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Accepted Manuscript: Bioresource Technology

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A mini review on renewable sources for biofuel

Dang P. Ho, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo

PII: S0960-8524(14)00987-0
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2014.07.022
Reference: BITE 13667

To appear in: Bioresource Technology

Received Date: 27 May 2014

Revised Date: 4 July 2014
Accepted Date: 5 July 2014

Please cite this article as: Ho, D.P., Ngo, H.H., Guo, W., A mini review on renewable sources for biofuel, Bioresource
Technology (2014), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2014.07.022

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A mini review on renewable sources for biofuel

Dang P. Hoa, Huu Hao Ngob,*, Wenshan Guo b

Advanced Water Management Centre, School of Chemical Engineering, University of

Queensland, Brisbane.
Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, School of Civil and Environmental

Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney, P.O. Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007,


* Corresponding author: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology,

Sydney (UTS), P.O. Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia. Tel.: +61 2 9514 2745; Fax: +61 2 9514

2633. E-mail address: ngohuuhao121@gmail.com


Rapid growth in both global energy demand and carbon dioxide emissions associated

with the use of fossil fuels has driven the search for alternative sources which are

renewable and have a lower environmental impact. This paper reviews the availability

and bioenergy potentials of the current biomass feedstocks. These include (i) food crops

such as sugarcane, corn and vegetable oils, classified as the first generation feedstocks,

and (ii) lignocellulosic biomass derived from agricultural and forestry residues and

municipal waste, as second generation feedstocks. The environmental and

socioeconomic limitations of the first generation feedstocks have placed greater

emphasis on the lingocellulosic biomass, of which the conversion technologies still

faces major constraints to full commercial deployment. Key technical challenges and
opportunities of the lignocellulosic biomass-to-bioernegy production are discussed in

comparison with the first generation technologies. The potential of the emerging third

generation biofuel from algal biomass is also reviewed.

Keywords: Bioenergy; Agricultural residues; Organic wastes; Biomass; Energy crops.

1. Introduction

As global demand for energy continues to rise, carbon dioxide emissions are expected

to reach new record high, increasing from 31 Gt in 2011 to approximately 37 Gt in 2035

(IPCC, 2013). The need for climate change adaptation and the growing concerns over

energy security are the main drivers behind the policies of many countries (belonging to

the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)) that encourage

the growth of renewable energy. Today, renewable energy contributes 13% of the total

global energy consumption, in which bioenergy accounts for approximately 10%

(Figure 1). Bioenergy refers to the energy content in solid, liquid and gaseous products

derived from biological raw materials (biomass) (IEA, 2010). This includes biofuels for

transport (e.g. bioethanol and biodiesel), products to produce electricity and heat (e.g.

wood chips and pellets), as well as biogas (e.g. biomethane and biohydrogen) produced

from processing of biological materials from municipal and industrial waste (IEA,


Figure 1

Biofuels for transport represent the major fraction of bioenergy production

worldwide. Biofuels are primarily produced from food crops with high content of sugar

and starch, such as corn and sugarcane to produce ethanol, and oil seeds to produce
biodiesel (IEA, 2010). These first generation technologies have been the first significant

step of transition away from the traditional fossil fuels. It has then moved forward to the

next generations of biofuels produced from non-food biomass, including residues of

crops or forestry production (e.g. forest thinning, sawdust, etc.), dedicated energy crops

(e.g. switchgrass, poplar, and miscanthus), lignocellulosic fraction of municipal and

industrial solid waste, and algal biomass (Gupta et al., 2014; Sims et al., 2010).

More than two-thirds of bioenergy comes from the first generation land-based

feedstocks (Figure 1), leading to growing concerns over competition for land and water

for food and fibre production and other environmental issues related to land-use changes

(Gasparatos et al., 2013; IEA, 2010). Therefore, the use of residues and wastes for

bioenergy production has attracted more interest as they are often readily and locally

available in most of the countries. Potential of lignocellulosic biomass varies and

depends on the type, abundance and cost of biomass feedstocks, efficiency of the

available processing technologies, and the pattern of energy demand. This paper

reviews different existing and potential biomass sources with emphasis on

lignocellulosic biomass, and identifies the challenges in the deployment of second

generation technologies to meet future energy targets.

2. Biomass resources and their bioenergy potential

2.1. First generation feedstocks

Biofuel production has been increasing rapidly in the last decade and currently supplies

3.4% of global road transport fuel requirements, with a considerable share in Brazil

(21%), and an increasing share in the United State (US; 4%) and the European Union
(EU; 3%) (IEA, 2013). Around 40 million gross hectares (2.5% of global cropland)

(FAOSTAT, 2011) are used for bioenergy crops, mainly for biofuel production as

bioethanol and biodiesel, and biogas, all involving arable food crops. The traditional

feedstocks for first generation biofuels can be categorised as starch and sugar crops (for

bioethanol), and oil seeds (for biodiesel).

2.1.1. Starch/sugar crops for bioethanol

The first generation bioethanol is produced by fermentation of crops high in sugar (e.g.

sugarcane, sugar beet, and sweet sorghum) or by a series of hydrolysis/fermentation

steps for starchy crops (e.g. corn, wheat, and cassava). Corn-based ethanol is

dominating the global market with approximately 60 billion litres produced in 2012

with the US being the largest supplier, followed by sugarcane-based ethanol at 20

billion litres produced mainly by Brazil (REN21, 2013). Other marginal feedstocks that

are used to produce bioethanol include but are not limited to sugar beet (EU), maize,

sweet sorghum (China, US, Brazil), cereal (Canada, EU), and cassava (Nigeria, Brazil,

Thailand, and Indonesia) (Table 1).

Table 1

The process to convert sugar-based biomass to ethanol is rather simple, involving the

fermentation of C6 sugars (mostly glucose) using yeast species such as Saccharomyces

cerevisiae or Zymomonas mobilis (Lin & Tanaka, 2006). Fermentation of starch is more

complex than fermentation of sugars because starch must first be hydrolysed to

fermentable sugars with the aid of enzymes (α-amylase) (Lin & Tanaka, 2006). As a

result, the energy requirement for starch-based ethanol is significantly greater than that

for sugar-based ethanol. The by-products of ethanol conversion processes, such as dried
distillers’ grains and solubles (DDGS), can be used as protein-rich sources for animal

feed, adding to the overall profitability of the whole process.

There are about 650 ethanol plants operating globally, together providing a total

annual capacity of 100 billion litres (REN21, 2013). A litre of ethanol contains

approximately 66% of the energy that provided by a litre of petrol (Wang et al., 1999).

Ethanol can be burned directly or blended with petrol to improve fuel combustion in

vehicles, resulting in lower CO2 emission, reduction in petroleum use as well as fossil

energy use. In particular, the use of E10, a commercial product having 10% ethanol

blended with regular petrol, achieves 6% reduction in petroleum use, 2% reduction in

GHG emissions, and 3% reduction in fossil energy use (Wang et al., 1999).

2.1.2. Oil crops for biodiesel

Biodiesel can be produced by combining oil extracted from seeds and oil-rich nuts with

an alcohol through a chemical process known as transesterification (Balat & Balat,

2010). The most common oil crops are rapeseed in EU, soybean in US and Latin

America, and palm and coconut oil in tropical Asian countries (such as Malaysia and

Indonesia). The oil content in rapeseed and soybean is 35% and 21%, respectively

(Ramos et al., 2009). Palm oil with 40% of oil content has the highest oil yield per area

(~5 tons per ha) as compared to other oilseeds (e.g. 1 ton/ha for rapeseed and 0.52

tons/ha for soybean) (Balat & Balat, 2010). Additionally, beef tallow and used cooking

oil can also be used as feedstocks for biodiesel conversion. Global biodiesel production

in 2012 was 22.5 billion litres, with the EU (led by Germany) accounted for 41% of

total production, followed by the US (16%), Argentina, Brazil and China (>10% each)

(REN21, 2013).
The major difference between various oil feedstocks is the types of fatty acids

attached in the triacylglycerols (TAG), which determine degree of

saturation/unsaturation and molecular structure (Ramos et al., 2009). All these factors,

in turn, affect production processes, quality and costs of the biodiesel products (Ramos

et al., 2009). The transesterification of oil to biodiesel is a stepwise reaction of TAG

with an alcohol (mostly methanol) to form esters and glycerol in the presence of catalyst

(Balat & Balat, 2010). Thus, the majority of biodiesel can be produced using alkali-

catalysed transesterification process as it is the most economical option, requiring low

processing temperature and pressure while achieving a 98% conversion yield (Balat &

Balat, 2010). On the other hand, Enzyme-catalysed processes are gaining interest due to

low energy consumption, reduced soap formation and high purity of glycerol

(Christopher et al., 2014). However, high enzyme cost and low reaction rate are two

main obstacles to the commercialisation of these processes. The conversion process

typically yields valuable by-products such as glycerol for food and pharmaceutical uses

and crushed bean ‘cake’ as animal feed.

Similar to bioethanol, biodiesel can be used as pure fuel or blended with petroleum-

based diesel for use by compression-ignition diesel engines. The most common

biodiesel blended products are B2 (2% biodiesel and 98% petroleum diesel), B5 (5%

biodiesel and 95% petroleum diesel), and B20 (20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum

diesel). Biodiesel is not currently cost competitive with petroleum-based diesel due to

the increasing prices of the vegetable oils (made up 45-70% of overall production cost).

Hence, improving process efficiency and increasing use of the by-products can reduce

the production cost.

2.1.3 Sustainability issues of the first generation feedstocks

The production of biomass feedstocks and its conversion to bioenergy have numerous

socio-economic and environmental impacts. Although the first generation biofuels have

been commercialised worldwide with mature technologies and markets, its

sustainability has been questioned based on the competition with food crops and the

effects on the environment and climate change (Gasparatos et al., 2013). Biofuel use

represents an increasingly important share of global cereal, sugar and vegetable oil

production. By 2020, bioethanol share will increase to 13% of annual global corn

production compared to 11% on the average over the 2008-2010 period, and 35% of

global sugarcane production compared to 21% over the baseline period of 2008-2010

(OECD-FAO, 2011). The share of vegetable oil to be used for biodiesel production at

the global level is expected to reach 16% compared to 9% over the baseline period of

2008-2010 (OECD-FAO, 2011). The outlook of OECD-FAO certainly raises concerns

about the impact of biofuel on food prices and food supply. A study of Fischer et al.

(2009) predicted that biofuel expansion may further increase the price of agricultural

commodities by 8-34% (cereals), 9-27% (other crops), and 1-6% (livestock) by 2020.

Furthermore, reduction in water and soil quality due to intensive use of fertilisers and

agrochemicals has also been linked to the increased biofuel production, in particular to

the expansion of sugarcane-ethanol in Brazil and palm oil-biodiesel in Southeast Asia

(Gasparatos et al., 2013). Therefore, increased biofuels production also reduces water

availability to food production, and add more pressure on water resources in countries

facing increased risk of water scarcity such as India (OECD-FAO, 2011). Other impacts

of biofuel production and use include greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, air pollution,

biodiversity loss, deforestation and rural development, among several others (Cherubini
& Strømman, 2011; Gasparatos et al., 2013; Popp et al., 2014). The cumulative

environmental and social impacts of biofuel production derived from food crops have

stimulated an interest toward less expensive and readily available biomass such as

forest, agricultural, and municipal wastes.

2.2. Second generation feedstocks

Under the pressure of food security versus elevating global energy demand,

lignocellulosic biomass is expected to be a major player in the transition toward low-

carbon economies. The second generation feedstocks comprise of non-food

lignocellulosic materials which can be divided into three main groups: (i) homogeneous,

such as wood chips from energy crops with a price value of US$100-120/ton, (ii) quasi-

homogeneous, such as agricultural and forest residues estimated at US$60-80/ton, and

(iii) non-homogeneous, including low-valued municipal and industrial solid wastes

between US$0-60/ton (Lee & Lavoie, 2013). In the past few years, there have been

extensive research on potential feedstocks and significant progresses for improving the

second generation technologies (Balat & Balat, 2010; Christopher et al., 2014; Gupta et

al., 2014; Sims et al., 2010). However, several technical and economic hurdles still need

to be addressed before they can be widely deployed. In 2012, about one-third of total

bioenergy production was derived from agricultural and forestry residues (REN21,

2013). In particular, China has produced 3 million litres of ethanol from corn cobs and

used in blends with gasoline; US has also made progress on advanced biofuels with the

production in 2012 reaching 2 million litres, and projected to 36 million litres in 2013,

partly for the military use (REN21, 2013). Several demonstration plants have been built

in Europe with small capacities in operation.

2.2.1. Dedicated energy crops

Energy crops, developed and grown specifically for fuel, include perennial grasses

(such as miscanthus, switchgrass and reed canary) and short rotation forestry (such as

willows and poplar). These crops can be grown on poor or degraded soils while

providing higher energy yields (Table 2) and a steady supply stream, avoiding costly

storage of large biomass volumes between harvests.

Table 2

a. Perennial grasses

Switchgrass which originated from North America and miscanthus from Southeast Asia

are among the best choices in terms of low input bioenergy production in the US and

EU because of their tolerance for cool temperature, relatively low water and nutrition

requirements, and their ability to grow on a broad range of land types using

conventional farming practices (Lewandowski et al., 2003). Switchgrass usually require

3 years to reach productive maturity and produce dry matter yields reportedly between

5-19 tons/ha/year, corresponding to 0.8-3.0 toe (ton of oil equivalent) per ton (Heaton et

al., 2004). Similarly, Miscanthus take 2-3 years to obtain full production and requires

rhizome cuttings, resulted in additional costs associated with propagation. The

established stands, however, can maintain productivity for at least 14 years with high

biomass yields ranging from 5 to 43 tons/ha/year (Cadoux et al., 2012). Crop yields of

perennial grasses strongly depend on local conditions, e.g. climate and land quality, and

management system, e.g. irrigation and fertilisation.

Other potential herbaceous crops include reed canary grass, giant reed and alfalfa

adapted to temperate regions, banagrass, napiergrass, and johnsongrass in tropical and

subtropical regions (Prochnow et al., 2009; Ra et al., 2012). These perennial grasses are

also effective for carbon sequestration and soil stabilisation, thus helping reduce

erosion, and improving water quality and wildlife habitat (Lewandowski et al.,

2003). Intercropping of perennial crops and annual food crops such as alfalfa and corn

has been demonstrated to increase crop yields and to improve land-use efficiency

(Zhang et al., 2011).

b. Short rotation wood crops

Some fast growing trees have also shown promise for biofuel production because of

their high yield, wide geographical distribution, low costs, and less labour consuming

comparing to annual crops (Hauk et al., 2014). Among the species, poplar, willow

(abundant in temperate regions) and eucalyptus (mostly in tropical regions) are most

frequently mentioned. Willow and poplar are used in short rotation of about 3-4 years

and the yield can reach up to 8-10 tons dry matter/ha/year, whereas the rotation cycles

for eucalyptus are 4-6 years with an average of 12 tons/ha/year (Hauk et al., 2014).

While the advantages of short rotation forestry and perennial grasses over annual

agricultural crops are clear, these dedicated energy crops are still land-based, and thus

not entirely escaping the food versus fuel debate. Only where food and fibre crops are

not feasible would potential energy crops be the most beneficial.

c. Jatropha

Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) has been seen as an ideal crop for cheap biodiesel

production. Jatropha, native in tropical America, is a multi-purpose drought resistant

tree that grows well on degraded or marginal land, and has seeds with high oil content

(~40%) (Koh & Mohd. Ghazi, 2011). Therefore, it benefits semi-arid and remote areas
of developing countries. In the last 5-7 years, approximately 1.5 to 2 million hectares of

Jatropha have been planted each year, resulted in a total of approximately 13 million

hectares by 2015, distributed across India (73%), South-East Asia (21%), and Africa

(6%) (Carriquiry et al., 2010). Jatropha oil can be used locally for fuel vehicles, diesel

generators, or cooking stoves without a transesterification into biodiesel (Koh & Mohd.

Ghazi, 2011). Some other species with biodiesel potential include pongamia, mahua,

castor and linseed. Their potential seed and biofuel yields are summarised in Table 3.

Table 3

2.2.2. Agricultural/forestry residues

Agricultural and forestry residues represent a tremendous source of readily available

biomass for biofuel production without the need for additional land cultivation.

Agricultural residues include wheat straw, corn stove (leaves, stalks, and cobs), and

bagasse (sugarcane waste), while forestry residues are comprised of logging residues,

fuel wood extracted from forestlands, and primary and secondary wood-processing mill

residues. It is estimated that annually around 5.1 billion dry tons of agricultural residues

and 501 million of forestry residues are produced globally (IEA, 2010). However, only

10-25% of these could be used for bioenergy production. The technical potential from

available annual supplies, therefore, has been estimated in terms of energy at over 100

EJ/year, with costs in the range of USD$2-3/GJ (IEA, 2010).

Biomass residues differ significantly in their properties and chemical composition

(Table 4), consisting mainly of polysaccharides cellulose (hexose sugars, 35-50%),

hemicellulose (a mix of hexose and pentose sugars, 20-35%) and lignin (Singh et al.,

2010). These components are more resistant to being broken down than starch, sugar
and oils in the conventional food crops, making the conversion processes more

complicated, and more expensive.

Table 4

2.2.3. Municipal and industrial wastes

Approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) comprising primarily

of putrescibles, papers, cardboards and plastics has been produced in 2012 (IEA

Bioenergy, 2013). While the composition of MSW is highly variable, its major fraction

is biodegradable with a significant calorific (heat) value and makes it suitable to energy

recovery operation. It is estimated that a tonne of MSW produces approximately 8-12

GJ, one-third of the calorific value of coal and generate about 600 kWh of electricity

(Chang et al., 1997). In addition, the food and paper industries also produce a large

number of residues and by-products that can be used as biomass for bioenergy

production. Industrial solid wastes include but are not limited to peelings and scraps

from fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry waste, pulp and fibre from sugar and starch

extraction, coffee grounds, etc., and all can be utilised as an energy source. The waste-

to-energy approach is closely linked to the recent waste management practices which

have moved away from disposal towards recovery, reuse, recycling and reduction. It

offers numerous bioenergy applications replacing fossil fuels with the potential

environmental benefits such as landfill space savings, and reduction in GHG emission.

2.2.1. Technological routes for bioenergy production

While lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant and renewable resource available

for human exploitation their variable compositions and recalcitrance contents represent
some technical and economic challenges. The conversion process of lignocellulosic

biomass can be divided into two main routes, namely bio-chemical and thermo-

chemical routes (Figure 2). Before hydrolysis, lignocellulosic materials need to be

pretreated to remove the recalcitrance (i.e. lignin) and to increase accessibility of the

cellulose (and hemicellulose) to hydrolysis. Several pretreatment options are available,

varying from physical (e.g. mechanical comminution, milling and ultrasound), chemical

(e.g. ammonia fibre explosion, acid or alkali addition) to biological (e.g. enzyme

addition) processes, each having different temperatures and reaction times (Gupta et al.,

2014; Sims et al., 2010). The pretreatment process is the major cost component of the

overall biofuel conversion process (Nichols et al., 2010; Sims et al., 2010), and

selection of the suitable method depends on the characteristics of the residue biomass.

Figure 2

In the bio-chemical route, saccharification of cellulose and hemicelluloses

components is a process of hydrolysis through which the polymeric carbohydrates

release monomeric sugars, and subsequently fermented to ethanol. Saccharification can

be achieved either chemically by acid hydrolysis with sulphuric acid or biochemically

by the use of cellulase and xylanase enzyme systems of bacteria and fungi (Lee &

Lavoie, 2013). While the acid hydrolysis approach is comparatively cheap, its

application is limited due to low yields and unfavourable environmental issues involved

with the use of strong acids. On the other hand, the enzymatic hydrolysis has the

advantages of high yields, high selectivity, and producing less or no by-products to

dispose of at the end of the process; however, the cost of cellulose may account for up

to 15% of the cost of biofuel production (Klein-Marcuschamer et al., 2012). Although

there has already been significant improvement to the cost of enzymes, reported in the
range of US$0.1-0.4 per gallon of ethanol produced (Klein-Marcuschamer et al., 2012;

Lennartsson et al., 2014), a further reduction is required to make it more cost

competitive to the first generation enzymes for hydrolysis of starch, which remains

around US$0.04/gal (Lee & Lavoie, 2013).

The thermo-chemical route covers specific thermal processes known as pyrolysis

(550-750 oC) and gasification (750-1200 oC) in which biomass is heated and converted

into different types of liquid (bio oil) and gaseous fuel (syngas) (Lee & Lavoie, 2013)..

Bio oil requires further treatment via hydro-processing to produce hydrocarbon fuels

and other by-products, whereas syngas can be used as a fuel for heat supply, or as a feed

to manufacture a wide range of long carbon chain biofuels, such as synthetic diesel,

aviation fuel, or methanol via the Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) platform (Sims et al., 2010).

While potential exists on both large and small scales for GTL, this technology faces a

number of challenges including high technical complexity, high capital costs, and

financial risks associated with the process reliability, and natural gas and crude oil price

volatility (Yue et al., 2014). In general, when compared with biochemical route which

focuses primarily on the conversion of polysaccharides, the thermo-chemical processes

can essentially convert all the organic components of the biomass into a range of

products. Both conversion routes can potentially convert 1 tonne of dry biomass

(heating value of 19.5 GJ/t) to around 6.5 GJ/t of energy carrier in the form of biofuels,

which is equivalent to a biomass to biofuel conversion ratio of 1:3 (Mabee et al., 2006).

The economics of the existing processes could be enhanced when surplus heat-

power (syngas) and co-product generation (bio-oil and long-chain hydrocarbons) are

included in an integrated biorefinery system. Biorefinery is the sustainable processing

of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products (e.g. food, feed, materials, and
chemicals) and bioenergy (e.g. fuels, power and heat) (IEA Bioenergy, 2013). As a

result, the biorefinery approach can maximise biomass conversion efficiency, minimise

raw material requirements, while at the same time enhance the economic values of

various market sectors (e.g. agriculture, forestry, chemical and energy) (IEA Bioenergy,

2013). The new concepts of biorefineries such as Whole Crop, Lignocellulosic

Feedstock, and Thermo Chemical Biorefineries which are still in R&D stage involve

producing a broader range of materials and chemicals by employing several conversion

technologies and types of feedstocks. As a result, these facilities offer high processing

flexibility and reduce the risk of investment (Gnansounou & Dauriat, 2010).

In this context, biomethane (biogas) is another important co-product during the

conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to bioenergy. Biomethane is a versatile energy

source which can be used for heating of residential and industrial facilities, for

production of electricity with co-generators and combined heat and power (CHP) units

to generate electricity with efficiency up to 42% and productive heat with a thermal

efficiency of up to 50%. Biomethane can also be applied as vehicle fuel if it is

compressed (compressed natural gas, CNG) or liquefied (liquefied natural gas, LNG)

with energy content of approximately 10 kWh, corresponding to one litre of petrol. The

market for natural gas vehicles (NGVs) has been increasing in many countries due to a

combination of low-cost natural gas and higher prices for gasoline and diesel. At the

end of 2012, there were about 16.7 million NGVs operating globally in all classes of

vehicles including motorcycles, cars, buses and trucks (NGV Global, 2014).
2.2.1. Technical and economic challenges for commercialisation

Substantial progress has been made over recent years for the core technologies (e.g.

enhanced hydrolytic enzymes, fermentation strains, and process integration). Some

larger scale advanced biofuels plants are in operation and the first commercial scale

plants in the US and EU were recently commissioned (REN21, 2013). However, the

progress of commercialising advanced biofuels produced from lignocellulosic

feedstocks has been slower than previously projected. The main obstacle for its

deployment is high investment requirements (35-50% of the total cost) combined with

several operational and political/policy uncertainties (Yue et al., 2014). The capital cost

for a commercial scale plant is estimated to be in the order of $300-600 million, which

is 2-3 times higher than the investment cost for a corn-ethanol plant (Popp et al., 2014).

In addition, feedstock supply chain and technology are yet proven at large-scale,

representing major operational risks. Challenges remain for feedstocks production,

supply and logistics, including seasonal nature and annual variability of biomass, their

spatial distribution, and costs associated with preprocessing, storage and transport. A

combination of high production cost (estimated above US$0.8/L of gasoline equivalent

(IEA, 2010)) and the lack of supporting policies and mandates has limited market

acceptance and competition for the second generation biofuels at the current stage.

2.3. Third generation feedstocks

The potential of algae to provide biomass for biofuel production has been widely

accepted. Algae are aquatic photosynthetic microorganisms that grow rapidly on saline

water, coastal seawater, municipal wastewater or on land unsuitable for agriculture and

farming (Chen et al., 2011; Pittman et al., 2011). They are capable of converting light
and carbon dioxide through cellular activities to produce a variety of chemicals

including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and pigments that have numerous

applications in chemical and pharmaceutical industries, cosmetics, health food and feed

supplements (Costa & de Morais, 2011; Ugwu et al., 2008). Microalgal species

accumulate mostly lipids (e.g. TAG). Species such as Botryococcus and Chlorella have

high lipid content (50-80%) which is adequate for biodiesel production (Costa & de

Morais, 2011). Macroalgae and cyanobacteria such as Chamydomonas sp., Cyanothece

sp. and Spirulina platensis accumulate mostly carbohydrates, thereby producing

bioethanol when fermented (Costa & de Morais, 2011).

Algae can double their biomass in 2-5 days, which is a significant advantage when

compared with other feedstocks harvested once or twice a year (Costa & de Morais,

2011). They produce a high dry weight biomass yield up to 60 tonnes/ha/year

(Pleurochrysis carterae), from which approximately 20 tonnes of oil could be extracted

(Moheimani & Borowitzka, 2006). This productivity from algae is five times higher

than that achieved from oil palm, the highest yielding oil crop plant (Day et al., 2012).

In addition, algae have no lignin and low hemicellulose levels, resulting in an increased

hydrolysis efficiency, higher fermentation yields and thus reduced cost (Li et al., 2014).

Algal biomass can be used to produce different types of renewable biofuels other than

biodiesel and bioethanol. Biohydrogen is another a popular product which can be used

in fuel cells whereas biomethane produced as a part of integrated processes can be used

for transportation, electricity generation or for heating purposes (Costa & de Morais,


There are still many challenges associated with algal-biofuel production which

involves the following key processes: algal cultivation, production modes,

photobioreactor design, and downstream treatment processes (Chen et al., 2011).

Cultivation of microalgae is considered as one of the major constraints to commercial

development. Generally, cultivation can be done either on open bonds requiring low

capital costs but having low biomass yield, or in closed bioreactors or hybrid systems

with high capital costs and high yield (Chen et al., 2011; Costa & de Morais, 2011).

Therefore, there is a trade-off between investment cost and algal biomass productivity.

In addition, algal species and strains vary greatly in terms of growth rate, productivity,

photosynthetic efficiency, nutrient requirements, and ability to adapt to adverse

conditions (John et al., 2011). When screening algal strains for commercial biofuel

production, high biomass yield with high carbohydrate and lipid contents are the

desirable criteria. However, in order to maximise the production of lipids, cells growth

and photosynthesis are often compromised, resulted in a decrease in overall productivity

(Day et al., 2012; John et al., 2011). Addressing this problem might require intensive

fundamental research on genetic modification and manipulation of lipids and cellulose

synthesis pathways to enhance productivity. Furthermore, improving the efficiency of

downstream processing, conversion and extraction techniques would enhance the

commercial viability of algal biofuels.

3. Future outlook

Bioenergy is certainly becoming a greater part of the global energy mix and is projected

to contribute up to 20-30% of the overall primary energy worldwide by 2035 (IEA,

2013). Biofuel production for transport has, and will, exhibited the most rapid growth,

fostered by government support. In order to meet the ambitious targets in the New
Policies Scenario, the supply of all types of biomass will need to increase several folds,

posing major challenges for agriculture and forestry activities and raising concerns over

the potential environmental and social-economic impacts. Although the production of

first generation bioenergy is in an advanced state with mature technologies, available

infrastructure and markets, it is criticised for its land use implications on food prices and

production. In the New Policies Scenario, the share of traditional biomass (sugar/starch

crops and oil seeds) in total primary energy demand is expected to drop from 5.7%

3.9% between 2011 and 2035 (IEA, 2013).

On the other hand, the advanced biofuels derived from lignocellulosic and algal

biomass offers the prospect of increasing biofuels supply with less land requirement

while enhancing green-house gas mitigation. At the current stage, the second generation

technologies are relatively mature, with a few commercial scale units and around 100

plants at pilot and demonstration scale worldwide whereas the third generation

technologies are still under research and development. In the New Policies Scenario,

although advanced biofuels are expected to gain market share after 2020 and reach 20%

of biofuel supply in 2035 (IEA, 2013), there are still some technical and policy barriers

to overcome before the technologies can be commercialised worldwide. High

investment expenditure and high unit production cost make lignocellulosic biofuels less

competitive to fossil fuel or many first generation products. Integrating second

generation processes to already existing first generation infrastructures could be a

practical option to reduce the investment costs and technological risks. To achieve

lower production costs, a consistent and sustainable supply of cheap raw materials is

essential. Furthermore, all components of the biomass including intermediates and by-
products should also be considered and utilised in a biorefinery system to enhance the

economic viability of the process.

4. Conclusion

To meet strong demand growth in the New Policies Scenario, the bioenergy supply

chain cannot rely solely on one source but a combination of different biomass

feedstocks including both food and non-food crops. Widespread development of the

second and third generation technologies will require lower costs achieved via further

technological progress and a continual policy support. The transition toward next

generation biofuels will offer medium- to long-term solutions to the depletion of fossil

fuels and global climate change.


The authors appreciate Sustainable Water Program – Theme of Wastewater

Treatment and Reuse Technologies, Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater

(CTWW), School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology,

Sydney (UTS).


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Table 1. First generation crop, biofuel and co-product yields

Biofuel type Crop Leading Crop yield Biofuel yield Co-product yield

country/region (ton/ha) (L/ha) (ton/ha)

Bioethanol Corn US 9.9 3,800 4.2

Sugarcane Brazil 79.5 7,200 -

Sugarcane South Africa 60 5,000 -

Sugar beet EU 79.1 7,900 4.0

Wheat EU 5.1 1700 2.7

Wheat China 4.7 1,700 2.5

Cassava Brazil 13.6 137 -

Biodiesel Rapeseed EU 3.1 1,300 1.7

Soybean US 2.8 600 4.2

Oil palm Southeast Asia 18.4 4,200 4.2

Sources: FAOSTAT (2013), Gupta et al. (2014).

Table 2. Biomass and biofuel yields of different energy crops

Crop Establishment Biomass yield Biofuel yield References

time (years) (ton/ha/year)a (toe/ton)b

Willow 3+ 5 – 11 0.7 – 1.8 (Aylott et al., 2008)

Poplar 3+ 2 – 10 0.4 – 1.5 (Aylott et al., 2008)

Eucalyptus 4+ 10 - 12 0.2 – 1.2 (Romanelli et al., 2012)

Miscanthus 3+ 5 - 43 0.8 – 6.9 (Cadoux et al., 2012)

Switchgrass 2–3 5 – 19 0.7 – 3.0 (Heaton et al., 2004)

Reed canary grass 1–2 2 – 10 0.3 – 1.2 (Singh et al., 2010)

Alfalfa 1–2 1 – 17 0.1 – 1.5 (Gallego et al., 2011)

Fibre sorghum 1–2 16 - 43 2.1 – 5.7 (Barbanti et al., 2006)

yields are expressed in dry matter
toe = tons of oil equivalent
Table 3. Oil content and production of non-edible oil seeds

Species Oil fraction (%) Seed yield Oil yield

(x106 tons/year) (tons/ha/year)

Jatropha 40 – 60 0.20 2.0 – 3.0

Mahua 35 – 40 0.20 1.0 – 4.0

Pongamia (Karanja) 30 – 40 0.06 2.0 – 4.0

Castor 45 – 60 0.25 0.5 – 1.0

Linseed 35 – 45 0.1 0.5 – 1.0

Source: Koh and Mohd. Ghazi (2011)

Table 4. Composition and yield of different feedstocks (based on dry mass (DM))

Feedstocks Residue/ Dry matter Cl. Hc. Lg. Heating value Biofuel

crop ratio (%) (%) (%) (%) (GJ/ton) yield


Forest residues

Black locust - - 42 18 27 19.5 390

Hybrid poplar - - 45 19 26 19.6 416

Eucalyptus - - 50 13 28 19.5 411

Spruce - - 43 26 29 19.5 417

Pine - - 45 20 29 19.6 436

Agricultural residues

Barley straw 1.2 88.7 43 30 7 18.9 367

Corn stover 1.0 86.2 46 35 19 18.0 503

Rice straw 1.4 88.6 40 18 7 18.2 392

Sorghum straw 1.3 89.0 44 35 15 18.6 199

Wheat straw 1.3 89.1 40 28 16 19.0 410

Bagasse 0.6 26.0 33 30 29 19.4 3,133

Solid waste

Processed paper - 47 25 12 16.3 -

Plastics - 65 15 7.5 34 -

Food waste - 45 5.3 13 18.6 -

Poultry waste - 11 16 4 17.5 -

Solid cattle manure - 2.7 2.3 4.5 17.1 -

Sources: Chang et al. (1997), Singh et al. (2010), Carriquiry et al. (2010), and Choi et al.


Figure 1 World primary energy demand in 2011 (left; IEA, 2013) and share of solid

biomass supply for biofuels and power generation by feedstocks in 2011 and in the New

Policies Scenario (right; WEO, 2012).

Figure 2 Conversion pathways from different biomass feedstocks to intermediates and

to final biofuel production (Modified from Yue et al. (2014)).

Nuclear, Hydro,
5.1 2.3 Year
Biofuels Forestry products
waste, 10 Forestry residues
gas, 21.3 Other*, 1 Agricultural
2020 residues
Oil-based crops

Coal/ crops
Oil, 31.5 2011
peat, Lignocellulosic

0 50 100
Percentage (%)
13,113 Mtoe
Other includes geothermal, solar, wind, heat, etc.

Figure 1
Hydroprocessing Gasoline
Pyrolysis Bio-oil
synthesis Jet fuels

Gasification Syngas MeOH synthesis Methanol
Water-gas shift Biohydrogen Algae
crops fermentation

Combustion Power/heat Bioethanol

Fermentation esterification
Biochemical Sugar Lipids/oil
Catalysis/ Hydroprocessing
Bioforming /FCC

Hydrolysis Vegetable oil

Figure 2

- The use of food-crop related biomass for 1st generation biofuel is unsustainable

- 2 nd generation lignocellulosic biomass are ready for full commercial exploitation

- 3 rd generation algal biomass represents potential renewable source

- A combination of three generations will need to be met growing energy demand

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