George Castriota Skanderbeg-His Lifetime
George Castriota Skanderbeg-His Lifetime
George Castriota Skanderbeg-His Lifetime
On the ocasion of
The Pan-National Year of George Castriota Skanderbeg
8.30 – Registration
5. Anila Bitri (Tirana): Skanderbeg and his era in the 14th to 16th century
Iberian peninsula;
6. David Hosaflook (Tirana): Zachary Jones’s presentation of Scanderbeg
to an English Readership;
Discussions, 18.00-19.00
08.30 – Registration
4. Ermal Baze (Tirana): The social status of the woman in Albania of the
XIV-XV centuries;
3. Andi Rëmbeci (Tirana): Historic and cultural aspects of Berat during the
14th-15th centuries as seen in historical notes contained in manuscripts of
the British Library of London and Magdalen College of Oxford;
6. Ledia Dushku (Tirana): Perception on the Ottoman Turks and the figure of
George Castriota Scanderbeg under the discourse of the provisional
government of Vlora;
Discussions, 18.00-19.00
Moderators: prof. dr. Ferit Duka, prof. dr. Shaban Sinani and prof.
dr. Lulëzim Lajçi