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Christian J Hallman, Ph.D.

Cardiac arrest and the near-death experience are two closely related phenomena. Some people who
survived cardiac arrest reported experiencing an extraordinary realm that includes a dark tunnel and a
brilliant light. To map out this unique realm, a multidimensional model is presented to help explain
how people can experience a variety of physical phenomena during the dying process. Beyond this
bio-physical model, there is a psycho-spiritual realm that will also be discussed in this paper. To learn
more about the connection between the bio-physical and psycho-spiritual, and why they are ultimately
unified, a couple of methods are presented for studying any state of consciousness or stream of
awareness. This is followed by a model summarizing the primary functions and essential abilities of

KEYWORDS: deceased state of consciousness, NDE, perception, motivation, reason, interpretation,

force, energy, synergy, theurgy, intuition, recognition, precognition, retrocognition, illumination,
attention, potention, intention, retention

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 57

INTRODUCTION others have documented cases of reincarna-
tion.14-18 These studies have provided some
compelling evidence, which supports the
P erhaps nothing sparks the curiosity more
than what happens to our mind after
bodily death. Most Americans, regardless of
survival of consciousness from bodily death
hypothesis, but they don’t tell us what
their age or level of education, say they happens to conscious experience while
believe in life after death.1 However, death transitioning during the dying process.
is still a fearful, frightening happening, and
the fear of death is a universal fear even if One of the more well-known phenomena
we think we have mastered it on many that can provide us with a glimpse of the
levels.2 Throughout the ages many cultures afterlife is the near-death experience (NDE).
from around the world have both Quite simply, NDEs seem to give those who
documented and even attempted to explain experience them a picture or sample of an
the so-called afterlife.3 For the ancient afterlife, or more appropriately, the survival
Egyptians, those who were dying could look of some form of consciousness after the
forward to eternal existence in the world death of the living material body.19 The
they had known during life and their NDE has become a household term thanks
survivors could feel that their deceased to a number of popular books that have
relatives and friends were still in their been written about it.20-24 There has even
midst. 4 Different terms like heaven, been much interest in studying the NDEs
purgatory, limbo and hell have been used to of children.25,26 Some commonly reported
describe such a realm.5 Books like the principles of the NDE include peace, joy
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying and and love.27-32 Approximately eight million
Swedenborg’s Heaven and Hell provide people from the United States admit to
some very detailed descriptions of the having had some kind of NDE.33 People
afterlife. 6,7 According to the Buddhist who recovered from cardiac arrest have also
teachings, there are six possibilities that one reported many of the well documented
may transition to after bodily death phenomena of the NDE. In this paper, the
including four different realms of heaven, term deceased state of consciousness (SoC) will
hell, titans and hungry ghosts; the other two sometimes be used synonymously with the
possibilities are reincarnating as either a NDE. The number one qualifier of a
human or animal in the next life.8 deceased state or clinical death is cardiac
arrest.34 Without the heart pumping the
So what happens to consciousness after blood throughout the body, there can be no
bodily death? Some researchers have turned respiration, and without the vital molecules
their attention to studying mediums – from the air flowing into the body, the brain
people who can channel information from cannot survive long. If the brain does not
the dead;9,10 some have investigated cases of receive these important molecules within
haunted houses, ghosts, apparitions, polter- two to four minutes, the injury becomes
geists and death bed visions; 11-13 while irreversible.35 As blood flow to the brain

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 58

ceases, our abilities for sight and compre- 6:22),” and “the kingdom of God is within
hension fail; tunnel vision ensues, and you (Luke 17:21).”46 These two Biblical
everything becomes dark.36 Clinical death verses acknowledge the importance of an
then is the result of no heartbeat, respira- inner third eye, light, and a realm of God
tion and brain activity. Despite all of this, that can be accessed from within. If we
Sabom found that 43% of cardiac arrest take all of these notions of the pineal body
patients reported having an NDE.37 into consideration, it may actually serve as
a functioning organ directly involved in the
Many NDE theories have been presented visual perceptions of NDEs. Let’s now
ranging from a biological explanation to a examine some important abilities of
more theological interpretation.38,39 Some perception.
theories propose that NDEs are simply false
memories, which can stem from hallucina- ABILITIES OF PERCEPTION
tions generated within the brain.40,41 These In my previous papers (Part One and Part
can occur when the brain is deprived of Two) I covered three distinct abilities of
oxygen.42 Some researchers even suggest perception: sensation, imagination and
that NDEs can be triggered by taking emotion.47,48 Another crucial ability that
certain chemical agents like ketamine, also helps shape our perceptions of the
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and world is reason. This ability mainly
dimethyltryptamine (DMT).43,44 Of these functions through a conductive process.
three, DMT is actually part of our own Two types of reason include: inductive and
physiology. Strassman suggests that DMT deductive. Inductive reasoning is based
is naturally produced in a part of the brain more on initial or personal experience. If
called the pineal body.45 This tiny organ is I push an egg over the edge of my balcony
about the size of a grain of rice, and is and it splats all over the ground, and then
shaped like a pine cone, hence how it got repeat this procedure several more times and
its name. Interestingly, no other part of the get the same result, I presume the next egg
brain contains so much serotonin, a I push over the side of my balcony will
neurotransmitter, 5-hydroxytryptamine experience a similar fate. This conclusion
(5HT), that works at the synapses, or is is based on inductive reasoning (or a
capable of making melatonin which is a posteriori). For inductive reasoning, it is
neurohormone. 11 Descartes not only improbable that the conclusion is false if the
believed that the eyes were the windows into premises are true. 49 Scientists employ
the soul, but that the pineal body was the inductive reasoning when they frame
seat of the soul. To Yoga practitioners, the hypotheses based on a limited number of
pineal body strongly correlates with the observations or experiments.50 However, if
“Third Eye” chakra. In the New Testament I say that every egg will fall to the ground
Jesus made statements like, “The eye is the according to the laws of gravity, this conclu-
lamp of the body, if it is good, then the sion is based more on deductive reasoning
whole body will be full of light (Matthew (or a priori). For deductive reasoning, the

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 59

conclusion cannot be false if the premises this model I would like to introduce several
are true.49 Deduction is based on the strict new words that parallel some of the terms
rules of logic.50 Reason is a perceptual I shared in part two: photoconduction and
ability that helps us describe the nature of photoselection, phonoconduction and phonose-
cause and effect. Furthermore, “reasoning lection, thermoconduction and thermoselec-
conductors” are hypothesized in this model tion, chemoconduction and chemoselection.
to be profoundly involved in the perceptual The first two abilities help shape or form
processes of NDEs. visual perceptions during a deceased SoC.
Some of the common visual perceptions
Another important perceptual ability that that NDErs report are: deceased relatives,
must be addressed is motivation. This compassionate “beings of light,” and
ability functions mainly through a selective beautiful cities of light.53 When people
process. Motivation refers to the initiation, experience cardiac arrest, obviously the
direction, intensity and persistence of photoreceptors in their eyes are no longer
behavior.51 Like reason, motivation also has capable of providing this kind of organized
two types: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic perceptual information. Yet this does not
motivation is based more on external prevent NDErs from experiencing visual
factors. If I want to work for an organiza- perception. In some extraordinary cases,
tion because they pay well, this is known as people blind since birth have miraculously
extrinsic motivation since money is an reported some form of visual perception
external factor. Intrinsic motivation is based during their NDEs.54,55 Phonoconduction
more on internal factors. If I want to work and phonoselection help shape or form
for an organization because I feel in my one’s audio perceptions during a deceased
heart that it’s the right career path for me SoC. Some of the commonly reported
to take in my life, this is intrinsic motiva- audio perceptions of NDErs are heavenly or
tion. When an NDEr returns to waking majestic music, a voice, tingling bells, loud
consciousness, motivation seems to play a ringing, buzzing noise, whirling noise,
vital function in this perceptual process. clicking, roaring, banging, etc.20,56,57
“Motivational selectors” are also hypothe-
sized to be profoundly involved in the In Buddhism, the “Heavenly Eye” and the
perception of NDEs. “Heavenly Ear” are two of the six
superpowers that were realized during the
In a survey done by Long, NDErs reported Buddha’s enlightenment. 8 In her book
a variety of emotions both during and after Practical Mysticism, Evelyn Underhill writes:
the experience.52 This is because reason and
motivation are very much related to The “Simple Eye” of contemplation,
emotion. The model below (see RF 1) about which the mystic writers say so
shows how reason, emotion and motivation much is then a synthetic sense; which
work together for two different states of sees that white light in which all colour
consciousness (released and deceased). In is, without descrete analysis of its

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 60

RF 1.
properties. The “Simple Ear” which overwhelming emotions can distort one’s
discerns the celestial melody, hears that ability to reason.61 However, emotion and
Tone in which all music is resumed.58 reason are also linked.62 Damasio studied
patients with brain injuries and discovered
The out-of-body experience (OBE) is a that damaged regions to certain parts of the
commonly reported phenomenon of people brain impaired both emotion and reason
who had NDEs.59 As people transition to simultaneously.63 Moreover, emotion and
a deceased SoC from a released state, reason, motivation are also linked. Both move us
emotion and motivation are still deeply in some way and load high on intensity or
involved in shaping their perceptual experi- energy.64 Emotion and motivation seem
ences. Sometimes emotion and reason are characterized by heat and pressure.65
considered two totally opposite abilities.
Wang noted differences in the decision Figure 1 outlines five abilities of perception:
making process between the two; emotional imagination, motivation, emotion, reason and
choice preferences were often the opposite sensation. Each of these abilities helps us
of rational choice preferences with more perceive a wide range of information in the
risk-seeking qualities.60 The overuse of one physical world. With these five perceptual
can even hinder the function of the other. abilities we can have a variety of experiences.
Emotional reasoning is an example of how

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 18 • Number 2 • Page 61

Figure 1. Five Abilities of Perception: Reason, Motivation, Emotion, Imagination
and Sensation. With these five perceptual abilities we can have a variety of experiences.

NDES AND OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCES profound transformation in their lives.

After examining the NDE characteristics Similarly, people who had NDEs report
outlined by Moody and Atwater, it appears significant life style changes afterwards.69
that NDEs tend to overlap with other well- The notion of one’s individuality or ego dies
documented experiences, including out-of- during this mystical transformation. 70
body experiences (OBEs) and mystical- Cultures who acknowledge this expanded or
religious experiences (MREs).20,66 As we awakened SoC also understand the
have covered earlier, it is quite common for importance of the dying process. In Islam,
NDErs to report an OBE, which is a experiencing this kind of transformation is
characteristic of a released SoC. In a survey known as fana, and in Buddhism it is called
done by Fenwick and Fenwick, of the 500 nirvana. Fana is the disintegration of one’s
people who had a NDE, 66% also had an narrow self-concept, social self and limited
OBE.67 Some NDErs have been known to intellect; nirvana is a state of consciousness
experience a climax which can include a in which all cravings and desires have
religious enlightenment or even a mystical become extinguished.71 Although such
union. An MRE is a characteristic of what words as annihilation and extinction are used
Krippner calls an expanded SoC.68 People to describe such a powerfully rare experi-
who have MREs tend to go through a ence, other terms like liberation and freedom

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 62

are also used. Fana and nirvana both void” experience as a complex synesthesia.75
attempt to describe a state of purification What is synethesia? According to Cytowic,
or a total cleansing of the mind. A common synesthesia is the involuntary joining in
metaphor for these descriptions is “wiping which the real information of one sense is
the slate clean.” These mental cleansings accompanied by the perception of another
may help us understand why the majority sense.76 Synesthesia is also one of the main
of people who regain waking consciousness characteristics of a psychedelic SoC. While
after cardiac arrest cannot remember experiencing this discrete state, one may
anything. Still there is yet another type of perceive a variety of synesthesiac
experience documented in Buddhism called phenomena such as: hearing colored music;
nirodh, which could very well be classified visual pain; tasting geometric shapes;
as a deceased SoC. Nirodh is a state that geometric hearing; seeing colored auras,
can last up to seven days long; the experi- geometric shapes, numbers and words.
encer’s heartbeat and normal metabolism Masters and Houston have identified three
cease. At the residual level, metabolic distinct levels of the psychedelic SoC.77
processes continue just enough to prevent Based on these examples, an NDE can
the body from decaying like a corpse.72 encompass at least four specific states:
released, stored memory, psychedelic and
NDES AND THE DECEASED SOC deceased. Many of these states tend to
It seems quite clear that an OBE can be overlap with one another. We can construct
equated as a released SoC, but does the a multidimensional map to help us measure
NDE equate as a deceased SoC? Based on some of the phenomena that are commonly
how the NDE has already been defined, it’s experienced from these other discrete states
much more difficult to do so. Besides the of consciousness.
released SoC, there are other overlapping
states. For example, many NDErs report a DIMENSIONAL USAGE
panoramic life review.73 People can actually In parts one and two I outlined multiple
experience a panoramic life review during dimensions of motion, space and time.47,48
what Krippner calls a stored memory SoC. We can use these different types of
This discrete SoC involves past experiences dimensions to measure the movement, size,
or events that are usually not immediately and age of any existing physical object. It
available to an individual’s reflective is also possible to use mathematical
awareness.68 An estimated twelve to twenty dimensions to measure an objects power, i.e.
percent of NDEs include a life review.67,74 capacity to perform work, and strength, i.e.
capacity to influence or cause physical
Perhaps the most challenging phenomenon change. In physics, the concepts used for
of an NDE that makes it difficult to equate these phenomena are known as energy and
with a discrete state is the perception of force, which are almost synonymous terms.
light at the end of a dark tunnel. Hunt If energy equates with power, force can
explains the tunnel and the “light of the represent its strength. Energy behaves

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 63

through different types of forces, and a force their expectations.80 However, even with
can manifest through different types of the observer hidden, like those studies
energy. conducted in parapsychology experiments,
an experimenter effect is still noticeable
QUANTUM STATES between believers (e.g. sheep) and non-
What is the relationship between energy believers (e.g. goats).81 These observer
and force? If we treat one of these as the effects inform us that experimenters display
subject and the other as the object (or vice the features of an actual participant in these
versa), we still need a term that connects experiments, regardless of what kind of
both by including a link between the two. control is being used. The key ability for
We can designate the word “state” as that making this happen is intuition, which I
holistic term. All states, whether they be define as the ability for obtaining
physical (e.g. solid, liquid, gas, etc.) or immediate or direct knowledge through a
psychological (e.g. sleeping, waking, connection. To know immediately, then,
dreaming, etc.) in nature are really quantum or intuitively, is for mental content and
states. Within the physical world, a object to be identical.82 The connectivity
quantum state can be defined as an entire between mind and object is what makes this
networking system that consists of possible. Intuitive knowledge usually comes
subject(s), object(s) and link(s). This to fruition from three important cognitive
“quantum link” between all things could abilities: recognition (e.g. insight), precog-
provide a better understanding of how nition (e.g. foresight) and retrocognition
humans come to understand anything at (e.g. hindsight). Not only does intuition
all.78 Since the 20th century quantum have a cognitive function, but a volitional
physicists have experimentally demonstrated component (e.g. psychokinesis) as well.
that an observer can affect the observed While studying gifted subjects, Schmidt
through the very act of observation. How measured the action of psychokinetic effects
is this even possible? According to on pre-recorded random processes.83 We
Goswani, quantum measurements interject can also interpret this finding as evidence
our consciousness into the arena of the so- for obtaining retrocognitive information.
called objective world, whereas a quantum Regardless of which interpretation provides
collapse is a process of choosing and a more favorable explanation, intuition is
recognizing by a conscious observer. 79 still the key ability for establishing the
When psychologists conduct field research connection between the subject and object.
in a work setting, they notice how Without utilizing intuition in the physical
employees tend to make changes in their world, we would struggle immensely trying
behaviors as a result of knowing they are to link any material object with its subject
being observed. The main reason matter.
psychology experiments need to be blinded
or even double blinded is because experi- Although researchers can identify a subject
menters tend to get results that confirm and an object, they can never totally isolate

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 64

the two as completely separate from one the physical. To measure quantum states of
another as long as there is a connective state a more physical nature, we can use multiple
that links the two together. A feature of dimensions of energy, force, motion, space
quantum systems is quantum inseparability, and time (see Figure 2).
which implies that all quantum objects that
have once interacted are still connected.84 ENERGY AND FORCE OF NDES
Particles of light called photons seem to Two phenomena that NDErs often report
display this interconnectedness. The are: 1) the “dark” and 2) the “light.”
mathematics predicts that when two photons NDErs often describe an acceleration or
begin together and then simultaneously movement through a dark but not fright-
travel even to opposite ends of the universe, ening space, sometimes described as a black
what happens to one photon can be precisely hole or a tunnel; this is followed by
and instantly observed in the other.85 ascending toward a brilliant white light at
the end of the darkness, which is sometimes
One distinction between a physical state perceived as golden in color.66,73 These two
and a psychological state is that the former commonly reported phenomena are really
is a finitely divisible, close-ended energetic different manifestations of energy and force.
system; and the latter is an open-ended We can further explain the dark and light
synergetic continuum of infinite possibili- phenomena with different types of energetic
ties. An NDE involves both physical and substances.
psychological states. For now, let’s focus on

Figure 2. Quantum States of a more physical nature are measurable using

multiple dimensions of Energy, Force, Motion, Space and Time.

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 65

ENERGETIC SUBSTANCES substances are all included in Figure 3. Each
In my previous paper (part two), I discussed of these substances has the potential to exist
the topics of dark energy and dark matter in multiple quantum states. Plasma, colloid,
in addition to the more well known and Bose–Einstein condensation are just a
energetic substances of matter and few examples.
antimatter.48 Dark matter and dark energy
are two energetic substances which can be One type of substance that is hypothesized
used to explain some of the phenomena that to emerge from the lowest possible quantum
NDErs typically report, including the rapid state is called zero-point energy. It’s a type
pulling or levitating through a dark tunnel. of subtle energy that fills the vacuum of
Matter and antimatter are two energetic empty space where there is no matter or
substances that can be used to explain the other outside source of energy. 86 This
phenomenology of light. These four vacuum energy is so large that, for a “flat”

Figure 3. According to Taoist Cosmology, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Antimatter and Matter are
four energetic substances that emerged from the creation of Primordial Energy (first substance).
Oscillation, Gravitation, Levitation, Strong, Weak, Deltronic, Magnetic and Electric are force fields
that emerged from the creation of Yin (dark force) and Yang (light force), which are depicted as the
black and white circles in the center. Each field can combine with another to form a secondary force
field. The Electro-Magnetic field and the Electro-Weak field are two well known examples.

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 66

universe, the intrinsic total energy contained of two different types of subatomic particles
within the volume of a single hydrogen called protons and neutrons. The strong
atom is about one trillion times larger than force is responsible for keeping these two
that contained in all the physical mass of all types of particles tightly crammed together
the planets plus all the stars in the entire inside of atomic nuclei.92 Additionally,
known cosmos out to a radius of 20 billion these particles can experience a phenom-
light-years.87 The total amount of zero enon called radioactivity. The weak force
point energy is calculated to exceed all other plays an important role in whether and how
energy in matter by a factor of 1040, or 1 readily a proton or a neutron decays in a
followed by 40 zeros.88 This zero point nucleus. 93 When these particles break
energy comes from all types of force fields.89 down, smaller components can be identi-
fied. Physicists call these quarks. The
FORCE FIELDS strong force is also responsible for keeping
Gravitation and levitation represent two quarks “glued” together inside of protons
dark force fields because they are more and neutrons.92
directly related to dark matter and dark
energy. Gravity works by pulling or I would like to propose an eight force field
attracting an object and levity works by model (see Figure 3). Each of these force
pushing or repelling an object. In fields (e.g. electric) is fully capable of
Whinnery’s study of fighter pilots subjected combining with another (e.g. weak) to form
to extreme gravitational forces, NDEs were a secondary force field (e.g. an electro-weak
triggered after they became unconscious.90 field). Of these, physicists are most familiar
The electric and magnetic fields represent with the electro-magnetic (EM) field, which
two light force fields because they are more is the combination of an electric and a
directly related to (light) matter and magnetic field. In her laboratory at the
antimatter. Persinger has been able to University of Alabama, Ning Li has been
induce the NDE in some people by able to levitate objects using powerful
stimulating the temporal lobe using magnets. 94 Catherall et al. has also
magnetic fields.91 Unlike the dark force demonstrated the levitation of small objects
fields, which can either pull or push a by using magnetic fields.95 These two
physical object, each light force field can do examples could possibly represent an
both. In part two, I covered the deltronic interaction between the levitation and
and oscillational force fields.48 Both of magnetic fields. Having sixty-four potential
these fields serve as mediators between the combinations makes it possible for us to
light and dark forces respectively. Strong observe a variety of effects like: scalar fields,
and weak are known as the nuclear force torsion fields, the electrostatic force, the
fields. Traditionally, we were taught in Casimir force, the Van der Waals force, etc.
chemistry that all atomic elements have a We may question if these eight distinct
nucleus located in their center. The fields truly represent the primary forces of
composition of an atomic nucleus consists nature. If so, then how did these fields

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 67

emerge? Perhaps we can find some of these Two gave birth to Three
answers by examining an ancient Chinese And Three gave birth to all the
philosophy known as Taoism. myriad things

TAOIST COSMOLOGY Again, if Two symbolizes the binary forces,

The eight force field diagram in Figure 3 is and Three equates with the tertiary comple-
very compatible with Taoist Cosmology. ments of motion, space and time, all the
According to Taoist teachings, there are two myriad things must then include a plethora
primary forces of nature, which are shown of elementary particles (e.g. fermions), sub-
in Figure 3 as a black and white dot in the atomic nuclei (e.g. hadrons), atomic
center. These are known in Chinese philos- elements (e.g. helium), etc. Primordial
ophy as Yin and Yang. Yin is characterized energy represents the subtlest and purest
as the dark, passive, enduring and more form of energy ever created. Based on this
receptive force of nature, while Yang is interpretation we can conclude how the
characterized as the light, active, changing four energetic substances and eight force
and more generative force of nature. In fields (shown in Figure 3) emerged from the
Chinese culture, there is a term for life force Tao’s creation of primordial energy and
called qi, which is a combination of Yin and binary forces. With the creation of energy,
Yang. These binary forces naturally join force, motion, space and time, simple
together forming a unified field or unitary equations like E = mc 2 and
bond through the creation of primordial F = ma can be formulated. The four steps
energy. So what is this primal energy? In outlined in this Taoist text provide a
Taoist Cosmology, Yin and Yang resulted logically concise summary of the formation
from a primordial chaos.96 This primal of the physical universe.
spark was initially created by Tao – the
“Ultimate Source” of all that is. We can AN EXPANDED
begin to understand this creative process by
interpreting the first two steps outlined in MULTIDIMENSIONAL
verse 42 of the Tao Te Ching:97 MODEL
Tao gave birth to One
One gave birth to Two I n part two, I proposed a 26D model that
consists of fourteen dimensions of
motion, six spatial dimensions, and six
If Tao is the unknowable Creator or source temporal dimensions.48 I now propose a
of all creation, and One represents primor- more expanded model (see Figure 4) that
dial energy, Two must then symbolize the includes an additional 480 dimensions!
binary forces of Yin and Yang. The next Why 506 dimensions? According to
two steps from verse 42 of the Tao Te Ching superstring theory, 10 or 26 or 506
reads: dimensions must be postulated if these
theories are to be mathematically consis-

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 68

Figure 4. The relationship between energy and force can ultimately be explained as a unified field of
Primordial Energy and the Binary Forces of Yin and Yang. As these light and dark forces unite with
each other through numerous dimensions emanating from Primordial Energy, many phenomena like
Phonons (sound quanta), Photons (light quanta) and the Higgs (mass quanta) can emerge through
motion, space and time. We can trace the origins of every energetic substance and force field to this
unified bond.

tent.98 By utilizing another 480 dimensions With a 506D model, it may be possible to
it gives us plenty of freedom for measuring measure every energetic substance, force
any type of energetic substance or force field field, motion sector, spatial domain and
– including the very origins of both energy temporal zone of the entire multidimen-
and force. sional universe or multiverse. We can
summarize these dimensions as:
In the very middle of the diagram in Figure
4 we can view the primordial energy (shown U = E60 x F8 + M14 + S6 + T6
in gray). Yin is the black circle and Yang
is the white. Each string or line shown in U is the multidimensional universe or
this illustration represents a cluster of 10 multiverse. E and F both represent energy
dimensions, making it possible to experi- and force, while M, T and S represent
ence numerous quantum states. Notice motion, time and space. If each energetic
there are 24 strings on each side, or 240 for substance is capable of existing in fifteen
a total of 480 dimensions. Ultimately, I different physical states, by multiplying
think the fundamental relationship between these four substances by fifteen we come up
these two forces is what Albert Einstein was with a total of sixty quantum states. Then
attempting to explain as the unified field. if we multiply these different states by the

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 69

number of force fields (eight) we come up have an NDE while transitioning from a
with 480. By including the dimensions of dreaming SoC. With their physiological eye-
motion, time and space outlined previously lids closed at the moment of cardiac arrest,
in parts one and two, our model now has NDErs have a higher probability of transi-
a total of 506 dimensions. tioning to the deceased SoC from a dreaming
state. As I mentioned in parts one and two,
FROM DREAMING TO DECEASED REM is a characteristic of the dreaming
Now let’s turn our attention to the diagram SoC.47,48 A recent theory proposed by
in Figure 5. This multidimensional model Nelson et al. attempts to explain NDEs as a
of the physical universe can be used to result of a phenomenon known as REM
explain how bio-physical life forms naturally intrusion.100 One common form of REM
process through numerous cycles of change intrusion that researchers are familiar with is
throughout their lives. Change is first sleep paralysis.101
initiated by the formation of primordial
energy (gray) and the binary forces (black One type of dreams that researchers have
and white dots), which are illustrated within focused their attention on is called the
the center of the diagram. Since every object lucid-dream experience (LDE). An LDE is
within the physical universe is subject to characterized as being consciously aware of
motion, this model can help us interpret the the dream state by realizing that one is
constant movement of all biological actually dreaming. Since we have
organisms by outlining three motion sectors: established that OBEs are often a precursor
containment (red), material (yellow) and to NDEs, it would be interesting to find
cosmic (blue). As I covered in part two, out if there is any relation with LDEs.
psychologically we tend to access the material Levitan and LaBerge found that of the 572
sector during waking consciousness, the people who filled out a questionnaire, 452
cosmic sector during dreaming conscious- of them claimed to have an LDE.102 And
ness, and the containment sector during a of these 452, 39% have also had an OBE,
released SoC.48 From any of these sectors, as compared to 15% who did not claim
we are capable of transitioning to a deceased having an LDE, but reported having an
SoC. For instance, when people have an OBE. LDErs can be differentiated from
NDE, it may begin as an OBE at a location non-LDErs by their heightened awareness
in close proximity to their physiological body and an ability to remember the contents of
(PB). These examples are evident in the their dreams. Since LDErs are more likely
detailed reports of the hospital setting such to recall memories from OBEs than non-
as the operation room, which have been LDErs, we can hypothesize that LDErs are
given by people after recovering from clinical more likely to report having an NDE after
death.34,37 People are also at a high risk of surviving cardiac arrest than non-LDErs.
cardiac arrest while sleeping due to certain
medical conditions like sleep apnea. 99 On the left hand side of the diagram in
Perhaps these survivors are more likely to Figure 5 we can observe the cosmic sector

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 70

of dreaming consciousness, which is the appearance of light in a lucid dream
realm of the imaginal body (IB). Notice seems to be associated with an evolution
the white hole bordering the cosmic and of consciousness or awareness to a very
containment sectors. Some NDErs have high level.103
reported experiencing this brilliant light
immediately upon death.53 Van de Castle Van de Castle’s explanation of what lucid
explains that light is sometimes experienced dreamers experience as light is very similar
by lucid dreamers: to what happens to NDErs. As NDErs pass
through a white hole from the cosmic sector
When light appears in a lucid dream the into the containment sector, they may begin
dreamer typically reports some form of to perceive a force at the end of the tunnel.
transcendent experience, and the feelings The black dot shown at the end of the light
associated with its presence are usually gray tunnel in Figure 5 represents this
labeled as extremely joyful, exhilarating, powerful dark force of nature.
and sometimes transforming. The

Figure 5. All energetic substances, force fields, motion sectors, spatial domains and temporal zones of
the Universe can be used for mapping out the multiple dimensions of the Causal, Emotional,
Imaginal and Physiological Body. In the very center we can observe the Binary Forces (Yin and Yang)
and Primordial Energy, which makes up the composition of the Causal Body. On the right side
flowing clockwise is the sector of the Physiological Body, while the Imaginal Body is found in the
sector flowing counterclockwise on the left side. The reciprocal flowing sector of the Emotional Body
completely surrounds and penetrates through these two sectors, and contains all of the Dark Energy,
Dark Matter, Antimatter and Matter of the entire Physical Universe.

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 71

FROM WAKING TO DECEASED interviewed afterwards – it was evident that
With their physiological eye-lids still open the majority of them suffered from brain
at the moment of cardiac arrest, NDErs are damage. Having good memory recall
more likely to transition from a waking SoC depends on a healthy functioning brain,
to a deceased state. Some NDErs who have without it, reporting what may have
experienced clinical death simply remain happened is less likely.
earthbound, while others end up passing
through a dark tunnel or black hole.104 As NDErs travel through a dark tunnel –
Let’s now turn our attention to the right shown in Figure 5 as dark gray in color –
hand side of the diagram in Figure 5. they enter the realm of the containment
Notice a black hole bordering the material sector (shown in red). The containment
and containment sectors. According to sector is equivalent to what others may
Samantha-Laughton’s Black Hole Principle, identify as the astral world. This is the
black holes exist at every level of the world in which we find ourselves immedi-
universe.105 Some of the phenomena of ately after death. 108 Atwater has
black holes may also help explain why so documented three levels of the astral world:
many cardiac arrest survivors cannot recall
what happened. If memory requires energy, The lowest level is the equivalent of
and if black holes have gravitational fields emotional excesses, demonic posses-
so powerful that not even light can escape, sion, and the various realms of hell.
this may give us a clue why many people The intermediate level is similar to the
can’t recall a single memory from their earth except lovelier, with many
deceased SoC. In a prospective study opportunities to rest, rehabilitate, and
involving patients from 10 different Dutch learn. The highest level is the
hospitals, van Lommel et al. found that only “summerland” of heaven, with angelic
62 of the 344 survivors of cardiac arrest assistance and unconditional love;
could remember being consciously aware wider perspectives about life are
during their clinical death.34 In another gained, and greater vistas to creation
study, Parnia et al. calculated only about are revealed.109
11% of 63 cardiac arrest survivors could
remember their NDE.106 The lower levels are dark ones, but as one
advances to each higher level, there is a
Another valid explanation of why most greater abundance of light. 110 This
survivors of clinical death have difficulties containment sector can be viewed as a
remembering has a physiological basis. To multidimensional realm consisting of both
begin with, very few people are resuscitated a heaven and a hell. Heaven may include
from cardiac arrest. Nichol et al. noticed experiences of pastoral landscapes, cities of
that out of 1,748 cardiac arrest patients, light, spiritual beings and angels.67,111-119
only 126 survived. 107 Of these 126 Hell may include experiences of bewildered
survivors – eighty-six of them were spirits, darkness and demons.111,120-123 We

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 72

can view this contrast between the dark and from previous authors called the causal
the light in Figure 5. This diagram body.128,129 Unlike the emotional body
illustrates the lowest level of the astral world (EB) that was described in part two, and
near the black hole bordering the material the IB and PB, which were described in part
and containment sector. The white dot at one, the causal body (CB) is hypothesized
the end of this dark gray tunnel in Figure to be composed mainly of primordial
5 represents the powerful light force of energy. In theory, the smallest unit of
nature. While journeying toward the light, primordial energy is a photon, which is a
an NDEr is able to ascend each of these light particle or quanta. Photons have no
heavenly levels and perceive a number of mass and are neutral – having neither a
phenomena commonly associated with the positive or negative charge – yet they
afterlife. NDErs often report moving interact with electrically charged objects.130
through a tunnel via accelerated motion.124 Physicists tend to view light as the composi-
The highest level of heaven or “the seventh tion of particles (e.g. photons) or waves (e.g.
heaven” in Atwater’s model is called the vibrating electro-magnetic fields).131 In a
celestial.109 This level I presume is the final survey of NDErs done by Long, a variety
realm in which NDErs can still perceive of “beings of light” were encountered
themselves as individual entities (e.g. “I” or during NDEs (e.g. relatives, friends,
“me”) from everything else (e.g. spiritual strangers, and religious figures such as
entities and angelic beings) around them. angels).132 While embodied in the CB, the
NDEr may feel as if they have melted into
As NDErs journey into the light and the universe and can be everywhere at
become completely engulfed by it, they once.133 If the CB was composed entirely
experience an “at-one-ment.” For the of photons it would not have any mass
NDEr, this can seem like eternity.125 As whatsoever and therefore be weightless.
this occurs – time and space lose meaning MacDougall successfully measured patients
– the perception of multiplicity is replaced by weighing them before and after the
with the illumination of unity. In Figure 5 moment of death and found an average
we can view the light force, primordial weight loss of a little over one once.134
energy, and the dark force all joined How is this possible? If weight is the result
together in the very center. We can of a gravitational pull on an object, then
interpret this joining as a unified field. part of the compositional structure of the
CB must consist of an energetic substance
CAUSAL BODY with detectable mass. In part two, I
People have reported experiencing some mentioned the hypothetical Higgs boson,
bodily form during their NDEs.126,127 This which is a mass quanta. Besides photons,
body has been described by NDErs with the composition of the CB may also consist
words or phrases like: a mist, a cloud, of these Higgs quanta. Unlike photons,
smoke-like, a vapor, transparent, a cloud of which can emerge from the zero-point field-
colors, wispy, etc.20 I will borrow a term the lowest possible energy state in a

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 73

vacuum, the nonzero Higgs field is hypoth- dimensions of the CB. Within the
esized to give all other particles mass and Kabbalist teachings, there are four distinct
charge, hence why it is nicknamed the “God realms or worlds that have been identified:
particle.”93,130,135 The CB may also consist Aziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assirah. 137
of phonons, which are sound quanta. What Each of these identified realms may directly
is the significance of phonons? By correlate with the CB, EB, IB and PB.
interpreting the opening verses of the Old Figure 5 can map out the energetic flow of
Testament (Genesis 1:3), theologians have each of these bodies. The PB exists in the
wondered how our Creator first produced a clockwise flowing sector; the IB is found in
sound in order to create light.46 Some the counterclockwise flowing sector; and the
cosmologists believe that in the early reciprocal flowing sector contains the EB.
beginnings of when the cosmos underwent All three bodies emerged from the CB,
an extraordinary expansion, which was which is within the very center.
before light could travel unhindered
through space, sound waves reverberated TRANSCENDING FINITE BOUNDARIES
freely throughout the universe and may Some NDErs have reported experiencing a
have originated in the first instant of the border or a limit of some kind.20 However,
Universe’s life.136 So phonons explain the there are additional levels documented in
sound NDErs perceive. Atwater’s model that NDErs are capable of
experiencing. These include: 1) the end of
The anatomy of the CB may consist of very manifest, vibratory creation; 2) the void,
subtle energetic structures called sefirot, non-vibratory or pure consciousness; 3) full
which I presume are composed of a “at-one-ment” and entry into states of
combination of phonons, photons and consciousness beyond human comprehen-
Higgs quanta. Sefirot originally meant sion.109 To avoid any possible confusion,
“numbers” or numerical potencies. 137 let me clarify the “void” which Atwater
These structures are usually depicted as describes in her model is not to be confused
spherical in shape, and acknowledged by with what many NDErs call a void when
ancient Kabbalist practitioners as they attempt to explain an entry into a
emanations of the Divine Creator. 138 black hole. The “void” in Atwater’s model
Traditionally there are ten sefirot that are completely transcends any such black and
connected via twenty-two different white dichotomy. It has been described by
paths. 137-139 Together these energetic NDErs as pre-creation, or before the “Big
structures are depicted as a tree Bang.”109,141 Bruce Lee’s description of the
representing our archetypal reality.139,140 If void helps clarify this meaning:
we multiply 32 (the number of sefirot +
paths) by 15 (the hypothetical number of The void is all-inclusive, having no
possible states of each energetic substance), opposites – there is nothing which it
we come up with 480. This calculated excludes or opposes. It is living void,
figure is the hypothetical number of because all forms come out of it and

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 74

whoever realizes the void is filled with life attentive of the infinite. The mind is now
and power and the love of all beings.142 completely free from the close-ended
confines of the body. With an infinite
Meister Eckhart – a Christian mystic of the number of dimensions available, the practi-
14th century – referred to God as three tioner realizes the total freedom of
persons (a trinity), but called the void unlimited choices.
“Godhead,” which he characterized as the
pure, undifferentiated, inert and motionless This Buddhist map outlined by Goleman
unity.143 In the Gospel of Thomas (30:1- can also help us recognize the true source
2), it seems apparent that Jesus himself of all that is. At the seventh level the practi-
realized the difference between the trinity tioner experiences absorption with no-
and unity when he stated “Where there are thing-ness, or the void. This dimensionless
three deities they are divine. Where there level is pure choiceless awareness. The
are two or one, I am with that one.”144 practitioner can even access an eighth level
by contemplating the peacefulness of the
There is a useful technique taught in void, which is neither perception nor
Buddhist practice which may help explain nonperception. Practitioners can experience
how NDErs can transition from a finite, this level through a contentless SoC known
physical system to an infinite, psychological as nirvana, a state in which awareness of all
continuum. In his book The Meditative physical and mental phenomena ceases
Mind, Daniel Goleman attempts to provide entirely.72 A contentless SoC is purely
some of these details by outlining a map motionless or completely still, and
used by Buddhists that consists of eight absolutely unchanging. All ego desires cease
levels or jhanas. 72 The concentrative to exist as well as all emotional phenomena
technique highlighted in it involves the such as greed, hatred, and sorrow.
practice of contemplating a single object, Experiencing this state of nirvana is a true
which can result in unity consciousness or realization of the Tao. From this “Ultimate
“one-pointedness.” The first four jhanas are Source” we are able to realize how finite
labeled as material states, and the latter four universes (close-ended systems) can emerge,
are called formless states. A crossover and why the infinite (an open-ended
between material states into states of continuum) exists in conjunction. All
formlessness commences at the fourth level. physical objects within our own finite
At this level there is no single sensation or universe are subject to the restricted close-
thought; the practitioner’s breath becomes ended limitations of space, time and
so still that it is perceived to cease motion. The infinite continuum, which is
altogether. Even though the practitioner without end or any boundary whatsoever,
experiences joy or bliss, it is without bodily is not subject to any such parameters or
pleasure or rapture. At the fifth and sixth limitations. As people experience the
levels, all perceptions of form cease infinite for themselves, concepts like
altogether as the practitioner is more nonlocality (or spacelessness), and eternity

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 75

(or timelessness) are expressed in an attempt is he feeling? How did she do that? What
to describe the boundless and endless nature kinds of patterns in his behavior can be
of the continuum. By experiencing the Tao identified? How does he work with others?
through a contentless SoC, we realize the What variations in her behavior have
true nature of all creation both finite and occurred? Qualitative research is a source
infinite. The prerequisite for knowing of rich descriptions and explanations of
anything at all is our very own conscious- mental processes.13 This scientific method
ness. We can study consciousness with the also consists of four basic steps:
scientific method.
1) Observation (Subject)
METHODS 2) Interview (Focus Groups)
3) Case Studies
4) Content Analysis
W hat makes any branch of study a
credible science is the application of
the scientific method. Scientists tend to use Both of these methods rely heavily on two
two main approaches: quantitative and mental strengths: perception and interpreta-
qualitative. These methods are typically tion. Perception can be defined as the
used for measuring both objective and ability for reporting information with a
subjective experiences. The quantitative description. This mental strength is
method may start with a question like required for making any kind of observa-
“What is the object?” Furthermore, tion. As we have covered earlier, there are
researchers can ask other questions: How five important perceptual abilities.
many are there? Where are they located? Interpretation can be defined as the ability
What will happen if…? How often…? for providing information with an explana-
What is the size of…? Is object A greater tion. To formulate any kind of hypothesis
than or less than object B…? Does object or theory requires this mental strength.
A work better than object B? This scientific How we interpret information depends
method consists of four steps: heavily on several important thinking skills,
which are shown in Table 1. The first six
1) Observation (Description) cognitive skills outlined in this table are
2) Formulation (Hypothesis) based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, and the
3) Control (Prediction) seventh was added by Passig.146,147
4) Replication
Both perception and interpretation have
General science texts are in agreement on helped humanity establish the very founda-
this method as a reliable means for gaining tion of empiricism – a philosophy of science
knowledge.145 The qualitative method may which emphasizes that all knowledge must
begin with asking “Who (or what) is the be experiential. Based on this philosophy,
subject?” Then researchers can ask further scientific experiments are carefully designed
questions like: What is she thinking? How to provide researchers a more controlled

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 76

Table 1. Interpretive Thinking Skills

1) Memorization – ability to classify, identify, title, etc.

2) Comprehension – ability to include, translate, change, etc.
3) Application – ability to calculate, demonstrate, improve, etc.
4) Analysis – ability to divide, categorize, reduce, etc.
5) Synthesis – ability to combine, organize, restructure, etc.
6) Evaluation – ability to compare, judge, summarize, etc.
7) Melioration – ability to adapt, suggest, forget, etc.

approach for experiencing knowledge either 1) Preparation

directly or indirectly through use of percep- 2) Connection
tion. Although quantitative and qualitative 3) Acceptance
methods are useful for studying objective 4) Confirmation
and subjective experiences, neither method
was really designed to handle measuring the The preparatory step involves the practice
connective experience. of relaxation, which includes calming,
quieting and clearing the mind. Relaxation
THE QUANTUMTATIVE METHOD can be defined as the ability to calm and
Gough and Shacklett have proposed a soothe. One way to accomplish relaxation
scientific model of connectiveness.148-150 To is by simply letting go so the mind can be
support their efforts, I would like to introduce free. This step prepares us for connecting
the quantumtative method for measuring directly or immediately to anyone or
connective experiences. Instead of focusing anything. Connection is an important step
on the differentiated parts (e.g. individual for establishing a mental link between the
objects), this new method is intended to subject and the object. This relation makes
measure a complete whole, such as an entire it possible for the knower to experience the
state of consciousness. The quantitative known. By opening the mind to the
method may serve us well for measuring the infinite possibilities, this step can provide us
objective bio-physical realm. Now we can with access to any conducive SoC.
utilize this quantumtative method for Acceptance is a profound receptivity (e.g.
measuring the connective psycho-spiritual listening). Because this step allows informa-
realm. This new method may start by asking tion to be integrated deeply into the psyche
questions like “What is the link between without interruption, it also prevents our
subject and object? Why can they all relate?” personal biases from potentially distorting
The quantumtative method consists of four the availability of information being shared.
steps that I’ve adopted from Petitmengin- When intuition doesn’t operate it is because
Peugot’s study of intuitive experiences:151 something is preventing it from operating,
namely, the previous conceptions.152 One
caution that needs to be addressed during

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 77

this step is attempting to identify the cannot be both consistent and complete.156
information prematurely before letting it In 1936, Alonzo Church and Alan Turing
integrate properly. Anderson believes that both demonstrated the existence of unsolv-
rest and relaxation are essential for the able problems by mechanical means.157,158
intuitive process to unfold naturally and Although Godel was able to show that we
spontaneously and suggests that incubating cannot always prove a statement to be either
the data is an essential feature of intuitive true or false through use of reason, he never
inquiry.153 Confirmation then is simply ruled out the possibility of understanding
verifying the hunch as either truth or a certain truths by intuition. The Buddha
faulty impression. Researchers must be taught that intuition, not reason, is the
cautious of possibly mistaking a hunch for source of truth and wisdom.159 This is why
true intuitive knowledge. According to this koans (paradoxical statements) are used by
new method, a hunch is analogous to a Zen Buddhist practitioners to help them
hypothesis, i.e. nothing more than a mentally transcend cause and effect
tentative explanation. To quantumfy the thinking. When logic and reason fail,
information as intuitive knowledge, the intuition often takes over.160 This seems to
hunch must first be confirmed as real or be the case when certain people participate
true. By definition, an intuition can only in REG or RNG experiments. Studies have
pertain to information that is correct. If a shown that people’s scores can significantly
seemingly intuitive insight turns out wrong, deviate either positively (above chance) or
it did not spring from intuition, but from negatively (below chance) when they
self-deception or wishful thinking.154 attempt to either make a prediction or even
try to willfully influence the outcome.161 If
This new method will help us bridge the reason can only help us obtain chance
gap between the known, unknown and even results at best while operating a REG or
the unknowable. The unknowable RNG, then intuition is the key ability for
represents any category of information that helping us understand why scores can either
cannot be logically proven with reason. For positively (e.g. precognition) or negatively
example, it is unknowable to predict the (e.g. psychokinesis) deviate from chance
outcome of a random event generator expectation. As scientific researchers we
(REG) or random number generator need to fully acknowledge this important
(RNG) with a high degree of certainty by ability, and why it can help us bridge the
using logical deduction. Even in gap between the known, unknown and
mathematics there are equations which are unknowable. Implementing this new
truly unknowable. 155 Kurt Godel’s scientific method will definitely help us
Imcomplete Theorem demonstrates that it measure these intuitive connections.
is possible to construct an arithmetical
statement that is true but not provable in The quantumtative method is grounded in
theory, which basically means that any a philosophy proposed by William James
theory expressing elementary arithmetic called radical empiricism:

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 78

To be radical, an empiricism must Experiencing the insight of a deceased SoC
neither admit into its constructions any requires the mastery of shifting conscious
elements that is not directly experienced, states. Practitioners of Yoga have been
nor exclude from them any element that known to make their hearts stop, which is
is directly experienced. For such a one of the major signs of a deceased SoC.163
philosophy, the relations that connect Like many other extraordinary feats,
experiences must themselves be experi- demonstrating this kind of mastery of one’s
enced relations, and any kind of relation body may realistically take many years of
experienced must be accounted as ‘real’ training.
as anything else in the system.162
James’ philosophy acknowledges the There is yet another type of experience that
importance of directly experiencing the some NDErs report having. It is called the
connection of subject and object. The unitive experience, and it differs from the
quantumtative method can help us study an connective experience in certain ways. For a
entire SoC by fundamentally measuring the connective experience, the subject and object
subject/object relation. Every SoC should do share a link, but they can still be identi-
be accessible and even measurable with fied as different from one another. For a
these four quantumtative steps. If we unitive experience, subject and object are
wanted to investigate the current trend of completely unified and no longer distin-
“Top 40” songs, we must first learn how to guishable from each another. A good
tune the radio dial to the correct station(s) example is when two drops of water combine,
before we can measure (record) the actual they become one, and can no longer be
songs broadcasted. Based on this analogy, viewed as two individual drops. What makes
our best option to measure any discrete SoC this type of experience possible is a bond. A
must start by learning what it takes to access bond creates an inseparable unity of subject,
the state directly for ourselves. object and link. Like the connective experi-
ence, neither quantitative nor qualitative
In parts one and two I discussed the methods are capable of measuring the unitive
importance of scientists being able to experience, which is why I would like to
directly experience any SoC by using the propose the qualumtative method. Like the
state specific guidelines outlined by Charles quantumtative method, this new method is
Tart.47,48 A deceased SoC may be one of intended to measure a complete whole, such
the more difficult states for researchers to as an entire stream of awareness, which will be
access because of the possible risk of not discussed a bit later. “Quantum” and
returning to waking consciousness. “qualum” are two terms that can represent
Without a guaranteed safe return, the very entire wholes, whereas “quanta” and “qualia”
idea of potentially experiencing death may are commonly used for differentiating certain
discourage a lot of researchers from even parts, such as a distinct quantity or unique
considering this kind of exploratory study. quality of a whole.

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 79

Quantum consciousness is essentially unity be an example of creating something totally
consciousness. 164 The term qualum fresh and new.
represents unity consciousness as well.
Since intuition is an important ability for The qualumtative method may start by
having a connective experience, illumina- asking questions about the nature of unity
tion is essential for having a unitive experi- like “What is the bond of subject, object
ence. I define illumination as the ability and link? Why are they all unified?”
for realizing ultimate or absolute knowledge There are four steps of this method that I’ve
through a union. This ability represents the adopted from Collins’ study of mystical
highest function of knowing in which the experience:166
subject/object duality is dissolved by
establishing a genuine union; there is no 1) Awakening
object of experience – not a sensation or a 2) Purification
perception or even a thought meaning there 3) Union
is no distinction between knower and 4) Transformation
An awakening is often realized as a powerful
People can experience illumination via flash of true brilliance (e.g. the light) by
energy (physical power) or luminosity, simply absorbing the present moment.
synergy (mental power), and even theurgy Absorption can be defined as the ability to
(spiritual power) or numinosity. Theurgy is observe, or apply attention. An example of
also known as divine power. To harness it an awakening was written in the New
would seem God-like. If energy is defined Testament (First letter John 1:5) as “God is
as the physical capacity to perform work, light…” 46 Purification is a profound
theurgy can be defined as the spiritual spiritual cleansing. For some Christian
capacity to create. What I mean by creation, mystics like St. John of the Cross, it may be
is the power to create something totally new interpreted as the dark night of the soul.141
from absolutely nothing at all. If energy is Union is the realization of wholeness. Some
classified as a substance, theurgy is an may also refer to union as “Oneness” or a
essence. Synergy is a powerful blend of unity with all that is (e.g. “All-ness”). In the
energy and theurgy, and can be defined as New Testament (Gospel of John 10:30), one
the mental capacity to transform, which is example documenting unity is written as
really a combination of creativity and work. “The Father and I are One.”46 Similarly in
Sometimes our mind cultivates synergy for the Gospel of Thomas (77:2) Jesus said, “I
transforming something that already exists am all: from me all came forth, and to me
into something else (e.g. an invention). all attained.”142 And transformation is an
When an artist paints a picture, he or she important step for making change possible.
can only do so because of having pre-existing For instance, as two people experience sexual
materials such as paint, brushes, and a union, a powerful creative transformation
canvas to manipulate. An innovation would occurs at the moment of conception. The

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 80

result can be a physical as well as a psycho- a unifying substance for an entire lake or
logical change.109 Historically, mystics have ocean. To experience a bond of any SoA
been known to transform humanity both requires absorption. We can exercise this
physically and psychologically by sharing ability through both contemplative and
their teachings with the world, but this tends meditative practices. If relaxation is a
to occur after they have experienced steps precursor for intuition, then absorption can
one, two and three. To qualumfy informa- be a precursor for illumination. All people
tion as unitive knowledge, transforming it can spiritually unite or unify by realizing
into a language that can be understood by the same qualum SoA.
others is essential. This may require
inventing new definitions for words that PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
already exist or even innovating new terms These newly proposed scientific methods
if no current words are available to convey and expanded multidimensional model can
the information. We can apply this qualum- be used by scientists, particularly thanatol-
tative method for helping us measure why ogists to help them learn more about what
people can experience divine revelations or happens to our consciousness during the
a powerful spiritual enlightenment. dying process. For medical practitioners
who provide palliative care, helping people
QUALUM STREAMS heal who have recovered from a deceased
Earlier I designated the term state for identi- SoC begins with compassion and empathy
fying the link between the subject and the in assuring them more support of their
object. All states of consciousness include NDEs. Sometimes NDErs are in need of
a mental link, which makes it possible for good answers after returning from death.
us to have connective experiences in And if they can’t get them from the so-
multiple ways. People tend to mentally called experts, they may become more
connect with one another by accessing the reluctant of sharing their experiences with
same quantum SoC. For unitive experi- others. By interpreting this model,
ences, I would like to use the word thanatologists can provide a thorough
“stream.” This term has been used in more explanation if needed, even for those who
recent theoretical models of consciousness have never had an NDE. They can also
proposed by Dainton and Ingebo- use these new scientific methods for
Barth.167,168 A stream of awareness (SoA) validating the NDE. Figure 6 provides a
is a qualumtative term that creates a unifica- compilation of the four scientific methods
tion of all parts of a whole. There are many covered in this paper.
possible streams of awareness, which makes
it possible for us to have multiple types of For thousands of years, mystics from all
unitive experiences. A stream provides a over the world have explored the nature of
spiritual bond which joins subject, object reality by utilizing concentrative and
and link together as a unified whole in meditative techniques to help them access
much of the same way that water provides various quantum states and qualum streams.

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 81

Figure 6. Four Scientific Methods: Quantitative, Qualitative, Quantumtative and Qualumtative.
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods are typically used for measuring parts of a whole (e.g. a subject
and the object). Qualumtative and Quantumtative Methods can be used for measuring an entire
whole (e.g. a bond/link).

With proper training in learning how to SUMMARY OF

access the deceased SoC, modern day
cosmologists who question how the physical
universe came into existence may find the
answers by passing through the various
heavens and into the void beyond all
T hroughout these papers I’ve mainly
presented how consciousness functions
through our very complex multidimen-
motion, space and time. During this
sional world. These dimensions include
journey they will be capable of directly
different physical realms (close-ended
experiencing primordial energy and the
systems) ranging from the gross manifesta-
binary forces as a unified field.
tion of the physiological body, which can
Psychologists could investigate the
be experienced through a waking SoC, to
phenomena of a deceased SoC by observing
the subtlest creation of the causal body,
the behaviors of various beings or entities
which can be experienced through a
encountered within these more subtle
deceased SoC. Still I have eluded to
multidimensional realms. Some researchers
provide a model of what I theorize
might be interested in studying the anatomy
consciousness really is. First of all, I would
of the CB, which may be more directly
like to provide a summary of consciousness
observable through a deceased SoC.

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 82

based on my own life long studies of this like; the noumenon mindset seems to make
mysterious, but engaging topic. the most sense for now.
Throughout history, scientists and philoso-
phers have studied consciousness from After studying numerous viewpoints from
three noticeable mindsets. With each various cultures around the world, I have
mindset, some philosophers and scientists reached the conclusion that consciousness
have reached their own conclusions that includes four primary functions:
consciousness can be explained as:
1) Being (to be)
1) an epiphenomenon – a by-product of the 2) Doing (to do)
brain/nervous system 3) Having (to have)
2) a phenomenon – a process of the 4) Knowing (to know)
mind/body interface
3) a noumenon – a metaphysical soul/mind. All other functions of consciousness are
really variations or combinations of these.
From what I’ve learned, most of the There is also an essential ability involved for
research studies have focused on number each of these functions:
one with number two coming in a distant
second. An example of number two is 1) Attention
Hamerhoff ’s theory, which postulates an 2) Intention
interface between consciousness and the 3) Potention
physical realm at the “Planck scale” of 10- 4) Retention
33 centimeters and 10-43 seconds.169 Some

theoreticians have attempted combining For number one, I define attention as the
mindsets one and two. Zizzi’s theory facility of being aware. The adjective for
explains how conscious experience emerges attention is attentive and the verb is to
from the quantum gravity threshold of the attain. This includes becoming, noticing,
inflationary universe.170 Amoroso’s Noetic letting, achieving, maintaining, etc. For
Field Theory interprets how individual number two, I define intention as the
intelligence arises from a teleological faculty of volition. This includes doing,
noumenon.171 This brings us to number willing, deciding, performing, etc. The
three, which proposes that consciousness is term intention comes from the word intent,
essentially unobservable to sensory percep- which means aim or purpose. For number
tion and even unknowable through use of three, I define potention as the capability
logical deduction. Benjamin acknowledges for having experience. The term potention
that human consciousness is evident but comes from the word potent, which means
not physically detectable.172 Since there is strength or power. This includes describing,
no substantial proof of consciousness, i.e. explaining, obtaining, realizing, etc. And
nobody really knows what consciousness is for number four, I define retention as the
with certainty nor can tell us what it looks capacity of cognition. The adjective for

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 83

Figure 7. The Primary Functions and Essential Abilities of Consciousness. All other functions and
abilities are theorized to be variations or combinations of these. Consciousness is defined as the source
of all experience including cognition, volition and awareness.

retention is retentive and the verb is to discussed throughout this paper, death is
retain. This includes knowing, learning, not the end of consciousness. While many
acquiring, remembering, understanding, NDErs and mystics have shed some
etc. As we can observe, all of these valuable insight about the nature of
functions and abilities tend to overlap with consciousness, it may take some time before
the other. Based on these primary functions scientists are able to comprehend their
and essential abilities (see Figure 7), discoveries as evidence for the continuum of
consciousness can be defined as the source consciousness beyond death. Using both
of all experience including cognition, quantumtative and qualumtative methods
volition and awareness. will definitely help with this process. I
would also like to encourage anyone
CLOSING STATEMENTS interested in consciousness to consider the
In closing, I hope these models can help noumenon explanation. For me, I feel it
answer some important questions about the has really provided a core understanding of
nature of consciousness by providing an what consciousness truly is. My final model
explanation of how it can manifest in the and definition of consciousness is primarily
physical world through various quantum based on this mindset.
states and qualum streams. As I have
• • •

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 19 • Number 2 • Page 84

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hallmancj@qualityhfw.com Enlarged), (University of Virginia Press,
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