Research Chapter 1 Final
Research Chapter 1 Final
Research Chapter 1 Final
Chapter I
In most nursing programmes, clinical training begins in the first year and
extends until graduation. As clinical training accounts for the majority of the
nursing curriculum, stress has been commonly reported among nursing students,
especially during the initial period. However, depending on how students deal with
while some students become more motivated when faced with stressors, others
Nursing students commonly experience anxiety and stress during their initial
clinical training and practice. Stress during this period can result in several negative
diminished personal well-being. All these are detrimental to the achievement of the
clinical teachers to be aware of the factors that may prompt increases in the level
of stress among nursing students and the adaptation techniques they utilise to
overcome stressors. There is evidence to support the idea that helping students
develop positive stress coping abilities is useful for their successful adaptation to
nursing and midwifery students’ stress and coping strategies in various institutions
at specific years during their studies including prior to their clinical practice.( Waled
Stress and coping with stress are phenomena closely intertwined with human
life. They relate to all minor and major events in life. Even in our day to day life,
stress is the topic of many conversations, people talk about the stress of balancing
home and work life, the stress of being hard pressed for time, of living in a
mechanical society, dealing with a crying child, getting through traffic jam, etc. We
also come across people who seek to reduce this stress by going to yoga therapies,
faraway beaches and meditation sessions or with use of alcohol, drugs, etc.
Though many people talk about stress in general terms, it is hard to define the
term „stress‟ in a scientific manner. In fact, the phenomenon of stress and the
shahmohammadi, 2011).3
Student at the university level experience high level of stress, related to worry
Ahmed, 2012). There are many sources of stress among university student, which
setting. The rate and level of stress and depression is an alarm among students in
Nursing students practice a long hour of study and inadequate time for other
substantial time in the clinical areas, with the heavy responsibility of being
accountable for patients (Reeve, Shumaker, Yearwood, Crowell, & Riley, 2013).
machines are all additional stressors in many cases (Seyedfatemi, Tafreshi, &
Hagani ). Many studies found that nursing student have high level of stress
comparing with other students (Gibbons et al., 2011; Goff, 2011; Reeve et al.,
Coping strategies to manage stress through social care can positively reduce
levels of stress and promote health In Saudi, the students joint the nursing school
in between the ages of 18-20 years (upon completion of high school), and are then
faced with some patient care responsibilities for which they lack the prerequisite
professional knowledge and skills, which is the root of the stress they face. Despite
the universal acknowledgement of the intense stress faced by students, very little
Largely due to cultural attitudes that affirm the inevitability and normality of major
stress among students, including among nursing researchers who themselves have
gone through such stressful processes, very few studies have explored the
levels of stress and to identify common stressors among nursing students, describe
variables (age, gender, marital status, education level, smoking habit, Body Mass
Index (BMI), residence, family income, sleeping hours and Grade Point Average
(GPA)), find out the relation between type of stress and coping strategies and to
find out the coping mechanism used by nursing students.( Emad Shdaifat, Aysar
The 3rd year nursing students of Naga college foundation, Naga city experience
more stress then the previous two year because of clinical exposure in many
different wards and the most important, tough and broad concepts of nursing is
further understand the effect of this increased workload on the stress level and
The study aims to determine the perceived stress and coping strategies among
3rd year nursing students, of Naga Collage Foundation for school year 2019-2020
a. Age;
b. Gender;
3. What are the possible coping strategies of the 3rd year nursing students in
terms of:
a) Physiological;
b) Psychological;
c) Spiritual;
d) Social; and
e) Emotional?
2. The perceived internal and external stressors of the respondent are different.
This study was focuses on the perceived internal and external stressors and
coping strategies of nursing 3rd year student of Naga College Foundation, Naga City.
It likewise will to find out the relationship between the demographic profile as to
perceived internal and external stressors and coping strategies of respondents. This
study is exclusively for the nursing student of Naga College Foundation, Naga City.
Specifically, this research is targeted at the 3rd year nursing students due to the extra
Students: They will be given information on the different possible stressors that
they might encounter in third year nursing school and on the different coping
College of Health Sciences: This study helps the nursing department to be aware
of the possible outcomes if experienced suffered by the students who could not
manage stressors. The department will have further information about their students
policies that will be helpful to reduce the effect of stress on its students.
Guidance Counsellor: This study will help them to provide more focused and
studied in this research such as knowledge, hope to help the guidance and
Clinical Instructors: This study will help them in understanding better the diversity
information and data in regards to the internal and external stressors and coping
strategies on selected regular Nursing students. This will serve as an inspiration for
future researchers to look into it and continue the study of this matter.
Definition of terms
The following term were defined conceptually and operationally for classification
Internal Stressor: It is the stress that originates inside the individuals, it is caused
by the things surrounding us that could stress, such as pressure from school or
family, large crowds, or excessive noise, internal stress also generated by your mind,
External stressors: Refers to the stress on the human system caused by an aspect
outside of the body, such as physical environment, work, rest schedules, and social
use to manage thoughts, feelings, and actions encountered during various stages of
A.M. Waled Ahmed, PhD* and M.A. Badria Mohammed, PhD, 2019 Nursing
Rivers State.