MUFON UFO Journal - September 1980
MUFON UFO Journal - September 1980
MUFON UFO Journal - September 1980
Human-powered “ Gossamer Albatross” ; concept has received NASA research support for future
extreme altitude aircraft (NASA photo)
(USPS 002-970)
103 O ld to w n e R d.
S eguin, T ex as 78155
With this issue we pass the mark of 150 consecutive publications of
RICHARD HALL the Journal (and its predecessor “ Skylook”), an accomplishment of
Editor some note. As our Internationa) Director will confirm, it has not always
been easy. Inflation, constantly rising costs of paper and printing,
postal increases, and other factors have led to subscription price in
Associate Editor
LEN STR1NGFIELD On top of all this - after recently priding ourselves on a good
Associate Editor record of on-time publication - circumstances beyond our control have
put us behind schedule temporarily. Please bear with us; we are taking
all steps necessary to get back on schedule and to continue upgrading -
Contributing Editor
the quality of articles and news reporting. I have been personally
gratified by the friendly and supportive comments of the readers, but
WALTER H. ANDRUS critical comments also would be helpful.
Director of MUFON
With a continuing “Mutual” effort, we will strive to make the
TED BLOECHER Journal a valuable source of information, opinion, discussion, and
DAVE WEBB critical evaluation. Your participation in this process is important.
Humanoid Study Group
PAULCERNY In this issue
REV. BARRY DOWNING SAN FERNANDO VALLEY SIGHTING WAVE, 1 9 7 9 .........................3
Religion and UFOs ByWalter H. Greenawald
UFOs AND PROPHETIC RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS.......................... 7
Books/Periodicals/H istory By Mark L. Moravec '
REVIEW OF THE MORAVEC PA PER .................................................. 10
MARK HERBSTRITT ’ By Barry H. Downing
Astronomy NET NEW S................................................................................................1)
Pro motion/Pu blicity BRIEF REPORTS......................................................................................12
Landing Trace. Cases FIELD-INDUCTION MAGNETOMETER.............................................14
By G A . Pennington
UFO Propulsion MOVE REVIEW (“Hangar 18”) ...............................................................16
By Barbara Mathey
DENNIS W. STACY IN OTHER’S W ORDS................................................ 19
Staff Writer By Lucius Parish ■
DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE.........................................................................20
Editor/Publishers Emeritus MOVIE REVIEW (“ Hangar 18”)
In early August 1979, I became * C Childers NL 7/25/79 3to4a.m . As a result of this moderate and
aware of a singular UFO sighting in D Shari N. NL 7/25/79 3:15 a.m. local sighting flap I was interviewed by
Canoga Park, Calif., reported in the Arrangements have been made the Chronicle and have agreed to
San Fernando Valley Chronicle August with an experienced psychologist, author a weekly UFO column for as
2nd. I contacted Sandy Sand at the pa skilled in hypnotic regression, and at long as the interest is there on the part
per inquiring if other UFO sightings least one session will be attempted to of the readers. At least there will be a
had been noted. Publication of this determine the possibility of an abduc local reporting center for UFO sight
event apparently led to other UFO wit tion. ings if only temporary.
nesses stepping forward, although cau * H Peacock NL 8/3/79 9:15 p.m. Efforts will continue in a cautious
tiously in some cases, and reporting I Palmer NL 8/3/79 9:15 p.m. evaluation of the sighting of Shari N.
other occurrences. Ultimately, this con Corroboration of events from these as there appears to be the possibility
tact resulted in my intervew and sub two independent witnesses, unknown of an abduction.
sequent involvement in this small sight to each other and at significantly differ
ing wave. ent sites, make this an excellent sight Childers Sighting - C
The UFO events uncovered were ing. The fine report turned in by Mrs. Location: Canoga Park, Calif.
mainly in the Canoga Park and Reseda Palmer allowed an estimate of size and Date: 25 July 1979 3:00 to 4:00 a.m.
area of the San Fernando Valley, a altitude of the object to some degree (Night)
highly residential suburban area ap of precision. Witnesses: Dean Childers, 19 and a stu
proximately 25 miles NW of Los Ange dent at Pierce College; Mrs. Mickey
* E Pearson DD 7/25/79 7:15 a.m.
les. Through the cooperation of the Childers, mother and housewife; An
The multiple witnesses at one loca
Chronicle and the witnesses themselves other family member who prefers
tion plus the two unknown policeman
l was able to gather information on 12 anonymity.
make this an interesting DD case.
sightings (See Table). These events are Sighting: Mrs. Childers was awakened
More investigative effort will be done
spotted on a map showing relative by barking neighborhood dogs and got
when time permits to learn the identi
locations. up to check on the disturbance. From
ty of the two officers. The police, if
1 In two cases I have corroborating her bedroom window (2nd floor) she
they know anything, are not cooperat
evidence from independent witnesses
ing. saw a white glowing mass low in the
who stated that they did not know of sky over the Chatsworth Reservoir (N
the other party. After an article in the One 1FO resulted ... Mrs. Nancy
to NE) ... looking like a sparkler. She
Chronicle August 9th, Shari N. called Zabka after reading the article in the
awakened her son, Dean, and both
me and volunteered her story about a August 16th Chronicle phoned me and went outside and watched the device
seemingly innocuous NL which she gave me this account. At 10 p.m. on for some time with binoculars and a
saw in the same time frame as the Chil the 18th of August she was in her back low-powered refracting telescope from
ders on July 25. During our initial dis yard and noted a strange arrangement the back yard. Initially, the object ap
cussion she admitted to a time lapse of lights toward the SW horizon. She peared to be close with an apparent
and some strange physiological effects. called others in the family to watch. size of 3/16” . No sound.
After I explained what may have hap They all could hear a noise like a heli Some time later the object rose to
pened she agreed that at least one re copter but couldn’t make out the light about 45 degrees elevation where the
gressive hypnosis session was in order. pattern. Several days later she was dis family watched for about 25 minutes.
Generally, excellent cooperation was cussing this event with a neighbor who
During this time frame they noted red,
obtained from most witnesses ... only also observed the phenomena but at a green, and blue blinking lights on the
one family requested anonymity. Most different vantage point ... it turned out
object, which appeared to climb to the
other witnesses did not mind if their to be a special sign aboard a helicopter
E from a NNE direction. (Note: there
names were used in connection with spelling out a congratulatory message
is a scintillating star in the northern
their UFO sighting. over a house in Hidden Hills, an ex
sky at about this position and at the
Three cases appear to have high, clusive housing development adjacent
validity and merit: to the Zabka’s. / Continued on next page)
(San Fernando, continued) o f an abduction, she shall remain in * She arrived home approximate
cognito at least temporarily) ly ‘A hour late - her husband
right time of morning.) The object Sighting: As Shari N . was driving south was waiting up for her and
continued to climb to 15,000 - 20,000 on Topanga Canyon at 3:15 ajn. and wondered where she had been.
feet and then disappeared. Initially it shortly before she came to the light at (Shari is a cocktail waitress in a
appeared to be a white glowing spheri Plummer, she became alarmed at what western saloon in Chatsworth
cal object. appeared to be an airplane about to and normally the trip home
Dean reported three incidents crash. Whatever it was, it was close and takes 12 to 15 minutes; (his
which occurred after or during the-end appeared to be hovering, no motion was 45 minutes)
of the major sighting. He saw some one way or the other. She sketched * She felt nauseous for several
what peripherally three separate flashes three fuzzy and adjacent white spheres. days after
like meteorites ... bright orange things * She noted large water blisters
off to the E each only lasting three As she stopped at the light at
on the insides of her knees
seconds, about 5 minutes apart. It is Plummer St. she further studied the ob
* Her western hat was on the seat
not known whether these incidents ject. She even rolled the driver’s win
next to her in the car - normal
were related to the major UFO seen. dow down but could hear no noise.
ly she holds it in place with pins
Noting that there were no other cars
as customers try to pull it off
Shari N. Sighting • D around and that there seemed to be a
(she uses the hat also to hold
lack of street lights and housing tract
Location: Canoga Park, Calif, her braid wig in place).
illumination, she became alarmed and
Date: 25 July 1979 Shari is amenable to regressive
ran the red light and went home.
Time: 3:15 a.m. hypnosis, commenting that whatever
Duration: Several minutes During my interview the following happened during that missing half
Witness: Shari N. (Due to the possibility abnormalities have emerged:
(San Fernando, continued) Sighting: As Mrs. Peacock was in her priately and supplied a map o f where
back yard watering the garden she no she lived and the direction of the ob
hour she; wants to know what it was, ticed a large roundish red object in the ject. Her apparent size was “50 times
good or trad. NW sky at an elevation angle of ap bigger than the moon.” This was not
- This ' investigator has contacted proximately 45 degrees. She described used in UFO size calculations.
-theCaiifornia State Hypnosis Associa- the shape as that of a light bulb with
'Jion-and has made tentative arrange perhaps 20 smaiKand blinking white Palmer Sighting - 1
ments for at least one hypnotic session. lights at the bottom. Weather clear. No Location: Canoga Park,Calif.
It should be noted that at the noise. No other’witnesses as her hus Date: 3 August 1979
tjfinjTof Sldiri’s sighting at Topanga and band was £one for the evening. After Time: 9:00 to 9:20 p jn .
Plummer, 'the Childers family was' ' watching/the hovering object for ap Duration: 17 minutes
watching a UFO in the same vicinityas proximately 5 minutes, she noted that Witness: Mrs. Evelyn Palmer (63)
hers ... plotting the_a£hnuths/from it abruptly disappearetkShe wanted to Sighting: “I first noticed the light as I
both,cases, ong'gets good__agreement as caif' a neighbor out to see but her leg
to location. The* Childers familyrefuses passed the railroad track (near Nord-
was in a cast somewhat restricting her hoff). I had just left work to go home
to.give this investigator their address movements, and she really wanted to' at 9 p.m. I was going south on Corbin
so that a sighting form can be,mailed continue observing the strange device
and more details established ... they when 1 noticed it. It was bright red
... so she stayed and watched. Shenoted and was directly in front of me as I
claim they don’t want any adverse that the object,flashed or blinked on
publicity.^ , glanced near the top of my windshield.
and offoncCje very, several seconds. When I first noticed it, I thought it
Thig^sightinf^orrelateJ^well as to "was a copter, but it did seem quite
Peacock Sighting - H / directiorryanjl time with that of Mrs. bright with no other colored lights and
Location: Canoga Park^Caljf^ - " Palmer about one mile west of her. I they weren’t blinking. Then when I
Date: 3 August^ 979 had difficulty in trying to get an appar stopped for the signal at Roscoe Blvd.
JTime:'9Tl5 to 9:2£p!m r ent size (this is sometimes difficult I realized that it wasn’t moving at all,
Duration: 5 minutes with older women). She filled out a just hanging there.
Witness: Mrs. Doris Peacock"t62) standard MUFON sighting form appro
(Continued on next page)
(San Fernando, continued)
on several times, the object then •? the same address noted^the object. sized heads. No clear details of/the -
moved very swiftly to the NET the They alf described it. as reflecting sun humanoids were noted, and she d e ^
light went off and it was gone. I light, apparentiy^metaljjc^ahd- tilted scribed the craft-as shown in the at-
watched a few seconds longer but on its side. Two witne'ssesr'did not tacned^sketch-.r No Tioise was noted as
could not see it. I have never seen any agree as to whether the ends were --the crafteapprcached and__seemed to
thing like it." rounded or square. Pearson looked at hover^above^the •^apartment building
it with binoculars; he reported that it across trie -stree(,_ within several hun
Mrs. Palmer estimated an apparent
had square ends and was at 45 degrees. dred feet-or even,closer. Mrs. Artura
size at and an elevation angle of 60
When it left, it tilted so that the axis said that the saucer tilted to one side,
degrees. From this I calculated that
was vertical, then disappeared to the straightened up (horizontal), then flew
the diameter of the object was approx
west. Azimuth was 270 degrees, eleva behind a tree directly across the street,
imately 80 feet and that it was at an
tion angle was 45 degrees. Duration 5 stopped; tilted the other-'way. The
altitude of about 8,000 feet. The loca
minutes. No noise was detected. craft flew off .to the west. Weather was
tion of the object (i.e,, over Corbin at
Two policemen pulled up in a clear and warm. Both witnesses were
Lanark) is corroborated by the direc
cruiser and proceeded to watch appar very scared. A neighbor, Mrs. Petten-
tion stated by Mrs. Peacock who lives
ently through binoculars. Several wit gill, and three other witnesses also had
about one mile to the east of Mrs. Pal
nesses thought that they were taking a purported UFO^sighting from their
mer. Neither lady claimed that she
pictures, but Peter Kim who was close back yard in the same time frame.
knew the other so we can rule out
to them said that they had binoculars.
Several phone calls from the reporter
Citizens Against UFO Secrecy
Mrs. Palmer called Channel 4 at the Chronicle were made to local
(CAUS; P. O. Box 4743, Arlington,
(NBC) who said that they also had sev police departments, but no details VA 22204) has filed a set of lawsuits
eral other calls on UFOs that night. No were made available as to who the two
against three federal agencies to obtain
follow-up was done in this area due to policemen were.
government documentation on UFOs.
the large number of calls being re The suits - filed in U.S. District Court
ceived at the Chronicle and at home. Artura Sighting • K
for the District of Columbia on June
Location : Canoga Park, Calif, 24, 1980 —seek to obtain information
Pearson Sighting - E Date: 4 August 1979 from the National Security Agency,
Location: Canoga Park,Calif. Time: 10:35 p.m. the Defense Intelligence Agency, and
Date: 25 July 1979 Duration: 5 to 10 minutes the Federal Aviation Administration.
Time: 7:15 a.m. Witness: Mrs. Maria Artura (60) Paperwork accompanying the lawsuits
Witnesses: Ira Pearson, retired carpen Sighting: As Mrs. Artura was baby suggests that the United States Attor
ter; Ejnar Anderson, retired; George sitting her grandson, Brian Berstein, neys are attempting to place the case
___; Peter Kim, employee at Alta-Dena age 6, she was summoned by the lad with a judge whose rulings have pre
Dairy store; Two unidentified police talking about a strange thing in the sky. viously been favorable to the federal
men in a cruiser. Approaching from Topanga Canyon government. Spearheading the drive
Sighting: Ira Pearson was apparently Blvd. in the west, she noted a round for citizen access to government UFO
the first to note the cylindrical UFO in and saucer shaped craft with a plastic information is lawyer Peter A, Gersten
the western sky at 7:15 in the morning. dome on top. Inside, she said, were of the law firm Rothblatt, Rothblatt
Soon, all three of his retired buddies at two humanoid creatures with over & Seijas.
By M ark L. M oravec
A prophetic religious movement is in the eastern highlands of New teachings and advice about religious
a system of beliefs and practices, held Guinea, was investigated by Robert matters and cosmology, and predicted
collectively by a group of people, Berndt in the 1950s when contact be future events, the most important
which “ formalizes the conception of tween the Usurufa and Europeans had event being a flood which would sub
the relation between man and his envi still been minimal. The first contact merge the city just before dawn on
ronment” (Winick’s definition of reli was in 1930 when the natives were ini December 21, accompanied by a cata
gion, 1961, p.454) and predicts the re tially terrified by the sight of aero clysm which would submerge the West
newal and improvement of the world planes but later believed “the white Coast of the Americas. Those people
at some forthcoming time. By examin men inside the big mother bird were who drowned would be spiritually re
ing three ethnographic examples of friendly spirits” . (Christiansen, 1969, born on other planets appropriate to
prophetic religious movements, I wilt p. 28). their spiritual development, but flying
present the evidence for the view that Because the Europeans had red saucers would come down from the
such movements have several common skins, they were not identified as men, sky in time to save the believers from
elements and are more than simply re but rather as spirits of the dead, re the flood. Despite the fact that the di
ligious attempts to escape from reality turning with wealth in the form of sasters did not come to pass, the failed
based on misguided prophecies. Rather, quantities of European goods (cargo) prediction reinforced the movement’s
the movements seem to emerge as a re which would be stored in the large conviction, because its members took
sponse to both certain social condi warehouses the Usurufa had construc credit for the avoidance of the destruc
tions and an “impulse” within human ted. However, as the goods did not ar tion! The group only disbanded when
consciousness pushing human beliefs rive as calculated, distrust of the Euro the leaders were threatened with legal
in a definite direction to produce social peans grew, (Christiansen, 1969). The action and possible commitment to a
change. movement peaked in 1947 between mental hospital.
The Ghost Dance religious move Mount Hagen and the Markham River
ment of the North American Indians and spread beyond, with periods of Common Elements
emerged with great impact in 1890 af disappointment and depression follow The above three prophetic reli
ter a Paiute healing shaman called. Wo- ing excited expectation. (Lanternari, gious movements share a number of
voka (“ the Cutter” ) had a vision of 1963). common elements. They —
God who ordered him to establish the (1) were dissatisfied with the social
A modern counterpart is a move
new movement. conditions which they were forced
ment which began in the 1950s in an
industrialized city in the midwest of to accept;
All Indians must dance, everywhere, (2) rejected established authority;
keep on dancing. Pretty soon in next the U.S.A. A surburban housewife,
spring Creat Spirit come ... All dead In “Mrs. Marian Keech,” received messa (3) were initiated after a prophet re
dians come back and live again ... When ges via automatic writing claimed to ceived revelations and prophecies
Great Spirit comes this way, then all be sent by “superior beings from a from a “higher being” ;
the Indians go to mountains ... Then (4) were promised a new age o f en
planet called ‘Clarion’. These beings
while Indians way up high, big flood lightenment and renewal for the
comes like water and all white people have been visiting the earth in what we
call flying saucers,” (Festinger, Rieck- world, a rebirth in paradise;and
die, get drowned. After that, water go
way and then nobody but Indians ev en and Schachter, 1964, p. 30). (5) were catalyzed by individuals act
erywhere and game all kinds thick. Through Mrs. Keech’s network of ing as leader, prophet and/or mes
. -Wovoka, the Paiute Messiah (Brown, siah.
1970, p.416). friends, a movement of initially several
By 1890, Indian culture was rapid
dozen people gathered around her and
ly declining due to the unjust takeover
Despite the imprisonment of became committed to the beliefs of
of land and violent expulsion of the
Ghost Dance prophets and persecution the group’s accumulating folklore. Pos
Indians by the white man. Wovoka’s
of their followers by the white men sible objective, physical manifestations
claim that the promised land was only
who thought the movement dangerous, which occurred include the mysterious
for the Indians openly paved the way
it expanded to the most distant re appearance and disappearance of a
for the Sioux uprising. In New Guinea,
gions of the northwestern United “ stiff-legged entity” at a prophesied
the Usurufa’s brief contacts with Euro
States. (Lanternari, 1963), flying saucer landing.
peans revealed the comparative materi
The cargo cult of the Usurufa, The “Guardians,” as the beings
who lived in the area around Kainantu came to be known, gave the group (Contimied on next page)
(Prophetic, continued) details show, all three movements in Theories o f Causation
clude beliefs identical to some of the How do prophetic religious move
al disadvantage of the natives. Accord
beliefs of Christianity. In fact, Wovoka ments come about? Lanternari (1963)
ing to Christiansen (1969, p. 108), the
was identified as the Son of God by has suggested that many movements
cargo cult is a “ cult of wealth which
the Mormons in 1892; and the most result from the clash between two cul
does not merely embrace material
important Guardian, called Sananda, tures. The “less advanced” people may
goods, but also power, good fortune
revealed himself to be the content- become aware of their economic and
and fertility, etc., which has its roots
porary identity of Jesus Christ. Some social lags and turn to the message of
in the traditional ideology.” A study
Melanesian cargo cults constructed hope and salvation offered by the pro
by Guiart and Worsley (Christiansen,
“ telegraph stations” using dummy phets (and it may well be European,
1969) found that, of 73 Melanesian
poles and “lines” of lianas to receive exploitation and oppression within the
cargo cults, only half had a belief in
messages from Christ. Did these move traditional contact which promoted
the cargo myth proper. In fact, accord
ments borrow Christian-like beliefs the search for an alternative). In con
ing to this view, the cargo movements
from the society they were rebelling trast, Oosterwal (Christiansen, 1969)
reflect more than an envious desire for against or did these beliefs evolve inde
European goods; they are a search for believes that in the case of the cargo
pendently? It may be that the identity
“spiritual cargo.” The modern flying cult, the movement is traditional. It
of Christ was incorporated into an in was only after the. introduction of
saucer movement was clearly uncon
dependently evolved belief system European goods that the concept of
cerned with material gain, refusing all which already included a Christ-like
offers of money. The cult members material cargo was incorporated into
messianic role. the belief system. Unless “we assume a
were unsatisfied with the social and
spiritual conditions of modern, indus completely static historical situation it
trialized society. The Guardians com The “prophet” announces the is not unreasonable to suggest that
municated with Mrs. Keech to teach forthcoming state of paradise, the movements rather like Cargo move
her and other humans “ those princi “leader” directs the movement, and the ments were occurring in Melanesia
ples, ideas and guides to right conduct “ messiah” is believed able to make the before the white man came there,”
that are necessary to advance the spir millenial dream come true because of (Burridge, cited in Christiansen, 1969).
itual development of" the human his divine powers (Christiansen, 1969). Thus, while a clash of cultures may
race ...” (Festinger et al, 1964, p. 45). Wovoka, whose powers of healing were emphasize material and social differen
The Usurufa cargo cult came to regard widely regarded, possessed all three ces adding impetus to a movement,
the Europeans as a threat to safety roles and was probably a “charismatic” this dash may not be a basic cause of
when the cargo failed to arrive, and leader. Yet 20 years earlier in 1870, it. Studies of movements prior to sub
rifles appeared in the villages. The fly the prophet Wodziwob started the first stantial Western contact should sup
ing saucer cult maintained its beliefs in version of the Ghost Dance after re port this condusion, but few, if any,
the face of social pressure from the ceiving a revelation emphasizing the such isolated movements exist these
media and the legal authorities. same major themes of the return of days. ■
the dead, the catastrophic end of the According to “ deprivation” the
The revelations which initiated world, and the regeneration o f Indian, ory, the prophetic religious movement
the movements all have a similar con life after the disappearance of the is only one of several responses to a
tent. “God instructed Wovoka to com white, man. Dr. Berndt’s last survey of state of. deprivation — the despair
mand his people to work assiduously, the Usurufa cargo cult in 1953 reveal caused by a dissatisfaction with pre
not to steal, lie or fight, to love one ed the movement still existed, being sent material and sodal reality when
another and to live at peace with the kept alive by a succession o f prophets. compared to the past or another cul
white man, even though they might The flying saucer cult gained a second ture. (Barber, in Lessaand Vogt, 1972).
still hope and pray for his disappear prophet when one of. its members However, this theory doesn’t explain
ance from their midst.” (Lanternari, went into a fit and trance and relayed why the prophetic religious movement
1963, p. 152). The revelation prom communications to the group from the is the response in those situations in
ised the Indians the return of a Golden “Creator.” ■ ' ” .- ’ - which it has manifested.
Age of plentiful buffalo and spiritual
salvation. Through dreams and visions What these details of a succession . It has been suggested that dissatis
with the Spirits/Europeans, an era of of prophets point out is that the foie faction with economic conditions is
freely available material and spiritual of the’prophet/leader/messiah, no mat the cause of the movements. Accord
wealth was prophesied for those in the ter how charismatic he or die may be, ing to Lawrence’s (1964) study of a
cargo movement. For those in the fly is limited. Lanternari (1963) suggests cargo cult in Medang, New Guinea,
ing saucer movement, paradise was to there is a dialectical relationship be there was an obsession for cargo be
be their spiritual rebirth on planets tween the prophets and certain socio cause of economic necessity and be
with a higher level of spiritual develop logical and cultural conditions. The in cause it was an index of self-respect
ment. The ghost dance .and cargo dividual prophet is not the sole cause and status. This observation does not
movements also promised the return of the movement, but a catalyst around seem to generalize to- .other move
to life of the dead ancestors. As these which the group centers. ments. Certainly the members of the
(Prophetic, continued) consciousness launching a “new” be other. Specifically, will UFO cults con
lief system in a situation where there is tinue appearing? As Jacobs (1975) re
flying saucer cult wanted nothing to
dissatisfaction with current soda) con lates, the 1950s‘ saw the growth of
do with material gain.
ditions. The movements are catalyzed hundreds of contactee and contactee-
Vallee (1976) proposes that move
by successive prophets yet manifest a orientated dubs in the U.S.A. The early
ments such as the flying saucer cult
system of beliefs consistent over time 1970s bred a “new” type of contactee,
come into being in response to a
and geography except for minor local such as Uri Geller, who claims posses
mechanism, possibly within human
variations according to the history and sion of psychic powers derived from
consciousness, which is pushing human
environment of the society. UFO contact experiences. It seems
beliefs from, a materialistic-odented
Hence prophecy is not merely a that the prophets of the flying saucer
perspective to some level of higher
foresight of trouble or a gratuitous cults will be with us for quite some
awareness. This change in belief, jn time.
form of error, but the means by which
turn, produces cultural change. Is the contactee experience separ
an impact is made on the collective
consciousness o f the people, thereby able from the remaining UFO picture?
Applying Vallee’s hypothesis to
leading to cultural change. The move Alvin Lawson (1977) has been con
the cargo cults, there is on the surface
ments are not just religious attempts ducting some very interesting investi
a contradiction presented by the belief
to escape from reality. Their myths gations of the reliability of hypnotic
in cargo. However, if we accept the hy
and dreams are “not something that- regression in CE-III cases. He suggests
pothesis presented earlier, the cargo
exists outside the world of reality, but that UFO abduction, cases have “a
belief extends beyond solely material
represent a sort of truth and reality wholeness or integral quality (although
goods, which may have been empha
which, although differing from what details and duration vary) which dif
sized only after European contact with
we call reality, are not for that reason fers from other dose encounters”
the accompanying appearance of West
less true or less real ...’’(Burridge,cited which are frequently interrupted by
ern goods. Perhaps our materialistic
in Christiansen, 1969, p, 91). human intrusion. It could be, and has
Western perspective has also over-em
been, argued that the “ full-blown” re
phasized the importance of material
ligious contactee experience is differ
cargo in the cult belief system. ... Some Questions
ent from the abduction cases (the lat
The effect of prophetic religious
Anthropologists and sociologists ter being somehow more acceptable,
movements is unambiguous: social
do not know everything about the especially to supporters of the extra
change. But is this social change posi
movements we have been discussing. terrestrial hypothesis). Yet both the
tive or negative? The movements often
Our conclusions can only be tentative religious (willing?) contactees and the
function to unify traditionally separ
and several unresolved issues remain. abduction contactees go for rides in
ate and hostile groups as has occurred
What is the nature of the “impulse” “flying saucers” , receive esoteric cos
with New Guinea cargo cults in a de
within human consciousness which mic philosophies, and often subse
fensive reaction against the Europeans.
might initiate the movements? Vallee quently experience seemingly paraphy-
This greater solidarity leads to a more
(1976) thinks it originates from the sical experiences. In any case, it is im
effective development of the society
“ collective unconscious” —Jung’s cbn- portant to find out whether or not the
(Christiansen, 1969). Lanternari
cept of a universal level of the human contactee experience is qualitatively
(1963) views the movements as posi
unconsdous which is the residue of all different from other (more physical?)
tive and progressive - paving the way
our ancestral experiences. The poten UFO experiences, since a difference
for reform in the cultural, political,
tialities of these ancestral or archaic may imply multiple causation (despite
and social structure of society. Cohn
images can enter consciousness as Occam’s Razor) or, at the very least, a
(1961) views the movements as abnor
“thought-feelings” or archetypes: the multiple approach (physical and para-
mal and negative and compares them to
irrational patterns of thought and prim physical) to solve the entire UFO mys
Hitler’s nazi movement. In any case
itive feelings found in dreams, visions, tery (I use the term “ paraphysical” to
many authors are guilty in assuming
and myths (Hadfield, 1974), Accord cover both psychological and appar
that cultural change must follow the
ing to this line of thought the UFO is ently parapsychological events). In one
same pattern as that o f Euro-American an archetype (see Jung, 1969). Yet sense, the UFO problem reminds me
society. Although individuals in a Jung’s “collective unconscious” is of the apparent paradox of the elec
movement face persecution and disap
merely a theoretical construct and tron being both a particle and a wave.
pointments, could an ultimate benefit quite possibly sdentifically improvable. The UFO phenomenon, in totality,
lie in the impact of prophetic religious The point is that we may be attempt appears to be both physical and para-
movements on human consciousness? ing to explain one unknown (the UFO) physical. Any proposed solution of the
in terms of another (the archetype), UFO mystery cannot ignore either the
A Conclusion
(Similarly, no one has proved that physical events at Socorro or the para
Prophetic religious movements are exists). physical events experienced by Mrs.
vehicles for cultural change. The basic It seems pretty certain that pro Keech and her followers.
causes are probably both internal and phetic religious movements have al
external — an impulse within human ways been around in one form or an (Continued on next page)
(Prophetic, continued) REV IEW O F T H E M A R K L. M O R A V EC PA PER
By B arry H, D ow ning
But we must not forget the people
who actually go through the prophetic
religious experience. The prophets
who receive their psychic revelations
may undergo a personality change
from ordinary people to those with Prophetic religious cults involving dict that if a higher form of reality,
the "inner glow” brought on by reli UFOs have for some time been an em were to appear in our skies, prophetic
gious conversion. They and their fol barrassment to the scientific study of cults around their reality would devel
lowers are compelled to follow a radi UFOs. Scientists have tried to separate op. And they have.
cal and complete belief system. But themselves from the “ cult fringe.”
this is often at the cost of personal dis From my own particular perspec
tress and sometimes tragedy brought Mark L. Moravec’s article should tive in regard to Biblical studies, let me
on by the experience itself and the help take away some of our fear of the add these words of caution. The Bibli
subsequent persecution by the rest of prophetic religious aspect of UFOs. He cal religion believes in a world of pro
society. In the movement centered has shown that when people are in a phets: false and true. Thus, although
around Mrs. Keech, several of the core state of deprivation, a cult of salvation the prophets in Moravec’s study all pro
members quit their jobs several weeks often develops, sometimes stimulated duced false prophecies of a flood, the
before the predicted disaster - which by contact between a lower and higher Bible maintains the view that Noah
never occurred. One of the most high society (Africa and Europe in regard was a prophet who called the shot on
ly educated in the movement, a local to the Cargo cults, the American In the nose,
professor, was to say: “ I’ve had to go a dians and Europeans in regard to the
long way. I’ve given up just about ever Indian Ghost Dance Movement), The meaning of this caution is
ything. I’ve cut every tie. I’ve burned that in our scientific approach to the
every bridge. I’ve turned my back on We live in an age of fear and anx prophetic religious cults, our tempta
the world. 1 can’t afford to doubt. I iety, especially in the face of the de tion may be to say that while the cults
have to believe. And there isn’t any structive potential of technology. Mor are worthy of study, we cannot expect
other truth ... This is a tough time but avec’s paper shows that sociology and much truth to emerge from them. Be
we know that the boys upstairs are anthropology predict that UFO re ware that among all those cult groups,
taking care of us.” (Festinger et al, ports, in so far as they are thought to there may be a Noah.
1964). ■ be a superior power, would automatic
ally trigger hopes for salvation especial It is possible that UFOs are caused
Prophetic religious movements are by a higher reality, one that we might
ly from deprived groups.
not the delusions of "backward na even call Divine. And this divine reali
tives." They are occurring today, in ty may indeed have its prophets.
our own “ highly developed” society. So, scientists should not look at
At the height of the flying saucer cult, the cult side of UFOs as something we Good science is always open to
the members received literally hundreds should try to hide in a closet. Rather, the unlikely, though of course it is
of visitors, telephone calls, and letters anthropological studies seem to pre rightly skeptical of the unlikely.
from seriously interested people. Their
ideas were not without popular appeal.
“Project Redlight”
By David L. D obbs, K 8N Q N
Although summer seems to have Matt Archer, as we will call him, in three revolutions of the antenna, an
reduced activity on local UFO amateur runs an electronics business today in a extraordinary velocity.
radio nets, the MUFON nets continue small midwestern town. From 1961 to All work on this project stopped
to flourish. A dozen check-ins are us 1963,he performed radio maintenance suddenly in 1962. Archer remembers
ual on the 40-meter section, and four at the Atomic Proving Ground. He also reading an article, in Reader’s Digest,
or five on the 75-meter net. Recent did some top-secret radio work for the he believes, which described a UFO
UFO sightings in upstate New York Air Force at times. “Area 51" was lo exploding over eastern Nevada after
were reported on the early section run cated 60 miles due east of the base crossing the U.S. from the east coast.
by Joe Santangelo, N1JS, MUFON’s camp, behind a mountain range which He assumed that it might have been
Amateur Radio Director, by KB2DP, separated it from Yucca Flat. Under the craft being tested, since the date
Winnie. Her feminine voice is a wel highest security, an operation was con given in the article was around the
come change,on the net, and cuts nice- ' ducted there under the code name time when PROJECT REDLIGHT
ly through the seasonal background of PROJECT REDLIGHT. Archer pre came to a halt. As yet, this article has
lightning static. Anomalous nocturnal sented a body of evidence strongly sug not been substantiated, however, Ar
light sightings have been frequent over gestive that this project involved flight cher also believes that the craft he saw
North Carolina, according to Ray, testing of a UFO which had been ship may have been the undamaged UFO
K4HXC, although little is being report ped there from Edwards Air Force shown in the Air Force movie, which
ed from other parts of the country. Base. intelligence sources cited in the String-
An analysis of reports in that state The craft was not conventionally field disclosure said had been reco
shows an increase of 100% over last powered, but flew silently. Radios in vered after crashing in New Mexico in
year. About 25% of the cases were good operating condition often “just 1952.
daylight sightings, and most of the died for no reason,” only to begin Archer was familiar with the tur
UFO activity has been along fault lines. working again as suddenly. Although bojet fan-driven experimental disc
One mystery often leads to anoth security men always escorted him in tested at nearby Nellis Air Force Base
er. Such has indeed been the case with side and out of view of the runway during this period. Coincidentally, this
the UFO movie shown by the Air whenever IT, as they referred to the was pictured on the front cover of The
Force to select groups of radar special craft, was about to take off or land, he MUFON UFO Journal for February
ists during the 1950’s. LenStringfield’s heard no engine noise of any kind. 1980. This was not the craft he ob
report of this movie was described in Once he saw the craft on the ground at served, nor would it have flown silent
an article, “ Hams on the Trail of a distance o f about half a mile. It was ly, if indeed it had flown. He thinks
UFO’s,” published in the April 1980 20 to 30 feet in diameter, he estima that this “ non-flying saucer” may have
issue of. 73 Magazine. Shortly after ted, and pewter-colored, lacking any been a cover-up for the real UFO re
reading it, an amateur operator with a wings or tail. search being conducted in Area 51.
fascinating story checked into the 40- A friend of Archer’s was a radar Shortly after Len Stringfield was
meter net to contact the author. Al operator at a station near Tonopah, able to confirm privately the existence
though his subsequent disclosure is still Nevada. He confided that he often ob of Area 51 and its possible connection
under investigation, Journal readers served UFOs over the test site, but was with UFO research, Newsweek publi-
may be able to supply additional in told to ignore them. One was described
formation which would be helpful. which crossed the screen completely {Continued on next page}
(Sigh lings from various sources con talized with a nervous breakdown as a „ At the same time in Lincolnton, two
taining features o f special interest) result of the sighting.(From La Razon, communication center personnel saw a
Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 28, red ball-shaped UFO moving horizon
March 8, 1980; Wilmington, N.C. 1980. Translation by Jane Thomas) tally at tree-top level above highway
at 9:30 p.m. a UFO (no description) March 31, 1980; Bari, Italy. A 321 south of town. (Tarheel UFO
swooped down over the car of a local young Mexican acrobat and the son of Study Group Newsletter, June 1980
businessman, made a jet-like sound, an Italian circus owner sustained visi Case #13-80 and 13-A-80) '
and cast a brilliant white light on the ble burns when they were confronted April 20, 1980; San Mateo, Cali
car. The driver’s small dog began howl by a circular UFO emitting a'very in fornia. While driving north on 1-280
ing as if the sound were hurting its ears. tense light . Next morning they noticed about 5:30 a.m., Richard A. Jokinen,
The driver, thinking the object was go the effects. Felipe Garcia, 19 (the an electrical engineer, and his 18-year-
ing to crash, got outofhiscar.The UFO Mexican) had a bum on his wrist be old son saw five bright metallic spheres
hovered overhead for 5 to 10 seconds neath his watch, which had mysteri flying rapidly along the length of Crys
longer before it took off and disap ously stopped, Paride Orfei, 17, had tal Springs Reservoir. They appeared
peared. (Tarheel UFO Study Group burns on his waist under his cowboy to be about 500 feet above the water,
Newsletter, North Carolina, July 1980. belt. (ANSA news service, La Razon, and made no sound. They were seen
Case #21-80) Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 24, against the backdrop of coastal moun
March 24, 1980; Baterias, Mendo 1980. Translation by Jane Thomas) tains and traveled about 120 degrees
za Province, Argentina. Personnel from April 10; 1980; Lin cointon, N.C. of arc in about 5 seconds. Toward the .
YPF (government oil fields) who had A businessman saw a bright red disc end of the sighting, the objects ap
been involved in previous UFO sight shaped object directing a beam of light peared to have Saturn-like rings around
ings were among numerous witnesses onto the ground as if searching for their, circumference. (Investigated for
to a. luminous object with a small something. Finally it moved away at a MUFON by Thomas Gates, Space Sci
dome on top that flew over Baterias. 45 degree angle making a strong hum ence Center Planetarium Director. Pre
The technical workers of YPF said ming sound and leaving some kind of liminary report) .
that one of their members was hospi- exhaust streak. This was at 9:30 p,m. May 7 , 1980;Valdese,N.C. About
5 :20 p,m. while driving east on 140, an
X-ray technologist first experienced
(Net News, continued) which checking in regularly engenders, car radio interference and then saw a
the amateur radio nets definitely ac UFO move below a cloud cover direct
cized it in their issue of May 12, 1980. complish something of substance even ly in front of her car. The object made
The team sent to rescue the hostages during periods of low UFO activity, as a horseshoe turn and banked, showing
held by Iran had practiced for its mis this story confirms. the shape of an upside down soup
sion, they reported, “at Nevada’s top- News of MUFON activities in the bowl with a dome on top and a red
secret Area 51, a 50-square mile qua San Antonio area and an occasional rectangle on the underside. At one
drant of Nellis Air Force Base” ! message from Director Walt Andrus is point the car radio blacked out com
For 18 years, Matt Archer has relayed from Elmer, WA5CTJ by Dr. pletely. The UFO disappeared towards
Will Armstrong, W0NC; in St. Louis. South Mountain after about 5 minutes,
been seeking an explanation of what
W0NC is also a mainstay of the 75-me appearing hat-shaped as it departed.
actually went on during PROJECT
ter net and acts as liaison between the (Tarheel UFO study Group Newslet
REDLIGHT. He hopes that Freedom
two sections. ter, June 1980. Case #19-80)
of Information Act probing or corrob
oration by other witnesses will bring With the return of cooler weather
out the true story, which has been and resumption of indoor activities, it
briefly summarized here. Until that is anticipated that contact with the
Journal readers (except commer
happens, it remains, of course, only an West Coast and southwestern part of
cial enterprises) are invited to submit
unsubstantiated but highly interesting the country will once more be practi requests for information, UFO items
tale. cal on 10 meters. For this reason, we for sale, and offers of information ex
have listed the information on all UFO change for publication. Name and ad
Unfortunately, not every Satur nets known to be active. Amateurs in dress will be published on request, but
day session of the MUFON nets leads terested in UFOs and related subjects if you prefer anonymity we will code
to such information. Aside from the are welcome to check into any net, your request and relay responses on a
fellowship and keeping up to date whether they have any information to confidential basis. MUFON, 103 Old-
about happenings in the UFO field transferor not. towne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155,
By Paul C erny
(M U FO N W estern R egional D irector)
and began a third time. By then he was By G. A. P ennington
watching closely. He moved back and (P roject V IS IT , P. O . Box 8 7 7 , F rien d sw o o d , T X 775 4 6 )
forth, 20 or 30 feet each way — 50
feet altogether - looking at it from
different vantage points. He realized Over the past several years, many mas, good results can be obtained us
that perhaps he was seeing a UFO. It UFO incidents have been accompanied ing inexpensive homebuilt magneto
wasn’t anything like any aircraft the by magnetic disturbances which affect meters as described herein.In addition,
military had, he was positive, based on compasses, automobile tape decks, air though less expensive, the field-induc
his experience in the Air Force. He craft instruments, etc. In an effort to tion magnetometer is faster than a pro
was aware that there seemed to be no detect and render these effects more ton magnetometer by a factor of about
noticeable sound, possibly because he visible for analysis, various types of 1,000 .
was standing near the 1100 Watt gen sensing devices have been proposed
Shown in Figure 1 is a field-induc
erator. and in some cases used in a limited
tion magnetometer designed to have
Moving from one side to the other manner by UFO researchers. In gener
its sensor mounted vertically on the
of where he had originally sighted the al, these devices work by recording
exterior of a building. The actual sen
light, he watched it closely as it went changes in the local geomagnetic field sor is comprised of a 61 cm, long mu
through the “ sequence” a third time. which occur during UFO passage. metal (or soft iron alloy with equiva
He wished the rest of the men were Since changes in the geomagnetic lent magnetic permeability) bar that
there with him. He ran to the trailer, field are the basis for operation of
serves as a flux concentrator for two
pounded on the door, and yelled to some of these detectors and hence
wire coils. The larger of the two coils
the men to come out, that he wanted UFO detections, it is appropriate to
(LI) is a 16 KHz horizontal oscillator
to show them something unusual. consider the changes which can be
coil slipped over the bar and posi
They came running out the door and expected by natural causes. In a paper
tioned at its center. It should be
followed him to the spot. There was presented by William H. Hunkins at
pointed out that other types of coils
nothing! It was gone — absolutely the 1971 Midwest UFO Conference, it
may be used as long as they contain
gone! No sign of anything. Possibly is stated that deviations over 5% are
greater than 5,000 turns of wire. The
his yelling and pounding had alerted rare for even the most extreme natur
effect of a smaller number of turns
the object of impending danger. ally caused transient disturbances,
will directly affect the sensitivity of
The next day they crossed the such as magnetic storms linked with
the detector. As designed here, changes
ravine to examine the tree and the ter solar activity. Utilizing his numbers of
of 1,000 gammas in the geomagnetic
rain. They found nothing on the 50,000 to 60,000 gammas for the
field can be detected if local condi
ground and apparently nothing had geomagnetic field, this 5% deviation
tions permit.
happened to the tree, at least nothing would amount to approximately 3,000
that was apparent. Strange that this gammas. Now for most cases, the The second coil (L2) consists of
hovering object, at least 40-50 feet fields in question can be considered to 30 turns of No. 24 enamelled wire in
across and 12-15 feet high, would obey the inverse cube of the distance sulated from and wound over the main
leave no evidence of having been there, from the source relationship with re coil. Coil L2 is used to induce a vol
and he had no witnesses, as well as no spect to field intensity. Hence, dis tage across LI for testing. Signals in
answers. He related the experience to tance rapidly attenuates the field ef duced across LI are amplified by 0A1.
his family, but told no one else. fects and localizes any disturbances. 0A1 is a standard 301A operational
Strangely enough at about that same Obviously, from the above discus amplifier. When the TEST switch SI is
period of time there were multiple ob sion, very sensitive instruments such as depressed, capacitor C1 discharges
jects sighted over the city of Vallejo, proton free precision magnetometers through potentiometer‘R3 and Coil L2,
where Dave lived with his family in would be required to detect disturban inducing an EMF in main sensing coil
their home. Forty or more people, ces from a great distance. However, L I . Potentiometer R2 is used to adjust
Dave noted, were involved this time, since it has been suggested by other' the sensitivity threshhold. The ampli
including police officers. But they UFO researchers that a UFO field is on fied signal is indicated on meter M l. It
were not as close as 200 feet. the order of as much as 100,000 gam should be noted that if the geomag
He thought little more about it netic field variations produced by a
until 4 years later when he and his ma. Since then he has thought a lot UFO also vary in flux density at some
wife were watching a television show more about his sighting of that still constant frequency f, a steady-state
on the subject of UFOs. Suddenly he unidentified flying object. EMF will be induced in proportion to
said to his wife, “That’s what 1 saw! Contacting this investigator was f and Ml will continually register. Be
That’s exactly what I saw!” It was an the next step, resulting in this interest cause the magnetic field characteristics
illustration on the TV as seen by a man ing report of a close encounter by a re for UFOs are still largely unknown, it
named Bill Pecha from Colusa, Califor- putable witness. is recommended that the instrument
be initially operated in the PEAK
inode as discussed latei in this paper. FIELD -INDUCTION MAG N£TO M £ T£R,
The signal at the output of 0A1 is
also passed via TRIGGER' LEVEL po
tentiometer R7 to the gate of SCR 1.
When SCR1 fires, it activates alarm A l.
Since the power source is dc, Al will
remain on even after the triggering sig
nal has passed. Normally closed RE
SET pushbutton S4 must be momen
tarily depressed to silence the alarm. It
should be noted that the alarm will
continue to be activated repeatedly if
the detected object is still present.
Two modes of signal detection are
provided by PEAK/NORMAL switch
S2. In the NORMAL mode, meter Ml
will continuously show the signal value
output from 0A1 when the detected
object is present (if UFO flux is vari
able) and will return to null afterwards.
In the PEAK mode, the strongest out Figure 1
put level from 0A1 will remain dis
played on meter Ml until the charge
on capacitor C3 leaks off. For this rea only the type of flux concentrator rod meability of the rod substance is fairly
son C3 is selected to provide for the mentioned above has been tested, high (greater than 5,000). A list of
best low leak characteristics. The charge other rods may be used at a reduced part numbers for a major retailer will
can be dissipated on C3 at any time by sensitivity as long as the magnetic per- be supplied on request to simplify con
momentarily selecting the NORMAL struction of the instrument.
mode. Two scales are provided on Ml
for 0A1 output level, so as to provide
increased granularity of the detected
signal due to large or small field varia
tions induced in L I. These scales are
selected by Hl/LO switch S3.
Operating power is obtained from
a line operated, regulated 12 volt dc
supply. If line power should fall, B2,
a back-up 12.6 volt battery supply will
operate the unit. Silicon diodes D3
and D4 provide for keeping the bat
tery voltage slightly lower than the
regulated power supply voltage and
thus allow its use only if line power
should fail. The unit is turned on via
ON/OFF switch S5. LED will illumi
nate when power is applied via the reg
ulated power supply only, as it would
quickly aid in draining B2 when in bat
tery-only operation. TRIGGER
LEVEL control R7 should be set to
) prevent the alarm from being triggered
by natural or man-made sources in
close proximity to the detector.
The construction and packaging
of the instrument is not especially crit
ical. The flux concentrator and coils
can be protected by a length of mag
netically neutral plastic pipe. Although
Movie R eview
“ HANGAR 18”
(S u n n Classics P ictures, S alt L ake C ity , U tah)
S a m p l e C lip p in g s f r o m N e w s c l ip p i n g S e r v i c e [ S e e p a g e 1 9 ]
LIVINGSTON CO. PRESS, Howell, MI - March 26, 1980 JOURNAL, Muscatine, IA - March 21, 1980
Closely encountered realized it was something quite
W eird light different.” she recalls. "H il had
stayed there hovering l would have
kept my mouth shut. 1 hope I never set*
UFOs return yet again is sighted it again.’'
Mrs. Birch was so captivated by what
By DAVE DeWITTE she thought she was seeing that she
[ M ark R, H e rb stritt thern observers. It passes 2 degrees Venus —A classic favorable elongation:
north of Spica on the 17th. it rises about 4 hours before the sun,
Astronomy Jupiter — Though technically an even
ing “star," it is too close to the sun to
and by sunrise it stands about 40 de
grees above the eastern horizon, above
Notes be seen.
Saturn — It is very low in the west at
Regulus and below Castor and Pollux.
Mars - Moving from Virgo into Libra,
it is very low in the southwest at sun
set and sets about 2 hours later.
The Perseid meteor shower occurs Jupiter - It is too close to the sun to
from the 10th to the 14th. be seen, conjunction occuring on the
Moon Phases: Saturn - It is too close to the sun to
Mercury — Early in the month, it can Last Quarter — August 3 at 7 a.m. be seen, conjunction occuring on the
be seen low in the east just before sun (EST) 22nd (E.S.T.)
rise. By the 26th it is in superior con New Moon - August 10 at 2:09 p.m.
junction. (EST) Moon Phases:
Venus — It is well placed among the First Quarter — August 18 at 5:28 Last Quarter - Sept. I at 1:08 p.m.
“winter six" constellations in the p.m. (EST) (EST)
morning sky, rising about Vh hours be Full Moon - August 25 at 10:42 p.m. New Moon - Sept. 9 at 5:00 p.m.
fore the sun, and standing about 37 (EST) (EST)
degrees above the eastern horizon at First Quarter — Sept, 17 at 8:54 a.m.
sunrise. Greatest elongation west (46 THE SKY FOR SEPTEMBER 1980 (EST)
degrees) occurs on the 24th. Full Moon - Sept, 24 at 7:08 a.m.
Mars - In Virgo, it can be seen low in Mercury — Though technically an (EST)
the southwest, just after sunset, but is evening “star,” it is too close to the Last Quarter - Sept. 30 at 10:18 p.m,
rather unfavorably situated for nor sun to be seen. (EST)
L ucius Farish
“UFOs: A Canadian Perspective,” for the Stratford UFO Research Team, animal mutilations;by Project Stigma,
chaired by Henry H. McKay, MUFON Stratford, Ontario, reported on their P. O. Box 1094, Paris, TX 75460, was
Regional Director for Canada, was an work; and Oscar Magocsi, author of recently mailed to subscribers by Tom
invitational conference held at the the monograph “ My -Space Odyssey in Adams, MUFON State Section Direc
Metro-Toronto Reference Library, 789 UFOs” ... the true story of a Toronto tor, and the world’s leading investiga
Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario, on March man’s first-hand encounter with space _ tor into these bizarre events. This issue
22, 1980. The theme or topic of dis aliens. - places emphasis on the international
course was directed toward current re Larry Fenwick and Joe Muskat, scope of mutilations. The 1980 sub
search, educational endeavors, and as- both officers of CUFORM, Inc. of Wil- scription price for four quarterly issues
pirational goals of organizations and lowdale, Ontario, gave a presentation is $5.00 and the same will apply in
individuals dedicated to scientific stu: on tHe investigations of a reported en 1981.
dies and a rational approach to Un counter incident involving a number of
MUFON member John Paul Os
identified Flying Objects or related local people. The publisher of RES
wald, of Hampton, N.H.,has submitted
disciplines. An invitation to participate BUREAUX BULLETIN, known as
a scholarly manuscript of 525 pages ti
was extended to those people in “Mr. X / ’ outlined his experiences del
tled “UFOs and A Coherent World
southern Ontario who had demon ving into and uncovering important
view,” copyright 1980, to your direc
strated in the past an active concerned documentation pertaining to Canadian
tor for his evaluation ;and comments.
interest in this subject matter. government involvement. Mr, McKay
John has done a magnificent job of
In Mr, McKay’s introductory and his colleagues are to be commend
expressing his personal views on this
speech, he related that the UFOlogist ed for conducting this one-day UFO
controversial subject and has made
as a researcher or field investigator'is Conference, whereby the participants definite recommendations to existing
faced with many difficulties when deal could personally meet and share their UFO organizations as to their future
ing with a transient phenomenon and investigative experiences in helping to action. John personally feels that the
the attendent disciplines. Two such as resolve this perplexing enigma. All but answers to the UFO phenomenon are
pects were enlarged upon by Henry two of the speakers are MUFON mem
contained in this manuscript. He not
during his brief address, supported by bers.
only reviews the status of UFOlogy
a slide and pictorial display, which ex Robert M. Hipp, State Director
today, but delves into the positive and
amined the need for a broader under for Pennsylvania, has announced that
negative aspects of Christianity and
standing as to the complexity of land Thomas Eveland, Box 4402 RD#4,
the UFO as a new perspective from the
ing trace cases and the problems in re Stroudsburg, PA 18360,' is our new
Bible and projected into the future.
solving photographic evidence. These State Section Director for Monroe,
Since I haven’t studied the entire man
could be misinterpretations of common Northampton, and Carbon counties.
uscript, I am not qualified to evaluate
causes, a perpetrated hoax, or a true Mr. Eveland was recommmended by
Mr. Oswald’s findings, explanations,
graphic display of a still unidentified Raymond Fowler, Director of Investi
and recommendations. The manuscript
anomaly captured on film. He recom gations. Tom is an environmental biol
has had_ very limited exposure to date
mended three books of divergent in ogist with an M,S. in biology.. Two
among the leaders in UFOlogy.- It is
terest to the participants, two by Ca new Research Specialists are Myron
one of the most comprehensive studies
nadian authors; “.The UFO Connec Karl Ilkin.72 ManahanSt.,Bankstown,
of this nature that your director has
tion” by Arthur Bray residing in Otta- „ N.S.W. 2200 Australia, a physicist
had the privilege of being exposed to.
wa; “UFO-Sightings, Landings and Ab- “ with a Masters in Applied Science and -
ductions” by Yurko Bondarchuk; and a member of UFO Research Australia, We are indebted to R. Leo Sprin
W.H. Bowart’s “ Operation Mind Con and Douglas J. Labat, 4801 Lurline kle, Ph.D., for mailing a copy of the
trol.” St., New Orleans, LA 70127, an engi “Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain
OtherTpeakers were David Haisell, neer with the telephone company in Conference on UFO Investigation”
author of the paperback book “The New Orleans who will be working with (contactee conference) conducted on
Missing Seven Hours” and editor of our State Section Director James J. May 23, 24, and 25, 1980, at the Uni
the quarterly publication JOURNAL LaChute. versity of Wyoming. Dr. Sprinkle has
UFO, who outlined some of the work - STIGMATA, Number 10, Third shared the experiences of some of the
of UJ*. Investigations Research, Inc., Quarter of 1980, the publication de participants in the paper he delivered
Mississauga, Ontario; Pat De la franier, voted to reporting on the continuing
editor o f TROFUS,a private newsletter investigation into the occurrences of (Continued on p. 18)