Review of Fundamental Two Pole Induction Motor Mechanics by Cletus A. Corey
Review of Fundamental Two Pole Induction Motor Mechanics by Cletus A. Corey
Review of Fundamental Two Pole Induction Motor Mechanics by Cletus A. Corey
Cletus A. Corey
Louis Allis-Division of Magnetek
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
_j "· '--
D.. ,?-;. I I "- '-- in the maximum case can give unbalanced pulls equal to
z Phase B j �·�-�
0: several times the weight of the rotor.
Phase C South Po I e�� ./ The mutual attraction force, or magnetic pull, acting at the
air gap does place a strong action on the housing, causing stator
RNGULRR POSITION RBOUT RIR GRP 3 60 core def lections, even with a perfectly symmetrical electric
field. Thus, some 120 Hz forces will always exist. Such forces
Figure 1. Flux Density in Developed Air Gap at Instant of
will be present in all two pole motors, and in themselves will
Time t.
not cause any damage at the bearings. These forces can be seen
Note that the f lux line density is not really a continuous in many successful motor operations and should not automati
sine wave variation in the air gap, but has discrete steps of f lux cally be considered bad. Many two pole motors have been
increase formed by the individual stator coil slots. Each slot diagnosed as having a significant problem due to the presence
adds an additional step increase in f lux at the air gap, giving an of what appears to be excessive second harmonic energy, based
approximate sine wave variation. The rotor bars also add on experience with purely mechanical machinery. Before
stepwise variations in the flux density (Figure 2), since the classifying a two pole motor with this 120 Hz condition as being
rotor tooth alignment also affects the f lux f low across the air a problem, examine its past history and determine whether the
gap. Since both of these variations are almost step increases, overall level is satisfactory.
problems will usually revolve around these regions, or at least
verifYing that they are satisfactory. The magnitudes and fre
quencies of these individual forces are of particular interest,
along with the summation effects which may be occurring to
greatly amplifY their level.
Bearing Center
Table 1. Table of Forcing Frequencies.
0.6 Hz, giving a pulsing or beating sound; a vibration meter :;::
monitoring the bearings would swing between two levels at
this same rate. Similarly, the 120 Hz area vectors would be in
and out of phase at twice the slip rate, giving a 1.2 Hz pulsing
TIME, sec 10.00
vibration and sound. f 1 59.00 HZ
The waveshape summation process, as it might be seen on f2 60.00 HZ
a real time analyzer if only the two rotational area frequencies, SLIP = 1. 00 HZ
59 and 60 Hz, were present, is shown in Figure 5. The result of OR 1.00 SEC/CYCLE
this summation gives a 1.0 Hz difference modulation frequen Figure 5. Summation of Two Frequencies.
cy, with a period of 1.0 second per cycle. A real signal from a
two pole motor would have all of the frequencies given in Table
1 producing a much more complicated waveshape, such as that unbalance will impact the rotation area forces leading to higher
shown in Figure 6. This figure shows a two pole motor one times rotation speed area modulation. In a very similar
waveshape, with both the time plot and the frequency analysis fashion, geometrically stationary variations in the electric field
of that wave for idle operation. Note that several harmonics are or mechanical alignment will cause higher 120 Hz area modula
present on the 400 Hz frequency plot; but the high slot tion levels. It is these two observations which can provide
frequencies are not shown on this data, since they are off scale. significant diagnostic tools for two pole motor problems.
For this idle condition, the slip speed would be so low that the The summation process of these mechanical and electrical
period of the modulation would be in minutes rather than forces also can take on linear or nonlinear results, depending
seconds and, thus, it is not really shown. Significant beat is not upon the motor condition, giving further complication to the
usually seen in the idle condition and is normally only present waveshape [2,3]. The waveshapes depicted in Figures 5 and 6
under load, as seen in the case problem presented forthwith. are linear summations, but there are nonlinear processes which
It is important to note that rotationally related variations exist in two pole motor operation, leading to very harsh
in either, or both, the rotor magnetic field or mechanical vibrational conditions. In fact,< these nonlinear processes are
9 dBY
beat condition. In such cases, trim balancing or changing the
20 bearings can solve the problem.
Diagnosis of two pole motor vibration problems should
start with an examination of the 60 Hz and 120 Hz areas for the
presence of excessive sidebands and whether slip or twice slip
/DIY sideband frequencies predominate. The severity of the prob
lem can be gauged by the presence of slip and twice slip low
I S �
r:�· BW1 L 5
A frequency levels in the frequency or time plot. If numerous slip
sidebands predominate at 60 Hz in magnitude and level, then
0 Hz Hz STOP• 400 Hz
IU 1.1 1. J .I .I
0. 0 HZ 800.00
rotor core runout, with respect to the bearings, be restricted to
less than three to four mils. Excessive shaft orbit, with respect
to baring clearances, caused by either bearing problems or
very high imbalance, can result in clipping the motion or
magnifying the magnetic pull, giving a moderate nonlinear Figure 7. Bearing Signature at Full Load.
Eccentric air (1) 120 Hz (1) Air gap variance should be less than 10% eccentric in vertical or horiz.
gap (2) 2(s) sidebands (2) Usually will operate quite smoothly in idle condition.
w i t h s o m e low (3) Twice slip sidebands will occur at 120 Hz very strongly but will also be at 60 Hz with less predominance.
frequency s (4) In stronger cases of 20% eccentricity, very high slip frequency will occur at levels greatly exceeding the 60
(3) 120 Hz will Hz or 120 Hz levels.
be much higher
than 2(rotat.)
Rotor mnout (I) 60 Hz (l) Hotor runouts should be less than 4-5 mils.
(2) 1(s) sidebands (2) Hot rotor runouts can occur effecting the 60 and rotation level giving strong beat at slip fi·equency.
(3) Rotor cage can loosen with temp. leading to rotor bow.
Phase imbal- (l) 120 Hz (1) Similar impact as air gap eccentricity.
ance (2) Can giYe 2(s) (2) Phase imbalance can be caused bv .
sidebands �resistance imbalance,
�voltage imbalance, .5% from average is acceptable.
Interrupted (l) 60 Hz (I) Broken rotor bars, cracked bar/end ring joints, or cracked end ring.
rotor circuit (2) Several l(s) (2) Frequency of vibration depends on no. of hmlts such as the no. of broken bars.
sidebands (3) Very load sensitive and can run quite smoothly in idle condition.
(3) H i g h r o t o r (4) Rotor slot fi·equencies under load in a two pole application is ty pically 0.02-0.04 ips.
slot frequencies
can occur
Mechanical (1) Hotational (l) Mechanical unbalance should be less than 0. 5 mil at the bearings and more like 0.25 mil.
unbalance f r e q u e n c y , a p (2) Large imbalance can give 60 Hz or 120 Hz effect.
prox..59.4 Hz at
s =slip ti·equency
� :'
0. 6Hz - ;;; MAG
� ;::;
-2.0000 0.0 J\
\A �JllA An A '
0. 0 SEC 4. 0000
x,;9.694 A X: 596.96 m
A SPEC 1 1. Alge1� P L., T he Nature o_f Polyphase Induction Machines,
�. #A:
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ( 1951).
2. Erich, F. F., " Sum and Difference in Vibration of High
Speed Rotating Machinery," Journal of Engineering for
Industry, 11-ans. ASME, pp. 181-184 (Febmary 1972).
0.0 � A I n A
57.000 HZ 62.000