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Gis Operation Manual

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1. Computer System Description

Hardware Make Compaq Presario 5004
CPU AMD Athlon 1.1 Ghz
Main Memory 640MB
Monitor 19 inch
Video Adapter 16 Mb Nvidia
Network Adapter 10/100Mb PCI NIC
GIS application ArcView3.2 ® ESRI Inc (Keyed Version).
OS Windows ME Microsoft

All Data Volume MB

2. Operation
Main GIS functions used in the Study are explained in this Manual and shown in the table below. Also, a
listing of additional extensions to enhance core ArcView that are necessary to perform the functions.

Basic Functions used in the Study

Basic Functions

General Function ArcView Extension

1.Start Quit (1) Starting GIS database system Core Arcview
(2) Quitting GIS database system Core Arcview
2.Displaying Different (3) Displaying vector data Core Arcview
Data Source (4) Displaying grid data Spatial Analyst
(5) Display image data Image Analyst
3.Data Conversion (6) Converting vector data to grid data Spatial Analyst
(7) Converting grid data to vector data Spatial Analyst
4.Overlaying and (8) Overlaying vector data Geoprocessing Wizard
Querying Data (9) Overlaying grid data Spatial Analyst
Sources (10) Queries: vector data Core Arcview
(11) Queries: grid data Spatial Analyst
5. Reprojecting Image (12) Registering images to Map Coordinates Core Arcview
Files & CAD Drawing
(13) CAD Drawing Coordinate Transformations Core Arcview

Complex Functions used in the Study
Complex Functions (Study Operations)
6.Specific Analysis A. Working with Digital Elevation 3D Analyst
Models Spatial Analyst
- Making contours by using
point height data
- Calculating Slope and
B. Analyzing Flood Prevention Data Spatial Analyst
- Generate the Flood Water
Level Surface
- Subtract the Actual Terrain
Elevation from the Water
Level Surface
C. Slope Failure Dangerous Area Spatial Analyst
- Overlaying the Geology Map
with the Slope Range
- Arranging the output database
into occurrence probability
- Reclassify the Combined Grid
in a new Grid Containing only
the Rank Value
- Calculation of the Affected
D. Watershed Management (Potential Spatial Analyst
Erosion Analysis)
- R value Interpolation Process
- K value Interpolation Process
- LS value Calculation Process
- C value interpretation process
- Calculation of E (Potential
Erosion) Value
Complex Functions (Study Operations) Contļ

E. Land Use (Existing & Future) Spatial Analyst

- Target Area Present Land Use
- Land Use Layers Combination
- Target Area Future Land Use
- Study Area Present Land Use
- Study Area Future Land Use
F. Detailed Topo Field Survey (1:500) Spatial Analyst
- Procedure for obtaining LIDAR Geoprocessing
elevation Wizard
- Procedure for Merging the Grid Analyst
Original Field Work Points
with the LIDAR chosen Points

1. Start / Quit

(1) Starting GIS database system

1) ArcView3 icon click
Double click right icon.

ArcView3 icon

2) Project icon click

Double click right icon.
Previous saved project is shown.

project icon

(2) Quitting GIS database system

1) ArcView3 Window X
Click X mark of right-upper ArcView Window.

2) ToolbarMenu File/Exit
Select Exit of ToolBarMenu File.

2 1

Arcview Main Window(View)

2. Displaying Different Data Sources
It is necessary to check specific extensions to display different types of data source, such as grid (spatial
analyst) and image (IMAGINE image support) data.

1) ToolbarMenu File
Function Extensions to display grid data needs Spatial Analyst.
Function Extensions to display image data needs Image Analyst.

2) Set Extensions
Check CAD Readerto display CAD data,
such as AutoCAD
Check SpatialAnalystto display grid data.
Check TIFF6.0 Image Suportto display image data.

Arcview is composed of 5 different types of documents:

2. Tables
3. Charts
4. Layouts
5. Scripts
Viewà if you want to display
different information data sources

Tablesà if you want to create or

modify databases (dbf, txt, etc)
Therefore, to display data
Chartsà if you want to create bar you need to create a new
or pie charts from the tables “View”

Layoutsà When you have

finished arranging your data in the
view to create fine cartography

Scriptsà To load or write

programs used to customize

3) Adding Themes. Remember: to display vector data source information (shapefiles, Arc/info coverages)
there is no need to check any additional extension.

Add Theme to View


(3) Displaying vector data

1) Select Theme
Select Feature Data Source in Data Source Type
Select Shape type Theme.

Drawing scale can be set after

defining the view properties to
meters or feet in the
View à Properties menu

2) Sample Screen

Themes are drawn in the

same order as they were

(4) Displaying Grid data Spatial Analyst is necessary
to use this Function
1) Select Theme
Select grid Data Source in Data Source Type
Select grid Theme .

2) Sample Screen

(5) How to display Image data Image Analyst is necessary

1) Select Theme to use this Function
Select Image Data Source in Data Source Type
Select image type Theme .

2) Sample Screen

3. Data Conversion
Spatial Analyst is necessary
(6) Converting vector data to grid data to use this Function
1) Explain
This function is that tranfers vector data to grid data.

2) Operate
Select menu :
Theme : Convert to Grid Output Grid Extent : The spatial extent for the output theme.
Name the output Grid File Output Grid Cell Size: Sets the resolution that will be used to create
the output grid.
Cell Size: The cell size to be used for output grid theme.
Number of Rows: The number of rows that the output grid will
created with.
Number of Columns: The number of columns that the output grid
be created with.

Set parameters (shown right Window)

Pick field database for New Grid Cell Values
(Must be the values to be preserved in the cell values)
Grid data Complete
Display Grid data

3) Sample: Geology Vector Data Conversion to 10m x 10 m Grid.

(7) Converting grid data to vector data Spatial Analyst is necessary
1) Explain to commit this Function
This function is that tranfers grid data to vector data.

2) Select menu :
Theme : Convert to Shapefile
Name the output Shapefile


The new shapefile will contain a numerical field in its database named Gridcode, depending on the
numerical value found in the Value grid database field.

3) Sample: Landslides grid data 10 m x 10 m conversion to vector file.

4. Overlaying and Querying Data Sources
Two or more themes can be overlayed to make a new theme containing spatial and database information
from the input themes.


New Theme Geoprocessing Wizard is

necessary to commit this
(8) Overlaying vector data
1) Explain
Database containing field information
Two shape files are overlayed to make new shape file. from the input shapes

ID Thema1 Thema2 House

B 1 A In
A In 2 A Out
+ 3 B In
4 B Out
C Out
5 C In
6 C Out

2) Operate (Several operations can be performed with overlay. Depending on the analysis needs. Here an
example on the union process is shown.

The Union process creates a new theme

by overlaying two polygon themes. The
output theme contains the combined
polygons and attributes of both themes.
The polygons of the input theme are
split at their intersection with polygons
of the overlay theme. The feature
attribute table for the output theme
contains attributes from the input and
overlay themes’ attribute tables.

3) Sample: Overlay of the Colonia Theme with the Flood Prevention Scenario. The output theme contains
information from both and can be seen clearly in the database.

Colonia + Calculate Population and Houses in Flood

FloodArea Area

Spatial Analyst and Grid

(9) Overlaying grid data Transformation Tools are
1) Explain necessary to use this Function
Two grid files are overlaid to make new grid file.

2) Operate
Add the grid themes to be overlaid
Make sure the “value” field in all of them is the output value that needs to be preserved.
In the Parameter settings box select the grids that are to be combined

M - 10
3) Sample: The Combined grid spatial extent of the Geology map and the Slope Map, covers the area
common to both grids and its database is formed of the value numerical field from the input grids.

Geology map Grid 10*10m

Geology hazard map grid 10*10m

Slope map Grid 10*10m

All the output grids being calculated from these processes are temporary files which will be deleted if the
project is not saved. To save the final data and store it safely, press the Save Data Set under the
Theme menu.
Name the output grid file and specify the directory.

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(10) Queries: vector data
1) Explain
Vector type objects are selected by query conditions.

Query condition

2) Operate
Executing the Query Builder and Writing the Query Conditions

Parameter Setting Box Explanation:

Fields This lists the fields in the theme or table you are querying.Fields that have been hidden do not appear in the Field list.
Operators Use these operators to specify relationships between Fields and Values in a query. Either click or double-click an
operator to place it into the query text box.

= equals
> greater than
< less than
<> not equal to
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
() expressions enclosed in parentheses are evaluated first.
and both expressions are true, e.g. [area] >= 100 and [area] <= 200
or at least one expression is true, e.g. [rainfall] < 20 or [slope] > 35

not excludes, e.g. not [name] <= "california"

Values This lists the values for the chosen Field. Only unique values are listed. So for example if 5 features or records in the
theme or table you are querying have the same value for the chosen field, this value is only listed once in the Values list.

Update Values By default, the Values list updates each time you choose a field. If there are a lot of values, it may take a
moment for the values to be updated. Click this choice off if you don't want to update the values.

Performing a query on a view or a table

If you are using the Query Builder to select features on a view or records in a table, the following options are available for
performing your query:

New Set Makes a new selected set containing the features or records selected in your query. Features or records not in this
set are deselected.
Add To Set Adds the features or records selected in your query to the existing selected set. If there is no existing selected
set, the features or records specified in the query become a new set. Use this option to widen your selection.

Select From Set Selects the features or records in your query from the existing selected set. Only those features or records in
this existing set that are selected in your query will remain in the selected set. Use this option to narrow down your selection.

M - 12
3) Sample: By Querying the colonia vector theme, we can easily see and check the distribution of all the
colonias having a population greater than 100 inhabitants.

Colonia Calculate Population over Pop 100

(11) Queries: grid data

1) Explain
Grid type objects are selected by query conditions.
 Query condition 

2) Operate
Executing the Map Query Function and Building the Query Conditions (A new Grid File will be Created)

M - 13
3) Sample: Querying of the slope angle grid theme to identify the steep slope zones (over 30 degrees).

Slope Grid map Pick up Over 30 cell in red

5. Reprojecting Image Files & CAD Drawing Files

(12) Registering Images to Map Coordinates
Some image files (untransformed orthophotos, scanned aerial photos, etc) do not have a coordinate
system to be projected or visualized properly. In order to do so and capture new information from them
(e.g. Screen Digitizing) an image-to-world-transformation must be performed.

The image-to-world transformation is accessed each time an image is displayed (e.g., when you pan or
zoom). The transformation is calculated from one of the following sources, listed in order of priority:

 The world file

 The header file (if the image type supports one)
 From the row/column information of the image (an identity transformation)

Because a world file has higher priority, you can override the header file transformation information by
creating your own world file.

The World file may be written in any text editor. The contents of the world file will look something like

0.40 -------------à A
0.00--------------à D Sample parameters for one of the Orthophoto TIFF files
0.00--------------à B
-0.40 ------------à E
475000.00------à C
1561000.00-----à F

The Values Explanation is as follow:

A = x-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in x (east) direction

B, D = rotation angle terms in degrees
C, F = translation terms; x, y map coordinates of the center of the upper-left pixel
E = negative of y-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in y (north) direction
ts easy to identify the world file which should accompany an image file: world files use the same name
as the image, with a "w" appended. For example, the world file for the image file orthophoto05.tif would
be called orthophoto05.tifw and the world file for redlands.rlc would be redlands.rlcw.

M - 14
After completing the world file, it must be saved in the same directory as the image file. Next time that
Arcview is executed and the image file opened, Arcview will instantly load its coordinate system and
display it properly. It also can be scaled after setting the Map Units Parameters in the View Properties

(13) CAD Drawing Coordinate Transformations

Most of the CAD drawings are made using paper coordinates instead of real world coordinates. For
printing or viewing purposes it may not represent a problem; but whenever area or distance or overlay
analysis are required then having untransformed CAD themes becomes a serious headache. To solve this
matter, a coordinate transformation must be applied.

To apply a coordinate transformation to a theme based on a CAD drawing

1 Click on the themes name in the Views Table of Contents to make it active
2 Click the Theme Properties button or choose ThemeàProperties Menu.

3 In the dialog that appears, choose Drawing from the list of categories

4 Click on the World File radio button and then click the Browse button
5 In the dialog that appears, navigate to the directory that contains the world file that you want to
add, select it, and press OK. The name of the world file you choose appears in the Transformation section
of the theme’s drawing properties

6 Press OK

ArcView will immediately redraw the theme using the new coordinates.

The world file is a text file (with the extension .WLD) containing one or two pairs of X, Y coordinates.
The first pair of X, Y coordinates is the actual X, Y location of any known control point in your drawing
file or paper coordinates. The second pair of X, Y coordinates is a new location in geographic space
where you would want the CAD drawing control point to be in ArcView or real world coordinates.

World File Format

The world file format is shown below:

<X, Y location in CAD drawing> <space> <X, Y location in geographic space>

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First Pair of X, Y original location in First Pair of X, Y in real world

CAD file coordinates belonging to the pair
identified in CAD file

20.5,140.6 472000,1562000
60.5,280.6 475000,1567000
Second Pair of X, Y in real
Second Pair of X, Y original location world coordinates belonging to
in CAD file the pair identified in CAD file

The world file must have the .WLD extension and cannot have more than two lines in the above format.
ArcView automatically applies the world file when it finds a valid file name with the same prefix as the
drawing file name in the same sub-directory. For example, suppose you’ve stored A1.dwg and A1.wld
files in the same sub-directory. When you add themes from A1.dwg, ArcView automatically uses the
A1.wld file for coordinate transformations.

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