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Syllabus and Outline Template

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Course Syllabus


Instructor Name​: Kevin Hernandez Instructor Website​: Instructor@Teach.com

Instructor Contact​: Kevinbhernandez@gmail.com Course Creation Date​: 10/09/2018

Course Description and Goals

Course Description ​ : In this course you ’ll learn the basics of regular expressions , also known as
Regex . As a professional you will understand when it is beneficial to use Regex and when it’s not,
how to construct Regex, and how to read Regex built by other professionals.

Who is this course For? Anyone looking to learn regular expressions.

Course Goals: By the end​ of this course, students should be able to:

❏Understand​ the principles of Regex

❏Identify when it is beneficial to use Regex
❏Read and Write Basic Regex

Brought to you by:  Develop your team with the ​fastest growing catalog​ in the 
cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development 
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and 
competency analytics. 


Course Outline

Module 1 | Introduction
Lesson 1.1: Introduction - RX (05:19)
Lesson 1.2: When and How to Use Regex - RX (06:56)

Module 2 | Regex Structure

Lesson 2.1: Introduction to Regex Structures - RX (07:13)
Lesson 2.2: Character Classes: Words, Digits, and Spaces - RX (07:01)
Lesson 2.3: Character Classes : Character Range , “Any of”, and Wild Cards - RX (08:04)
Lesson 2.4: Quantifiers : Length of Queries and Some Digit Based Examples - RX (09:22)
Lesson 2.5: Length of Queries and Mixed Examples Continued - RX (11:28)

Module 3 | Data Acquisition

Lesson 3.1: Words with Small Variants and Letter Manipulation - RX (06:12)
Lesson 3.2: Extracting Data from Windows Log Sources - RX (08:13)
Lesson 3.3: Extracting Data from Firewall Log Sources - RX (12:24)

Lesson 3.4: Extracting data from Firewall Log Sources Continued - RX (15:24)

Brought to you by:  Develop your team with the ​fastest growing catalog​ in the 
cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development 
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and 
competency analytics. 

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