Christian J Hallman, Ph.D.
Cardiac arrest and the near-death experience are two closely related phenomena. Some people who
survived cardiac arrest reported experiencing an extraordinary realm that includes a dark tunnel and a
brilliant light. To map out this unique realm, a multidimensional model is presented to help explain
how people can experience a variety of physical phenomena during the dying process. Beyond this
bio-physical model, there is a psycho-spiritual realm that will also be discussed in this paper. To learn
more about the connection between the bio-physical and psycho-spiritual, and why they are ultimately
unified, a couple of methods are presented for studying any state of consciousness or stream of
awareness. This is followed by a model summarizing the primary functions and essential abilities of
Figure 3. According to Taoist Cosmology, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Antimatter and Matter are
four energetic substances that emerged from the creation of Primordial Energy (first substance).
Oscillation, Gravitation, Levitation, Strong, Weak, Deltronic, Magnetic and Electric are force fields
that emerged from the creation of Yin (dark force) and Yang (light force), which are depicted as the
black and white circles in the center. Each field can combine with another to form a secondary force
field. The Electro-Magnetic field and the Electro-Weak field are two well known examples.
tent.98 By utilizing another 480 dimensions With a 506D model, it may be possible to
it gives us plenty of freedom for measuring measure every energetic substance, force
any type of energetic substance or force field field, motion sector, spatial domain and
– including the very origins of both energy temporal zone of the entire multidimen-
and force. sional universe or multiverse. We can
summarize these dimensions as:
In the very middle of the diagram in Figure
4 we can view the primordial energy (shown U = E60 x F8 + M14 + S6 + T6
in gray). Yin is the black circle and Yang
is the white. Each string or line shown in U is the multidimensional universe or
this illustration represents a cluster of 10 multiverse. E and F both represent energy
dimensions, making it possible to experi- and force, while M, T and S represent
ence numerous quantum states. Notice motion, time and space. If each energetic
there are 24 strings on each side, or 240 for substance is capable of existing in fifteen
a total of 480 dimensions. Ultimately, I different physical states, by multiplying
think the fundamental relationship between these four substances by fifteen we come up
these two forces is what Albert Einstein was with a total of sixty quantum states. Then
attempting to explain as the unified field. if we multiply these different states by the
Figure 5. All energetic substances, force fields, motion sectors, spatial domains and temporal zones of
the Universe can be used for mapping out the multiple dimensions of the Causal, Emotional,
Imaginal and Physiological Body. In the very center we can observe the Binary Forces (Yin and Yang)
and Primordial Energy, which makes up the composition of the Causal Body. On the right side
flowing clockwise is the sector of the Physiological Body, while the Imaginal Body is found in the
sector flowing counterclockwise on the left side. The reciprocal flowing sector of the Emotional Body
completely surrounds and penetrates through these two sectors, and contains all of the Dark Energy,
Dark Matter, Antimatter and Matter of the entire Physical Universe.
theoreticians have attempted combining For number one, I define attention as the
mindsets one and two. Zizzi’s theory facility of being aware. The adjective for
explains how conscious experience emerges attention is attentive and the verb is to
from the quantum gravity threshold of the attain. This includes becoming, noticing,
inflationary universe.170 Amoroso’s Noetic letting, achieving, maintaining, etc. For
Field Theory interprets how individual number two, I define intention as the
intelligence arises from a teleological faculty of volition. This includes doing,
noumenon.171 This brings us to number willing, deciding, performing, etc. The
three, which proposes that consciousness is term intention comes from the word intent,
essentially unobservable to sensory percep- which means aim or purpose. For number
tion and even unknowable through use of three, I define potention as the capability
logical deduction. Benjamin acknowledges for having experience. The term potention
that human consciousness is evident but comes from the word potent, which means
not physically detectable.172 Since there is strength or power. This includes describing,
no substantial proof of consciousness, i.e. explaining, obtaining, realizing, etc. And
nobody really knows what consciousness is for number four, I define retention as the
with certainty nor can tell us what it looks capacity of cognition. The adjective for
retention is retentive and the verb is to discussed throughout this paper, death is
retain. This includes knowing, learning, not the end of consciousness. While many
acquiring, remembering, understanding, NDErs and mystics have shed some
etc. As we can observe, all of these valuable insight about the nature of
functions and abilities tend to overlap with consciousness, it may take some time before
the other. Based on these primary functions scientists are able to comprehend their
and essential abilities (see Figure 7), discoveries as evidence for the continuum of
consciousness can be defined as the source consciousness beyond death. Using both
of all experience including cognition, quantumtative and qualumtative methods
volition and awareness. will definitely help with this process. I
would also like to encourage anyone
CLOSING STATEMENTS interested in consciousness to consider the
In closing, I hope these models can help noumenon explanation. For me, I feel it
answer some important questions about the has really provided a core understanding of
nature of consciousness by providing an what consciousness truly is. My final model
explanation of how it can manifest in the and definition of consciousness is primarily
physical world through various quantum based on this mindset.
states and qualum streams. As I have
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