Aries: Moon Represents Water and It's The Lord of Watery Sign Cancer
Aries: Moon Represents Water and It's The Lord of Watery Sign Cancer
Aries: Moon Represents Water and It's The Lord of Watery Sign Cancer
Moon Represents Water and it’s the lord of watery sign Cancer.
Moon is tender, sensitive, Soft, Cold,emotional, Palpable. When
moon is in Aries, it gives agression to mind, Cause Aries is a
Fiery sign which is ruled by Mars. It makes a person Impulsive
self independent, very active, ready to take challenge, impatient
by nature. For Ariens its hard to perform routine duties they feel
restless and bored easily of routine work.
They always want something new, exciting, interesting in their
life. If you want to start some new project in your business
within a short notice, hire few Ariens, you dont have to think
much after that. They will perhaps not finish up the project but
taking initiative and showing dynamism in starting up new
things are something they are good at.
Moon in Aries people are always emotionally bright, mostly
mentally stressed,short tempered and show rashness in work its
because moon is not comfortable much in the sign of Mars.You
may experience the most charming person you have ever known
suddenly became snappy rude and harsh.
Cause of their restless and impulsive, nature they have conflict
in work place and friend circle.They love quick decision making
so if their boss is taking time to approve their work or taking
time in giving some new project to them, they will get impatient
and will have conflict with boss without thinking of
consequences.They need to take care of such approach in work
place for sure.
Aries Moon people don’t like being weak, having pity. They
hate feeling powerless, loser and helpless. They don’t like acting
underdog.You will notice that this person is often under the
influence of critical, emergency situations though he is not
opting for it but that Moon in fiery sign subconsciously chases
such situations.
Female having moon in Aries will never tolerate the fact you are
not giving attention to her.They are ambitious straight forward
and dominating in family matters.
They Like changes, cause Aries is Cardinal(Moveable) sign and
moon represents 4th house which is actually our home. so if you
visit any of your Aries Moon friends you may notice his house
pattern got changed.They keep changing the interiors of their
house/room.The study table which was in left side now in right
bottom corner of the room.
Aries Moon people have abandon of energy, courage so they
should utilize their accumulated energy in activities like sports
to have relaxation through activity.
They tend to fall in love easily and while choosing partner they
opt for some one independent and who will give enough space
to other one.
A Good tip for managing your Aries Moon friend or partner –
make them assure that their voice is getting heard.
Moon Gets Exalted in Taurus so when Moon is in Taurus means
Moon is in very Happy Mode.Moon is the fastest moving planet
and being in earthy and fixed sign Taurus it gets stability,
steadiness.Moon which actually represents our mind and
emotion is giving stability and ditermination in our approach;
making us emotionally strong and loyal to relatioinship.Because
of this Earthy and Fixed sign nature,Taurian people are patient,
stubborn,comitted, reliable, introvert in nature.Which at times
little frustrating for others who actually likes someone who will
be too much easy going in nature.Unlike Aries People who only
bang their head for changellenges,Taurians are good in reaping
the results.Their abondon of patience will make the most critical
work finished on time.
They are irritated when they need to go through sudden
changes or day to day changes.they are good in doing routine
work everyday.
They are highly focused and goal oriented calulative in nature
and dont like to take unnecessary conflict in life,thats the reason
mostly Taurians do well in their career with time.Such approach
may seem boring to others.
Dont ever push moon taurus guy for anything but once they
will be in something or will give comitment for something they
are persevering.
Moon denotes mind and that’s the core place of imagination
and being in the sign of Venus makes a person very Artistic and
Romantic. They love luxury comfort and materialistic
Taurus is the Money making sign in Zodiac so when Moon in
this sign They love to be rich, being Billionaire and making
more and more money.They are very fond of good food,
clothing, and seek for sensual pleasure.
Moon in Taurus people dont jump into relationship so
easily,they will fist check and test whether it will work or
not.Women with the Moon in Taurus often attract men of settled
mind and occupation.There will often be a strong romance in
their love affairs.
Gemini the third sign representing the 3rd house is the most
communicative sign in zodiac.When Moon is in gemini the
person becomes Lively,Communicative, mentaly very much
acitve. As Gemini is a mutable/Airy sign Moon in this sign
makes a person Intelligent, varsatile,multi tasker,adaptable in
various situation.
As their forte is communication and gethering information,
they very easily charm away the crowed in any social gathering
.these People are very much social and cant sruvive without
talking or communication or exchange of information aor
idea.They are social Butterflies and can mixup very well with
any group of people.
At times they act as Gossip king or queen and loves to read
spicy megazines with lots of scandal news of celebrities.
Although the mind may be brilliant, it is generally superficial
and emphasizes talent. They are very friendly and can very well
give impression on others. Moon in Gemnini people are good in
Moon in Gemini Person is a lively witty and versatile person
with a quick and adaptable mind. Emotional balance comes from
being connected to immediate environment and having other
people in will find that they are very interesting people
to be around.They can even imitate other’s behavior if they feel
that is moreaccaptable than being themselves.They can talk on
various topics but Geminines are shalow and light headed.
Coz of their communication skill, they do very well in
salesmanship, Journalism, mass communication, Mass
media,news reading,Talk show presenter,writer, tourist guide.
All fields of communications are best for them providing its
giving them recognition as they crave for recognition.
Moon in Gemini makes both male and female flirtitious by
nature.Even in relatinship they crave for mental stimulation than
physical.They are highly sensitive so keep them easy and cool u
need to give them enough space as they love the word Freedom.
Cancer sign
When Moon is in Cancer its in very comfortable shape and
position as Caner is Moon’s own sign. They are the mother of
Astrology as Cancer owns the natural 4th house of Astrology.
They nurture a maternal instinct, family oriented and love to
care for others.
They adore large families, always providing for others, keen on
family history.Sympathetic, kind and compassionate they are
sensitive to others.All these features give them the
characteristics of Mother.They will always stand by you, when
you are in need.
Moon in Cancer gives a very creative artistic and imaginary
mind.Being in own water sign Moon gives a good intuitive
power for Cancerians which is quite good for managing their
own life on a day to day basis.
Moon in caner person is quite introvert and like a crab they can
hide their emotions behind the hard shall.they are moody, shy
and quite a lot like a baby but when it comes to protecting their
emotions the will never be shy.Most often Cancerians hurt the
ones most who have been good to them.
As moon is in own watery sign, here mind becomes little
dreamy and love to be in imaginary world. In every opportunity
they dont miss show up their emotional side, whether love, fear
grief or joy.They get hurt very easily as their sensitive mind is
hard to cope up with most of the less sensitive people around
them.They are good with their hands, so if they are in writing,
painting making sculptors, cooking, sales etc. They will do
wonderful if they take such thing as their full time profession.
though they have the tendency of changing their profession
completely to some other field mid way of life, some where
nearly 35years of their age.
Cancerians fall in love quite often and mostly those who are
completely opposite in nature attracts them more.Many of them
go for late marriage.As Moon is highly sensitive in its own
watery sign,With the waxing and Wanning moon their mood has
various fluctuations.
Moon in Leo Moon in sun’s Sign here can bestow you with the
leadership, confidence, Pride,Charisma Like Sun. Leo People
are Dignified, strong, also well-organised, idealistic and their
sense of power that allows them to get things done as well as
inspire others.They love to feel free and freedom.Moon in Leo
people are assertive and optomistic in nature and they know how
ot take adventage of the opportunities.the key word is pride.
Their mentality is robust, strong.Just like the planet Sun they
are bright and A natural leader. They are generous, encouraging,
optimistic with a sense of style and are brilliant at creating a one
act play to put everyone on their toes. You love excitement and
action, and can be fabulously romantic, but you expect the
works in return.
Its not always about Pride,Moon in Leo can make u sacrificing
too for the the cause of righteousness and justice. Their
creativity, idealism, leadership, boundless enthusiasm, ambition,
are their greatest assets.Moon in Leo natives have an innate
ability to make others dependent on them. They cannot be
convinced against their will. Even though Lions are status-
conscious, they are also warm-hearted and want everyone to be
Leo, Simha rashi is ruled by the Sun, the centre of the
universe same as the Leo native wants to be the center of
evreything in life.Professionally not suited for any lowbrow job,
Lions do quite well in white-collar jobs, particularly as leaders
or managers from a young age. Addicted to a comfortable life,
so always think of managing to earn enough for good living
style.Like Sun and Like Lion, they have an air of Royalty.
Mostly chose those kinda work which will put them in limelight
or in the spotlight of appreciation.
Leo Females are Very gorgeous, they love to fall in love with
someone whom they can dominate upon.
Moon is in second Earthy sign of zodiac Virgo, ruled by Mercury will
make a person very much methodical.Moon which represents our mind
gets stability. Virgo People are stable but flexible.Virgo is a very practical
and systematic sign.Virgo people are reliable, practical and task oriented.
Virgo Moon likes to stay busy, and they are happy as long keeping every
small small detailing of everything in their life.Virgo is a sign of service.
They have an innate need to nurture themselves and others through
offering practical service in every possible ways. Virgo is a sign of
humility. Virgo people find happiness in working behind the scenes in
many situations, happy to be in service, and often asking nothing in return.
They will only surround themselves with what’s right for them, which
serves Virgins well in business, where their decisions are usually well
considered.Virgos are neat, clean and fussy about how things should be
done. They are analytical by nature and often value all sorts of systems.
Virgo people may be a little low in self-esteem, but many are very happy
to have a normal, pedestrian life. Simplicity is their mantra and they feel
most at home when they can go through life without a lot of public
attention. Because of this, they may be accused of being an underachiever
or not setting their focus high enough. In reality, they are easily stressed,
and they are much happier when they stay within their comfort level.
Virgos can be too critical of others, because they are very much
perfectionist; always want everything to be systematic and improvement.
occupation wise its somthing where analysis, planning, providing service
they do well.
You are likely to be very good at extracting the essence from something
otherwise complicated. You have the ability to sort the wheat from the
chaff, and find what is essential in a sentence, task list or schedule.Virgo is
associated with the body and health. Thus, Virgo has an instinctual interest
in matters of health, diet and nutrition. You may be naturally quite healthy
simply because you have an interest. Virgo Moon looks to the little things
in life for their happiness and security.Born skeptical.
In a relationship, Moon in Virgo can be shy and possibly intimidated. They
are very aware of themselves, and when combined with low self-esteem, it
can really interfere with forming a normal, healthy relationship. They can
end up being too critical of themselves. Once they gain self-confidence,
they can be a wonderful partner with a lot to contribute.
Aquarius the Mool Trikon sign of Saturn, also the co-ruler of Aquarius
is Urenus. An Aquarian is realist and always prepared for the unexpected
like the planet Uranus.
If you notice the symbol of Aquarius,water is flowing from a jar,so they
are the ultimate giver of zodiac.Being the 11th sign, Aquarius is a friendly
sign also gives importance to friendship in life.This is the last Airy sign so
very smart and intelligent your Aquarius friends are for sure.They like
continuous experimentation as its a very much scientific and
experimentative sign.
Being an Airy sign Aquarius is a talkative, positive, human.Aquarians
are very active, industrious, deliberative, leaders of non-affluent sections
of the society, and courteous. Weak Saturn makes Aquarians suspicious
and lethargic.They are invariably not content with their possessions.
An Aquarian gives his opinion frankly and has no desire to sell his ideas
to others.He believes in violent change but leaves the voilence to
others.Very sharp perception they have and rebalious to old customs.He
looks for quantity rather than quality in his association.A very good
analyzer of situation.He is often misunderstood by other as his thinking
process is 50years ahead of others.Kumbha feels a great sympathy for the
victim,the indebted,and the ill.emotionally protective relationships with
servants and dispossessed or marginalized persons can easily developed.
When ever emotionally stressed they will prefer for traveling.
Aquariun Girls will prefer to go with a high performing,attention-
seeking spouse.
Here Moon is in Watery mutable sign Pisces that’s making a person
dreamy,highly emotional a bit away from practical life.They are flexible,
mutable, very adjusting always so are mostly indicisive.These people
mostly have the core characteristics of Neptune thats the reason they cant
have grudge for long and never too much worried for tomorrow.
By nature Pisces people are timid, highly emotional and compassionate
and too much careless about themselves.Piscians are more inclined
towards illusions. They love to live in fantasy and they love anything that
will help them escaping form real world, that can be a novel, film, writing
poetry simply anything.You will never get as much understanding person
as a Pisces guy is.
They will mostly crack some pracical joke to hide or cover up their
emotion.Laughing is not to lighter the mood but its a mask for them.
If you notice the symbol of Pisces, there are two fishes moving opposite
direction to each other.Thats the reason this mutable sign is always having
some conflict behavior at times they are too much materialistic, the next
second nothing matters to them rather than helping others and pouring
emotional nourishment to people.
Piscean Men waste lots of opportunities in life as they fail to recognize
the high tide in their life.Always dreamer and blessed with rare Neptunian
intution power.Hardly they come out with any harsh or violent action or
reaction. If at all they do so, they will be bitterly sarcastic with a clever
tongue.Piscea Man is vulnerable to suggestion.He need continuous
reassurance and always have eternal hope.It is hard to define boundaries
and these people can be accused of getting involved in other’s
problems,without being asked.
Piscean Woman is pretty feminine and helpless one.She has no desire to
dominate and rarely overshadow her man but always in a need of care and
protection from him. Remember Pisces done like to be single for long, they
need partner, as fishes hate to swim alone.