Reviews: Structure Prediction Drives Materials Discovery
Reviews: Structure Prediction Drives Materials Discovery
Reviews: Structure Prediction Drives Materials Discovery
New materials have historically been discovered by knowledge beyond existing databases and intuition. We
either trial-and-error processes or serendipity, both of discuss these methods, examining the basic concepts
which require labour-intensive and challenging exper- and the systems they can be applied to. We then high-
Skolkovo Institute of Science
and Technology, Moscow,
iments. In the past decade, it has become possible to light examples of recent discoveries of counterintuitive
Russia. discover new materials systematically on a computer, new materials and phenomena achieved through the
Moscow Institute of Physics and the path to this breakthrough has been paved by use of these methods, ranging from superhard mate-
and Technology, Dolgoprudny, the development of crystal structure prediction (CSP) rials to electrides, organic materials and superconduc-
Moscow, Russia. methods 1–3. There are two largely complementary tors with the highest known critical temperatures10–12.
International Centre for approaches: one based on existing knowledge and the We finally outline the future perspectives for the field,
Materials Discovery, contents of crystal structure databases (data mining) examining the challenges that will need to be over-
Northwestern Polytechnical
and the other based on powerful exploratory computer come, which include working with large systems and
University, Xi’an, China.
algorithms capable of making predictions with little or taking into account disorder and temperature, predict-
Department of Materials
Sciences & Metallurgy,
no pre-existing knowledge. ing s ynthesizable metastable structures and predicting
University of Cambridge, Databases such as the Inorganic Crystal Structure chemical properties.
Cambridge, UK. Database (ICSD)4 and the Pauling File5 are invaluable
Advanced Institute for resources that report experimentally observed struc- Considerations for materials prediction
Materials Research, tures of inorganic materials. The ICSD currently con- Structure. Understanding the structure of matter at the
Tohoku University, Aoba,
tains approximately 204,000 peer-reviewed data entries, atomic level is central to modern materials science. Until
Sendai, Japan.
and the Pauling File has some 335,000 entries; both recently, experiments offered the only reliable source
Department of Physics and
Astronomy, High Pressure
databases are growing steadily. To date, approximately of crystal structures, but computational methods have
Science and Engineering 159,000 ICSD entries have been assigned to a little over emerged as a complementary source. In particular,
Center, University of 9,000 distinct structure prototypes. However, the num- density functional theory (DFT) methods and modern
Nevada Las Vegas, ber of structures in the ICSD is small compared with the computing power can be combined to relax thousands
Las Vegas, NV, USA.
rapidly increasing number of structures that have been of structures to local minima in the Born–Oppenheimer
TCM Group, Cavendish generated using first-principles methods. energy surfaces, the potential energy surfaces calcu-
Laboratory, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Data mining approaches have received much atten- lated in the approximation that the nuclear and elec-
tion6–9. In this Review, we focus on the fundamental tronic motions can be treated separately13. CSP aims to
*e-mail:; and reliable non-empirical methods based on powerful determine the minimum energy (or, in a more general exploratory algorithms. The major advantage of such case, the global minimum or maximum of a property
s41578-019-0101-8 methods is their ability to generate completely new of interest) over all values of the relevant inputs while
identifying the low-lying local minima (the metastable compared with data-driven approaches; data mining, on
phases). Possible inputs could be, for example, the num- the other hand, can give reasonable, even if non-exact,
bers and types of atoms in the system. A wide variety of solutions at a fraction of the computational cost.
systems can be handled by structure prediction, from
molecules and clusters to 2D systems (2D crystals, crys- The energy landscape. A very large number of struc-
talline surfaces or grain boundaries) and crystals (with tures can be generated using a source of randomness and
quasicrystals beyond the scope of this Review). CPS has then relaxing each of them to their lowest-energy local
led to the discovery of many new structures that have minimum. The basin of attraction is defined as the set of
subsequently been confirmed experimentally (Table 1). points within a structure space that leads to a particular
The possibility of discovering completely new structures minimum-energy configuration by a path of steepest
is one of the key advantages of structure prediction as descent on the potential energy surface. These basins of
Table 1 | selected examples of materials discovered or structurally characterized with the help of first-principles structure prediction
Year Material Description refs
Crystalline materials
2011 Derivative-DNTT An organic semiconductor with high hole mobility (12.3–16.0 cm2 V−1 s−1) 193
2014 Zr2Co11 Hard magnet, structure of which was a long-standing puzzle 232
2014–2015 H3S Superconductor with one of the highest critical temperatures recorded (Tc = 203 K) 156,157
2011 δ-Mg(BH4)2 Hydrogen storage material obtained at elevated pressure (2.1 GPa) 48
2016 ε-Resorcinol New polymorph with two molecules in the asymmetric unit obtained from melt 188
2017 Coumarin (II–V) New polymorphs with various numbers of molecules in the asymmetric unit (1,2 or 3) 190
phase of glycene
2017 Sr5P3 Novel electride material 181
2016 C3N4 Thermodynamically stable tetragonal high-pressure phase of C3N4 predicted, synthesized 235
and recovered
2018 W2CrB2 and W4CrB3 Hard precipitates in superalloys 149
2014 P21/c-MnB4 and C2/m-MnB3 New hard material MnB3 (predicted Hv = 32.3 GPa). Refined and experimentally confirmed 148
2018 UH7 New compound, predicted to be superconducting (Tc = 46–66 K , stable above 22 GPa and 236
metastable at 0 GPa)
2018 Na2B30 Chemical composition and crystal structure of a puzzling compound clarified; its near 53
2015 Ni3InAs Determination of the composition and structure of nickelide contact material for InAs 238
DNTT, DNA nucleotidylexotransferase; Hv, Vickers hardness; Tc, superconducting critical temperature.
attraction cover the Born–Oppenheimer energy surface. is that low-energy structures tend to include repeated
Low-energy basins may be found clumped together in identical units (atoms, molecules or other units) because
deep but smooth funnels, which allows the use of fast each atom in the structure may be most stable in a par-
global optimization methods. The probability of suc- ticular environment. Constraining searches to conform
cessfully finding a low-energy structure depends on the to high-symmetry space groups is a useful strategy.
shapes and sizes of the hyper-volumes of the basins of The allowed symmetries can be reduced systematically,
attraction and the details of the search14–17. which helps in discovering lower-symmetry structures
A histogram of the energies provides information that may sometimes be the most stable. Imposing sym-
about the energy landscape of the system18. The effi- metry constraints can provide enormous reductions in
ciency of searches can be improved by reducing the size the search space; alternatively, one can use algorithms
of the structure space of interest. For example, knowl- that automatically focus on the low-energy parts of the
edge of existing structures and chemical and physical energy landscape (such as evolutionary algorithms,
information can be used to ensure that the searches metadynamics or minima hopping) and achieve the
are initiated with a set of structures that are chemically correct structures with the right symmetries.
reasonable while maintaining a large degree of ran-
domness. Various fingerprints (a fingerprint is a set of Chemistry. The 118 elements in Mendeleev's periodic
values permitting comparison of two crystal structures; table can be combined in many different ways to form
for example, this could be a histogram of interatomic an enormous number of distinct chemical compounds.
distances and angles in a structure) can be used to build There must be many more possible compounds and
maps18 of structural similarity (also known as sketch structures than those that have been reported from
maps19), with similar structures located next to each over a century of X-ray diffraction experiments. With
other on a 2D space, allowing the visualization of mul- 118 elements in the Mendeleev table, 7,021 binary and
tidimensional energy landscapes by introducing energy 273,937 ternary systems can be constructed (each poten-
as the third dimension. It is also possible to build chem- tially with multiple stable compounds), but only 72% of
ical maps, displaying how the various materials struc- binary, 16% of ternary and just 0.6% of quaternary sys-
tures or properties vary with chemical composition; this tems have been fully or (probably more often) partially
includes structure maps20,21 and maps of nanoparticle experimentally studied under normal conditions28, and
stability. The development of fingerprint functions that far fewer have been studied in extreme conditions. The
are sensitive to geometry as well as chemistry has led possibility of discovering completely new structures
to the concept of materials cartography22, which goes is one of the key advantages of structure prediction as
well beyond energy landscapes and allows the group- compared with data-driven approaches. Many of the
ing of materials into classes possessing similar physical published results of structure predictions involve crystal
properties before the properties are measured or even structures or topologies that were previously unknown.
calculated. These concepts (Fig. 1) are extremely power- This situation is even more frequent at non-standard
ful, permitting the analysis and rationalization of large conditions. Chemistry provides crucial understanding
structural data sets. of the ways in which atoms combine to form stable mate-
rials and of the nature of the chemical reactions by which
Structural symmetries. The structure space can be one material is transformed into another. However, what
divided into regions according to their symmetry. For can we do in a situation in which the standard rules of
a reasonably large system, almost all of the structure chemistry do not apply? This can happen, for example,
space consists of regions of the lowest P1 symmetry under extreme conditions of high pressure and/or tem-
(the symmetry group that consists only of translations). perature. Nanoparticles and surfaces of crystals provide
This is obvious when it is realized that choosing random another setting in which to study unusual chemical
structures almost inevitably leads to a structure without phenomena.
symmetry. The fraction of the structure space covered by
regions of P1 symmetry increases approximately expo- Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics plays a central role
nentially with system size. Yet, nature prefers crystal in determining the structures that might be formed in
structures with symmetry, in contrast to usually asym- nature or experiments. In real life, the effects of sam-
metric, and metastable, biomolecules. Not only is the ple quality, annealing schedules, impurities or applied
asymmetric P1 space group almost non-existent in crys- pressure are also important. Nevertheless, there are
tals, the distribution of crystal structures over Fedorov many examples in which the lowest-energy structure
space groups is extremely uneven23–26. For example, found at the DFT level of theory turned out to cor-
one-third of all inorganic crystals belong to just 6 of the respond to the experimentally observed structure.
230 possible space groups, Pnma, P21/c, Fm3m, Fd3m, Low-energy metastable structures may also be impor-
P-1 and I4/mmm26. For organic crystals, this uneven- tant, as is the case for diamond. Most organic matter is
ness is even greater23; this is understood only partially. also metastable.
Pauling’s fifth rule27 (the number of essentially different Whereas the global energy minimum usually
kinds of constituents in a crystal tends to be small) can corresponds to an experimentally achievable stable
be simplistically viewed as implying that nature prefers crystal structure, nature shows some preferences in
high-symmetry structures with primitive unit cells con- choosing which local-minimum (metastable) struc-
taining only a few atoms. Such structures may therefore tures can be formed. Among the very large number of
be found in inexpensive searches. One line of reasoning low-energy local minima, only a small subset appear
a c
Free energy
A3B compounds
(A15 phase)
(ternary pnictides) AsFeLaO
Order parameters
Ba2CuHgO4 La2CuO4
Stability of SinOm clusters
Ba2CaCu2HgO6 Ba2Ca2Cu3HgO8
Fully disconnected CaCu2O7Sr2Tl
17 MgB2 Tc
15 NbN V
13 11 PbPd2Y
11 9 LuPd2Sn
9 7
7 m carbides InAu2Sc
5 5 O PdSbSe 1 45 90 135
n 3 3
1 1 Tc (K)
Fig. 1 | Mapping the materials space. a | Energy landscape of crystalline Au8Pd4, showing how the low-energy structures
cluster in one area39. b | Stability map of SinOm nanoparticles, showing ridges and islands of stability and a sea of instability89.
c | Superconducting materials cartogram22. In all these cases, neighbouring points turn out to have similar structures and
properties, and materials possessing particular stability or maximal properties are clustered in the same area of the map.
Such landscapes with one or a few ‘basins of attraction’ are highly suitable for evolutionary optimization. Dynamical methods
(metadynamics and minima hopping) and random sampling also benefit from such topology of the materials space.
Panel a is adapted with permission from Oganov, A. R . et al. How evolutionary crystal structure prediction works and why.
Acc. Chem. Res. 44, 227–237 (ref.39), copyright 2011 American Chemical Society. Panel b is adapted with permission from
Lepeshkin, S. V. et al. Method for simultaneous prediction of atomic structure and stability of nanoclusters in a wide area
of compositions. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 102–106 (ref.89), copyright 2019 American Chemical Society. Panel c is adapted with
permission from ref.22, ACS.
to be synthesizable, and it is not generally understood of stable compounds. The Maxwell convex hull con-
why the others cannot be made. Stevanovic connected struction affords a particularly appealing approach that
the volume of phase space associated with each local can be used to identify stable and metastable structures
minimum with the likelihood of synthesis of the cor- and stoichiometries (Box 1; Fig. 2). A structure on the
responding structure17, and Sun29, analysing databases, convex hull is thermodynamically stable, and a struc-
found that observed metastable phases are usually ture above the hull is metastable. Note that there are
less than 0.1–0.2 eV atom –1 above the ground state potentially an infinite number of stoichiometries, and
(explosives are a prominent exception). Furthermore, for each stoichiometry, there may be an infinite number
Sun29 hypothesized that observed metastable phases of structures, although the number of different struc-
should be thermodynamically stable at some values tures is reduced in systems with periodic cells or clusters
of pressure, temperature, chemical potentials, elec- with a finite number of atoms. Convex hull construction
tric fields, particle size and other parameters. If true, provides a global view of the relative stabilities of struc-
these hypotheses would hand thermodynamics a deci- tures and stoichiometries, and can be used for binary,
sive role in the prediction of s ynthesizable metastable ternary and quaternary systems and so on. Examples of
polymorphs. convex hulls for binary (Na–Cl) and ternary (Mg–Si–O)
Extending structure prediction to variable composi- systems are shown in Fig. 2a,b. In the Na–Cl system, the
tions using chemical potentials allows the identification only stable compound at normal conditions is NaCl;
where E(axB1−x) is the energy of the compound (normalized per atom) and the 1 (V ∕δ 3)!
C= (1)
expression in brackets is the energy of the mixture of stable forms of a and B. a negative (V ∕δ 3) [(V ∕δ 3)−N ] ! N !
energy of formation is a necessary but not a sufficient condition of stability. a necessary
and sufficient condition is that stable phases form a convex hull, as shown in the plot. where δ is a relevant discretization parameter (for
a suitable fitness function is the minimum vertical distance from the convex hull (Ehull).
instance, 1 Å). Already for small systems (N ≈ 10–20),
The generalization of this scheme to multicomponent systems is straightforward.
C is astronomically large (roughly 10N using δ = 1 Å
Pareto optimization and a typical atomic volume of 10 Å3) and increases
if the aim is to suggest new materials with optimum physical properties, at least two exponentially with the number of degrees of freedom
variables need to be optimized: the target physical property (or properties) and
d (d = 3N + 3): C ≈ exp(ad), where a is some
stability. The solution of such a multi-objective optimization problem is, in general, not
one material but a set of materials forming the so-called first Pareto front. it is good
system-specific constant. Clearly, it is not feasible to
practice to pay attention to not only the first Pareto front but also the few lowest-rank examine all possible arrangements of the atoms in space
Pareto fronts. The first Pareto front consists of the so-called non-dominated solutions, — there are just too many of them.
materials that cannot be beaten on all properties at the same time (but may be beaten If each structure is relaxed, the number of degrees
on some). removing the first Pareto front and repeating the same procedure gives the of freedom will decrease because correlations between
second Pareto front and so on. in the simplest scheme, the rank of the Pareto front can atomic positions will emerge (interatomic distances
be used as fitness in multi-objective optimization. In practice, Pareto optimization adjust to reasonable values, and unfavourable interac-
works well when the number of objectives is not large, such as, less than four. In the tions are avoided). Because the complexity of the prob-
figure below, the first three Pareto fronts are shown; the data were obtained from lem is exponential in d, this simple trick simplifies the
Pareto maximization of hardness and minimization of an instability (Ehull) for the
problem greatly, as it reduces the effective d. For exam-
Cr–B system.
ple, d is reduced from 39 to 10.9 in Au8Pd4, from 99 to
Convex hull optimization Pareto optimization 11.6 in Mg16O16 and from 39 to 32.5 in Mg4N4H4 (ref.34).
A B 0.7 Not surprisingly, all successful structure prediction
methods include structure relaxation. Nevertheless, even
Instability (eV atom–1)
Parento front 1 Parento front 3 Working with experiment. Combining structure pre-
Parento front 2 diction with diffraction or other experimental meth-
ods has provided a very successful approach to solving
crystal structures. Some diffraction data may be insuf-
however, under pressure, numerous Na–Cl compounds ficient to permit the solution of a particular structure,
become stable30, such as Na3Cl and NaCl3. Similarly, and sometimes even the exact stoichiometry is hard to
a very surprising compound, Na2He, was predicted to establish, but information on lattice constants is often
be stable at pressures above 100 GPa (ref.31). These com- available, as perhaps are some indications of likely
pounds were synthesized experimentally30,31, and their space groups. Knowledge of the lattice constants pro-
structures are shown in Fig. 2c,d. The convex hull of the vides powerful constraints on the possible structures,
Mg–Si–O system (this system is a first approximation to which greatly simplifies the searching. Low-quality
P = 10 GPa
–3.0 MgO2 0.2 0.8
0.0 SiO2
P = 20 GPa
ΔH (eV atom–1)
–1.5 MgO 0.4 0.6
P = 160 GPa 0.6 0.4
c d
Fig. 2 | Compound prediction with crystal structure prediction methods. a | Convex hulls for the binary Na–Cl system
at different pressures. b | Convex hull of the ternary Mg–Si–O system at 500 GPa. Light blue symbols denote sampled
metastable compositions, and circles denote stable phases. c | Structure of the NaCl3 compound, with isosurfaces of the
electron localization function (with values increasing from blue to red). d | Structure of the compound Na2He, with
interstitial maxima of the electron localization function shown as red objects inside empty cubes31. ΔH, enthalpy of
formation. Panel a is adapted with permission from ref.30, AAAS. Panel b is adapted from ref.32, CC-BY-4.0.
diffraction data may be misinterpreted in experiments, CSP. Likewise, a newly predicted reconstruction of the
and structure prediction could yield better models for (110) surface of rutile-type RuO2 (ref.55) has explained
structural refinement48–50. Constraints from vibrational the extraordinary pseudocapacitance of RuO2 and estab-
data, solid-state NMR, X-ray absorption spectroscopy lished that it is partly due to a surface redox reaction.
and other spectroscopies can also be exploited. Once a A Li7Ge3 phase was first proposed in a CSP study56, and
technologically useful material is predicted, it is impor- the structure was later observed in experiments57.
tant to try to verify it by experiment. Knowledge of the At high pressures, the quality of experimental infor-
crystal structure is crucial for understanding the per- mation is often insufficient for solving crystal struc-
formance of materials, and when experimental data are tures. In such cases, theoretical input is invaluable.
insufficient, structure prediction is helpful. For exam- Neutron studies of ammonia monohydrate phase II
ple, CSP has resolved a long-standing controversy over found a detailed powder diffraction pattern with
the structure and stoichiometry of sodium boride: in numerous well-defined peaks. However, the structure
addition to the undisputed Na3B20, a phase identified by could not be solved using the experimental data alone.
some researchers as orthorhombic (Imma) Na2B30 (ref.51) Ab initio structure searches using the known unit
and by others as monoclinic (C2) Na2B29 (ref.52) has cell parameters and likely space groups as constraints
been observed. This intriguing phase has been recently uncovered a structure with 112 atoms in the unit cell,
solved by CSP53, which established that the correct stable in almost perfect agreement with experiment50. Several
stoichiometry is Na2B30 and that neither of the previously high-pressure phases of Mg(BH4)2 were synthesized and
proposed structures are global minima. The predicted apparently convincingly resolved using powder X-ray
I212121 structure matches experiments. Unlike metal- diffraction data58. However, a subsequent CSP study
lic Na2B29 or semi-metallic Imma-Na2B30, this phase suggested that two new tetragonal structures with space
is semiconducting and nearly superhard (predicted groups P-4 and I41/acd were lower in enthalpy than
Vickers hardness 37.4 GPa). The structure of β-NiOOH the earlier proposed experimental P42nm structure by
(ref.54), an active component of the highly active cata- 15.4 kJ mol–1 and 21.2 kJ mol–1, respectively48. Interestingly,
lyst for water oxidation, was fully established thanks to the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns of all
three structures are compatible with experiment at Molecular crystals under pressure. The use of mole-
ambient pressure. However, I41/acd is the true thermo- cules, rather than single atoms, as building blocks allows
dynamic ground state, whereas P42nm is not even a local much more complex structures to be predicted. Already
minimum. Li15Si4, a potentially useful anode material the simplest molecular solid, hydrogen turns out to
for Li-ion batteries, has been found59 to undergo a phase be not so simple. The experimental determination of
transition to an unknown structure at a pressure of high-pressure phases of solid hydrogen is very challeng-
7 GPa, but the structure could not be solved experimen- ing because of the small X-ray scattering cross-section
tally; evolutionary metadynamics calculations starting and small sample sizes in high-pressure experiments60,61.
from the ambient-pressure structure (with 152 atoms Raman and infrared spectroscopies have provided a great
in the unit cell) have identified the Fdd2 structure, deal of vibrational data60,62,63; however, it was not possible
which reproduces the experimental XRD pattern. The to resolve the structures of phases III and IV using the
newly discovered β-Li15Si4 is recoverable to ambient available vibrational data. Structure searches found that
conditions and may exhibit improved cycling prop- the lowest-enthalpy phases III (theory finds two variants
erties (for example, it has a smaller volume change of phase III64,65) and IV62 are layer-like with Raman and
upon delithiation). infrared spectra in good agreement with experiment.
Experimental evidence for a phase V of solid hydrogen structure composed of several atoms, we can replace
was reported63, and DFT calculations66 suggested that some of them by other atomic types, perhaps from the
it could be a stepping stone towards metallization of same column of the periodic table, in the same spirit
hydrogen. Structure searches have thus advanced knowl- as the substitution method used in data mining75.
edge of the phase diagram of hydrogen at high pressures This might lead to the generation of many very similar
and low temperatures. structures, but it could also lead to new structures.
Simple molecules such as water, ammonia and A high-throughput survey based on both data mining
methane are fundamental to chemistry and make up with chemical substitution and evolutionary algorithms
most of the gas giant planets Uranus and Neptune, has been recently conducted to search for new photoac-
though in the liquid state. Their behaviour under tive semiconductors76. Four metastable compounds were
pressure is complicated, for example, ice has 17 exper- identified, and in all of them, evolutionary searches found
imentally identified polymorphs on the phase diagram lower-energy structures than data mining: for Sn5S4Cl2 by
at pressures up to 210 GPa (refs67,68). Under pressures 24.7 meV atom–1, for Sn4SF6 by 5.1 meV atom–1, for Cd4SF6
of 90–331 GPa, ammonia was predicted to form ionic by 0.2 meV atom–1 and for Cd5S4Cl2 by 33.3 meV atom–1.
solids consisting of NH4+ and NH2− ions69. Two crystal- None of these structures can be found by data mining
line ionic forms, Pma2 and Pca21, were confirmed by alone; all, except Cd5S4Cl2, have no known structural
experiment70. The identification of the high-pressure analogues, and whereas Cd5S4Cl2 belongs to the known
phases of solid methane above 5 GPa provides another Li5BiO5 structure type, it was not found by the substi-
example of successful interplay between theory and tution algorithm because of the very unusual coupled
experiments. Experiments suggested that a new solid substitution required: Bi + O→2Cl.
phase of methane A above 5 GPa should contain Very recently, a co-evolutionary method, called
21 molecules in a pseudo-cubic rhombohedral unit Mendelevian search, was developed77. It can be viewed
cell, yet the structure could not be solved71. On the as evolution of a population of evolutionary searches,
basis of the experimentally determined cell parameters, each of which focuses on a particular chemical system;
a CSP study revealed a ground state of rhombohedral these systems compete and exchange information with
symmetry with icosahedral packing of methane mol- each other, leading to progressively better systems being
ecules72, very similar to the results of a recent neutron sampled. This method, using no empirical information,
diffraction experiment73 except that orientationally found that the hardest possible materials are allotropes
ordered molecules were used in refining the diffrac- of carbon, diamond and lonsdaleite and that the high-
tion data. Moreover, compressed methane displays an est possible magnetization at 0 K is achieved in iron. In
icosahedral structure reminiscent of intermetallics that addition, it predicted a number of interesting materials.
are prone to the formation of quasicrystals, which leads
to the question of whether molecular quasicrystals Discovering materials with optimal properties.
are possible74. Metastable materials are often more interesting for appli-
cations than stable ones, for example, diamond, glasses
Role of databases. The increasing growth of open com- and most organic molecules are metastable, but there
putational materials databases makes the screening of are an infinite number of possible metastable materials,
materials with target properties possible. Exploitation so a method is needed to predict those with interesting
of pre-existing data is very important. Existing data- properties that can be synthesized. Much can be learned
bases are largely populated by experimentally deter- from a systematic analysis of the rich data produced by
mined structures, but the computational discovery of CSP, but there are also special methods that target the
structures also feeds into databases and is increasing the low-energy part of the energy landscape at the expense
power of data-driven approaches. We are confident that of extensive sampling of high-energy structures —
there will always be a need for structure prediction: even among these are metadynamics45, minima hopping47
if it were possible to computationally capture all of the and evolutionary algorithms33,42,78.
hidden structures, the need to explore and predict their Furthermore, it is possible to search for materials with
defects, surfaces and behaviour at non-ambient condi- an optimum value of a physical property (or multiple
tions will keep driving efforts in structure prediction. properties) of interest. We argue that computation-based
The capability of first-principles approaches to unlock non-empirical searches offer the most reliable path to dis-
new discoveries indicates that they will have the same covering materials with superior properties. In general,
long-lived importance as experiments. The main aims three types of global optimizations can be imagined.
of computational predictions for structures of materi- The first is the minimization of the thermodynamic
als are to predict materials with a desired combination potential to determine stable structures. The internal
of properties for technological applications; to predict energy E must be minimized to find the most stable
stable and metastable compounds and crystal structures structure of a given chemical compound at zero pressure
at various conditions, including those difficult to reach and temperature. When working at non-zero pressures,
experimentally; to discover previously unknown struc- the enthalpy H must be minimized in equilibrium.
ture types and topologies; and to help in determining the When working at non-zero pressures and temperatures,
structures adopted by specific materials. the Gibbs free energy G should be minimized.
Perhaps the simplest way to increase the number The second option is the optimization of the phys-
of structures is to create ‘chemical mutations’ of known ical property of interest (such as the hardness79,80, den-
structures. For example, starting from an elemental sity81, bandgap82 or the thermoelectric figure of merit83).
These should be extremized, or some target value must relies on input from theory90,91. Ground-state structures
be approached, for example, for absorption of sunlight, were found to be very diverse; for example, B36− has a
a direct gap as close as possible to 1.34 eV is desirable. quasi-planar structure, whereas a fullerene-like cage
This predicts the upper limit of materials performance, structure becomes energetically favourable in B40−.
but may lead to an ill-defined problem when there is The calculated PES spectra agree satisfactorily with
no upper limit or produce structures that are so high in experiments.
energy that they cannot be synthesized.
The third type of global optimization is the 2D crystals. The discovery of graphene, with its remark-
multi-objective (Pareto) optimization, in which two able physical properties and potential applications
or more properties are simultaneously optimized. In ranging from reinforcing structural materials to novel
our opinion, this type of optimization is most directly electronics, has initiated tremendous efforts on 2D
related to practical applications; for example, simulta- materials research. Much of the early research focused
neously optimizing the stability and physical properties on obtaining 2D materials from bulk samples, for exam-
of interest, as was done for superhard materials84,85 and ple, by mechanical exfoliation. This requires the bulk
thermoelectrics83, leads to the identification of mate- material to have a layered structure with weak interlayer
rials that have attractive properties and at the same bonding so that a few atomic layers can be exfoliated and
time can potentially be synthesized. The solution of a hopefully remain stable in air without significant atomic
multi-objective optimization problem is, in general, not rearrangement. A number of 2D materials beyond
one material but a set of materials forming the so-called graphene were discovered using this strategy, including
first Pareto front (Box 1). transition-metal dichalcogenides (MX2), transition-metal
carbides or nitrides (MXenes) and phosphorene, a single
Beyond crystal structure layer of black phosphorus. A computational screening
Structure searches using first-principles methods are not (data mining) revealed that 826 stable layered materi-
confined to 3D systems. It is also possible to search for als could be considered as candidates for the formation
structures of point defects, clusters, solid surfaces and of 2D monolayers via exfoliation92. An evolutionary
interfaces. The prediction of non-crystalline structures method has been developed that can predict viable com-
presents challenges, but it is extremely important, and positions and structures of free-standing 2D materials
considerable progress has been made. using no experimental information93. In addition to
free-standing 2D materials, there is also great interest in
Nanoclusters. Materials strength is largely determined pursuing 2D materials grown on a substrate. Given the
by microstructure. Nanostructuring can be exploited various choices of substrate materials and the complex
to obtain extreme materials properties, for example, in interactions between substrates and 2D materials, the
thermoelectrics (to decrease thermal conductivity), potential search space is massive, making first-principles
in catalysts and batteries (to increase the effective surface predictions an invaluable tool. Indeed, the discovery of
area) or in structural materials (to improve hardness, two allotropes of borophene94 was stimulated by a the-
exploiting the Hall–Petch effect). Quantum confinement oretical prediction95. More recently, 2D tellurium has
enables tuning the electronic and optical properties of been proposed96. Though challenging to make, this
nanoparticles by changing their size. Furthermore, the class of material may exhibit advantageous properties.
chemistry of nanoparticles can be very sensitive to For instance, unlike bulk boron allotropes, borophene
the chemical environment, and quite unexpected cluster shows metallic conductivity, whereas the effective masses
compositions can be ‘magic’, that is, particularly stable; of charge carriers in semiconducting 2D tellurium are
for example this was shown for Fe–O and Ce–O clus- calculated to be three or four times lower than in MoS2,
ters86. It has been shown that, under normal conditions a commonly studied 2D semiconductor. 2D materials
(300 K and 0.21 atmospheres partial pressure of O2), the can also be formed by molecules; for example, 2D ice
predominant Si7Om, Fe4Om and Ce4Om nanoparticles are has been studied extensively under various experimen-
oxygen-rich magnetic Si7O19, Fe4O8 and Ce4O14 clusters tal conditions. Despite their relevance to disparate areas
rather than normal Si7O14, Fe4O6 and Ce4O8, respec- such as cloud microphysics and tribology, the phase tran-
tively86,87. The presence of reactive oxygen species, such sitions in low-dimensional ice are not fully understood.
as ozonide-groups (O32–), in such clusters may explain Inspired by the observation of ‘square ice’ sandwiched
the known carcinogenicity of small silica particles88. An between graphene sheets, constrained searches have
evolutionary method89 was developed for the simultane- revealed a rich phase diagram of 2D ice97–99 (Fig. 3a).
ous prediction of structures of clusters in wide ranges of
chemical compositions and for the automatic prediction Surfaces. Surfaces of many materials, especially semi-
of magic clusters; this method automatically produces conductors, usually have different structures from the
nanoparticle stability maps similar to those presented in bulk, and their reconstructions play a key role in deter-
Fig. 1b and showed a 5–50 times speed up compared with mining their properties and behaviour (such as epitaxial
a one-by-one study of all cluster compositions. crystal growth or catalysis). The prediction of surface
There has been much interest in making boron reconstructions is a long-standing problem. Just as for
nanostructures that are analogous to carbon nanotubes, crystals, it is not possible to enumerate all reconstruction
fullerenes and graphene. Although photoelectron spec- models, nor does chemical intuition suffice to produce
troscopy (PES) can yield well-resolved spectra serving reliable models, even for elemental systems (consider
as an electronic fingerprint, structure determination the complexity of the Si-(111) 7 × 7 reconstruction100).
a b
Kites Split kites Filled kites
Filled kites
0.93 Split kites
0.0 0.02 0.2 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Pressure (GPa) Fraction of atoms at the boundary
Fig. 3 | applications of crystal structure prediction to systems beyond bulk crystals. a | Phase diagram of monolayer
ice with respect to lateral pressure and confinement width97. The colours are guides to the eye. The top panel shows a
rendering of the ‘Cairo’ tiling indicated in red on the phase diagram. b | Evolutionary search and clustering analysis of grain
boundary phases of Cu-5(210)[001] (ref.114). Three grain boundary phases are identified (top), corresponding to three
minima of the energy as a function of the fraction of atoms at the boundary (bottom). Panel a is adapted from ref.97,
CC-BY-3.0. Panel b is adapted from ref.114, CC-BY-4.0.
The extremely large search space makes surface struc- boundaries with different atomic densities and complex
ture prediction difficult, and a number of methods have periodic units many times larger than those of the bulk
been proposed101–105. An evolutionary technique to pre- crystals111,112. Both ab initio random sampling113 and
dict surface structures based on the evolutionary algo- evolutionary114,115 approaches have been applied to the
rithm USPEX has been developed101. It allows automatic first-principles prediction of grain boundaries. The evo-
exploration of stable and low-energy metastable configu- lutionary approach samples grain boundary structures
rations with variable stoichiometry and variable surface with varying numbers of atoms and cell sizes; a rich pol-
cells in the physically accessible range of chemical poten- ymorphism of grain boundary structures of symmetric
tials101. This method has helped to resolve controversies tilt boundaries of copper and of a series of bcc metals
about the reconstructions of the (110) surface of rutile were found within the entire misorientation range114,115
(TiO2)106 and, because surface band structure depends on (Fig. 3b). Grain boundary structure prediction has been
the atomic arrangements, can be used to tune functional extended to multicomponent systems, such as stoi-
materials to obtain better light absorption properties107. chiometric interfaces between silicon and alumina116
At different values of the chemical potential of oxygen, and non-stoichiometric grain boundaries in SrTiO3
four different surface phases were observed for this (refs113,117,118). Grain boundaries can display new physics
surface; theoretically predicted models106 provide inval- through quantum confinement effects and unexpected
uable insights into previous experiments. Additional stoichiometries; the observed superconductivity at
degrees of freedom can also be explored, such as fer- LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces119 is still unexplained. Grain
roelectric polarization, which was investigated for the boundary structure prediction will enable the design of
BaTiO3-(001) surface108. polycrystalline and composite materials.
Interfaces and grain boundaries. Grain boundaries Point defects. Localized defects frequently determine
can exhibit different phases depending on the con- the physical properties of materials. Semiconductors
ditions of formation; studying the phase diagrams of are doped by introducing impurities, and ionic con-
grain boundaries is an emerging field109. In the tradi- ductivity is controlled by vacancies in the host lattice.
tional γ-surface approach, grain boundary models are The nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond has been sug-
constructed by joining two misoriented crystals while gested as a source of qubits for future quantum tech-
sampling different translations of the grains parallel to nologies120. Until recently, atomistic models of defects
the grain boundary plane. The lowest-energy configu- were hand-built using a combination of intuition and
ration is then taken to be the ground state. Calculations pre-existing structures in related systems; one exam-
of silicon twist boundaries showed ordered ground ple is the model of the silicon tetra-interstitial121 based
states at 0 K (ref.110). A method based on molecular on earlier results122 on the structure of nitrogen plate-
dynamics that allows variations in the atomic density lets in diamond. Using random structure searches38,
was also proposed111,112. Application of these methods to interstitial defects in silicon were explored by remov-
fcc metals (Cu, Ag, Au and Ni) using embedded-atom ing 5 silicon atoms from an atom-centred sphere in a
force fields led to the prediction of new ground states 32-atom supercell. Six silicon atoms were then repeat-
and multiple phases of several [001] symmetric tilt edly and randomly placed within the void, and the
resulting structures were relaxed using DFT methods carbon. Within this picture, borides can be harder than
and ranked according to total energy. Split-<110> and pure boron allotropes but cannot exceed the hardness of
hexagonal interstitial structures were readily recovered cubic BN (~60 GPa). A CSP study143 suggested the exist-
as the most stable configurations. This approach was ence of semiconducting FeB2 and superconducting FeB4.
further developed and applied to a variety of complex The latter was predicted to be marginally metastable
defects in silicon123,124 and zirconolite125. An extension but was synthesized under moderate pressures of 8 GPa
of the convex hull construction was proposed to pro- (ref.144) and found to be superconducting (with a super-
vide a graphical representation of the relative stability of conducting critical temperature, Tc, < 2.9 K) and contro-
point defects with variable composition126. Albeit with a versially superhard (the measured144 hardness of 62 GPa
focus on empirical potentials, an evolutionary algorithm is most likely a large overestimate145,146).
has been developed specifically to explore local defect The compositions and structures of stable and
structure127. low-energy metastable borides of 41 metals have been
thoroughly studied in a work147 that provided a useful
Examples of new materials broad-brush picture. Furthermore, a P21/c structure of
Hard and superhard materials. Hard materials are MnB4 (refs147,148) was found to be the ground-state struc-
essential for cutting, drilling and machining tools. ture, rather than the C2/m structure (reported in an early
Pioneering experiments128 and subsequent studies129,130 experimental work but later shown to be dynamically
have shown that compression of graphite at room tem- unstable), and a new compound, MnB3, was predicted148
perature to ~17 GPa creates a new transparent superhard to be stable at normal conditions. Predictions of both
allotrope of carbon. It was found131 that a monoclinic MnB3 and the P21/c structure of MnB4 have been con-
metastable structure called M-carbon, first reported firmed by experiments148. Both MnB3 and MnB4 were
in ref.33, matches experimental X-ray diffraction pat- predicted to have very high Vickers hardnesses of 32.3
terns, though other structures were later proposed132–134 GPa and 40.1 GPa, respectively. Using a combination of
and shown to match the low-resolution experimen- variable-composition compound prediction and scan-
tal data. Later, a transition path sampling calculation ning transmission electron microscopy, tiny (~200 μm in
suggested that M-carbon has the lowest barrier of for- size) W–Cr–B precipitates in a Ni-based superalloy were
mation from graphite at room temperature; thus, it is explored149. CSP searches revealed two stable ordered
kinetically the most likely to form among all sp3 carbon stoichiometric ternary borides, W2CrB2 and W4CrB3,
forms135. Finally, a higher-resolution X-ray diffraction the structures of which explain experimental observa-
study produced patterns that were compatible only with tions. Crystal structure of precipitate phases is impor-
M-carbon, supporting its identification as the structure tant for understanding the precipitation hardening of
of the metastable superhard carbon allotrope136. superalloys. A study on the Ti–N system at pressures up
All boron allotropes are superhard137, that is, they to 60 GPa found several new stable phases150, the most
have Vickers hardness >40 GPa. The structure of its extraordinary and hardest of which is titanium perni-
hardest allotrope, γ-boron, was predicted and then con- tride I4/mcm-TiN2 (predicted Vickers hardnesses of
firmed by experiment138. γ-Boron has a very wide sta- 25.6 GPa at ambient pressure), which was subsequently
bility field, in the range of 8–89 GPa, and a hardness of synthesized151.
50 GPa (ref.139) and is recoverable to ambient conditions,
which means it could in principle be used as a superhard Superconductors. Superconductivity is used, among
material (the only problem being the need to use high other applications, in magnetic resonance imaging
pressure for synthesizing it). Several low-energy meta- (MRI), magnetic levitation, particle colliders and fast
stable structures were predicted16,140 and may eventually electronic switches. Superconductivity can be classified
be synthesized. as conventional, based on the phonon-based Bardeen–
Transition-metal borides, carbides and nitrides com- Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) mechanism with s-wave
prise a prominent class of hard materials. Cr–B, Cr–C electron-pairing, or unconventional, based on a mecha-
and Cr–N systems were explored to search for maxi- nism that is still not theoretically understood. Until 2014,
mally hard and stable phases using Pareto optimiza- all high-temperature superconductors were cuprates
tion84. It was found that CrB4 is the hardest compound displaying unconventional superconductivity, and the
among these systems; its predicted hardness is 48 GPa, record for the highest Tc was held by HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ,
making it superhard84,141. The W–B system was also with a Tc of 133 K (ref.152) at ambient pressure, increasing
studied142, and among the predicted new stable phases to 166 K at 23 GPa (ref.153).
was WB5, with a predicted hardness of 45 GPa and a An upsurge in searches for high-Tc conventional
very high fracture toughness of 4 MPa m−½; this material superconductors was initiated by Ashcroft’s prediction of
was predicted to retain excellent mechanical properties potential high-Tc superconductivity in solid hydrogen154
even at high temperatures (~2,000 K). Borides may in and in hydrogen-rich materials155. Three properties of
general be more promising systems for finding super- metallic hydrides are of particular importance here: the
hard materials than carbides or nitrides because elec- presence of a high hydrogen-derived electronic density
trons donated by metal atoms to carbon or nitrogen will of states close to the Fermi level, strong electron–phonon
occupy antibonding orbitals, whereas electron-deficient coupling and high phonon frequencies.
boron, accepting an electron (according to the Zintl– Ground-breaking work on hydrogen sulfide at high
Klemm rule), will behave like a carbon atom; thus, metal pressures led to a new record of high-temperature super-
borides can be analogous to superhard sp3 forms of conductivity in H3S, with a Tc of 203 K at ~155 GPa.
H3S was predicted156 computationally using the USPEX compound, cement-phase mayenite 12CaO·7Al2O3
code and then verified experimentally157. This is the first (ref.173). Now, computational searches have begun to take
example of a previously unknown material predicted to the lead. The predicted and then synthesized transparent
be a high-temperature superconductor that has been high-pressure form of sodium174 and the novel helium
confirmed experimentally. H3S at high pressures was compound Na2He (ref.31), as well as some other predicted
found to be a strongly anharmonic phonon-mediated high-pressure phases175–177, are electrides. The band nar-
superconductor exhibiting hydrogen bond symmetri- rowing that accompanies electride formation has also
zation158,159. The predicted high-pressure structure of been predicted to promote a magnetic state in dense
H3S was confirmed experimentally160,161. Conventional potassium175. Initially driven by structural analogies, a
H2S was found to decompose readily at high pressures, number of layered electrides, including alkaline earth
and the energetics of this process were studied using the nitrides (Sr, Ba)2N and transition-metal or rare-earth
AIRSS and CALYPSO structure prediction methods162. carbides (Y, Tb, Dy, Ho)2C, isostructural to the experi
Further investigation by USPEX has produced a more mentally known electride Ca2N, were predicted using
complete phase diagram of the H–S system163. substitutional approaches178. CSP has been applied to
The next record of high-Tc superconductivity has search for new electrides of A2B and AB stoichiometries
been predicted and already confirmed in metal hydrides. on the basis of either energy179 or electronic localization180.
We mention predictions that CaH6 (ref.164), YH6 (ref.165), However, such searches must consider possible compet-
ThH10 (ref.166), AcH10 and AcH16 (ref.167) all have Tc > 200 K ing phases with different stoichiometries181. Indeed, a
at pressures of 100 GPa or above. Even room-temperature variable-composition search found two new stable elec-
superconductivity has been predicted in such systems, trides of composition Sr8P5 and Sr5P3 (as opposed to the
albeit at extreme pressures. According to a recent survey earlier179 proposal of Sr2P) as the ground state at ambient
of rare-earth hydrides at high pressures168, structures of conditions, and Sr5P3 was c onfirmed by experiment181.
the stable H-rich clathrates feature H24, H29 and H32 cages
with weak covalent bonding between hydrogen atoms Organic materials. The fields of inorganic and organic
and rare-earth atoms occupying the centres of the cages. CSP are beginning to converge182–185. Computational lim-
Among these, sodalite-type YH10 (with H32 cages) was itations usually make it impractical to predict structures
predicted to be a room-temperature superconductor of organic crystals entirely from first principles, as they
with an estimated Tc of up to 303 K at 400 GPa, as derived often contain hundreds of atoms in the unit cell. The most
from the Eliashberg equation. Independent work10 pre- advanced strategy involves two stages: first, high-level
dicted the same material, YH10, and isostructural LaH10 interatomic force fields are employed for a first stage of
as room-temperature superconductors, with Tc values structural optimization and energy evaluation and then
of 305–326 K at 250 GPa and 274–286 K at 210 GPa, more accurate (free) energy evaluation is used for the
respectively. LaH10 has already been synthesized169, and short list of candidates at the DFT or post-DFT levels. In
there are two experimental reports of a record-breaking practice, structure prediction could be simplified further
Tc of 250–260 K (refs11,12). Systematizing numerous pre- on the basis of the observation that most organic crystals
dictions of Tc values for metal hydrides, a strong rela- have either one or a fraction of a molecule in the asym-
tionship between Tc and the position of the metal in the metric unit (Zʹ ≤ 1) and in one of a few space groups such
periodic table has been observed (Fig. 4): maximum Tc as P21/c, P-1, P212121, P21, C2/c and Pbca183. A strategy for
values correspond to hydrides of metals with low-lying sampling crystal structures in a reduced configuration
empty orbitals (such as d0 elements like Ca, La, Ac and space (with only a certain number of space groups and
TH or d1 elements like Sc and Y)167. Orbital populations small Zʹ) is powerful for solving crystal structures of mol-
for such elements are very sensitive to the local atomic ecules in real-life settings, as demonstrated in previous
environment, which can lead to strong electron–phonon blind tests of organic CSP organized by the Cambridge
coupling. This simple principle can guide further Crystallographic Data Centre184. As a similar example,
searches for high-Tc superconductors. glycine, the simplest amino acid, is known to have six
polymorphs; the structure of the short-lived metastable
Electrides. Electrides are a class of unconventional ζ-phase could not be solved for more than a decade and
materials with a strong accumulation of valence electron was eventually d etermined via evolutionary CSP186.
density in void spaces, playing the role of anions. These A computational screening of the pharmaceuti-
interstitial electrons, not belonging to any particular atom cal compound dalcetrapib with ten torsional degrees
or bond, correspond to states close to the Fermi level, of freedom led to the discovery of a new form that
and because they are so weakly bound, a dramatically was successfully synthesized under high pressure187.
reduced work function can be expected. This makes However, the assumption that Z ≤ 1 may be too restric-
them interesting for applications such as the splitting of tive, especially if metastable polymorphs are of interest,
carbon dioxide at room temperature and the synthesis as reported in recent works188–192. Coumarin, a rather
of ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen under mild simple molecule, turns out to have five polymorphs,
conditions170. Although organic electrides were discov- one with three molecules in the asymmetric unit190. The
ered first171,172, more recently, interest has shifted to inor- structures of the four new coumarin polymorphs were
ganic materials owing to their potentially higher thermal determined computationally and confirmed experimen-
and chemical stability. The first electride stable at room tally190. Polymorphism is an emerging design strategy for
temperature was achieved experimentally by remov- organic functional materials, and structure determina-
ing one oxygen atom per formula unit of the precursor tion for metastable polymorphs might gain impetus in
H 217
1 Mg Be B 203 He
Li 260 97 125 S
? ? ?
2 84 C N O F CI Ne
Ca Sc P
Y Si 103 109
Na 235 1.5
3 K Sr 323 169 AI As Ar
? 54 71 76 Se
Pa U
63 46 Np 10 Actinides
CaH6 (Tc = 220–235 K) LaH10 (Tc = 274–286 K) AcH10 (Tc = 226–251 K) AcH16 (Tc = 221–241 K)
YH10 (Tc = 305–326 K) ThH10 (Tc = 220–241 K)
Fig. 4 | superconducting materials. a | Compilation of the computed values of superconducting critical temperature,
Tc, of metal hydride superconductors, showing two pronounced belts of high-Tc superconductor-forming metals167.
For elements marked with a question mark , we do not have data. b | Structures of some representative metal hydrides
that are predicted to be high-temperature superconductors. Panel a is adapted with permission from Semenok , D. et al.
Actinium hydrides AcH10, AcH12, AcH16 as high-temperature conventional superconductors. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9,
1920–1926 (ref.167), copyright 2018 American Chemical Society.
the near future. CSP has spread to organic semiconduc- monomers and a set of simple framework topologies and
tors, a special class of organic materials with delocalized by applying crossover and conservative mutations to the
molecular orbitals in which charge carriers are mobile fittest trial solutions obtained an efficient evolutionary
owing to extended π-conjugation. Organic semiconduc- optimizer. They were able to recover experimentally
tors are of considerable interest because they promise known structures and predict a number of monomers
fully flexible devices for large-area displays, solid-state that should self-assemble to form porous materials with
lighting and solar cells. Great efforts have been devoted very large (16 Å) pores. This work shows how to explore
to improving their mobility and stability. In a computa- the space of synthesizable organic compounds to predict
tional screening, searching for new compounds deriv- materials with desired properties.
able from the existing molecules, researchers found a
new compound with a significantly improved mobility Photovoltaic materials. Converting solar energy
(12.3–16.0 cm2 V−1 s−1, whereas mobility in other organic directly into electricity efficiently remains an important
materials rarely exceeds 10 cm2 V−1 s−1) with respect to long-term goal. Several classes of photovoltaic material
the parent molecules193. With the advances in both com- are being actively investigated, including single-crystal,
putational power and CSP methodology, systematic CSP amorphous and polycrystalline silicon, III–V com-
studies of energy-structure-function maps for small pounds, thin-film chalcogenides and organic photovol-
hypothetical molecules are now possible194–196. taics. Silicon is currently the leading material in the solar
A very interesting adaptation of the ideas of evolution cell industry. However, the common cubic diamond
was employed to search for porous organic materials form of silicon has an indirect bandgap of 1.17 eV and
with desired shape and size of pores197. The research- a minimum direct gap of 3.4 eV, which hinders efficient
ers started with a library of known self-assembling absorption of solar radiation. There have been intense
efforts to search for materials to replace silicon82. An The quality of the predictions obtained using the various
inverse band structure approach for predicting met- electronic structure methods is limited by the available
astable silicon phases was used to find a cubic form computational resources, insights into the chemistry of
with a quasi-direct gap of 1.55 eV. Several more stable the system of interest and the skill of the person work-
candidates were proposed using different structure pre- ing on the computation. We expect that the need to
diction techniques and are awaiting experimental valida- describe increasingly complex materials, such as mate-
tion198–200. An open-framework allotrope of silicon with rials with strong electron–electron or electron–phonon
a direct bandgap was recently realized experimentally interactions and magnetism, will become more and
using a two-step synthesis201. Furthermore, a low-energy more important.
tetragonal T32 structure of silicon with a quasi-direct Whereas pressure is an easy thermodynamic param-
bandgap of 1.28 eV was predicted to be synthesizable by eter, temperature is not: its proper account requires sam-
decompressing the high-pressure Si-II allotrope on the pling of typically 103–107 configurations for each phase,
basis of a newly developed evolutionary metadynamics making calculations of the free energy computationally
technique202. Simultaneously, joint theoretical and exper- expensive. Fortunately, the number C of local minima
imental work203 found experimental evidence for T32-Si. of the free energy rapidly decreases with temperature T,
Practical applications of T32-Si will be likely if it can be possibly by exponential law:
obtained in large quantities.
T *−T
C = C 0expα (2)
Conclusions and perspectives T *
The many examples of successful first-principles struc-
ture predictions in the past decade make it clear that where C0 is the number of local minima at 0 K, α is a
these techniques have become central to the study of constant, and T* is the characteristic temperature (higher
materials structures and are beginning to emerge as an than the melting temperature) at which only one free
essential tool in materials discovery (see ref.3 and, for a energy minimum exists185. The meaning of equation 2 is
more personal perspective, ref.185). The computational that as temperature increases, many neighbouring min-
tools for such work are widely available and are starting ima of the potential energy merge into one broad free
to be used directly by experimental groups to design and energy minimum. The most accurate (fully incorporat-
interpret their experiments. ing anharmonic effects) way to compute the vibrational
The approaches discussed in this Review comple- free energy and entropy is molecular dynamics with ther-
ment data mining, and fruitful combinations of the two modynamic integration210. To study configurational dis-
are possible. The simplest idea is to use known structure order at finite temperatures (for example, in alloys), one
types to create a starting population of crystal structures can use Monte Carlo simulations with energies evalu-
for an evolutionary search204. A more general approach205 ated using a cluster expansion effective Hamiltonian211,212;
is to start with ideal nets (which are obtained from actual this approach is traditionally used for modelling order–
crystal structures by abstraction: disregarding differ- disorder phenomena when the underlying structure is
ences between chemical species, removing 1-coordinate known. Although the need for extensive sampling and the
and 2-coordinate sites and maximizing symmetry); variety of physical causes of the entropy greatly compli-
the 2,500 most common ideal nets describe >70% of cate finite-temperature structure prediction, equation 2
all known inorganic structures. De-abstracting ideal makes us think that progress can be made soon.
nets using group–subgroup relations in a way similar Another area in which we expect rapid progress is
to Bärnighausen trees can generate most of the known the understanding and prediction of metastability. In
inorganic structures and an infinite number of reason- principle, an infinite number of low-energy metastable
able new structures. The use of this topological struc- crystal structures can be predicted, but only a handful
ture generator for creating the initial population was (if any) are synthesizable. Selection rules for synthesiz-
shown205 to significantly (in available tests, by a factor able polymorphs are currently unknown. Sun’s hypoth-
of ~3) accelerate evolutionary structure prediction. esis29 reduces metastability to thermodynamic stability
Global optimization is capable of discovering entirely at some conditions, and this gives a practical recipe to
new crystal structures and compounds, including those judge about possible synthesizability. The problem can
that cannot be related to the initial set of ideal nets. also be approached from a kinetics viewpoint, assum-
In many cases, such newly predicted compounds have ing that to be synthesizable a metastable phase should
subsequently been confirmed by experiments and can be easy to assemble from stable building blocks, such as
themselves be fed into databases. Knowing about the magic nanoclusters86,89.
existence of such hidden ground states is important for The search for materials with optimal properties has
understanding fundamental chemistry and may be of so far focused on physical properties, which describe
technological interest if such states can be prepared. a particular state and often are response functions.
Structure prediction faces several challenges, includ- Chemical properties are more difficult, as they describe
ing the difficulty of handling large systems, disorder not a single state but a process of changing the state,
and temperature. There are promising developments and their calculation requires extensive and expensive
that can address each of these, such as building com- sampling. More accurate reactive force fields (including
plex structural hierarchies206, considering ensembles machine learning force fields), the development of more
of structures207 and using efficient and accurate tech- efficient and automatic sampling methods and growing
niques for handling vibrations and temperature208,209. computing power will allow progress in this area.
We are witnessing not only an avalanche develop- (normally in Linux)213. This allows distributed com-
ment of new ideas and methods; new types of com- puting to be used for high-throughput materials dis-
puting resources are also becoming available. Many ab covery214. One day, perhaps quantum computers may
initio codes are already ported to graphics processing also become practically applicable to both the opti-
units, and in some cases, this offers big advantages. mization problem and computation of the energies
Virtual machine technology enables almost any archi- and properties215.
tecture to be used; for example, Windows PCs or
even cell phones have been used to run such codes Published online xx xx xxxx
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(2018). UsPeX:
237. Wang, Q., Oganov, A. R., Feya, O. D., Zhu, Q. Author contributions Xtalopt:
& Ma, D. The unexpectedly rich reconstructions of The authors contributed equally to all aspects of the article.