appoint Scrutinizer for the process of Remote E-voting as well as voting at the AGM.
1. To consider un-audited quarterly result for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015;
3. To decide date, time and venue of 20th annual general meeting of the company ;
1. To Consider & approve the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter
ended June 30, 2015.
2. To fix date, time and venue of the 23rd Annual General Meeting.
3. To fix date of Book closure for the purpose of 23rd Annual General Meeting.
4. To fix cut-off date for the purpose of members eligible for Remote E-voting and voting at
the time of 23rd Annual General Meeting.
5. To consider & approve the Notice of the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the Company.
6. To consider & approve the Director's Report & Report on Corporate Governance for the
financial year ended March 31, 2015.
7. To appoint Scrutinizer for the process of Remote E-voting as well as voting at the AGM.
8. To take note of Secretarial Audit Report for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2015.
1. To consider and approve the un-audited financial results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015.
2. To consider the Limited Review Report for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015.
3. To consider and declare first interim dividend for the year 2015-16 and to fix the record
date for the same.
4. To consider and approve the Directors' Report and Corporate Governance Report for the
financial year 2014-15.
5. To fix the date of Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2014-15 and approve the
notice calling the meeting.
6. To consider and fix the Record date for the purpose of payment of Final Dividend and
Annual General Meeting to be held for the financial year 2014-15.
1. To consider the proposal for buyback of equity shares of the Company, quantum &
mode of buyback, constitution of buyback committee, Record Date for the purpose of
buyback, appointment of intermediaries and other matters incidental thereto;
1. Approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
2. To fix the date for closure of Register of Members and Share Transfer Book.
3. To fix day, date and time for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company for the
financial year ended March 31, 2015.
1. Taking note of resignation of Ms. Aayushi Gupta as Company Secretary w.e.f. July 08, 2015.
2. Appointment of the Company (KMP) & Compliance Officer of the Company w.e.f. August 01, 2015.
3. Approval for the adoption of the new sets of Articles of Association of the Company.
5. Approval of the notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Company for the year 2014-15.
2. Approval of ratification of appointment of Mrs Kamini Shroff as an Independent Director of the Company subject to approval
of the members at the ensuing AGM.
3. Approval of ratification of appointment of the Statutory Auditors of the Company subject to approval of the members at the
ensuing AGM.
4. Ascertained the Directors retiring by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and considered their re-appointments.
5. Considered and increased the remuneration of Mr Dinkar Samant, Whole Time Director of the company as per the recommendation
of the Remuneration Committee of the company
subject to approval of the members at the ensuing AGM.
6. Considered and approved the re-appointment of Mr Nimish Shah as the Whole Time Director of the company as per the
recommendation of the Remuneration Committee of the
company subject to approval of the members at the ensuing AGM.
7. Approval to open dividend account for payment of dividend for the financial year 2014-15
9. Appointment of Mrs Rachana Shanbhag, Practicing Company Secretary as the Scrutinizer for e-voting results of Annual General
10. Authority to Mr. Ashok B. Chhajer and Mr. Nimish Shah, Directors of the company to sign the Annual Return of the company
and to digitally sign and file necessary e-forms
with the Registrar of Companies, Mumbai
11. Authority to Mr. Ashok Chhajer Chairman and Managing Director for filing the Report on Annual General meeting.
12. Authority for attending and voting at the General Meetings of Subsidiary Companies on behalf of Arihant Superstructures
Proposed to make investment in the share capital of the following group companies (i.e. Companies under same management)
whereupon, the same shall become wholly owned
subsidiaries of Ashika Credit Capital Ltd, subject to necessary approval of regulatory authorities and compliance thereof.
1. To shift the registered office of the Company from A1/101 Virwani Industrial Estate, Off W. E. Highway, Goregaon (E), Mumbai
- 400063 TO 1002, Topiwala Centre, Off S. V. Road, Goregaon (W), Mumbai - 400062, with immediate effect.
3. To List its Equity Shares at National Stock Exchange (NSE) subject to necessary compliances as may be required by NSE in
this regard.
511501 Bharat Bhushan Share & Commodity Brokers Ltd. 30/07/2015 Rights Issue
The Board of Director of the Company has approved the Right Issue of the Company at its
Meeting held on July 30, 2015 to allot equity Shares to its existing Shareholders.
The Board of Directors of the Company have approved to offer shares on the right basis to
the existing shareholders on the formula of One Right share for every 2 Equity Shares fully
paid up held by the equity shareholders i.e. in the ratio of 1:2.
Mr. Nilanjan Roy is currently the CFO for the India & South Asia business, and has
previously held the roles of Financial Controller and Controller - India Mobile Business.
Mr. Srikanth Balachandran has been the Global CFO of Bharti Airtel since April, 2011
1. Acceptance of resignation of Ms. Priyanka Saraf from the post of Company Secretary
and Compliance Officer w.e.f. July 01, 2015.
- Re-appointment of Mr. Sameer Manchanda as Chairman Managing Director (based on the recommendation of the Nomination and
Remuneration Committee) subject to approval of the
1. Ms. Gomathi S has been appointed as Additional Director of the Company with effect
from July 06, 2015.
2. Mr. S Mahadevan, Director has resigned from the Board with effect from July 06, 2015.
3. Mr. Bakthavathsalu Prakash was relieved from the position of Wholetime Director and continued as Director with effect from
July 06, 2015.
1 Considered and approved the appointment of M/s. Hemanshu Kapadia and Associates as a Secretarial Auditors of the Company for
the financial year 2015-16.
2. Considered and approved the appointment of Mr. Rudolf Corrie as a Chief Financial Officer and Key Managerial Person of the
With the aforesaid allotment, the total Paid-up Equity Share Capital of the Company has been enhanced from Rs. 16,20,10,000/-
to Rs. 18,92,68,770/- divided into 1,89,26,877
Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each.
1. Resignation of Shri Vishesh Kumar Chugh as Chief Financial Officer of the Company w.e.f. June 26, 2015.
2. Resignation of Shri Manish Singla as Company Secretary of the Company w.e.f. June 27, 2015.
3. Resignation of Smt. Nanita Agarwal as Additional Director of the Company w.e.f. May 29, 2015.
4. Appointment of Smt. Ritu Bansal as Additional Director of the Company w.e.f. May 29, 2015.
1. Notice convening Twenty Third Annual General Meeting for the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2015, to be held on September
21, 2015.
2. Appointment of Ms. Manisha Bajaj, Practicing Company Secretary as a Scrutinizer for E-voting process (including voting
through Ballot Form received from the members) in a
fair and transparent manner.
1. The Board of Directors considered and/or taken note that the Company acquired 100% paid up equity capital and thereupon made
Jaykaycem (Central) Ltd. (an unlisted,
public limited and part of promoter group Company), its wholly owned Subsidiary. This will facilitate to implement the business
plan of Jaykaycem (Central) Ltd. and/or to
implement its future cement project(s).
- proposal of issue of 1,19,10,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each at a price of Rs. 42/- per share, determined in accordance
with SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2009 to the Promoter and one or more constituents of the Promoter Group on preferential basis,
subject to requisite approval of the shareholders
of the Company and other authorities as may be required.
- Draft notice for calling of the Adjourned 28th Annual General Meeting of the Company.
1. The Board considered and approved the change in Registrar of the Company from "Cameo Corporate Services Limited" to "Purva
Sharegistry (India) Private Limited".
2. The Board considered and approved the Name change of the Company from M.S. Investments Limited to Srestha Investments
Limited or such other name as made available by the
statutory and regulatory bodies complying with the due procedures and regulations and subject to approval of all Statutory &
Regulatory authorities and members of the Company.
Further, based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company the Board of Directors has
appointed Ms. Shabnum Zaman presently designated
as Deputy Company Secretary of the Company as the Company Secretary of the Company and Compliance Officer for Stock Exchange
purpose with effect from August 02, 2015.
1. Approved Amendment to "Code of Conduct for regulating, monitoring and reporting of Trading by Insiders" under SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
2. Approved Investment of an amount up to INR 15,00,00,000 (Rupees Fifteen Crore Only) or (Equivalent amount required in
foreign currency) into the Wholly owned subsidiary Company to be incorporated in UAE with the name and style of "MOLDTEK
1. Approved Amendment to "Code of Conduct for regulating, monitoring and reporting of Trading by Insiders" under SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
2. Mr. Durgaprasad Sigatapu, has resigned from the position of Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") and Key Managerial Personnel of
the Company with effect from July 25, 2015 and
the same has been approved and taken on record by the Board of Directors.
3. Granted 200000 options at a price of Rs. 73/- per Equity Share [comprising nominal value of Rs. 10/- and premium of Rs.
63/-] under the scheme of "MTTL ESOS 2015".
1. Appointment of Mr. Ashok R. Yadav as the Company Secretary of the Company with immediate effect.
2. Appointment of Mr. Ashok R. Yadav as Compliance Officer, under clause 47 of the Listing Agreements. in place of Mr. Dipesh
R. Singhania w.e.f. August 03, 2015.
1. Taken note of the receipt of the Certified True Copy of the orders of the Hon’ble Bombay and Gujarat High Court order
approving the Scheme of Amalgamation of Rishiroop Rubber (International) Ltd with the Company.
2. Taken note of the effective date of the Scheme of Amalgamation of Rishiroop Rubber (International) Ltd. with the Company as
July 31, 2015.
1. Board Composition
- Ms. Swati Sharma have been appointed as Additional Director (Women Director) with effect from October 15, 2015 to hold office
as Director upto the date of next Annual General Meeting of the Company and subject to approval of the shareholders in the next
Annual General Meeting, she will be appointed as a Director (Women Director) of the company, liable to retire by rotation.
- Mr. Ravi Jaipuria and Mr. Suraj Chokhani have been appointed as Additional Independent Directors with effect from April 23,
2015 to hold office as Directors upto the date of next Annual General Meeting of the Company and subject to approval of the
shareholders in the next Annual General Meeting, they will be appointed as Independent Directors to hold office for five
consecutive years.
2. Recommendation to the shareholders to increase limit of investment under Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 to Rs. 50
3. Recommendation to shareholders for ratification of appointment of Statutory Auditors, as required under Section 139 of the
Companies Act, 2013.
4. Took note of the resignation received from Mr. Atul Singla and Mr, Naman Jain as Directors of the Company w.e.f. August 03,
1. Re-appointment of Mr. Gautam N. Mehra as the Chairman & Managing Director of the Company, subject to the approval of Members
at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company.
2. Re-appointment of Mr. C. V. Alexander as the Whole-time Director of the Company, subject to the approval of Members at the
ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company.
3. Appointment of Mr. Siddharth G. Mehra as the Head - Business Development of the Company, subject to the approval of Members
at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company.
4. Fixed the date of 54th Annual General Meeting of the Company on September 12, 2015.
5. Re-constituted Nomination & Remuneration Committee by appointing Mrs. Meghana C. Dalai as its Member in place of Mr. Sanjeev
R. Pandit. The Re-constituted Nomination & Remuneration Committee is as follows:
6. Re-constituted Audit Committee by appointing Mrs. Meghana C. Dalai as its Member in place of Mr. Ninad B. Karpe. The
Re-constituted Nomination & Remuneration Committee is as follows:
2. Mr. Shailesh K. Patel has been appointed as an Additional Director of the Company.
Allotment of 3,00,00,000 Optionally Convertible Redeemable Debentures ("OCD") at a price of Rs. 10/- per debenture to ICICI
Bank Limited on preferential basis.
513262 Steel Strips & Wheels Ltd 01/08/2015 General
Steel Strips Wheels Ltd has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 01, 2015,
inter alia, have approved the followings:
- To raise funds upto an amount of Rs. 100.00 Crore through issue of equity shares by way of Qualified Institutions placement
(“QIP”) to qualified Institution Buyer.
Further in terms of Regulation 8 (1) and 9 (1) of the SEBl (Prohibition of Insider trading) Regulations, 2015, the Board of
Directors of the Company has formulated and adopted the “Code of Practices and Procedure for fair disclosure of Unpublished
Price Sensitive Information” and a “code of conduct to regulate, monitor and report by its employees and other connected
The “Code of Practices and Procedure for fair disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information”, has also been uploaded on
the Company’s website i.e. www.sswlindla.com. Further in compliance with the Regulation 8(2) of the Regulations, a copy of the
Code of Practices and Procedure for fair disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information is also enclosed.
Page 15
Styrolution South East Asia Pte Ltd. (Promoter) currently holds 75% of the equity share capital of the Company and the Scheme
has a mechanism to ensure that the public shareholding i.e. 25% will be maintained at all times pursuant to the requirement of
the listing agreement.
The proposed Scheme is however, subject to the requisite approvals of the respective shareholders / creditors of the Company
and the Transferor Company, other statutory /
regulatory authorities In the respective jurisdictions and subject to the sanction / confirmation by the concerned High Courts
and / or any other appropriate authority as
may be necessary.
1. Mr. Kamlesh M. Shah, Practicing Company Secretary is appointed as Scrutinizer for e-voting process.
2. The Company was making investment in Salt manufacturing project in Kutchh district of Gujarat. However, owing to local
condition and environment the Company has decided
to halt this project on temporary basis.
- Appointment of Mr. Sudip Bandyopadhyay as the Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
Code No. Company Name Proportion Particulars
511501 Bharat Bhushan Share & Commodity Brokers Ltd. 01:02 Right Issue of Equity Shares
General Information Page No:15
18/08/2015 Parsi New year Tuesday Bank Holiday
17/09/2015 Ganesh Chaturthi Thursday Trading & Bank Holiday
25/09/2015 Bakri ID Friday Trading & Bank Holiday
02/10/2015 Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Friday Trading & Bank Holiday
22/10/2015 Dasera Thursday Trading & Bank Holiday
(For more details kindly refer to Corporate Announcements on www.bseindia.com)
Aadhaar Ventures India Ltd has informed BSE that the Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, the trading
window for dealing in the securities of the Company will remain closed for the Directors, officers and Designated Employees
of the Company covered under the said Code from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of
un-audited financial result for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Aarvee Denims & Exports Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
13, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30,
2015. Further, in terms of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992, the trading window for Directors and
Designated Employees shall remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
ACE Software Exports Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held
on August 13, 2015, to consider and approve the un-audited results of the company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
Further, pursuant to provisions of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015 and Code of Conduct to Regulate,
Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders of Ace Software Exports Limited, Company has informed all the "Connected persons",
"Directors" and ''Designated employees" and concerned persons that trading window for dealing in securities of the Company
will be closed from 6:00 p.m. on August 05, 2015 and will end 48 hours after the results are made public on August 13, 2015.
The Exchange has sought clarification from Adani Enterprises Ltd with reference to the news appeared/flashed on the ETNOW on
August 4, 2015 captioned "Company to form JV with Foxconn for around $5 billion to establish electronic manufacturing
facilities" The reply is awaited.
With reference to the news appeared/flashed on the ETNOW on August 4, 2015 captioned "Company to form JV with Foxconn for
around $5 billion to establish electronic manufacturing facilities", Adani Enterprises Ltd has Clarified to BSE as under :
"We are at the discussion stage only and have not signed any agreement which requires disclosure under Clause 36 of the
Listing Agreement. In the event there is any development which requires disclosure under Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement,
we will make the same in accordance with regulatory requirements."
Adarsh Plant Protect Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the 1st quarter ended on June 30, 2015. Further,
the Trading Window will remain closed from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) for designated persons as
per SEBI (Prohibition of Insiders Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Adf Foods Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is convened to be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to take on record the Un-audited Financial Results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, as
per the Code of Conduct of the Company under the SEBI (Prevention of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992, the trading window
for dealing in shares of the Company will remain closed with effect from August 05, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days
Aimco Pesticides Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August
14, 2015, inter alia, to consider & approve the un-audited financial results for 1st Quarter ended June 30, 2015, pursuant
to Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement. Further, the ‘Trading Window’ shall be closed for trading in Company’s security to
applicable persons w.e.f. opening hours of August 12, 2015 till August 17, 2015, pursuant to Company's Policy on Insider
Ajanta Pharma Ltd has informed BSE regarding a Press Release dated August 04, 2015 titled "Ajanta Pharma gets approvals for 3
Dr. Kailash S Choudhari has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Alan Scott Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Director is scheduled to be held on August 10,
2015, to consider and approve audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to SEBI
(Prohibition of insider trading) Regulations, 1992 and as per the Policy on Disclosure and internal procedure for Prevention
Of Insider Trading adopted by the Company, the trading window for director and designated employees of the company will
remain closed up to August 11, 2015.
Alembic Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company shall be held on August 12, 2015, inter
alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further,
the trading window shall remain closed from August 09, 2015 to August 14, 2015 for the above purpose.
Subject : Alstom T&D India receives transformers and reactors orders from Power Grid
Alstom T & D India Ltd has informed BSE regarding a Press Release dated August 04, 2015 titled "Alstom T&D India receives
transformers and reactors orders from Power Grid".
Scrip code : 532335 Name : Ambica Agarbathies & Aroma Ind. Ltd.
Ambica Agarbathies & Aroma Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is
scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015, inter alia, for considering the Un-Audited financial results for the First Quarter
Page 17
ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to the Company's Policy & internal Code of Conduct on Insider Trading, the Trading
Window for dealing / trading in the shares of the Company shall remain closed from August 03, 2015, and will reopen after 24
hours of the publication of aforesaid financial results.
Ankit Metal & Power Ltd has informed BSE regarding "Closure of Trading Window".
Subject : Disclosures under Reg. 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Ravi J Bhandari has submitted the disclosure under Regulation 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares &
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 to BSE
Arnold Holdings Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 12, 2015, inter alia to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended on
June 30, 2015. Further, as per the Company’s Code for conduct for Prevention of insider trading, the trading window for
dealing in the securities of company is closed for all Directors/ Officers and designated employees from August 05, 2015 to
August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Aro Granite Industries Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Pradeep Kumar Jain has been resigned from the Board of the Company with
immediate effect.
Artech Power Products Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results of Postal Ballot, under Clause 35A.
Ashiana Housing Ltd has informed BSE that the 29 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company will be held on August 25,
Ashika Credit Capital Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 31, 2015,
inter alia, has considered and taken on record the following: Proposed to make investment in the share capital of the
following group companies (i.e. Companies under same management) whereupon, the same shall become wholly owned subsidiaries
of Ashika Credit Capital Ltd, subject to necessary approval of regulatory authorities and compliance thereof. - Ashika Share
Trading Pvt Ltd - Ashika Hedge Fund Pvt Ltd - Ashika Venture Capital Pvt Ltd - Ashika Global Finance Pvt Ltd - Ashika
Business Pvt Ltd - Ashika Logistics Pvt Ltd
Aurobindo Pharma Ltd has informed BSE that the 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company will be held on August 27,
AVI Photochem Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August
12, 2015, inter alia, to consider the following businesses: - To consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results and
Limited liability Report of the Company for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to the SEBl (Prohibition of
Insider Trading) Regulations, and in terms of the Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, the trading
window for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for all Designated Persons (as defined in the code)
from August 07, 2015 till the expiry of 24 hours after the declaration of financial results.
AVT Natural Products Ltd has informed BSE regarding "E-voting facility & Poll at AGM venue".
Page 18
AXIS Bank Ltd has informed BSE that the Bank has allotted 2,07,230 equity shares of Rs. 2/- each on August 03, 2015 pursuant
to exercise of options under its ESOP Scheme. The paid up share capital of the Bank will accordingly increase from Rs.
475,19,52,146 (237,59,76,073 equity shares of Rs. 2/- each) to Rs. 475,23,66,606 (237,61,83,303 equity shares of Rs. 2/-
Azure Exim Services Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors is scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015,
inter alia, to consider and approve the following: 1. Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. 2.
To fix the date for closure of Register of Members and Share Transfer Book. 3. To fix the day, date and time for the Annual
General Meeting of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2015. Further, in accordance with the provisions of
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and Company’s “Code of Conduct to
regulate, monitor and report trading by Insiders”, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be
closed for all designated persons (as defined in the code) from August 04, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Subject : Disclosures under Reg. 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Vineet Kashyap has submitted the disclosure under Regulation 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares &
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 to BSE
Subject : Disclosures under Reg. 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Vinod Kashyap has submitted the disclosure under Regulation 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares &
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 to BSE
Subject : Disclosures under Reg. 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Vikram Kashyap has submitted the disclosure under Regulation 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares &
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 to BSE
Bagadia Colourchem Ltd has informed BSE regarding Declaration of E-voting & Postal Ballot.
Balaji Telefilms Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider, take on record and approve, the Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial
Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. In this connection, in terms of the Code of Conduct adopted by
the Company for prevention of insider trading in the securities of the Company pursuant to the provisions of Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window of the Company will be closed
for trading in the Company's Equity Shares for Directors / Designated Employees from August 06, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both
days inclusive).
Balurghat Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
14, 2015, inter alia to consider and take on record the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, pursuant to Company's Code for Prevention of Insider Trading, the Trading Window will be closed from August 07, 2015
till expiry of 48 hours after the financial results are submitted to the Stock exchange.
Bang Overseas Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on August 14, 2015, to consider,
approve and take on record the Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, In accordance with
Code of Conduct for Prevention of insider Trading framed by the Company pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company
will remain closed for all directors, officers and designated employees of the Company from August 07, 2015 and would open 48
hours after the announcement of financial results to the public.
Barak Valley Cements Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
14, 2015, inter-alia to consider and approve the Un-audited Standalone Financial Results of the Company for the First Quarter
ended June 30, 2015 and to consider any other matter With the permission of the Chair and majority of Board of Directors.
Further, that the Company has decided that the trading window for dealing in the Equity shares of the Company shall be closed
from August 05, 2015 and none of the Directors/ Promoters/ Officers/ Designated Employees shall deal in the Equity shares/
securities of the Company till August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive) on account of consideration of un-audited Financial
Page 19
Results of the Company for the First Quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Uttam Bagri has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
BEML Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015, inter
alia, to consider and approve the un-audited financial results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, the
Trading Window for dealing in securities of the Company which remains closed from June 02, 2015 will be re-opened on August
18, 2015 in terms of the provisions of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
BGR Energy Systems Ltd has informed BSE that ICRA Limited have reaffirmed the long-term rating of [ICRA]BBB+ (pronounced ICRA
triple B plus) and the short-term rating of [ICRA]A2 [pronounced ICRA A two) assigned to the line of credit. The outlook on
the long-term rating has been revised from Negative to Stable. The aforesaid ratings are valid till November 30, 2015. The
rating rationale published by ICRA is available at www.icra.in
Bhageria Dye Chem Ltd has informed BSE regarding Revised Outcome of 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on
August 01, 2015.
Bhageria Dye Chem Ltd has informed BSE that the 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on August 01,
With reference to the earlier notice dated July 28, 2015 pertaining to holding of Board Meeting of Company on August 07,
2015, Bhansali Engineering Polymers Ltd has now informed BSE that meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company has been
rescheduled to take place on August 13, 2015, to consider the Un-Audited Financial Results (UFR) and Limited Review Report of
the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 inter alia other businesses. Further the Company inform that Pursuant to
SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (applicable w.e.f. May 15, 2015) and as per the Code of Internal
Procedure and Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading adopted by the Company, the Trading Window of Company shall remain
closed for 2 working days prior to the date of the Board Meeting viz. August 11, 2015 to August 13, 2015 and 48 hours after
the Board Meeting i.e. from August 14, 2015 to August 15, 2015 and trading in Shares of Company are fully prohibited during
this period.
Scrip code : 511501 Name : Bharat Bhushan Share & Commodity Brokers Ltd.
Bharat Bhushan Share & Commodity Brokers Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Director of the Company has approved the
Right Issue of the Company at its Meeting held on July 30, 2015 to allot equity Shares to its existing Shareholders. The
Board of Directors of the Company have approved to offer shares on the right basis to the existing shareholders on the
formula of One Right share for every 2 Equity Shares fully paid up held by the equity shareholders i.e. in the ratio of 1:2.
Bharat Electronics Ltd has informed BSE that the 61st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company will be held on September
03, 2015.
Bharat Forge Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results at the 54th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the
Company held on August 03, 2015, under Clause 35A.
Bharti Airtel Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04, 2015, has
appointed Mr. Nilanjan Roy as the Global Chief Financial Officer with effect from August 05, 2015. He will take over from Mr.
Srikanth Balachandran, who is being appointed as the Global Chief Human Resources Officer. Mr. Nilanjan Roy is currently
the CFO for the India & South Asia business, and has previously held the roles of Financial Controller and Controller - India
Mobile Business. Mr. Srikanth Balachandran has been the Global CFO of Bharti Airtel since April, 2011.
Bhoruka Aluminium Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results for the First quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, pursuant to provisions of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 "Code of Conduct to Regulate,
Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders (Insider Trading Code) and Code of Fair Disclosure and Conduct- Practices and
Procedures for Fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (Principles of fair Disclosure)" approved and
adopted by the Board of Directors, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for
the Directors and Others covered under the Code from the closure of business hours of August 03, 2015 and shall continue to
remain closed up to 48 hours after the information is submitted to the Stock Exchange on August 13, 2015.
Birla Precision Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be
held on August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider & approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter
ended June 30, 2015 Further, Pursuant to the code of conduct for prevention of insider trading of the Company, the trading
window for all Designated Employees, Key Managerial Personal and Directors will be closed from August 07, 2015 to August 14,
2015 (both days inclusive).
Bliss GVS Pharma Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Gautam Ashra has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Blue Dart Express Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results at the 24th Annual General Meeting of the
Company held on July 29, 2015, under Clause 35A.
BNK Capital Markets Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04, 2015,
inter alia, has decided the following: - The Board appointed Mr. Arani Guha, Practicing Company Secretary, Partner, K. Arun
& Co., Company Secretaries.
Scrip code : 501430 Name : Bombay Cycle & Motor Agency Ltd.,
Bombay Cycle & Motor Agency Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on
August 14, 2015, to consider, approve and take on record, amongst other business, the Un-audited Financial Results and
Segment-wise Financial Report of the Company for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in accordance with the provisions
of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, and the Code of Internal
Procedures and Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring and Reporting of Trading by Insiders, the trading window of the Company
will remain closed from August 07, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Burnpur Cement Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13, 2015,
inter alia to consider and approve the Un-Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, that to Prevent Insider Trading, the "Trading Window" for trading in the equity shares of the Company shall be
remain closed from .August 05, 2015 and will open 24 hours after the announcement o! the Results by die Company to the Stock
Exchanges on August 13, 2015.
Subject : Cambridge Technology Enterprises Ltd announces partnerships with two leading Indian companies
Cambridge Technology Enterprises Ltd has informed BSE regarding a Press Release dated August 04, 2015 titled "Cambridge
Technology Enterprises Ltd announces partnerships with two leading Indian companies".
Camson Bio Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that the Honorable High Court of Karnataka has approved the Scheme of
Arrangement between Camson Bio Technologies Limited and Camson Seeds Limited, which interalia provides for the demerger of
seeds division of Camson Bio Technologies Limited with and into Camson Seeds Limited. The Company would further file the
Copy of High Court order on receipt of the same.
Page 21
Camson Bio Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
12, 2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the First
Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, as per the Company’s policy for Prohibition of Insider Trading as per SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations 2015, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be
closed from August 06, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the specified persons as per the policy.
Capital First Ltd has informed BSE that the Debenture Committee constituted by the Board of Directors of the Company vide
Resolution passed by Circulation on August 04, 2015, inter alia approved the allotment of Listed, Rated, Secured, Redeemable,
Non-Convertible Debentures ("NCD's"). 1. The Company has fully raised Rs. 350,00,00,000/- (Rupees Three Hundred Fifty Crore
Only) by issue of NCD's on private placement basis. 2. The Debenture Committee vide Resolution passed by Circulation on
August 04, 2015 has inter - alia approved allotment of 3500 NCDs having the Face Value of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lacs
Only) each. 3. The said NCDs shall be listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited.
Carborundum Universal Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results at the 61st Annual General Meeting (AGM)
of the Company held on August 03, 2015, under Clause 35A.
Century Plyboards (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the 34th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company will be held on
august 27, 2015.
Vikram Somany has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Ganga Somany has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
CFL Capital Financial Services Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on
August 13, 2015, to consider the un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. The Trading
Window for dealing In the securities of the Company will remain closed from August 06, 2015 to August 14, 2015.
Choice International Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is to be held on August 11,
2015, inter alia, to consider the following business: 1. To consider and adopt the Un-audited Financial Accounts for the
Quarter ended on June 30, 2015. 2. To fix date, time and Venue for the 22nd Annual General Meeting of the Company. 3. To
consider and approve the draft Notice for the 22nd Annual General Meeting of the Company. 4. To fix the Book Closure date
for the purpose of forth coming Annual General Meeting and Dividend, if any. 5. To consider and approve the draft Director's
Report, Management Discussion and Analysis and Corporate Governance Report for the year ended March 31, 2015. Further, in
view of the above, the Trading Window for dealing in the Company's scrip by the directors and designated employees of the
Company will remain closed from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) in "terms of SEBI (Prohibition of
insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Choksi Laboratories Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider the unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
Pursuant to SEBl (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 and clause 4 (4.1 - 4.5) of Company's Code of Conduct for
Prevention of Insider Trading, the "Trading Window" of the Company shall remain closed from the date on which the Company
sends intimation to Stock Exchange advising the date of the Board Meeting, up to 24 hours after the price sensitive
information is submitted to the Stock Exchange (Closed from August 01, 2015 and will open on August 17, 2015) for insiders
The Exchange has sought clarification from Claris Lifesciences Ltd with respect to media reports appearing in ET NOW August
4, 2015 titled "IT department conducts search, survey at Claris group premises" The reply is awaited.
Competent Automobiles Company Ltd has informed BSE regarding Declaration of Results of e-voting and Poll at 30th Annual
General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on July 31, 2015.
Page 22
Competent Automobiles Company Ltd has informed BSE that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider
Trading, framed pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015,
the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be closed for the purpose of declaration of audited
financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 for all the designated employees (including Directors)
of the Company from August 05, 2015 till 48 hours after the announcement of the financial results of the Company to the Stock
Exchange (both days inclusive). Accordingly all the Designated Employees (Including Directors) of the Company have been
intimated not to enter into any transaction involving the securities of the Company during the aforesaid period of closure of
Trading Window.
Compuage Infocom Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider the following: - To consider and approve the unaudited financial results for the
quarter ended June 30, 2015 Further, with reference to SEBI Code of Conduct for Prevention of insider Trading for Listed
Companies and as per the Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, the Trading Window for dealing in the
shares of the Company shall remain closed for all Directors and Designated Employees from August 04,2015 to August 14, 2015
(both days Inclusive).
Compucom Software Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to transact the following business: 1. To consider and approve the Un-Audited Financial Results of the
Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015; 2. To consider and take on record the Limited Review Report for the quarter
ended on June 30, 2015; and 3. To consider and approve the date, time and place of Annual General meeting of the Company
for the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2015 and other matters connected with the Annual General Meeting; Further, in
accordance with the Company’s Code of conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, the “Trading Window” for dealing in the
shares of the Company will remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the Directors and
Key Management Personnel’s of the Company.
Consolidated Securities Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Newspaper Advertisement of Postal Ballot Notice.
Container Corporation of India Ltd has informed BSE that for the purpose of Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled
for September 04, 2015 the cut-off date of August 28, 2015 (end of the day) has been fixed. Accordingly, the members whose
names are recorded in the Register of Members or in the Register of Beneficial Owners maintained by the Depositories as on
the Cut-off date i.e. August 28, 2015, shall be entitled to avail the facility of remote e-voting as well as voting at the
Country Condos Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to discuss and to consider the Un-Audi ted Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further,
the Company will close the trading window in compliance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations on August 11,
2015, and the trading window will open on August 17, 2015.
CTIL Ltd has informed BSE that as per the Company’s internal Code for Prevention of Insider Trading (as amended w.e.f. May
15, 2015) the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company is closed for the Company’s Directors / Officers
and designated employees of the Company from August 04, 2015 and will re-open 48 hours after the publication of the June
quarter results to the public in the Board Meeting scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015.
D & H India Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 the window for
trading in the shares of the Company shall remain closed from August 10, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) in
view of the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August 13, 2015 to consider and approve,
among others, Un-audited financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. All the designated directors and Employees
were advised not to deal in the shares and securities of the Company during this period.
DB International Stock Brokers Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Yashwant Gupta has resigned from the post of Company Secretary.
The Company accepted his resignation w.e.f. August 04, 2015 and relieved him of his responsibilities. Consequent to his
resignation as Company Secretary. Mr. Yashwant Gupta also ceases to be Compliance Officer of the Company. His successor shall
be appointed shortly and the same shall be intimated to the Stock Exchange(s).
Page 23
DCM Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13, 2015, inter alia, to
consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the 1st quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, the 'Trading Window' for dealing / trading in the shares of the Company by Insiders, has / shall remain closed from
one month prior to the date of board meeting till the completion of 48 hours after the declaration of financial results of
the Company for the 1st quarter June 30, 2015 i.e. close of working hours of August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Den Networks Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Investor's Presentation for Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended
June 30, 2015.
Diamond Power Infrastructure Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results of Postal Ballot, under Clause
Dil Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Audit Committee and Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held
on August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve unaudited financial results (Standalone and Consolidated) of the
Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and the Company's Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading
by Insiders, it is hereby notified that "Trading Window" (period for trading in Company’s securities) shall be closed from
August 06,2015 till expiry of 24 hours from the close of business hours on the date of the ensuing Board Meeting to be held
on August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) inter alia, for approval of the unaudited financial results (Standalone and
Consolidated) of the Company, for the quarter ended June 30,2015. During the closure of Trading Window, all Directors,
Promoters, Insiders, Designated Persons including Auditors shall not, directly or indirectly trade or deal or enter into any
transaction involving sale or purchase of the Company's Equity Shares, either in their own name or in the name of their
Immediate Relatives.
DSJ Communications Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Un-Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended
June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 2015 and as per the terms of "Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading" of the Company, the
trading window shall remain closed from August 04, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) for Directors, Employees and
connected persons as defined in the Code.
Eastern Treads Ltd has informed BSE that the Dividend @5% (Rs. 0.50 per share) on the equity share of face value Rs. 10/-
each has been declared at the AGM of the Company held on July 28, 2015 to the Equity shareholders holding shares as on July
22, 2015. The dividend will be paid through Dividend warrant/RTGS/other allowed mode of transactions on or after August 10,
Emco Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to consider and take on record Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the first quarter ended June
30, 2015. Further, he trading window for dealing in securities of the Company shall remain closed from August 04, 2015 to
August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive). Accordingly, the Company has informed all the designated employees, directors and
connected persons not to deal in securities during the said period.
Emmbi Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further,
Pursuant to this, the Company has decided that the close period (i.e. closure of trading window) as per SEBI (Prohibition of
Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 would commence from 8:00 a.m. on August 05, 2015 and will end 48 hours after the results
are made public on August 12, 2015.
Empower India Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company to be held on August 12, 2015,
inter alia, to consider and take on record the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended on June 30,
2015. Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for the Prevention of Insider Trading read with Securities Exchange
Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015, the Trading Window' for dealing in Equity Shares of the
Company shall remain closed for all the Directors and designated Employees of the Company from August 04, 2015 to August 15,
2015 (Both days inclusive) in view of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company scheduled to be held as given
Page 24
Fedders Lloyd Corporation Ltd has informed BSE regarding "Allotment of 50,00,000 Preferential Warrants to Promoters, Persons
belonging to the Promoter Category and Persons Acting in Concerts".
Firstobject Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to meet on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider the following: - To consider and approve the Un-Audited Financial Results for the quarter
ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 1992 and as per the terms of "Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading" of the Company, the
trading window shall remain closed from August 12, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) for Directors and Designated
Employees as defined in the Code.
Frontier Informatics Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider the following: - Un Audited financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further,
as per code of conduct of insider trading regulations, the trading window for dealing in the shares of the Company will
remain closed from August 14, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Hem Chand Jain has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(1) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Hem Chand Jain has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Glittek Granites Ltd has informed BSE that a Board meeting is scheduled to be held on August 13, 2015, inter-alia to consider
and to approve the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, as per Company’s Code of
Conduct for the Prevention of Insider Trading, the Trading Window for dealing in shares of the Company shall remain close for
all designated Employees and Directors from August 05, 2015 to August 16, 2015.
Global Infratech & Finance Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
12, 2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Un-Audited Financial Results for the quarter ended on June
30, 2015. Further, pursuant to the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and “Code of Conduct tor Internal
Procedures and to Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders” as adopted by the Company, the Trading Window shall
remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days Inclusive). Accordingly, the Promoters, Directors,
Designated Employees and all persons covered under the Code hove been advised not to deal in the securities of the Company
from August 05, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Goa Carbon Ltd has informed BSE regarding the information on operational performance of the Company for the month of July,
Goodricke Group Ltd has informed BSE that an Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Company will be held on September
21, 2015.
Goodricke Group Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. A. K. Mathur, has resigned from the Board of Directors of the Company w.e.f.
July 30, 2015 and Ms. S. A. Walker has been appointed as an Additional Director in terms of Section 161 of the Companies Act
2013 w.e.f. July 30, 2015.
Goodyear India Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of the Company has been scheduled on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to review and approve the unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, in terms of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the Trading Window shall remain closed from
Page 25
August 04, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Anil Gorani has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(1) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Grandeur Products Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015,
inter alia, to consider and take on record the Un-Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further,
the Trading Window would remain closed from August 06, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the following
categories (including dependents) - Directors - Designated Employees - Auditors As per code of conduct for prevention of
Insider Trading Regulations, framed and adopted in accordance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
GOL Offshore Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August
14, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30,
2015. Further, In terms of the Code of Conduct for prevention of Insider Trading in Shares of the Company, the Trading
Window has been closed from August 01, 2015 to August 16, 2015, i.e. from the first day of the month, in which the meeting is
held, till 48 hours from the time the results are communicated to the Stock Exchanges.
Greycells Education Ltd has informed BSE that as per the 'Greycells Education Limited - Code of Conduct for Prevention of
Insider Trading' read with Securities Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the Trading
Window for dealing in securities of the Company will remain closed from August 04, 2015 to August 15, 2015 for all the
Designated Employees and Directors of the Company for the purpose of declaration of Unaudited Financial Results of the
company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
GRM Overseas Ltd has informed BSE that the Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading as approved and
implemented by the Company in pursuance of the SEBI Prohibition (Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992. All the insiders are
hereby advised to take notice that in terms of trading restrictions placed under above code; the Trading Window for the
equity shares of the Company shall remain closed from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive). This closure
of the Trading Window is occasioned by reason of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, which is scheduled to
be held on , August 11, 2015, inter-alia, to consider and approve the Un-audited financial results of the company for the
quarter ended June 30, 2015. Accordingly, all the insiders (including directors/officers/designated employees) and others who
have come in to the receipt of any insider information as to agenda of the Meeting (either accidentally or otherwise) are
hereby directed not to deal in shares of the Company during the period of closure of Trading Window as stated above.
GTL Infrastructure Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, in terms of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and
Company's internal code of conduct for prevention of insider trading, the Trading Window for dealing in securities of the
Company will remain closed for Directors/ Officers and designated employees of the Company from the closure of business hours
of August 04, 2015 to the closure of business hours of August 14, 2015.
Gulf Oil Lubricants India Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Transcription of Conference call with Investors/Analysts held on
August 03, 2015.
Gulshan Chemfill Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company has been scheduled to be held
on August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for
the quarter ended June 30, 2015 . Further, with reference to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the
Trading Window, for dealing in shares of the Company by the Directors / KMP / designated persons of the Company as defined in
the Code of Conduct for regulating, monitoring and reporting of trading by insiders of the Company, will remain closed from
August 05, 2015 to August 16, 2015.
Gyscoal Alloys Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to take note of the Un - Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015:
Further, in terms of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,. 1992 (as amended time to time), the trading
window for Directors and Designated Employees shall remain closed from August 05, 2015 and shall open 24 hours after said Un
- Audited Financial results will become public, (both days inclusive).
Page 26
Subject : Updates on Outcome of Board Meeting (resignation of CFO and Company Secretary)
HP Cotton Textile Mills Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 29, 2015,
inter alia have considered and approved the following: - 1. Resignation of Shri Vishesh Kumar Chugh as Chief Financial
Officer of the Company w.e.f. June 26, 2015. 2. Resignation of Shri Manish Singla as Company Secretary of the Company w.e.f.
June 27, 2015. 3. Resignation of Smt. Nanita Agarwal as Additional Director of the Company w.e.f. May 29, 2015. 4.
Appointment of Smt. Ritu Bansal as Additional Director of the Company w.e.f. May 29, 2015.
Hathway Cable & Datacom Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
11, 2015, to consider and approve Un-audited Standalone Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 (Q1). Further
the Company has informed that, in terms of the Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring and
Reporting of Trading by Insiders, framed pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 2015, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for all
Specified Persons from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive). Accordingly, the specified persons of the
Company have been intimated not to enter into any transaction involving the securities or deal in securities of the Company
during the aforesaid period of closure of Trading Window.
Hexaware Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04, 2015,
has declared payment of interim dividend @ Rs. 2 per share (100%) on equity shares of Rs. 2/- each.
Hikal Ltd has informed BSE that the dividend for the year 2014-2015 (final dividend), on the equity shares will be paid on
August 26, 2015, if approved by the shareholders of the company, in the Annual General Meeting to be held on August 12,
Hindusthan Safety Glass Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Company’s Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading,
the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will remain closed for the directors, officers, and
designated employee of the company covered under the said Code from August 03, 2015 to August 12, 2015 (both days inclusive)
for the purpose of unaudited financial result for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
With reference to the earlier letter dated July 27, 2015, IDBI Bank Ltd has now informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of
Directors of the Bank will be held on August 12, 2015, to consider and approve the un-audited financial results of the Bank
for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 subject to a Limited Review the Statutory Auditors.
With reference to the earlier letter dated July 27, 2015, IDFC Ltd has now informed BSE that the Reserve Bank of India, on
July 23, 2015, granted Banking Licence to "IDFC BANK LIMITED" for undertaking banking business in India under Section 22 (1)
of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Point No, III (7) of the Terms and Conditions of the Bank Licence states the following
- - The transfer of business of IDFC Limited to the proposed bank should coincide with commencement of banking business.
Auditor’s certificate certifying transfer of business as on the date of commencement of operations of the bank should be
submitted to RBI. In view of the above and in view of Clause 5.8.1 of the Demerger Scheme, the Board of Directors of IDFC
Limited and IDFC Bank Limited at their meetings held on July 30, 2015 and July 27, 2015 respectively, have determined that
the Demerger Scheme can be Effective only upon receipt of requisite Operational Licenses from the Reserve Bank of India and
IDFC Bank Limited will commence the banking business from October 01, 2015. Therefore in compliance with Clause 5.8.1 of the
Demerger Scheme and to comply with the terms and conditions of the Bank Licence, the transfer of "Financing Undertaking”
from IDFC Limited to IDFC Bank Limited pursuant to the Demerger Scheme will take place on October 01, 2015. As a result, the
Effective Date of the Demerger Scheme will be October 01, 2015 and IDFC Bank Limited will start banking operations from
October 01, 2015.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan - Series 24-Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 32 - Direct Plan-Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 27
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 26 - Regular Plan - Half Yearly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 4 - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 34- Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 4 Monthly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan - Regular Plan - Series 7- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 1 Monthly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Series Interval Fund- Regular Plan-Series II- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Mutual Fund - IDFC Equity Opportunity- Series 3 - Direct Plan- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and
is placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Interval Fund- Direct Plan -Series III- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 27- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 29 - Regular Plan -Quarterly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Interval Fund- Regular Plan-Series II- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 28 - Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 28
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 34 - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan - Series 23-Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 2 - Half Yearly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 23 - Regular Plan -Quarterly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 27 - Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Mutual Fund- IDFC Equity Opportunity- Series 3 - Regular Plan- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and
is placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 28 - Regular Plan-Half Yearly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Equity Opportunity- Series 1- Direct Plan- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 31-Direct Plan- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 29 - Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Series Interval Fund- Direct Plan-Series III- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 25 - Regular Plan-Half Yearly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 29
IDFC Fixed Term Plan-Series 21- Regular Plan - Periodic Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 21- Regular Plan-Half Yearly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Series Interval Fund- Regular Plan-Series III- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 29-Direct Plan- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Equity Opportunity- Series 1- Regular Plan- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Interval Fund- Direct Plan -Series 1- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan-Series 23 - Regular Plan - Periodic Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 1- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate Announcement
on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 28-Direct Plan- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 25 - Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 4 - Half Yearly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 26 - Regular Plan- Quarterly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Series Interval Fund- Direct Plan-Series II- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan-Series 27 - Regular Plan - Periodic Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 24 - Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 2 - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate Announcement
on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 32 - Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 4 - Quarterly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Mutual Fund - IDFC Equity Opportunity- Series 2 - Direct Plan- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and
is placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 1- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate Announcement
on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 26 - Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Interval Fund- Regular Plan-Series 1- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 33- Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Mutual Fund- IDFC Equity Opportunity- Series 2 - Regular Plan- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and
is placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan-Series 28 - Regular Plan- Periodic Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 33 - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan-Series 31- Regular Plan - Periodic Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 31- Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 21-Direct Plan- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan - Series 26-Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 23 - Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 1- Half Yearly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Series Interval Fund- Regular Plan-Series 1- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 21- Regular Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 24 - Regular Plan -Quarterly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 21- Regular Plan -Quarterly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 28 - Regular Plan -Quarterly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
Page 32
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 25-Direct Plan- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 1- Quarterly Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Interval Fund- Regular Plan-Series III- Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Yearly Interval Fund- Direct Plan -Series II- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
IDFC Fixed Term Plan- Series 4 - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate Announcement
on BSE-India Website.
IFB Agro Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the 33rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on July 31,
Agile Electric Sub Assembly Pvt Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
IITL Projects Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04, 2015, inter
alia, have accorded to the following: 1. Re-appointed of Mr. D. P. Goyal as Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. July 05,
2016 for further period upto September 30, 2017, subject to approval of Members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. 2.
Adopted of new set of Articles of Association of the Company containing regulations in conformity with the Companies Act,
2013, subject to approval of Members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd has informed BSE that the 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company will be held on
August 26, 2015.
Impex Ferro Tech Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Company's Code of Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring and Reporting
of Trading by Insider, framed in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015, the Trading Window for dealing in the Securities of the Company will be closed for the purpose of
declaration of Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 for all the Designated
Employees (including Directors) of the Company from August 04, 2015 till 24 hours after the announcement of the Un-audited
Financial Results of the Company to the Stock exchanges (both days inclusive). Accordingly, all the Designated Employees
(including Directors) of the Company have been intimated not to enter into any transaction involving the securities of the
Company during the aforesaid period of closure of Trading Window.
Incon Engineers Ltd has informed BSE that as per the Companies Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading formed under
Securities Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992, the Trading Window shall remain
closed in connection with the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on September 30, 2015, from September 23, 2015
to October 1, 2015 (both days inclusive) for Directors, Officers and designated employees and their dependents and family
Page 33
Indag Rubber Ltd has Clarified to BSE that the Board of Directors in their meeting held on April 11, 2015 have recommended a
final dividend of Rs. 7.50/- per equity share of Rs. 10/- each (being 75%) for the financial year 2014-2015. The Company
sub-divided the equity shares having nominal value of Rs. 10/- each to equity share of nominal value of Rs. 2/- each on April
24, 2015, which was approved by the shareholders through postal ballot. Pursuant to aforesaid corporate action of
sub-division of equity shares, the final dividend is of Rs. 1.50/- per equity share of Rs. 2/- each (being 75%), which would
be approved by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015. The Register of
Members and share transfer books will remain closed from August 07, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
India Home Loan Ltd has informed BSE that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on July 25, 2015.
India Nippon Electricals Ltd has informed BSE that the 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on August 27,
Indian Hotels Company Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to consider the Audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 (Q1). Pursuant to the
applicable provisions of the Insider Trading Regulations, the Company has intimated its designated employees regarding the
closure of the Trading Window from June 24, 2015 till August 14, 2015, for the purpose of adoption of the Audited Annual
Accounts of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. The Trading Window shall re-open on August 15, 2015.
Indian Toners & Developers Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has fixed July 17, 2015 as the cut off / record date for the
purpose of determining the list of share holders to dispatch notice of Annual General Meeting and Postal Ballot Notice
alongwith E — voting particulars pursuant to S.108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 (3) (vii) of the Companies
(Management & Administration) Rules, 2014 and clause 35B of the Listing Agreement.
Indo Count Industries Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Investors' Presentation Q1 2016 Results.
Indovation Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that as per the Company’s internal Code for Prevention of Insider Trading (as
amended w.e.f. May 15, 2015) the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company is closed for the Company’s
Directors / Officers and designated employees of the Company from August 04, 2015 and will re-open 48 hours after the
publication of the June quarter results to the public in the Board Meeting scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015.
Industrial Investment Trust Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04,
2015, inter alia, have accorded to the following: 1. Re-appointment of Dr. B. Samal as an Executive Chairman of the Company
for a further period of three years with effect from January 24, 2016 to January 23, 2019 subject to the approval of
shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. 2. Adoption of new set of Articles of Association of the Company
containing regulations in conformity with the Companies Act, 2013, subject to approval of shareholders at the ensuing Annual
General Meeting.
Integrated Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Gurvinder Singh acting Chief Financial Officer (C.F.O) of the Company
have relieved from the duty of C.F.O. from the closing hour of July 31, 2015.
Integrated Thermoplastics Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Suresh Kumar Shastry Vemuri, Whole Time Director of the Company was
appointed as Compliance officer of the Company in the place of Mr. Vangala Chandra Sekhara Reddy.
Page 34
Subject : Grant of Stock Options under the Associate Stock Option Plan (ASOP) 2015
Intellect Design Arena Ltd has informed BSE regarding "Grant of Stock Options under the Associate Stock Option Plan (ASOP)
Interlink Petroleum Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 10,
2015, interalia, to consider and approve the un-audited quarterly results for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015. In this
connection, in tents of the Code of Conduct adopted by the Company for prevention of insider trading in the securities of the
Company pursuant to the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
the trading window of the Company will be closed for trading in the Company’s equity shares for Directors / Designated
Employees from August 01, 2015 to August 12, 2015 (both days inclusive).
International Paper APPM Ltd has informed BSE that the 51st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company will be held on
August 27, 2015.
Ishita Drugs & Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held
on August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider, the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30,
2015. Further, in accordance with Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading Framed by the Company pursuant to the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window for dealing in
the securities of the Company will be closed for all designated employees (Including Directors) of the Company from August
15, 2015.
JK Cement Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its Meeting held on August 03, 2015, inter alia,
has: 1. The Board of Directors considered and/or taken note that the Company acquired 100% paid up equity capital and
thereupon made Jaykaycem (Central) Ltd. (an unlisted, public limited and part of promoter group Company), its wholly owned
Subsidiary. This will facilitate to implement the business plan of Jaykaycem (Central) Ltd. and/or to implement its future
cement project(s). 2. Formulated/adopted/approved policy on Internal Financial Control for implementation in the Company.
Jaihind Projects Ltd has informed BSE that Trading Window shall remain closed from August 04, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both
days inclusive) to consider and approve, inter alia, unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 by the
Board of Directors in their meeting, to be held on August 14, 2015. The trading window will re-open from August 17, 2015.
Intimation for the above was already communicated to all the designated employees.
Jaysynth Dyestuff India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 of the
Company. Further, in accordance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 read with Company's Code of
Conduct for regulating and reporting trading by Insiders and for Fair Disclosure, 2015, please note that, the Trading Window
for dealing in Securities of the Company for all Designated Persons and their Immediate Relatives (including Directors) shall
remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive).
JD Orgochem Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015, inter
alia to consider and approve the Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 of the Company. Further,
in accordance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 read with Company's Code of Conduct for regulating
and reporting trading by Insiders and for Fair Disclosure, 2015, please note that, the Trading Window for dealing in
Securities of the Company for all Designated Persons and their Immediate Relatives (including Directors) shall remain closed
from August 05, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive).
JHS Svendgaard Laboratories Ltd has informed BSE that the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Company was held on
August 04, 2015.
JK Paper Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 03, 2015, inter alia,
have approved : - proposal of issue of 1,19,10,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each at a price of Rs. 42/- per share,
determined in accordance with SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 to the Promoter and one
or more constituents of the Promoter Group on preferential basis, subject to requisite approval of the shareholders of the
Company and other authorities as may be required.
Page 35
Jubilant Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended
June 30, 2015. Further, in accordance with "Jubilant Industries Limited Code for Prevention of Insider Trading" and SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 the ‘Trading Window’ for dealing in the securities of the Company shall
remain closed for Directors and other Designated Persons from August 05, 2015 to August 14 2015 (both days inclusive).
K K Fincorp Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company will meet on August 14, 2015, to consider and
take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter April to June, 2015. Further, the trading
window will remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 19, 2015 as defined under the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015.
K.P.R. Mill Ltd has informed BSE about the following changes in the Board of Directors of the Company, with effect from July
27, 2015: 1. Sri. A. Sekar, Whole-time Director has retired. 2. Sri. P. Selvakumar, Manager (Taxation) has been appointed
as 'Wholetime Director' of the Company at a remuneration.
Kamadgiri Fashion Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August11,
2015, inter alia to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the first quarter ended June 30,
2015. For the said purpose, the Trading Window of the Company shall remain closed from August 03, 2015 to August 13, 2015
(both days inclusive) for designated employees including promoter group and directors of the Company pursuant to the SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and the Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading in the
securities of Kamadgiri Fashion Limited.
Karnataka Bank Ltd has informed BSE regarding a Press Release dated August 04, 2015 titled "Karnataka Bank gets new General
Kaushalya Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Company's code of conduct to
regulate, monitor and report trading by insiders, framed in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the Trading Window for dealing in the Securities of the Company will be
closed for the purpose of declaration of Unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015
for all the Designated Employees (including Directors) of the Company from August 04, 2015 till 48 hours after the
announcement of the Financial results of the Company to the Stock exchanges (both days inclusive). Accordingly, all the
Designated Employees (including Directors) of the Company have been intimated not to enter into any transaction involving the
Securities of the Company during the aforesaid period of closure of Trading Window.
Kaveri Seed Company Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, to consider and take on record the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the First Quarter ended June 30,
2015. The Board may also consider the proposal for recommend Interim Dividend if any for the Financial Year 2015-16 in the
above said meeting.
Kaveri Seed Company Ltd has informed BSE that as per the "Insider Trading Code" of the Company and in view of the Board
Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held on August 13, 2015 for approving the Un-Audited Financial Results for the First
Quarter ended on June 30, 2015, the Trading Window of the Company shall remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 18,
2015. During this period any purchase, sale or other dealings in the shares of the Company is prohibited to all the
Directors/Officers/Employees/ Connected Persons of the Company.
KDDL Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August 14,
2015, to consider and approve Un- audited Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated) for the quarter ended on June 30,
2015 inter alia other matters. Further inform that pursuant to the provisions of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015 and the ‘KDDL-Code of Conduct to regulate, monitor and report trading by Insiders’, it has been decided to
close the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company listed at the BSE Limited with effect from July 25,
2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive) for all the Directors, Designated Employees and other Insiders in view of the
Board Meeting scheduled on August 14, 2015 for the purpose of announcement of aforesaid financial results of the Company.
Manav Investment & Trading Co. Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Kingfisher Airlines Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Bharath Raghavan has resigned from the services of United Breweries
(Holdings) Limited with effect from the close of business hours on July 31, 2015 and consequently his secondment to
Kingfisher Airlines Limited has simultaneously come to an end and he has ceased to be the Company Secretary & Compliance
Officer of Kingfisher Airlines Limited after the close of business hours on July 31, 2015.
Kisan Mouldings Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors along with Audit Committee Meeting of the
Company is scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015, inter alia, to approve and take on record Unaudited Financial Results for
the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, the trading window in respect of the Company's Securities shall remain close for
all Directors / Officers / Designated Employees of the Company from August 07, 2015 upto August 16, 2015 (both days
inclusive), pursuant to the Company's Policy for the prevention of Insider Trading.
Kitex Garments Ltd has informed BSE about formulation and adoption of Codes under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015.
Kokuyo S&T Co. Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Aditi Dilip Dandekar & Rahul Dilip Dandekar has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Krypton Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to approve Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, as per the Company's Code of conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading, the trading window will remain closed for
directors and other designated employees of the company from August 04, 2015 till August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Kwality Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015, inter
alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 and various
other matters. Further, that the Trading window for dealing with securities of the Company by Promoter, Directors,
Designated Employees including their relatives and all connected persons, as per the Code of Conduct for prevention of
insider trading, framed and adopted in accordance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 will be closed
from August 07, 2015 to August 14, 2015 and shall be opened 48 hours after the conclusion of the board meeting of Company to
be held on August 14, 2015.
LML Ltd has informed BSE that the next Board meeting of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider,
approve and take on record the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2015, along with
Limited Review Report thereon. Further, in compliance of Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement read with the SEBI (Prohibition
of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992, Company has intimated to all concerned persons regarding closure of Trading Window of
the Company, from August 05, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive) in view of Unaudited Financial Results of the
Company for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2015.
Lactose India Ltd has informed BSE that the 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on August 01, 2015.
Ladderup Finance Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August
12, 2015, inter alia to consider the following businesses: - To approve and adopt Un-Audited Standalone and Consolidated
Financials for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, that pursuant to Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider
Trading of the Company, the Trading Window shall remain closed for directors, officers and designated employees of the
Company from August 05, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of declaration of Un-Audited Standalone
Page 37
and Consolidated Financial Results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Lakshmi Overseas Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of company is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to transact the following business: 1. Consider and take on record the Un-audited Financial
Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. 2. Fix the date of annual general meeting and matters related thereto.
Further, as per the company's code of conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for the purpose of
trading in the shares of the Company will remain closed from August 06, 2015 and will re-open 48 hours after the announcement
by the company of the results to the Stock Exchanges on August 13, 2015.
Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04,
2015, has appointed Ms. Meha Patel as an Additional Director (Women Director) to be categorized as an Independent Director.
Lippi Systems Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of board of Directors of Company is scheduled to be held on August 14,
2015, to consider, taken on record and approve the Un-Audited financial result of the Company, for the Quarter Ended on June
30, 2015. Further, pursuant to the provisions of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (as amended)
read with the Company's Code for Prohibition of Insider Trading, the Trading Window for trading in the securities of the
Company has been closed for Directors, Officers and Designated Employees, from August 04, 2015 and shall open 48 hours after
said Unaudited financial results will become public.
LKP Finance Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 03, 2015, has
appointed Mr. Sajid Mohamed as an additional Director of the Company.
Lloyd Electric & Engineering Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Proceedings of the 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the
Company held on July 10, 2015.
LN Industries India Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading the
Trading Window for dealing In the Securities of the Company will remain closed for the Directors, Officers and Designated
Employees of the Company covered under the said Code, from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the
purpose of un-audited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Longview Tea Company Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to consider and take on record the unaudited financial results for the qr ended June 30, 2015 and
accordingly the Trading window of the Company shall be closed from July 31, 2015 till two days after the said Board meeting.
Lovable Lingerie Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia to transact the following business: 1. To consider and adopt the Unaudited Financial Results for the first
quarter ended on June 30, 2015. 2. To fix the date of Annual General Meeting and to approve notice. 3. To consider and
approve Director's Report. 4. To fix date for closure of Register of Members for the AGM. Further, as per Company's Code of
Conduct to regulate, monitor and report trading by Insiders (the "Code") as required to be implemented in terms of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the Trading Window of the Company
shall remain closed for Trading by designated persons as per Insider Trading Rules of the Company from August 05, 2015 to
August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive). Accordingly all the Specified Persons (Including Directors) of the Company have been
intimated not to enter into any transaction involving the securities of the Company during the aforesaid period of closure of
Trading Window.
Magma Fincorp Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results at the 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the
Company held on August 01, 2015, under Clause 35A.
Magma Fincorp Ltd has informed BSE regarding the Results of the 35th Annual General Meeting of the members of the Company.
Page 38
Mahamaya Steel Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
13, 2015, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
Further, in view of above mentioned Board Meeting, the trading window for dealing in securities of the Company would remain
closed from August 04, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the Promoters / Directors / Officers / Designated
Employees of the Company (“the concerned persons”).
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd has informed BSE regarding Production, Sales and Export figures of the Company.
Man Infraconstruction Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to approve and take on record consolidated and standalone unaudited Financial Results of the Company for
the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further as communicated earlier, pursuant to "Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct for
Prohibition of Insider Trading in Securities" adopted by the Company, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the
Company was closed for all Designated Persons (as defined in the code) with effect from July 01, 2015 and shall remain
closed till August 14, 2015.
Manaksia Aluminium Company Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Un-audited Financial Statements of the Company for
the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in terms of provisions of the Company’s Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and
Report Trading by Insiders, the "Trading Window” for trading in the equity shares of the Company shall remain closed from
August 03, 2015 and will open 48 hours after the announcement by the Company of the Results to the Stock Exchanges on August
13, 2015.
Scrip code : 539046 Name : Manaksia Coated Metals & Industries Ltd
Manaksia Coated Metals & Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held
on August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Un-audited Financial Statements of the Company
for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in terms of provisions of the Company’s Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor
and Report Trading by Insiders, the "Trading Window” for trading in the equity shares of the Company shall remain closed from
August 03, 2015 and will open 48 hours after the announcement by the Company of the Results to the Stock Exchanges on August
13, 2015.
Manaksia Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Un-audited Financial Statements of the Company (both Standalone
& Consolidated) for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in terms of provisions of the Company’s Code of Conduct to
Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders, the “Trading Window" for trading in the equity shares of the Company shall
remain closed from August 03, 2015 and will open 48 hours after the announcement by the Company of the Results to the Stock
Exchanges on August 13, 2015.
Manaksia Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015, inter
alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Un-audited Financial Statements of the Company (both Standalone &
Consolidated) for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in terms of provisions of the Company’s Code of Conduct for
Prevention of Insider Trading (Code), the "Trading Window” for trading in the equity shares of the Company shall remain
closed from August 03, 2015 and will open 48 hours after the announcement by the Company of the Results to the Stock
Exchanges on August 12, 2015.
Manaksia Steels Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015,
inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Un-audited Financial Statements of the Company for the quarter ended
June 30, 2015. Further, in terms of provisions of the Company’s Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading (Code),
the "Trading Window" for trading in the equity shares of the Company shall remain closed from August 03, 201 5 and will open
48 hours after the announcement by the Company of the Results to the Stock Exchanges on August 12, 2015.
Maruti Infrastructure Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14,
2015, inter alia, to consider the following business: - To consider, approve and take on record the Un-Audited Financial
Results for the Quarter ended on June 30, 2015. In view of the above, the trading window, for dealing in shares of the
Company, shall closed from August 01, 2015 and re-open after the completion of forty-eight hours (after the information
become generally available). Hence all Designated / Connected Persons shall not deal in any transaction involving the
securities of the Company during the aforesaid period of closure of Trading Window.
Page 39
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Newspaper Advertisement for Notice of the 34th Annual General Meeting
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd has informed BSE regarding Production figures of the Company for the month of July 2015.
Master Trust Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015,
inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Statements of the Company (both Standalone &
Consolidated) for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in terms of provisions of the Company's Code of Conduct to
Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders, the "Trading Window" for trading in the equity shares of the Company shall
remain closed from August 05, 2015 and will open on August 17, 2015 i.e. 48 hours after the announcement by the Company of
the Results to the Stock Exchanges on August 14, 2015.
Subject : Clarification
With reference to Increase in Price, Medi Caps Ltd has Clarified to BSE as under: "There is no price sensitive information
which needs to be disclosed by the Company pursuant to the Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement as well as the management and
the promoters of the company is also not involved in the trading of the shares of the Company in any manner."
The Exchange has sought clarification from Medi Caps Ltd on August 4, 2015, with reference to increase in price.
The reply is awaited.
Metal Coatings India Ltd has informed BSE that Trading Window for dealing with the shares of the Company by Directors,
Designated Employees including their relatives and Auditors will remain closed with effect from August 06, 2015 till expiry
of 48 hours from the conclusion of the Board Meeting of the Company to be held on August 14, 2015 in which Board will
consider and approve un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Metroglobal Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 10(6) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Metroglobal Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Metroglobal Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Minaxi Textiles Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Moil Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August 12, 2015,
inter alia, to consider and approve the Un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
Further, as per MOIL'S Code of Conduct framed pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the
Trading Window shall generally be closed after declaration of meeting of Board for consideration of financial results upto a
period of 48 hours when financial results are made public. Therefore, the Trading window shall remain closed from August 04,
2015 to August 14, 2015.
Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd has informed BSE that in pursuance of Company’s Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report,
Trading by insiders the Company has given Notice to the designated persons comprises of Employee, Directors and other
connected persons that in view of ensuing Board Meeting fixed on August 14, 2015, inter-alia, to consider Unaudited Financial
Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 the Trading Window shall remain close from August 07, 2015 to August 16, 2015
(both days inclusive).
Monnet Project Developers Ltd has informed BSE that In pursuance of Company's Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and
Report, Trading by insiders the Company has given Notice to the designated persons comprises of Employee, Directors and other
connected persons that in view of ensuing Board Meeting fixed on August 13, 2015, inter-alia, to consider Unaudited
Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 the Trading Window shall remain close from August 06, 2015 to August
15, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Moser Baer India Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has initiated the process through the trustee seeking information from
the FCCB holders regarding their holding and/or other information, to undertake discussions for restructuring the
outstanding FCCBs in due course. The restructuring will be subject to necessary approvals from FCCB holders/Regulatory
Authorities/ CDR Lenders of the Company/ Board of Directors/Shareholders/others as may be applicable.
MRO-TEK Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. M. D. Muralidharan has been appointed as Company Secretary as per Section 203 of the
Companies Act, 2013 and Compliance Officer of the Company in terms of the Listing Agreement, in place of (Late) Mr. M. D.
Mudit Finlease Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015,
inter alia, to: - consider and take on record the Un-audited financial results of the Company for quarter ended June 30,
2015. Further, in accordance with Company's Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations, 2015, the
Trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be closed for all directors, and designated personnel of the
Company from August 07, 2015 till August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Munjal Showa Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Notice of AGM & E-Voting published in the News Paper.
Narbada Gems and Jewellery Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04,
2015, inter alia, has taken the following decisions : 1. The Board considered and agreed to implement the scheme of
reduction of Share Capital in accordance with Section 100 of the Companies Act, 1956 and other applicable provisions. 2. The
Board approved the appointment of Advocates, Chartered Accountants and Merchant Banker as per Clause 24(h) of the listing
agreement, required for obtaining various reports and related assistance for the implementation of the scheme of reduction of
share capital under section 100 of the Companies Act, 1956. 3. The draft scheme of reduction of share capital under section
100 of the Companies Act, 1956, as placed before the Board, as recommended by the Audit Committee, has been approved by the
Board. The same will be submitted to the stock exchanges and other concerned authorities, for further action to be taken and
authorized the Managing Director for the same.
Narendra Properties Ltd has informed BSE that the Trading Window shall be closed from August 03, 2015 till August 12, 2015 to
the Directors, Senior Management and designated employees of the Company in terms of requirements of the Model Code of
Conduct and SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations.
Natco Pharma Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015,
inter alia, to consider the following items of businesses and related matters: 1. Various options of raising of funds for
one of the subsidiaries Timecap Overseas Ltd., Mauritius to be used for investment in Natcofarma Do Brasil Ltda, Brasil. 2.
Unaudited financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 (Q1). 3. Convening of 32nd Annual General Meeting for the
financial year 2014-15 4. To issue the notice of postal ballot and evoting to shareholders for approving the Scheme of
Amalgamation of Natco Organics Limited into the Company and related matters. further, the "TRADING WINDOW" for dealing in
the securities of the Company will be closed from August 04, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
National Fittings Ltd has informed BSE that the Company is intend to approve and take on record the un-audited Financial
Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 at the Board Meeting to be held on August 14, 2015. Further inform that the
trading window for trading in the shares of the Company, listed Stock Exchange, will be closed from August 07, 2015 to August
15, 2015 (both days are inclusive) as per the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Page 41
National General Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended on June 30,
2015. Further, as per the Code of Fair Disclosure and Code of Conduct pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015, the trading window for dealing in securities of the Company is closed for the purpose of un-audited
financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015, till 48 hours after the said results is made public.
National Plastic Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on
August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the following: 1. Un-audited financial results for the quarter ended
June 30, 2015. 2. To fix the day, date, time and place for holding the 28th Annual General Meeting of the Company. 3. To
fix the Book Closure date for the purpose of the Annual General Meeting. Further, pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 2015 and the Company's Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders, the Trading
Window of the Company shall remain closed for all the Directors and Designated Employees from August 05, 2015 to August 18,
2015 (both days inclusive).
Naturite Agro Products Ltd has informed BSE that the Board meeting of the Company is schedule to be held on August 14, 2015,
inter alia, to consider the Un- Audited Financial results for the first Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to
the Company's Policy & Internal Code of Conduct on Insider Trading, the Trading Window for dealing / trading in the shares of
the Company shall remain closed from August 04, 2015, and will reopen after 24 hours of the publication of aforesaid
financial results.
Nelco Ltd has informed BSE that the members of the Company will consider to approve the resolution, by way of Postal Ballot.
NEPC India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 29, 2015, inter alia,
has transacted the following: - The Board appointed an Additional Directors to the Board as follows: - Mrs. Shivani Devi as
Woman Director - Mr. N. C. Agarwal as Independent Director
NEPC Paper & Board Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 29, 2015,
inter alia, has transacted the following: - The Board appointed an Additional Directors to the Board as follows: - Mrs.
Shivani Devi as Woman Director - Mr. N. C. Agarwal as Independent Director.
NEPC Textiles Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 29, 2015: The
Board appointed an Additional Directors to the Board as follows: - Mrs. Shivani Devi as Woman Director - Mr. N C Agarwal as
Independent Director
NESCO Ltd has informed BSE that the 56th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on August 03, 2015.
Subject : Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd reply to clarification sought by the exchange
The Exchange had sought clarification from Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd with respect to news article appearing in DNA
on August 1, 2015 titled "Viacom acquires 50% stake in Prism TV for Rs. 940 crore" Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd
replied stating "We would like to clarify that Network18 Media & Investments Limited (Network18) does not hold any shares in
Prism TV Private Limited (Prism). However subsidiary of Network18 continues to hold 50% stake in Prism acquired by it on
January 22, 2014. Please note the transaction under reference was completed between Nickelodeon Asia Holdings Pte Ltd., a
wholly owned subsidiary of Viacom Inc., and Shinano Retail Private Limited, a company effectively 100% owned by Reliance
Industrial Investments and Holdings Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited. Therefore the
news/information is not material from Network18's perspective and does not qualify to fall under Clause 36 of the Listing
NIIT Technologies Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results at the 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of
the Company held on August 03, 2015, under Clause 35A.
Page 42
Nimbus Foods Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
14, 2015, to transact following business: 1. to consider and approve the unaudited financial results of the Company for the
quarter ended on June 30, 2015. 2. To call 20th Annual General Meeting of the Company and decide the time, date and venue of
the meeting. 3. to consider and approve Notice of the AGM, Director's Report, Corporate Governance Report for the year
ended on March 31, 2015. 4. To fix the date of Book Closure of the Company. Further, as per the Company's Code of Conduct
for Prohibition of Insider Trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be closed for all
directors / officers designated employees of the Company from August 03, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Nitesh Estates Ltd has informed BSE regarding Declaration of Postal Ballot Results.
Norben Tea & Exports Ltd has informed BSE that the 25th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on July 31,
Norben Tea & Exports Ltd has informed BSE that as per as per the Company’s Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report
Trading by Insider, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company is closed for the Specified Persons of
the Company from August 05, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Nouveau Global Ventures Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of
Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window for the employees/directors of the Company for dealing in equity
shares of the Company will be closed from August 04, 2015 and would remain closed until 48 hours after the announcement of
the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 which will be considered and approved in
the Board meeting of the Company which is scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015.
Nutraplus India Ltd has informed BSE that the Company will start commercial production from first week of September 2015 at
Plant N-92, MIDC Tarapur Maharashtra. The said plant is multipurpose API plant and set up with the total installed capacity
of 360 MT per annum of various kinds of high end multi specialty API products in Therapeutic & Analgesic segment of Pharma
industry. The products stated above are used by various Pharma formulation units worldwide to manufacture the Therapeutic &
Analgesic category of Pharma products.
Nylofils India Ltd has informed BSE regarding "Closure of Trading Window".
Ojas Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held
on August 13, 2015, to consider and approve - The Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further
to inform that Trading Window shall remain closed from August 03, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) for
Directors and Designated Employees as defined in the Code pursuant to the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2011.
OM Metals Infraprojects Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Company's "Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report
Trading by Insiders", the Trading Window for dealing in securities of the Company will remain closed from August 05, 2015 to
August 18, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of ESOP Allotment Committee will be held on August 5,
2015, to consider allotment of shares to the eligible employees who have chosen to exercise their options under prevailing
Employees Stock Option Schemes of the Company.
Orbit Corporation Ltd has informed BSE that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading in terms
of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window for trading
in the Company's securities by all the Promoters, Directors, Designated Employees and Insiders (as defined in the code) shall
remain closed during the below mentioned period for the corporate event: - Corporate event and Date: August 14, 2015 for
Adoption of Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 - Window closure period: August 06, 2015 to
August 16, 2015 (both days Inclusive) The trading window will open on August 17, 2015.
Orient Cement Ltd has informed BSE that Nomination & Remuneration cum Compensation Committee of Board of Directors of the
Company in their meeting held on August 04, 2015 has granted Options under Orient Cement Employees Stock Option Scheme 2015.
Oriental Bank of Commerce has informed BSE that the Bank has revised interest rate on Term Deposits across two maturities
w.e.f. August 05, 2015.
Oriental Veneer Products Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Suresh Govind Mane has been appointed as Independent Director of the
Company w.e.f. June 13, 2015 in place of Mr. Vilas Chitnis who has resigned from the Board w.e.f. June 12, 2015.
Oxford Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015,
inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, as per the
code of conduct of insider trading regulations, the trading window for dealing in the security of the Company will remain
closed for all insiders of the company from July 30, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive).
PI Industries Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of the rating confirmations issued by CRISIL in respect of bank loan facilities
availed by the Company from various lenders.
Subject : LatestOne.com crosses Milestone of 1 Lac orders in a month - Announces BIG SALE !
Palred Technologies Ltd has informed BSE regarding the press release submitted by Paired Online Technologies Private Limited,
a subsidiary of Paired Technologies Limited, announcing the milestone of crossing 1 Lakh orders in a month and launch of Big
Panoramic Universal Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, in accordance with the Company’s Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, the Trading Window (for the
purpose of dealing / trading in securities of the Company) shall remain closed from August 11, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both
days inclusive) for consideration of the audited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. The trading window
shall be open for trading from August 16, 2015.
Patel Engineering Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14,
2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30,
2015. Pursuant to this, the Company has decided that the close period (i.e. closure of trading window) for insiders covered
under the Company’s Insider Code of Conduct would commence from August 05, 2015 and will end 48 hours after the results are
made public on August 14, 2015.
Scrip code : 532742 Name : PAUSHAK LIMITED (formerly known as Darshak Limited)
Paushak Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company shall be held on August 13, 2015, inter
alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
Further, the trading window shall remain closed from August 10, 2015 to August 15, 2015 for the above purpose.
Pearl Agriculture Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window for the employees/directors of the Company for dealing in equity shares of the
Company will be closed from August 03, 2015 and would remain closed until 48 hours after the announcement of the Unaudited
Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 which will be considered and approved in the Board
Page 44
meeting of the Company which is scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015.
Pearl Electronics Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window for the employees/directors of the Company for dealing in equity shares of the
Company will be closed from August 04, 2015 and would remain closed until 48 hours after the announcement of the Unaudited
Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 which will be considered and approved in the Board
meeting of the Company which is scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015.
Phillips Carbon Black Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results at the 54th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
of the Company held on July 31, 2015, under Clause 35A.
Piramal Phytocare Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12,
2015, inter-alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, that the ‘Trading Window’ for dealing in the securities of the Company is closed from August 05, 2015 to August
14, 2015 i.e. after 48 hours from the time the results are communicated to the Stock Exchanges on the date of the Meeting.
Planters Polysacks Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04, 2015,
inter alia, had considered and approved the following: 1. Took note of the Resignation of Mr. Kailash Chandra Jain, Director
of the Company. 2. Appointment of Mr. Kanhaiyalal S. Basotia, Director as the Whole Time Director of the Company. 3.
Appointment of Mr. Sushil S. Basotia, Compliance Officer as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Compliance Officer of the
Company. 4. Appointment of Mr. Kamal Jain as an Additional Director of the Company.
Polylink Polymers India Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation 1992, the Date
of Trading Window Closure is as under : - Types of Security : Equity Shares - Trading Window Closure From : August 04, 2015
(9.00 A.M.) - To : August 13, 2015 (5.00 P.M) (both day inclusive) - Purpose : To consider Un-audited Result for Quarter
ended as on June 30, 2015. The Date of Board Meeting is August 11, 2015.
Prakash Woollen Mills Ltd has informed BSE that the name of the Company has been changed from "PRAKASH WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED"
to "PRAKASH WOOLLEN & SYNTHETIC MILLS LIMITED" with effect from July 21, 2015.
Prime Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14,
2015, Inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Statements of the Company for the quarter
ended June 30, 2015. Further, in terms of provisions of the Company's Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report
Trading by Insiders, the "Trading Window" for trading in the equity shares of the Company shall remain closed from August 05,
2015 and will open on August 17, 2015 i.e. 48 hours after the announcement by the Company of the Results to the Stock
Exchanges on August 14, 2015.
Prime Property Development Corporation Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be
held on August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider: 1. Approval of the Un-Audited Financial Results along with the Limited
Review Report of the Company for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. 2. Approval of the Notice convening the Annual General
Meeting, Director's Report, Corporate Governance Report and the Management Discussion and Analysis Report. Further, the
Trading Window of the Company shall be closed from August 04, 2015 till August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the purpose
of the Board Meeting.
Purshottam Investofin Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 03, 2015,
inter alia, has transact the following: 1. Board Composition - Mr. Sushil Kumar retire by rotation and is eligible for
re-appointment. - Ms. Swati Sharma have been appointed as Additional Director (Women Director) with effect from October 15,
2015 to hold office as Director upto the date of next Annual General Meeting of the Company and subject to approval of the
shareholders in the next Annual General Meeting, she will be appointed as a Director (Women Director) of the company, liable
to retire by rotation. - Mr. Ravi Jaipuria and Mr. Suraj Chokhani have been appointed as Additional Independent Directors
with effect from April 23, 2015 to hold office as Directors upto the date of next Annual General Meeting of the Company and
subject to approval of the shareholders in the next Annual General Meeting, they will be appointed as Independent Directors
to hold office for five consecutive years. 2. Recommendation to the shareholders to increase limit of investment under
Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 to Rs. 50 crores. 3. Recommendation to shareholders for ratification of appointment
of Statutory Auditors, as required under Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013. 4. Took note of the resignation received
from Mr. Atul Singla and Mr, Naman Jain as Directors of the Company w.e.f. August 03, 2015.
Page 45
PVP Ventures Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015,
inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited financial results of the company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, in terms of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulation), the "Trading Window" for dealing in the securities
of the Company is closed with effect from August 06, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (Both days inclusive).
PVV Infra Ltd has informed BSE that as per the Company’s internal Code for Prevention of Insider Trading (as amended w.e.f.
May 15, 2015) the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company is closed for the Company’s Directors /
Officers and designated employees of the Company from August 04, 2015 and will re-open 48 hours after the publication of the
June quarter results to the public in the Board Meeting scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015.
Quantum Build-Tech Ltd has informed BSE that the Board Meeting for consideration and approval of un-audited financial results
of the Company is scheduled to be held on August 12, 2015. Further, in this connection the Trading Window of the shares of
the Company for the Insiders and/or Connected persons will remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days
Radaan Mediaworks India Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14,
2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in
terms of Company's Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Employees and other Connected Persons, the
''Trading Window" shall remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive) i.e. completion of 48
hours after declaration of the financial results.
Raj Rayon Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is being scheduled on
August 14, 2015, to consider the Unaudited Financial Quarterly Result for the 1st quarter ended on June 30, 2015. Further,
in accordance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015 and Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of
Insider Trading, the trading window for dealing in securities of the Company would remain closed for the Insiders covered
under the said Code, from August 05, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive) inter alia, for approval of the Un-audited
Financial result for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Rajasthan Cylinders & Containers Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be
held on August 13, 2015, inter alia to consider and approve the un-audited financial results for the quarter ended June 30,
2015. Further, in terms of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window for dealing in
securities of the company will be closed from August 06, 2015 till August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive) i.e. after forty
eight hours from the declaration of financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Raminfo Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors will be held on August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider
the Un-Audited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, the trading window would remain closed from
August 07, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the following categories (Including Dependents). - Directors -
Designated Employees - Auditors as per the code of conduct for prevention of insider, trading, framed and adopted in
accordance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Rasi Electrodes Ltd has informed BSE regarding "Closure of Trading Window".
RDB Rasayans Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company by way of Resolution by Circulation dated August
03, 2015, has re-constituted the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company by inducting Sri Abhay Bharat
Kumar Doshi, Independent Director of the Company, as member of Audit Committee.
Refnol Resins & Chemicals Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 and
as per the policy on disclosure and internal procedure for prevention of Insider Trading adopted by the Company, the trading
window for the Directors and designated employees of the Company will remain closed from August 05, 2015 till August 10, 2015
Page 46
(both days inclusive), as there is a Board Meeting on August 10, 2015 for considering the Unaudited Results for the quarter
ended on June 30, 2015. The trading window shall reopen after 48 hours Viz; Date of Board Meeting i.e. August 10, 2015.
Regency Ceramics Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 12, 2015 to consider, the Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. The Trading window will
be closed from August 04, 2015 to August 15, 2015 for directors and other Key Management personal of the Company for trading
of shares of the company, in view of announcement of un-audited Financial Results of the Company on August 12, 2015.
Regency Trust Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results of Postal Ballot, under Clause 35A.
Relaxo Footwears Ltd has informed BSE that the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has granted 15200 option to 4 employees
in its meeting held on July 25, 2015. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has also confirmed that due to issue of
Bonus Shares in the ratio of 1:1 to all the existing shareholders, the fair adjustment of bonus shares was also to be made to
all the outstanding options as on date of allotment. The total number of options given by the Company from the effective
date of the RFL ESOP Policy was 266700. However till the date of allotment of bonus shares, 21000 options had lapsed. The
outstanding options at the date of allotment of bonus shares were 245700, Pursuant to the Bonus share allotment the Number of
outstanding options at the time of Bonus allotment are to be doubled and price is to be halved. Hence the effective
outstanding options after the Bonus allotment will be 491400 (including the effect of bonus allotment). The total
outstanding options as on date is 506600 [491400 (after bonus adjustment for all pending options at the time of bonus
allotment) + 15200 (Granted after bonus allotment)].
Subject : Reliance Mediaworks completes sale of its Multiplex Business in country's largest ever deal in the sector
Reliance Capital Ltd has informed BSE regarding a Press Release dated August 04, 2015 titled "Reliance Mediaworks completes
sale of its Multiplex Business in country's largest ever deal in the sector".
Religare Invesco Fixed Maturity Plan-Series XXI-Plan E(370 Days)-Regular Plan-Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the
scheme and is placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Religare Invesco Fixed Maturity Plan- Series XXI-Plan E(370 Days)-Direct Plan-Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the
scheme and is placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Religare Invesco Gold Exchange Traded Fund has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Remi Securities Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015,
to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter April to June, 2015. Further,
the trading window will remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 19, 2015 as defined under the SEBI (Prohibition of
Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Repro India Ltd has informed BSE regarding "Closure of Trading Window".
Responsive Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider the following: - To consider and approve Unaudited Financial Results of the Company
for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, trading
window for trading in Company's securities by the specified persons shall remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 18,
2015 (both days inclusive), in view of consideration of the un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended
June 30, 2015.
Ritesh Properties & Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors will be held on August 14, 2015, to
consider the following: 1. To consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30,
2015 pursuant to Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement. 2. To consider and approve the notice and agenda for the Annual General
Meeting. Further, pursuant to SEBl (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation and Company code for "Prohibition of Insider
Trading", the "Trading Window" for dealing in securities of the company is closed from August 05, 2015 till the expiry of 48
hours from the conclusion of the Board Meeting to be held on August 14, 2015.
Rodium Realty Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of Rodium Realty Limited is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia to approve other items of business, Standalone Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended
June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to Company's policy of Internal Code of Conduct on Insider Trading, the Trading Window for
dealing /trading in the shares of the Company shall remain closed from August 05, 2015 till August 15, 2015, both days
Rohit Ferro-Tech Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Company's Code of Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring and Reporting
of Trading by Insider, framed in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015, the Trading Window for dealing in the Securities of the Company will be closed for the purpose of
declaration of Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 for all the Designated
Employees (including Directors) of the Company from August 04, 2015 till 24 hours after the announcement of the Un-audited
Financial Results of the Company to the Stock exchanges (both days inclusive). Accordingly, all the Designated Employees
(including Directors) of the Company have been intimated not to enter into any transaction involving the securities of the
Company during the aforesaid period of closure of Trading Window.
R P P Infra Projects Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on August
14, 2015, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial results of the Company
for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, In terms of the Code of Insider Trading Regulations of the Company, the
trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed from August 07, 2015 till 48 hours after
results are made public for all the directors / officers / designated employees, Auditors and Consultants of the Company.
Rubfila International Ltd has informed BSE about formulation and adoption of Codes under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Subject : Clarification
With reference to Increase in Price, Ruby Mills Ltd has Clarified to BSE as under: "There are no information/announcement
(including impending announcement) which in our opinion have a bearing on the Price Behaviour in our Scrip."
The Exchange has sought clarification from Ruby Mills Ltd on August 4, 2015, with reference to increase in price.
The reply is awaited.
S & S Industries & Enterprises Ltd has informed BSE that the members of the Company will consider to approve the resolutions,
by way of Postal Ballot.
Saint Gobain Sekurit India Ltd has informed BSE that the 42nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on August
01, 2015.
Sakuma Exports Ltd has informed BSE regarding "Closure of Trading Window".
Salora International Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter-alia to consider Unaudited Financial Results for the 1st quarter ended on June 30, 2015. Further, trading window
Page 48
will be closed accordingly and trading in the securities of the company is prohibited for Directors, Senior / Designated
Employees and Auditors from August 04, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (Both days inclusive) (trading window will re-open after 48
hours of announcement of financial results).
Larsen & Toubro Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Sam Leaseco Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors is scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015, inter alia,
consider and approve the following: 1. The unaudited financial results for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015. 2. To fix
day, date and time for Annual General Meeting of the Company for the financial year ended on March 31, 2015 and items
incidental thereto. Further, in accordance with the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of
Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and Company’s “Code of Conduct to regulate, monitor and report trading by Insiders”, the
Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be closed for all designated persons (as defined in the
code) from August 04, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Sanathnagar Enterprises Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Sagar Gawde, an Independent Director of the Company has resigned from
Directorship of the Company w.e.f. August 03, 2015 due to pre-occupations.
Sarda Proteins Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04, 2015, inter
alia, has taken the following decisions: 1. Resignation of the Director, Mr. Madhu Sudan Somani accepted with immediate
effect. 2. To appoint Amit M. Agarwal as internal auditor of the Company for the year 2015-16. 3. Mr. D. P. Sarda was
authorized to send the Final Notice to the members whose Calls were remain unpaid along with interest accrued failing which
shares will be Forfeited and to do incidental things.
Sarup Industries Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the Trading
Window for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for all directors/officers/designated
employees/connected persons of the company from August 11, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive). The Trading Window
shall remain closed for the purpose of dissemination of unpublished price sensitive information in Board meeting scheduled
to be held on August 13, 2015.
Savera Industries Ltd has informed BSE that as per the Company's code of conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the
trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will remain closed for all designated employees, their immediate
relatives, persons having contractual or fiduciary relation with the Company such as auditors, law firms, analysts,
consultants, assisting or advising the Company from August 07, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Savita Oil Technologies Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 01,
2015, has transact the following: 1. Re-appointment of Mr. Gautam N. Mehra as the Chairman & Managing Director of the
Company, subject to the approval of Members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company. 2. Re-appointment of Mr.
C. V. Alexander as the Whole-time Director of the Company, subject to the approval of Members at the ensuing Annual General
Meeting of the Company. 3. Appointment of Mr. Siddharth G. Mehra as the Head - Business Development of the Company, subject
to the approval of Members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company. 4. Fixed the date of 54th Annual General
Meeting of the Company on September 12, 2015. 5. Re-constituted Nomination & Remuneration Committee by appointing Mrs.
Meghana C. Dalai as its Member in place of Mr. Sanjeev R. Pandit. The Re-constituted Nomination & Remuneration Committee is
as follows: Mr. Harit A. Nagpal - Independent Director Chairman Mr. Ninad B. Karpe - Independent Director Member Mrs.
Meghana C. Dalai - Independent Director Member 6. Re-constituted Audit Committee by appointing Mrs. Meghana C. Dalai as its
Member in place of Mr. Ninad B. Karpe. The Re-constituted Nomination & Remuneration Committee is as follows: Mr. Sanjeev R.
Pandit - Independent Director Chairman Mr. Harit A. Nagpal - Independent Director Member Mrs. Meghana C. Dalai -
Independent Director Member
With reference to the earlier letter dated July 29, 2015 & August 03, 2015 regarding Closure of Trading Window and Board
Meeting, Sayaji Hotels Ltd has now informed BSE that the period for closure of trading window is extended till August 14,
2015 in view of the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company which is scheduled to be held on August 12, 2015, to
consider and approve, unaudited quarterly financial results of the Company . ALL the designated persons are already advised
to not to deal in the shares and securities of the Company during this period.
Secunderabad Healthcare Ltd has informed BSE that the Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, the
trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will remain closed for the Directors, officers and Designated
Page 49
Employees of the Company covered under the said Code from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the
purpose of un-audited financial result for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Senbo Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015,
inter alia to: - consider and take on record the Un- audited financial results of the Company for year ended June 30, 2015.
Further, in accordance with Company's Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations, 2015, the Trading
window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be closed for all directors, and designated personnel of the Company
from August 08, 2015 till August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Sezal Glass Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13, 2015,
inter alia, to consider the Un Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further,
pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and the Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading
of the Company, the Trading Window shall remain closed for directors, officers and designated employees of the Company from
August 06, 2015 up to 48 hours after publication of unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 for the
purpose of declaration of Un Audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Shalimar Wires Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
10, 2015, inter alia, to consider and take on record the unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended
June 30, 2015. Further, the trading window for designated employees and directors for dealing in equity shares of the
company under Provision of Insider Trading Regulations, 2015 shall be closed from August 07, 2015 till August 12, 2015 (both
days inclusive).
Sharp India Ltd has informed BSE that In terms of Company’s Code to Regulate, Monitor & Report Trading by Insiders & SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations) 2015, the “Trading Window” for Trading in Company’s Securities (Equity Shares)
will remain closed from August 05, 2015 up to August 16, 2015, for the purpose of the Board Meeting scheduled on August 14,
2015, inter alia, to adopt the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015. Insiders,
Specified Persons, directors etc. cannot trade in Company’s securities during the aforesaid Trading window closure period.
They can trade in Company’s securities on and from August 17, 2015 until the commencement of the next trading window closure
subject to the conditions and restrictions as laid down under the above-said Policy.
Scrip code : 533180 Name : Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited
Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results (Standalone) of the Company for the
Quarter ended June 30, 2015. In this respect, pursuant to Code of Conduct under SEBI (Prevention of Insider Trading)
Regulation, 2015, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company for all Promoters / Directors / Key
Managerial Personnel / Designated Employees of the Company and their immediate relatives shall remain closed from August 04,
2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Shree Rama Multi-Tech Ltd has informed BSE that the Scheme of compromise and arrangement u/s 391 of The Companies Act, 1956
vide petition no. 401 of 2008 is disposed of by Hon'ble Gujarat High Court. The Company has decided to file appeal before the
larger bench.
Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Standalone Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the
1st quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Shri Bajrang Alloys Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of Baard of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and to take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for
the 1st Quarter/three months ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to the Company's code of conduct for prevention of
Insider Trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for the Directors and
other employee covered under the code from the closure of the business hours of August 04, 2015 and shall re-open from the
opening of business hours on August 17, 2015.
Shree Rajiv Lochan Oil Extraction Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on
August 14, 2015, inter alia, to: - consider and take on record the Un- audited financial results of the Company for year
ended June 30, 2015. Further, in accordance with Company's Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations,
2015, the Trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be closed for all directors, and designated
Page 50
personnel of the Company from August 07, 2015 till August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Siel Financial Services Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14,
2015 to take on record the Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
Further, that In terms of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the
trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will remain closed for all directors/officers/designated
employees of the Company from August 07, 2015 to August 21,2015 (both days inclusive).
Simbhaoli Sugars Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the standalone and consolidated unaudited financial statements for the
quarter / three months ended June 30, 2015. Further, as per the Company's Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider
Trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company will be closed for all directors / officers /
designated employees of the Company from August 05, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Sintex Industries Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Newspaper Advertisement of Notice of 84th Annual General Meeting.
Siti Cable Network Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the First Quarter for the
financial year 2015-16. Further, in accordance with 'Insider Trading Code 2015' of the Company for Prohibition of Insider
Trading, pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, as
amended from time to time, the 'Trading Window' for dealing / trading in the shares of the Company, is closed for the purpose
of declaration of Unaudited financial results of the Company for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015, from the open of
trading hours of July 01, 2015, and shall remain closed till the completion of second trading day after the announcement of
Financial Results of the Company i.e. close of trading hours of August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Soma Textiles & Industries Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of
Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the "Trading Window" for dealing/trading in securities of the Company by insiders, shall
remain closed from August 05, 2015 till the working hours of August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive) i.e. completion of 2(Two)
working days after the declaration of unaudited financial results of the Company for the 1st quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Accordingly all Officers and Designated Employees (including Directors) of the Company have been intimated not to enter into
any transaction involving the securities of the Company during the aforesaid period of closure of "Trading Window".
Source Industries (India) Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be
held on August 12, 2015, inter-alia, to considering the Un-Audited Financial Results for the First Quarter ended June 30,
2015. Further, pursuant to the Company's Policy & Internal Code of Conduct on Insider Trading, the Trading Window for
dealing / trading in the shares of the Company shall remain closed from August 03, 2015, and will reopen after 24 hours of
the publication of aforesaid financial results.
Speciality Restaurants Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of Newspaper Advertisement for Notice of 16th Annual General Meeting
(AGM) of the Company to be held on August 26, 2015.
The Exchange had sought clarification from Spicejet Ltd with respect to news appearing in Financial Chronicle on July 30,
2015 titled "Spicejet in talks with boeing, airbus for $11 billion jet deal." Spicejet Ltd response is enclosed.
Subject : Disclosures under Reg. 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
J Sobhanadri & J Sailaja has submitted the disclosure under Regulation 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of
Shares & Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 to BSE
Standard Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 13,
2015, to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company, with 'Limited Review’, on quarterly
basis, for the three months period ended June 30, 2015. Further, that the Trading Window for trading in Shares of the
Page 51
Company will be closed from August 06, 2015 to August 15, 2015. The Trading Window will reopen on August 17, 2015.
Star Paper Mills Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 14, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Un-audited financial results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, in terms SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, Trading Window for dealing in the Company’s shares
will remain closed from August 07, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of Board meeting to be held
on August 14, 2015.
State Trading Corporation of India Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held
on August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results (Reviewed) prepared
on standalone basis for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, Pursuant to this, the Company has decided to close
“Trading Window” under “Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading in Securities of the State
Trading Corporation of India Limited” from August 06, 2015 till the end of 48 hours after the results are made public on
August 13, 2015.
Sterling Tools Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 04, 2015, inter
alia, has declared an Interim Dividend @ 50% i.e. Rs. 5/- Per Equity Share for the Financial Year 2015-2016.
With reference to the earlier announcement dated July 31, 2015 regarding Closure of Trading Window, Sujana Towers Ltd has now
informed BSE about the revised Insider Trading Window Closure details : - As per the Company’s Code of Conduct for
Prevention of Insider Trading, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company will remain closed for all
Directors/Officers/Designated Employees of the Company from August 01, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
With reference to the earlier announcement dated July 31, 2015 regarding Closure of Trading Window, Sujana Universal
Industries Ltd has now informed BSE regarding the revised Insider Trading Window Closure details : As per the Company’s Code
of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company will remain
closed for all Directors/Officers/Designated Employees of the Company from August 01, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days
Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd has informed BSE that the 71st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on July
29, 2015.
Subject : Board to Consider Revised Audited Annual Accounts for the Year ended March 31, 2015 & Dividend on August 11, 2015
With reference to the earlier letter dated July 28, 2015 regarding Q1 results on August 11, 2015, Sun Pharmaceutical
Industries Ltd has now informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting scheduled to be held on August
11, 201 5 would also transact the following business: 1. Consideration of the revised audited annual accounts of the Company
for the year ended March 31, 2015 after giving the effect to the Scheme of Amalgamation of SPGI into SPIL and the proposal
for payment of dividend. 2. Consideration of the recommendation of payment of dividend on equity shares for the year ended
March 31, 2015 subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat, at Ahmedabad at its hearing held
on July 30, 2015 has approved the Scheme of Amalgamation of Sun Pharma Global Inc. (SPGI), wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Company, into Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (SPIL) with effect from the appointed date of January 01, 2015. Further,
the Company has informed that the certified copy of the High Court order is expected to be received shortly and will be
filed with the Registrar of Companies there after as required and the process of merger would get completed on such filing.
Subject : Updates
Sun TV Network Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has not declared any Dividend at the Board Meeting held on July 31,
2015. The Interim Dividend for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015 had already been declared on April 30, 2015 and the same
had already been paid.
Sungold Capital Ltd has informed BSE regarding "Closure of Trading Window"
Page 52
Super Sales India Ltd has informed BSE that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015.
Supra Trends Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015,
inter alia, to consider and take on record the Un-Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further,
the Trading Window would remain closed from August 06, to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the following categories
(including dependents) - Directors - Designated Employees - Auditors As per code of conduct for prevention of Insider
Trading Regulations, framed and adopted in accordance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Suryakrupa Finance Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14,
2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the first
quarter ended on June 30, 2015. Further, in accordance with the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015, it
is further intimated that the trading window would remain closed from August 07, 2015 till 48 hours after announcement of
financial results, for the following categories: - Directors - Designated Employees - Auditors.
Syncom Healthcare Ltd has informed BSE that as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading read with
Securities Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 1992, the 'Trading window' for dealing in
Equity Shares of the Company shall remain closed from August 04, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the
purpose of considering the un-audited Financial Result of the Company for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015 for all the
Directors / Officers / Designated Employees of the Company. The 'Trading window’ shall reopen for dealing in securities in
the Equity shares of the Company from the start of the business hours on August 18, 2015.
Systematix Corporate Services Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of Board of Directors for the financial year 2015-16 of
the Company will be held on August 13, 2015, inter alia, to transact the following businesses: 1. To consider and approve
the Un-audited Standalone & Consolidated Financial Results of the company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. 2. To
consider and approve the period for closure of Register of Members and Share Transfer Books for the purpose of AGM. 3. To
fix the day, date, time and venue of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Further, in accordance with code of conduct for
prevention of Insider Trading framed by the Company pursuant to the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992,
read with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading] Regulations, 2015, the trading window for the dealing in the securities of
the Company will be closed for all the Directors, officers and designated employees of the Company from August 05, 2015 and
would open 48 Hours after the announcement of financial results to the public.
Tantia Constructions Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
13, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30,
2015. Further, in terms of Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of Insider Trading in accordance with SEBl (Prohibition
of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 as amended from time to time, and pursuant to Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement with
Stock Exchange(s), Trading Window for dealing in the Company's Shares will remain closed from August 03, 2015 to August 15,
2015 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of aforesaid Board Meeting.
Tata Coffee Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results at the 72nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the
Company held on August 03, 2015, under Clause 35A.
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd has informed BSE regarding a Press Release dated August 04, 2015 titled "TCS Recognized as a
Leader in Banking Application Outsourcing by Everest Group ".
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme D- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme M- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 53
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme H- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme F - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme E- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme E - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme B- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme E- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme B- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 3 - Scheme A - Plan A - Dividend Payout has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme A - Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme B- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme N - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme E- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 54
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme J- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme R- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme E- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme D - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme A - Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 3 - Scheme A - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme C-Plan A - Direct Plan-Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme C- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme N- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme C- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme Q- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme N- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme R - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme B- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme O- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme B - Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme A - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme A - Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme M- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme F- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme F- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme A - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme A - Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme A - Direct Plan has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme C- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme C Direct Plan- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme L- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme K- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme D- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme A- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme D- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme C- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme H - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme F- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme J- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme O- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme Q- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
Page 57
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme N- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme C- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme D- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme D- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme B- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme A - Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme B- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme N- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme D- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme Q- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme S- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme M- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 58
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme P- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme O- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme M- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme H- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme C- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme C- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme C- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme A - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme M - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme I- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme B- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme I- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 59
Scrip code : 538000 Name : Tata Mutual Fund
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme C - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme B- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme A- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme C- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme B - Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme A Plan A - Direct Plan-Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Tata Capital Protection Oriented Fund Series 1 - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 3 - Scheme A Direct Plan - Dividend Payout has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and
is placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme A- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme B- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme M- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme A - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 60
Subject : Declaration of NAV
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme E- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme H- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme D- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme K- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme A - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme A - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Capital Protection Oriented Fund-II (Growth) has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme B- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 3 - Scheme A - Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme D - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme B- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme C- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 61
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme J - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme R- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme T- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme A - Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme L- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme B- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme H- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme P- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme E- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme C- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme A- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme H- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme A- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 62
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme B- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme I- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme E- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme A- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme S- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme Q - Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme N - Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme N- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme E- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme C- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme H- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme C- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Page 63
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme C- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme N- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme I- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme M- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme D- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme C- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme C- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme S- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme P- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme M - Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
Tata Capital Protection Oriented Fund Series 1 - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme B- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme B Direct Plan- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund Series 2 - Scheme B- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme I- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme I - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme D- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme D- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 44 Scheme B - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme D- Plan A- Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme B - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Capital Protection Oriented Fund-II (Dividend) has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at Corporate
Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Dual Advantage Fund - Scheme B- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme T- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme T - Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme E - Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme H- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme D- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme D- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme B - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme A- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme A - Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme A- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 45 Scheme A - Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme D-Plan A - Direct Plan-Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme C- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme C- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
Page 66
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 43 Scheme B Plan A - Direct Plan-Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 47 Scheme J- Direct Plan - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed
at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme R- Direct Plan - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is
placed at Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme L- Plan A - Growth has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TATA Fixed Maturity Plan Series 46 Scheme K- Plan A - Dividend has informed BSE about the NAV of the scheme and is placed at
Corporate Announcement on BSE-India Website.
TCFC Finance Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015,
inter alia, to consider, discuss and approve: - The Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended June
30, 2015. Further, pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the Trading Window shall remain
closed for directors, promoters, designated employees and immediate relatives thereof from August 04, 2015 to August 14, 2015
(both days inclusive) for the purpose of declaration of Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Subject : Declaration of Result of E-Voting / Ballot Forms Voting at Annual General Meeting (AGM)
TCI Developers Ltd has informed BSE regarding Declaration of Result of E-Voting / Ballot Forms Voting at 7th Annual General
Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on August 01, 2015.
TCI Industries Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results at the 50th Annual General Meeting of the Company
held on August 01, 2015, under Clause 35A.
Tech Mahindra Ltd has informed BSE about the resolution passed by the Securities Allotment Committee of the Board of
Directors of the Company on August 04, 2015 for issue and allotment of a total of 71997 equity shares of Rs. 5/- each of the
Company to the applicants, as under: - 9440 equity shares, on exercise of stock options under ESOP 2000. - 25301 equity
shares, on exercise of stock options under ESOP 2006. - 3336 equity shares, on exercise of stock options under ESOP 2010. -
17056 equity shares, on exercise of stock options under TML - ESOP B - 2013. - 16864 equity shares, on exercise of stock
options under TML - RSU.
Texmo Pipes and Products Ltd has informed BSE that as per clause 36 of listing agreement and Company's code of conduct for
prevention of insider trading framed pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015, the trading window
for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for all the directors / officers / designated employees /
relatives of designated persons/auditors/ consultants of the Company from August 06, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days
inclusive) in connection with the Board Meeting scheduled on August 13, 2015 for consideration of Unaudited Financial Results
for the first quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Thomas Scott (India) Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on August 14, 2015, to
Page 67
consider, approve and take on record the Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in
accordance with Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading framed by the Company pursuant to the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the trading window for dealing in the securities
of the Company will be closed for all directors, officers and designated employees of the Company from August 07, 2015 and
would open 48 hours after the announcement of financial results to the public.
Tips Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has fixed August 07, 2015 as the CUT-OFF DATE to ascertain the
eligibility of the shareholders to cast their votes through remote e-voting as well as at the Annual General Meeting
scheduled to be held on August 14, 2015. Remote e-voting period commences on August 11, 2015 at 10.00 a.m. and ends on August
13, 2015 at 5.00 p.m. The Company would be availing remote e-voting services of Central Depository Services Limited
Tips Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14,
2015, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, as per SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and Company's code of internal procedures and conduct for regulating,
monitoring and reporting of trading by insiders, the Trading Window of the Company is closed for Designated Person (as
defined in the Code) from June 12, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of approval of Unaudited
Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Tirupati Fincorp Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 11,
2015, inter alia, to consider and take on record Unaudited financial results for quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further,
pursuant to the code of conduct for prevention of insider trading of the Company, the trading window for all designated
employees and directors will be closed from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) and shall remain closed
till 48 hours after results are made public on August 11, 2015.
Torrent Power Ltd has submitted to BSE a copy of declaration of results of remote e-voting and poll of 11th Annual General
Meeting held on August 04, 2015.
Transoceanic Properties Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on August 14, 2015, inter
alia, to consider and approve the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the First Quarter and Three months period
ended on June 30, 2015 for the F.Y. 2015-2016 together with Limited Review Report of the Auditors. Further, as per the
Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, framed pursuant to the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading),
Regulations, 1992, the Trading Window for dealing in securities of the Company will remain closed from August 04, 2015 to
August 19, 2015 (both days inclusive) in connection with the Board Meeting to be held on August 14, 2015 to approve the
Un-Audited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended on June 30, 2015.
With reference to the letter dated August 03, 2015, informing about the Result of e-voting/Annual General Meeting held on
August 01, 2015, Transport Corporation of India Ltd has now informed BSE that the final dividend (FY. 2014-15), as approved
by the shareholders, will be paid to the shareholders on or after August 05, 2015.
Subject : Declaration of Result of E-Voting / Ballot Forms Voting at Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Transport Corporation of India Ltd has informed BSE regarding Declaration of Result of E-Voting / Ballot Forms Voting at
20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on August 01, 2015.
TRC Financial Services Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, for adopting, approving and taking on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for Quarter
ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 1992, and as per the terms of "Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading" of the Company, the
trading window shall remain closed from August 12, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive) for Directors and Designated
Employees as defined in the Code.
Subject : Trigyn Technologies Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Trigyn Technologies limited, awarded - Medicaid Management
Information System Implementation Contract
Trigyn Technologies Ltd has submitted to BSE a Press Release dated August 03 2015 with respect to Trigyn Technologies Inc., a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Trigyn Technologies limited, being awarded a Medicaid Management Information System
Implementation Contract by the State of New Jersey.
Page 68
TTI Enterprise Ltd has informed BSE that the Company Secretary of the Company, Ms. Sradha Gupta has resigned from her office
w.e.f. July 13, 2015.
The Exchange has sought clarification from Unichem Laboratories Ltd with respect to news article appearing in Business Line
August 4, 2015 titled "Unichem recalls hypertension drug" The reply is awaited.
Subject : Disclosures under Reg. 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Mayfair Capital Pvt Ltd has submitted the disclosure under Regulation 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of
Shares & Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 to BSE
Usher Agro Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on August 12,
2015, inter alia, to consider and approve Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the First Quarter ended June 30,
2015. Further, the Trading Window for the purpose of transacting in the Company’s share will remain Closed with effect from
August 05, 2015, till the expiry of 48 hours after the declaration of financial results.
Subject : Disclosures under Reg. 10(5) in respect of acquisition under Reg. 10(1)(a) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Reengus Exim Pvt Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 10(5) in respect of acquisition under Reg. 10(1)(a) of SEBI
(SAST) Reg. 2011
Vardhman Concrete Ltd has informed BSE that the Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, for approving Un-Audited Quarterly results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, Pursuant to
provisions of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, and as per the terms of "Code of Conduct of Fair
Disclosure" of the Company, the trading window shall remain closed from August 10, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both days
inclusive) for Directors and Designated Employees as defined in the Code.
Vardhman Special Steels Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Sanjoy Bhattacharyya has been appointed as an Additional Director of
the Company w.e.f. August 01, 2015.
Veer Energy & Infrastructure Ltd has informed BSE that the Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading in the shares of
the Company, the Trading Window for dealing in the shares of the Company will be closed for all the designated employees and
directors of the Company from August 01, 2015 and the same will remain closed till 48 hours after the announcement of the
Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 to the public.
Veerhealth Care Ltd has informed BSE that pursuant to the Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading in the shares of
the Company, the Trading Window for dealing in the shares of the Company will be closed for all the designated employees and
directors of the Company from August 01, 2015 and the same will remain closed till 48 hours after the announcement of the
Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 to the public.
Subject : Disclosures under Reg.13(4) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992
Kumar Nair has submitted the disclosures under Reg.13(4) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992
Vijay Shanthi Builders Ltd has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held
on August 12, 2015, to consider the following: - To consider, approve and take on record the Un- Audited Financial results
of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, the trading window in respect of the Company's securities shall
remain closed for all the Directors / officers / Designated Employees of the Company from the opening of trading hours on
August 05, 2015 till the close of the trading hours of August 14, 2015 as per the code of internal procedure and Conduct of
Prevention of Insider Trading adopted by the Company read with Regulation 8 of SEBl (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015.
Page 69
Vikalp Securities Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on
August 13, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on
June 30, 2015 in compliance of clause 41 of the Listing Agreement. Further, as per SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015, the "Trading Window" for trading in equity shares of the Company has been closed for Directors, employees,
and designated persons and other concerned connected persons of the Company from August 01, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (Both
Days are inclusive).
LCGC Chromatography Solutions Pvt Ltd has submitted the disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Vishnu Chemicals Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, will be held on August 13,
2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the Un-audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015
and Limited Review Report to be given by the Statutory Auditors. In this connection, as per the Company's Code of Conduct
for Prevention of Insider Trading, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company will remain closed for all
Directors / Officers / Designated Employees of the Company from August 06, 2015 to August 15, 2015 (both days inclusive).
Vision Corporation Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 01, 2015 has
appointed Mr. Brijesh A. Rathod as a Company Secretary of the Company. Further the Company has informed that, Mr. Brijesh
A. Rathod is also appointed as Compliance officer of the Company w.e.f. August 01, 2015.
VJTF Eduservices Ltd has informed BSE that the board meeting to be held on August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider and
approve the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015, the Trading Window for dealing in shares of the
Company for all promoters, directors, designated employees and other Connected Persons shall remain closed and shall reopen
after the expiry of 48 hours from the time of publication of the aforesaid Financial Results. Hence all promoters,
directors, designated employees and other Connected Persons shall not deal in any transaction involving the securities of the
Company during the aforesaid period of closure of Trading Window.
V-Mart Retail Ltd has informed BSE that the Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the Company has allotted Equity Shares as
detailed below upon exercise of Options by the employees under the Company’s Employee Stock Options Scheme, 2012 : No. of
Equity Shares allotted : 24,687 (face value of Rs. 10) Date of Allotment - August 03, 2015 With the allotment of the above
shares, the equity base of the Company stands increased from present level of 1,80,29,926 (Nos.) to 1,80,54,613 (Nos.) equity
shares of Rs. 10/- each.
Vyapar Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 08,
2015, inter alia, to transact the following business: 1. To consider the proposal for buyback of equity shares of the
Company, quantum & mode of buyback, constitution of buyback committee, Record Date for the purpose of buyback, appointment of
intermediaries and other matters incidental thereto; 2. To consider and approve the Postal Ballot Notice.
Walchandnagar Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August
14, 2015, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited (Reviewed) Financial Results and Segment-wise
Financial Report of the Company for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, to inform you that in accordance with the
provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, and the Code of
Internal Procedures and Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring and Reporting of Trading by Insiders, the trading window of the
Company will remain closed from August 07, 2015 to August 16, 2015.
Waterbase Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015,
inter-alia, to consider and approve the following: 1. Un-Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2015 along
with Limited Review Report issued by the Statutory Auditors. 2. Convening the twenty eighth Annual General Meeting of the
company. 3. Book Closure for the purpose of determining the Payment of Final Dividend. 4. Other Corporate Initiatives
Further, pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015 read with the Code of Conduct for Prevention of
Insider Trading, the Trading Window for dealing in securities of the Company will be closed from August 04, 2015 and will be
opened on the third calendar day from the date of Board Meeting i.e. on August 15, 2015.
Welspun Corp Ltd has informed BSE that the 20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company will be held on August 31, 2015.
Winsome Diamonds and Jewellery Ltd has informed BSE that that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held
on August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider the approval of Directors’ Report for the Financial Year 2014-2015 and Unaudited
Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, in terms of the Company’s Code of Conduct for Prevention of
Insider Trading, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for all Insiders (as
defined in the code) from August 06, 2015 to August 14, 2015 (both days inclusive).
The Exchange had sought clarification from Wockhardt Ltd with respect to news appearing on Business Line on August 4, 2015
titled "Wockhardt recalls drugs in US." Wockhardt Ltd replied stating "We would like to state that the Company had already
informed the exchange on 28th April, 2015 about recall of products. The recall stated in the said article forms part of the
same. Further, the Company keeps the exchange informed about events, information etc. including price sensitive information
in accordance with regulatory requirements. In present case, we do not have any important information / announcement to be
shared. In the event that there is any development that requires disclosure under Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement, we
will make the same in accordance with the regulatory requirements."
The Exchange has sought clarification from Wockhardt Ltd with respect to news article appearing in Business Line on August
4, 2015 titled "Wockhardt recalls drugs in US." The reply is awaited.
Yantra Natural Resources Ltd has informed BSE that the Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, the
trading window for dealing In the securities of the Company will remain closed for the Directors, officers and Designated
Employees of the Company covered under the said Code from August 04, 2015 to August 13, 2015 (both days inclusive) for the
purpose of un-audited financial result for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held
on August 14, 2015, inter alia to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for quarter ended June 30, 2015.
Further, pursuant to the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
2015 and as per the terms of "Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring' and Reporting of Trading by
Insiders" of the Company, the trading window shall remain closed from August 05, 2015 to August 16, 2015 (both days
inclusive) for Directors, Employees and designated persons as defined in die Code.
ZF Steering Gear India Ltd ( Target Company) has submitted to BSE a copy of recommendations of the Committee of Independent
Directors of the Company pursuant to Regulation 26(7) of the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of
Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 ("Takeover Code") in respect of the Open Offer made by 'Robert Bosch GmbH'
("Acquirer") alongwith 'Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH' (formerly known as ZF Lenksysteme GmbH) ('Persons Acting in
Concert') to the Shareholders of the Target Company for the acquisition of up to 2,359,058 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at a
price of Rs. 455.96 per equity share representing 26% of the voting share capital of the Company. Citi Global Markets India
Private Limited ( 'Manager to Offer').
Zicom Electronic Security Systems Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled
to be held on August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider and take on record, the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter
ended June 30, 2015. Further, as per the Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading adopted by the Company under
SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015, the trading window for dealing in securities of the Company will be
closed for Directors, Officers, Designated Employees and their immediate relatives and connected persons with immediate
effect upto 48 hours after the announcement of such Unaudited Financial Results.
Zodiac Ventures Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 14, 2015,
inter alia, to consider the following business as under: - To consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the
First Quarter ended June 30, 2015. Further, pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 read with
new SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, read with the Company’s Code for Prevention of Insider Trading,
the Trading Window in respect of dealing in the Equity Shares of the Company, will remain closed for all the Directors and
designated (specified) employees of the Company, with effect from August 05, 2015 to August 16, 2015. The Trading window in
respect of dealing in the Shares of the Company shall reopen from August 17, 2015.
Subject : Clarification
Page 71
With reference to Increase in Price, Zylog Systems Ltd has Clarified to BSE as under: "The Company is not aware of the
reason of this increase in the price. Further, there are no information / announcement (including pending announcement),
which in our opinion, may have a bearing on the operation / performance of the Company or on the price / volume behaviour in
the scrip including any price sensitive information and which are not disclosed to the Stock Exchanges."
The Exchange has sought clarification from Zylog Systems Ltd on August 4, 2015, with reference to increase in price.
The reply is awaited.
Total No of Scrips:7
NOTE : Code Number starts with '5' relates to Fully paid shares BC - Book Closure
RD - Record Date
Code Number starts with '7' relates to Preference shares ** - First N.D./X.D.Settlement
Code Number starts with '8' relates to Partly paid shares
Provisional Ex-date For The Scrips Where No Delivery Period Is Abolished
BC/ Book Closure/
SrNo. Code No. Company Name RD Record Date Ex-Date Settlement From
# 1 400049 BHARAT ELECT BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
2 400253 LIC H. FINAN BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
3 400290 M.R.F LTD RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
4 400850 INDIAN HOTEL BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
5 400870 CASTROL INDI RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
6 413599 HIND.COPPER BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
7 432187 INDUS IND BK BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
8 432281 HCL TECHNO RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
Page 72
9 432488 Divi's Lab BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
10 432617 JET AIRWAYS BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
11 432708 GVK POWERINF BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
12 500008 AMARA RAJA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
# 13 500049 BHARAT ELECT BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
14 500199 I.G.PETRO BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
15 500253 LIC H. FINAN BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
16 500290 M.R.F LTD RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
# 17 500294 NCC BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
18 500710 AKZOINDIA BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
19 500850 INDIAN HOTEL BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
20 500870 CASTROL INDI RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
21 502157 MANGALAM CEM BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
# 22 502820 DCM LIMITED BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
23 504036 HIND RECTIFI BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
24 504605 UNIABEX AL P BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
25 504614 SARDA ENMIN BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
26 505242 DYNAMATIC TE BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
27 505255 GMM PFAUDLE RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
28 505700 ELECON ENG C BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
29 505750 JOSTS ENG CO BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
30 505978 TRITON VALVE BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
31 506943 J B CHEM PHR BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
32 509472 CRAVATEX LTD BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
33 512626 ORBIT EXPORT BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
34 513599 HIND.COPPER BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
# 35 517206 LUMAX INDUST BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
36 517230 PAE LTD BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
37 517273 S S POWER SW BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
38 519224 WILIAM MAGOR BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
39 520043 MUNJAL SHOW BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
40 520066 JAY BHAR MAR BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
41 523248 MACHINO PLA BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
42 523704 MASTEK BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
43 524394 VIMTA LABS L BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
44 524558 NEULAND LAB BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
45 526817 CHEVIOT COMP BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
# 46 530023 FORT FIN SER BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
47 530267 SABOO BROTHE BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
48 530459 VALSON IND BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
49 530759 STERLING TOO RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
50 531061 INDIA ECOMME BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
51 531201 SHILCHAR TEC BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
52 532083 SHRI KALYAN BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
53 532187 INDUS IND BK BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
54 532281 HCL TECHNO RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
55 532375 TIPS INDUSTR BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
56 532404 SAVEN TECHNO BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
57 532488 Divi's Lab BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
58 532617 JET AIRWAYS BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
59 532708 GVK POWERINF BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
60 532835 ICRA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
61 532894 IWIND ENERGY BC 23/09/2015 05/08/2015 089/2015-2016
62 533263 GREENPOWER BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
63 535852 IPRU2111 BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
64 535853 IPRU2112 BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
65 535854 IPRU8311 BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
66 538611 RTFL BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
67 590013 XPRO INDIA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
68 600008 AMARA RAJA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
# 69 600049 BHARAT ELECT BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
70 600253 LIC H. FINAN BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
71 600290 M.R.F LTD RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
# 72 600294 NCC BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
73 600710 AKZO INDIA BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
74 600850 INDIAN HOTEL BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
75 600870 CASTROL INDI RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
76 605242 DYNAMATIC TE BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
77 606943 J B CHEM PHR BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
78 613599 HIND.COPPER BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
79 623704 MASTEK BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
80 632187 INDUS IND BK BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
81 632281 HCL TECH RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
82 632488 Divi's Lab BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
83 632617 JET AIRWAYS BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
84 632708 GVK POWERINF BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
85 632835 ICRA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
86 934820 SCFNCD1OTH RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
87 934821 SCFNCD1RES RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
88 934822 SCFNCD1UNR RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
89 934888 940STFC18 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
90 934906 1116SIFL18 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
91 935134 957STFC19 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
92 935136 971STFC21 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
93 945814 IOBSR12 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
# 94 946245 IOBSRXIII09 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016
95 946809 PCL18AUG10 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
96 946830 STFL24AUG10 RD 09/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
97 948162 ECLC5C201 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
98 948180 945HDFC2017 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
# 99 948202 HDFC28AUG12 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016
100 948385 SREI220812A RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
101 949025 MFL20MAR13B RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
102 949027 1215MFL18D RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
103 949439 819IIFCL33B RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
104 949453 1125ILFS16B RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
105 949454 11ILFS2018C RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
106 949455 109ILFS15D RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
107 949456 107ILFS16E RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
108 949457 105ILFS18F RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
# 109 950301 ECLH6E402 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016
# 110 950303 ECLE6E402 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016
111 950706 955KMPL17A RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
112 950708 955KMPL19B RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
113 950760 930PFC2017 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
114 950761 939PFC2019 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
115 950762 939PFC2024 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
116 950763 939PFC2029 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
117 950777 1287PLL2017 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
# 118 950778 934HDFC2024 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016
Page 73
119 950779 945HDFC2016 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
120 950780 940HDFC2019 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
121 950831 780RICOH17 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
122 951094 881ICICI25 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
123 951190 20BEL2017 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
124 951748 1213EFPL15 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016
125 972518 SAIL25AUG9J RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
126 972674 SAIL23AUG11 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
127 972752 YES23AUG12 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
128 972784 918SAIL2017 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016
129 972848 826IIFCL28A RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016
Note: # New Additions Total New Entries : 13
File to download: proxd089.txt
Final Ex-date For The Settlement Where No Delivery Period Is Abolished from 089/2015-2016 Firstday: 05/08/2015
BC/ Book Closure/
SrNo. Code No. Company Name RD Record Date Ex-Date
1 432424 GODREJ CONS RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
2 432693 PUNJ LLOYD BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
3 500439 VARD HOLDNG BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
4 500500 HIND MOT LTD BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
5 502445 CITADEL BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
6 502986 VARDH TEXT BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
7 504258 LAKSHM EL CO BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
8 505324 MANUGRAPH IN BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
9 505665 ABC BEARINGS BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
10 506260 ANUH PHARMA RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
11 507779 KANP.PLAST(P BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
12 509162 INDAG RUBBER BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
13 511208 IL & FS INVE BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
14 515093 MADHAV MAR G BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
15 521149 PRIME URBAN BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
16 524348 AARTI DRUGS BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
17 526109 PRICOL LTD BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
18 526849 BANARA BEADS BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
19 531289 NATFIT BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
20 531508 EVEREDY INDL BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
21 532424 GODREJ CONS RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
22 532482 GRANULES IND BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
23 532503 RAJAPAL MILL BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
24 532515 TV TODAY BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
25 532693 PUNJ LLOYD BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
26 532717 INDOTECHTR BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
27 532806 AI CHAMPDNY BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
28 532827 PAGE INDUSTR BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
29 532894 IWIND ENERGY BC 23/09/2015 05/08/2015
30 534392 VSSL BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
31 535902 BSLAPIXDG RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
32 535903 BSLAPIXDND RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
33 535904 BSLAPIXDQD RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
34 535905 BSLAPIXRG RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
35 535906 BSLAPIXRND RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
36 535907 BSLAPIXRQ RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
37 632424 GODREJ CONS RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
38 632693 PUNJ LLOYD BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
39 632827 PAGE INDUSTR BC 07/08/2015 05/08/2015
40 948503 990RCL2022J RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
41 949430 RCL21AUG13D RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
42 949431 RCL21AUG13E RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
43 949879 RCL05FEB14A RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
44 950806 ANDHRA22821 RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
45 952320 15HREPL18 RD 06/08/2015 05/08/2015
File to download: finxd089.txt
No Dealing In Gov. Securities
Scrip Scrip Name Interest No Dealings
Code Payment Date From Setl No. Start-Date To Setl.No End-Date
Provisional Ex-date information for the period 06/08/2015 To 30/10/2015
1 934906 1116SIFL18 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
2 949453 1125ILFS16B RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
3 949454 11ILFS2018C RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
4 951190 20BEL2017 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Redemption(Part) of NCD
5 972784 918SAIL2017 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
6 948180 945HDFC2017 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
7 950706 955KMPL17A RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
8 950708 955KMPL19B RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
9 600710 AKZO INDIA BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Dividend
10 500710 AKZOINDIA BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Dividend
11 506120 ALNA TRAD. BC 20/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12 600008 AMARA RAJA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
361% Dividend
13 500008 AMARA RAJA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
361% Dividend
14 500870 CASTROL INDI RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 80% Interim Dividend
15 600870 CASTROL INDI RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 40% Interim Dividend
16 400870 CASTROL INDI RD 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 80% Interim Dividend
17 526817 CHEVIOT COMP BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
170% Dividend
18 509472 CRAVATEX LTD BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
19 532488 Divi's Lab BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
1000% Dividend
20 632488 Divi's Lab BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
1000% Dividend
Page 74
21 432488 Divi's Lab BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
1000% Dividend
22 605242 DYNAMATIC TE BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
23 505242 DYNAMATIC TE BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
24 948162 ECLC5C201 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
25 505700 ELECON ENG C BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
55% Dividend
26 530023 FORT FIN SER BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
27 505255 GMM PFAUDLE RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 35% First Interim Dividend
28 533263 GREENPOWER BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
29 632708 GVK POWERINF BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30 532708 GVK POWERINF BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
31 432708 GVK POWERINF BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
32 532835 ICRA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
240% Dividend
33 632835 ICRA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
240% Dividend
34 531061 INDIA ECOMME BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
35 400850 INDIAN HOTEL BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
36 500850 INDIAN HOTEL BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
37 600850 INDIAN HOTEL BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
38 535852 IPRU2111 BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Redemption / Roll Over
39 535853 IPRU2112 BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Redemption / Roll Over
40 535854 IPRU8311 BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Redemption / Roll Over
41 506943 J B CHEM PHR BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Dividend
500% Special Dividend
42 606943 J B CHEM PHR BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Dividend
500% Special Dividend
43 532617 JET AIRWAYS BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
44 432617 JET AIRWAYS BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
45 632617 JET AIRWAYS BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
46 400290 M.R.F LTD RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 30% Interim Dividend
47 500290 M.R.F LTD RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 30% Interim Dividend
48 600290 M.R.F LTD RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 30% Interim Dividend
49 502157 MANGALAM CEM BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
50 523704 MASTEK BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Final Dividend
51 623704 MASTEK BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Final Dividend
52 520043 MUNJAL SHOW BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Dividend
53 524558 NEULAND LAB BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
54 512626 ORBIT EXPORT BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
22.5% Final Dividend
55 517230 PAE LTD BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
56 538611 RTFL BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
57 517273 S S POWER SW BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
58 530267 SABOO BROTHE BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
59 972674 SAIL23AUG11 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
60 972518 SAIL25AUG9J RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
61 504614 SARDA ENMIN BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 30% Dividend
62 532404 SAVEN TECHNO BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
63 531201 SHILCHAR TEC BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
64 948385 SREI220812A RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
65 946830 STFL24AUG10 RD 09/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
66 532375 TIPS INDUSTR BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
67 505978 TRITON VALVE BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
120% Dividend
68 504605 UNIABEX AL P BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
69 524394 VIMTA LABS L BC 10/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
70 590013 XPRO INDIA BC 08/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 A.G.M.
71 972752 YES23AUG12 RD 07/08/2015 06/08/2015 090/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
72 949027 1215MFL18D RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
73 950831 780RICOH17 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
74 949439 819IIFCL33B RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
75 972848 826IIFCL28A RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
76 951094 881ICICI25 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
77 950780 940HDFC2019 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
78 507530 ASIN FOOD PR BC 21/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
79 632281 HCL TECH RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 250% Interim Dividend
80 432281 HCL TECHNO RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Interim Dividend
81 532281 HCL TECHNO RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 250% Interim Dividend
82 504036 HIND RECTIFI BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
83 413599 HIND.COPPER BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
3% Dividend
84 513599 HIND.COPPER BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
3% Dividend
85 613599 HIND.COPPER BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
3% Dividend
86 500199 I.G.PETRO BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
87 432187 INDUS IND BK BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
88 532187 INDUS IND BK BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
89 632187 INDUS IND BK BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
90 945814 IOBSR12 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
91 520066 JAY BHAR MAR BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
92 505750 JOSTS ENG CO BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
93 400253 LIC H. FINAN BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
250% Dividend
94 500253 LIC H. FINAN BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
250% Dividend
95 600253 LIC H. FINAN BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
250% Dividend
96 523248 MACHINO PLA BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
Page 75
10% Dividend
97 949025 MFL20MAR13B RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
98 946809 PCL18AUG10 RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
99 934820 SCFNCD1OTH RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Exercise of Call Option
100 934821 SCFNCD1RES RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Exercise of Call Option
101 934822 SCFNCD1UNR RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 Exercise of Call Option
102 532083 SHRI KALYAN BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
103 530759 STERLING TOO RD 10/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 50% Interim Dividend
104 531846 TRINITYLEA BC 21/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
105 530459 VALSON IND BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
106 519224 WILIAM MAGOR BC 11/08/2015 07/08/2015 091/2015-2016 A.G.M.
107 949457 105ILFS18F RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
108 949456 107ILFS16E RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
109 949455 109ILFS15D RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Redemption of NCD
110 951748 1213EFPL15 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
111 950777 1287PLL2017 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
112 950760 930PFC2017 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
113 950761 939PFC2019 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
114 950762 939PFC2024 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
115 950763 939PFC2029 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
116 934888 940STFC18 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
117 950779 945HDFC2016 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
118 935134 957STFC19 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
119 935136 971STFC21 RD 11/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
120 600049 BHARAT ELECT BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 A.G.M.
232% Final Dividend
121 400049 BHARAT ELECT BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 A.G.M.
232% Final Dividend
122 500049 BHARAT ELECT BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 A.G.M.
232% Final Dividend
123 502820 DCM LIMITED BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Final Dividend
124 514318 JATTAINDUS BC 22/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 A.G.M.
125 517206 LUMAX INDUST BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 A.G.M.
55% Dividend
126 600294 NCC BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
127 500294 NCC BC 12/08/2015 10/08/2015 092/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
128 950778 934HDFC2024 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
129 526433 ASM TECHNOLO BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
8% Final Dividend
130 500058 BIHAR SPON I BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
131 600087 CIPLA BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
132 500087 CIPLA LTD. BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
133 400087 CIPLA LTD. BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
134 524818 DYNAMIC INDU BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
135 950303 ECLE6E402 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
136 950301 ECLH6E402 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
137 532379 FIRSTOBJ BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
138 948202 HDFC28AUG12 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
139 590065 INDIA MOTOR BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
140 946245 IOBSRXIII09 RD 12/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
141 533302 KALYANI INV BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
142 500235 KALYANI ST. BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
143 533192 KCP SUGAR IN BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
144 532400 KPIT BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
55% Dividend
145 632400 KPIT BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
55% Dividend
146 432400 KPIT BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
55% Dividend
147 538607 OJASASSET BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
148 524580 PRIYA LIMITD BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
149 523116 SANCO TRANS BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
27% Dividend
150 600113 STEEL AUTHOR BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
2.5% Dividend
151 400113 STEEL AUTHOR BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
2.5% Dividend
152 500113 STEEL AUTHOR BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
2.5% Final Dividend
153 500403 SUNDRAM FAST BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
154 600403 SUNDRAM FAST BC 13/08/2015 11/08/2015 093/2015-2016 A.G.M.
155 950192 1008IOT22B RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
156 950195 1008IOT23B RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
157 950198 1008IOT24B RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
158 950204 1008IOT25B RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
159 950211 1008IOT26B RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
160 950214 1008IOT27B RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
161 950217 1008IOT28B RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
162 950220 1008IOT28E RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
163 950207 1063IOT28E RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption(Part) of NCD
164 950850 1175JMFAR17 RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
165 952093 890LTINF16C RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Temporary Suspension
166 952094 890LTINF16D RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Temporary Suspension
167 950123 9843IOT15D RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
168 531161 ABM KNOWLEDG BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Final Dividend
169 600042 BASF I LTD BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
170 500042 BASF INDIA BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
171 509438 BENARES HOTE BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Dividend
172 946824 BSL13AUG10 RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Page 76
173 948210 HDFCJ026 RD 13/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
174 524342 INDOBORAXC BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Final Dividend
175 507948 KEY CORP LTD BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
176 532796 LUMAX AUTO BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
70% Dividend
177 626235 MERCATOR BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
178 526235 MERCATOR BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
179 502420 ORIENT PAP&I BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 10% Dividend
180 539224 SIICL BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
181 532812 TRANSWARRANT BC 14/08/2015 12/08/2015 094/2015-2016 A.G.M.
182 935361 1015ECL20 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
183 948485 1025RCL22H RD 16/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
184 951719 1075PCL18 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
185 949443 109992KMP15 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
186 935355 10ECL18 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
187 951429 10EPL2021A RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
188 951430 10EPL2021B RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
189 934951 1160ECL17A RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
190 951285 1175BGEL18 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
191 951286 1175BGEL20 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
192 951287 1175BGEL24 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
193 934953 1185ECL19C RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
194 950530 11PFC18 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
195 950969 1250EFPL16 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
196 950978 1250EFPL16A RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
197 950972 1250EFPL17 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
198 951150 125EFPL2016 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
199 949442 1275UFSPL15 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
200 935088 12ECL20I RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
201 950484 801PFC23 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
202 950492 846PFC28 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
203 950559 941PFC16 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
204 950467 945PFC26 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
205 950795 960BFL2016 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
206 950772 960BFL2016M RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
207 950804 960MMFSL24B RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
208 950770 965BFL2017L RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
209 950769 966BFL2019K RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
210 523120 ADOR MULTIPR BC 15/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
211 533758 APL APOLLO BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
60% Dividend
212 530429 ASHIS POLYPL BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
213 539099 ATHCON BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
214 948568 BARCLAYS278 RD 16/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Redemption of NCD
215 517421 BFLYGANDHI BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
216 432454 BHARTI ARTL BC 15/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
44.4% Final Dividend
217 532454 BHARTI ARTL BC 15/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
44.4% Final Dividend
218 632454 BHARTI ARTL BC 15/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
44.4% Final Dividend
219 972220 BOBSRVI BC 16/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
220 532386 CALFNIA SOF BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
221 506365 CHEMO PHARMA BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
222 530457 CINERAD COMM BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
223 507528 EASTERN SUGA BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
224 948148 ECLG5C201 RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
225 426881 FINANC TECHN RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Interim Dividend
226 526881 FINANC TECHN RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Interim Dividend
227 626881 FINANC TECHN RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Interim Dividend
228 523672 FLEX FOODS L BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
22.5% Dividend
229 532129 HEXAWARE LTD RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 100% Interim Dividend
230 632129 HEXAWARE TEC RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 100% Interim Dividend
231 519244 HIMGIRI FOOD BC 27/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
232 521016 INDO COUNT I BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
233 531793 INFRAQUEST BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
234 532209 J&K BANK BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
210% Dividend
235 632209 J&K BANK BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
210% Dividend
236 512329 JARIGO TEXL BC 15/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
237 532054 KDDL LTD BC 16/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
238 526935 M B PARIK FI BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
239 500206 MARGO FIN BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
240 520059 MUNJAL AUTO BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
125% Dividend
241 534425 SPECIALITY R BC 15/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
242 580001 STAN CHART RD 14/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 Interim Dividend
243 506680 TECIL CHEM. BC 26/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
244 531762 UNJHA FORMUL BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
245 500254 UTTAMVALUE BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
246 526586 WIM PLAST LT BC 17/08/2015 13/08/2015 095/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Final Dividend
247 950724 0GMRHPL15 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Redemption of NCD
248 934994 1025MFL16A RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
249 935094 1025MFL16B RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
250 935327 1025MFL17 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
251 934998 1025MFL19C RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
252 935098 1025MFL19D RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
253 935202 1025MFL2019 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
254 935200 105MFL17 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
255 934921 1075MFL15A RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
256 934955 1075MFL16I RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
257 934996 1075MFL17B RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
258 935096 1075MFL17C RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
259 934923 1075MFL18C RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
260 934957 1075MFL19 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
261 935198 10MFL16 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
262 935325 10MFL16A RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
263 935329 10MFL19 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Page 77
264 934922 1125MFL16B RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
265 934956 1125MFL17II RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
266 934891 1150MFL15 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
267 934893 1150MFL18 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
268 934871 1175MFL17 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
269 934892 12MFL16 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
270 949449 801IIFCL23A RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
271 949451 837IIFCL33C RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
272 949450 846IIFCL28B RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
273 950797 943HDFC2016 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
274 950805 945KMPL16 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
275 935415 950MFL17A RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
276 935419 950MFL20C RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
277 935417 975MFL18B RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
278 934845 975TCFS19 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
279 934846 975TCFS19II RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
280 523716 ASHIANA HOU BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
281 519105 AVT NATU PRO BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Final Dividend
282 512261 BAJAJ GLOBAL BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
283 632210 CITY UNION B BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
110% Dividend
284 532210 CITY UNION B BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
110% Dividend
285 530825 DAIKAF CHEMI BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
8% Dividend
286 500097 DALMIASUG BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
287 500117 DCWLTD. BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
288 532178 ENGINER IN BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Final Dividend
289 432178 ENGINER IN BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Final Dividend
290 632178 ENGINER IN BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Final Dividend
291 538979 GRNLAM IND BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
292 617300 GUJAR IN PWR BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
293 517300 GUJAR IN PWR BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
294 961671 ICIRIBSEPT07 RD 17/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
295 532133 IFGL REFRAC BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
296 533177 IL&FS TRANS BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
297 633177 IL&FS TRANS BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
298 532889 K.P.R. MILL BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Final Dividend
299 531810 METAL COAT I BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
300 506734 MYSORE PETRO BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
301 500331 PIDILITE IND BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
290% Dividend
302 600331 PIDILITE IND BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
290% Dividend
303 400331 PIDILITE IND BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
290% Dividend
304 503205 SHREERAM BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
305 531548 SOMANY CRAM BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
306 530037 SREE JAYA.AU BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
307 513605 SRIPIPES BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
308 520056 SUNDARAM CLA BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
309 532538 ULTRATECH CM BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
90% Dividend
310 432538 ULTRATECH CM BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
90% Dividend
311 632538 ULTRATECH CM BC 18/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
90% Dividend
312 526987 URJA GLOBAL BC 19/08/2015 14/08/2015 096/2015-2016 A.G.M.
313 530431 ADOR FONTECH BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
175% Dividend
314 519532 ASIAN TEA EX BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
315 531278 AXIS CAP MKT BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12.5% Dividend
316 432868 DLF LIMITED BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
317 532868 DLF LIMITED BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
318 632868 DLF LIMITED BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
319 508906 EVEREST INDS BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
320 533400 FCEL BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
321 633400 FCEL BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
322 523574 FRL BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
323 570002 FRLDVR BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
32% Dividend
324 670002 FRLDVRSL BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
32% Dividend
325 423574 FRLQF BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
326 623574 FRLSL BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
327 536507 FUTLIF FAS BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
328 523768 GUJARAT BORO BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
329 501298 IND.& PRUD. BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
550% Dividend
330 538794 JETINFRA BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
331 524109 KABRA EXTRUS BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
332 972587 KMPL30810 RD 19/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
333 972586 KMPL30AUG10 RD 19/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
334 530339 LABH CONSTRC BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
Page 78
335 522241 M M FORGINGS BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
336 523648 PLASTIBLEN I BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
110% Dividend
337 535602 SHARDA MOTOR BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Final Dividend
338 530185 SURAT TEXTIL BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
339 512271 TASHI INDIA BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
340 500413 THOMAS CK IN BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
341 600413 THOMAS CK IN BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
342 526953 VENUS REMEDS BC 20/08/2015 17/08/2015 097/2015-2016 A.G.M.
343 935234 1125MFL19H RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
344 934941 1150MFL16B RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
345 934947 1150MFL19H RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
346 935228 115MFL17E RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
347 935034 115MFL19 RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
348 935022 115MFL2016 RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
349 935222 11MFL2016B RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
350 935028 1225MFL17 RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
351 934944 1225MFL17E RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
352 972823 915APSFC23 BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
353 950803 960MMFSL24A RD 20/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
354 532548 CENTURYPLY BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
125% Final Dividend
355 503831 FOMENTO HOTE BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
356 538609 GAJANANSEC BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
357 533217 HMVL BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12% Dividend
358 532240 INDIA NIPP E BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
45% Final Dividend
359 502330 IPAPPM BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
360 500220 JASCH INDUSR BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
361 500243 KIRL INDUS BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Dividend
362 503101 MARATHON NEX BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 60% Dividend
363 524654 NATURAL CAPS BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
364 523539 PRECISIO WIR BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
365 512099 PUNIT COMMER BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
366 524230 RASHTRIYA CH BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
18% Final Dividend
367 624230 RASHTRIYA CH BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
18% Final Dividend
368 532795 SITICABLE BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
369 532373 WEPSOLN BC 21/08/2015 19/08/2015 099/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Final Dividend
370 949447 1065IHFC15B RD 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
371 950560 880PFC16 RD 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
372 935315 940IFCI19C RD 23/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
373 948227 955HDFC2015 RD 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
374 950283 975APSFC24 BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
375 948221 985MMFSL15A RD 21/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 Redemption of NCD
376 531761 AMULYA LEAS BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
377 523850 AXTEL INDUSR BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
378 502219 BOROSIL GL W BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
250% Dividend
379 400530 BOSCH LTD BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
850% Dividend
380 500530 BOSCH LTD BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
850% Dividend
381 600530 BOSCH LTD BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
850% Dividend
382 532271 CYBERMAT INF BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
383 532528 DATAM GLOB BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
13% Final Dividend
384 531155 EPSOM PRO BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
385 500940 FINOLEX IND BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
386 600940 FINOLEX IND BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
387 511122 FIR CUST FUN BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
388 972293 IDBI06SRXII RD 21/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
389 523062 J.J.FINANCE BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
390 520051 JAMNA AUTO I BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
22% Dividend
391 532732 KEWAL KIRAN BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Final Dividend
392 507946 KIDUJA INDIA BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
393 523218 KILBURN OFFI BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
394 531221 MAYUR FLOOR BC 01/09/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
395 533286 MOIL LTD BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
35% Final Dividend
396 633286 MOIL LTD BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
35% Final Dividend
397 513023 NAV BHAR VEN BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
250% Dividend
398 613023 NAV BHAR VEN BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
250% Dividend
399 507864 PIONEER INVE BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
400 507966 RAS RESR APR BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
401 972686 SAIL09SEP11 RD 21/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
402 532435 SANINFRA BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
403 502742 SINTEX INDUS BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
70% Dividend
404 602742 SINTEX INDUS BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
70% Dividend
405 402742 SINTEX INDUS BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
70% Dividend
406 532284 TCFC FINANCE BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
407 533629 TIJARIA PPL BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
408 512101 TRIOCHE PROD BC 22/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
409 513216 UTTAM GALVA BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
410 613216 UTTAM GALVA BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
411 500238 WHIRLPOOL IN BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
412 600238 WHIRLPOOL IN BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
Page 79
413 533287 ZEE LEARN BC 24/08/2015 20/08/2015 100/2015-2016 A.G.M.
414 524075 ALBERT DAVID BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
55% Dividend
415 531795 ATUL AUTO LT BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Final Dividend
416 624804 AUROBIN PHAR BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
417 524804 AUROBINDO PH BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
418 424804 AUROBINDO PH BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
419 533761 GPT INFRA BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
420 531979 HIND ALUMIN BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Final Dividend
421 972411 IDBI2007VII RD 24/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
422 972427 IHFCL23SEP8 RD 24/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
423 500201 INDIA GLYCOL BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
424 526179 LUDOLOW JUTE BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Final Dividend
425 512425 NIRAV COMMER BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
426 532911 PARLE SOFTWR BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
427 531735 PRISM FINANC BC 04/09/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
428 521194 SIL INVEST BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
429 500336 SUR.ROSH LTD BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
430 532782 SUTLEJ TEX BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
431 512449 SVC RES BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
432 526654 THAKKARS DEV BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
433 514484 THAMB MOD SP BC 25/08/2015 21/08/2015 101/2015-2016 A.G.M.
434 950796 932HDFC15 RD 25/08/2015 24/08/2015 102/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
435 531531 HATSUN AGR P BC 26/08/2015 24/08/2015 102/2015-2016 A.G.M.
436 539149 ICSL BC 26/08/2015 24/08/2015 102/2015-2016 A.G.M.
437 946308 IDBISRIII09 RD 25/08/2015 24/08/2015 102/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
438 506525 KANORI CHE I BC 26/08/2015 24/08/2015 102/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
439 538647 PURSHOTTAM BC 26/08/2015 24/08/2015 102/2015-2016 A.G.M.
440 972522 SAIL15SEP9L RD 25/08/2015 24/08/2015 102/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
441 972523 SAIL15SEP9M RD 25/08/2015 24/08/2015 102/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
442 951483 915LTINF16 RD 26/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Temporary Suspension
443 532382 BALAJI TELE BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Final Dividend
444 632382 BALAJI TELE BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
445 946823 BSL26AUG10 RD 26/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
446 502865 FORBES & CO BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
447 532716 GILLA ARBUT BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
448 972419 IDBI08SRIXB RD 26/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
449 972507 IDBI26SEP09 RD 26/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
450 531241 LINC PEN PLA BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
451 426299 MPHASIS LTD BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
160% Dividend
452 526299 MPHASIS LTD BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
160% Dividend
453 626299 MPHASIS LTD BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
160% Dividend
454 531769 PFL INFOTECH BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
455 532665 RAJVIR IND BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
456 530521 VIRAT INDUST BC 27/08/2015 25/08/2015 103/2015-2016 A.G.M.
18% Final Dividend
457 948653 1309PLL17C RD 27/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
458 950878 133PLL2017 RD 27/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
459 950879 133PLL2018 RD 27/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
460 950882 133PLL2019 RD 27/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
461 948652 13PLL2015B RD 27/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
462 972879 985APSFC24 BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
463 522273 AHMEDA STEEL BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
464 972392 APSFC08SRII BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
465 972733 APSFC280312 BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
466 530809 BNR UDYOG LT BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
467 532333 HB PORTFOL L BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Dividend
468 972179 IDBIRRB3IX RD 27/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
469 433155 JUBL FOOD BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
470 533155 JUBL FOOD BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
471 633155 JUBL FOOD BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
472 532468 KAMAHOLDING BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
473 506543 M P AGR INDU BC 07/09/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
474 432500 MARUTISUZUK BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
500% Final Dividend
475 532500 MARUTISUZUK BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
500% Final Dividend
476 632500 MARUTISUZUK BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
500% Final Dividend
477 600329 PENTAFOUR S. BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
478 500329 PENTAMEDIA G BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
479 517296 PHOENIXLL BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
480 501154 ROSE INVESTM BC 07/09/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
481 536799 SRS FINANCE BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
482 533569 SRS LIMITED BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
483 533305 SRS REAL BC 28/08/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
484 508963 STERL.GUARA. BC 07/09/2015 26/08/2015 104/2015-2016 A.G.M.
485 949773 1190JSW19 RD 28/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption(Part) of NCD
486 949459 125BSL2020 RD 30/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
487 950868 927IDBI24 RD 28/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
488 948242 950HDFC17B RD 28/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
489 950470 960PFC17 RD 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
490 950490 960PFC17A RD 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
491 507944 BAJAJ STEEL BC 31/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
492 431344 CONTAIN CORP BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
54% Final Dividend
493 531344 CONTAIN CORP BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
54% Final Dividend
494 631344 CONTAIN CORP BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
54% Final Dividend
Page 80
495 505250 G G DAND MA BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
496 432155 GAIL INDIA BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
497 532155 GAIL INDIA BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Final Dividend
498 632155 GAIL INDIA BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Final Dividend
499 532734 GODAWARI POW BC 31/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
500 509650 HIND HOUSING BC 31/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
501 972420 IDBI08SRX RD 28/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Redemption of Bonds
Payment of Interest for Bonds
502 972421 IDBI08SRXII RD 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
503 972554 IDBI29SEP09 RD 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
504 972601 IDBI29SEP10 RD 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
505 972443 IDBISRXI08 RD 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
506 523586 IND TON DEVL BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
507 506520 JAYSHREE CHE BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
508 534623 JUPITER INFO BC 30/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
1% Final Dividend
509 501151 KARTIK INV BC 08/09/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
510 535566 KIFS FSL BC 31/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Final Dividend
511 502958 LAKSH MILL C BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
512 512337 MAHASHREE BC 10/09/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
513 539195 POEL BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
514 503696 SHREENATH IN BC 10/09/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
515 503804 SHRI DINES M BC 29/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
18% Dividend
516 632725 SOLAR IND BC 31/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
90% Dividend
517 532725 SOLAR IND BC 31/08/2015 27/08/2015 105/2015-2016 A.G.M.
90% Final Dividend
518 949490 0ICIHFC15B RD 31/08/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 Redemption of Bonds
Payment of Interest for Bonds
519 533271 ASHOKA BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
14% Final Dividend
520 400547 BHARAT PETRO BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
225% Dividend
521 500547 BHARAT PETRO BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
225% Dividend
522 600547 BHARAT PETRO BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
225% Dividend
523 945706 BSL31MAR08 RD 31/08/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
524 509486 CAPRIHAN IND BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
525 400085 CHAMBAL FERT BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 19% Dividend
526 500085 CHAMBAL FERT BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 19% Dividend
527 600085 CHAMBAL FERT BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 19% Dividend
528 519421 KSE LIMITED BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Final Dividend
529 500338 PRISM CEMENT BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
530 600338 PRISM CEMENT BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
531 507300 RAVALG SUG F BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
532 949289 RCL19JUN13B RD 31/08/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 Redemption of NCD
533 516108 S.I.PAPER BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 25% Dividend
534 511764 UPASANA FIN. BC 01/09/2015 28/08/2015 106/2015-2016 A.G.M.
535 951097 920ICICI18 RD 01/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
536 950881 932PFC2019B RD 01/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
537 523100 COSMO FERRIT BC 02/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 A.G.M.
538 947663 ILF16SEP11A RD 01/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
539 947664 ILF16SEP11B RD 01/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
540 533181 INTRASOFT BC 02/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
541 524731 JENBURK PHAR BC 02/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 A.G.M.
63% Dividend
542 632944 ONMOBILE BC 02/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
543 532944 ONMOBILE BC 02/09/2015 31/08/2015 107/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
544 950525 821PFC15 RD 02/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
545 950562 821PFC16 RD 02/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
546 950478 821PFC17 RD 02/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
547 947820 BSL02FEB12 RD 02/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
548 526783 DR AGARW EYE BC 03/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12% Dividend
549 500155 GARDEN SILK BC 03/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 A.G.M.
550 532216 HB STOCKHOLI BC 03/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 A.G.M.
551 590075 LAMBODHARA T BC 03/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
552 533519 LNT FH BC 03/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 A.G.M.
8% Dividend
553 633519 LNT FH BC 03/09/2015 01/09/2015 108/2015-2016 A.G.M.
8% Dividend
554 949477 103ICIHFC16 RD 03/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
555 530973 ALFAICA(IND) BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
556 531671 BISIL PLAST BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
557 537536 DENIS CHEM BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
558 507886 DHRUV ESTATE BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
559 600128 ELECTROSTEL BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
65% Dividend
560 526965 GUJ CRAFT IN BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
561 600104 HIND PETROL BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
245% Final Dividend
562 400104 HINDUSTAN PE BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
245% Dividend
563 500104 HINDUSTAN PE BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
245% Final Dividend
564 501874 MACKINNON BC 14/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
565 513532 PRADEEP MET BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12% Dividend
566 526494 PROMAC PLAST BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
567 516086 SHR RAJES PA BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
568 520141 SIBAR AUTO P BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
569 514240 SNS TEXTILES BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
570 530735 SUPER BAKE I BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
571 522215 SWIS GLASC E BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
Page 81
27% Dividend
572 514142 T T LTD BC 04/09/2015 02/09/2015 109/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
573 949747 114ICFL18 RD 04/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
574 523269 ADVANI HOT R BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
6% Final Dividend
575 513729 ARO GRANIT I BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
576 505032 AUTO PROD BC 15/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
577 503722 BANSWARA SYN BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
578 519500 BKV INDUSTRS BC 07/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
579 505693 DRILLCO MET. BC 06/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
580 533264 ELECTROSTEEL BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
581 500128 ELECTROSTEL BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
65% Dividend
582 500495 ESCORTS LTD. BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12% Dividend
583 600495 ESCORTS LTD. BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12% Dividend
584 532764 GEECEE BC 07/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
585 531744 GINI SILK MI BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Dividend
586 524226 GUJ AMB EXP BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
587 532467 HAZ MUL PRO BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
588 533451 KARMA ENERG BC 07/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
589 530175 ODYSSEY TEC BC 07/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
590 532466 ORACLE FIN BC 07/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
3600% Final Dividend
591 632466 ORACLE FIN BC 07/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
3600% Final Dividend
592 432466 ORACLE FIN BC 07/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
3600% Final Dividend
593 532766 RICHA IND BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
594 531931 SAI CAPITAL BC 16/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
595 513540 T.N.STEEL TU BC 16/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
596 533200 TALWALKAR BC 05/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
597 538464 TPROJECT BC 07/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
598 512269 WARDEN CONST BC 15/09/2015 03/09/2015 110/2015-2016 A.G.M.
599 972224 1050ICICI21 RD 07/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
600 952291 87585MMFS16 RD 07/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
601 950439 944PFC21 RD 07/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
602 531556 CORAL IND FI BC 08/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
603 500214 ION XCHANGE BC 08/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 30% Dividend
604 500343 PUDUMJE PUL& BC 08/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
605 521034 SOMA TEX IND BC 08/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 A.G.M.
606 533452 WEIZMANN FX BC 08/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 A.G.M.
75% Dividend
607 523011 WEIZMANN LTD BC 08/09/2015 04/09/2015 111/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Dividend
608 530715 ALPS INDUST BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
609 530829 CIL SECUR LT BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Dividend
610 514358 EVERLON SYNT BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
611 509148 GOVIND RUBBE BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
612 400440 HINDALCO IN BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
613 500440 HINDALCO IN BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
614 600440 HINDALCO IN BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
615 532940 J KUMAR INFR BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
616 534190 OLYMPIC BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Final Dividend
617 514324 OMNITEX INDU BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
618 526381 PAT INT LOG BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Dividend
619 509845 R.J.SHAH BC 19/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
620 946839 RJIL15SEP10 RD 08/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
621 533552 RUPA & CO BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
275% Dividend
622 507894 SCHABLONA IN BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
623 536709 VAK POW INF BC 09/09/2015 07/09/2015 112/2015-2016 A.G.M.
624 945229 AXIS22MAR06D RD 09/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
625 947012 BILT160910D RD 09/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
626 947013 BILT160910E RD 09/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
627 947014 BILT160910F RD 09/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
628 506197 BLISSGVS PH BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Final Dividend
629 524506 CORAL LABORA BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
630 530393 DB(INTR)STBR BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
631 505520 HEM HOLDINGS BC 20/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
632 519064 KHANDELWAL E BC 20/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
633 507598 KLRF LTD BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
634 531236 MEWAR POLYTE BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
635 531157 ORGANIC COAT BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
636 517417 PATEL AIRTEM BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
22% Dividend
637 946843 PCL17SEP10C RD 09/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
638 532626 PONDY OXIDES BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
639 523283 SUPER HOUSE BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
640 509930 SUPREM IND BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
350% Final Dividend
641 609930 SUPREM IND BC 10/09/2015 08/09/2015 113/2015-2016 A.G.M.
350% Dividend
642 950955 945MMFSL17A RD 10/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
643 535620 BINNY MILLS BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
644 532610 DWAR SUGAR BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
645 512163 EXTOL COMMER BC 21/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
Page 82
646 539032 FRASER BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
647 500307 NIRLON LTD BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
7.5% Dividend
648 600307 NIRLON LTD BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
7.5% Dividend
649 513121 ORICON ENT BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
22% Dividend
650 948405 PLL26SEP12E RD 10/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
651 948406 PLL26SEP12F RD 10/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
652 948407 PLL26SEP12G RD 10/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
653 532387 PRITISH NAND BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
654 511654 SUGAL DAM BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
655 503349 VICTORIA MIL BC 11/09/2015 09/09/2015 114/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
656 934888 940STFC18 RD 11/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
657 935134 957STFC19 RD 11/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
658 935136 971STFC21 RD 11/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
659 950561 980PFC16 RD 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
660 526833 ANANTHI CONS BC 23/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
661 532406 AVANTEL LTD BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
662 512195 BENTLEY COMM BC 22/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
663 500069 BNK CAPITAL BC 14/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Dividend
664 946824 BSL13AUG10 RD 13/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
665 521151 DHANLAXM FAB BC 14/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
666 521176 GANGOTR TEXT BC 14/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
667 947665 ILF28SEP11C RD 13/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
668 505737 INTERN COMB BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
669 523550 KRYPTON INDU BC 14/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
670 515059 MADHUSUD IND BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
671 539207 MANPASAND BC 14/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
672 502165 OCL INDIA L BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
200% Final Dividend
673 532366 PNB GILTS LD BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Final Dividend
674 530917 R R SECURITE BC 23/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
675 505817 REIL ELEC BC 24/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
676 530125 SAMRAT PHARM BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
677 512367 SHERATON PRO BC 22/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
678 511411 SHRISTINFRA BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
2.5% Dividend
679 533014 SICAGEN IND BC 14/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
6% Dividend
680 524727 SPAN DIAGNOS BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
681 512291 SPEEDADE COM BC 22/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
682 530445 SUMERU IND BC 14/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
683 531426 TAMILNADU NE BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
60% Dividend
684 631426 TAMILNADU NE BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
60% Dividend
685 506687 TRANSPEK IND BC 14/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
686 511736 USHDEV INTER BC 12/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
21% Dividend
687 522015 VCCL LTD BC 22/09/2015 10/09/2015 115/2015-2016 A.G.M.
688 951095 888ICICI20 RD 14/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
689 951096 890ICICI25A RD 14/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
690 522005 AUSTIN ENGG. BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
691 947050 BILT211210D RD 14/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
692 947051 BILT211210E RD 14/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
693 947052 BILT211210F RD 14/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
694 523489 CMM HOSPITAL BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 A.G.M.
695 532518 FLORENCE BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
696 531600 GOGIA CAP BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 A.G.M.
697 507981 JINDAL HOTEL BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 A.G.M.
8% Dividend
698 516092 PUDMJEE IND BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 A.G.M.
699 507998 SIMMOND MARS BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 25% Dividend
700 530017 STANDARD IND BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
701 934798 STF NCD2 OT RD 14/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
702 934796 STF NCD2 RE RD 14/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
703 934797 STF NCD2 UR RD 14/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
704 530769 VENUS UNIVER BC 15/09/2015 11/09/2015 116/2015-2016 A.G.M.
705 951719 1075PCL18 RD 15/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
706 951429 10EPL2021A RD 15/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
707 951430 10EPL2021B RD 15/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
708 950997 12PLL2018A RD 15/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
709 950998 12PLL2019B RD 15/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
710 950999 12PLL2020C RD 15/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
711 623204 ABAN OFFSHO BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
180% Dividend
712 523204 ABAN OFFSHO BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
180% Dividend
713 519174 ASHIAN AGR I BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
714 531862 BHARATAGRI BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Final Dividend
715 400103 BHEL BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
31% Final Dividend
716 500103 BHEL BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
31% Final Dividend
717 600103 BHEL BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
31% Final Dividend
718 514386 GUJ COTEX BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
719 509631 HEG LIMITED BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
720 609631 HEG LIMITED BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
721 500187 HSIL BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
175% Dividend
722 600187 HSIL BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
175% Dividend
723 531366 KOHINOOR BRO BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
Page 83
724 517449 MAGNA ELEC C BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
18% Dividend
725 503772 MODELLA WOOL BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
726 500333 PIX TRANSMIS BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
727 532923 REN JEWELERY BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
728 517496 RICOH INDI L BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
729 532604 S A L STEEL BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
730 513436 SHAH ALLOY L BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
731 530677 SUPREME HO BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
732 522233 VHCLINDUS BC 16/09/2015 14/09/2015 117/2015-2016 A.G.M.
733 950954 935MMFSL17 RD 16/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
734 524208 AARTI INDUS BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
35% Final Dividend
735 533138 ASTEC LIFE BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12.5% Dividend
736 502352 AURANG PAP M BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
737 945341 AXISBNKSR12 RD 16/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
738 530999 BALAJI AMINE BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
60% Dividend
739 500052 BHAN ENG POL BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
740 508939 BLUE CIRCLE BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
741 608939 BLUE CIRCLE BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
742 523369 DCM SHRIR IN BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
743 512519 DONEAR INDUS BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
744 532656 FACOR ALLOYS BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
745 505255 GMM PFAUDLE BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
45% Final Dividend
746 530141 GYAN DEVELOP BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
747 619552 HERITAGE FO BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
748 519552 HERITGFOOD BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
749 532662 HT MEDIA BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
750 632662 HT MEDIA BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
751 961671 ICIRIBSEPT07 RD 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
752 531253 INDIA GEL CH BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 15% Dividend
753 524648 INDO AMINES BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
754 512405 iPOWER SOLS BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
755 590054 JEYPORESUGAR BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
756 511092 JMD TELEFILM BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Dividend
757 532932 MANAKSIA LTD BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
758 539044 MANAKSTELTD BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
759 539045 MNKALCOLTD BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
760 539046 MNKCMILTD BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
761 511549 MORARKA FINA BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
762 514087 PBM POLYTEX BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
60% Dividend
763 505509 RESPON IND BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
764 502090 SAGAR CEMENT BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
765 590056 SALONA COTSP BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
766 519604 SURYO FOOD I BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
767 535621 SV GLOBAL BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
768 517201 SWITCH TEC G BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
769 505160 TALBRO AUT C BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
770 513434 TATA METALIS BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
771 530363 UGAR SUGAR W BC 18/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
772 530401 VINYOFLEX LT BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
773 511333 VLS FINANC L BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 A.G.M.
774 505163 ZF STEERING BC 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 118/2015-2016 100% Dividend
775 517356 ACI INFOCOM BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
776 512247 ASHIR CAPITA BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
9% Dividend
777 526187 ASHRA ONLINE BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
778 513642 AXEL POLYME BC 21/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
779 533303 BF INVEST BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
780 530249 BRIDG SECURI BC 20/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
781 531373 BYKE HOSP BC 21/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
782 530333 EMGEE CABLES BC 29/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
783 526574 ENTERPR.INTE BC 21/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
784 532768 FIEM INDS BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
70% Dividend
785 500033 FORCE MOTR BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
786 526367 GANESH HOU C BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
26% Dividend
787 501111 GOLDROCK INV BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
788 515145 HIND NAT GLS BC 21/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
789 531841 INDUSFIN BC 20/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
5% Dividend
790 524330 JAYANT AG OG BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
791 537784 KCS LTD BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
792 532067 KILPEST INDI BC 21/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
793 530139 KREON FIN BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
794 539043 MANAKINDLTD BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
795 531319 MARUTI SECUT BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
796 523197 MAZDA PROPER BC 29/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
797 538964 MERCURYLAB BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
798 531457 NARAINGAR SU BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
799 503169 RUBY MILLS L BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
50% Dividend
800 506190 SARVAMANG BC 21/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
801 516038 SOMA PAP IND BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
802 526477 SOUTH ASIA E BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
803 500405 SUPREME PET BC 21/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
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804 512257 SVARTCORP BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
20% Dividend
805 506863 SWADESHI IND BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
806 510245 SWASTI VINAY BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
7% Dividend
807 519483 TAI INDUSTRI BC 21/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
7% Dividend
808 521228 TATIA GLOB BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
809 531088 TULIP STAR H BC 19/09/2015 16/09/2015 119/2015-2016 A.G.M.
810 952008 1025FRL20A RD 21/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
811 952009 1025FRL20B RD 21/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
812 952010 1025FRL20C RD 21/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
813 950531 981PFC18 RD 21/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
814 523007 ANSAL BUILDW BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
815 524606 BERYL DRUGS BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
816 531582 BERYL SECURI BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
817 538674 CITYONLINE BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
818 526443 DATASOF AP S BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
819 531306 DHP INDIA BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
820 503796 DIGJAM LTD BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
821 500136 ESTER INDUST BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
822 509709 INTERN CONVE BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
25% Dividend
823 511138 KOTHARIFIN BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
824 534184 NORL BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
825 531395 PADAM COTT Y BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
826 532689 PVR LTD BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
827 531412 RADIX IND BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
828 532826 RAJ TELE BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Final Dividend
829 517320 SAV INFOCOM BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
830 524408 UNIVER STARC BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
831 531404 ZICOM ELE SE BC 22/09/2015 18/09/2015 120/2015-2016 A.G.M.
12% Dividend
832 951005 898PFC24A RD 22/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
833 532774 ACCEL FRONTL BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
834 531878 ANJANI FINL BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
835 947041 BILT290910D RD 22/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Redemption of NCD
836 947042 BILT290910E RD 22/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
837 526925 BOBSHELL ELE BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
838 531171 DEVIK PROTEI BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
839 432839 DISH TV BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
840 532839 DISH TV BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
841 632839 DISH TV BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
842 522261 DOLPHIN OFF BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
843 509563 GARWA MARI I BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
844 500163 GODFREY PHIP BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
400% Dividend
845 600163 GODFREY PHIP BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
400% Dividend
846 526967 HEERA ISPA L BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
847 532894 IWIND ENERGY BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
848 500236 KANELIND BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
849 531692 KHYA MULT EN BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
850 531816 PANORAM UNI BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
10% Dividend
851 531870 POPULAR EST BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
852 530699 RAJRAYON BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
853 526827 SPICE ISL AP BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
15% Dividend
854 432667 SUZLONENERGY BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
855 532667 SUZLONENERGY BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
856 632667 SUZLONENERGY BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
857 531091 UNITE CREDIT BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
858 505232 VELJAN BC 23/09/2015 21/09/2015 121/2015-2016 A.G.M.
100% Dividend
859 935315 940IFCI19C RD 23/09/2015 22/09/2015 122/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
860 530609 CARNATIO IND BC 24/09/2015 22/09/2015 122/2015-2016 6% Dividend
861 523618 DREDG CORP I BC 24/09/2015 22/09/2015 122/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
862 623618 DREDG CORP I BC 24/09/2015 22/09/2015 122/2015-2016 A.G.M.
30% Dividend
863 526751 GRATEX INDS. BC 24/09/2015 22/09/2015 122/2015-2016 A.G.M.
864 512565 R T EXPORTS BC 24/09/2015 22/09/2015 122/2015-2016 A.G.M.
865 531652 THIRDWA FI I BC 24/09/2015 22/09/2015 122/2015-2016 A.G.M.
866 951022 935IHFC16A RD 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
867 951023 935IHFC16B RD 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
868 530885 AURUM SOFT BC 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
869 512485 DHAN. COTEX BC 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
870 530389 GEEFCEE FINA BC 28/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
871 530853 HIPOLIN LTD BC 26/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
872 947666 ILF10OCT11D RD 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
873 531780 KACL BC 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
874 512036 KAPIL COTEX BC 28/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
875 511593 LIBORD INFO BC 26/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
876 531027 LIBORD SEC BC 26/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
877 530441 MAHANIVESH I BC 28/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
878 500248 MAVI IND BC 28/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
879 509084 PHOTON CAP BC 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
880 946866 RJIL04OCT10 RD 27/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
881 526725 SANDESH LTD BC 26/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
40% Dividend
882 539201 SATIA BC 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 10% Final Dividend
883 521188 UNITED TEXTI BC 25/09/2015 23/09/2015 123/2015-2016 A.G.M.
884 531247 ALPHA HI-TEC BC 29/09/2015 24/09/2015 124/2015-2016 A.G.M.
885 950477 751PFC21 RD 29/09/2015 28/09/2015 125/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
886 950485 775PFC26 RD 29/09/2015 28/09/2015 125/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
887 950479 891PFC17 RD 29/09/2015 28/09/2015 125/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
888 948223 12BSL2018 RD 30/09/2015 29/09/2015 126/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
889 948222 12BSL2022 RD 30/09/2015 29/09/2015 126/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
890 945706 BSL31MAR08 RD 30/09/2015 29/09/2015 126/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
891 952045 1010FRL20A RD 01/10/2015 30/09/2015 127/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
892 952046 1010FRL20B RD 01/10/2015 30/09/2015 127/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
893 951086 10ICICI23 RD 01/10/2015 30/09/2015 127/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
894 951087 1125ICICI23 RD 01/10/2015 30/09/2015 127/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
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895 947820 BSL02FEB12 RD 02/10/2015 30/09/2015 127/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
896 951080 ICICI130906 RD 01/10/2015 30/09/2015 127/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
897 951082 ICICI150107 RD 01/10/2015 30/09/2015 127/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
898 951079 ICICI9AUG06 RD 01/10/2015 30/09/2015 127/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
899 949747 114ICFL18 RD 05/10/2015 01/10/2015 128/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
900 952053 1010FRL20 RD 07/10/2015 06/10/2015 130/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
901 952054 1010FRL21 RD 07/10/2015 06/10/2015 130/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
902 952074 1010FRL2020 RD 12/10/2015 09/10/2015 133/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
903 952075 1010FRL2021 RD 12/10/2015 09/10/2015 133/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
904 952089 1010FRL20C RD 13/10/2015 12/10/2015 134/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
905 952090 1010FRL21A RD 13/10/2015 12/10/2015 134/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
906 934888 940STFC18 RD 13/10/2015 12/10/2015 134/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
907 935134 957STFC19 RD 13/10/2015 12/10/2015 134/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
908 935136 971STFC21 RD 13/10/2015 12/10/2015 134/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
909 946824 BSL13AUG10 RD 13/10/2015 12/10/2015 134/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
910 948383 915EID2015 RD 15/10/2015 14/10/2015 136/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
911 951719 1075PCL18 RD 16/10/2015 15/10/2015 137/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
912 951429 10EPL2021A RD 16/10/2015 15/10/2015 137/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
913 951430 10EPL2021B RD 16/10/2015 15/10/2015 137/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
914 951125 905IHFC17 RD 16/10/2015 15/10/2015 137/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
915 951126 905IHFC17A RD 16/10/2015 15/10/2015 137/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
916 935315 940IFCI19C RD 24/10/2015 21/10/2015 141/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
917 945921 AXIS07NOV08 RD 27/10/2015 26/10/2015 143/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
918 951203 880IHFC17I RD 29/10/2015 28/10/2015 145/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
919 951205 880IHFC17II RD 29/10/2015 28/10/2015 145/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
920 951088 12ICICI23 RD 31/10/2015 29/10/2015 146/2015-2016 Payment of Interest for Bonds
921 945706 BSL31MAR08 RD 31/10/2015 29/10/2015 146/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
922 947820 BSL02FEB12 RD 02/11/2015 30/10/2015 147/2015-2016 Payment of Interest
Shut Down Period
Code No. Company Name B.C./R.D. Start End
300877 Apollo Tyres Ltd 06/08/2015 BC 17/07/2015 06/08/2015
**324804 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 25/08/2015 BC 04/08/2015 25/08/2015
332454 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 15/08/2015 BC 30/07/2015 14/08/2015
300530 Bosch Ltd 22/08/2015 BC 03/08/2015 21/08/2015
300087 Cipla Ltd., 13/08/2015 BC 24/07/2015 13/08/2015
332488 Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 10/08/2015 BC 21/07/2015 10/08/2015
332868 DLF LIMITED 20/08/2015 BC 05/08/2015 20/08/2015
332178 Engineers India Ltd. 19/08/2015 BC 29/07/2015 19/08/2015
323574 Future Retail Limited 20/08/2015 BC 04/08/2015 20/08/2015
332281 HCL Technologies Ltd 10/08/2015 RD 22/07/2015 10/08/2015
332129 Hexaware Technologies Ltd. 14/08/2015 RD 05/08/2015 14/08/2015
300116 IDBI Bank Ltd 06/08/2015 BC 17/07/2015 06/08/2015
332187 IndusInd Bank Ltd. 11/08/2015 BC 22/07/2015 11/08/2015
300253 Lic Housing Finance Ltd. 11/08/2015 BC 22/07/2015 11/08/2015
300290 M.R.F. Ltd., 07/08/2015 RD 28/07/2015 07/08/2015
300113 Steel Authority of India Ltd., 13/08/2015 BC 05/08/2015 13/08/2015
332538 UltraTech Cement Ltd 18/08/2015 BC 29/07/2015 18/08/2015
Provisional SLB Scheme ShutDown Period
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