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Instructor Syllabus/ Course Outline: Page 1 of 5

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Instructor: C. Jill Oblak Semester/Session: FA19

Telephone: 724-325-6628 Office Hours: M-W 8:30-9:30AM
412-701-1273 GVMail T-R 9:30-11AM; or by appt.
E-Mail Address: coblak@ccac.edu Office Location: N-426

Class Section(s) Time & Location: SOC 101 Z06B 9/3-12/9/2019

Online/Blackboard Finals Week: 12/10-12/16

Course Number: SOC 101

Course Title: Intro to Sociology
Course Credits:
Lecture hours: 3 Lab hours: 0 Clinical: 0 Studio: 0 Practicum: 0
Prerequisite(s): NA Corequisite(s): NA
Course Description:
An introduction to the science of sociology, including a discussion of sociological theory and method, social
structure, culture, and socialization. Also emphasized are social stratification, race, ethnicity, and gender.
Social institutions and their change dynamics are examined.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the major components of sociology
2. Understand the methods of sociological research
3. Describe sociological theories
4. Explain the importance of culture and socialization
5. Understand the concepts of groups and organizations in society
6. Identify the major societal institutions including: family, education, religion, politics, and economics
7. Examine social change, collective behavior, demography, social problems, medicalization, and deviance
as contributors in society

Materials and Resources:

Required Text(s): Sociology2e OpenStax textbook – link: https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-
Required Materials: Computer access to complete assignments in Blackboard; Standard
applications such as Word, PowerPoint, Acrobat Reader; CCAC email account

Teaching Methods:
Teaching methods may include textbook and online readings, discussion boards, papers, projects, case
studies and discussions of current events. Topics will include content which may be sensitive and subject to
differing views. Students should be respectful in all interactions with each other and with college personnel.

Evaluation Plan:
Course will include textbook and supplemental readings, online discussion boards and exams. Note: due
dates are subject to change if necessary for a variety of circumstances including college closing, severe
weather, or instructor discretion.
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22 Discussion Boards (2 posts of 5 pts each) 10 pts each = 220 pts
21 Chapter Quizzes 10 pts each = 240 pts
Total 460 pts

Total course points will be translated into letter grades according to the following scale:
90 -100% A
80 - 89% B
70 - 79% C
60 - 69% D
Below 60% F

Discussion Boards (DBs) will be posted each week. Students must submit 2 posts for each DB (an initial
post and at least one response to another student’s post.) All DB postings must be respectful – you can
disagree but do so politely.

Rubric for Discussion Board Posts:

Each discussion board post is worth a maximum of 5 points. To get full credit for a DB you must post
(at a minimum) one initial response to the topic and reply to at least one classmate’s post.
5 Pts –Post reflects thought and insight, inspires comments from other classmates, or demonstrates
significant reflection of the topic.
3 Pts – Post reflects thought and relates to the topic but doesn’t extend the discussion or
demonstrate understanding of the topic.
1 Pt – Post merely affirms or disagrees with topic or other post but does not contribute to the
discussion. (“Great point, Joe.”)
0 Pt – No posting, insignificant effort, or inappropriate posting etiquette.

Quizzes and exams will be administered through the Blackboard site – students should avoid use of a
mobile device such as a tablet computer or cell phone or public wifi network for these exams due to breaks
in signal which may close/lock out the exam. Quizzes submitted late (without prior arrangement) will have a
10% point deduction.
Extra credit assignments may be available on occasion.
Students should complete all assignments by specified deadlines and actively participate in course

Other Policies and Procedures:

Students are expected to follow all provisions in the CCAC Student Handbook including the Student
Academic Code of Conduct and Student Behavioral Code of Conduct, available online:
Academic dishonesty may result in a zero grade for the assignment and referral to the academic dean.
Disruptive behavior is cause for dismissal from class and may result in referral to the dean of student
development. Disruptive behavior may include any actions which interfere with classroom learning.
Issues: Students should first address any issue directly with the instructor. In most cases an issue will be
easily resolved at this level. If not, the next step is to the department chair, Mr. Greg Joyce. Students who
go directly to a dean without discussion with the instructor or department chair will be referred back to the
instructor and department chair.

Emergency Notifications
In order to receive up-to-date information on CCAC closings/delays, severe weather and other emergency
situations, please register for emergency Twitter alerts by texting “follow CCACAlerts” to 40404 or
Severe Weather & Closing Hotline
Students may access recorded information on campus closings due to severe weather or other causes at
Drop/ Add/ Withdrawal
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Notifying the instructor of your intention to drop or withdraw does NOT count as an official withdrawal from
a course. Procedures for drop/add/withdrawal can be found at www.ccac.edu/registration-services/.
Students receiving financial assistance through grants, loans, and veterans benefits should consult with
the Financial Aid or Military and Veterans Service Center before dropping, adding, or withdrawing from
class. Students’ aid may be impacted by a change to the total number of credits in which the student is
enrolled, or by receiving a W grade in one or more classes.

Consult the Academic Calendar on MyCCAC portal for these important deadline dates. Note that courses
that do not meet within the standard 16- and 14-week terms have unique drop/withdrawal deadlines.
Failure to process these forms with the Registration office by the published deadline may result in F
grades and have financial consequences.

Title IX Notification
Know your rights as a student. Title IX, the Clery Act and the SaVE Act prohibits sexual harassment,
sexual misconduct and acts of sexual violence, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating
violence, and stalking. See the complete policy and how to report at

MyCCAC Portal and Academic Email

The MyCCAC portal provides access to all course, grade and administrative information at
https://my.ccac.edu. All email correspondence regarding your academic work is to be conducted to and
from your CCAC academic email account.

Access your course information, email, Student Handbook, incident

reporting and college services at:

Course Outline Corrections:

During the semester/session, reasonable changes to the course outline such as topics or due dates may be
academically appropriate. Students will be notified of these adjustments by the instructor in a timely manner.

Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities:

The college recognizes its responsibility to provide academic and nonacademic services and programs
equally to individuals with and without disabilities. To this end, the college provides reasonable
accommodations for qualified students and employees with documented disabilities consistent with the
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, sections 503 & 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and other
federal, state and local laws and regulations. The college maintains an Office of Supportive Services at
each campus location to receive, review and evaluate requests from students who require an
accommodation with respect to their educational program. Students’ requesting reasonable
accommodations due to a documented disability must first register with their campus’ Supportive Services
Office and obtain an official letter identifying approved accommodations to be distributed to their faculty

Attendance Procedure for Pregnancy & Pregnancy Related Conditions:

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, absences due to pregnancy or related
conditions, including recovery from childbirth, shall be excused for as long as the absences are determined
to be medically necessary. Students will be provided with the opportunity to make up any work missed as a
result of such absences, if possible. For more information or requests for accommodations, students should
inform their instructor(s) and/or contact the Civil Rights Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, at
412.237.4535 or smisra@ccac.edu.
Attendance Procedure for Religious Observance
The college will make reasonable efforts to accommodate students who must be absent from classes or
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miss scheduled exams in order to observe a religious holiday or participate in some other form of religious
observance. Students shall be provided, whenever possible, reasonable opportunity to make up academic
assignments missed due to such absences, unless doing so would create or impose an undue burden on
other students or the College. It shall be the students’ responsibility to provide written notice via the
Request for Accommodation for Religious Observances Form (accessible at
https://www.ccac.edu/nondiscrimination/) to every instructor for each course in which an accommodation is
being requested. For more information contact the Civil Rights Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, at
412.237.4535 or smisra@ccac.edu.

Chosen First Name Procedure for Students

Many individuals use names other than their legal first name to identify themselves for a variety of personal
and/or cultural reasons. The college seeks to provide an inclusive and non-discriminatory environment by
making it possible for students to use a chosen first name on college records when a legal name is not
required. Chosen first names may not be applicable in certain programs due to the requirements of
accreditation organizations and clinical sites. For more information, please see the Student Handbook
(accessible at https://www.ccac.edu/Academics/Academic-Rules-and-Regulations/CCAC-Student-
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Course Outline/ Plan: SOC 101 Z06B Online FA2019

Week Dates Topic Chapter Assignment

1 9/3-9/9 Intro; Course Overview NA DB - Intro

DB Chapters 1 & 2
2 9/9-9/16 Intro to Sociology; Sociological Research 1&2
Quizzes 1 & 2
DB Chapters 3 & 4
3 9/16-9/23 Culture; Society and Social Interaction 3&4
Quizzes 3 & 4
DB Chapters 5
4 9/23-9/30 Socialization 5
Quiz Chapter 5
DB Chapter 6
5 9/30-10/7 Groups & Organizations 6
Quiz 6
DB Chapter 7
6 10/7-10/14 Deviance, Crime, and Social Control 7
Quiz 7
DB Chapter 8 & 9
7 10/14-10/21 Media & Technology; Social Stratification in US 8&9
Quiz 8 & 9
DB Chapter 10
8 10/21-10/28 Global Inequality 10
Quiz 10
DB Chapter 11 & 12
9 10/28-11/4 Race and Ethnicity; Gender, Sex, and Sexuality 11 & 12
Quiz 11 & 12
DB Chapter 13
10 11/4-11/11 Aging & the Elderly 13
Quiz 13
DB Chapters 14 & 15
11 11/11-11/18 Marriage & Family; Religion 14 & 15
Quiz 14 & 15
DB Chapters 16 & 17
12 11/18-11/25 Education; Government & Politics 16 & 17
Quizzes 16 & 17

NA 11/25-12/2 Thanksgiving Break – Bb site open but no assignments NA NA

DB Chapters 18 & 19
13 12/2-12/9 Work & Economy; Health & Medicine 18 & 19
Quizzes 18 & 19
Population, Urbanization, & the Environment; DB Chapter 20 & 21
14 12/9-12/16 Social Movements & Change 20 & 21 Quizzes 20 & 21
All work must be completed by 11:59PM Final Reflection

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