Crystal Giannini Three Worlds Activity
Crystal Giannini Three Worlds Activity
Crystal Giannini Three Worlds Activity
Some issues surrounding the health aspect of the physical world are those involving nutrition. Many
students come to school hungry, and either distracted by their hunger, or sluggish and less than
motivated. School breakfast options do offer some healthy choices, but in small servings, and often high
in sugar. I think that the number of students who come into the classroom hungry will always be more
than I am aware of, but inexpensive snack options have definitely become a part of what I always keep
on-hand at work. Students do not always have to come in hungry for nutritional choices to impact their
learning. Many of the snack options my students prefer are high in calorie content, sugar, and
carbohydrates. Instead of eating for fuel, the students create these habits of snacking on foods that
actually contribute to being full, sleepy, or even unable to focus because of the sugary soda last period.
Ideally, students would have a better quality and wider variety of food options at school that are both
accessible, but at a reasonable price point and with satisfying portions. In particular, I am concerned
when my students have to SOL test, or another high stakes assessment and they are made to complete the
test before eating lunch. This is an aspect of health as well—hungry kids cannot learn well, and do not.
Also, I am concerned about the child who may decide to rush, or be less attentive—because he or she is
I think of access. I think that the unequal availability of quality and up-to-date educational resources is
the biggest issue with regards to the materials aspect of the physical world. Students are not all being
equally allowed the opportunity to be adequately and confidently prepared to enter a world that expects
them to not only be literate, but digitally literate as well. Even when students are given access to digital
devices, having the means to access internet outside of the school is also a huge factor. When I was
finishing my undergrad, I worked as an instructional assistant in a middle school where every student
“rented” a Chromebook for a school year, and was expected to complete at-home assignments very often.
Because of the area where this school was, this was never an issue for the students I worked with, and
students were easily navigating the internet for resources, assignments, and all! Where I work now,
students receive Chromebooks in 9th grade. This means that technological skills, knowledge, and literacy
is far beyond where their younger peers are. Differing abilities aside, these students will potentially go on
to compete for the same jobs, where having these skills will likely be important.
A large issue of the physical world that pertains to facilities is the state of many school buildings,
especially in inner cities and in areas whose schools house students from lower income households. Many
buildings are outdated, have an adequate heating and cooling systems, are extremely overcrowded, and
some have deteriorated to the point of mold. Currently, I work at the only high school in the county
where I teach. Across the street, the old high school now houses the middle school students, grades six
through eight. Although I do enjoy having a building that is relatively new, has updated features, and is
proudly painted and adorned with school banners and posters, I do feel for the students who are using
the old building. The students are definitely crowded in there, and they know the building is the same as
when their grandparents attended! The look, atmosphere, and overall pride in a building is contagious
and should support the energy we expect from the students.
Discuss issues surrounding attitude and motivation aspects of the psychological world.
Attitude and motivation are two of the biggest aspects of the psychological world that can either
contribute to or take away from increased growth in literacy and learning. One issue I have encountered
that deals with this particular aspect of the psychological world, involves some of striving learners. Many
of these students come to me (grades 9-11) lacking some of basic ELA foundations and knowledge for
their grade level. These students are not all identified as special education, but many are. With many of
these students, I find that what initially presents to be a struggling learner, may often be an issue
involving effort. I do my best as a teacher to validate effort, regardless of ability. I think that many
students have low academic self-esteem, and do not see the benefits of effort at many levels. It is
disheartening as someone who loves them and wants their success, because the apathetic attitude often
creates behaviors that become habits and I fear that will carry into plans for after high school, and
motivation to pursue future challenges.
Discuss issues surrounding the background knowledge aspect of the psychological world.
It is impossible for every teacher to know the backgrounds for every student he or she encounters, and
this seems to be a common knowledge statement, but it is more of a complaint. So many personal
experiences at home and internally can, and do impact a child’s ability to learn well. I have received
paperwork that vaguely describes a student’s needs, behaviors, and what works best—but knowing the
reasons behind the behaviors a child demonstrates is such a powerful tool to have, and can help the
educator and other supporting adults address the behavior, while offering supports for the reason for
behavior changes. The mental health of the students is very important, but teachers are not adequately
equipped to diagnose or treat anything, and can only monitor and report behaviors that might indicate
some interventions should be put into place. I do not think teachers should have this added responsibility,
either. I think that mental health services in public schools is reactive, and should instead be proactive.
Students should have access to safe, open dialogue with trained mental professionals within the school
Discuss issues surrounding the cultural community aspect of the social world.
In the social world, cultural community determines the access and quality of a child’s educational
experience. I think that inner cities are romanticized on film, and in recruiting young, motivated
educators. At the same time, these schools are those that are underperforming, underfunded, and are
often undesirable to many educators. This really leaves many cultural communities ostracized, and I
think it denies students the opportunity to be surrounded by diverse population of students and a faculty
that has the supports and resources necessary to keep them motivated while in the trenches. I think that
within these communities, specific attitudes about education are widespread and shared among the
majority. This can be a useful tool, but it can also be a reason to push toward a shift in perspective and a
school-wide culture shift. I think that it is important to emphasize empathy and diversity within cultural
communities while still celebrating the uniqueness and advantages of belonging to such.
Discuss issues surrounding literacy at home and school aspect of the social world.
Literacy at home and school is not something that I feel parents (where I teach) do well with supporting
their students. Many factors contribute to being a successful high school student in an ELA class include
the amount of time spent reading and writing at home. At times, when apathy kicks in and nothing is
being done outside of the classroom, I cannot always count on someone at a child’s home “buying in” to
my plea for encouraging these habits at home. I know it is important that child be read to, that he or she
sees reading and writing happening, but I also think it is important that teachers work harder to find
more engaging ways to help and encourage a culture of reading and writing at home, and maybe even an
essay to hang on the refrigerator with pride! I think that after elementary, parents are not as hands-on
with their child’s literacy and learning experience, but maybe it is because teachers have stopped asking
them to be?