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GaryHalbertDeceptionAd 2 PDF

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 If you would like to look as
much as 20 years younger...
in less than one minute...this
will be the most unbelievable
(but true!) message you will
cream which uses something
very much like a “magician’s
trick” to de-age the appear-
ance of your skin. It’s called
Deception. Before I tell you
to tell you how you can test
this cream on your very own
Put a little Deception on your
fingertips and gently apply it
face. Wait about 60-seconds  ThewomaninthisphotographisanInternational,Professionalmodel.You’veprob-
and then look at yourself in ablyseenherinhundredsofmagazinesandphotographswithoutknowinghername.
yourbathroommirror. She keeps her name secret because, if people in the industry new her true age, it
WhatYouSeeWill looksyoungenoughtobeateenagergettingreadyforpromnight.Yet,thiswoman
BeUtterlyAmazing! aboutheragetoherclosefriendsis,“I’mdangerouslycloseto40.”Shealsosays,“If
 If you have put Deception itweren’tforthisamazingnewcosmeticcream,‘Deception’createdbyJulieBrumlik,
ontherightsideofyourface... Iwouldlosehundredsofmodelingassignments...because...thereisnowayIcould
that side will look up to 20 abovephotohasNOTbeenairbrushedorretouchedinanywaywhatsoever.
years younger (it varies from
person to person) than your bestofbothworlds!Thebillions cell rejuvenation and help re-
left side! And, the cream will of microscopic nanoprisms duce wrinkles and sagging...”
be 100% invisible! It is col- (from fractionated silicon di- VOGUE.
orless, odorless...and... you oxide)prettymuchmakeyour  “...make-up artists use on
won’t even be able to feel it wrinkles immediately invis- Demi Moore, Goldie Hawn,
whenyoutouchyourskin! ible.And this happens at the MelanieGriffith,TommieTune
 How can this be? What’s exact same time as the emu and Carrie Fisher...” DAN’S
going on here? Is that some oil is moisturizing your skin... PAPER (a celebrity newspa-
kindofmagic? likeithasneverbeenmoistur- perforrichpeoplewholivein
 No, it’s not magic. It’s sci- izedbefore!And,thishappens the Hampton’s area of New
encewhichseemslikemagic. attheexactsametimeasthe Yorkstate.)
 The main ingredient in De- emuoilisstimulatingyourown  Anyway, this cream seems
ception is made from some- collagentogrowagain! toworkforeveryonewhouses
thing called “emu oil” I’ll tell  Allofthismeansyourwrin- it...and...itcomeswitha...
you about emu oil in a mo- kles get smaller and smaller 100%Iron-Clad
ment... but first... let me tell everyday... and... if you use
you what creates the “magic” Deception long enough, it is MoneyBack
effect. possible your wrinkles will no Guarantee!
 Thisistheonlytriplerefined longerexist.
emu oil in the world.And, an “...anoptical
extraingredientisaddedtoit HandlingOfCourse)
while it is being made into a illusion...that  Some professional models
cream. This extra ingredient makeswrinkles saytheywouldpaymorethan
is a suspension of superfine $1,000 for a single jar of this
disappear...” miracle cream... and then...
silicone dioxide nanoprisms  Forashorttime,thisproduct
which have been “fractionat- useit...onlywhentheyhadto
wasavailableinallbigdepart- goonaphotoshoot.But,you
ed”insteadofpulverized.That ment stores like Bloomingda-
means instead of turning into (andthemodelstoo)cangeta
le’s, Henri Bendel, Sephora, jar of Deception without pay-
flakes when it is processed... Ulta,Rich’sandmanyothers.
itturnsinto... inganythingcloseto$1,000.
But,ithasnowbeentakenout  In fact, Deception is now
BillionsOf of the department stores be- very affordable - just $39.95
MicroscopicThree- cause... for one jar. Solutions From
Dimensional ItWorkedSo Science customers who
Well...ManyOfthe would like to appear remark-
Retro-reflectors! ably younger for two months
SoWhat? EmployeesWere should order a sixty day sup-
 Here’s “so what.” Almost StealingIt! plyfor$97.95.Ifyoudoorder
nobody knows this... but...  That wasn’t true of every two jars, mention “Julie” and
the human eye cannot see a store. But, it happened often you will receive a third jar of
wrinkle. What the eye sees enoughthatJulieBrumlik,the Deceptionabsolutelyfreewith
is actually the shadow made creator of this miracle cream, your sixty day supply. (Buy
by the wrinkle.And, since all (andtheworld’sleadingexpert two-getonefree.)
those billions of microscopic on emu oil) decided to pull it  Whateverquantityyouorder
nanoprismatic retro-reflectors outofstoresandsellitherself you must also pay an addi-
exclusivelyviatheInternet. tional$7.95perorderforship-
 By the way, this product is pingandhandling.(1jartotal
amajorsecretusedbyHolly- $47.90)(3jartotal$105.90)
woodstarsandsupermodels.  Addanother$5.00andyour
You see, these people often Deceptionwillbeshippedwith-
“Makeup artists use on
Demi Moore, Goldie
Hawn, Melanie Griffth, have to look... much young- in 24 hours via United States
Tommy Tune and Carrie
-Dan’s Papers, Bridge-
er... than they really are... or PostalPriorityMailServicear-
hampton, NY
else... rivingasfastasfivetoseven
business days (sometimes
TheyLoseTheir evensooner.)
refract light, when you use Jobs!  Orders will be shipped out
Deception...  You should also know De- onafirst-come,first-serveba-
ThereAreNo ception has been raved about sisaslongassupplieslast.
ShadowsToSee! magazineintheU.S.Hereare
 Thiseffectwilllastuntilyou justafewoftheircomments: AndEasy!
washyourfaceandtheinvis-  “... better than BOTOX...”  Fortheabsolutefastestser-
iblesilicondioxideisremoved. CHICAGOTRIBUNE. vice:Pickupyourphoneand
And get this: Remember how  “... a potent skin de-ager...” call Julie at 877-327-0365 to
I told you the main ingredi- LONGEVITYMAGAZINE. order with your credit card.
ent in this cosmetic cream is  “...lines and creases and Remember,youmustmention
made from emu oil? Well, it wrinkles will vanish instantly “Julie”totakeadvantageofthe
turns out emu oil is probably with “Deception.”  This cun- BuyTwo-GetOneFreeoffer.
thebestcosmeticingredientin ning cream is embedded with Youcanalsocallanytime...24
the world. That’s because its microprisms that refract light hoursaday...7daysaweek.
molecules are much smaller away from wrinkles. Smooth  The toll free number to call
than the molecules in human on“Deception”andwatchyour is:
skin.Becauseofthis,emuoil linesofexperiencedisappear.If Insert Phone And
can... nobodyseesthemanymore,is Address
PenetrateDown thatcheating?..ALLURE.
ThroughSeven  “...the21stcentury’sfountain
of youth is here...” BEAUTY
Skin!  “...it’s a bona fide miracle..”
 Thismakesitthebestmois- FLAIRMAGAZINE.
turizerintheworld.  “...an optical illusion that
 Andhere’smoregoodnews! makes wrinkles disappear...”
The reason you get wrinkles ULTRAMAGAZINE.
inthefirstplaceis,asyouget  “...foragingskin,it’sadream
older,youstartlosingthecol- come true...” HARPER’S BA-  P.S. If I’m already on the
lagen in your skin. Can you ZAAR. lineandyougetourvoicemail,
guesswhatemuoildoes?  “...‘Deception’ disguises just leave your name and
wrinkles..”STARMAGAZINE. phonenumberandI’llcallyou
ItStimulatesThe  “...it’s emerging as the back as soon as I am off the
RegrowthOf world’s new cosmetic rage... phone.
Collagen! studies done at Boston Uni-  Thanksforreadingthismes-
 Thinkaboutit:Yougetthe versity have shown that emu sage.
oil may actually stimulate  Have a beautiful day! 
Garys Deception 5.6875 x 21.indd1 1 10/20/06 7:47:15 AM

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