Goal Setting Games
Goal Setting Games
Goal Setting Games
Goal setting games are a variety of training games
that trainers play to help participants experience goal setting in a
concrete way.
3. A piece of chalk
The game:
7. Draw three lines in front of the peg at a distance of 2 feet, 4 feet and
six feet from the peg.
£. Hold the rubber rings yourself and give them to the players as they
take their turns to ring the peg.
10. Each player gets three trials for each level of risk (level1 - 2 ft, level2
- 4ft, and level3 - 6ft).
11. In one turn players can choose only one level of risk.
12. On your score sheet against each person's name record their
performance under the level chosen.
13. You'll find adventurous players choosing the level3 and safe palyers
beginning with level1 and then graduating Levels 2&3.
14. ©ome adventurous ones decide to lower the level of risk to 2 in the
second round because they could not perform at level3.
15. A little more adventurous ones volunteer to draw a fourth level of risk
at £ft for their second round.
16. Debrief this goal setting game to help participants to reflect on their
own goal setting and risk taking behavior. Derive the learnings that are
mentioned above.
Lift the stick.
3. The aim of the game is for the team of people to lift the stick together
on their forefingers until it reaches shoulder level. The challenge is to
keep the fingers in contact with the stick all the way up.
4. Due to a scientific principle the stick arches upwards in the centre and
it appears as though the stick is floating rather than being lifted.
For more information on the materials used to play these goal setting
games use the contact us form
Also get a monthly e-zine x
x free for stories that you can
use to emphasise experiential learning. ©tories and their lessons are
easily remembered.
The first part of the article is 5 icebreaker games for small groups which can be adapted to
suit by splitting your large group into smaller groups and running the activity concurrently.
Maybe take a few minutes to read the article on how to choose good ice breaker games, or
just dive straight in and select from the following tried and tested ice breaker games.
Have each person lay in a line on the floor side by side, like sardines in a tin. Each person
must lay their left hand lightly on the stomach of the person on their left. (Assuming all
their heads are on the same side!)
îerson 1 says ³HA´. îerson 2 says ³HA HA´. îerson 3 says ³HA HA HA´ and so on up the
line. Any gigglers must be taken out the line and people left shuffle along to fill the whole.
©tart the game again with îerson 1 and keep going until everyone has giggled and no-one
is left.
In the unlikely event that you get to the end of the line without any gigglers, send the HA¶s
back to îerson 1, but carry on the count of HA¶s ± ³HA HA HA HA HA HA HA«.´ I guarantee
it won¶t be long until the concentration lapses and giggling ensues.
Get your group to form a circle. The purpose of the game is to learn names by throwing the
ball. Each person must throw the ball 3 times.
©tart the game by throwing the ball to someone you know ± say their name as you throw
the ball. This person throws the ball to someone else and says their name. And so on, until
each person has thrown the ball 3 times.
If some poor soul is left out, take the lead and throw the ball to them asking their name.
When sending out invites to the meeting, ask each person to send back a secret fact about
them. You¶ll find all sorts of hidden talents, escapades or achievements ± one hit popstars,
matchstick collectors or maybe a kissogram!
îrepare a document with all the secrets written out, and a blank next to each for the owner.
Make sure you print out enough sheets.
At the meeting hand out the secrets sheets, and ask the group to mingle and figure out
which secret belongs to whom. If the group is mixing well, be flexible about the timing and
maybe let the exercise go on slightly longer.
Take the completed sheets back and mark them quickly. As you are doing this, ask each
person to confess their secret to the group. Announce the ³winner´ and maybe give a small
Get your group to make a circle, and face center. Have group shuffle up close, shoulder to
shoulder and close their eyes. When all ready, ask them to carefully reach out and clasp
hands, any hands, with people in the circle.
As facilitator, open your eyes and check that each hand is joined to only one other hand,
and that there is a healthy amount of intermingling.
When you¶re satisfied they¶re ready, ask the group to open their eyes and start un-tangling
the knot without letting go hands.
Eventually the group will untangle into a perfect circle, maybe with a breakaway smaller
circle. Get everyone to clap and congratulate themselves for a job well done.
Caution ± this is a physical activity so ensure that people are suitably dressed, physically
able and willing to take part.
Item ideas; toy dog, cardboard box, chair, wooden spoon, picture, scarf or anything else
around the home or office.
Creative uses; flip toy dog over and say ³dog tired´, hide the dog and say ³dog-gone´, use
cardboard box as handbag, you get the idea«