The Church
The Church
The Church
I believe in One,
To believe that the Church is "holy" and
"catholic," and that she is "one" and
"apostolic" (as the Nicene Creed adds), is
inseparable from belief in God, the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Trinitarian Dimension
The word "Church"
Latin ecclesia
Greek ek-ka-lein
Ekklesia is
used frequently in the Greek
Old Testament for the
assembly of the
Chosen People before God,
above all for their assembly
on Mount
Sinai where Israel received the
Law and was established by
God as his
holy people.
By calling itself "Church,"
the first community of
Christian believers
recognized itself as heir to
that assembly.
In the
Church, God is "calling
together" his people from
all the ends of the
The equivalent Greek term Kyriake, from
which the English word Church and the
German Kirche are derived, means
"what belongs to the Lord."
The ORIGIN of the
The Trinity
We begin our investigation of
the Church's mystery by
on her origin in the Holy
Trinity's plan and her
progressive realization
in history.
God the Father:
Creation as Preparation
Its immediate
preparation begins with
Israel's election as the
People of God. By this
election, Israel is to be
the sign of the future
gathering of All nations.
God the Father:
Creation as Preparation
God the Son
The Church is
Christ’s Bride
2. The Church: Our Union with God
of an invisible
3. Universal Sacrament of Salvation
The Church's first purpose is to be
the sacrament of the
inner union of men with God.
Because men's communion with
one another is rooted in that union
with God, the Church is also the
sacrament of the unity of the
human race.
3. Universal Sacrament of Salvation
She is taken up
by him also as the instrument
for the salvation of all
of the Church
1. People of God
When his visible presence was
taken from them, Jesus did not
leave his disciples orphans. He
promised to remain with them until
the end of time;
he sent them his Spirit.
4. Body of Christ