Chapter - 1: Quick Revision Notes Accounting For Not-For-Profit Organisation General Formats
Chapter - 1: Quick Revision Notes Accounting For Not-For-Profit Organisation General Formats
Chapter - 1: Quick Revision Notes Accounting For Not-For-Profit Organisation General Formats
Quick Revision Notes
General Formats
1. Format of Receipt and payment account
Receipts Rs Payment Rs
To balance b/d: By balance b/d
Cash in hand ……… By Revenue Payment
Cash at bank ……… Wages and Salaries
To Revenue Receipts Rent
Subscription ……… Rates and Taxes
General donation ……… Insurance
Sale of newspaper/periodicals/waste paper Printing and Stationary
Sale of old sports material Postage and Courier
Interest on fixed deposits ……… Advertisement
Interest/dividend on general investment ……… Sundry Expenses
Locker rent ……… Telephone Charges
Sale of scraps ……… Entertainment Expenses
Proceeds from charity show Audit Fees
Miscellaneous receipts Honorarium
Grant-in –aid Repair and Renewals
To Capital Receipts : Upkeep of Ground
Legacies Conveyance
Life Membership Fee Newspapers and Periodicals
Specific/Purpose Donation By capital Payment :
Sale of Investment Purchase of Fixed Assets
Sale of Fixed Assets Purchase of Investment
Endowment Fund Fixed Deposits
By Balance c/d :
Cash in hand
Cash at bank
Points to be remember for the accounting treatment of some important items of a N.P.O.
1. Subscription – Subscriptions to be credited to Income & Expenditure A/c can be
calculated by preparing an account as follows:
Subscription A/c
Always remember a subscription received in advance is shown in the balance sheet as current
liability and outstanding subscription is shown in the balance sheet as a current asset.
2. Donations - If donations are general it can be treated either income (if the amount is
small) or can be capitalized (if the amount is large).
If the donation is for a specific purpose, it is capitalized and is shown in the liabilities side
of the balance sheet.
3. Legacies – These are the amount received by N.P.O. as per the WILL of a deceased
person. It is always capitalized and shown in the liabilities side.
4. Calculation of the cost of Consumable goods
Particulars Amount
Opening stock of consumable goods
Add: consumable goods purchased during the year( cash & credit)
Less: Closing stock of consumable goods
consumable goods used during the year ( to be debited to Income & Expenditure A/c)
14 Accounts–XII
Particulars Amount
Opening stock of consumable goods
Add: Amount paid for consumable goods
Add: Creditors for consumable goods(closing balance)
Add: Advance paid for consumable goods(opening balance)
Less: Creditors for consumable goods(opening balance)
Less: Advance paid for consumable goods(closing balance)
Less: Closing stock of consumable goods
consumable goods used during the year ( to be debited to Income & Expenditure
4. Fund based accounting – N.P.O. sometimes maintain separate Fund for specific
activity such as tournament, prize match etc. In such cases, contributions, donations
for, income, expenses of these activity are not recorded in Income & Expenditure A/c
but are directly adjusted in specific fund A/c. If funds are more, balance is shown in the
liabilities side of he balance sheet and if expenses are more, it is transferred to the debit
of Income & Expenditure A/c.
5. Honorarium – It is a token payment made to a person who voluntarily undertakes a
service which would normally command a fee. It is shown as an expenditure in Income
& Expenditure A/c.