Income Tax
Income Tax
Income Tax
Article Index:
4. Is PAN mandatory for private trusts? How to obtain PAN for private trust?
5. How to calculate tax in the case of private specific trusts and whether
more than 1 return has to be filed, in the case of multiple beneficiaries, by
the trustee(s)?
7. Whether a private trust can accept gifts from related and unrelated
persons and whether trust property is taxable in the hands trustee as gift
when the same is transferred to the trust?
9. Whether a settlor can transfer trust income, without transferring the trust
If the trust has been declared by way of a will from which business income is
derived; and
It is exclusively declared for the benefit of any relative dependent on the
settlor for support and maintenance; and
The trust is the only trust so declared by the settlor.
2. Where the relevant income or part of the relevant income is receivable under a
trust declared by any person by will and such trust is the only trust so declared by
him; or
3. Where the trust yielding the relevant income or part thereof was created by a
non-testamentary instrument before 1-3- 1970 and the A.O. is satisfied that it was
created bona fide for the benefit of the dependant relatives of the settlor, or where
the settlor is HUF, exclusively for the benefit of the dependant members.
If the trust effectively alienates income from the settlor/grantor, income tax
liability thereon shall stand transferred to the trustee(s).
However, the settlor/grantor continues to be liable to income tax on income
from the settled property to the extent that it is for the immediate or
deferred benefit of a spouse or minor child.
Stamp duty is payable on the transfer of immovable property.
4. Is PAN mandatory for private trusts? How to obtain PAN for private
Yes, the private trust needs to apply for PAN in order to file the ITR. The PAN
application can be made to a specified authority along with the following
1. Address proof
2. Bank a/c of the private trust.
3. Trust deed
3. However, where the trust has business income, the rate applicable wills
30%+3%, however, if the following three conditions are met cumulatively, the tax
rate will be slab rate:
If the trust has been declared by way of a will from which business income is
derived; and
It is exclusively declared for the benefit of any relative dependent on the
settlor for support and maintenance; and
The trust is the only trust so declared by the settlor.
4. In case of more than one beneficiary, only one return will be filed by the
trustee(s) in the representative capacity.
Where the trust yielding the relevant income or part thereof was created by a
non-testamentary instrument before 1-3-1970 and the A.O. is satisfied that
it was created bona fide for the benefit of the dependent relatives of the
settlor, or where the settlor is HUF, exclusively for the benefit of the
dependent members.
Where the relevant income is receivable by the trustees on behalf of a
provident fund, superannuation fund, gratuity fund or pension fund or any
other fund created bona fide by a person carrying on a business or
professional exclusively for the benefits of his employees.
If the trust has been declared by way of a will from which business income is
derived; and
It is exclusively declared for the benefit of any relative dependent on the
settlor for support and maintenance; and
The trust is the only trust so declared by the settlor.
iii. In case of more than one beneficiary, only one return will be filed by the trustee
in the representative capacity.
7. Whether a private trust can accept gifts for related and unrelated
persons and whether trust property is taxable in the hands trustee as gift
when the same is transferred to the trust?
Generally speaking a trust is created by a person the watch interests of his
“relatives “, hence in majority of cases the tax shall not be chargeable in case
property gifted/transferred, whether movable or immovable, as per section
56(2)(vi) and 56(2) (vii) in the hands of the transferee.
56 (2) [(vi) where any sum of money, the aggregate value of which exceeds fifty
thousand rupees, is received without consideration, by an individual or a Hindu
undivided family, in any previous year from any person or persons on or after the
1st day of April, 2006 [but before the 1st day of October, 2009], the whole of the
aggregate value of such sum:
Provided that this clause shall not apply to any sum of money received—
(a) from any relative; or
(b) on the occasion of the marriage of the individual; or
(c) under a will or by way of inheritance; or
(d) in contemplation of death of the payer; or
(a) any sum of money, without consideration, the aggregate value of which exceeds
fifty thousand rupees, the whole of the aggregate value of such sum;
[(b) any immovable property, without consideration, the stamp duty value of which
exceeds fifty thousand rupees, the stamp duty value of such property;]
(i) without consideration, the aggregate fair market value of which exceeds fifty
thousand rupees, the whole of the aggregate fair market value of such property;
(ii) for a consideration which is less than the aggregate fair market value of the
property by an amount exceeding fifty thousand rupees, the aggregate fair market
value of such property as exceeds such consideration :
Provided that where the stamp duty value of immovable property as referred to in
sub-clause (b) is disputed by the assessee on grounds mentioned in sub-section (2)
of section 50C, the Assessing Officer may refer the valuation of such property to a
Valuation Officer, and the provisions of section 50C and sub-section (15) of section
155 shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to the stamp duty value of such
property for the purpose of sub-clause (b) as they apply for valuation of capital
asset under those sections :
Provided further that this clause shall not apply to any sum of money or any
property received—
(a) from any relative; or
(b) on the occasion of the marriage of the individual; or
(c) under a will or by way of inheritance; or
(d) in contemplation of death of the payer or donor, as the case may be; or
(d) “property” [means the following capital asset of the assessee, namely:—]
(i) immovable property being land or building or both;
(ii) shares and securities;
(iii) jewellery;
(iv) archaeological collections;
(v) drawings;
(vi) paintings;
(vii) sculptures; [***]
(viii) any work of art; 1[or]
[(ix) bullion;]
2. When the trust is irrevocable for a During the period the trust was not
specified period under section 62 revocable, the trustee shall be liable to
pay tax in representative capacity.
3. When the trust, which was irrevocable The property will get back to the settlor
gets revoked due to death of the or any other person specified in the trust
beneficiary(ies) deed or the legal inheritor of the property
and he shall be liable to pay tax on the
income from such property from the date
of transfer.
(ii) Made before the day of April, 1961, which is not revocable for a period
exceeding six years : Provided that the transferor derives no direct or indirect
benefit from such income in either case.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), all income arising to any
person by virtue of any such transfer shall be chargeable to income-tax as the
income of the transferor as and when the power to revoke the transfer arises, and
shall then be included in his total income.
(i) It contains any provision for the re-transfer directly or indirectly of the whole
or any part of the income or assets to the transferor, or
In most of the cases people are confronted with the issue as to whether private
trust is at all a tax saving tool in the hands of the tax payer (consider the time,
money and energy spent on creating the private trust).
Mr. X has 4 properties and he has one son “Y” of 20 years of age. He wants to
create private trust for his son. He creates 4 private trusts in order to claim basic
Now, Mr. X believes that by creating for 4 trusts he can save Rs.
58710 tax.
However, it may be clearly mentioned here the A.O. has the option to
make the assessment directly on the beneficiaries as per section 166.