Lesson 2 Rules of Netiquette
Lesson 2 Rules of Netiquette
Lesson 2 Rules of Netiquette
- Do not talk to strangers whether online or face - tricks the user into posing that it is a
to face. security software. It asks the user to pay to
improve the security but in reality they are not
protected at all.
- Never post anything about a future vacation. It
is similar to posting, “Rob my house at this date”
- a program that runs in the background
- Add friends you know in real life.
without you knowing it. It has the ability to
- Avoid visiting untrusted websites. monitor what you are currently doing and typing
through keylogging.
- Install and update an antivirus software on your
computer. Use only one anti virus software to avoid KEYLOGGERS
- used to record the keystroke done by
- If you have a Wi-Fi at home, Make it a private the users. This is done to steal passwords or any
network by adding a password. sensitive information.
- Do not reply or click links from suspicious
emails. SPAM
INTERNET THREATS - unwanted email mostly from bots or
- It can be used to send malware.
- stands for malicious software
- its goal is to acquire sensitive personal o Few programs running on their own
information like passwords and credit card
details. This is done by sending you an email o File multiplying/duplicating on its own
that will direct the use to visit a website and be
asked to update his/her username, password, o Files or programs that are new and
credit card or personal information. unknown
Symbol Function ◦ OR |
+ Finds web pages that contain all the terms that
are preceded by the + symbol; allows you to include
terms that are usually ignored