Operating Room Peri Operative Nursing: Are Prepared For Surgery, Undergo Surgical Procedures and Recover
Operating Room Peri Operative Nursing: Are Prepared For Surgery, Undergo Surgical Procedures and Recover
Operating Room Peri Operative Nursing: Are Prepared For Surgery, Undergo Surgical Procedures and Recover
• Operating Room- room in a heath care facility in which patients are prepared for surgery, undergo surgical
procedures and recover from anesthetic procedures required fur surgery.
• Peri operative nursing- total surgical experience that encompasses pre operative, intra operative, and post
operative phases of patient care.
• Operating room nurse- duly registered nurse legally responsible for the nature and quality of the nursing
care patients.
• Surgical conscience- awareness which develops from a knowledge base on the importance of strict
adherence to principles of aseptic and sterile technique.
• Asepsis- freedom from infection or absence of microorganism.
• Sepsis- general reaction from the action of bacteria or their products.
• Aseptic technique- methods by which contamination of microorganism is prevented.
• Antiseptic- substance which combats sepsis and cause bacteriostasis.
• Disinfection- process of destroying microorganisms except pore bearing ones.
• Anesthesia- insensibility to pain and trauma with or without loss of consciousness.
• Operating room attire- consists of the scrub dress, head cover, mask and shoes or shoe cover.
• Surgical scrub- is the removal of as many bacteria as possible from the hands and arms by mechanical
washing and chemical disinfection before participating in an operation.
• Gowning- to exclude skin as a possible contaminant and to create a barrier between sterile and non sterile
areas, to permit the wearer to come within the sterile field and to carry out sterile techniques during an
operative procedure.
• Gloving- to exclude skin as a possible contaminant, to create a barrier between sterile and unsterile areas
and to permit the wearer to handle sterile supplies or tissues of the operative wound.
• Draping- is the procedure of covering patient and surrounding areas with a sterile barrier to create and
maintain an adequate sterile field during operation.
• Abdominal laparotomy- an opening through the abdominal wall into the peritoneal cavity for the purpose of
exploration, diagnosis and treatment.
• Cholecystectomy- removal of the gallbladder.
• Cholecystolithotomy- the establishment of an opening into the gallbladder to allow the draining of the organ
and removal of stones.
• Choledocholithotomy- the opening of the common bile duct to remove stones
• Pancreatotomy- removal of the entire pancreas
• Spleenectomy- removal of the spleen
• Vagotomy- the transaction of the vagus nerve, performed at the level of the distal esophagus or the gastric
cardia to reduce gastric secretion in patients with peptic ulcer.
• Gastrotomy- an artificial opening into the stomach exiting into the skin of the abdominal wall.
• Gastrectomy- removal of the stomach and reestablishment of the continuity of the GIT.
• Appendectomy- excision of the appendix, usually performed to remove an acutely inflamed organ.
• Colostomy- formation of a permanent or temporary opening into the colon brought into the abdominal wall
as a stoma.
• Right hemicoelectomy- resection of the right half of the colon (a portion of the transverse coon, the
ascending colon and the cecum) and a segment of the terminal ileum and their mesenteries; an anastomosis
is performed between the ileum and the transverse colon.
• Hemorrhoidectomy- excision of the distended veins, anal skin, anoderm.
• Thyroidectomy- removal of all or a portion of the thyroid gland.
• Parathroidectomy- removal of one or more of the four parathyroid glands located behind the thyroid gland.
• Thyroglossal duct cystectomy- excision of a cyst and duct in the midline of the neck including a portion of a
hyoid bone.
• Breast biopsy- removal of tissue to determine the nature of a breast lesion.
• Mastectomy- removal of the breast.
• Modified radial mastectomy- removal of the breast, the underlying pectoral muscles, and adjacent lymph
glands in the treatment of the breast.
• Circumcision- excision of the foreskin of the penis.
• Vasectomy- excision of a segment of the vas deferens with the ligation of distal and proximal ends.
• Orchiectomy- removal of one or both testicles.
• Cystectomy- excision of the urinary bladder to remove a calculi.
• Hydrocoelectomy- excision of a portion of the tunica vaginalis testis with the evacuation of fluid contained
• Trans urethral resection of prostate- piecemeal removal of prostatic tissue and lesion of the bladder neck
• Open prostatectomy- excision of the prostate gland via surgical incision.
• Nephrectomy- removal of a kidney.
• Uterolithotomy- removal of a calculi from the ureter.
• Pyelolithotomy- removal of a calculi from renal pelvis.
• Nephrolithotomy- removal of a calculi from kidney.
• Craniotomy- opening of the skull.
• Cranioplasty- repair of a cranial defect.
• Laminectomy- removal of one or more vertebral laminae.
• Cleft lip repair- connection of a congenital deformity of the lips and face.
• Cleft palate repair- connection of congenital defects in the palate.
• Reduction of nasal fracture- molding and realignment of the nasal bones and septum.
• Rhinoplasty- correction of the external appearance of the nose.
• Otoplasty- correction of a prominent ear that protrudes unduly from the side of the head.
• Excision of chalazion- incision and curettage of a granulomatous swelling of meibomian gland(s).
• Canthoromy- incision of the catus.
• Correction of strabismus- alignment of the visual axes of the eyes.
• Evisceration of the eye- removal of the entire contents of the eye within the sclera shell.
• Enucleation of the globe- removal of an eye (without rupture of the globe).
• Corneal transplant/keratoplasty- the grafting of corneal tissue from the eye of one person to another.
• Cataract extraction- removal of an opaque ocular lens.
• Iridectomy- excision of a secretion of the iris.
• Trabeculectomy- drainage of the anterior chamber employing a partial thickness limbal based sclera flap.
• Open reduction of the carpal bone structure- realignment and fixation of the fracture of the bones in the
• Open reduction of the humerus- realignment and fixation of fracture of the arm employing an operative
• Open reduction of the radius and ulna- realignment and fixation of fracture of the forearm employing an
operative procedure.
• Open reduction of an olecranon- realignment and fixation of fracture of the elbw employing an operative
• Excision of popletial (baker’s) cyst- excision of a cyst located in the popliteal space.
• Total knee replacement- replacement of the articular surfaces of the knee joint by prosthesis.
• Total hip replacement- substitution of the femoral head with a prosthesis and the reconstruction of the
acetabulum with the placement of acetabular cap, both of which may be fixed with methylmethacrylate.
Lower portion of the body is affected
1 ½ to 3 hours duration
Isoflurane (Furane) liquid type that should be converted to gas using anesthesia machine
Injection for infiltrating a small area to be incised
o Myoma Uteri
o Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
o Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
o CA of the uterus, Fallopian tube, ovary, cervix, etc
o Endometriosis
o Ectopic Pregnancy
o Tubal Ligation
o Salphingitis
o CA fallopian Tube
o Ovarian new growth
o Dermoid cyst
o Ectopic pregnancy
o CA ovary
Salphingo oophorectomy
o Ectopic Pregnancy
o Ovarian New growth
o CA fallopian tube, Ovary
Vaginal Hysterectomy
o Uterine Prolapse
o Myoma uteri
o Cholelithiasis
o Cholecystitis
o Polyp of the gallbladder
o Empyema of the gallbladder
o Hydrops of the gallbladder
o Acute
o Congestive
o Suppurative
o Gangrenous
o Ruptured
o Intestinal Obstruction
o Imperforated anus
o Hemorroids; Internal
o Hemorroids; External
o Hemorroids; mixed
Transverse Coelectomy
o Intestinal obstruction
o Un Descended testis
o Orchitis
o CA testis
o Benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy
o CA Prostate
Suprapubic Prostatectomy
o Benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy
o CA Prostate
o Ureterolithiasis
Bladder Stones
o Indirect Inguinal hernia
o Direct inguinal hernia
o Strangulated hernia
o Encarcerated Hernia
o Incisional Hernia
o Femoral Hernia
o Umbilical hernia
ORIF Femur
o Fracture Femur
ORIF Patella
o Fracture Patella
o Fracture Knee
o Diabetic Foot
o Foot gangrene
o Diabetic Foot
o Foot Gnagrene
o Fisula-en-ano
o Pancreatic CA
o Ruptured/Laceration Spleen
o Gastric CA
o Colon CA
o Intestinal Obstruction
Right Hemicoelectomy
o Intestinal Obstruction
o Colon CA
o Nodular Non toxic goiter
o Anterior Neck Mass
o Thyroid CA
o Parotid mass
o Breast CA
o Breast Mass
o Calculi in Kidney
o CA of the Kidney
Pulmonary Lobectomy
o Brain Tumor
o Hemorrhage/Hematoma
o Abscess
o Fractured Skull
Heart Bypass
ORIF Clavicle
o Fracture Clavicle
ORIF Humerus
o Fracture Humerus
o Slipped Disc
Excision of CHalazion
Cataract Extraction
Cauterization of warts
Tooth Extraction
Disarticulation of digits
o Absorbed by the body within 60 days
o White or violet in color
o Absorbed by the body within 60 days
o White or violet in color
o Absorbed by the body within 60 days
o Peach in color
o Absorbed by the body within 60 days
o Violet in Color
o Absorbed by the body within 60 days
o Violet in Color
Nylon Thread
o Blue or green in Color
o Prolene
o Merselene
Abdominal Wire
o Wire filigree and wire gauze may be used for hernia repair
o Metal screws and pins for orthopedic surgery
Skin Stapler
o Metal Skin Clips – healing of the skin is rapid
o Chromic 1/0 (prepare at least 2 sutures for myometrium. First and second layer) round Needle
o Chromic 2/0 round needle
o Chromic 2/0 round needle
o Chromic 2/0 round needle
o Vicryl 0 or 1/0 round needle
o Safil 0 or 1/0 round needle
o PDS 0 or 1/0 round needle
o Monocryl 0 or 1/0 round needle
o Polysorb 0 or 1/0 round needle
o Silk Thread 0 Round needle
o Nylon thread 0 round needle
Subcutaneous layer/Tissue
o Plain 2/0 round needle
o Vicryl 3/0 or 4/0 cutting needle
o Safil 3/0 or 4/0 cutting needle
o PDS 3/0 or 4/0 cutting needle
o Monocryl 3/0 or 4/0 cutting needle
o Polysorb 3/0 or 4/0 cutting needle
o Silk Thread 3/0 or 4/0 cutting needle
o Nylon Thread 3/0 or 4/0 cutting needle
2 kinds of Needles
Round Needle – Used inside the abdominal wall to prevent the tissues and organs from laceration.
Cutting Needle – used only in skin, for easy penetration and less trauma to skin.
❖ The bigger the number of the thread, the thinner it gets; number 0 represents the thickest thread
among the ligatures.
❖ Proper and collect way of reporting before the closure of the abdominal wall.
o Dr. David, Dr. Balana and Dr. Enriquez, sponges, instruments and needles were counted
o First one to be mentioned while reporting is the surgeon, then the assistant surgeon and last
but not the least, the anesthesiologist.
➢ In from ward with ongoing IVF of (present IVF) regulated at (regulation) infusing well in (site of IVF).
➢ Schedule for (operation) today with consent signed and secured.
➢ Placed at OR table
➢ Hooked to oxygen inhalation at 2-3 Lpm
➢ Hooked to data scope
➢ Vital signs checked
➢ Positioned on lateral decubitus for induction of spinal anesthesia by (anesthesiologist)
➢ Indwelling foley catheter insertion done. (optional)
➢ Abdomino perineal preparation and draping done.
➢ Initial sponges, instruments and needles count done
➢ Operation started by (surgeon) assisted by (assistant surgeon)
➢ (operation performed) done.
➢ Bleeders clamped and tied. (optional)
➢ Extracted an alive baby (boy/girl) at exactly (time)
➢ Complete placental extraction done
➢ Above IVF consumed and followed by ( IVF to follow) + (10 or 20) “u” of oxytocin done. (optional)
➢ Uterine suturing done layer by layer.
➢ Peritoneal lavage done. (optional)
➢ Bleeders checked (-)
➢ Final sponges, instruments and needles count done – complete
➢ Abdominal wall sutured layer by layer.
➢ Operation ended
➢ Dressing applied
➢ Internal examination/vaginal done
➢ Weaned from oxygen inhalation.
➢ Back to ward with same contraptions intact.
➢ In from ward with ongoing INF of (present IVF) regulated at (regulation) infusing well in (site of IVF).
➢ Scheduled for (operation) today with consent signed and secured.
➢ Placed at OR table.
➢ Hooked to data scope
➢ Vital signs checked
➢ General anesthesia given by (anesthesiologist).
➢ Endotracheal intubation done.
➢ Indwelling Foley catheter insertion done. (optional)
➢ Abdomino perineal preparation and draping done or skin preparation and draping done
➢ Initial sponges, instruments and needles count done.
➢ Operation started by (surgeon) assisted by (assistant surgeon).
➢ (operation performed) done.
➢ Bleeders clamped and cauterized. (optional)
➢ Washing with NSS or peritoneal lavage done
➢ Bleeders checked (-)
➢ Final sponges, instruments and needles count done – complete
➢ Abdominal wall suturing layer by layer or skin suturing done.
➢ Operation done
➢ Dressing applied
➢ Endotracheal extubation done
➢ Suctioning done.
➢ Back to ward with same contractions intact.