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Zeina L Zadeh 2019

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Multi-Objective Optimal Placement of Recloser and

Sectionalizer in Electricity Distribution Feeders

Arash Zeinalzadeh Abouzar Estebsari Alireza Bahmanyar

North Khorasan Electric Distribution Department of Energy Department of Electrical Engineering
Company Politecnico di Torino Iran University of Science and
Bojnourd, Iran Turin, Italy Technology
zeynalzadeharash@yahoo.com abouzar.estebsari@polito.it Tehran, Iran

Abstract— Electricity distribution feeders, due to their systems. These include genetic algorithm [1], simulated
geographical dispersion, are subjected to faults caused by annealing [2], binary programming [3], Bellmann's
adverse weather, vegetation growth, etc., resulting in long optimality principle [4], ant colony algorithm [5], immune
outages for customers. Overhead switching devices (i.e. algorithm [6], and particle swarm optimization [7].
reclosers, sectionalizers, disconnectors and etc.) are known as
the most practical solutions to limit the outage area, and In [8] authors consider the effect of using reclosers and
consequently increase the distribution system reliability. This remote disconnectors on the system reliability. The authors
paper presents a Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization of [9] propose a heuristic combinatory search algorithm to
(MOPSO) algorithm for Optimal Placement of Recloser and determine the optimal level of investments in medium
Sectionalizer to minimize customers’ outage cost and increase voltage distribution network automation. In [10] a
system reliability with an optimal investment. The algorithm methodology is implemented for allocation of remotely
determines the number and optimal locations of reclosers and controlled switching devices in electric distribution systems
sectionalizers to fulfill the objectives. The obtained results on based on the analytic hierarchical process method. The
the standard 85-node distribution feeder validate the method proposed in [11] proposes a modified shuffled frog
effectiveness of the proposed method. leaping algorithm to derive the optimal placement of manual
and automatic switches. The authors of [12] propose a new
Keywords— Distribution system, MOPSO, Optimization,
mathematical model to calculate the restored energy and use
Recloser, Sectionalizer
the genetic algorithm to optimize the location of the
I. INTRODUCTION switches. The method proposed in [13] uses the Mixed-
integer linear programming for sectionalizing switch
Ensuring system reliability is known as one of the main placement. The authors in [14] propose a multi-objective
challenges distribution companies face. Wide geographical optimization approach for switch placement based on the
dispersion of electricity distribution networks in urban and particle swarm optimization method. In [15,16] authors
rural areas subjects them to different kinds of short circuit consider remotely controlled switches and propose different
faults caused by a variety of causes, such as adverse weather, algorithms for their placement. The method proposed in [17]
vegetation growth, bird contact and etc. As the final stage of determines the optimal composition and placement of
the electrical energy supply chain, any sustained fault on automatic switches.
distribution systems results in customers outage and affects
the system reliability. Distribution companies take much This paper presents a Multi-Objective Particle Swarm
effort to limit the outage area and keep the lights of the non- Optimization (MOPSO) algorithm to minimize customers
affected parts of the network on. The use of overhead outage and increase system reliability while minimizing the
switching devices such as reclosers and sectionalizers is required investment, as objective functions, by optimal
known as the most practical solution in this regard. placement of reclosers and sectionalizers in radial
distribution feeders. The method performance is evaluated on
Most of the faults on overhead electricity distribution the standard 85-node distribution feeder. The results validate
networks are transient in nature, commonly caused by the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to fulfil the
lightning and temporary contacts. Transient faults can be objectives.
successfully cleared by immediate tripping and energization
of the line. On overhead distribution feeders, autoreclosers The paper is structured as follows: in Section II, the
do this tripping followed by energization process. proposed method based on multi-objective optimization is
described. Section III verifies the performance of the
A recloser can work in coordination with a number of proposed method by simulation studies on 85-node
downstream sectionalizers. For permanent faults, distribution network. The paper is concluded with some
sectionalizers which count the interruptions made by the remarks in Section IV.
upstream recloser, after a number of reclosing shots, isolate
the faulty downstream network during the dead time of the II. THE PROPOSED METHOD
recloser to limit the outage area. Optimal placement of
The overall structure of the proposed method consists of
reclosers and sectionalizers on a distribution feeder can
three parts, an optimizer, a fault case simulator and a fuzzy
minimize the outage area, improve system reliability, and
compromiser. At the first step the method receives system
decrease the required investment and maintenance costs.
data (network configuration, loads and etc.) and parameters
Different optimization techniques are employed for (failure rates, energy cost and etc.). It then considers random
optimal placement of switching devices in distribution numbers and locations of overhead switches as a set of

978-1-7281-0653-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

particles. The switches random locations are considered at B. Optimization algorithm
the beginning of sections. At the next step the method runs Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based
the fault case simulator for particles and calculates the stochastic optimization algorithm inspired by co-operative
objective function for each. Then, the optimizer updates the intelligence of the swarm such as bird flocking. The
particles positions and velocities (number and locations of algorithm uses a population of individuals to probe the best
switches). The fault case simulator calculates the objective position in the search space. It is comprised of a set of
functions for updated particles and the process repeats until particles moving around the search space. The position of
the calculated objective function converges. Finally, a fuzzy each particle is modified based on its own and its neighbors
compromiser selects the final solution among a set of optimal experiences.
solutions presented by MOPSO. The method building blocks
are described in the following subsections. It should be noted For simultaneous optimization of multiple objective
that a recloser (with three shots) cannot be coordinated with functions, the multi-objective PSO is proposed [19]. This
more than three downstream sectionalizers. algorithm considers a vector x* as Pareto optimal, if any
other feasible vector which would decrease some objectives,
A. Objective function causes an increase in other objectives. The set of optimal
Customers outage duration and cost, network topology, solutions of the MOPSO is known as the Pareto front,
loads variations, network components failure rate, the including a set of non-dominated solutions. If x1 is not less
required time to clear the fault or to isolate the faulted part of optimal than x2, for any of the objective functions and it is
the network, and reliability improvements are among the more optimal for at least one function, x1 is said to dominate
factors that must be considered for definition of the objective x 2.
The steps of the MOPSO algorithm are as follows:
To consider the cost of customers outage, the following
function, proposed in [18], is taken as the first objective: 1. The initial positions and velocities of all particles are
generated randomly. In the optimization case
NC NIL considered, the location of switches are generated in
F1 = ECOST =   Lkj .Ckj (rj ).λ j (1) form of vectors as algorithm particles.
j =1 k =1 2. Objective functions calculation.
3. Identification of non-dominated solutions.
where: 4. The non-dominated solutions are selected and stored in
NIL= total number of load points isolated due to event j; a repository.
5. Update velocity and position of each particle.
NC = number of outage events (Contingencies); Considering that the algorithm has a set of optimal
Lkj = load outage at point k for event j; solutions, a leader should be chosen for each particle.
The best position of each particle should be updated in
rj = outage duration for event j; this step. Therefore, for each particle, by comparing the
λj = average failure rate of event j for study duration; new position to the best global position, the dominant
one will be selected as the new position. If none of the
Cjk (rj) = outage cost ($/KW) of load point k for event j particles dominates, a random one will be selected.
with an outage duration of rj. 6. Update the best position of each particle by comparing
the new position to the best global position and
The second objective function considers the improvement selecting the dominant one. If none of them dominates,
of reliability indices including system average interruption
a random one will be selected.
frequency index (SAIFI) and system average interruption
duration index (SAIDI): 7. After all the particles are updated, store the current
population non-dominated members in the repository.
8. Remove the dominated solution from the repository and
F2 = w1 .SAIFI + w2 .SAIDI (2)
keep the non-dominated ones.
9. If the repository members exceed a predefined
where w1 and w2 are weighting coefficients both equal to maximum, remove the extra members.
0.5. 10. If the algorithm converges, the optimization process is
The result of the optimal placement problem must be over. Otherwise, go to step 5.
economically viable for distribution companies, considering 11. Select the non-dominated population as the Pareto
the price of switching equipment, their installation cost and front.
the large scale of distribution networks. Therefore, the cost
of the switching equipment is considered in the following The resulted Pareto front is a set of optimal solutions.
function, as the third objective: The final solution can be selected based on distribution
system engineers expertise and their requirements. However,
F3 = n.CSEC + m.CREC (3) due to the inherent uncertainty in human decision-making,
the fuzzy compromise technique is proposed for the selection
of the final solution.
where n and m are the number of sectionalizers and
reclosers, respectively and CSEC and CREC denote their prices. C. Fuzzy compromise
In this method, for objective function i for the solution k
of the Pareto front, a μki value is calculated:
Consider a fault at a line-section between In this section, the ability of the proposed method to find
two nodes (fault location) the optimal locations and number of reclosers and
sectionalizers is evaluated. The tests are done on the standard
85-node distribution feeder [20]. Table I presents the
Identify the network graph from the fault considered load types and Table II shows the parameters
location to the main substation considered for this study.

Table III presents the identified optimal number and

Find the first recloser in the path between the location of the reclosers and sectionalizers. The results are
fault and the main substation
also shown in Fig. 2. The results indicate that with optimal
placement of reclosers and sectionalizers, compared to the
case with no overhead switches, an expected net revenue of
Find the
Is there a objective 46168 $ per year can be made. The results are in accordance
sectionalizer in the function for all with engineering comments.
path between the the loads
fault and the isolated by the
recloser? recloser (for tsec)

Load type Node

Find the objective Find the objective
function for all function for all the Small-scale industrial load 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
the loads that are loads that are Commercial loads 59, 60, 61, 71, 72, ,82, 83, 84, 85
isolated by isolated by the
recloser (for trep) sectionalizer for trep Domestic loads Other nodes

No Calculate the sum of

objective functions
sections considered?
Parameter Considered value
λ 0.065 (f/yr/km) [2]
Yes Calculate the objective trep 1 hour
function for all line-sections tsec 9 second
Recloser price 11800 $
Sectionalizer price 4700 $
Switches life time 20 years
Fig. 1. The steps of fault case simulation for calculation of the objective Outage cost for domestic loads 0.162 $/kW [1]
function Outage cost for industrial loads 3.32 $/kW [1]
Outage cost for commercial loads 9.97 $/kW [1]
Study period 1 year
Time horizon 10 year
 1 f i ≤ f i min
 f max − f
μ =  max
k i i
fi min
 if − f min
 0
fi ≥ fi max

Number of reclosers 3
Reclosers optimal locations (line-
where fimax
and fimin
are the minimum and the maximum sections)
25-8, 57-9, 4-5
of the objective function i of all solutions in the Pareto front. Number of sectionalizers 8
The fuzzy membership function for solution k can be Sectionalizers optimal locations 5-18, 9-10, 12-80, 60-63- 64-
calculated as follows: (line-sections) 67, 29-30, 34-44, 35-48
Ecost before installation ($/yr) 238726
 
μ k = max kN=1  min  μik  
(5) Ecost after installation ($/yr) 42518
  i =1  
Total price of overhead switches 3650
The solution with the maximum μk will be selected as the
Total cost 35223
best solution.
Expected revenue ($/yr) 46168
D. Fault case simulation
F2 before installation 6.8
The method has to consider different possible fault
F2 after installation 2.2
locations for the optimal placement problem. The steps of
fault case simulation for calculation of the objective function
are presented in Fig. 1. In this flowchart, the time for fault
clearance, maintenance, and reconnection of the isolated
section is denoted by trep and the time for the isolation of the
affected section by a sectionalizer is denoted by tsec.
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