This document appears to be the results of a student exam on network security concepts. It includes a table with the names of 26 students, their student IDs, and total scores on the exam out of 100. The overall class scoring average is reported as 47.0%. The rest of the document consists of multiple choice questions and answers related to network security topics like firewalls, authentication, encryption, and others.
This document appears to be the results of a student exam on network security concepts. It includes a table with the names of 26 students, their student IDs, and total scores on the exam out of 100. The overall class scoring average is reported as 47.0%. The rest of the document consists of multiple choice questions and answers related to network security topics like firewalls, authentication, encryption, and others.
This document appears to be the results of a student exam on network security concepts. It includes a table with the names of 26 students, their student IDs, and total scores on the exam out of 100. The overall class scoring average is reported as 47.0%. The rest of the document consists of multiple choice questions and answers related to network security topics like firewalls, authentication, encryption, and others.
This document appears to be the results of a student exam on network security concepts. It includes a table with the names of 26 students, their student IDs, and total scores on the exam out of 100. The overall class scoring average is reported as 47.0%. The rest of the document consists of multiple choice questions and answers related to network security topics like firewalls, authentication, encryption, and others.
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TLJ - Firewall
Monday, September 30 2019 10:20 AM
Room: dianwahyu
Student Names Student ID Total Score (0 - 100)
Ade Dwi Apriliyantoa B - 61 Adys Vadilla - 57 Aga putra destyan nurr - 54 Alfrico Dion P - 64 Andika wahyu - 25 Andika wahyu - 39 Antonius Baskoro - 93 Calvin - 32 Dika Maulana - 43 Ferninda Lailatul Nikma - 64 Fiki achmad gunawan - 64 Ilham andrean - 32 Mochamad samsul arifu - 0 Mochamad samsul arifu - 50 Mohammad avief ariffud - 46 Muhammad Rizki Syahu - 64 Muhammad arya dwita - 4 Muhammad arya dwita - 39 NATHASYA INDDIC TR - 36 Nanda dwi nur afni - 54 Prayoga Syahrul Rohm - 32 Ramadhani budi setyaw - 46 Rio Adi Setiawan - 68 rohanda dwi firmansyah - 54 virgiawan aldyansyah - 54 Class Scoring 47.0% answers computer menurut .. kecuali .. 17 Gollmann Packet Fingerprinting 16 John D. Howard Packet tracer 15 Gollmann Network Topology 18 Gollmann Packet tracer 7 Packet tracer 11 Gollmann IDS / IPS 26 Gollmann Packet tracer 9 Jawaban salah semua Packet tracer 12 Garfinkel Packet tracer 18 John D. Howard Network Topology 18 Gollmann Packet tracer 9 Jawaban salah semua Packet tracer 0 14 Gollmann Management 13 Gollmann Network Topology 18 Gollmann Packet tracer 1 11 Jawaban salah semua IDS / IPS 10 John D. Howard Packet tracer 15 Jawaban salah semua Network Topology 9 John D. Howard Network Topology 13 Gollmann Packet tracer 19 Gollmann Packet tracer 15 John D. Howard Packet tracer 15 Jawaban salah semua Packet tracer 13.16 44.0% 56.0% fungsi dari ... .. disebut .. Management Probe Probe Management Social Engineering Account compromise Management Probe Social Engineering Management Probe Social Engineering Management Probe Packet Snifer Management Packet Snifer Social Engineering Management Probe Social Engineering Management Packet Snifer Packet Snifer Management Probe Packet Snifer Management Account compromise Social Engineering Packet tracer Probe Account compromise IDS / IPS Denial-of-Service Packet Snifer IDS / IPS Packet Snifer Denial-of-Service Management Account compromise Social Engineering Management Social Engineering Account compromise Management Social Engineering Social Engineering IDS / IPS Denial-of-Service Account compromise Management Account compromise Account compromise Management Social Engineering Packet Snifer Management Account compromise Social Engineering Management Account compromise Social Engineering Network Topology Denial-of-Service Social Engineering Management Account compromise Account compromise 72.0% 28.0% 40.0% kecuali .. contohnya adalah ... adalah .. internet Jaringan Authentication internet Jaringan Authentication kejahatan computer Jaringan Nonrepudiation internet Jaringan Authentication dan internet internet jaringan komunikasi Nonrepudiation internet Jaringan Authentication internet Virus Confidentiality dan internet aplikasi Nonrepudiation internet Jaringan Authentication internet aplikasi Authentication internet Virus Authentication dan internet Jaringan Authentication internet Jaringan Authentication internet Jaringan Authentication internet internet Virus Confidentiality internet Virus Authentication internet Jaringan Authentication internet Jaringan Authentication internet Virus Authentication internet Jaringan Confidentiality komputer dan internet Jaringan Authentication internet Jaringan Authentication 76.0% 56.0% 64.0% disebut ... server disebut ... Firewall adalah ... Modification Autentikasi Digest Firewall Interruption Autentikasi basic Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Digest Firewall Modification Autentikasi Digest Firewall Modification Autentikasi Certificate Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Digest Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Digest Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Digest Firewall Modification Autentikasi Certificate Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Digest Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Form Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Form Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Digest Firewall Modification Autentikasi Digest Firewall Modification Autentikasi basic Cisco PIX Interruption Autentikasi Form Firewall Modification Autentikasi Certificate SunScreen Modification Autentikasi basic Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Form Cisco PIX Interruption Autentikasi Digest Firewall Interruption Autentikasi Digest Firewall Modification Autentikasi Certificate Firewall 52.0% 44.0% 76.0% disebut .. lainnya) disebut .. Firewall adalah .., NAT Firewall Virtual Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Virtual Firewall hubungan Stateful Firewall NAT Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall hubungan Virtual Firewall Virtual Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Virtual Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall NAT Firewall melewati firewall NAT Firewall Virtual Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Stateful Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Virtual Firewall hubungan Transparent Firewall Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall NAT Firewall hubungan Stateful Firewall Stateful Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Virtual Firewall hubungan Transparent Firewall Stateful Firewall hubungan Stateful Firewall NAT Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Stateful Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Firewall hubungan Virtual Firewall NAT Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Transparent Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Virtual Firewall hubungan NAT Firewall Stateful Firewall melewati firewall 64.0% 32.0% 52.0% scanner dalah .... adalah definisi dari .... adalah definisi dari .... Spoofing Availability Integrity Spoofing Availability Integrity Netcat Availability Confidentiality BIOS Security Availability Integrity BIOS Security Confidentiality Integrity BIOS Security Availability Integrity 2000 Authentication Integrity BIOS Security Integrity Confidentiality Netcat Availability Integrity BIOS Security Availability Integrity Spoofing Confidentiality Availability Spoofing Availability Integrity Netcat Authentication Integrity BIOS Security Confidentiality Integrity Spoofing Availability Integrity Spoofing Confidentiality Integrity Netcat Availability Integrity Spoofing Authentication Authentication BIOS Security Confidentiality Confidentiality BIOS Security Availability Integrity BIOS Security Availability Integrity Netcat Availability Integrity 36.0% 52.0% 68.0% adalah definisi .... definisi dari .... komputer kecuali .... Authentication Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Integrity Overview Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Availability Confidentially Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Overview Authentication Confidentiality Reliability Integrity Integrity Reliability Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Overview Integrity Availability Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Integrity Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Availability Overview Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Authentication Authentication Kehandalan Confidentiality Confidentiality Overview Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan Nonrepudiation Confidentiality Kehandalan 68.0% 60.0% 20.0% dari Firewall, yaitu …. adalah…. kecuali .... jaringan yang berbeda Data Link Layer Scripting jaringan Data Link Layer Physing Internet/Intranet Network Layer Carding jaringan yang berbeda Transport Layer Scripting Transport Layer Cracking Internet/Intranet Physical Layer Scripting jaringan Transport Layer Scripting jaringan Aplication Layer Physing jaringan yang berbeda Data Link Layer Scripting jaringan Transport Layer Scripting jaringan Aplication Layer Cracking jaringan Physical Layer Carding jaringan Data Link Layer Scripting jaringan Network Layer Deface jaringan Aplication Layer Scripting jaringan Transport Layer Scripting Internet/Intranet Aplication Layer Cracking jaringan Transport Layer Scripting jaringan Data Link Layer Physing jaringan Aplication Layer Cracking jaringan Physical Layer Cracking jaringan yang berbeda Data Link Layer Carding jaringan yang berbeda Transport Layer Cracking 36.0% 28.0% 40.0% … firewall adalah ... … phising squid Enkripsi hacking squid Digital Signature hacking proxy Algoritma Checksum phising proxy security service hacking Enkripsi hacking squid Algoritma Checksum phising proxy Digital Signature hacking proxy security service hacking proxy Digital Signature phising proxy security service hacking security Algoritma Checksum phising squid security service phising proxy security service phising security Digital Signature hacking squid security service hacking squid security service phising squid Enkripsi phising proxy security service hacking squid security service hacking squid Enkripsi hacking squid Digital Signature hacking security security service phising squid security service 40.0% 44.0% 20.0% adalah, kecuali … h… atau policy ths komputer ths firewall s firewall swot akan berjalan ths akan berjalan s komputer swot digunakan swot digunakan s komputer s firewall s komputer ths komputer swot firewall ths komputer swot atau policy s atau policy s komputer s komputer ths atau policy s firewall s atau policy ths komputer swot 36.0% ###