Southport North Carolina PUD
Southport North Carolina PUD
Southport North Carolina PUD
Eight (8) acres of net buildable area within the City corporate limits, on one or
more contiguous parcels.
Twenty-five (25) acres of net buildable area in the ETJ, on one or more parcels
(this may include parcels on both sides of a street).
Fifteen (15) percent of the total PUD area shall be maintained as open space.
Street rights-of-way, parking lots, building areas (as defined), and yards held in
individual ownership shall not constitute any part of the required open space; however,
building areas for recreational facilities may be computed as open space. At least 92%
of all approved open space shall be commonly owned by a homeowners’ or property
owners’ association. Eight percent (8%) of the open space area may be privately-
owned open space. Any open space land use not included under approval of the PUD
Land Use Plan must be reviewed by the Planning Board and approved by the City of
Southport Board of Aldermen prior to its development. Areas to be used as open space
must be protected through a deed restriction and noted on the final plat.
A dense network of narrow streets with reduced curb radii may be fundamental
to sound PUD design. This network serves to both slow and disperse vehicular traffic
and provide a pedestrian friendly atmosphere. Such alternate guidelines are
encouraged when the overall design ensures that non-vehicular travel is to be afforded
every practical accommodation that does not adversely affect safety considerations.
The overall function, comfort, and safety of a multi-purpose or “shared” street are more
important than its vehicular efficiency alone.
travel. Most PUD streets should be designed to minimize through traffic by the design
of the street and the location of land uses. Streets are designed to only be as wide as
needed to accommodate the usual vehicular mix for that street while providing
adequate access for moving vans, garbage trucks, fire engines, and school buses (see
Appendix I).
Section 14-5: Residential Development (revised 5-10-07)
(A) Application for Zoning Map Amendment. A petition for a zoning map
amendment to establish a planned unit development district (PUD) shall
be submitted to the Planning Board and Board of Aldermen and
administered in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance
for amendments as defined by Article 4 of this Ordinance.
(B) Application for Land Use Plan. (Revised 6-12-08) An application for Land
Use Plan approval to develop a planned unit development shall only be
considered when the property is zoned planned unit development district
(a) That the proposed population densities, land uses, and other
special characteristics of development can exist in harmony
with adjacent areas;
(b) That the adjacent areas can be developed in compatibility
with the proposed planned unit development;
(c) That the proposed planned unit development will not
adversely affect traffic patterns and flow in adjacent areas;
(d) That the proposed Land Use Plan is consistent with the City
of Southport Comprehensive Plan.
(2) The Planning Board shall be required to advertise in accordance
with N.C.G.S. 160A-364 and conduct a public hearing prior to
approval of a PUD Land Use Plan.
(C) Site Plan. All applications for approval of a planned unit development
shall be accompanied by a site plan prepared by a registered engineer or
surveyor, submitted in accordance with the City of Southport Subdivision
Regulations for preliminary plats and which shall include but not be limited
to the following:
(5) Plans for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, natural gas, and
electric utilities;
(7) Soil maps prepared according to the United States cooperative soil
survey standards as published in the Brunswick County Soil
(8) Boundary survey of the tract showing courses and distances and
total acreage, including zoning, land use, and lot lines of all
contiguous property;
(12) Site data including vicinity sketch, north arrow, engineering scale
ratio, title of development, date of plan, name and address of
owner/developer and person or firm preparing the plan;
(D) Preliminary Plat - Site Plan Requirements. After approval of the land use
plan as set forth herein, the developer shall submit the following according
to the approved schedule of development:
(E) Final Plat Requirements. After approval of the preliminary plat as set forth
herein, the developer shall submit the following according to the approved
schedule of development:
(A) No final plat shall be approved until all required legal instruments have
been reviewed and approved by the city attorney as to legal form and
(5) Homeowners must pay their pro rata share of the cost; the
assessment levied by the association can become a lien on the
(7) Covenants for maintenance assessments shall run with the land;
(9) All lands so conveyed shall be subject to the right of the grantee or
grantees to enforce maintenance and improvement of the common
(A) Minor Changes. Amendment to the approved PUD Land Use Plan that in
the opinion of the Administrator does not substantially change the concept
of the planned unit development as approved may be allowed. Such
minor changes may include but not be limited to small site alterations
such as realignment of streets and relocation of utility lines due to
engineering necessity. The developer shall request such amendment in
writing, clearly setting forth the reasons for such changes. If approved,
the Land Use Plan shall be so amended prior to submission of any
preliminary plat-site plan application involving or affecting such
amendment. Appeal from the decision of the Administrator may be taken
to the Board of Adjustment.
(B) Major Changes. Amendments to the approved Land Use Plan that in the
opinion of the Administrator do in fact involve substantial changes and
deviations from the concept of the planned unit development as approved
shall require review pursuant to Section 14-8. Such major changes shall
include, but not be limited to, increased density, land use, location of use,
open space, recreation space, condition(s) of planning and zoning
commission approval and street pattern. Appeal from the decision of the
Administrator may be taken to the Board of Adjustment.
(C) Authority. Minor changes may be approved administratively by the
Administrator. Major changes shall require planning and zoning
commission approval.