as amended by
3. Salvor shall mean any person rendering (b) claims in respect of loss resulting from
services in direct connexion with salvage delay in the carriage by sea of cargo,
operations. Salvage operations shall also passengers or their luggage;
include operations referred to in Article 2,
paragraph 1(d), (e) and (f). (c) claims in respect of other loss resulting
from infringement of rights other than
4. If any claims set out in Article 2 are contractual rights, occurring in direct
made against any person for whose act, connexion with the operation of the ship or
neglect or default the shipowner or salvor salvage operations;
is responsible, such person shall be
entitled to avail himself of the limitation of (d) claims in respect of the raising,
liability provided for in this Convention. removal, destruction or the rendering
harmless of a ship which is sunk, wrecked,
5. In this Convention the liability of a stranded or abandoned, including anything
shipowner shall include liability in an that is or has been on board such ship;
action brought against the vessel itself.
(e) claims in respect of the removal, to an amount greater than that provided
destruction or the rendering harmless of for in Article 6.
the cargo of the ship;
(c) claims subject to any international (i) 2 million Units of Account for a ship with
convention or national legislation a tonnage not exceeding 2,000 tons,
governing or prohibiting limitation of
liability for nuclear damage; (ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess
thereof, the following amount in addition to
(d) claims against the shipowner of a that mentioned in (i):
nuclear ship for nuclear damage;
for each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons,
(e) claims by servants of the shipowner or 800 Units of Account;
salvor whose duties are connected with
the ship or the salvage operations, for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons,
including claims of their heirs, dependants 600 Units of Account; and
or other persons entitled to make such
claims, if under the law governing the for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 400
contract of service between the shipowner Units of Account,
or salvor and such servants the shipowner
or salvor is not entitled to limit his liability (b) in respect of any other claims,
in respect of such claims, or if he is by
such law only permitted to limit his liability
(i) 1 million Units of Account for a ship with an amount of 175,000 Units of Account
a tonnage not exceeding 2,000 tons, multiplied by the number of passengers
which the ship is authorized to carry
(ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess according to the ship's certificate.
thereof, the following amount in addition to
that mentioned in (i): 2. For the purpose of this Article "claims
for loss of life or personal injury to
for each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, passengers of a ship" shall mean any
400 Units of Account; such claims brought by or on behalf of any
person carried in that ship:
for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons,
300 Units of Account; and (a) under a contract of passenger carriage,
for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 200
Units of Account. (b) who, with the consent of the carrier, is
accompanying a vehicle or live animals
which are covered by a contract for the
2. Where the amount calculated in carriage of goods.
accordance with paragraph 1(a) is
insufficient to pay the claims mentioned
therein in full, the amount calculated in Article 8
accordance with paragraph 1(b) shall be Unit of Account
available for payment of the unpaid
balance of claims under paragraph 1(a) 1. The Unit of Account referred to in
and such unpaid balance shall rank Articles 6 and 7 is the Special Drawing
rateably with claims mentioned under Right as defined by the International
paragraph 1(b). Monetary Fund. The amounts mentioned
in Articles 6 and 7 shall be converted into
3. However, without prejudice to the right the national currency of the State in which
of claims for loss of life or personal injury limitation is sought, according to the value
according to paragraph 2, a State Party of that currency at the date the limitation
may provide in its national law that claims fund shall have been constituted, payment
in respect of damage to harbour works, is made, or security is given which under
basins and waterways and aids to the law of that State is equivalent to such
navigation shall have such priority over payment. The value of a national currency
other claims under paragraph 1(b) as is in terms of the Special Drawing Right, of a
provided by that law. State Party which is a member of the
International Monetary Fund, shall be
4. The limits of liability for any salvor not calculated in accordance with the method
operating from any ship or for any salvor of valuation applied by the International
operating solely on the ship to, or in Monetary Fund in effect at the date in
respect of which he is rendering salvage question for its operations and
services, shall be calculated according to transactions. The value of a national
a tonnage of 1,500 tons. currency in terms of the Special Drawing
Right, of a State Party which is not a
5. For the purpose of this Convention the member of the International Monetary
ship's tonnage shall be the gross tonnage Fund, shall be calculated in a manner
calculated in accordance with the tonnage determined by that State Party.
measurement rules contained in Annex I
of the International Convention on 2. Nevertheless, those States which are
Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969. not members of the International Monetary
Fund and whose law does not permit the
application of the provisions of paragraph
Article 7 1 may, at the time of signature without
The limit for passenger claims reservation as to ratification, acceptance
or approval or at the time of ratification,
1. In respect of claims arising on any acceptance, approval or accession or at
distinct occasion for loss of life or personal any time thereafter, declare that the limits
injury to passengers of a ship, the limit of of liability provided for in this Convention
liability of the shipowner thereof shall be
(ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess (a) against the person or persons
thereof, the following amount in addition to mentioned in paragraph 2 of Article 1 and
that mentioned in (i): any person for whose act, neglect or
default he or they are responsible; or
for each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons,
6,000 monetary units; (b) against the shipowner of a ship
rendering salvage services from that ship
for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, and the salvor or salvors operating from
4,500 monetary units; and such ship and any person for whose act,
neglect or default he or they are
for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, responsible; or
3,000 monetary units; and
(c) against the salvor or salvors who are
(c) in respect of Article 7, paragraph 1, at not operating from a ship or who are
an amount of 2,625,000 monetary units operating solely on the ship to, or in
multiplied by the number of passengers respect of which, the salvage services are
which the ship is authorized to carry rendered and any person for whose act,
according to its certificate. neglect or default he or they are
Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 6 apply
correspondingly to subparagraphs (a) and 2. The limits of liability determined in
(b) of this paragraph. accordance with Article 7 shall apply to the
aggregate of all claims subject thereto
3. The monetary unit referred to in which may arise on any distinct occasion
paragraph 2 corresponds to sixty-five and against the person or persons mentioned
a half milligrammes of gold of millesimal in paragraph 2 of Article 1 in respect of the
fineness nine hundred. The conversion of ship referred to in Article 7 and any person
the amounts referred to in paragraph 2 for whose act, neglect or default he or they
into the national currency shall be made are responsible.
according to the law of the State
2. After a limitation fund has been invoked before the Courts of that State
constituted in accordance with Article 11, does not have his habitual residence in a
any ship or other property, belonging to a State Party or does not have his principal
person on behalf of whom the fund has place of business in a State Party or any
been constituted, which has been arrested ship in relation to which the right of
or attached within the jurisdiction of a limitation is invoked or whose release is
State Party for a claim which may be sought and which does not at the time
raised against the fund, or any security specified above fly the flag of a State
given, may be released by order of the Party.
Court or other competent authority of such
State. However, such release shall always 2. A State Party may regulate by specific
be ordered if the limitation fund has been provisions of national law the system of
constituted: limitation of liability to be applied to
vessels which are:
(a) at the port where the occurrence took
place, or, if it took place out of port, at the (a) according to the law of that State, ships
first port of call thereafter; or intended for navigation on inland
(b) at the port of disembarkation in respect waterways
of claims for loss of life or personal injury;
or (b) ships of less than 300 tons.
(c) at the port of discharge in respect of A State Party which makes use of the
damage to cargo; or option provided for in this paragraph shall
inform the depositary of the limits of
(d) in the State where the arrest is made. liability adopted in its national legislation or
of the fact that there are none.
3. The rules of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall
apply only if the claimant may bring a 3. A State Party may regulate by specific
claim against the limitation fund before the provisions of national law the system of
Court administering that fund and the fund limitation of liability to be applied to claims
is actually available and freely transferable arising in cases in which interests of
in respect of that claim. persons who are nationals of other States
Parties are in no way involved.
1. This Convention shall apply whenever 4. The Courts of a State Party shall not
any person referred to in Article 1 seeks to apply this Convention to ships constructed
limit his liability before the Court of a State for, or adapted to, and engaged in, drilling:
Party or seeks to procure the release of a
ship or other property or the discharge of (a) when that State has established under
any security given within the jurisdiction of its national legislation a higher limit of
any such State. Nevertheless, each State liability than that otherwise provided for in
Party may exclude wholly or partially from Article 6; or
the application of this Convention any
person referred to in Article 1 who at the
time when the rules of this Convention are
(b) when that State has become party to have deposited the requisite instruments
an international convention regulating the of ratification, acceptance, approval or
system of liability in respect of such ships. accession.
(v) any communication called for by any IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned
Article of this Convention. being duly authorized for that purpose
have signed this Convention.
3. Upon entry into force of this Convention,
a certified true copy thereof shall be
transmitted by the Secretary-General to
the Secretariat of the United Nations for
registration and publication in accordance
with Article 102 of the Charter of the
United Nations.