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Second Edition
International Anatomical Terminology

The Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology
A programme of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA)


Contents: Systemata visceralia Visceral systems
Caput V: Systema digestorium Chapter 5: Digestive system
Caput VI: Systema respiratorium Chapter 6: Respiratory system
Caput VII: Cavitas thoracis Chapter 7: Thoracic cavity
Caput VIII: Systema urinarium Chapter 8: Urinary system
Caput IX: Systemata genitalia Chapter 9: Genital systems
Caput X: Cavitas abdominopelvica Chapter 10: Abdominopelvic cavity

Bibliographic Reference Citation:

FIPAT. Terminologia Anatomica. 2nd ed. FIPAT.library.dal.ca. Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology, 2019

Published pending approval by the General Assembly at the next Congress of IFAA (2019)

Creative Commons License:

The publication of Terminologia Anatomica is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license

The individual terms in this terminology are within the public domain. Statements about terms being part of this international standard terminology should use
the above bibliographic reference to cite this terminology. The unaltered PDF files of this terminology may be freely copied and distributed by users. IFAA
member societies are authorized to publish translations of this terminology. Authors of other works that might be considered derivative should write to the
Chair of FIPAT for permission to publish a derivative work.

Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

2772 Systemata visceralia Visceral systems Visceral systems Splanchnologia
2773 Systema digestorium Digestive system Digestive system Alimentary system Apparatus digestorius;
Gastrointestinal system
2774 Stoma Ostium orale; Os Mouth Mouth
2775 Labia oris Lips Lips See Anatomia generalis (Ch. 1 in
Part 1 of TA2)
2776 Facies interna buccae Facies mucosa buccae Internal surface of cheek Internal surface of cheek Inner surface of cheek; Mucosal
surface of cheek
2777 Papilla ductus parotidei Papilla of parotid duct Papilla of parotid duct Papilla salivaria buccalis; Papilla
Endnote 406
2778 Palatum Palate Palate
2779 Palatum durum Hard palate Hard palate Endnote 407
2780 Palatum molle Velum palatinum Soft palate Soft palate Endnote 408
2781 Uvula palatina Uvula of palate Uvula of palate
2782 Raphe palati Palatine raphe Palatine raphe Rhaphe palati
2783 Plicae palatinae transversae Rugae palatinae Transverse palatine folds Transverse palatine folds Palatine rugae
2784 Papilla incisiva Incisive papilla Incisive papilla
2785 Tunica mucosa oris Mucosa of mouth Mucosa of mouth Mucous membrane of mouth; Oral
2786 Frenulum labii superioris Frenulum of upper lip Frenulum of upper lip Frenulum of superior lip Frenulum labii maxillaris
2787 Frenulum labii inferioris Frenulum of lower lip Frenulum of lower lip Frenulum of inferior lip Frenulum labii mandibularis
2788 Caruncula sublingualis Sublingual caruncle Sublingual caruncle Papilla salivaria sublingualis
2789 Plica sublingualis Sublingual fold Sublingual fold
2790 Gingiva Gingiva Gingiva Gum Endnote 409
2791 Margo gingivalis Gingival margin Gingival margin Gingiva marginalis; Pars libera
gingivae; Marginal gingiva; Free
gingival margin
2792 Papilla gingivalis Papilla interdentalis Gingival papilla Gingival papilla Interdental papilla
2793 Sulcus gingivalis Gingival sulcus Gingival sulcus Gingival groove
2794 Cavitas oris Oral cavity Oral cavity Cavum oris
Endnote 410
2795 Rima oris Oral opening Oral opening Oral fissure
2796 Vestibulum oris Oral vestibule Oral vestibule
2797 Cavitas propria oris Cavitas oris propria Oral cavity proper Oral cavity proper Cavum oris proprius
2798 Glandulae salivariae Glandulae oris Salivary glands Salivary glands Glands of mouth Endnote 411
2799 Glandulae salivariae majores Major salivary glands Major salivary glands
2800 Glandula parotidea Parotid gland Parotid gland Glandula parotis
Endnote 412
2801 Pars superficialis glandulae Superficial part of parotid gland Superficial part of parotid gland

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2802 Pars profunda glandulae Deep part of parotid gland Deep part of parotid gland
2803 Processus glenoideus glandulae Glenoid process of parotid gland Glenoid process of parotid gland Processus retromandibularis
2804 Processus pterygoideus Pterygoid process of the parotid Pterygoid process of the parotid
glandulae parotideae gland gland
2805 Ductus parotideus Parotid duct Parotid duct Ductus parotidicus; Ductus
Stensonis; Stensen's duct
2806 (Glandula parotidea accessoria) (Accessory parotid gland) (Accessory parotid gland) Socia parotidis Glandula parotis accessoria
2807 Glandula sublingualis Sublingual gland Sublingual gland Gland of Rivinus
2808 Ductus sublingualis major Major sublingual duct Major sublingual duct Bartholin's duct
2809 Ductus sublinguales minores Minor sublingual ducts Minor sublingual ducts Ducts of Rivinus
2810 Glandula submandibularis Submandibular gland Submandibular gland Submaxillary gland Glandula submaxillaris
Endnote 413
2811 Ductus submandibularis Submandibular duct Submandibular duct Submaxillary duct Ductus submaxillaris; Ductus
Whartoni; Wharton's duct
2812 Glandulae salivariae minores Minor salivary glands Minor salivary glands
2813 Glandulae labiales Labial glands Labial glands
2814 Glandulae buccales Buccal glands Buccal glands
2815 Glandulae molares Molar glands Molar glands
2816 Glandulae palatinae Palatine glands Palatine glands
2817 Glandulae linguales Lingual glands Lingual glands Gland of Blandin; Gland of Nuhn
2818 Dentes Teeth Teeth See Systema skeletale (Ch.2 in
Part 2 of TA2)
2819 Periodontium Periodontium Periodontium Periosteum alveolare
Endnote 414
2820 Lingua Tongue Tongue
2821 Corpus linguae Body of tongue Body of tongue
2822 Radix linguae Root of tongue Root of tongue
2823 Apex linguae Apex of tongue Apex of tongue Tip of tongue
2824 Dorsum linguae Dorsum of tongue Dorsum of tongue
2825 Pars anterior linguae Pars presulcalis linguae Anterior part of tongue Anterior part of tongue Presulcal part of tongue Endnote 415
2826 Sulcus terminalis linguae Terminal sulcus of tongue Terminal sulcus of tongue Endnote 416
2827 Pars posterior linguae Pars postsulcalis linguae Posterior part of tongue Posterior part of tongue Postsulcal part of tongue Endnote 417
2828 Foramen caecum linguae Foramen caecum of tongue Foramen cecum of tongue Foramen Morgagnii; Foramen of
Morgagni; Morand's foramen
Endnote 418
2829 (Ductus thyreoglossus) Ductus thyroglossus (Thyroglossal duct) (Thyroglossal duct) Ductus thyroglossalis
2830 Tonsilla lingualis Lingual tonsil Lingual tonsil
2831 Sulcus medianus linguae Median sulcus of tongue Median sulcus of tongue Midline groove of tongue
2832 Margo linguae Margin of tongue Margin of tongue Margo lateralis linguae
2833 Facies inferior linguae Facies ventralis linguae Inferior surface of tongue Inferior surface of tongue Ventral surface of tongue Facies mylohyoidea linguae
2834 Plica fimbriata Fimbriated fold Fimbriated fold
2835 Tunica mucosa linguae Mucosa of tongue Mucosa of tongue Mucous membrane of tongue
2836 Frenulum linguae Lingual frenulum Lingual frenulum Frenulum of tongue; Frenum of
2837 Papillae linguales Lingual papillae Lingual papillae Papillae of tongue

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2838 Papillae filiformes Filiform papillae Filiform papillae
2839 Papillae fungiformes Fungiform papillae Fungiform papillae
2840 Papillae vallatae Vallate papillae Vallate papillae Papillae circumvallatae
2841 Papillae foliatae Foliate papillae Foliate papillae Folia
2842 Septum linguae Lingual septum Lingual septum
2843 Aponeurosis linguae Lingual aponeurosis Lingual aponeurosis
2844 Musculi linguae Muscles of tongue Muscles of tongue See Systema musculare (Ch. 4 in
Part 2 of TA2)

2845 Fauces Fauces Fauces Endnote 419

2846 Isthmus faucium Isthmus of fauces Isthmus of fauces Oropharyngeal isthmus
2847 Arcus palatoglossus Plica anterior faucium Palatoglossal arch Palatoglossal arch Palatoglossal fold; Anterior pillar of Arcus glossopalatinus
2848 (Plica triangularis) (Triangular fold) (Triangular fold) Endnote 420
2849 Arcus palatopharyngeus Plica posterior faucium Palatopharyngeal arch Palatopharyngeal arch Palatopharyngeal fold; Posterior Arcus pharyngopalatinus
pillar of fauces
2850 (Plica semilunaris) (Semilunar fold) (Semilunar fold) Endnote 421
2851 Fossa tonsillaris Sinus tonsillaris Tonsillar fossa Tonsillar fossa Tonsillar sinus; Tonsillar bed Endnote 422
2852 Fossa supratonsillaris Supratonsillar fossa Supratonsillar fossa Endnote 423
2853 Tonsilla palatina Palatine tonsil Palatine tonsil
2854 Musculi palati mollis Musculi palati mollis et faucium Muscles of soft palate Muscles of soft palate See Systema musculare (Ch. 4 in
Part 2 of TA2)

2855 Pharynx Pharynx Pharynx

2856 Musculi pharyngis Tunica muscularis pharyngis Pharyngeal muscles Pharyngeal muscles Muscular layer of pharynx; See Systema musculare (Ch. 4 in
Muscular coat of pharynx Part 2 of TA2)
2857 Tela submucosa pharyngis Submucosa of pharynx Submucosa of pharynx Submucosal layer of pharynx
2858 Fascia pharyngobasilaris Pharyngobasilar fascia Pharyngobasilar fascia Lamina pharyngobasilaris
2859 Tunica mucosa pharyngis Mucosa of pharynx Mucosa of pharynx Mucous membrane of pharynx
2860 Glandulae pharyngeae Glandulae pharyngeales Pharyngeal glands Pharyngeal glands Glandulae pharygnicae
2861 Cavitas pharyngis Cavity of pharynx Cavity of pharynx Cavum pharyngis
2862 Pars nasalis pharyngis Nasopharynx Nasopharynx Nasopharynx
2863 Fornix pharyngis Vault of pharynx Vault of pharynx
2864 Hypophysis pharyngea Hypophysis pharyngealis Pharyngeal hypophysis Pharyngeal hypophysis
2865 Tonsilla pharyngea Tonsilla pharyngealis Pharyngeal tonsil Pharyngeal tonsil Tonsilla pharyngica; Tonsil of
2866 (Bursa pharyngea) Bursa pharyngealis (Pharyngeal bursa) (Pharyngeal bursa) Bursa pharyngica
Endnote 424
2867 Ostium pharyngeum tubae Ostium pharyngeum tubae Pharyngeal opening of auditory Pharyngeal opening of auditory Ostium pharyngicum tubae
auditivae auditoriae tube tube pharyngotympanicae
2868 Torus tubarius Torus tubarius Torus tubarius Torus tubalis
2869 Plica salpingopharyngea Salpingopharyngeal fold Salpingopharyngeal fold Plica palatotubalis
2870 Plica salpingopalatina Salpingopalatine fold Salpingopalatine fold
2871 Torus levatorius Torus levatorius Torus levatorius Torus musculi levatoris
Endnote 425
2872 Tonsilla tubaria Tubal tonsil Tubal tonsil Eustachian amygdala; Gerlach's

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2873 Recessus pharyngeus Pharyngeal recess Pharyngeal recess Fossa of Rosenmüller, Fossa of
Rosenmuller; Recessus
pharyngialis; Recessus
pharyngicus; Recessus
Endnote 426
2874 Crista palatopharyngea Palatopharyngeal ridge Palatopharyngeal ridge Passavant's ridge; Passavant’s bar
2875 Pars oralis pharyngis Oropharynx Oropharynx Oropharynx
2876 Vallecula epiglottica Epiglottic vallecula Epiglottic vallecula Endnote 427
2877 Plica glossoepiglottica mediana Median glosso-epiglottic fold Median glossoepiglottic fold
2878 Plica glossoepiglottica lateralis Lateral glosso-epiglottic fold Lateral glossoepiglottic fold
2879 Pars laryngea pharyngis Laryngopharynx Laryngopharynx Laryngopharynx Hypopharynx Pars laryngica pharyngis
2880 Recessus piriformis Piriform recess Piriform recess Piriform fossa; Piriform sinus
2881 Plica nervi laryngei superioris Fold of superior laryngeal nerve Fold of superior laryngeal nerve Plica mucosa; Plica nervi laryngici;
Plica nervi laryngei
2882 Constrictio pharyngooesophagea Constrictio Pharyngo-oesophageal Pharyngoesophageal constriction Mouth of Killian
pharyngooesophagealis; Introitus constriction
2883 Spatium peripharyngeum Peripharyngeal space Peripharyngeal space
2884 Spatium retropharyngeum Retropharyngeal space Retropharyngeal space
2885 Spatium parapharyngeum Spatium lateropharyngeum; Parapharyngeal space Parapharyngeal space Lateral pharyngeal space
Spatium pharyngeum laterale

2886 Canalis digestorius Canalis Digestive canal Digestive canal Alimentary canal Gastrointestinal canal
2888 Tunica adventitia oesophagi Adventitia of oesophagus Adventitia of esophagus Adventitial coat of esophagus
2889 Tunica muscularis oesophagi Muscular layer of oesophagus Muscular layer of esophagus Muscular coat of esophagus
2890 Tendo cricooesophageus Crico-oesophageal tendon Cricoesophageal tendon Tendo cricoesophageus
Endnote 429
2891 Tela submucosa oesophagi Submucosa of oesophagus Submucosa of esophagus Submucosal layer of esophagus
2892 Tunica mucosa oesophagi Mucosa of oesophagus Mucosa of esophagus Mucous membrane of esophagus
2893 Glandulae oesophageae Oesophageal glands Esophageal glands Glandulae oesophagicae
2894 Pars cervicalis oesophagi Cervical part of oesophagus Cervical part of esophagus Pars colli
2895 Pars thoracica oesophagi Thoracic part of oesophagus Thoracic part of esophagus Pars thoracicalis oesophagi
2896 Constrictio bronchoaortica Constrictio partis thoracicae Broncho-aortic constriction Bronchoaortic constriction Thoracic constriction
2897 Constrictio diaphragmatica Constrictio phrenica Diaphragmatic constriction Diaphragmatic constriction
2898 Pars abdominalis oesophagi Abdominal part of oesophagus Abdominal part of esophagus
2899 Tunica serosa oesophagi Serosa of oesophagus Serosa of esophagus Serous coat of esophagus
2900 Tela subserosa oesophagi Subserosa of oesophagus Subserosa of esophagus Subserous layer of esophagus


Endnote 430
2902 Paries anterior gastris Anterior wall of stomach Anterior wall of stomach Paries ventrocranialis
2903 Paries posterior gastris Posterior wall of stomach Posterior wall of stomach Paries dorsocaudalis

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2904 Curvatura major gastris Greater curvature of stomach Greater curvature of stomach Curvatura gastrica major;
Curvatura ventriculi major
2905 Curvatura minor gastris Lesser curvature of stomach Lesser curvature of stomach Curvatura gastrica minor;
Curvatura ventriculi minor
2906 Incisura angularis Angular incisure Angular incisure Angular notch Endnote 431
2907 Tunica serosa gastris Serosa of stomach Serosa of stomach Serous coat of stomach
2908 Tela subserosa gastris Subserosa of stomach Subserosa of stomach Subserous layer of stomach Endnote 432
2909 Tunica muscularis gastris Muscular layer of stomach Muscular layer of stomach Muscular coat of stomach
2910 Stratum musculare longitudinale Stratum longitudinale tunicae Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal layer of muscular coat
gastris muscularis gastris stomach stomach of stomach
2911 Stratum musculare circulare Stratum circulare tunicae Circular muscular layer of Circular muscular layer of Circular layer of muscular coat of
gastris muscularis gastris stomach stomach stomach
2912 Fibrae obliquae tunicae Oblique muscle fibers of stomach Oblique muscle fibers of stomach Oblique fibers of muscular layer of
muscularis gastris stomach
2913 Tela submucosa gastris Submucosa of stomach Submucosa of stomach Submucosal layer of stomach
2914 Tunica mucosa gastris Mucosa of stomach Mucosa of stomach Mucous membrane of stomach
2915 Plicae gastricae Gastric folds Gastric folds Gastric rugae
2916 Areae gastricae Gastric areas Gastric areas Endnote 433
2917 Plicae villosae Villous folds Villous folds
2918 Foveolae gastricae Gastric pits Gastric pits
2919 Glandulae gastricae Gastric glands Gastric glands
2920 Cardia Pars cardialis gastris; Pars Cardia Cardia Cardiac part; Cardial part
cardiaca gastris
2921 Ostium cardialis Ostium cardiacum Cardiac orifice Cardiac orifice Cardial orifice
2922 Fundus gastris Fundus gastricus Fundus of stomach Fundus of stomach Fundus ventricularis; Fundus
2923 Fornix gastris Fornix gastricus Fornix of stomach Fornix of stomach Fornix ventricularis; Fornix
Endnote 434
2924 Incisura cardialis Incisura cardiaca Cardiac notch Cardiac notch Cardial notch Angle of His
2925 Corpus gastris Corpus gastricus Body of stomach Body of stomach Corpus ventricularis; Corpus
2926 Canalis gastricus Canalis gastris Gastric canal Gastric canal Canalis ventricularis; Canalis
2927 Pars pylorica Pyloric part Pyloric part
2928 Antrum pyloricum Pyloric antrum Pyloric antrum
2929 Canalis pyloricus Pyloric canal Pyloric canal
2930 Pylorus Pylorus Pylorus
2931 Sphincter pylori Musculus sphincter pylori Pyloric sphincter Pyloric sphincter
2932 Ostium pyloricum Pyloric orifice Pyloric orifice

2934 Tunica serosa intestini tenuis Serosa of small intestine Serosa of small intestine Serous coat of small intestine
2935 Tela subserosa intestini tenuis Subserosa of small intestine Subserosa of small intestine Subserous layer of small intestine
2936 Tunica muscularis intestini tenuis Muscular layer of small intestine Muscular layer of small intestine Muscular coat of small intestine Endnote 436

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2937 Stratum musculare longitudinale Stratum longitudinale tunicae Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal layer of muscular coat Stratum helicoidale longi gradus
intestini tenuis muscularis intestini tenuis; Stratum small intestine small intestine of small intestine; Long pitch
helicoideum gradus longi helicoidal layer
2938 Stratum musculare circulare Stratum circulare tunicae Circular muscular layer of small Circular muscular layer of small Circular layer of muscular coat of Stratum helicoidale brevis gradus
intestini tenuis muscularis intestini tenuis; Stratum intestine intestine small intestine; Short pitch
helicoideum gradus brevis helicoidal layer
2939 Tela submucosa intestini tenuis Submucosa of small intestine Submucosa of small intestine Submucosal layer of small
2940 Tunica mucosa intestini tenuis Mucosa of small intestine Mucosa of small intestine Mucous membrane of small
2941 Villi intestinales Villi intestini tenuis Intestinal villi Intestinal villi
2942 Cryptae intestini tenuis Cryptae intestinales intestini Crypts of small intestine Crypts of small intestine Intestinal crypts of small intestine; Cryptae Lieberkühni; Crypts of
tenuis; Glandulae Intestinal glands of small intestine Lieberkühn
intestinales intestini tenuis
2943 Plicae circulares Circular folds Circular folds Plicae Kerckringi; Valves of
2944 Duodenum Duodenum Duodenum Intestinum duodenum
2945 Pars superior duodeni Superior part of duodenum Superior part of duodenum Pars cranialis duodeni
2946 Bulbus duodeni Ampulla duodeni Duodenal bulb Duodenal bulb Ampulla of duodenum; First part of Endnote 437
duodenum; Duodenal cap
2947 Flexura superior duodeni Flexura duodeni superior Superior duodenal flexure Superior duodenal flexure Flexura cranialis duodeni
2948 Pars descendens duodeni Descending part of duodenum Descending part of duodenum Second part of duodenum
2949 Flexura inferior duodeni Flexura duodeni inferior Inferior duodenal flexure Inferior duodenal flexure Flexura caudalis duodeni
2950 Pars horizontalis duodeni Pars inferior duodeni; Pars Horizontal part of duodenum Horizontal part of duodenum Inferior part of duodenum; Pars caudalis duodeni
transversa duodeni Transverse part of duodenum; Endnote 438
Third part of duodenum
2951 Pars ascendens duodeni Ascending part of duodenum Ascending part of duodenum Fourth part of duodenum
2952 Flexura duodenojejunalis Duodenojejunal flexure Duodenojejunal flexure Duodenojejunal junction
2953 Pars tecta duodeni Hidden part of duodenum Hidden part of duodenum
2954 Plica longitudinalis duodeni Longitudinal fold of duodenum Longitudinal fold of duodenum
2955 Papilla major duodeni Papilla duodeni major Major duodenal papilla Major duodenal papilla Greater duodenal papilla Tubercle of Vater
2956 Papilla minor duodeni Papilla duodeni minor Minor duodenal papilla Minor duodenal papilla Lesser duodenal papilla Papilla Santorini; Santorini's
2957 Glandulae duodenales Glandulae submucosae Duodenal glands Duodenal glands Duodenal submucosal glands Glandulae Brunneri; Brunner's
duodenales glands
2958 Jejunum Jejunum Jejunum Intestinum jejunum
2959 Ileum Ileum Ileum Intestinum ileum; Intestinum ilium
2960 Noduli lymphoidei aggregati ilei Aggregated lymphoid nodules of Aggregated lymphoid nodules of Noduli lymphatici aggregati Peyeri;
ileum ileum Lymphonoduli aggregati; Folliculi
lymphatici aggregati; Peyer's
2961 Pars terminalis ilei Terminal ileum Terminal ileum
2962 (Diverticulum ilei) (Ileal diverticulum) (Ileal diverticulum) Meckel's diverticulum


2964 Tunica serosa intestini crassi Serosa of large intestine Serosa of large intestine Serous coat of large intestine
2965 Tela subserosa intestini crassi Subserosa of large intestine Subserosa of large intestine Subserous layer of large intestine

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2966 Tunica muscularis intestini crassi Muscular layer of large intestine Muscular layer of large intestine Muscular coat of large intestine
2967 Tela submucosa intestini crassi Submucosa of large intestine Submucosa of large intestine Submucosal layer of large
2968 Tunica mucosa intestini crassi Mucosa of large intestine Mucosa of large intestine Mucous membrane of large
2969 Cryptae intestini crassi Cryptae intestinales intestini crassi; Crypts of large intestine Crypts of large intestine Intestinal crypts of large intestine; Cryptae Lieberkühni; Crypts of
Glandulae intestinales intestini Intestinal glands of large intestine Lieberkühn
2970 Caecum Caecum Cecum Intestinum caecum
Endnote 439
2971 Papilla ilealis Ileal papilla Ileal papilla
2972 Ostium ileale Ileal orifice Ileal orifice Orifice of ileal papilla Bauhin's valve; Valvula coli;
Valvula ileocaecalis; Valva
ileocaecalis; Ileocecal valve;
Ostium ileocaecale; Ostium
Endnote 440
2973 Frenulum ostii ilealis Frenulum valvulae ileocaecalis Frenulum of ileal orifice Frenulum of ileal orifice Frenulum of ileocaecal valve; Frenulum valvae ilealis; Frenulum
Frenulum of ileocecal valve valvae ileocaecalis
2974 Labrum ileocolicum Labrum superius ostii ilealis Ileocolic lip Ileocolic lip Superior lip of ileal orifice Labium superius; Labium craniale
2975 Labrum ileocaecale Labrum inferius ostii ilealis Ileocaecal lip Ileocecal lip Inferior lip of ileal orifice Labium inferius; Labium caudale
2976 Appendix vermiformis Vermiform appendix Vermiform appendix Appendix Processus vermiformis
Endnote 441
2977 Ostium appendicis vermiformis Orifice of vermiform appendix Orifice of vermiform appendix Orifice of appendix
2978 Noduli lymphoidei aggregati Aggregated lymphoid nodules of Aggregated lymphoid nodules of Aggregated lymphoid nodules of Folliculi lymphatici aggregati
appendicis vermiformis vermiform appendix vermiform appendix appendix appendicis vermiformis; Peyer's
2979 Plica appendicularis Valvula appendicis vermiformis Appendicular fold Appendicular fold Valve of vermiform appendix Valve of Gerlach; Valvula
processus vermiformis
2980 (Fascia precaecocolica) Fascia praecaecocolica (Precaecocolic fascia) (Prececocolic fascia) Jackson's membrane; Jackson's
2981 Colon Colon Colon Intestinum colon
2982 Colon ascendens Ascending colon Ascending colon Right colon
2983 Flexura dextra coli Flexura hepatica coli Right colic flexure Right colic flexure Hepatic flexure
2984 Colon transversum Transverse colon Transverse colon
2985 Flexura sinistra coli Flexura splenica coli Left colic flexure Left colic flexure Splenic flexure; Lienal flexure Flexura lienalis coli
2986 Colon descendens Descending colon Descending colon Left colon
2987 Colon sigmoideum Sigmoid colon Sigmoid colon Colon sigmoides
2988 Plicae semilunares coli Semilunar folds of colon Semilunar folds of colon
2989 Haustra coli Haustra of colon Haustra of colon Sacculations of colon
2990 Appendices omentales Appendices epiploicae; Omental appendices Omental appendices Epiploic appendices; Fatty
Appendices adiposae coli appendices of colon
2991 Tunica muscularis coli Muscular layer of colon Muscular layer of colon Muscular coat of colon Endnote 442
2992 Stratum musculare longitudinale Stratum longitudinale tunicae Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal layer of muscular coat
coli muscularis coli colon colon of colon
2993 Taeniae coli Taeniae coli Teniae coli
2994 Taenia mesocolica Mesocolic taenia Mesocolic tenia

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2995 Taenia omentalis Omental taenia Omental tenia
2996 Taenia libera Free taenia Free tenia
2997 Stratum musculare circulare coli Stratum circulare tunicae Circular muscular layer of colon Circular muscular layer of colon Circular layer of muscular coat of
muscularis coli colon
2998 Rectum Rectum Rectum Intestinum rectum; Intestinum
Endnote 443
2999 Flexura sacralis recti Sacral flexure of rectum Sacral flexure of rectum
3000 Flexurae laterales recti Lateral flexures of rectum Lateral flexures of rectum
3001 Flexura lateralis superior recti Flexura superodextra lateralis recti Superior lateral flexure of rectum Superior lateral flexure of rectum Superodextral lateral flexure of
3002 Flexura lateralis intermedia recti Flexura intermediosinistra lateralis Intermediate lateral flexure of Intermediate lateral flexure of Intermediosinistral lateral flexure of
recti rectum rectum rectum
3003 Flexura lateralis inferior recti Flexura inferodextra lateralis recti Inferior lateral flexure of rectum Inferior lateral flexure of rectum Inferodextral lateral flexure of
3004 Plicae transversae recti Transverse rectal folds Transverse rectal folds Transverse folds of rectum Plicae transversales recti; Valves
of Houston, Folds of Houston;
Kohlrausch's fold (middle fold)
3005 Ampulla recti Rectal ampulla Rectal ampulla Pars ampullaris recti
3006 Tunica muscularis recti Muscular layer of rectum Muscular layer of rectum Muscular coat of rectum
3007 Stratum musculare longitudinale Stratum longitudinale tunicae Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal layer of muscular coat
recti muscularis recti rectum rectum of rectum
3008 Stratum musculare circulare recti Stratum circulare tunicae Circular muscular layer of rectum Circular muscular layer of rectum Circular layer of muscular coat of
muscularis recti rectum

Endnote 444
3010 Flexura anorectalis Flexura perinealis Anorectal flexure Anorectal flexure Perineal flexure Flexura perinealis recti
3011 Junctio anorectalis Anorectal junction Anorectal junction
3012 Columnae anales Anal columns Anal columns Rectal columns Columnae rectales; Columnae
Morgagnii; Columns of Morgagni
3013 Sinus anales Anal sinuses Anal sinuses Rectal sinuses; Anal crypts Sinus rectales; Cryptae anales;
Sinuses of Morgagni
3014 Valvulae anales Anal valves Anal valves Ball's valves
3015 Linea pectinata Pectinate line Pectinate line Dentate line Linea anorectalis
3016 Pecten analis Zona transitionalis analis Anal pecten Anal pecten Anal transitional zone Stroud's pecten
3017 Linea anocutanea Anocutaneous line Anocutaneous line Linea alba Hiltoni; White line of
3018 Sphincter internus ani Musculus sphincter ani internus Internal anal sphincter Internal anal sphincter Internal anal sphincter muscle
3019 Sulcus intersphinctericus Intersphincteric groove Intersphincteric groove
3020 Sphincter externus ani Musculus sphincter ani externus External anal sphincter External anal sphincter External anal sphincter muscle
3021 Corrugator cutis ani Musculus corrugator cutis ani Corrugator cutis ani Corrugator cutis ani Corrugator cutis ani muscle
3022 Anus Anus Anus Endnote 445

3023 Hepar Liver Liver Endnote 446

3024 Facies diaphragmatica hepatis Diaphragmatic surface of liver Diaphragmatic surface of liver

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3025 Facies superior hepatis Pars superior faciei Superior surface of liver Superior surface of liver Superior part of diaphragmatic
diaphragmaticae hepatis surface of liver
3026 Impressio cardiaca hepatis Cardiac impression of liver Cardiac impression of liver
3027 Facies anterior hepatis Pars anterior faciei Anterior surface of liver Anterior surface of liver Anterior part of diaphragmatic
diaphragmaticae hepatis surface of liver
3028 Facies dextra hepatis Pars dextra faciei diaphragmaticae Right surface of liver Right surface of liver Right part of diaphragmatic surface
hepatis of liver
3029 Facies posterior hepatis Pars posterior faciei Posterior surface of liver Posterior surface of liver Posterior part of diaphragmatic
diaphragmaticae hepatis surface of liver
3030 Area nuda hepatis Bare area of liver Bare area of liver Endnote 447
3031 Sulcus venae cavae inferioris Groove for inferior vena cava Groove for inferior vena cava Fossa vena cavae
3032 Facies visceralis hepatis Visceral surface of liver Visceral surface of liver Facies inferior hepatis
3033 Porta hepatis Porta hepatis Porta hepatis
3034 Fissura portalis principalis Main portal fissure Main portal fissure
3035 Fossa vesicae biliaris Fossa vesicae felleae Fossa for gallbladder Fossa for gallbladder Endnote 448
3036 Fissura portalis dextra Right portal fissure Right portal fissure
3037 Fissura umbilicalis Umbilical fissure Umbilical fissure
3038 Fissura ligamenti teretis Fissure for ligamentum teres Fissure for ligamentum teres Fissure for round ligament Fossa venae umbilicalis; Sulcus
venae umbilicalis
3039 Fissura ligamenti venosi Fissure for ligamentum Fissure for ligamentum Fossa ductus venosi
venosum venosum
3040 Tuber omentale hepatis Omental tuberosity of liver Omental tuberosity of liver
3041 Impressio oesophagea hepatis Oesophageal impression of liver Esophageal impression of liver Impressio oesophagealis;
Impressio oesophagica
3042 Impressio gastrica hepatis Gastric impression of liver Gastric impression of liver
3043 Impressio duodenalis hepatis Duodenal impression of liver Duodenal impression of liver
3044 Impressio colica hepatis Colic impression of liver Colic impression of liver
3045 Impressio renalis hepatis Renal impression of liver Renal impression of liver
3046 Impressio suprarenalis hepatis Suprarenal impression of liver Suprarenal impression of liver
3047 Margo inferior hepatis Inferior border of liver Inferior border of liver Margo anterior; Margo ventralis
3048 Incisura ligamenti teretis Notch for ligamentum teres Notch for ligamentum teres Incisura umbilicalis; Incisura
Endnote 449
3049 Lobus dexter hepatis Lobus hepatis dexter Right lobe of liver Right lobe of liver Endnote 450
3050 Lobus sinister hepatis Lobus hepatis sinister Left lobe of liver Left lobe of liver
3051 Appendix fibrosa hepatis Fibrous appendix of liver Fibrous appendix of liver
3052 Lobus quadratus Quadrate lobe Quadrate lobe
3053 Lobus caudatus Caudate lobe Caudate lobe Lobus Spigeli; Spiegel's lobe,
Spiegelian lobe
3054 Processus papillaris Papillary process Papillary process
3055 Processus caudatus Caudate process Caudate process
3056 Tunica serosa hepatis Serosa of liver Serosa of liver Serous coat of liver
3057 Tela subserosa hepatis Subserosa of liver Subserosa of liver Subserous layer of liver
3058 Tunica fibrosa hepatis Fibrous capsule of liver Fibrous capsule of liver Fibrous coat of liver Capsula Glissoni; Glisson's

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3059 Capsula fibrosa perivascularis Perivascular fibrous capsule Perivascular fibrous capsule Capsula Glissoni; Glisson's
Endnote 451
3060 Lobuli hepatis Lobules of liver Lobules of liver
3061 Tractus portans Tractus portalis; Trias portalis Portal tract Portal tract Interlobular portal triad
interlobularis; Trias hepatica
3062 Arteriae interlobulares Interlobular arteries Interlobular arteries Rami arteriosi interlobulares
3063 Venae interlobulares Interlobular veins Interlobular veins
3064 Ductus biliferi interlobulares Interlobular bile ducts Interlobular bile ducts
3065 Venae centrales Central veins Central veins
3066 Pars sinistra hepatis Pars hepatis sinistra Left part of liver Left part of liver Left liver Endnote 452
3067 Divisio lateralis sinistra hepatis Left lateral division of liver Left lateral division of liver
3068 Segmentum posterius laterale Segmentum II hepatis Left posterior lateral segment of Left posterior lateral segment of Segment II of liver
sinistrum hepatis liver liver
3069 Segmentum anterius laterale Segmentum III hepatis Left anterior lateral segment of Left anterior lateral segment of Segment III of liver
sinistrum hepatis liver liver
3070 Divisio medialis sinistra hepatis Left medial division of liver Left medial division of liver
3071 Segmentum mediale sinistrum Segmentum IV hepatis Left medial segment of liver Left medial segment of liver Segment IV of liver
3072 Pars posterior hepatis Posterior part of liver Posterior part of liver Posterior liver Lobus caudatus; Caudate lobe
3073 Segmentum posterius hepatis Segmentum I hepatis Posterior segment of liver Posterior segment of liver Segment I of liver Lobus caudatus; Caudate lobe
3074 Pars dextra hepatis Pars hepatis dextra Right part of liver Right part of liver Right liver
3075 Divisio medialis dextra hepatis Right medial division of liver Right medial division of liver
3076 Segmentum anterius mediale Segmentum V hepatis Anterior medial segment of liver Anterior medial segment of liver Segment V of liver
dextrum hepatis
3077 Segmentum posterius mediale Segmentum VIII hepatis Posterior medial segment of liver Posterior medial segment of liver Segment VIII of liver
dextrum hepatis
3078 Divisio lateralis dextra hepatis Right lateral division of liver Right lateral division of liver
3079 Segmentum anterius laterale Segmentum VI hepatis Anterior lateral segment of liver Anterior lateral segment of liver Segment VI of liver
dextrum hepatis
3080 Segmentum posterius laterale Segmentum VII hepatis Posterior lateral segment of liver Posterior lateral segment of liver Segment VII of liver
dextrum hepatis

3081 Vesica biliaris Vesica fellea Gallbladder Gallbladder Endnote 453

3082 Fundus vesicae biliaris Fundus vesicae felleae Fundus of gallbladder Fundus of gallbladder
3083 Infundibulum vesicae biliaris Infundibulum vesicae felleae Infundibulum of gallbladder Infundibulum of gallbladder
3084 Corpus vesicae biliaris Corpus vesicae felleae Body of gallbladder Body of gallbladder
3085 Collum vesicae biliaris Collum vesicae felleae Neck of gallbladder Neck of gallbladder
3086 Tunica serosa vesicae biliaris Serosa of gallbladder Serosa of gallbladder Serous coat of gallbladder
3087 Tela subserosa vesicae biliaris Subserosa of gallbladder Subserosa of gallbladder Subserous layer of gallbladder
3088 Tunica muscularis vesicae biliaris Muscular layer of gallbladder Muscular layer of gallbladder Muscular coat of gallbladder
3089 Tunica mucosa vesicae biliaris Mucosa of gallbladder Mucosa of gallbladder Mucous membrane of gallbladder
3090 Plicae muscosae vesicae biliaris Rugae vesicae biliaris Mucosal folds of gallbladder Mucosal folds of gallbladder Rugae of gallbladder Plicae tunicae mucosae; Plicae
reticulares tunicae mucosae

3091 Ductus biliares extrahepatici Extrahepatic bile ducts Extrahepatic bile ducts
3092 Ductus hepaticus communis Common hepatic duct Common hepatic duct Endnote 454

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3093 Ductus hepaticus dexter Right hepatic duct Right hepatic duct
3094 Ramus anterior ductus hepatici Anterior branch of right hepatic Anterior branch of right hepatic
dextri duct duct
3095 Ramus posterior ductus hepatici Posterior branch of right hepatic Posterior branch of right hepatic
dextri duct duct
3096 Ductus hepaticus sinister Left hepatic duct Left hepatic duct
3097 Ramus lateralis ductus hepatici Lateral branch of left hepatic duct Lateral branch of left hepatic duct
3098 Ramus medialis ductus hepatici Medial branch of left hepatic duct Medial branch of left hepatic duct
3099 Ductus dexter lobi caudati Ductus lobi caudati dexter Right duct of caudate lobe Right duct of caudate lobe
3100 Ductus sinister lobi caudati Ductus lobi caudati sinister Left duct of caudate lobe Left duct of caudate lobe
3101 Ductus cysticus Cystic duct Cystic duct
3102 Plica spiralis Spiral fold Spiral fold Valvula spiralis; Valvula Heisteri;
Spiral valve of Heister; Heister's
3103 Ductus biliaris Ductus choledochus Bile duct Bile duct Common bile duct Endnote 455
3104 Pars supraduodenalis ductus Supraduodenal part of biliary duct Supraduodenal part of biliary duct
3105 Pars retroduodenalis ductus biliaris Retroduodenal part of biliary duct Retroduodenal part of biliary duct
3106 Pars pancreatica ductus biliaris Pancreatic part of biliary duct Pancreatic part of biliary duct
3107 Sphincter ductus biliaris Sphincter ductus choledochi; Sphincter of bile duct Sphincter of bile duct Four-part sphincter of Boyden
Musculus sphincter ductus biliaris; Endnote 456
Musculus sphincter ductus
3108 Sphincter superior ductus Musculus sphincter superior; Superior sphincter of bile duct Superior sphincter of bile duct Sphincter choledochus superior
biliaris Sphincter superior ductus
3109 Sphincter inferior ductus biliaris Musculus sphincter inferior; Inferior sphincter of bile duct Inferior sphincter of bile duct Sphincter choledochus inferior
Sphincter inferior ductus
3110 Pars intramuralis ductus biliaris Intramural part of biliary duct Intramural part of biliary duct
3111 Ampulla hepatopancreatica Ampulla biliaropancreatica Hepatopancreatic ampulla Hepatopancreatic ampulla Biliaropancreatic ampulla Ampulla of Vater
Endnote 457
3112 Sphincter ampullae Musculus sphincter ampullae Sphincter of ampulla Sphincter of ampulla Musculus sphincter ampullae
hepatopancreaticae; Sphincter of
3113 Glandulae ductus biliaris Glandulae ductus choledochil Glands of bile duct Glands of bile duct Glandulae mucosae biliosae

3114 Pancreas Pancreas Pancreas

3115 Caput pancreatis Head of pancreas Head of pancreas
3116 Processus uncinatus pancreatis Uncinate process of pancreas Uncinate process of pancreas Pancreas Winslowi; Winslow's
3117 Incisura pancreatis Pancreatic notch Pancreatic notch
3118 Collum pancreatis Neck of pancreas Neck of pancreas
3119 Corpus pancreatis Body of pancreas Body of pancreas

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3120 Facies anterosuperior pancreatis Anterosuperior surface of Anterosuperior surface of Facies anterior pancreatis; Facies
pancreas pancreas ventralis pancreatis
3121 Facies posterior pancreatis Posterior surface of pancreas Posterior surface of pancreas Facies dorsalis pancreatis
3122 Facies anteroinferior pancreatis Antero-inferior surface of Anteroinferior surface of Facies inferior pancreatis
pancreas pancreas
3123 Margo superior pancreatis Superior border of pancreas Superior border of pancreas
3124 Margo anterior pancreatis Anterior border of pancreas Anterior border of pancreas
3125 Margo inferior pancreatis Inferior border of pancreas Inferior border of pancreas Margo posterior pancreatis
3126 Tuber omentale pancreatis Omental eminence of pancreas Omental eminence of pancreas
3127 Cauda pancreatis Tail of pancreas Tail of pancreas
3128 Insulae pancreaticae Pancreatic islets Pancreatic islets Islets of Langerhans; Endocrine
pancreas; Pars endocrina
3129 Ductus pancreaticus Pancreatic duct Pancreatic duct Ductus pancreaticus major; Ductus
Wirsungi; Duct of Wirsung
3130 Sphincter ductus pancreatici Musculus sphincter ductus Sphincter of pancreatic duct Sphincter of pancreatic duct
3131 Ductus pancreaticus accessorius Accessory pancreatic duct Accessory pancreatic duct Ductus pancreaticus minor; Ductus
Santorini; Duct of Santorini
3132 (Pancreas accessorium) (Accessory pancreas) (Accessory pancreas)

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Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

3133 Systema respiratorium Respiratory system Respiratory system Apparatus respiratorius
3134 Nasus Nose Nose
3135 Nasus externus External nose External nose See Anatomia generalis (Ch. 1 in
Part 1 of TA2)
3136 Cartilagines nasi Nasal cartilages Nasal cartilages See Systema skeletale (ch. 2 in
Part 2 of TA2)
3137 Septum nasi Nasal septum Nasal septum
3138 Pars membranacea septi nasi Membranous part of nasal septum Membranous part of nasal septum Columella Septum membranaceum; Pars
cutanea septi nasi; Septum mobile
nasi; Pars mobilis septi nasi
3139 Pars cartilaginea septi nasi Cartilaginous part of nasal septum Cartilaginous part of nasal septum Septum cartilageum; Cartilago
septi nasi
3140 Pars ossea septi nasi Septum osseum nasi; Septum Bony part of nasal septum Bony part of nasal septum Bony nasal septum; Bony septum
nasale osseum of nose
3141 Organum vomeronasale Vomeronasal organ Vomeronasal organ Organon vomeronasale; Organon
Jacobsoni; Jacobson's organ
3142 (Ductus incisivus) (Incisive duct) (Incisive duct)
3143 Paries lateralis cavitatis nasi Lateral wall of nasal cavity Lateral wall of nasal cavity
3144 Limen nasi Limen nasi Limen nasi Endnote 458
3145 Agger nasi Agger nasi Agger nasi Endnote 459
3146 Sulcus olfactorius Olfactory groove Olfactory groove Endnote 460
3147 Concha suprema nasi Concha nasi suprema Highest nasal concha Highest nasal concha Highest nasal turbinate Concha nasalis suprema; Concha
3148 Concha superior nasi Concha nasi superior Superior nasal concha Superior nasal concha Superior nasal turbinate Concha nasalis superior
3149 Concha media nasi Concha nasi media Middle nasal concha Middle nasal concha Middle nasal turbinate Concha nasalis media
3150 Bulla ethmoidea Bulla ethmoidalis Ethmoidal bulla Ethmoidal bulla
3151 Concha inferior nasi Concha nasi inferior Inferior nasal concha Inferior nasal concha Inferior nasal turbinate Concha nasalis Inferior
3152 Plexus cavernosi concharum Plexus vasculosi cavernosi Cavernous plexuses of conchae Cavernous plexuses of conchae Cavernous vascular plexuses of Plexus cavernosus conchae
concharum conchae
3153 Hiatus semilunaris Semilunar hiatus Semilunar hiatus Endnote 461
3154 Ductus frontonasalis Frontonasal duct Frontonasal duct
3155 Infundibulum ethmoideum Infundibulum ethmoidale Ethmoidal infundibulum Ethmoidal infundibulum
3156 Hiatus maxillaris Hiatus sinus maxillaris Maxillary hiatus Maxillary hiatus Hiatus of maxillary sinus; Opening
of maxillary sinus
3157 Apertura ductus nasolacrimalis Opening of nasolacrimal duct Opening of nasolacrimal duct
3158 Tunica mucosa nasi Mucosa of nasal cavity Mucosa of nasal cavity Mucous membrane of nasal cavity;
Nasal mucosa
3159 Pars vestibularis tunicae Vestibular part of nasal mucosa Vestibular part of nasal mucosa Vestibular region of nasal Pars cutanea; Cutaneous region
mucosae nasi mucosa
3160 Pars respiratoria tunicae Respiratory part of nasal mucosa Respiratory part of nasal mucosa Respiratory region of nasal
mucosae nasi mucosa
3161 Glandulae nasales Nasal glands Nasal glands
3162 Paries superior cavitatis nasi Roof of nasal cavity Roof of nasal cavity

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3163 Pars olfactoria tunicae mucosae Tunica mucosa olfactoria Olfactory part of mucosa Olfactory part of mucosa Olfactory region of mucosa Olfactory mucous membrane
3164 Apertura sinus sphenoidei Opening of sphenoidal sinus Opening of sphenoidal sinus
3165 Cavitas nasi Nasal cavity Nasal cavity Cavum nasi
3166 Naris Nostril Nostril Apertura nasi externa; Anterior
nasal aperture
3167 Vestibulum nasi Nasal vestibule Nasal vestibule
3168 Recessus sphenoethmoideus Recessus sphenoethmoidalis Spheno-ethmoidal recess Sphenoethmoidal recess Endnote 462
3169 Meatus superior nasi Meatus nasi superior Superior nasal meatus Superior nasal meatus
3170 Meatus medius nasi Meatus nasi medius Middle nasal meatus Middle nasal meatus
3171 Atrium meatus medii Atrium of middle meatus Atrium of middle meatus Endnote 463
3172 Meatus inferior nasi Meatus nasi inferior Inferior nasal meatus Inferior nasal meatus
3173 Meatus communis nasi Meatus nasi communis Common nasal meatus Common nasal meatus Endnote 464
3174 Meatus nasopharyngeus Nasopharyngeal meatus Nasopharyngeal meatus Meatus nasopharyngicus
Endnote 465
3175 Choana Choana Choana Posterior nasal aperture

3176 Sinus paranasales Paranasal sinuses Paranasal sinuses Sinus nasales

3177 Sinus maxillaris Sinus paranasalis maxillaris Maxillary sinus Maxillary sinus Maxillary paranasal sinus Sinus Highmori; Antrum of
3178 Sinus sphenoideus Sinus paranasalis sphenoideus Sphenoidal sinus Sphenoidal sinus Sphenoidal paranasal sinus Sinus sphenoidalis
3179 Sinus frontalis Sinus paranasalis frontalis Frontal sinus Frontal sinus Frontal paranasal sinus
3180 Cellulae ethmoideae Cellulae paranasales ethmoideae Ethmoidal cells Ethmoidal cells Ethmoidal air cells Sinus ethmoidei; Sinus
ethmoidales; Cellulae ethmoidales
Endnote 466
3181 Cellulae ethmoideae anteriores Cellulae paranasales ethmoideae Anterior ethmoidal cells Anterior ethmoidal cells Anterior ethmoidal air cells Sinus ethmoidei anteriores;
anteriores Cellulae ethmoidales anteriores
3182 Cellulae ethmoideae mediae Cellulae paranasales ethmoideae Middle ethmoidal cells Middle ethmoidal cells Middle ethmoidal air cells Cellulae ethmoidales mediae
3183 Cellulae ethmoideae posteriores Cellulae paranasales ethmoideae Posterior ethmoidal cells Posterior ethmoidal cells Posterior ethmoidal air cells Sinus ethmoidei posteriores;
posteriores Cellulae ethmoidales posteriores

3184 Larynx Larynx Larynx

3185 Tunica mucosa laryngis Mucosa of larynx Mucosa of larynx Mucous membrane of larynx
3186 Glandulae laryngeae Glandulae laryngeales Laryngeal glands Laryngeal glands
3187 Cartilagines laryngis Laryngeal cartilages Laryngeal cartilages See Systema skeletale (ch. 2 in
Part 2 of TA2)
3188 Juncturae laryngis Laryngeal joints Laryngeal joints See Juncturae (ch. 3 in Part 2 of
3189 Musculi laryngis Laryngeal muscles Laryngeal muscles See Systema musculare (ch. 4 in
Part 2 of TA2)
3190 Epiglottis Epiglottis Epiglottis
3191 Tuberculum epiglotticum Epiglottic tubercle Epiglottic tubercle Tuberculum epiglotidis
3192 Corpus adiposum preepiglotticum Corpus adiposum praeepiglotticum Pre-epiglottic fat body Pre-epiglottic fat body
3193 Plica aryepiglottica Ary-epiglottic fold Aryepiglottic fold
3194 Tuberculum corniculatum Corniculate tubercle Corniculate tubercle Tuberculum Santorini
3195 Tuberculum cuneiforme Cuneiform tubercle Cuneiform tubercle Tuberculum Wrisbergi; Tubercle of

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3196 Plica vestibularis Vestibular fold Vestibular fold Plica ventricularis; Glottis spuria;
False vocal cord
Endnote 467
3197 Glottis Glottis Glottis Endnote 468
3198 Plica vocalis Vocal fold Vocal fold Labium vocale
Endnote 469
3199 Membrana fibroelastica laryngis Fibro-elastic membrane of larynx Fibroelastic membrane of larynx Membrana elastica laryngis
See Juncturae laryngis (ch. 3 in
Part 2 of TA2)
3200 Plica interarytenoidea Interarytenoid fold Interarytenoid fold
3201 Cavitas laryngis Laryngeal cavity Laryngeal cavity Cavum laryngis
3202 Aditus laryngis Laryngeal inlet Laryngeal inlet
3203 Incisura interarytenoidea Interarytenoid notch Interarytenoid notch
3204 Vestibulum laryngis Laryngeal vestibule Laryngeal vestibule
3205 Rima vestibuli Rima vestibuli Rima vestibuli
3206 Ventriculus laryngis Laryngeal ventricle Laryngeal ventricle Ventriculus Morgagnii; Sinus of
Morgagni; Ventricle of Morgagni
3207 Sacculus laryngis Laryngeal saccule Laryngeal saccule Appendix ventriculi laryngis
3208 Rima glottidis Rima vocalis Rima glottidis Rima glottidis Endnote 470
3209 Pars intermembranacea rimae Intermembranous part of rima Intermembranous part of rima
glottidis glottidis glottidis
3210 Pars intercartilaginea rimae Intercartilaginous part of rima Intercartilaginous part of rima
glottidis glottidis glottidis
3211 Cavitas infraglottica Infraglottic cavity Infraglottic cavity Cavum infraglotticum
Endnote 471

3212 Arbor tracheobronchialis Arbor bronchialis Tracheobronchial tree Tracheobronchial tree Bronchial tree
3214 Pars cervicalis tracheae Cervical part of trachea Cervical part of trachea Pars tracheae colli
3215 Pars thoracica tracheae Thoracic part of trachea Thoracic part of trachea
3216 Paries membranaceus tracheae Paries posterior tracheae Membranous wall of trachea Membranous wall of trachea Posterior wall of trachea
3217 Tunica fibromusculocartilaginea Fibromusculocartilaginous layer of Fibromusculocartilaginous layer Fibromusculocartilaginous coat of
tracheae trachea of trachea trachea
3218 Cartilagines tracheales Tracheal cartilages Tracheal cartilages
3219 Musculus trachealis Trachealis muscle Trachealis muscle
3220 Ligamenta anularia tracheae Ligamenta trachealia Annular ligaments of trachea Annular ligaments of trachea Anular ligaments of trachea
3221 Tela submucosa tracheae Submucosa of trachea Submucosa of trachea Submucosal layer of trachea
3222 Tunica mucosa tracheae Mucosa of trachea Mucosa of trachea Mucous membrane of trachea
3223 Glandulae tracheales Tracheal glands Tracheal glands
3224 Bifurcatio tracheae Tracheal bifurcation Tracheal bifurcation
3225 Carina tracheae Carina of trachea Carina of trachea Endnote 472


3227 Bronchus principalis Main bronchus Main bronchus Primary bronchus; Principal Main stem bronchus
bronchus Endnote 473
3228 Bronchi intrapulmonares Intrapulmonary bronchi Intrapulmonary bronchi Rami bronchiales
3229 Bronchus lobaris Lobar bronchus Lobar bronchus Secondary bronchus

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3230 Bronchus segmentalis Segmental bronchus Segmental bronchus Tertiary bronchus
3231 Bronchus intrasegmentalis Intrasegmental bronchus Intrasegmental bronchus Ramus bronchialis segmenti
3232 Bronchus Bronchus Bronchus
3233 Tunica fibromusculocartilaginea Fibromusculocartilaginous layer of Fibromusculocartilaginous layer of Fibromusculocartilaginous coat of Tunica muscularis bronchi
bronchi bronchus bronchus bronchus
3234 Tela submucosa bronchi Submucosa of bronchus Submucosa of bronchus Submucosal layer of bronchus
3235 Tunica mucosa bronchi Mucosa of bronchus Mucosa of bronchus Mucous membrane of bronchus
3236 Glandulae bronchiales Bronchial glands Bronchial glands Glandulae bronchales
3237 Bronchus principalis dexter Right main bronchus Right main bronchus
3238 Bronchus lobaris superior dexter Right superior lobar bronchus Right superior lobar bronchus
3239 Bronchus segmentalis apicalis Bronchus I pulmonis dextri Apical segmental bronchus of Apical segmental bronchus of Bronchus 1 of right lung; B1 Endnote 474
pulmonis dextri right lung right lung
3240 Bronchus segmentalis posterior Bronchus II pulmonis dextri Posterior segmental bronchus of Posterior segmental bronchus of Bronchus 2 of right lung; B2
pulmonis dextri right lung right lung
3241 Bronchus segmentalis anterior Bronchus III pulmonis dextri Anterior segmental bronchus of Anterior segmental bronchus of Bronchus 3 of right lung; B3
pulmonis dextri right lung right lung
3242 Bronchus intermedius Bronchus intermedius Bronchus intermedius Endnote 475
3243 Bronchus lobaris medius Bronchus lobaris medius dexter Middle lobar bronchus Middle lobar bronchus Right middle lobar bronchus
3244 Bronchus segmentalis lateralis Bronchus IV pulmonis dextri Lateral segmental bronchus of Lateral segmental bronchus of Bronchus 4 of right lung; B4
pulmonis dextri right lung right lung
3245 Bronchus segmentalis medialis Bronchus V pulmonis dextri Medial segmental bronchus of Medial segmental bronchus of Bronchus 5 of right lung; B5
pulmonis dextri right lung right lung
3246 Bronchus lobaris inferior dexter Right inferior lobar bronchus Right inferior lobar bronchus
3247 Bronchus segmentalis superior Bronchus VI pulmonis dextri Superior segmental bronchus Superior segmental bronchus Bronchus 6 of right lung; B6 Bronchus segmentalis apicalis
pulmonis dextri of right lung of right lung Endnote 476
3248 Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus VII pulmonis dextri; Medial basal segmental Medial basal segmental Bronchus 7 of right lung; B7 Endnote 477
medialis pulmonis dextri Bronchus cardiacus pulmonis bronchus of right lung bronchus of right lung
3249 Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus VIII pulmonis dextri Anterior basal segmental Anterior basal segmental Bronchus 8 of right lung; B8
anterior pulmonis dextri bronchus of right lung bronchus of right lung
3250 Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus IX pulmonis dextri Lateral basal segmental Lateral basal segmental Bronchus 9 of right lung; B9
lateralis pulmonis dextri bronchus of right lung bronchus of right lung
3251 Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus X pulmonis dextri Posterior basal segmental Posterior basal segmental Bronchus 10 of right lung; B10
posterior pulmonis dextri bronchus of right lung bronchus of right lung
3252 Bronchus principalis sinister Left main bronchus Left main bronchus
3253 Bronchus lobaris superior sinister Left superior lobar bronchus Left superior lobar bronchus
3254 Bronchus segmentalis Bronchus I+II pulmonis sinistri Apicoposterior segmental Apicoposterior segmental Bronchus 1+2; B1+2
apicoposterior pulmonis sinistri bronchus of left lung bronchus of left lung
3255 Bronchus segmentalis anterior Bronchus III pulmonis sinistri Anterior segmental bronchus of Anterior segmental bronchus of Bronchus 3 of left lung; B3
pulmonis sinistri left lung left lung
3256 Bronchus segmentalis lingularis Bronchus III pulmonis sinistri Superior lingular segmental Superior lingular segmental Bronchus 4 of left lung; B4
superior pulmonis sinistri bronchus of left lung bronchus of left lung
3257 Bronchus segmentalis lingularis Bronchus III pulmonis sinistri Inferior lingular segmental Inferior lingular segmental Bronchus 5 of left lung; B5
inferior pulmonis sinistri bronchus of left lung bronchus of left lung
3258 Bronchus lobaris inferior sinister Left inferior lobar bronchus Left inferior lobar bronchus
3259 Bronchus segmentalis superior Bronchus VI pulmonis sinistri Superior segmental bronchus of Superior segmental bronchus of Bronchus 6 of left lung; B6 Bronchus segmentalis apicalis
pulmonis sinistri left lung left lung

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3260 Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus VII pulmonis sinistri; Medial basal segmental Medial basal segmental Bronchus 7 of left lung; B7 Endnote 478
medialis pulmonis sinistri Bronchus cardiacus pulmonis bronchus of left lung bronchus of left lung
3261 (Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus VII+VIII pulmonis sinistri (Anteromedial basal segmental (Anteromedial basal segmental Bronchus 7+8; B7+8 Endnote 479
anteromedialis pulmonis sinistri) bronchus of left lung) bronchus of left lung)
3262 Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus VIII pulmonis sinistri Anterior basal segmental Anterior basal segmental Bronchus 8 of left lung; B8
anterior pulmonis sinistri bronchus of left lung bronchus of left lung
3263 Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus IX pulmonis sinistri Lateral basal segmental Lateral basal segmental Bronchus 9 of left lung; B9
lateralis pulmonis sinistri bronchus of left lung bronchus of left lung
3264 Bronchus segmentalis basalis Bronchus X pulmonis sinistri Posterior basal segmental Posterior basal segmental Bronchus 10 of left lung; B10
posterior pulmonis sinistri bronchus of left lung bronchus of left lung

3265 Pulmones Lungs Lungs

3266 Basis pulmonis Base of lung Base of lung
3267 Apex pulmonis Apex of lung Apex of lung
3268 Facies costalis pulmonis Costal surface of lung Costal surface of lung
3269 Facies medialis pulmonis Medial surface of lung Medial surface of lung Endnote 480
3270 Facies vertebralis pulmonis Pars vertebralis faciei medialis Vertebral surface of lung Vertebral surface of lung Vertebral part of medial surface of
pulmonis lung
3271 Facies mediastinalis pulmonis Pars mediastinalis faciei medialis Mediastinal surface of lung Mediastinal surface of lung Mediastinal part of medial surface
pulmonis of lung
3272 Impressio cardiaca pulmonis Cardiac impression of lung Cardiac impression of lung
3273 Facies diaphragmatica pulmonis Diaphragmatic surface of lung Diaphragmatic surface of lung
3274 Facies interlobaris pulmonis Interlobar surface of lung Interlobar surface of lung Facies contactus loborum
Endnote 481
3275 Margo anterior pulmonis Anterior border of lung Anterior border of lung Margo sternalis pulmonis
3276 Margo inferior pulmonis Inferior border of lung Inferior border of lung Margo diaphragmaticus pulmonis
3277 Hilum pulmonis Hilum of lung Hilum of lung Hilus pulmonis
3278 Radix pulmonis Root of lung Root of lung
3279 Lobus pulmonis Lobe of lung Lobe of lung
3280 Segmentum bronchopulmonale Bronchopulmonary segment Bronchopulmonary segment Endnote 482
3281 Lobulus pulmonis Lobule of lung Lobule of lung
3282 Bronchiolus Bronchiole Bronchiole
3283 Pulmo dexter Right lung Right lung
3284 Lobus superior pulmonis dextri Superior lobe of right lung Superior lobe of right lung Upper lobe of right lung Lobus ventrocranialis
3285 Segmentum apicale pulmonis Segmentum I pulmonis dextri Apical segment of right lung Apical segment of right lung Segment 1 of right lung; S1
3286 Segmentum posterius pulmonis Segmentum II pulmonis dextri Posterior segment of right lung Posterior segment of right lung Segment 2 of right lung; S2
3287 Segmentum anterius pulmonis Segmentum III pulmonis dextri Anterior segment of right lung Anterior segment of right lung Segment 3 of right lung; S3
3288 Fissura horizontalis pulmonis dextri Horizontal fissure of right lung Horizontal fissure of right lung Fissura accessoria pulmonis dextri
3289 Lobus medius pulmonis dextri Middle lobe of right lung Middle lobe of right lung
3290 Segmentum laterale pulmonis Segmentum IV pulmonis dextri Lateral segment of right lung Lateral segment of right lung Segment 4 of right lung; S4
3291 Segmentum mediale pulmonis Segmentum V pulmonis dextri Medial segment of right lung Medial segment of right lung Segment 5 of right lung; S5

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3292 Fissura obliqua pulmonis dextri Oblique fissure of right lung Oblique fissure of right lung
3293 Lobus inferior pulmonis dextri Inferior lobe of right lung Inferior lobe of right lung Lower lobe of right lung Lobus dorsocaudalis
3294 Segmentum superius pulmonis Segmentum VI pulmonis dextri Superior segment of right lung Superior segment of right lung Segment 6 of right lung; S6
3295 Segmentum basale mediale Segmentum VII pulmonis dextri; Medial basal segment of right Medial basal segment of right Segment 7 of right lung; S7
pulmonis dextri Segmentum cardiacum pulmonis lung lung
3296 Segmentum basale anterius Segmentum VIII pulmonis dextri Anterior basal segment of right Anterior basal segment of right Segment 8 of right lung; S8
pulmonis dextri lung lung
3297 Segmentum basale laterale Segmentum IX pulmonis dextri Lateral basal segment of right Lateral basal segment of right Segment 9 of right lung; S9
pulmonis dextri lung lung
3298 Segmentum basale posterius Segmentum X pulmonis dextri Posterior basal segment of right Posterior basal segment of right Segment 10 of right lung; S10
pulmonis dextri lung lung
3299 Pulmo sinister Left lung Left lung
3300 Lobus superior pulmonis sinistri Superior lobe of left lung Superior lobe of left lung Upper lobe of left lung Lobus ventrocranialis
Endnote 483
3301 Segmentum apicoposterius Segmentum I+II pulmonis sinistri Apicoposterior segment of left Apicoposterior segment of left Segment 1+2 of left lung; S1+2
pulmonis sinistri lung lung
3302 Segmentum anterius pulmonis Segmentum III pulmonis sinistri Anterior segment of left lung Anterior segment of left lung Segment 3 of left lung; S3
3303 Incisura cardiaca pulmonis Cardiac notch of left lung Cardiac notch of left lung
3304 Lingula pulmonis sinistri Lingula of left lung Lingula of left lung
3305 Segmentum lingulare superius Segmentum IV pulmonis sinistri Superior lingular segment of Superior lingular segment of Segment 4 of left lung; S4
pulmonis sinistri left lung left lung
3306 Segmentum lingulare inferius Segmentum V pulmonis sinistri Inferior lingular segment of left Inferior lingular segment of left Segment 5 of left lung; S5
pulmonis sinistri lung lung
3307 Fissura obliqua pulmonis sinistri Oblique fissure of left lung Oblique fissure of left lung
3308 Lobus inferior pulmonis sinistri Inferior lobe of left lung Inferior lobe of left lung Lower lobe of left lung Lobus dorsocaudalis
3309 Segmentum superius pulmonis Segmentum VI pulmonis sinistri Superior segment of left lung Superior segment of left lung Segment 6 of left lung; S6
3310 Segmentum basale mediale Segmentum VII pulmonis sinistri; Medial basal segment of left lung Medial basal segment of left lung Segment 7 of left lung; S7
pulmonis sinistri Segmentum cardiacum pulmonis
3311 (Segmentum basale Segmentum VII+VIII pulmonis (Anteromedial basal segment of (Anteromedial basal segment of Segment 7+8; S7+8 Endnote 484
anteromediale pulmonis sinistri) sinistri left lung) left lung)
3312 Segmentum basale anterius Segmentum VIII pulmonis sinistri Anterior basal segment of left Anterior basal segment of left Segment 8 of left lung; S8
pulmonis sinistri lung lung
3313 Segmentum basale laterale Segmentum IX pulmonis sinistri Lateral basal segment of left lung Lateral basal segment of left lung Segment 9 of left lung; S9
pulmonis sinistri
3314 Segmentum basale posterius Segmentum X pulmonis sinistri Posterior basal segment of left Posterior basal segment of left Segment 10 of left lung; S10
pulmonis sinistri lung lung

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Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

3315 Cavitas thoracis Cavitas thoracica Thoracic cavity Thoracic cavity Cavum thoracis;Thorax
3316 Cavitas pleuralis Pleural cavity Pleural cavity Cavum pleurae
3317 Recessus pleurales Pleural recesses Pleural recesses Sinus pleurae; Pleural sinuses
3318 Recessus costodiaphragmaticus Costodiaphragmatic recess Costodiaphragmatic recess Costophrenic sulcus Sinus phrenicocostalis
3319 Recessus costomediastinalis Costomediastinal recess Costomediastinal recess Sinus costomediastinalis
3320 Recessus phrenicomediastinalis Phrenicomediastinal recess Phrenicomediastinal recess Sinus phrenicomediastinalis
3321 Recessus vertebromediastinalis Vertebromediastinal recess Vertebromediastinal recess Endnote 485

3322 Pleura Pleura Pleura

3323 Tunica serosa pleurae Serosa of pleura Serosa of pleura Serous coat of pleura
3324 Tela subserosa pleurae Subserosa of pleura Subserosa of pleura Subserous layer of pleura
3325 Pleura visceralis Pleura pulmonalis Visceral pleura Visceral pleura Pulmonary pleura Endnote 486
3326 Pleura parietalis Parietal pleura Parietal pleura
3327 Cupula pleurae Cervical pleura Cervical pleura Dome of pleura; Pleural cupula
3328 Pars costalis pleurae Costal part of pleura Costal part of pleura Pleura costalis; Pars
costovertebralis pleurae
3329 Pars vertebralis pleurae Vertebral part of pleura Vertebral part of pleura
3330 Pars mediastinalis pleurae Mediastinal part of pleura Mediastinal part of pleura Pleura mediastinalis
3331 Pars diaphragmatica pleurae Diaphragmatic part of pleura Diaphragmatic part of pleura Pleura diaphragmatica
3332 Ligamentum pulmonale Pulmonary ligament Pulmonary ligament Plica mediastinopulmonalis

3333 Mediastinum Mediastinum Mediastinum Septum mediastinale

Endnote 487
3336 Mediastinum anterius Anterior mediastinum Anterior mediastinum Cavum mediastinale anterius; Pars
ventralis mediastini
3337 Ligamenta sternopericardiaca Sternopericardial ligaments Sternopericardial ligaments Chordae sternopericardiacae
3338 Ligamentum Superior sternopericardial Superior sternopericardial
sternopericardiacum superius ligament ligament
3339 Ligamentum Inferior sternopericardial Inferior sternopericardial
sternopericardiacum inferius ligament ligament
3340 Mediastinum medium Middle mediastinum Middle mediastinum
3341 Pericardium Pericardium Pericardium Endnote 489
3342 Pericardium serosum Serous pericardium Serous pericardium
3343 Tunica serosa percardii Serosa of pericardium Serosa of pericardium Serous coat of pericardium
3344 Tela subserosa pericardii Subserosa of pericardium Subserosa of pericardium Subserous layer of pericardium
3345 Saccus pericardiacus Pericardial sac Pericardial sac Pericardium; Pericardium parietale
3346 Pericardium fibrosum Fibrous pericardium Fibrous pericardium
3347 Lamina parietalis pericardii Pericardium serosum sacci Parietal layer of serous Parietal layer of serous Serous pericardium of pericardial Pericardium parietale
serosi pericardiaci pericardium pericardium sac
3348 Cavitas pericardiaca Pericardial cavity Pericardial cavity Cavum pericardii

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3349 Sinus transversus pericardii Transverse pericardial sinus Transverse pericardial sinus Thiele's canal
3350 Sinus obliquus pericardii Oblique pericardial sinus Oblique pericardial sinus Endnote 490
3351 Lamina visceralis pericardii serosi Pericardium viscerale Visceral layer of serous Visceral layer of serous Visceral pericardium Epicardium; Lamina visceralis
pericardium pericardium pericardii; Pericardium visceralis
3352 Plica venae cavae sinistrae Fold of left vena cava Fold of left vena cava Vestigial fold of Marshall; Plica
venae cavae cranialis sinistrae
Endnote 491
3353 Mediastinum posterius Posterior mediastinum Posterior mediastinum Cavum mediastinale posterius;
Pars dorsalis mediastini
3354 Membrana bronchopericardiaca Bronchopericardial membrane Bronchopericardial membrane Endnote 492
3355 Musculus bronchooesophageus Broncho-oesophageal muscle Bronchoesophageal muscle Musculus bronchoesophageus
3356 Musculus pleurooesophageus Pleuro-oesophageal muscle Pleuroesophageal muscle Musculus pleuroesophageus

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Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

3357 Systema urinarium Urinary system Urinary system Organa urinaria; Organa
uropoietica; Organa uropoetica;
Organa urinalia
Endnote 493
3358 Ren Nephros Kidney Kidney Endnote 494
3359 Margo lateralis renis Lateral border of kidney Lateral border of kidney
3360 Margo medialis renis Medial border of kidney Medial border of kidney
3361 Hilum renis Hilum renale Hilum of kidney Hilum of kidney Hilus renalis
3362 Sinus renalis Renal sinus Renal sinus
3363 Facies anterior renis Anterior surface of kidney Anterior surface of kidney Facies ventralis renis
3364 Facies posterior renis Posterior surface of kidney Posterior surface of kidney Facies dorsalis renis
3365 Polus superior renis Extremitas superior renis Superior pole of kidney Superior pole of kidney Superior extremity of kidney Extremitas cranialis renis
3366 Polus inferior renis Extremitas inferior renis Inferior pole of kidney Inferior pole of kidney Inferior extremity of kidney Extremitas caudalis renis
3367 Capsula fibrosa renis Fibrous capsule of kidney Fibrous capsule of kidney
3368 Cortex renis Cortex renalis Renal cortex Renal cortex Substantia corticalis renis
3369 Medulla renis Medulla renalis Renal medulla Renal medulla Substantia medullaris renis
3370 Columnae renales Renal columns Renal columns Cortical columns Columns of Bertin
3371 Segmentum superius renis Superior segment of kidney Superior segment of kidney
3372 Segmentum anterius superius Anterior superior segment of Anterior superior segment of
renis kidney kidney
3373 Segmentum anterius inferius renis Anterior inferior segment of kidney Anterior inferior segment of kidney
3374 Segmentum inferius renis Inferior segment of kidney Inferior segment of kidney
3375 Segmentum posterius renis Posterior segment of kidney Posterior segment of kidney
3376 Lobus renis Lobus renalis Kidney lobe Kidney lobe
3377 Cortex lobi renis Pars corticalis lobi renis Cortex of kidney lobe Cortex of kidney lobe Cortical part of kidney lobe
3378 Radii medullares Medullary rays Medullary rays Ferrein's pyramids
3379 Pyramis renalis Renal pyramid Renal pyramid Pyramis Malphighii
3380 Basis pyramidis renalis Base of renal pyramid Base of renal pyramid
3381 Papilla renalis Renal papilla Renal papilla
3382 Area cribrosa Cribriform area Cribriform area Area cribriformis
3383 Foramina papillaria Openings of papillary ducts Openings of papillary ducts Foramina papillarum
3384 Pelvis renalis Renal pelvis Renal pelvis Typus dendriticus; Branching type
3385 Calices renales majores Major calices Major calices Infundibula; Calyces renales
3386 Calix superior Superior calix Superior calix Superior calyx
3387 Calix medius Middle calix Middle calix Middle calyx
3388 Calix inferior Inferior calix Inferior calix Inferior calyx
3389 Calices renales minores Minor calices Minor calices Calyces renales minores
3390 (Pelvis renalis ampullaris) (Ampullary renal pelvis) (Ampullary renal pelvis) Typus ampullaris; Ampullary type
3391 Tunica adventitia pelvis renalis Adventitia of renal pelvis Adventitia of renal pelvis Adventitial coat of renal pelvis
3392 Tunica muscularis pelvis renalis Muscular layer of renal pelvis Muscular layer of renal pelvis Muscular coat of renal pelvis
3393 Tunica mucosa pelvis renalis Mucosa of renal pelvis Mucosa of renal pelvis Mucous membrane of renal pelvis

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3394 Ureter Ureter Ureter Endnote 495
3395 Pars abdominalis ureteris Abdominal part of ureter Abdominal part of ureter
3396 Pars pelvica ureteris Pelvic part of ureter Pelvic part of ureter Pars pelvina ureteris
3397 Pars intramuralis ureteris Intramural part of ureter Intramural part of ureter
3398 Tunica adventitia ureteris Adventitia of ureter Adventitia of ureter Adventitial coat of ureter
3399 Tunica muscularis ureteris Muscular layer of ureter Muscular layer of ureter Muscular coat of ureter
3400 Tunica mucosa ureteris Mucosa of ureter Mucosa of ureter Mucous membrane of ureter

3401 Vesica urinaria Urinary bladder Urinary bladder Endnote 496

3402 Apex vesicae Apex of bladder Apex of bladder Vertex vesicae
3403 Corpus vesicae Body of bladder Body of bladder
3404 Fundus vesicae Fundus of bladder Fundus of bladder
3405 Cervix vesicae Collum vesicae Neck of bladder Neck of bladder
3406 Uvula vesicae Uvula of bladder Uvula of bladder
3407 Tunica serosa vesicae Serosa of bladder Serosa of bladder Serous coat of bladder
3408 Tela subserosa vesicae Subserosa of bladder Subserosa of bladder Subserous layer of bladder
3409 Tunica muscularis vesicae Muscular layer of bladder Muscular layer of bladder Muscular coat of bladder
3410 Musculi trigoni vesicae Trigonal muscles Trigonal muscles
3411 Musculus superficialis trigoni Superficial trigone muscle Superficial trigone muscle
3412 Musculus profundus trigoni Deep trigone muscle Deep trigone muscle
3413 Detrusor vesicae Musculus detrusor vesicae Detrusor vesicae Detrusor vesicae Detrusor muscle Detrusor urinae
Endnote 497
3414 Pars nonstratificata detrusoris Unstratified part of detrusor Unstratified part of detrusor Detrusor muscle proper Detrusor proprius vesicae
vesicae vesicae vesicae
3415 Pars cervicalis detrusoris Bladder neck part of detrusor Bladder neck part of detrusor Pars colli vesicae
vesicae vesicae vesicae
3416 Stratum longitudinale External longitudinal layer of External longitudinal layer of Stratum externum
externum detrusoris vesicae detrusor vesicae detrusor vesicae
3417 Stratum circulare detrusoris Circular layer of detrusor Circular layer of detrusor Stratum medium
vesicae vesicae vesicae
3418 Stratum longitudinale Internal longitudinal layer of Internal longitudinal layer of Stratum internum
internum detrusoris vesicae detrusor vesicae detrusor vesicae
3419 Tela submucosa vesicae Submucosa of bladder Submucosa of bladder Submucosal layer of bladder
3420 Tunica mucosa vesicae Mucosa of bladder Mucosa of bladder Mucous membrane of bladder
3421 Trigonum vesicae Trigone of bladder Trigone of bladder Trigonum Lieutaudi; Lieutaud's
3422 Plica interureterica Interureteric crest Interureteric crest Interureteric fold Plica ureterica; Mercier's bar
3423 Ostium ureteris Ureteric orifice Ureteric orifice Orificium ureteris
3424 Ostium internum urethrae Internal urethral orifice Internal urethral orifice Internal urethral meatus Ostium urethrae internum;
Orificium urethrae internum
Endnote 498

3425 Urethra Urethra Urethra

3426 Urethra feminina ♀ Female urethra ♀ Female urethra ♀ Urethra muliebris

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3427 Pars intramuralis urethrae Intramural part of female urethra Intramural part of female urethra Pars intramuscularis
3428 Sphincter internus urethrae Musculus sphincter internus Female internal urethral Female internal urethral Internal sphincter of female urethra
femininae urethrae femininae sphincter sphincter
3429 Pars membranacea urethrae Membranous part of female Membranous part of female Membranous urethra of female
femininae urethra urethra urethra
3430 Crista urethralis feminina Crista urethrae femininae Crest of female urethra Crest of female urethra Urethral crest of female urethra Endnote 499
3431 Sphincter externus urethrae Musculus sphincter externus Female external urethral Female external urethral External sphincter of female Muscle of Wilson; Guthrie's muscle
femininae urethrae femininae sphincter sphincter urethra
3432 Ostium externum urethrae External orifice of female urethra External orifice of female urethra Female external urethral orifice; Ostium urethrae externum;
femininae Female external urethral meatus Orificium urethrae externum
3433 Tunica muscularis urethrae Muscular layer of female urethra Muscular layer of female urethra Muscular coat of female urethra
3434 Stratum musculare circulare Stratum circulare tunicae Circular muscular layer of female Circular muscular layer of female Circular layer of muscular coat of
urethrae femininae muscularis urethrae femininae urethra urethra female urethra
3435 Stratum musculare longitudinale Stratum longitudinale tunicae Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal layer of muscular coat
urethrae femininae muscularis urethrae femininae female urethra female urethra of female urethra
3436 Tunica spongiosa urethrae Spongy layer of female urethra Spongy layer of female urethra Spongy coat of female urethra Tunica submucosa
3437 Tunica mucosa urethrae femininae Mucosa of female urethra Mucosa of female urethra Mucous membrane of female
3438 Lacunae urethrales femininae Urethral lacunae of female Urethral lacunae of female
urethra urethra
3439 Glandulae urethrales femininae Urethral glands of female urethra Urethral glands of female urethra Glands of Littré; Glands of Littre
3440 Glandulae paraurethrales Para-urethral glands of female Paraurethral glands of female Skene's glands; Prostata feminina;
femininae urethra urethra Female prostate
3441 Ductus paraurethrales feminini Para-urethral ducts of female Paraurethral ducts of female Skene's ducts
urethra urethra
3442 Urethra masculina ♂ Male urethra ♂ Male urethra ♂ Urethra virilis
3443 Pars intramuralis urethrae Pars preprostatica urethrae Intramural part of male urethra Intramural part of male urethra Preprostatic part of urethra Pars intramuscularis
3444 Sphincter internus urethrae Musculus sphincter internus Male internal urethral sphincter Male internal urethral sphincter Internal sphincter of male urethra; Anulus urethralis vesicae
masculinae urethrae masculinae; Musculus Supracollicular sphincter muscle; Endnote 500
sphincter supracollicularis Preprostatic sphincter muscle;
Lissosphincter muscle
3445 Pars prostatica urethrae Prostatic urethra Prostatic urethra Posterior urethra
3446 Crista urethralis masculina Crista urethrae masculinae Crest of male urethra Crest of male urethra Urethral crest of male urethra
3447 Pars prostatica superior urethrae Pars prostatica proximalis urethrae Superior part of prostatic urethra Superior part of prostatic urethra Proximal part of prostatic urethra Portio interna
3448 Colliculus seminalis Seminal colliculus Seminal colliculus Verumontanum Endnote 501
3449 Utriculus prostaticus Prostatic utricle Prostatic utricle Uterus masculinius; Vagina
3450 Ostium ductus ejaculatorii Opening of ejaculatory duct Opening of ejaculatory duct
3451 Sinus prostaticus Prostatic sinus Prostatic sinus Endnote 502
3452 Pars prostatica inferior urethrae Pars prostatica distalis urethrae Inferior part of prostatic urethra Inferior part of prostatic urethra Distal part of prostatic urethra Portio externa
3453 Pars membranacea urethrae Pars intermedia urethrae Membranous part of male urethra Membranous part of male urethra Intermediate part of male urethra; Pars diaphragmatica
masculinae masculinae Membranous urethra of male Endnote 503

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3454 Sphincter externus urethrae Musculus sphincter externus Male external urethral sphincter Male external urethral sphincter External sphincter of male urethra; Muscle of Wilson; Guthrie's
masculinae urethrae masculinae Rhabdosphincter muscle muscle; Musculus sphincter
urethrae membranaceae
3455 Pars spongiosa urethrae Spongy urethra Spongy urethra Penile urethra; Anterior urethra Pars cavernosa urethrae
Endnote 504
3456 Fossa navicularis urethrae Navicular fossa Navicular fossa Fossa Morgagnii; Fossa of
3457 (Valvula fossae navicularis) (Valve of navicular fossa) (Valve of navicular fossa) Plica fossae navicularis; Guérin's
valve; Guerin's valve
3458 Ostium externum urethrae External orifice of male urethra External orifice of male urethra Male external urethral orifice; Male Ostium urethrae externum;
masculinae external urethral meatus Orificium urethrae externum
3459 Tunica muscularis urethrae Muscular layer of male urethra Muscular layer of male urethra Muscular coat of male urethra
3460 Stratum musculare circulare Stratum circulare tunicae Circular muscular layer of male Circular muscular layer of male Circular layer of muscular coat of
urethrae masculinae muscularis urethrae masculinae urethra urethra male urethra
3461 Stratum musculare longitudinale Stratum longitudinale tunicae Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal muscular layer of Longitudinal layer of muscular coat
urethrae masculinae muscularis urethrae masculinae male urethra male urethra of male urethra
3462 Tunica mucosa urethrae Mucosa of male urethra Mucosa of male urethra Mucous membrane of male urethra
3463 Lacunae urethrales masculinae Urethral lacunae of male urethra Urethral lacunae of male urethra Lacunae Morgagnii; Lacunae of
3464 Glandulae urethrales masculinae Urethral glands of male urethra Urethral glands of male urethra Glandulae Littrei; Glands of Littré;
Glands of Littre; Glands of
3465 Glandulae paraurethrales Para-urethral glands of male Paraurethral glands of male Skene's glands
masculinae urethra urethra
3466 Ductus paraurethrales masculini Para-urethral ducts of male urethra Paraurethral ducts of male urethra Skene's ducts; Canales
Endnote 505

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Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

3467 Systemata genitalia Genital systems Genital systems Organa genitalia
FEMININUM ♀ reproductive system
Endnote 506
3469 Organa genitalia feminina Female internal genitalia Female internal genitalia Female internal genital organs Partes genitales femininae
interna internae
3470 Ovarium Ovary Ovary Oophoron
Endnote 507
3471 Hilum ovarii Hilum of ovary Hilum of ovary Hilus ovarii
3472 Facies medialis ovarii Medial surface of ovary Medial surface of ovary
3473 Facies lateralis ovarii Lateral surface of ovary Lateral surface of ovary
3474 Margo liber ovarii Free border of ovary Free border of ovary Posterior border of ovary
3475 Margo mesovaricus ovarii Mesovarian border of ovary Mesovarian border of ovary Anterior border of ovary
3476 Extremitas tubaria ovarii Tubal extremity of ovary Tubal extremity of ovary Extremitas tubalis ovarii
3477 Extremitas uterina ovarii Uterine extremity of ovary Uterine extremity of ovary
3478 Tunica albuginea ovarii Tunica albuginea of ovary Tunica albuginea of ovary
3479 Medulla ovarii Ovarian medulla Ovarian medulla
3480 Cortex ovarii Ovarian cortex Ovarian cortex
3481 Stroma ovarii Ovarian stroma Ovarian stroma
3482 Folliculi ovarici vesiculosi Folliculi vesiculosi ovarii Vesicular ovarian follicles Vesicular ovarian follicles Folliculi oophori vesiculosi; Folliculi
Graafi; Graafian follicles
3483 Corpus rubrum Corpus rubrum Corpus rubrum
3484 Corpus luteum Corpus luteum Corpus luteum Corpus luteum menstruationis;
Corpus luteum gravitatis
3485 Corpus albicans Corpus albicans Corpus albicans
3486 Tuba uterina Salpinx Uterine tube Uterine tube Tuba Falloppii; Oviduct; Fallopian
Endnote 508
3487 Ostium abdominale tubae uterinae Abdominal ostium of uterine tube Abdominal ostium of uterine tube
3488 Infundibulum tubae uterinae Infundibulum of uterine tube Infundibulum of uterine tube
3489 Fimbriae tubae uterinae Fimbriae of uterine tube Fimbriae of uterine tube
3490 Fimbria ovarica Ovarian fimbria Ovarian fimbria
3491 Ampulla tubae uterinae Ampulla of uterine tube Ampulla of uterine tube
3492 Isthmus tubae uterinae Isthmus of uterine tube Isthmus of uterine tube
3493 Pars uterina tubae uterinae Intramural part of uterine tube Intramural part of uterine tube Uterine part of uterine tube Pars interstitialis tubae uterinae
3494 Ostium uterinum tubae uterinae Uterine ostium of uterine tube Uterine ostium of uterine tube
3495 Tunica serosa tubae uterinae Serosa of uterine tube Serosa of uterine tube Serous coat of uterine tube
3496 Tela subserosa tubae uterinae Subserosa of uterine tube Subserosa of uterine tube Subserous layer of uterine tube Tunica adventitia tubae uterinae
3497 Tunica muscularis tubae uterinae Muscular layer of uterine tube Muscular layer of uterine tube Muscular coat of uterine tube
3498 Tunica mucosa tubae uterinae Mucosa of uterine tube Mucosa of uterine tube Mucous membrane of uterine tube
3499 Plicae tubariae Plicae tubae uterinae Folds of uterine tube Folds of uterine tube Plicae tibales

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3500 Uterus Uterus Uterus Metra
Endnote 509
3501 Fundus uteri Fundus of uterus Fundus of uterus
3502 Corpus uteri Body of uterus Body of uterus
3503 Cavitas uteri Uterine cavity Uterine cavity Cavum uteri; Cavum corporis uteri
3504 Margo uteri Border of uterus Border of uterus Margo lateralis uteri
3505 Facies posterior uteri Facies intestinalis uteri Posterior surface of uterus Posterior surface of uterus Intestinal surface of uterus Facies rectalis uteri
3506 Facies anterior uteri Facies vesicalis uteri Anterior surface of uterus Anterior surface of uterus Vesical surface of uterus
3507 Ostium internum uteri Ostium anatomicum internum uteri Internal os of uterum Internal os of uterus Anatomical internal os Orificium internum uteri
3508 Cervix uteri Cervix of uterus Cervix of uterus
3509 Portio supravaginalis cervicis Supravaginal part of cervix Supravaginal part of cervix
3510 Isthmus uteri Isthmus of uterus Isthmus of uterus Orificium internum canalis isthmi
Endnote 510
3511 Portio vaginalis cervicis Vaginal part of cervix Vaginal part of cervix
3512 Ostium externum uteri External os of uterus External os of uterus Orificium externum uteri; Orificium
externum canalis cervicis; Ostium
Endnote 511
3513 Labium anterius Anterior lip of external os of Anterior lip of external os of Labium ventrale
uterus uterus
3514 Labium posterius Posterior lip of external os of Posterior lip of external os of Labium dorsale
uterus uterus
3515 Canalis cervicis uteri Cervical canal Cervical canal
3516 Plicae palmatae Palmate folds Palmate folds Arbor vitae uteri
3517 Glandulae cervicales Cervical glands Cervical glands Glandulae cervicales uteri
3518 Perimetrium Tunica serosa uteri Perimetrium Perimetrium Serosa of uterus; Serous coat of
3519 Tela subserosa uteri Subserosa of uterus Subserosa of uterus Subserous layer of uterus Capsule of uterus; Tunica
Endnote 512
3520 Myometrium Tunica muscularis uteri Myometrium Myometrium Muscular coat of uterus
3521 Endometrium Tunica mucosa uteri Endometrium Endometrium Mucous membrane of uterus Endnote 513
3522 Glandulae uterinae Uterine glands Uterine glands
3523 Vagina Vagina Vagina
3524 Fornix vaginae Vaginal fornix Vaginal fornix Vault of vagina; Vaginal vault Endnote 514
3525 Pars anterior fornicis vaginae Anterior part of vaginal fornix Anterior part of vaginal fornix
3526 Pars posterior fornicis vaginae Posterior part of vaginal fornix Posterior part of vaginal fornix
3527 Pars lateralis fornicis vaginae Lateral part of vaginal fornix Lateral part of vaginal fornix
3528 Paries anterior vaginae Anterior wall of vagina Anterior wall of vagina Paries ventralis vaginae
3529 Paries posterior vaginae Posterior wall of vagina Posterior wall of vagina Paries dorsalis vaginae
3530 Hymen Hymen Hymen
3531 Carunculae hymenales Hymenal caruncles Hymenal caruncles Carunculae myrtiformes
3532 Tunica muscularis vaginae Muscular layer of vagina Muscular layer of vagina Muscular coat of vagina
3533 Tunica spongiosa vaginae Spongy layer of vagina Spongy layer of vagina Spongy coat of vagina
3534 Tunica mucosa vaginae Mucosa of vagina Mucosa of vagina Mucous membrane of vagina
3535 Rugae vaginales Vaginal rugae Vaginal rugae
3536 Columnae rugarum vaginalium Vaginal columns Vaginal columns

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3537 Columna anterior rugarum Columna rugarum vaginalium Anterior vaginal column Anterior vaginal column
vaginalium anterior
3538 Columna posterior rugarum Columna rugarum vaginalium Posterior vaginal column Posterior vaginal column
vaginalium posterior
3539 Carina urethralis vaginae Urethral carina of vagina Urethral carina of vagina
3540 Epoophoron Epoophoron Epoophoron Organ of Rosenmüller, Organ of
Rosenmuller; Epoöphoron
3541 Ductus longitudinalis epoophori Longitudinal duct of epoophoron Longitudinal duct of epoophoron Ductus Gartneri; Gartner's duct;
Gärtner's duct; Malpighian canal
3542 Ductuli transversi epoophori Transverse ductules of Transverse ductules of
epoophoron epoophoron
3543 Appendices vesiculosae Vesicular appendices Vesicular appendices Hydatid of Morgagni
3544 Paroophoron Paroophoron Paroophoron Kobelt's tubules; Paroöphoron
3545 (Ductus deferens vestigialis) (Vestige of ductus deferens) (Vestige of ductus deferens) Endnote 515

3546 Organa genitalia feminina Female external genitalia Female external genitalia Female external genital organs Partes genitales femininae
externa externae
3547 Vulva Vulva Vulva Pudendum femininum; Pudendum
3548 Mons pubis Mons pubis Mons pubis Mons veneris
3549 Labium majus vulvae Labium majus of vulva Labium majus of vulva Labium majus pudendi
3550 Commissura anterior labiorum Commissura labiorum anterior Anterior commissure of labia Anterior commissure of labia Commissura labiorum ventralis
3551 Commissura posterior labiorum Commissura labiorum posterior Posterior commissure of labia Posterior commissure of labia Commissura labiorum dorsalis
3552 Rima vulvae Cleft of vulva Cleft of vulva Rima pudendi; Pudendal cleft
3553 Labium minus vulvae Labium minus of vulva Labium minus of vulva Labium minus pudendi
3554 Frenulum labiorum vulvae Frenulum of labia minora Frenulum of labia minora Fourchette Frenulum labiorum pudendi
3555 Preputium clitoridis Praeputium clitoridis Prepuce of clitoris Prepuce of clitoris
3556 Frenulum clitoridis Frenulum of clitoris Frenulum of clitoris
3557 Ostium externum urethrae Ostium urethrae externum External orifice of female urethra External orifice of female urethra Female external urethral orifice; Ostium urethrae externum;
femininae Female external urethral meatus Orificium urethrae externum
3558 Vestibulum vaginae Vestibule of vagina Vestibule of vagina Vaginal vestibule
3559 Fossa vestibuli vaginae Vestibular fossa Vestibular fossa Fossa navicularis vestibuli vaginae
3560 Bulbus vestibuli Bulb of vestibule Bulb of vestibule Corporis spongiosum clitoridis
3561 Commissura bulborum vestibuli Commissure of bulbs of vestibule Commissure of bulbs of vestibule Pars intermedia bulborum
3562 Ostium vaginae Vaginal orifice Vaginal orifice Orificium vaginae
3563 Glandula vestibularis major Greater vestibular gland Greater vestibular gland Glandulae Bartholini; Bartholin's
gland; Duverney's gland,
Tiedemann's gland
3564 Glandulae vestibulares minores Lesser vestibular glands Lesser vestibular glands
3565 Clitoris Clitoris Clitoris
3566 Crus clitoridis Crus of clitoris Crus of clitoris
3567 Corpus clitoridis Body of clitoris Body of clitoris
3568 Glans clitoridis Glans of clitoris Glans of clitoris
3569 Corpus cavernosum clitoridis Corpus cavernosum of clitoris Corpus cavernosum of clitoris
3570 Septum corporum cavernosorum Septum of corpora cavernosa of Septum of corpora cavernosa of Septum pectiniforme
clitoridis clitoris clitoris
3571 Fascia clitoridis Fascia of clitoris Fascia of clitoris Deep fascia of clitoris

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3572 Ligamentum suspensorium Suspensory ligament of clitoris Suspensory ligament of clitoris
3573 Ligamentum fundiforme clitoridis Fundiform ligament of clitoris Fundiform ligament of clitoris

MASCULINUM ♂ Organa genitalia virilia; Male
reproductive system
3575 Organa genitalia masculina Male internal genitalia Male internal genitalia Male internal genital organs Partes genitales masculinae
interna internae; Partes genitales viriliae
3576 Testis Orchis Testis Testis Testicle
3577 Polus superior testis Extremitas superior testis Superior pole of testis Superior pole of testis Upper pole Extremitas capitalis testis
3578 Polus inferior testis Extremitas inferior testis Inferior pole of testis Inferior pole of testis Lower pole Extremitas caudalis testis
3579 Ligamentum scrotale Scrotal ligament Scrotal ligament
3580 Facies lateralis testis Lateral surface of testis Lateral surface of testis
3581 Facies medialis testis Medial surface of testis Medial surface of testis
3582 Margo anterior testis Anterior border of testis Anterior border of testis Margo liber testis
3583 Margo posterior testis Posterior border of testis Posterior border of testis Margo mesorchicus testis
3584 Tunica vaginalis testis Tunica vaginalis testis Tunica vaginalis testis Tunica vaginalis propria testis
3585 Tunica serosa tunicae vaginalis Serosa of tunica vaginalis testis Serosa of tunica vaginalis testis Serous coat of tunica vaginalis
testis testis
3586 Tela subserosa tunicae vaginalis Subserosa of tunica vaginalis Subserosa of tunica vaginalis Subserous layer of tunica vaginalis
testis testis testis testis
3587 Lamina parietalis tunicae Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis Periorchium
vaginalis testis testis testis
3588 Cavitas tunicae vaginalis testis Cavity of tunica vaginalis testis Cavity of tunica vaginalis testis Cavum tunicae vaginalis testis
3589 Lamina visceralis tunicae Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis Epiorchium
vaginalis testis testis testis
3590 Ligamentum superius Ligamentum epididymidis superius Superior ligament of epididymis Superior ligament of epididymis Plica capitis epididymidis
3591 Ligamentum inferius epididymidis Ligamentum epididymidis inferius Inferior ligament of epididymis Inferior ligament of epididymis Plica caudae epididymidis
3592 Sinus epididymidis Sinus of epididymis Sinus of epididymis Bursa testicularis
3593 Tunica albuginea testis Tunica albuginea of testis Tunica albuginea of testis
3594 Tunica vasculosa testis Vascular layer of testis Vascular layer of testis Vascular coat of testis
3595 Mediastinum testis Mediastinum of testis Mediastinum of testis Corpus Highmori; Body of
3596 Septula testis Septa testis Septa testis Saeptula testis
3597 Lobuli testis Lobules of testis Lobules of testis
3598 Parenchyma testis Parenchyma of testis Parenchyma of testis
3599 Tubuli seminiferi contorti Convoluted seminiferous tubules Convoluted seminiferous tubules Seminiferous tubules Tubuli contorti
3600 Tubuli seminiferi recti Tubuli recti testis Straight tubules Straight tubules
3601 Rete testis Rete testis Rete testis Rete Halleri; Haller's rete
3602 Ductuli efferentes testis Efferent ductules Efferent ductules
3603 Epididymis Epididymis Epididymis Endnote 516
3604 Caput epididymidis Head of epididymis Head of epididymis
3605 Lobuli epididymidis Coni epididymidis Lobules of epididymis Lobules of epididymis Conical lobules of epididymis
3606 Corpus epididymidis Body of epididymis Body of epididymis

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3607 Cauda epididymidis Tail of epididymis Tail of epididymis
3608 Ductus epididymidis Duct of epididymis Duct of epididymis
3609 Ductuli aberrantes Aberrant ductules Aberrant ductules
3610 (Ductulus aberrans superior) (Superior aberrant ductules) (Superior aberrant ductules)
3611 (Ductulus aberrans inferior) (Inferior aberrant ductule) (Inferior aberrant ductule) Haller's aberrant ductule
Endnote 517
3612 Appendix testis Appendix of testis Appendix of testis Appendix Morgagnii; Appendix of
Morgagni; Hydatid of Morgagni
Endnote 518
3613 (Appendix epididymidis) (Appendix of epididymis) (Appendix of epididymis)
3614 (Paradidymis) (Paradidymis) (Paradidymis) Organ of Giraldès; Organ of
Giraldes; Waldeyer's organ
3615 Funiculus spermaticus Spermatic cord Spermatic cord Endnote 519
3616 Fascia spermatica externa External spermatic fascia External spermatic fascia
3617 Cremaster Musculus cremaster Cremaster Cremaster Cremaster muscle Muscle of Riolan
3618 Fascia cremasterica Cremasteric fascia Cremasteric fascia Fascia Cooperi
3619 Fascia spermatica interna Internal spermatic fascia Internal spermatic fascia Tunica vaginalis communis
3620 (Vestigium processus vaginalis) (Vestige of processus vaginalis) (Vestige of processus vaginalis) Rudimentum processus vaginalis
3621 Ductus deferens Ductus deferens Ductus deferens Vas deferens Endnote 520
3622 Pars scrotalis ductus deferentis Scrotal part of ductus deferens Scrotal part of ductus deferens
3623 Pars funicularis ductus deferentis Funicular part of ductus deferens Funicular part of ductus deferens
3624 Pars inguinalis ductus deferentis Inguinal part of ductus deferens Inguinal part of ductus deferens
3625 Pars pelvica ductus deferentis Pelvic part of ductus deferens Pelvic part of ductus deferens
3626 Ampulla ductus deferentis Ampulla of ductus deferens Ampulla of ductus deferens Ampulla of vas deferens
3627 Diverticula ampullae ductus Diverticula of ampulla of ductus Diverticula of ampulla of ductus
deferentis deferentis deferentis
3628 Tunica adventitia ductus deferentis Adventitia of ductus deferens Adventitia of ductus deferens Adventitial coat of ductus deferens
3629 Tunica muscularis ductus Muscular layer of ductus deferens Muscular layer of ductus deferens Muscular coat of ductus deferens
3630 Tunica mucosa ductus deferentis Mucosa of ductus deferens Mucosa of ductus deferens Mucous membrane of ductus
3631 Glandula seminalis Glandula vesiculosa; Vesicula Seminal gland Seminal gland Seminal vesicle Endnote 521
3632 Tunica adventitia glandulae Adventitia of seminal gland Adventitia of seminal gland Adventitial coat of seminal gland
3633 Tunica muscularis glandulae Muscular layer of seminal gland Muscular layer of seminal gland Muscular coat of seminal gland
3634 Tunica mucosa glandulae Mucosa of seminal gland Mucosa of seminal gland Mucous membrane of seminal
seminalis gland
3635 Ductus excretorius glandulae Excretory duct of seminal gland Excretory duct of seminal gland
3636 Ductus ejaculatorius Ejaculatory duct Ejaculatory duct
3637 Prostata Prostate Prostate Prostate gland Endnote 522
3638 Basis prostatae Base of prostate Base of prostate Base of prostate gland Facies vesicalis prostatae
3639 Apex prostatae Apex of prostate Apex of prostate Apex of prostate gland
3640 Facies anterior prostatae Anterior surface of prostate Anterior surface of prostate Facies pubica prostatae
3641 Facies posterior prostatae Posterior surface of prostate Posterior surface of prostate Facies rectalis prostatae

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3642 Facies lateralis prostatae Lateral surface of prostate Lateral surface of prostate
3643 Facies posterolateralis prostatae Facies inferolateralis prostatae Posterolateral surface of prostate Posterolateral surface of prostate Inferolateral surface of prostate
3644 Pars lateralis prostatae Lobus lateralis Lateral part of prostate Lateral part of prostate Lateral lobe Lobi prostatae dexter et sinister;
Right and left lobes of prostate
3645 (Lobus medius prostatae) (Middle lobe of prostate) (Middle lobe of prostate) Albarran's gland
Endnote 523
3646 Pars glandularis prostatae Glandular part of prostate Glandular part of prostate Corpus glandulare; Substantia
Endnote 524
3647 Zona glandularum Pars glandularum periurethralium Peri-urethral glandular zone of Periurethral glandular zone of Periurethral gland zone; Zona centralis prostatae; Pars
periurethralium prostatae prostatae prostate prostate Periurethral glandular part; Peri- centralis prostatae
urethral gland zone; Peri-urethral
glandular part
3648 Zona transitionalis prostatae Pars transitionalis prostatae Transitional zone of prostate Transitional zone of prostate Transitional part of prostate
3649 Zona peripherica prostatae Pars peripheralis prostatae Peripheral zone of prostate Peripheral zone of prostate Peripheral part of prostate
3650 Commissura anterior prostatae Isthmus prostatae; Commissura Anterior commissure of prostate Anterior commissure of prostate Isthmus of prostate; Commissure Anterior muscular zone
prostatae; Pars aglandularis of prostate; Aglandular zone of Endnote 525
prostatae prostate
3651 Parenchyma prostatae Parenchyma of prostate Parenchyma of prostate Glandulae prostatae; Prostate
glands; Lobuli prostatae; Lobules
of prostate; Parenchyma
Endnote 526
3652 Ductuli prostatici Prostatic ducts Prostatic ducts Ductus prostatici
3653 Stroma fibromuscularis prostatae Fibromuscular tissue of prostate Fibromuscular tissue of prostate Substantia muscularis
Endnote 527
3654 Capsula prostatae Capsula prostatica Capsule of prostate Capsule of prostate
3655 Fascia prostatae Fascia prostatica Fascia of prostate Fascia of prostate
3656 Fasciculus neurovascularis Prostatic neurovascular bundle Prostatic neurovascular bundle
3657 Fascia prostatoseminalis Fascia prostatoseminovesicularis Prostato-seminal fascia Prostatoseminal fascia Prostato-seminal vesicular fascia Denonvilliers' fascia
3658 Pars prostatica urethrae Prostatic urethra Prostatic urethra Posterior urethra See Urethra masculina (Ch. 8)
3659 Glandula bulbourethralis Bulbo-urethral gland Bulbourethral gland Glandula Cowperi; Cowper's
gland; Glands of Mery
3660 Ductus glandulae bulbourethralis Duct of bulbo-urethral gland Duct of bulbourethral gland Ductus excretorius; Duct of
Cowper's gland

3661 Organa genitalia masculina Male external genitalia Male external genitalia Male external genital organs
3662 Penis Penis Penis
3663 Radix penis Root of penis Root of penis
3664 Corpus penis Body of penis Body of penis
3665 Crus penis Crus of penis Crus of penis Crus corporis cavernosi penis
3666 Dorsum penis Dorsum of penis Dorsum of penis
3667 Facies urethralis penis Urethral surface Urethral surface
3668 Glans penis Glans penis Glans penis
3669 Corona glandis penis Corona of glans penis Corona of glans penis

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3670 Septum glandis penis Septum of glans penis Septum of glans penis
3671 Collum glandis penis Neck of glans penis Neck of glans penis
3672 Sulcus glandis penis Sulcus of glans penis Sulcus of glans penis
3673 Glandulae preputiales Glandulae praeputiales Preputial glands Preputial glands Glands of Tyson
3674 Ostium externum urethrae Ostium urethrae masculinae External orifice of male urethra External orifice of male urethra Male external urethral orifice; Male Orificium externum urethrae;
masculinae externum external urethral meatus Meatus externum urethrae; Meatus
urethrae externum;
3675 Preputium penis Praeputium penis Prepuce of penis Prepuce of penis Foreskin
3676 Frenulum preputii Frenulum praeputii Frenulum of penis Frenulum of penis Frenum of penis
3677 Raphe penis Raphe of penis Raphe of penis Rhaphe penis
3678 Corpus cavernosum penis Corpus cavernosum penis Corpus cavernosum penis
3679 Trabeculae corporum Trabeculae corporis cavernosi Trabeculae of corpora cavernosa Trabeculae of corpora cavernosa
cavernosorum penis penis penis
3680 Cavernae corporum Cavernae corporis cavernosi Cavernous spaces of corpora Cavernous spaces of corpora
cavernosorum penis cavernosa penis cavernosa penis
3681 Corpus spongiosum penis Corpus spongiosum penis Corpus spongiosum penis Corpus cavernosum urethrae Corpus cavernosum urethrae
Endnote 528
3682 Pars spongiosa urethrae Spongy urethra Spongy urethra Penile urethra; Anterior urethra Pars cavernosa urethrae
See Urethra masculina (Ch. 8)
3683 Trabeculae corporis spongiosi Trabeculae of corpus Trabeculae of corpus
penis spongiosum penis spongiosum penis
3684 Cavernae corporis spongiosi Cavernous spaces of corpus Cavernous spaces of corpus Endnote 529
penis spongiosum penis spongiosum penis
3685 Bulbus penis Bulb of penis Bulb of penis Bulbus urethrae; Bulbus corporis
cavernosi urethrae
Endnote 530
3686 Tunica albuginea corporum Tunica albuginea of corpora Tunica albuginea of corpora Tunica albuginea corporis
cavernosorum penis cavernosa penis cavernosa penis cavernosi penis
3687 Tunica albuginea corporis Tunica albuginea of corpus Tunica albuginea of corpus
spongiosi penis spongiosum penis spongiosum penis
3688 Septum penis Septum penis Septum penis Septum pectiniforme corporis
cavernosi penis
3689 Fascia penis Fascia of penis Fascia of penis Deep fascia of penis; Deep penile Buck's fascia; Fascia profunda
fascia penis
3690 Ligamentum suspensorium penis Suspensory ligament of penis Suspensory ligament of penis
3691 Tela subcutanea penis Subcutaneous tissue of penis Subcutaneous tissue of penis Superficial penile fascia; Colles' fascia; Fascia superficialis
Superficial fascia of penis penis
3692 Ligamentum fundiforme penis Fundiform ligament of penis Fundiform ligament of penis Endnote 531
3693 Scrotum Scrotum Scrotum
3694 Raphe scroti Raphe of scrotum Raphe of scrotum Rhaphe scroti
3695 Tunica darta scroti Tunica dartos scroti Dartos fascia of scrotum Dartos fascia of scrotum Superficial fascia of scrotum
3696 Septum scroti Septum of scrotum Septum of scrotum
3697 Musculus dartos Dartos muscle of scrotum Dartos muscle of scrotum
3698 Raphe perinei Perineal raphe Perineal raphe Rhaphe perinei

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Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

3699 Cavitas abdominopelvica Abdominopelvic cavity Abdominopelvic cavity
3700 Cavitas abdominis Cavitas abdominalis Abdominal cavity Abdominal cavity Cavum abdominis
3701 Cavitas pelvis Cavitas pelvina Pelvic cavity Pelvic cavity Cavum pelvis
3702 Cavitas peritonealis Peritoneal cavity Peritoneal cavity Cavum peritonei; Cavum
3703 Bursa omentalis Omental bursa Omental bursa Epiploic bursa; Lesser sac Endnote 532
3704 Foramen omentale Foramen epiploicum Omental foramen Omental foramen Epiploic foramen Foramen Winslowi; Foramen of
Winslow; Foramen omenti majoris
Endnote 533
3705 Vestibulum bursae omentalis Vestibule of omental bursa Vestibule of omental bursa Endnote 534
3706 Recessus superior bursae Superior recess of omental bursa Superior recess of omental bursa Recessus cranialis bursae
omentalis omentalis; Bursa omenti minoris
Endnote 535
3707 Recessus inferior bursae omentalis Inferior recess of omental bursa Inferior recess of omental bursa Recessus caudalis bursae
omentalis; Bursa omenti majoris
Endnote 536
3708 Recessus splenicus bursae Recessus lienalis Splenic recess of omental bursa Splenic recess of omental bursa
3709 Recessus abdominales cavitatis Abdominal recesses of Abdominal recesses of
peritonealis peritoneal cavity peritoneal cavity
3710 Recessus duodenalis superior Superior duodenal fossa Superior duodenal fossa Recessus duodenomesocolicus
3711 Recessus duodenalis inferior Inferior duodenal fossa Inferior duodenal fossa Recessus duodenomesocolicus
3712 Recessus paraduodenalis Paraduodenal recess Paraduodenal recess
3713 Recessus retroduodenalis Fossa retroduodenalis Retroduodenal recess Retroduodenal recess Retroduodenal fossa
3714 Recessus intersigmoideus Intersigmoid recess Intersigmoid recess
3715 Recessus ileocaecalis superior Superior ileocaecal recess Superior ileocecal recess Recessus iliocaecalis cranialis
3716 Recessus ileocaecalis inferior Inferior ileocaecal recess Inferior ileocecal recess Recessus iliocaecalis caudalis
3717 Recessus retrocaecalis Retrocaecal recess Retrocecal recess
3718 Recessus paracolici Sulci paracolici Paracolic gutters Paracolic gutters Paracolic recesses
3719 Recessus subphrenicus Subphrenic space Subphrenic space Recessus phrenicohepatici
3720 Recessus subhepaticus Subhepatic space Subhepatic space
3721 Recessus hepatorenalis Hepatorenal recess Hepatorenal recess Pouch of Morison; Morison's pouch
3722 Recessus pelvici cavitatis Pelvic recesses of peritoneal Pelvic recesses of peritoneal
peritonealis cavity cavity
3723 Fossa paravesicalis Paravesical fossa Paravesical fossa Endnote 537
3724 Excavatio vesicouterina ♀ Vesico-uterine pouch ♀ Vesicouterine pouch ♀
3725 Fossa ovarica ♀ Ovarian fossa ♀ Ovarian fossa ♀ Endnote 538
3726 Excavatio rectouterina ♀ Recto-uterine pouch ♀ Rectouterine pouch ♀ Cavum Douglasi; Pouch of
3727 Excavatio rectovesicalis ♂ Recto-vesical pouch ♂ Rectovesical pouch ♂
3728 Fossa pararectalis Pararectal fossa Pararectal fossa

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3729 Peritoneum Peritoneum Peritoneum Peritonaeum
3730 Tunica serosa peritonei Serosa of peritoneum Serosa of peritoneum
3731 Tunica subserosa peritonei Subserosa of peritoneum Subserosa of peritoneum
3732 Peritoneum viscerale Visceral peritoneum Visceral peritoneum Peritonaeum viscerale
3733 Peritoneum mesentericum Mesenteric peritoneum Mesenteric peritoneum
3734 Peritoneum parietale Parietal peritoneum Parietal peritoneum Peritonaeum parietale
3735 Pars diaphragmatica peritonei Diaphragmatic part of peritoneum Diaphragmatic part of peritoneum Diaphragmatic part of parietal
3736 Pars anterolateralis peritonei Anterolateral part of peritoneum Anterolateral part of peritoneum Anterolateral abdominal part of
parietal peritoneum
3737 Pars posterior peritonei Posterior part of peritoneum Posterior part of peritoneum Posterior abdominal part of parietal
3738 Pars pelvica peritonei Pelvic part of peritoneum Pelvic part of peritoneum Pelvic part of parietal peritoneum Urogenital peritoneum

3739 Structurae peritoneales Peritoneal structures Peritoneal structures

3740 Mesenterium Mesentery Mesentery Mesostenium
3741 Peritoneum mesenterii Peritoneum of mesentery Peritoneum of mesentery
3742 Lamina propria mesenterii Lamina propria of mesentery Lamina propria of mesentery Membrana propria mesenterii
Endnote 539
3743 Radix mesenterii Root of mesentery Root of mesentery Radix mesostenii
3744 Mesocolon Mesocolon Mesocolon
3745 Mesocolon transversum Transverse mesocolon Transverse mesocolon Mesocolon
3746 (Mesocolon ascendens) (Ascending mesocolon) (Ascending mesocolon)
3747 (Mesocolon descendens) (Descending mesocolon) (Descending mesocolon)
3748 Mesocolon sigmoideum Sigmoid mesocolon Sigmoid mesocolon Mesosigmoideum
3749 Mesoappendix Meso-appendix Mesoappendix Mesenteriolum processus
Endnote 540
3750 Omentum minus Lesser omentum Lesser omentum Endnote 541
3751 Ligamentum hepatophrenicum Hepatophrenic ligament Hepatophrenic ligament
3752 Ligamentum hepatooesophageum Ligamentum hepatooesophageale Hepato-oesophageal ligament Hepatoesophageal ligament
3753 Ligamentum hepatogastricum Hepatogastric ligament Hepatogastric ligament Pars hepatogastrica
3754 Ligamentum hepatoduodenale Hepatoduodenal ligament Hepatoduodenal ligament Pars hepatoduodenalis
3755 (Ligamentum hepatocolicum) (Hepatocolic ligament) (Hepatocolic ligament)
3756 Trigonum cystohepaticum Cystohepatic triangle Cystohepatic triangle Cystohepatic trigone Triangle of Calot
3757 Omentum majus Greater omentum Greater omentum
3758 Encomboma omentale Omental apron Omental apron Endnote 542
3759 Ligamentum gastrophrenicum Gastrophrenic ligament Gastrophrenic ligament Pars phrenicogastrica omenti
3760 Ligamentum gastrosplenicum Ligamentum gastrolienale Gastrosplenic ligament Gastrosplenic ligament Gastrolienal ligament Pars gastrolienalis omenti majoris
3761 Plica presplenica Plica praesplenica Presplenic fold Presplenic fold
3762 Ligamentum gastrocolicum Gastrocolic ligament Gastrocolic ligament Pars gastromesocolica omenti
Endnote 543
3763 (Plica gastroomentalis) (Gastro-omental fold) (Gastroomental fold) Gastroomental fold of Morgenstern
Endnote 544

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3764 Ligamentum phrenicosplenicum Phrenicosplenic ligament Phrenicosplenic ligament Phrenicolienal ligament Plicae phrenicolienales
3765 Ligamentum splenorenale Ligamentum lienorenale Splenorenal ligament Splenorenal ligament Lienorenal ligament
3766 Ligamentum pancreaticosplenicum Pancreaticosplenic ligament Pancreaticosplenic ligament Pancreaticolienal ligament
3767 Ligamentum pancreaticocolicum Pancreaticocolic ligament Pancreaticocolic ligament
3768 Ligamentum splenocolicum Splenocolic ligament Splenocolic ligament Lienocolic ligament
3769 Ligamentum phrenicocolicum Phrenicocolic ligament Phrenicocolic ligament Plica phrenicocolica
3770 Ligamenta peritonealia hepatis Peritoneal ligaments of liver Peritoneal ligaments of liver Ligamenta hepatis; Peritoneal
attachments of liver
3771 Ligamentum falciforme Falciform ligament Falciform ligament Mesohepaticum ventrale
Endnote 545
3772 Ligamentum coronarium Coronary ligament Coronary ligament
3773 Pars anterior ligamenti coronarii Anterior part of coronary Anterior part of coronary Anterior layer of coronary ligament
ligament ligament
3774 Pars posterior ligamenti coronarii Posterior part of coronary Posterior part of coronary Posterior layer of coronary
ligament ligament ligament
3775 Ligamentum triangulare dextrum Right triangular ligament Right triangular ligament Mesohepaticum laterale dextrum
3776 Ligamentum triangulare sinistrum Left triangular ligament Left triangular ligament Mesohepaticum laterale sinistrum
3777 Ligamentum hepatorenale Hepatorenal ligament Hepatorenal ligament
3778 Structurae peritoneales Posterior parietal peritoneal Posterior parietal peritoneal Peritoneum parietale posterius
parietales posteriores structures structures
3779 Plica gastropancreatica Gastropancreatic fold Gastropancreatic fold Septum bursarum; Ligamentum
Endnote 546
3780 Plica hepatopancreatica Hepatopancreatic fold Hepatopancreatic fold
3781 Musculus suspensorius duodeni Ligamentum suspensorium Suspensory muscle of duodenum Suspensory muscle of duodenum Suspensory ligament of duodenum Ligament of Treitz
3782 Pars phrenicocoeliaca musculi Pars superior musculi suspensorii Phrenicocoeliac part of Phrenicoceliac part of Superior part of suspensory Cranial part of suspensory muscle
suspensorii duodeni duodeni suspensory muscle of duodenum suspensory muscle of duodenum muscle of duodenum of duodenum
3783 Pars coeliacoduodenalis musculi Pars inferior musculi suspensorii Coeliacoduodenal part of Celiacoduodenal part of Inferior part of suspensory muscle Caudal part of suspensory muscle
suspensorii duodeni duodeni suspensory muscle of duodenum suspensory muscle of duodenum of duodenum of duodenum
3784 Plica duodenojejunalis Plica duodenalis superior Duodenojejunal fold Duodenojejunal fold Superior duodenal fold Plica duodenomesocolica cranialis
Endnote 547
3785 Plica duodenomesocolica Plica duodenalis inferior Duodenomesocolic fold Duodenomesocolic fold Inferior duodenal fold Plica duodenomesocolica caudalis
Endnote 548
3786 Plica paraduodenalis Paraduodenal fold Paraduodenal fold
3787 Plica caecalis vascularis Vascular fold of caecum Vascular fold of cecum Vascular caecal fold; Vascular Plica iliocaecalis cranialis
cecal fold; Posterior cecal fold;
Superior ileocecal fold
3788 Plica ileocaecalis Ileocaecal fold Ileocecal fold Inferior ileocecal fold Plica iliocaecalis caudalis;
Bloodless fold of Treves
3789 Plicae caecales Caecal folds Cecal folds
3790 Structurae peritoneales Anterior parietal peritoneal Anterior parietal peritoneal Peritoneum parietale anterius
parietales anteriores structures structures
3791 Plica umbilicalis mediana Median umbilical fold Median umbilical fold Pllica umbilicalis media; Medial
umbilical fold; Urachus
Endnote 549
3792 Fossa supravesicalis Supravesical fossa Supravesical fossa Supravesical fovea

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3793 Plica umbilicalis medialis Medial umbilical fold Medial umbilical fold Plica umbilicalis lateralis
Endnote 550
3794 Fossa inguinalis medialis Medial inguinal fossa Medial inguinal fossa Medial inguinal fovea
3795 Trigonum inguinale Inguinal triangle Inguinal triangle Hesselbach's triangle
Endnote 551
3796 Plica umbilicalis lateralis Plica epigastrica Lateral umbilical fold Lateral umbilical fold Epigastric fold Endnote 552
3797 Fossa inguinalis lateralis Lateral inguinal fossa Lateral inguinal fossa Lateral inguinal fovea
3798 Structurae peritoneales pelvicae Pelvic peritoneal structures Pelvic peritoneal structures
3799 Plica vesicalis transversa Transverse vesical fold Transverse vesical fold Endnote 553
3800 Ligamentum latum uteri ♀ Broad ligament of uterus ♀ Broad ligament of uterus ♀ Plica lata uteri
3801 Mesometrium ♀ Mesometrium ♀ Mesometrium ♀
3802 Mesosalpinx ♀ Mesosalpinx ♀ Mesosalpinx ♀
3803 Mesovarium ♀ Mesovarium ♀ Mesovarium ♀
3804 Trigonum parietale laterale pelvis Pelvic lateral wall triangle ♀ Pelvic lateral wall triangle ♀ Endnote 554

3805 Ligamentum suspensorium ovarii Suspensory ligament of ovary ♀ Suspensory ligament of ovary ♀ Infundibulopelvic ligament Plica suspensoria ovarii
♀ Endnote 555
3806 Plica rectouterina ♀ Recto-uterine fold ♀ Rectouterine fold ♀ Plica Douglasi; Fold of Douglas
3807 Plica rectovesicalis ♂ Recto-vesical fold ♂ Rectovesical fold ♂

3808 Fasciae viscerales cavitatis Visceral fascia of Visceral fascia of Fascia visceralis
abdominopelvicae abdominopelvic cavity abdominopelvic cavity
3809 Fasciae viscerales abdominis Fasciae viscerales abdominales Abdominal visceral fascia Abdominal visceral fascia Fascia visceralis abdominalis
3810 Fascia propria organi Fascia of abdominal organ Fascia of abdominal organ
3811 Fasciae viscerales pelvis Fasciae viscerales pelvicae Pelvic visceral fascia Pelvic visceral fascia Fascia visceralis pelvis
3812 Fascia propria organi pelvici Fascia of pelvic organ Fascia of pelvic organ

3813 Spatium extraperitoneale Extraperitoneal space Extraperitoneal space

3814 Spatium retroperitoneale Retroperitoneal space Retroperitoneal space
3815 Corpus adiposum pararenale Pararenal fat body Pararenal fat body Paranephric fat
3816 Capsula adiposa renis Perirenal fat capsule Perirenal fat capsule Perinephric fat
3817 Fasciae retroperitoneales Retroperitoneal fascia Retroperitoneal fascia Fasciae extraperitoneales spatii
3818 Fascia lateroconalis Lateroconal fascia Lateroconal fascia
3819 Fascia renalis Renal fascia Renal fascia Perirenal fascia Toldt's fascia
3820 Lamina anterior fasciae renalis Anterior layer of renal fascia Anterior layer of renal fascia Anterior perirenal fascia Gerota’s fascia
3821 Lamina posterior fasciae Posterior layer of renal fascia Posterior layer of renal fascia Posterior perirenal fascia Fascia of Zuckerkandl
3822 Spatium retropubicum Retropubic space Retropubic space Spatium praevesicale; Cave of
Endnote 556
3823 Spatium retroinguinale Retro-inguinal space Retroinguinal space Space of Bogros
3824 Spatium infraperitoneale Spatium subperitoneale Infraperitoneal space Infraperitoneal space Subperitoneal space Spatium retroperitoneale pelvis

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3825 Fasciae extraperitoneales pelvis Fasciae endopelvicae Pelvic extraperitoneal fascia Pelvic extraperitoneal fascia Endopelvic fascia Fascia endopelvina; Fascia
infraperitonealis; Infraperitoneal
Endnote 557
3826 Ligamentum mediale Ligamentum pubovesicale Medial puboprostatic ligament ♂ Medial puboprostatic ligament ♂ Pubovesical ligament
puboprostaticum ♂
3827 Ligamentum mediale Medial pubovesical ligament ♀ Medial pubovesical ligament ♀
pubovesicale ♀
3828 Ligamentum laterale Ligamentum puboprostaticum Lateral puboprostatic ligament ♂ Lateral puboprostatic ligament ♂ Puboprostatic ligament Denonvilliers' ligament
puboprostaticum ♂
3829 Ligamentum laterale Lateral pubovesical ligament ♀ Lateral pubovesical ligament ♀
pubovesicale ♀
3830 Ligamentum laterale vesicae Lateral ligament of bladder Lateral ligament of bladder
3831 Fascia rectoprostatica ♂ Septum rectovesicale Rectoprostatic fascia ♂ Rectoprostatic fascia ♂ Rectovesical septum Fascia peritoneoperinealis
Endnote 558
3832 Fascia rectovaginalis ♀ Septum rectovaginale Rectovaginal fascia ♀ Rectovaginal fascia ♀ Rectovaginal septum Fascia peritoneoperinealis
3833 Ligamentum laterale recti Ligamentum recti laterale Lateral ligament of rectum Lateral ligament of rectum Rectal stalk
3834 Ligamentum proprium ovarii ♀ Ligamentum ovarii proprium; Proper ovarian ligament ♀ Proper ovarian ligament ♀ Ligament of ovary; Round ligament Chorda uteroovarica
Ligamentum uteroovaricum of the ovary
3835 Ligamentum teres uteri ♀ Round ligament of uterus ♀ Round ligament of uterus ♀ Chorda uteroinguinalis; Chorda
teres; Ligament of Hunter; Hunter's
3836 Parametrium ♀ Parametrium ♀ Parametrium ♀ Endnote 559
3837 Paracervix ♀ Paracervix ♀ Paracervix ♀ Endnote 560
3838 Ligamentum pubocervicale ♀ Pubocervical ligament ♀ Pubocervical ligament ♀
3839 Ligamentum cardinale ♀ Ligamentum transversum cervicis Cardinal ligament ♀ Cardinal ligament ♀ Transverse cervical ligament; Mackenrodt's ligament
Lateral cervical ligament
3840 Ligamentum uterosacrale ♀ Ligamentum rectouterinum Uterosacral ligament ♀ Uterosacral ligament ♀ Rectouterine ligament; Recto- Ligament of Petit
uterine ligament
3841 Musculi leves spatii Musculi nonstriati spatii Smooth muscles of infraperitoneal Smooth muscles of infraperitoneal Nonstriated muscles of
infraperitonealis infraperitonealis space space infraperitoneal space
3842 Musculus pubovesicalis Pubovesicalis muscle Pubovesicalis muscle
3843 Musculus rectovesicalis Rectovesicalis muscle Rectovesicalis muscle Endnote 561
3844 Musculus uterosacralus ♀ Musculus rectouterinus Uterosacral muscle ♀ Uterosacral muscle ♀ Rectouterine muscle; Recto-
uterine muscle; Rectouterinus
3845 Musculus vesicoprostaticus ♂ Vesicoprostaticus muscle ♂ Vesicoprostaticus muscle ♂
3846 Musculus vesicovaginalis ♀ Vesicovaginalis muscle ♀ Vesicovaginalis muscle ♀
3847 Musculus rectococcygeus Rectococcygeus muscle Rectococcygeus muscle Musculus rectococcygicus
3848 Musculi rectourethrales Musculi anorectoperineales Recto-urethral muscles Rectourethral muscles Anorectoperineal muscles
3849 Musculus rectoperinealis Musculus rectourethralis superior Rectoperinealis muscle Rectoperinealis muscle Rectourethralis superior muscle;
Superior rectourethral muscle;
Recto-urethralis superior muscle
3850 Musculus anoperinealis Musculus rectourethralis inferior Anoperinealis muscle Anoperinealis muscle Rectourethralis inferior muscle;
Inferior rectourethral muscle;
Recto-urethralis inferior muscle

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406 Papilla parotidea. A small papilla marks the orifice of the parotid duct in the mucous membrane of the cheek. It can readily be recognized and is used to inject radio-opaque fluid into the duct and its branches.
It was not named in the B.N.A. [PNA, 1955]

407 Palatum durum. The term “Palatum durum” should be differentiated from the term “Palatum osseum” which has already been given to the bony palate in the section on Osteology. [PNA, 1955]

408 Palatum molle. [Velum palatinum] has been added as an alternative term. [NA3, 1966]

409 Gingiva. Margo gingivalis, Papilla gingivalis [interdentalis] and Sulcus gingivalis are new additions. [NA4, 1977]

410 Cavitas oris. The Committee have followed the Histology Subcommittee in substituting Cavitas for Cavum throughout this section. [NA4, 1977]

411 Glandulae salivariae. Terms for Glandulae salivariae have been rearranged to accord with Nomina Histologica. [NA4, 1977]

412 Glandula parotidea. The current surgical description of the Glandula parotis has not been accepted, as it fails to represent anatomical findings. [PNA, 1955]

413 Glandula submandibularis. The reasons for the change in the name of the submaxillary gland will be obvious. The same change was introduced in the J.N.A. and the B.R. [PNA, 1955]

414 Periodontium. This term was preferred to the B.N.A. term “Periosteum alveolare” for it would appear that it is in constant use amongst dental surgeons. [PNA, 1955] The periodontium consists of the
periodontal ligament, cementum, alveolar bone and gingiva.

415 Pars anterior linguae. [Pars presulcalis]. This informative term [Pars presulcalis] has been added to provide a means of distinguishing the major divisions of the dorsum linguae. [NA4, 1977]

416 Sulcus terminalis linguae. At the boundary line between the anlagen there remains, as a rule throughout life, an angular broken furrow, the Sulcus terminalis linguae. The posterior end of the furrow terminates
in the Foramen caecum while the anterior end terminates in front of the Arcus palatoglossus on either side. The arched line of the Papillae vallatae lies 5-8 mm. in front of the Sulcus terminalis in the region of the
body proper of the tongue. [BNA, 1895]

417 Pars posterior linguae. [Pars postsulcalis]. This informative term [Pars postsulcalis] has been added to provide a means of distinguishing the major divisions of the dorsum linguae. [NA4, 1977]

418 Foramen caecum linguae. From the Foramen caecum a duct, the Ductus lingualis, often extends to a depth of ½ to 1 cm. or even more in the direction of the hyoid bone. This duct is a remnant of the
embryonic Ductus thyreoglossus, which at the end of the first month extended from the oro-pharyngeal cavity to the median anlage of the thyreoid gland. [BNA, 1895]

419 Fauces. This term includes a triangular area on the lateral wall of the pharynx which provides the site for the Palatine tonsil. It is convenient to include the “Velum palatinum” as the roof of the isthmus faucium.
[PNA, 1955]

420 Plica triangularis. The Arcus glossopalatinus, originating from two pharyngeal arches, ends medialward in a sharply defined triangular fold of mucous membrane, the Plica triangularis. The latter begins narrow
above and broadens at its junction with the tongue. [BNA, 1895] The Plica triangularis is a fold of mucous membrane of variable size extending backwards from the Arcus palatoglossus and covering the
anteroinferior part of the Tonsilla palatina: it is said to be most evident in late fetal life and helps to bound the Fossa tonsillaris. [NA2, 1961]

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421 Plica semilunaris. This term did not appear in the P.N.A. It is a curved fold connecting the Arcus palatoglossus to the Arcus palatopharyngeus, it always contains lymphoid tissue and forms the upper boundary
of the Fossa supratonsillaris. [NA2, 1961]

422 Fossa tonsillaris. Posteriorly and laterally [to the Plica triangularis] lies a recess, the Sinus tonsillaris, which is deep in the fetus and from the base of which the pharyngeal tonsil originates. According to the
size and extension of the adenoid proliferation the following different possibilities may arise: 1. The tonsil stands out from the rest of the sinus as a sharply defined elevation and above it lies the Fossa
supratonsillaris which extends upward for some distance. 2. The tonsil almost entirely fills the sinus yet the Fossa supratonsillaris may still be open. The Plica triangularis flatly overlies the lower part of the tonsil
and coalesces with it, but without losing its sharp outline. 3. Lymph nodules may be formed on the free surface of the Plica triangularis and in extreme cases their delimitation from the tonsil is lost. [BNA, 1895]

423 Fossa supratonsillaris. The curved fold which connects the Arcus palatoglossus to the Arcus palatopharyngeus and always contains lymphoid tissue, was not regarded as a part of the tonsil. [PNA, 1955]

424 Bursa pharyngea. In regard to the Bursa pharyngea I refer also to the detailed discussion by Merkel (1. c. p. 413). In my opinion the Bursa pharyngea must be brought into relation with the archings of the
posterior pharyngeal wall caused by the Mm. recti capitis anteriores. If observed from the posterior side, the pharynx shows three ridge like prominences in the region of their attachments. The two lateral ridges are
the pouches of Rosenmueller seen from without. The ridge lying in the medial plane attached to the Tuberculum pharyngeum oss. occipitalis pushes between the two muscle attachments and it corresponds, before
a profuse development of the tonsil occurs, to a median longitudinal furrow on the inner surface of the posterior wall of the pharynx. The pharyngeal tonsil, similar to the lingual tonsil, shows at the time of its first
appearance a system of downward converging folds with intervening furrows. The middle one of these furrows leads to the Bursa pharyngea; therefore, Merkel readily interpreted the Bursa as a median slit of the
tonsil. [BNA, 1895]

425 Torus levatorius. This term designates the fold of mucous membrane which covers the Mm. levator veli palatini in the lateral wall of the nasal part of the pharynx and forms a slight projection. [PNA, 1955]

426 Recessus pharyngeus [Rosenmulleri]. Merkel, in his Topographic Anatomy (Vol I. p. 416), differentiates after Tourtual the Recessus infundibuliformis [Rosenmulleri] from the lateral groove of the pharynx
leading to it; the latter he designates with Tourtual as Sinus faucium lateralis. The Commission has not adopted this term. Characteristic for Rosenmuller’s recessus is its position behind the cartilaginous Tuba
Eustachii, while the Tourtual-Merkel’s Sinus lateralis is situated farther down behind the Plica salpingopharyngea. [BNA, 1895]

427 Vallecula epiglottica. The names for this fossa and its associated folds were included in the B.N.A. in the section dealing with the larynx. The names given have not been changed but their position in the list
has been considered modified. [PNA, 1955]

428 Oesophagus. Oesophagus is still current and etymologically correct. The diphthong is also a guide to pronunciation. [NA4, 1977]

429 Tendo crico-oesophageus. This term was not included in the B.N.A. but the structure designated is of importance as it gives origin to the longitudinal fibres of the oesophagus from the upper part of the
posterior aspect of the lamina of the cricoid cartilage. [PNA, 1955]

430 Gaster. This alternative term for the “Ventriculus” is inserted here as in the B.N.A., because the use of the adjective “Ventricularis” would be misleading and the adjective “Gastricus” has long been in general
use on this account. [PNA, 1955] Despite the fact that almost everything associated with the “ventriculus” is gastric, the Committee were by majority unable to prefer gaster. [NA4, 1977] Since almost everything
associated with the “ventriculus” is gastric, the Committee preferred gaster. [NA5, 1983]

431 Incisura angularis. This term has come into general use since the introduction of the Xrays, and the adoption of the normal practice of utilizing the erect attitude when photographing the barium-filled stomach.
It is always obvious as the most dependent point on the lesser curvature. The “Incisura cardiaca” and other Incisurae in connection with the alimentary tract have a similar origin. [PNA, 1955]

432 Tela subserosa. This term has been inserted here and at other appropriate points in the list. [NA2, 1961]

433 Areae gastricae. Areae gastricae are elevations of the mucous membrane of the stomach which correspond to glandular groups existing especially in the Etat mamelonné but also under other conditions.
[BNA, 1895]

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434 Fornix gastris. The Russian Nomenclatural Commission suggested fornix ventriculi as a useful term in radiological anatomy. [NA4, 1977]

435 Intestinum tenue. Many of the general terms below this heading (e.g., tunica serosa) were repeated under every subdivision of the alimentary canal in the 3rd edition. These redundancies have been removed.
They are, of course, histological and micro-anatomical terms which might be omitted altogether. [NA4, 1977]

436 Tunicae muscularis intestini tenuis. Stratum helicoidale longi gradus/Stratum helicoidale brevis gradus. These new terms recognize that the disposition of the fibres in the muscular layers of the wall of the
small intestine is not truly longitudinal or circular but helicoidal with a long pitch and a short pitch respectively. Carey E.J. 1921. “Studies on the Structure and Function of the Small Intestine.” Anat Rec 21: 189-216.
[TA, 1998]

437 Bulbus duodeni. [Ampulla duodeni]. A new term to cover the “duodenal cap” of radiological anatomy. A true duodenal ampulla is present in some domesticated animals. [NA4, 1977]

438 Pars horizontalis duodeni. The majority of anatomists regard the horizontal and inferior parts of the duodenum as the same and this is indicated in the terminology now adopted. [NA2, 1961]

439 Caecum. This adjective is here used as a noun, and Rectum is used in a similar manner. The committee was of opinion that use and wont had already determined this procedure. [PNA, 1955]

440 Ostium ileale. [Valva ileocaecalis]. The word “Valva” is also used in connection with the orifices of the heart. The B.N.A. “Valvula coli” was changed to this term, which, it was felt, was more accurate. It is
appreciated now that the functioning valve is the sphincter muscle of the terminal ileum and the lips of the valve need no longer be named. The Frenulum of the valve exists as a vestige. [PNA, 1955] Valva is
preferable to valvula (B.N.A.). [NA4, 1977] The ileal orifice is found at the apex of the papilla ilealis. While the orifice may have lips which meet at the frenula, it is no longer appropriate to describe these structures
as constituting an ileocaecal valve, the mechanism for closure of the orifice lying in the terminal ileum. Rosenberg J.C. and DiDio L.J.A. 1969. “In Vivo Appearance and Function of the Ileum as Observed Directly
Through a Caecostomy.” Am J Gastroenterol 52: 411-419. [TA, 1998]

441 Appendix vermiformis. The B.N.A. term “Processus vermiformis” has never been adopted generally and the Committee was of opinion that the term “Appendix”, on account of its pathological form
“appendicitis”, should replace the B.N.A. [PNA, 1955]

442 Tunica muscularis coli. The fact that the colon has a longitudinal muscular coat, which is thick in the teniae and very thin between them, is indicated by the introduction of the Stratum longitudinale and the
mode of the indentation adopted. [NA2, 1961]

443 Rectum. These terms [e.g., rectum, caecum] are really adjectives qualifying intestinum. Custom has made them nouns (as in the case of duodenum). The Committee accepted this as fait accompli. [NA4,

444 Canalis analis. [Pars analis recti]. This region, of such practical importance, is treated in French anatomies in a more detailed way than in German textbooks. Sappey [Traité d’Anatomie descriptive] describes
Morgagni's Valvulae semilunares, the number of which he establishes as 3-8, as a rule 5 or 6. They lie at the lower margin of the Sphincter ani internus. Through a union of their terminations the Columnae ani are
formed. The sinuses surrounded by Valvulae ani may easily become the seat of infection and the resulting abscesses and fistulae (Ribes). [BNA, 1895] It was felt that this portion of the gut was of sufficient
importance to justify an independent name, and that the “Columnae rectales” and the “Sinus rectales” would be more appropriately named “Columnae anales” and “Sinus anales”. The “Valvulae anales” are so
important clinically that they fully justify the name given. [PNA, 1955] The Zona haemorrhoidalis of the 3rd edition has been omitted by general agreement. It is a pathological concept. The associated veins and
venous plexus are no longer qualified as “haemorrhoidal”. [NA4, 1977]

445 Anus. There were numerous requests for the addition of the term Anus. [NA2, 1961]

446 Hepar. The segments of the hepatic lobes are now given names. [NA3, 1966] The division into lobes is based on superficial features; divisions into segments is based upon the ramification of the bile ducts
and hepatic vessels. The two modes do not entirely coincide. Moreover, there is note yet complete agreement between authorities on segmentation. Therefore the Committee decided to leave the terms

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unchanged, though admitting that they are in some details unsatisfactory. The principal schemes so far propounded are: by: C.-H. Hjortsjö (Acta Anat. 11, 599, 1951, and Lunds Univ. Arsskt. N.F. 44, 1948), J. E.
Healey and P.C. Schroy (Arch. Surg. Chicago 66, 599, 1953), C. Couinaud (Presse méd. 62, 709, 1954). [NA4, 1977]

447 Area nuda hepatis. The bare area of the liver was not designated in the P.N.A. [NA2, 1961]

448 Fossa vesicae felleae. The terms “Fossa sagittalis (dextra et sinistra)” appeared to be unnecessary and are omitted. [PNA, 1955]

449 Incisura ligamenti teretis. In the adult the notch on the inferior border of the liver is occupied by the Ligamentum teres. [PNA, 1955]

450 Lobus dexter hepatis. [Lobi hepatis]. These are the traditional right, left, [caudate] and quadrate lobes that were based on external appearance and are not functional entities. For this reason and because
lobus has been used in different ways by different groups and nationalities, the traditional terms are expected to become redundant. The new terms [below, Partes et segmenta] accommodate the different usages.
Van Damm J.-P. J. 1993. “Behavioral Anatomy of the Abdominal Arteries.” Surg Clin North Am 73: 699-725. [TA, 1998]

451 Capsula fibrosa perivascularis. This term designates the connective tissue which was formerly known as Glisson’s capsule. [PNA, 1955]

452 Pars sinistra hepatis. [Segmentatio hepatis: lobi, partes, divisiones et segmenta]. These are the developmental, functional and surgically separable units of the liver and are based on the distribution of the v.
portae hepatis, aa. hepaticae and ductus hepatici. The segments are numbered according to Couinaud (1957): the segmentum posterius, which corresponds to the lobus caudatus, is numbered as I and the
remainder II-VIII clockwise from the left beginning with the segmentum posterius laterale sinistrum. The divisio lateralis sinistra (II & III) is separated from the divisio medialis sinistra (IV) and the pars posterior
hepatis by the fissura umbilicalis. The pars hepatis sinistra and the pars hepatis dextra are separated by an oblique plane, fissura portalis principalis, that runs anteriorly from a line between the long axis of the
fossa vesicae biliaris and the middle of the vena cava inferior, as it lies in contact with the liver posteriorly and transects the lobus quadratus. The divisio medialis dextra (V & VIII) is separated from the divisio
lateralis dextra (VI & VII) by the fissura portalis dextra. Couinard C. 1957. Le foie – Etudes Anatomiques et Chirurgicales. Paris: Masson. [TA, 1998]

453 Vesica biliaris. [Vesica fellea]. A minority of the Committee recommended the substitution of the internationally familiar biliaris for fellea. The later is completely unfamiliar, even to many Latinists and erudite
scholars. [NA4, 1977]

454 Ductus hepaticus communis. The subdivisions of the hepatic ducts are now given names. [NA3, 1966] More detailed subdivision of the biliary ducts was not approved by the Committee. [NA4, 1977]

455 Ductus biliaris. Four portions of the bile duct were named by Skandalakis et al.: supraduodenal, retroduodenal, pancreatic, and intramural. Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, Colborn GL, Skandalakis JE. 1987.
Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic structures. Part IV: Surgical anatomy of the hepatic vessels and the extrahepatic biliary tract. Contemp Surg 30:25-36.

456 Sphincter ductus biliaris. [M. sphincter ductus choledochi]. There is a sphincter at the lower end of the Ductus choledochus and another at the Ampulla. [NA2, 1961] These sphincters have been described.
Incidentally, sphincter is a noun, not an adjective. (A reversal of the more frequent change, noun → adjective.) M. sphincter is hence a tautological expression. [NA4, 1977] M. sphincter is an apposition, thus
Musculus is redundant in this and similar terms (Neumann PE. 2017. Elimination of the apposition in Latin anatomical terms. Clin Anat 30:156-8).

457 Ampulla hepatopancreatica. Normally this ampulla lies within the “Papilla duodeni major”, and it receives the openings of the “Ductus choledochus” and the “Ductus pancreaticus”. [PNA, 1955]

458 Limen nasi. Limen nasi is the ridge between the Vestibulum which is surrounded by movable cartilage and the nasal cavity proper. [BNA, 1895]

459 Agger nasi. Above the Limen [nasi] lies the Atrium meatus medii (the Carina of Merkel) into which projects the obliquely descending Agger nasi, the rudiment of an anterior turbinate. [BNA, 1895]

460 Sulcus olfactorius. Sulcus olfactorius is the narrow slit which leads from the Atrium, between the Agger nasi and the roof of the nasal cavity, upward towards the Lamina cribrosa and the anterior part of the
Regio olfactoria. [BNA, 1895] This term designates the narrow groove which ascends from the Atrium between the Agger nasi and the roof of the nasal cavity. [PNA, 1955]

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461 Hiatus semilunaris. This term corresponds to the curved gap between the Bulla ethmoidalis above and the mucous membrane covered edge of the Processus uncinatus of the Ethmoid bone. Anteriorly it leads
upwards to the infundibulum. [PNA, 1955]

462 Recessus sphenoethmoideus. Recessus sphenoethmoidalis is the groove parallel to the upper nasal cavity, lying in the region of the superior concha, and sometimes arched over by a Choncha suprema.
[BNA, 1895]

463 Atrium meatus medii. Above the Limen [nasi] lies the Atrium meatus medii (the Carina of Merkel) into which projects the obliquely descending Agger nasi, the rudiment of an anterior turbinate. [BNA, 1895]

464 Meatus communis nasi. We have designated as Meatus nasi communis the space lying beside the Septum which extends through the entire height of the nasal cavity. [BNA, 1895] The common nasal
meatus is the part of the nasal cavity between the conchae and the nasal septum. [TA, 1998]

465 Meatus nasopharyngeus. Meatus nasopharyngeus is that part of the nasal cavity opening into the Pharynx under the body of the sphenoid bone. [BNA, 1895]

466 Cellulae ethmoideae. [Sinus ethmoidales]. Cellulae anteriores, mediae and posteriors are terms which designate the smaller parts of the “Sinus ethmoidales”. [PNA, 1955] The subdivisions may be Sinus or
Cellulae anteriores, etc. [NA4, 1977]

467 Plica vestibularis. The Committee felt it was illogical to have the Rima vestibuli bounded by the Plica ventricularis (the B.N.A. and P.N.A. term). [NA2, 1961]

468 Glottis. In a paper devoted to the anatomy of the vocal chords B. Frankel [Anatomie der Sinnesorgane, Leipzig, 1887] discusses the historic transformation of the names relating to glottis and vocal chords.
Galen introduced the name Glottis and used it for a structure in the body which he compared to the tongue of a musical instrument. Vesal and Fabricius ab Aquapendente designated by the same name
interchangeably the vocal cleft and the lips surrounding it. The established usage of the word Glottis for vocal cleft and Ligamenta glottis for vocal chords is to be traced back to Morgagni (1718).... The definition
which Luschka gives for the word "Glottis" in his monograph on the larynx (Tübingen, 1871, p. 48) also seems to be noteworthy: "Since the two vocal chords together constitute the tongue apparatus (Glottis)
necessary for the production of sound, the slit between them of course cannot be called Glottis but has necessarily to be distinguished from it as Rima Glottidis." [BNA, 1895]

469 Plica vocalis. The names accepted by the Commission are: Labium vocale for the entire prismatic structure, Plica vocalis for the fold of mucous membrane, Lig. vocale for the elastic band, M. vocalis for the
muscle lying in the vocal lip, Glottis for the vocal apparatus and Rima glottidis for vocal slit. [BNA, 1895]

470 Rima glottidis. The definition which Luschka gives for the word "Glottis" in his monograph on the larynx (Tübingen, 1871, p. 48) also seems to be noteworthy: "Since the two vocal chords together constitute the
tongue apparatus (Glottis) necessary for the production of sound, the slit between them of course cannot be called Glottis but has necessarily to be distinguished from it as Rima Glottidis." The last two terms
[Glottis for the vocal apparatus and Rima glottidis for vocal slit] are, therefore, distinguished in a similar sense as Os, the mouth; and Rima oris, the oral slit. [BNA, 1895]

471 Cavitas infraglottica. [Cavum infraglotticum]. This corresponds to the part of the larynx below the Rima glottis and constitutes a third subdivision of the larynx. [PNA, 1955]

472 Carina tracheae. This term designates the ridge visible through the bronchoscope and corresponds to the bifurcation of the trachea. It therefore separates the upper end of the right principal bronchus from the
upper end of the left principal bronchus. [PNA, 1955]

473 Bronchus principalis. The number of branches of bronchi which are named has been increased by provision of terms for each of the bronchopulmonary segments which are now so important in connection with
the pathology and surgery of the lungs. It was therefore necessary to qualify the B.N.A. terms “Bronchus dexter” and “Bronchus sinister” and the term “principalis” was introduced for this purpose. [PNA, 1955]

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474 Bronchus segmentalis apicalis [B I]. At the request of many anatomists the segmental bronchi have been desigated by Roman figures as useful abbreviations in clinical usage. If used verbally they will
presumably be translated into vernaculars; otherwise, their Latin verbal equivalents (I = primus, II = secundus, etc.) must be used. Some members of the Committee regard this as an unnecessary change. [NA4,

475 Bronchus intermedius. The intermediate bronchus is the term commonly used for the bronchus that gives rise to the middle and inferior lobe bronchi.

476 Bronchus segmentalis superior. [Bronchus segmentalis apicalis]. It is exceedingly unfortunate that the term “Bronchus segmentalis apicalis” had been firmly established in the vocabulary of the thoracic
surgeons, and that it was felt desirable to retain an “apical” bronchus” both for the “apex” of the lung, and for the “apex” of the lower lobe of the lung. The alternative provided, [superior], will probably appeal more to
anatomists generally. The Committee felt that, in the first instance, the term “apicalis” should be retained here, but hoped that the alternative would gradually become common parlance. [PNA, 1955]

477 Bronchus segmentalis basalis medialis [cardiacus]. In this instance too, the thoracic surgeons prefer the term “cardiac broncho-pulmonary segment” and the bronchus has been given the same name, but
“cardiacus” has been made an alternative term in the hope that “medialis” will become established as the recognized term for this bronchus. [PNA, 1955]

478 Bronchus segmentalis basalis medialis [cardiacus] pulmonis sinistri. This term has not been changed from the P.N.A., but the oval brackets indicating it was a variation have been deleted. It is now known that
the left basal bronchus usually divides into two bronchi (and not as was formerly believed into three), one of which subdivides into bronchi 9 and 10 and the other into 7 and 8. The pulmonary zone supplied by the
left medial basal bronchus (7) is as large as, and is homologous to, that supplied by the right medial basal bronchus, and it is often resected by itself. It also simulates the right medial basal bronchus in arising
separately from the basal bronchus in up to 33% of subjects. Failure to recognize homologous portions of right and left lungs leads to confusion and errors. (See Boyden, E.A., “Segmental Anatomy of the Lungs”,
McGraw Hill Book Co., 1955; and Boyden and Tompsett, J. thor. Surg., 1959, 37, 462.) [NA2, 1961]

479 Bronchus segmentalis basalis anteromedialis. Anterior and medial basal segments are often fused in the left lower lobe.

480 Facies medialis pulmonis. The medial surface of the lung is divided into a “Pars vertebralis” and a “Pars mediastinalis” and that subdivision is recognized in this list. [PNA, 1955] The medial surface of the lung
is divided into a “Pars vertebralis”, a “Pars mediastinalis” and a cardiac impression. [NA3, 1966]

481 Facies interlobaris pulmonis. The interlobar surfaces of the lung are buried in the depths of the oblique and horizontal fissures. [PNA, 1955]

482 Segmentum bronchopulmonale. The Broncho-pulmonary segments are normally independent entities, each receiving its own bronchus or bronchi and its own branches from the right (or left) pulmonary artery.
The condition of pulmonary abscess tends to be restricted to a single segment on this account, and the Committee were satisfied that the terms which follow (and which are identical with those already listed) for the
branches of the bronchi concerned), should now be included in an official list of anatomical terms. [PNA, 1955]

483 Lobus superior pulmonis sinistri. The French Nomenclatural Commission suggested the term Culmen pulmonis sinistri for the part of the left lobus superior which is not lingular. The Committee did not approve.
[NA4, 1977]

484 Segmentum basal anteromediale. Anterior and medial basal segments are often fused in the left lower lobe.

485 Recessus phrenicomediastinalis. This a new term. [NA4, 1977]

486 Pleura visceralis. Visceralis was preferred by the Committee, pulmonalis (3rd edition) being retained as a synonym. [NA4, 1977] The term pleural visceralis is still deemed preferable to pleura pulmonalis
because it reinforces the relationship of pleura to pericardium and peritoneum.

487 Mediastinum. In classical Latin “Mediastinum” signified a partition and in the B.N.A. the term “Septum mediastinale” was employed. In practice, however, the term “Mediastinum” applies to the interval between
the right and left pleural sacs, and in Continental countries of Europe it was customary to describe the two subdivisions of the space which are listed in the B.N.A. On the other hand, in England and in the United

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States of America, the two subdivisions of the Mediastinum were increased to four by the addition of a superior mediastinum and a middle mediastinum, which is entirely occupied by the heart. The two subdivisions
listed in the B.N.A. are also listed here, but time will show which subdivision of the Mediastinum proves to be the most convenient. [PNA, 1955]

488 Mediastinum inferius. Mediastinum inferius has been added in this edition, but it is recognized that definitions of the subdivisions of the mediastinum are not identical in different countries. The schema shown
here is current in Great Britain and the United States of America. [NA4, 1977]

489 Pericardium. The parts of hte Pericardium have been given individual names and the term “Epicardium” is included as an official alternative. [PNA, 1955]

490 Sinus obliquus pericardii. This term designates the blind recess which extends upwards behind the left atrium. It is bounded on each side by the serous pericardial folds which include the terminal parts of the
tight and left pulmonary veins. Its upper limit marks the reflection of the serous pericardium on to the fibrous layer, at or near the summit of the left atrium. [PNA, 1955]

491 Plica venae cavae sinistrae. This fold of serous pericardium covers the remnant of the left superior vena cava.

492 Membrana bronchopericardiaca. A connective tissue membrane consisting mainly of collagenous fibres that extends from the anterior surface of the tracheal bifurcation via the dorsal wall of the pericardium to
the diaphragm. Three fibre directions can be discerned. Vertical fibres run in the direction just mentioned. Transverse fibres run from the pericardium into the lung where they join the adventitia of the large
pulmonary veins. Oblique fibres extend from the two main bronchi diagonally over the pericardium into the opposite pulmonal ligaments. The membrane is the borderline between the middle and the posterior
mediastinum, together with the tracheal bifurcation. Its function is to stabilize the tracheal bifurcation and that of the main bronchi, in relation to the dorsal aspect of the pericardium and the pulmonary hilus, during
movements relating to respiration, the larynx, and the head. Benninghoff Anatomie. 1994. Edited by Drenckhahn D. and Zenker W. Vol. 1, p. 557. München-Wien-Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg.
Rauber/Kopsch. 1987. Anatomie des Menschen. Edited by Leonhardt H. Vol. 2, p. 159. “Innere Organe.” Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme. [TA, 1998]

493 Systema urinarium. Organa urinaria was suggested by the Soviet anatomists. This provides a more appropriate heading for a section containing more than the kidney, and it was preferred by the Committee to
the O. uropoietica of the 3rd edition. [NA4, 1977]

494 Ren. Very few changes of any consequence were made in the terminology of the kidney itself, but it was recognized that current descriptions in anatomical textbooks do not agree as to the mode of distribution
of the vessels. [PNA, 1955] The renal segments are named for the first time in this edition of N.A. As in the case of the liver segments, the I.A.N.C. had the task of selecting what seemed to be the best terms from
a variety available. [NA3, 1966] The subdivisions of the renal cortex and the renal medulla follow the recommendations given by The Renal Commission of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)
1988. “A Standard Nomenclature for Structures of the Kidney” Am J Physiol 254:F1-8, Pfugers Arch 411:113-120, Kidney Int 33:1-7, and Anat Embryol (Berlin) 178:N1-8. [TA, 1998] The process of removing
microscopic features that are the subject of Terminologia Histologica, which began with NA4 (1977), continues with this edition.

495 Ureter. There was general agreement that it was both unnecessary and impractical to retain a terminology which suggested that the muscular coat of the ureter was divisible into three clearly defined strata.
Both in the ureter and in the wall of the urinary bladder the muscular layers intermingle to such an extent that in neither case was the B.N.A. practice followed. [PNA, 1955]

496 Vesica urinaria. The M. sphincter vesicae has been added to the list under the Tunica mucosa, together with the Recto-coccygeal and the Recto-urethral muscles. [PNA, 1955]

497 Detrusor vesicae. [Musculus detrusor vesicae]. Added in this edition. [NA4, 1977]

498 Ostium internum urethrae. This term describes the opening of the urethra from the bladder. However, superimposed lateral cystograms and voiding cystourethrograms show that the ostium in the bladder that
is filling differs from the ostium in the bladder that is voiding. The bladder around the ostium urethrae internum accipiens usually forms a flat disc or baseplate, the pars intramuralis urethrae (bladder neck) is closed
and the urethra is at its longest. With the onset of voiding the baseplate becomes progressively funnel-shaped and the bladder neck opens and becomes incorporated into the funnel so that the bladder appears to
descend and the urethra to shorten. The ostium urethrae internum evacuans then lies some 20% closer to the ostium urethrae externum in the female, and the basis prostatae in the male. [TA, 1998]

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499 Crista urethralis. The transition from bladder to urethra is simplest in the female. Where the Trigonum Lieutaudi tapers toward the opening of the urethra, a number of small fan-like converging mucous folds
pass over into the urethra. These are continued in a longitudinal ridge on the posterior wall of the latter,—the Crista urethralis. In the urethra these little folds are connected with each other by numerous delicate
cross bridges and form in conjunction with the latter a very fine meshwork. The muscular ring lying at the transition from bladder to urethra gradually diminishes and blends with this network. On its inner surface,
starting from the fundus of the bladder, there originates a longitudinal fibrous layer which reaches deeply into the urethra. [BNA, 1895]

500 Sphincter internus urethrae masculinae. If the bladder and urethra be opened lengthwise from in front the boundary of both structures is shown by a protruding annular thickening which we call the Anulus
urethralis vesicae. The more powerful the musculature of the bladder and the more it is contracted, the more prominent becomes this ring shaped thickening. It surrounds the first part of the urethra; nevertheless we
shall speak with the same right of an Anulus urethralis vesicae, as we speak of a Portio vaginalis uteri. It is formed by the strong muscle bundles, surrounding in winding loops the urethral opening, which we were
hitherto accustomed to designate as M. sphincter vesicae internus. The Commission dropped this designation and the future must tell whether this name really can be discarded. [BNA, 1895] The Anulus urethralis
vesicae was removed in PNA (1955), and the M. sphincter internus urethrae was added in TA (1998) to the Urethra masculina and to the Urethra feminina.

501 Colliculus seminalis. The Colliculus seminalis, the Caput gallinaginus of the older anatomists, comprises, according to the usual description, the roundish prominence on which open the Vesicula prostatica and
the Ductus ejaculatorii together with a longitudinal crest reaching into the urethra — or to retain the picture of the head of the snipe — the head and the bill. The Crista urethralis extends from the Uvula vesicae to
the lower prostatic parts of the urethra and the Colliculus seminalis blends with the Crista as a local enlargement. [BNA, 1895]

502 Sinus prostaticus. The ductuli postatici open, on each side, into the recess between the colliculus seminalis and the urethral wall, and it is here named the “Sinus prostaticus”. [PNA, 1955]

503 Pars membranacea urethrae masculinae. [Pars intermedia]. With the abandonment of the term urogenital diaphragm, pars membranacea has become a misnomer, it being the part between the pars prostatica
urethrae and the pars spongiosa urethrae and not just the part passing through the membrana perinealis. The isthmus urethrae extends between the membrana perinealis and the distal end of the colliculus
seminalis that may be 0-1 cm above the apex of the prostate. Myers R.P. 1991. “Male Urethral Sphincteric Anatomy and Radical Prostatectomy.” Urol Clin North Am 18: 211-227. [TA, 1998]

504 Pars spongiosa. This part of the urethra lies within the corpus spongiosum, as the name indicates. [PNA, 1955]

505 Ductus paraurethrales. Added in this edition. [NA4, 1977]

506 Systema genitale femininum. [Organa genitalia feminina]. In order to differentiate more clearly between these organs in the two sexes, the adjectival terms “masculinus” and “femininus” have been used
throughout. [PNA, 1955]

507 Ovarium. Now that a Nomina Histologica is available it is possible to delete many histological terms from Nomina Anatomica, as has been done here regarding the microscopic details of the ovary, including the
ovum. [NA4, 1977]

508 Tuba uterina. Salpinx has been added as a synonym, since most clinical expression use this stem. [NA4, 1977]

509 Uterus. Metra is an addition. [NA4, 1977]

510 Isthmus uteri. This part of the uterus was originally described as the upper part of the cervix, but Stieve showed that it possessed certain distinctive features which justified its name. It corresponds to the Lower
Uterine Segment of obstetricians, and it becomes taken up into the body of the uterus as that organ enlarges during the second month of pregnancy. The fetal membranes, which are inseparably blended with the
mucous membrane of the body of the uterus, remain free, and unattached, where they are in contact with the isthmus. (See H. Stieve, “Der Halsteil der menschlichen Gebärtmutter” Leipzig, 1927). [PNA, 1955]
The histological internal os is the lower limit of the isthmus uteri and can be recognized with the unaided eye: above endometrium is present that undergoes menstrual changes; below cervical mucosa is present
that does not. Frankl O. 1933. “On the Physiology and Pathology of the Isthmus Uteri.” J Obstet Gynecol Br Commonw. 40: 397-422. [TA, 1998]

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511 Ostium externum uteri. [Ostium uteri]. Owing to the introduction of the term “Isthmus” the need for an “Ostium uteri internum” disappears, and there is therefore no necessity to include the adjectival “externum”
in this instance. [PNA, 1955]

512 Tela subserosa uteri. In the P.N.A. this was termed Tunica subserosa, but elsewhere this layer was termed “tela”. This term has been introduced under “Uterus”. [NA2, 1961]

513 Endometrium. As indicated, this is an alternative in common use for the “Tunica mucosa”. [PNA, 1955]

514 Fornix vaginae. Soviet anatomists wished to make this expression plural, a suggestion not accepted by the Committee. However, anterior and posterior parts are commonly described in textbooks, and a
lateral part may be added. The number of such parts is, theoretically, infinite, but Partes anterior/posterior/lateralis were considered adequate by the Committee. [NA4, 1977]

515 Ductus deferens vestigialis. This is an addition. [NA4, 1977]

516 Epididymis. The term Coni epididymidis has been added as an official alternative to Lobuli epididymidis. [PNA, 1955]

517 Ductulus aberrans inferior. A new term in this edition. [NA4, 1977]

518 Appendix testis. The Committee preferred to regard the appendix testis as a single entity and included, as the B.N.A. did, the “(appendix epididymis)” as well. [PNA, 1955]

519 Funiculus spermaticus. [Tunicae funiculi spermatici et testis]. The coverings of the spermatic cord and testis are listed, but not the contents of the spermatic cord. [PNA, 1955]

520 Ductus deferens. For reasons already explained in connection with the Ureter, no attempt has been made to subdivide the muscular coat into strata. [PNA, 1955] The term “vas deferens” is antiquated and
misleading as it may appear to refer to a blood vessel.

521 Glandula seminalis. [Glandula vesiculosa]. This term should be used instead of vesicula seminalis because the organ is not a reservoir for semen, but a gland secreting a substantial part of seminal plasma.
[TA, 1998]

522 Prostata. Definitions of these divisions of the prostate [Lobi dexter, sinister et medius] are subject to much controversy. Until disagreements are settled the Committee decided to make no nomenclatural
change. [NA4, 1977] The term glandula prostata has been omitted because the prostate is more than its glandular part which comprises only about two-thirds of the tissue inside the prostatic capsule. [TA, 1998]
The terms glandula prostatica and prostate gland were debated again. Terminology modifications suggested by Myers RP, Cheville JC, Pawlina W. 2010. Making anatomic terminology of the prostate and
contiguous structures clinically useful: historical review and suggestions for revision in the 21st century. Clin Anat 23:18-29.

523 Lobus medius prostatae. The Lobus medius is a variation consisting of an independent prominence extending from the Isthmus. [BNA, 1895]

524 Pars glandularis prostatae. By Corpus glandulare prostatae is meant the main glandular mass of the organ, which, as we know from Jarjvay, Luschka and others, surrounds the beginning of the urethra like a
clasp open in front. The closing of this clasp to a ring is effected by muscular tissue which in its upper part consists of smooth fibres and in its lower part of striated fibres. Henle has designated this as well as the
other muscular tissue surrounding the prostatic part of the urethra as Sphincter vesicae internus and externus. The Commission has not accepted these terms, but has retained only the M. prostaticus. [BNA, 1895]

525 Commissura anterior prostatae. By Isthmus prostatae we understand the narrow strip of substance which is present between the entrance of the urethra and the Ductus ejaculatorii and which connects the two
lateral lobes of the organ, which lobes are more prominent at their bases. [BNA, 1895]

526 Parenchyma prostatae. [Lobuli prostatae]. Within each [lateral] lobe of the prostate, four lobules are defined by the arrangement of ducts and connective tissue and may be distinguished with the unaided eye.
The combined inferoposterior/inferolateral lobules, the superomedial lobules and the anteromedial lobules correspond to the histological entities of McNeal [1988 Am J Surg Pathol 12: 619-633], and widely called

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after his usage, peripheral, central and transitional zones respectively. A technique for the gross dissection of the inferoposterior, inferolateral and combined superomedial/anteromedial lobules was described by
Tisell and Salander [1975. Scand J Urol Nephrol 9: 185-191]. The inferoposterior and inferolateral lobules, together with the commissure, form a hollow cone within which the superomedial lobes surround the
ejaculatory ducts and the anteromedial lobes flank the proximal urethra. [TA, 1998]

527 Stroma fibromuscularis prostatae. [Substantia muscularis]. Plain muscular tissue forms the proper stroma of the prostate. In addition, it is intimately blended with the fibrous tissue of the capsule. It provides a
covering for the glandular substance, which is everywhere permeated by muscular strands, extending between the muscular wall of the urethra and the capsule. At the neck of the bladder it becomes continuous
with the striped muscle surrounding the membranous urethra. [PNA, 1955]

528 Corpus spongiosum penis. It was felt that this term was of real help to students in differentiating between parts of the penis. [PNA, 1955]

529 Caverni corporis spongiosi. The structure of the corpus spongiosum is the same as the structure of the corpora cavernosa. [PNA, 1955]

530 Bulbus penis. The expansion involves the proximal end of the corpus spongiosum and it is this expansion which is responsible for the bulb. In this situation, it is true, the urethra is wider than it is elsewhere,
but this does not account for the formation of the bulb. [PNA, 1955] The alternative Bulbus corporis spongiosi is regarded as more suitable by a minority of the Committee. [NA4, 1977]

531 Ligamentum fundiforme penis. Luschka has described under the name Lig. suspensorium penis superficiale, sive elasticum, a broad band consisting almost entirely of elastic fibres, which originates near the
Linea alba about 3 fingers' width above the symphysis and embraces the penis with two branches which meet again under the same. This elastic band is often found strongly developed and a part of its fibres may
also radiate to the scrotum. On Braune's and my suggestions the apparatus ... was designated as Funda penis, an expression which the editorial staff lately changed to Lig. fundiforme. [BNA, 1895]

532 Bursa omentalis. The Bursa omentalis is divided into the Vestibulum, the Recessus superior and the Recessus inferior. [BNA, 1895]

533 Foramen omentale. [Foramen epiploicum]. The synonyms have been added at the request of a minority, in the hope that they will displace the less informative official terms. [NA4, 1977] Epiploön and its
derivatives are today unfamiliar. [NA5, 1983]

534 Vestibulum bursae omentalis. From the foramen of Winslow on, a narrow passage extends medianward below the Processus caudatus of Spiegel's lobe and over the Pars superior duodeni and beyond the
head of the Pancreas. This passage is the Vestibulum bursae omentalis, which is bounded anteriorly by the Lig. hepatoduodenale. The vessels of the liver, the V. portae, A. hepatica and D. choledochus, pass
below the floor of the Vestibulum posterior to the head of the Pancreas and from the posterior abdominal wall upward between the Laminae of the Lig. hepatoduodenale. [BNA, 1895]

535 Recessus superior bursae omentalis. The Recessus superior extends from the Vestibulum behind the Porta hepatis and ascends along the posterior wall of Spiegel's lobe, in front of the diaphragm and partly
anterior to the aorta and the lower end of the Oesophagus. [BNA, 1895]

536 Recessus inferior bursae omentalis. Through the roundish aperture narrowed by this fold [Plica gastropancreatica] the Vestibulum of the omentum is joined to the Recessus inferior, which descends in front of
the body of the pancreas and behind the stomach. The portion of this space extending farthest toward the left is the Recessus lienalis. The Processus papillaris extends into the aperture of the Recessus inferior
from above and narrows its entrance. [BNA, 1895]

537 Fossa paravesicalis. Additional term. [NA4, 1977]

538 Fossa ovarica. The ovary is said [by Claudius, 1865] to lie horizontally or with a slightly inclined axis in the shallow groove of the Fossa ovarii, which latter is said to be sunk in the adipose connective tissue at
the upper margin of the M. piriformis and in front of the point of exit of the Vasa glutaea sup. The ovaries lie on the lateral wall of the pelvis, immediately below the Linea arcuata; one surface is directed
medianward, the other lateralward, the attached margin forward and the free backward. The longitudinal axis of the ovary is almost parallel to the axis of the body. Since the statements of Claudius concerning the
position of the ovary proved to be untenable we are no longer justified in speaking of a Fossa ovarica [Claudii]. The great majority of the text-books avoid this term. Waldeyer, who still uses it, is in accord with the

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new standpoint, defined above, as regards his conception of the position of the ovary. The Fossa ovarica referred to by him, therefore, cannot coincide as to location and direction with the Fossa of Claudius. [BNA,
1895] Additional term. [NA4, 1977]

539 Lamina propria mesenterii. Membrana mesenterii propria is the connective tissue layer left after removal of both peritoneal layers, which is the carrier of the blood and lymph vessels, the lymph-glands, the
veins and adipose tissue (Toldt, 5 Aufl. von Langer-Toldt. Anatomie, Wien 1893, p. 321). [BNA, 1895]

540 Mesoappendix. This simple term has been substituted for the clumsy term used in P.N.A. [NA2, 1961]

541 Omentum minus. The Omentum minus in its different parts is not equally developed. A superior sickle shaped strip distinguished by its aponeurotic like structure, extends from the cardia and the ventral part of
the oesophagus to the Fossa sagittalis sinistra posterior. This is designated by Langer-Toldt, Pars condensa (Langer-Toldt, 1. c., p. 333). By these authors the thin flaccid middle piece of the lesser omentum, which
is attached at the lesser curvature of the stomach, is called Pars flaccida. To the right this Pars flaccida blends without sharply defined outlines into the Lig. hepatoduodenale. [BNA, 1895]

542 Encoboma omentale. Although the pendulous portion of the greater omentum is often called the greater omentum, this part should be designated as the omental apron in order to distinguish it from the other
parts of the greater omentum.

543 Ligamentum gastrocolicum. Gastrocolic ligament always exists, connecting greater curvature of the stomach with the transverse colon to which it fuses during development. This term should not be in

544 Plica gastroomentalis. Gastro-omental fold is an occasional additional, more anteroinferiorly placed connection between spleen and transverse colon.

545 Ligamentum falciforme. Ligamentum falciforme hepatis was accepted by the Commission instead of Lig. suspensorium hepatis in order to definitely remove the erroneous interpretation contained in the latter
term. The name is not new, but has been used by French authors. (Ligamentum falciforme or grande faux du foie; see Cruveilhier, Sappey, Testut. - Sappey makes a distinction between his grande faux and the Lig.
suspensorium; the former blends with the latter at the margin of the liver. The petites faux of Sappey are the three Ligg. umbilicalia.) [BNA, 1895]

546 Plica gastropancreatica. From the place where the Tuberculum omentale pancreatis overhangs the lesser curvature of the stomach the two upper branches of the A. coeliaca, viz. the A. coronaria ventriculi
sinistra and the A. hepatica, diverge and the former especially pushes in front of itself the posterior wall of the Omentum. There is thus formed a sickle-shaped protruding fold, - the Plica gastropancreatica. [BNA,

547 Plica duodenojejunalis. [Plica duodenalis superior]. In P.N.A. these were given as separate terms, but most anatomists regard them as the same fold. [NA2, 1961]

548 Plica duodenomesocolica. [Plica duodenalis inferior]. In P.N.A. these were given as separate terms, but most anatomists regard them as the same fold. [NA2, 1961]

549 Plica umbilicalis mediana. The Plica umbilicalis mediana is raised by the vestige of the urachus as it ascends, extraperitoneally, to the umbilicus. [NA2, 1961]

550 Plica umbilicalis medialis. The “Plica umbilicalis medialis” is raised by the obliterated umbilical artery, which converges on the median plane to reach the umbilicus. [NA2, 1961] The medial umbilical fold is
raised by the medial umbilical ligament, which is derived from the occluded portion of the umbilical artery. Clinicians sometimes refer to the medial umbilical fold as “lateral umbilical fold”.

551 Trigonum inguinale. This term was not included in the P.N.A. Formerly it was known as Hesselbach’s triangle. [NA2, 1961]

552 Plica umbilicalis lateralis. The “Plica umbilicalis lateralis” is more laterally situated and is raised by the Inferior epigastric vessels. [NA2, 1961]

553 Plica vesicalis transversa. Plica vesicalis transversa [Waldeyer] is the constant peritoneal fold which runs obliquely over the empty bladder. [BNA, 1895]

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554 Trigonum parietale laterale pelvis. Laparoscopists enter pelvic extraperitoneal tissue planes through this triangle which is bounded anteriorly by lig. teres, laterally by a. iliacus externus and medially by lig.
suspensorium ovarii. [TA, 1998]

555 Ligamentum suspensorium ovarii. The entering vessels of the ovary and the surrounding fold form for it, as well as for the tubes, a kind of suspending ligament,— the Lig. suspensorium ovarii of the
Commission. [BNA, 1895]

556 Spatium retropubicum. This term designates the extraperitoneal interval between the inferior aspect of the apex vesicae, and the postero-superior aspect of the pubic symphysis and the bodies of the two pubic
bones. Its floor is formed by the pubo-prostatic ligaments, which intervene between it and the prostatic plexus of veins. [PNA, 1955] In the female, the pubovesical ligaments form the floor of the retropubic space.

557 Fasciae extraperitoneales pelvis. To it [Fascia endopelvina] belongs the Ligg. puboprostatica and the Fascia pelvis visceralis. [BNA, 1895] This term [Fascia endopelvica] is sometimes used generically to
include not only parietal fascia but also extraperitoneal fascia and visceral fascia in the pelvis. [TA, 1998]

558 Fascia rectoprostatica. The Fascia (or the Septum) rectovesicalis belongs to the Prostata and not to the perineal fasciae. [BNA, 1895]

559 Parametrium. The expression was accepted in the interest of the physicians who speak of a parametritis. By Parametrium is designated the loose tissue which surrounds the prominent vessel plexuses lying
beside the uterus and the upper part of the vagina. It occupies the triangular space lateral from the vault of the vagina, the Collum uteri, and the Corpus uteri. Its upper end extends between the converging layers
of the Lig. latum uteri. [BNA, 1895] This term designates the connective tissue which lies between the two serous layers of the broad ligament of the uterus, especially along the right and left margins of the organ.
[PNA, 1955]

560 Paracervix. Additional term. [NA4, 1977]

561 Musculus rectovesicalis. Many anatomists and several clinicians suggested the addition of this term. [NA3, 1966]

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