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Cta 2D CV 08375 D 2014aug01 Ass PDF

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Petitioner, Members:
CASTANEDA, JR., Chairperson
-versus- CASANOVA, and

AUG 01 2014~
17 J.'l.f , . ,. .
X- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X



This case involves a Petition for Rcvicw 1 filed by

petitioner Village-Green Hog Farm , Inc. , on November 11 ,
2011 pursuant to Section 228 of the National Internal
Revenue Code of 1997 (1997 NIRC), as amended, in relation to
Section 7 (a)(1) of Republic Act (RA) No. 1125, as amended by
RA No . 9282 , and Section 3(a)(1) of Rule 4 of the Revised Rules
of the Court of Tax Appeals.

Petitioner appeals the decision of the respondent

Cornmissioncr of Internal Revenue denying petitioner's protest
of the Formal Leiter of Demand2 and Assessment Notices, 3 all
dated May 21, 2010, which assessed petitioner for deficiency
income tax and expanded withholding tax (EWT) for the
taxable year 2007 amounting to SEVEN MILLION E IGHTY-
00/1 0 0 (P7 ,081 , 137.00) , inclusive of interests. ~

I Docket, pp . 10 35 .
2 Exhibit "BI3" .
.1 Exhibits "BB-8" & "I3I3- 10"
CT./\ Case No . 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 2 of 10


Petitioner Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. (VGHFI) is a

corporation organized and existing under Phillppine laws with
address at 12 Samar Avenue, South Triangle, Diliman, Quezon
City. 4

Respondent is the duly appointed Commissioner of

Internal Revenue vested with authority to exercise the
functions of said office, including inter alia, the power to abate
or cancel a tax liability when the tax or any portion thereof
appears to be unjustly or excessively assessed, and holding
office at the BIR National Office Building, Diliman, Quezon
City. s

On tJuly 21, 2008, a Letter of Authority6 (LOA) No.

00039501 dated July 18, 2008 was received by petitioner
authorizing revenue officers to examine petitioner's books of
accounts and other accounting records for taxable year 2007.
Along with the LOA is a First Request for Presentation of
Records 7 dated July 21, 2008 (hereinafter, collectively referred
to as "LOA").

In a lcttcr8 dated tJuly 23, 2008, petitioner acknowledged

the LOA but did not heed respondent's request for
presentation of records, arguing that their 2006 ongoing audit
has not been completed.

On August 15, 2008, petitioner received a Second

Request for Presentation of Rccords9 dated August 12, 2008.
Petitioner acknowledged the second request and reiterated
that the company's 2006 audit is on-going. 1o

On September 1, 2008, petitioner received a Final

Request for Presentation of Records 11 dated August 28, 2008.
Petitioner reiterated in its letter dated September 2, 2008 that
petitioner's 2006 audit is yet to be concluded, but nevertheless
undertook to perform partial compllance on October 2008.~

4 Par. 1, Joint. Stipulation of Facts and Simplification of Issues (JSFSI), docket., p . 200.
s Par. 2, JSFSI, docket., p . 201.
6 Exhibit "D".
7 Exhibit "E".
s Exhibit "F".
9 Exhibit "G".
1o Exhibit "H"
11 Exhibit "I"
CT/\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Fa rm, Inc. vs CIR Page 3 of!IO

In a lcttcr 12 dated October 27, 2008 , petitioner submitted

photocopies of some of the documents in partial compliance to
respondent's request for documents, and assured that other
required documents will be submitted as soon as the ongoing
2006 audit is completed.

Respondent issued a Subpoena Duces Tecum 13 on March

3, 2009 commanding petitioner to appear on March 23, 2009,
and to bring and submit books of accounts and other
accounting records for 2007, i.e., General Special Journals,
General Subsidiary Ledgers, Sales Invoices & Official Receipts,
Expense Vouchers & Purchase Invoices.

On March 23, 2009 , petitioner's representative appeared

without the subpoenaed documents before Atty. Geraldine
Llaguno of the Legal Division of Revenue Region No. 7, Bureau
of Internal Revenue (BIR) , Quezon City, explaining that
petitioner had been submitting documents to the BIR and
have undertaken to make full compliance upon completion of
the 2006 audit; petitioner's representative likewise explained
that the books and records are available for inspection in their
office upon at least a day's notice. Atty. Llaguno granted
petitioner until March 24, 2009 to bring the subpoenaed

Petitioner claims to have submitted for inspection the

subpoenaed documents, except for the Expense Vouchers and
Purchase Invoices , during the meeting on March 24, 2009.
Petitioner declared that it did not leave any of the subpoenaed
documents in BIR's custody; this is due to a prior occurrence
where petitioner's records were allegedly lost by the BIR.
However, the transmittallcttcr H dated March 24, 2009, which
contains the list of documents for inspection, was not received
by the respondent, petitioner claims that Atty. Llaguno refused
to receive the said letter.

A letter dated April 2, 2009 was posted by petitioner to

the Chief of the Legal Division for BIR Quezon City stating its
invitation to the BIR to examine petitioner's books anytime
during office hours from Monday to Friday. ~

12 Exhibit "K".
13 Exhibit "L".
14 Exhibit "0 ".
CTJ\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Fa rm, Inc. us CIR Page IJ of IJ 0

BIR filed a criminal complaint against petitioner for

failure to obey summons, in violation of Sections 5 and 14,
penalized under Section 266 , in relation to Sections 253 and
256 of the 1997 NTRC. 1s

A Post Reporting Notice 16 dated June 2, 2009 was issued

by the BIR inviting petitioner to an informal conference where
petitioner may present its objections and submit other
documentary evidence in support of its claims.

The informal conference was held on \June 25, 2009.

Petitioner mentioned that the 2006 audit is still ongoing; that
it had been communicating with the BTR and complying with
the request for documents. Respondent 's revenue officer, Mr.
Cesar Cabrera, manifested his willingness to visit the company
to inspect petitioner's books of accounts as soon as the
hearings on the criminal complaint were concluded.l 7

In the meantime, on August 10, 2009 a Resolution 18 was

issued by the City Prosecutor of Quezon City recommending
the dismissal of the criminal complaint filed by respondent
against petitioner due to insufficiency of evidence.

On April 27, 2010, petitioner received a Preliminary

Assessment Notice (PAN)1 9 dated April 20, 2010, assessing
petitioner for deficiency income tax and expanded withholding
tax for the calendar year December 31, 2007. Petitioner
protested the PAN through a lcttcr20 dated May 13 , 2010.

On \June 1, 2010, petitioner received a Formal Letter of

Demand 21 dated May 21, 2010 with the attached copies of
Details of Discrcpancics22 and Assessment Notices (Demand
No. 39-B -25-07) for deficiency income tax amounting to
P7,039,866.37, 23 and for deficiency expanded withholding tax
amounting to P41,270.63, 21 all dated May 21, 2010 covering
taxable year 2007 (hereinafter collectively referred to as
"FAN"). /r
15 Exhibit "S" and "T".
16 Exhibit "U".
1"t Memorandum of Petitioner pars. 2 . 15-2. 16, docket, p . 880.
18 Exhibit "Y".
19 Exhibit "Z" .
20 Exhibit "i\A" .
21 Exhibit "BB".
22 Exhibit "DB-IJ ".
23 Exhibit "I3I3-8" .
24 Exhibit "I3I3- 10".
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On June 9, 2010, petitioner filed its protest lettcr25 dated

June 4, 2010 against. the assessments issued by respondent
and requested for the cancellation of the assessments.

A Tax Verification Notice (TVN) No. 0019878926 was

issued on July 21, 2010 authorizing Revenue Officer Warren
Cris Mores to conduct a reinvestigation relative to petitioner's
protest. of the FAN.

Revenue Officer Mores notified petitioner, through a

lettcr27 dated November 8, 2010, that he will be conducting an
audit. investigation on November 17, 2010 and advised
petitioner 1.o prepare all the listed documentary requirements
to facilitate his investigation.

On November 17, 2010 and January 6, 2011, Revenue

Officer Mores appeared at. petitioner's office 1.o conduct.
examination of books of accounts and other accounting
records of petitioner pursuant. to TVN No. 00198789. 2 8

On October 12, 2011, petitioner received the FINAL

DECISION 29 of the respondent on its protest, reiterating the
assessments issued against petitioner for their alleged failure
to submit documents in support of their protest. This
prompted petitioner to file the subject Petition for Review
before this Court on November 11 , 2011.

In her Answcr 3 0 filed on January 2, 2012, respondent

interposed the special and affirmative defenses, the relevant.
portions of which arc quoted below:

"5 . The assessments for calendar year 2 007 in the

amounts of P7,039,866 .37 an d P41,270.63 for d eficiency
income and expanded withholding taxes, respectively, were
issued in compliance with the provisions of Section 228 of
t h e National Inte rnal Revenue Code (Nli:-(C) a nd in
accordance with existing Revenue Rules and Regulations
relative to the right of the p etitioner to be informed of the
factual and legal bases upon which the assessme nts were
mad e. The factua l and legal bases of the assessments are
stated in the accompanying Schedule "1" or Detail of
Discre pancies; V
?.s Exhibit "CC".
26 Exhibit "EE".
27 Exhibit " 16".
?.8 Memorandum of Petitioner pars. 2 .29 2 .3 0 , docket, p. 883.
29 Exhibit "HH" .
30 Docket, pp. 41 44.
CTA Case No . 83 75
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6. The disallowance of various business expenses is

due to the fact that petitioner failed to produce the required
books of accounts and other accounting records thereby
failing to substantiate with sufficient evidence the amount of
expenses being claimed and their direct connection or
relation to the development, management, operation and/ or
conduct of the trade and business of the taxpayer;

7. For the reason that petitione r did not comply with

the mandate of the Subpoena Duces Tecum validly issued
against it, Respondent was constrained to resort to the Rest
Evidence Obtainable Rule pursuant to J:.?.evenue
Memorandum Circular No. 2 3 -2000, under which 50% of
petitioner's claimed deductions was disallowed;

8. Tax assessments by tax examiners arc presumed

correct and made in good faith. xxx" .

On ~January 3, 2012, the Court issued a Notice of Pre-

Trial Conference setting the case for pre-trial conference on
February 2, 2012. 31

Respondent filed her Pre-Trial Bricf3 2 on ~January 30,

2012; while petitioner filed its Pre-Trial BrieP3 on January 31,

During the pre-trial proceedings held on March 14, 2012,

the parties were ordered to file their Joint Stipulation of Facts
and Issues within a period of 15 days. 34

On March 29, 2012, the parties filed their Joint

Stipulation of Facts and Simplification of lssucs35 , which was
later approved in a Resolution 36 dated April 3, 2012. In the
same resolution, the pre-trial was considered terminated.

Thereafter, trial proceeded, giVIng both parties the

opportunity to present and formally offer their respective
documentary and testimonial evidence in support of their
claims and contentions. {

31 Docket, p . 15
32 Docke t , pp. 16-18 .
33 Docke t, pp. 19-58.
34 Docket, p . 66.
35 Docket, pp . 200 2 11.
36 Docket , p. 212.
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The case was submitted for decision on August 13, 2013,

taking into consideration petitioner's Memorandum37
submitted on August 1, 2013 and respondent's
Memorandum 38 filed on August 5, 2013.


The parties submitted the following issues 39 for this

Court's determination:

"1. Whether the FAN issued by Respondent to Petitioner

together with the attached Details of Discrepancies and
Assessment Notices (Demand No. 39-B-25-07), all dated
21 May 2010, is void for failure of Respondent to comply
with the due process requirements provided under
Section 228 of the NIRC and Revenue Regulations No.

2. Whether the FAN issued by Respondent to Petitioner

together with the attached Details of Discrepancies and
Assessment Notices (Demand No. 39-B -25-07), all dated
21 May 2010, is void for having been issued without any
basis in fact or in law.

3. Whether the application by Respondent of the so-

called "Best Evidence Rule" under Section 6(b) of the
National Internal Revenue Code , as amended was valid
under the circumstances.

4. Whether Petitioner is liable for alleged deficiency

income tax for taxable year 2007 amounting to
Php7,039,866.37 inclusive of interest.

5. Whether Petitioner is liable for alleged deficiency

expanded withholding tax for taxable year 2007
amounting to Php41 ,270.63 inclusive of interest. "


Compliance with the procedural

due process requirernents;

37 Docket, pp. 875 894 .

38 Docket, pp. 896 909.
39 JSFSI, docket, pp. 209-210.
CT/\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs CIR Page 8 of IJO

factual and legal basis of the


Germane to the disposition of the issue on factual and

legal basis of the assessment is Section 228 of the NIRC of
1997, as amended, which provides that "taxpayers shall be
informed in writing of the law and the facts on which the
assessment is made; otherwise, the assessment shall be void."

The Court finds that the "Details of Discrepancies

attached to the FAN sufficiently complied with Section 228 of
the 1997 NTRC.

Pertinent portions of the "Details of Discrepancies" are

quoted hereunder:


a. Income payments not subjected to withholding

tax (P1,388, 111.00) - Verification disclosed that
you failed to subject your Income payments for
repairs and maintenance to withholding tax as
required under Revenue Regulations No. 2-98, as
amended, thus, disallowed as deduction from your
gross income pursuant to Section 34 (K) of the Tax
Code of 1997, as amended. Xxx

b. Disallowed expenses (50% rule)

(P12,525,469.00)-In view of your continued and
unjustifiable refusal to prove with documentary
evidence the correctness of your tax return for the
calendar year ending December 31, 2007, this
Office has been constrained to resort to the Best
Evidence Rule in determining your income tax
liability pursuant to Revenue Memorandum
Circular No. 23 -2000. Applying the 50% rule of
approximation as enunciated the Court in the case
of Mariano Zamora, the following expenses were
disallowed as deductions from your income, xxx.

c. Unaccounted source of cash (P86,372.19)-

Verification disclosed that your income payments
subject to expanded withholding tax were not
reported in the financial statements, as per analysis
hereunder, wherein the total difference was
considered as unaccounted source of cash which
led to the inference that part of your income have
not been declared as enunciated by the Court in the
case of Perez vs. CTA & CIR L-10507 dated May 30, /--
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1958. Therefore, the amount is added in your

reported taxable income pursuant to Section 31 of
the Tax Code of 1997, as amended. xxx


Verification disclosed that income payments fo r repairs

and maintenance was not subjected to expanded
withhold ing tax, hence, assessed pursuant to the
provision of the Revenue Regulations No. 2-98, as
amended. xxx

A perusal of the contents of the "Details of Discrepancies"

show the factual basis for assessing petitioner for deficiency
income tax and EWT, i.e. , petitioner's alleged failure to subject
its income payments for repairs and maintenance to
withholding tax; alleged re fusal/ failure to prove with
documentary evidence the correctness of tax return ; alleged
failure to report in the financial statements those income
payments subject to expanded withholding tax. While the
legal basis for assessing the taxpayer were Section 34 (K) of
the 1997 NIRC, Revenue Regulation (RR) No. 2-98, Revenue
Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 2 3 -2 000 , Section 31 of the
1997 NIRC, and the case of Perez vs. CTA & CIR, L- 10507
dated May 30 , 1958.

As can be gleaned from the foregoing, petitioner is

considered to have been properly apprised of the factual and
legal bases of the subject assessment for deficiency income
tax, and deficiency EWT all for taxable y ear 2007. Thus, the
subject assessment sufficiently complies with Section 2 28 of
the 1997 NIRC necessitating the taxpayers to be informed of
the law and the facts upon whi ch an assessment is based.
Further, the fact that petition e r duly protested the assessment
clearly bolsters the fact that it was informed of the reasons
supporting respondent's findings on its alleged 2 007 income
tax and expanded withholding tax liabilities.

In varying but consistent lan g uage , the Supreme Court

has ruled that the require ment of the law to inform the
taxpayer of the basis of the assessment docs not necessarily
mean that it be a lull narration of the facts and laws on which
the assessment is based. The purpose of the assessment is to
enable the taxpayer to know th e law a nd the facts on which
the assessment is made, and to afford him his right to due
process once it is served and received . Thus , so long as the
parties arc notified and given the opportunity to explain their /-
CT/\ Case No. 83 75
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side, the requirements of due process arc satisfactorily

complied with.40

Anent the issue on procedural due process requirements

referred to in Section 228 of the 1997 NIRC, RR No. 12-99 was
issued to implement the same; enshrined in Section 3 of the
said regulation reflects the due process requirements in the
issuance of a deficiency tax assessment, to wit: (1) a notice for
informal conference, (2) a preliminary assessment notice, and
(3) a formal letter of demand and assessment notice sent to
the taxpayer.

The records of this case reveal that, petitioner received

the PAN dated April 20, 2010 on April 27, 2010. Petitioner
expressed its opposition to the PAN through a letter dated May
13, 2010. On ~June 1, 2010, petitioner received the FAN dated
May 21, 2010. Thereafter, petitioner filed its protest to the FAN
on June 9, 2010, which respondent denied in the Final
Decision dated September 26, 2011 and received by petitioner
on October 12, 2011.

Undoubtedly, petitioner was notified and g1vcn wide

latitude to exercise its option to present its case in the
administrative level as it was able to intelligently protest or
dispute the subject assessment issued by the respondent.
Hence, the Court is convinced that respondent has
substantially complied with the requirements of due process,
and petitioner was not denied due process or the opportunity
to be heard.

It has been held time and agatn that the "essence of due
process is found in the reasonable opportunity to be heard
and submit. any evidence one may have in support of one's
defense. What the law proscribes is the lack of opportunity to
be heard. As long as a party is given the opportunity to defend
his interests in due course, he would have no reason to
complain, for it is this opportunity to be heard that makes up
the essence of due process."41 ?--

40 Calma, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, e t a l. , G.R. No . 122787, February 9, 1999.

41 Estares, et al. vs . Court of Appeals, e t al., G.R. No . 1-1-1755, June 8, 2005.
CT.t\ Case No. 8375
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Propriety of respondent's use of

the best evidence obtainable

Petitioner challenges the usc of the Best Evidence

Obtainable Rule in determining its deficiency internal revenue
tax liability. Petitioner contends that there is no reason for
respondent Lo apply the Best Evidence Obtainable Rule when
the documents required were submitted and made available to
the BTR.

Respondent posits that she was constrained Lo resort Lo

the Best Evidence Obtainable Rule in view of petitioner's
alleged refusal and failure to submit documentary evidence to
prove the correctness of its Lax return , despite receipt of the
subpoena duces tecum; thus , 50°/o of petitioner's expenses as
indicated in its Annual Incom e Tax Return (TTR) for taxable
year 2007 were disallowed by respondent. Simply put, the
expenses of petitioner were disallowed due to petitioner's
failure to substantiate the amount of said expenses.

The disallowance of 50°/o of the expenses of petitioner was

based on Section 6(B) of th e NTRC of 1997, as amended , as
implemented by RMC 23-2000 , specifically Sections 2.3 and
2.4(c) thereof, viz:

Republic Act No . 8 4 2 4



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of

the Philippines in Congress assembled:

Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be cited as the ((Tax

Reform Act of 1997".


Section 6 . Power of the Commissioner to Make

assessments and Prescribe additional Requirements for Tax
Administration and Enforcement. -


(B) Failure to Submit Required Returns, Statements, Reports

and other Documents. - When a report required by law as a /--
CTA Ca se No. 8 375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 12 of !10

b asis for the assessment of any national internal revenue tax

s h a ll n ot be forth coming with in the time fixed by laws or
rules and regulations or w h en there is reason to believe th at
any such re p ort is false, incomplete or erroneous , t h e
Commissioner shall assess the proper tax on th e b est
eviden ce obtainable .

In case a person fails to file a required return or oth er

docu men t at t h e tim e p r escribed by law, or willfully or
ot herwise files a false or fraudulent return or other
docum ent, the Commissioner shall make or amend t h e
retur n from h is own knowledge and from such in fo rmation
as h e can obtain t h rough testimony or otherwise, wh ich
s h all be prima facie correct and sufficien t for a ll legal
pur p oses.


SURJSCT Sxisting Revenue Procedures on the

Assessment of Deficiency Interna l Reve nue Taxe s l3ased on
the "13est ~vidence Obtainable"

TO i\11 Inte rnal Reve nue Office rs and Othe rs



S~CTfON 2 . Prescribed Reve nue Procedures . -

2.3 llssessment Based on JJest Iiuiclence Obtainable.

J\n assessment based on best e uidence obtainable is
justified when any of the grounds provided by law is clearly
established viz:

1. The r eport or r ecords r equested from the

taxpayer are not forthcoming i. e . th e records are lost;
refusal of th e taxpaye r to submit such records;

2. The re ports submitted are false ,

incomplete or e rroneous.

In every case wh e re a ta xpaye r is ordered to be

exa mined and he refuses or fails to submit his records
giving rise to the issuance of a subpoena duces tecum
pursuant to R.MO No. 35 -90, th e assessment shall only
be issued after a crimina l case h a s been instituted for
failure to obey summons .

After filing of the compla int against the taxpayer

for viola tion of the Subpoena Duces Tecum, the Legal f
CTJ\ Case No . 83 75
Village-Gree n Hog Farm, Inc. us CJR Page 13 of IJ 0

Division/ Prosecution Division shall immediately return

the docket of the case to the concerned Revenue
Officer. The Revenue Officer shall, upon receipt of the
docket, immediately proceed to determine the
taxpayer's deficiency internal revenue lax liability m
accordance with the "l3est ~vidence Obtainable ."

2.4 Existing Hevenue J)rocedures and ,Jurispnulence

Governing 1\ssessrnenl Based on the nest Evidence
Obtainable. - Provided hereunder arc the existing revenue
procedures and jurisprudence governing issuance of a
deficiency tax assessment based on the best evidence


(c) 1\ssessrnenl Based on Estimate; 50% Hule,

in the 1\hsence c~{ Heceipts lo Prove 1\ctual 1\rrwurd q{
Rxpense Deduction. - The Court held in the Mariano
Zamora case tha l, if there is a showing that expenses
have been incurred but th e exact amount thereof
cannot be ascertained due to absence of documentary
evidence, it is the duty of the RIR to make an estimate
of the deduction that may be allowable in computing
the taxpayer's taxable income, bearing heavily against
the taxpayer whose inexactitude is of his own making.
That disallowance of 50% of the taxpayer's claimed
deduction is valid.

In this regard, Section 34 (A) (1) (b) of the NTRC of 1997,

as amended, provides that one of the requirements for the
ded u ctibi lity of an expense is:

"S~C . 34 . Deductions from Gross Income. - .

(A) ~xpenses.-

(1) Ordinary and Necessary Trade, Business or

Professional ~xpenses. -

(b) Substantiation Requirements. - No deduction from

gross income shall be allowed under Subsection (A) hereof
unless the taxpayer shall substantiate with sufficient
evidence, such as official rece ipts or other adequate records:
(i) the amount of the expense be ing d educted, and (ii) the
direct connection or rela lion of the expense being deducted
to the development, management, operation and/or conduct
of the trade , business or profession of the taxpayer." ~
CTI\ Case No. 837 5
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For an expense to be deductible , it must be substantiated

by official receipts or adequate records ; that generally , the BIR
only accepts the original copy of the receipt/ s , which a
taxpayer presents to substantiate deductible expense ;
nevertheless , the absence of original receipts or records docs
not prevent a taxpayer from proving by other evidence that the
claimed deduction was really paid or incurrcd. 11 2

In this case , however, a scrutiny of the evidence on

record reveals that petitioner failed io present io respondent
any supporting evidence to substantiate the amount of the
expenses that have been incurred and the direct connection to
petitioner's trade or business of said expense s.

Record shows that respond e nt repeatedly requested

petitioner to present its books of accounts and other
accounting records io substantiate th e afore said expenses . In
fact as early as ,July 21 , 2008 , LOA11 3 No. 00039501 was
received by petitioner authorizing reve nue officers to examine
petitioner's books of accounts and other accounting records
for taxable year 2 007. Along with th e LOA is a First Request
for Presentation of Rccordsv 1 dated July 21 , 2008. In a lettcr!J 5
dated July 2 3 , 2 008 , petition e r merely acknowledged the LOA
but did not heed respondent's requ est for presentation of
records , arguing thai their 2 006 ongoing audit has not been

Thereafter, on Aug ust 15, 2 008 , petitioner received a

Second Request for Presentation of Records 4 6 dated August 12,
2008. However, despite the s econd request, petitioner again
simply acknowledged th e s econd request a nd reiterated th a i
the company's 2006 audit is on-going. 11 7

Hence , on Septe mbe r 1 , 2 008 , p e titioner received a Fin a l

Request for Presentation of Rccords 11 8 dated August 2 8 , 2008 .
Petitioner reiterated in its leite r dated September 2, 2 008 thai
petitioner's 2006 audit is y et to be concluded , but nevertheless
undertook to perform parti a l compli a n ce on October 2 008 . In {-

42 BIR Ruling No. 02 7 01 d a ted June 2 0 , 2 001 , citing the cases of Zamora vs. Collector
(8 SCRA 163) and Visayan Cebu Termina l Co ., Inc . vs . Collector (180 Phil. 32 0)
ex pressly provide s tha t
43 Exhibit "D".
4 4 Exhibit "E".
4 5 Exhibit "F".
4 6 Exhibit "G".
47 Exhibit "H"
4 8 Exhibit "I"
CT/\ Ca se No . 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 15 of IJO

a lettcr1 9 dated October 27, 2008, petitioner submitted

photocopies or some or the documents in partial compliance to
respondent's request for documents. The Court notes,
however, that the expense vouchers, purchase invoices and
other adequate records that could substantiate the amount of
the expenses that have been incurred and the direct
connection to petitioner's trade or business of said expenses,
were not included among the submitted documents.

Finally , respondent issued a Subpoena Duces Tecumso

on March 3, 2009 commanding petitioner to appear on March
23, 2009 , and to bring and submit books of accounts and
other accounting records for 2007, i.e., General Special
Journals, General Subsidiary Ledgers , Sales Invoices & Official
Receipts, Expense Vouchers & Purchase Invoices.

Notwithstanding the issuance of the subpoena,

petitioner's representative appeared without the subpoenaed
documents on March 23 , 2009 before Atty. Geraldine Llaguno
from the Legal Division of Revenue Region No. 7 , Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR), Quezon City. Atty. Llaguno granted
petitioner until March 24 , 2009 to bring the subpoenaed

During the meeting on March 24 , 2009 , petitioner claims

to have submitted for inspection the subpoenaed documents ,
except for the Expense Vouchers and Purchase Invoices ,
however, petitioner admits that it did not leave any of the
subpoenaed documents in BIR's custody due to a prior
occurrence where petitioner's records were allegedly lost by a
BIR personnel. The transmittal letter51 dated March 24, 2009 ,
which indicates the list of documents for inspection, was not
received by the respondent, petitioner claims that Atty.
Llaguno rcfu sed to receive the said letter.

In the above scenario , even if the allegations of petitioner

were true, the Court once again notes that the expense
vouchers, purchase invoices and other adequate records that
could substantiate the amount of the expenses that have been
incurred and the direct connection to petitioner's trade or
business of said expenses , were not included among the
submitted documents to respondent. V
49 Exh ibit "K".
5o Exh ibit "L".
51 Exhibit "0 ".
CT/\ Case No. 8375
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The Court docs not subscribe to petitioner's defense that

it has invited the BTR to examine petitioner's books and that
its books arc open for examination by BIR officers in its office
during office hours. A subpoena duces tecum had already
been issued, and the instruction in the said process is clear,
i.e., to bring with you and s ubmit books of accounts and
other accounting records for 2 007 consisting of the
following: General Special Journals, General Subsidiary
Ledgers, Sales Invoices & Official Receipts , Expense Vouchers
& Purchase Invoices.

Subsequently PAN and FAN were issued against

petitioner. In the course of the reinvestigation, which was
granted when petitioner protested the FAN, RO Mores notified
petitioner, through a letter52 dated November 8, 2010, that he
will be conducting an audit investigation on November 17,
2010 and advised petitioner to prepare all the listed
documentary requirements to facilitate his investigation, i.e.,
general ledger, sales and purchases books, subsidiary sales
and purchases books, sales invoices and/ or official receipts ,
check and journal vouchers, other documents necessary for
the audit.

During the audit investigation conducted at petitioner's

place of business, when RO Mores requested for the summary
of operating expenses, petitioner's representative did not
provide the said document and simply responded that its
summary of operating expenses was already submitted to the
BTR. Petitioner's claim that RO Mores did not ask to look at
petitioner's check vouchers supporting the expenses is
unavailing. RO Mores conducted the audit investigation
pursuant to petitioner's request by means of a protest, thus ,
these documents should have been prepared and provided
outright, RO Mores need not ask to look at the said
documents. Furthermore , petitioner was already notified thru
a letter dated November 8, 2010 to prepare the documents
itemized in said letter to facilitate the investigation.

Clearly, there was utter refusal and failure on the part of

the petitioner to submit to respondent adequate records that
could substantiate the amount of the expenses for taxable year
2007. Anyone , who traces the series of events and chain of
communications by and between the parties, will certainly
notice this one glaring fact , i.e., the documents/records /r-
s2 Exhibit" 16".
CT/\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 17 of IJO

(expense vouchers, purchase invoices and other adequate

records), that could substantiate the amount of the
expenses that have been incurred for taxable year 2007
and the direct connection of the said expenses to
petitioner's trade or business, were not included among
the submitted documents during the entire administrative
proceedings; either before or after the issuance of the
PAN, FAN, and Final Decision on petitioner's protest.

O n the basis of the foregoing facts and circumstances ,

the Court is convinced that, during the entire administrative
proceedings, petitioner did not and was not able to
substantiate the claimed expenses in its 2007 Annual TTR.

Hence, resort to the Best Evidence Obtainable in

assessing pctltloncr for deficiency income tax by disallowing
5 0 °/o of petitioner's expenses is justified and in full accord with
Section 6 (B) of the NIRC of 1997, as amended, as implemented
by RMC 23-2000, specifically Sections 2.3 and 2.4 (c) thereof.

This Court shall now proceed to resolve the remaining

issues as to whether petitioner is liable for deficiency income
tax and expanded withholding tax.

Whether petitioner is liable for

deficiency incom.e tax and
expanded withholding tax

Just like other assessment cases, the timeliness of the

filing of the Petition for Review must first be ascertained.

Relevant to the determination of the timeliness of the

instant Petition for Review is Section 228 of the National
Internal Revenue Code (NTRC), as amended, vrz:

"SF:C. 228 . Protesting of Assessment. When the

Commissioner or his duly autho rized representative finds
that proper taxes should be assessed, he shall first notify the
taxpayer of his findings: . . .

The taxpayers shall b e informed in writing of the law and the

facts on which the assessment is made; otherwise, the
assessment shall be void.

Within a pe riod to be prescribed by implementing rules and

regulations, the taxpayer shall be required to respond to said /,-
CT/\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 18 of IJO

notice. If the taxpayer fails to respond, the Commissioner or

his duly authorized representative shall issue an assessment
based on his findings.

Such assessment may be protested administratively by

filing a request for reconsideration or reinvestigation
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the assessment in
such form and manner as may be prescribed by
implementing rules and regulations. Within sixty (60) days
from filing of the protest, all relevant supporting
documents shall have been submitted; otherwise;
otherwise , the assessment shall become final.

If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is not

acted upon within one hundred eighty (180) days from
submission of documents, the taxpayer adversely
affected by the decision or inaction may appeal to the
Court of Tax Appeals within thirty (30) days from receipt
of the said decision, or from the lapse of the one
hundred eighty (180)-day period; otherwise, the decision
shall become final, executory and demandable ."

In the case at bar petitioner received on June 1, 2010 the

FAN (Formal Letter of Dcmand53 with the attached copies of
Detai ls of Discrepancies54 and Assessment Notices).
Thereafter, petitioner seasonably filed its protest with the BIR
on J u ne 9, 2010, or within thirty (30) days from such receipt
pursuant to the above provision, therefore, it has sixty (60)
days, unti l August 8, 2010, within which to submit the
relevant supporting documents.

Records of this case show that petitioner did not submit

additional relevant supporting documents within the sixty
(60)-day period from the filing of its protest. It bears to stress
that "the requirement on the submission of all the relevant
supporting documents within the 60-day period from filing
protest is merely directory ." 55 Also, it is well to remember that
"where the taxpayer failed to submit relevant supporting
documents within the sixty (60) day period from filing of the
protest, and in case of inaction by the respondent and the
taxpayer chooses to appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals, the
same must be made within thirty (30) days from the lapse of
the one-hundred eighty (180) day period, the one-hundred
eighty (180) day period must be reckoned from the date the
protest was filed. The sixty (60) day period shall not be added {

s3 Exhibit "T3B".
54 Exhibit "llD-IJ" .
55 CJN. us. La Suerte Cigar and Cigarette Factory, et al. , CT/\ EB No . 820 , June 11 , 2012 .
CT/\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs CIR Page 19 of IJ 0

to the computation of the one-hundred eighty (180) days

because from the wordings of the law, in case the taxpayer
fails to submit relevant supporting documents, the assessment
becomes final. The one hundred eighty ( 180) day period,
therefore, commenced to run from the date protest was filed.
xxx xxx." 56 Hence , consistent with the foregoing
pronouncements of the Court En Bane in CJR us. La Suerte
Cigar and Cigarette Factory, et al. 5 7, and Oceanic Wireless
Network, Inc. us. CJRSB, the 180-day period, should be
reckoned from the llling of the protest on June 9, 2010, which
ended on December 6, 20 10.

Now, in this case, records disclose that respondent failed

to act on petitioner's protest within the 180-day period, i.e., on
or before December 6, 20 10; and petitioner did not appeal said
inaction within the 30-day period from December 6, 2010,
which ended on tJanuary 5, 2011; petitioner opted to wait for
the final decision or the BIR on the disputed assessment before
filing its appeal to this Court. On October 12, 2011, petitioner
received the FINAL DECISIQN59 of the respondent on its
protest, thereafter, petitioner had 30 days , or until November
11, 2011, within which to appeal to the CTA. Evidently, the
instant Petition for Review was timely filed with the Court on
November 11, 2011.

The option to wait for the final decision of the BIR on the
disputed assessment before appealing to this Court is
sanctioned both by the Tax Codc60 and jurisprudence. The
Supreme Court has held in Lascona Land, Co., Inc. us. CJR
that "in case the Commissioner failed to act on the disputed
assessment within the 180-day period from date of submission
of documents, a taxpayer can either: (1) file a petition for
review with the Court of Tax Appeals within 30 days after the
expiration of the 180-day period; or (2) await the final decision
of the Commissioner on the disputed assessments and appeal
such final decision to the Court of Tax Appeals within 30 days
after receipt of a copy or such decision."61 ~

5 6 Oceanic Wireless Network, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, CTA EI3 No . 76,

June 22, 2006; a lso cited in Fil-Hispano Holdings Corporation vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, CTA EB No. 3-13, June 12, 2008 .
57 Supra, Note 55.
58 S upra, Note 56.
59 Exhibit "HI-I".
60 Section 228 of the 1997 NIRC.
6t Lascona Land, Co., Inc. vs. CIN, G.l-?.. No . 171251, March 5, 2012 citing RCBC vs. CIR,
G.R. No . 168198, April21J, 2007, 522 SCRA liJIJ .
CTJ\ Case No. 8 37 5
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 2 0 of 10

After having established petitioner's compliance with the

timeliness requirement in disputing an assessment pursuant
to Section 228 of the 1997 NIRC , the Court shall now
determine the merits of the alleged d e ficiency income tax and
deficiency expanded wit hholding tax for taxable year 2007.


The alleged deficiency Income tax amo u nting to

P7 ,039 ,866.37 resulted from (1) Income payments not
subjected to withholding tax, (2) disallowed expenses (50°/o
rule), and (3) unaccounted source of cash. Below is the
respondent's detailed computation of the alleged deficiency
income tax62:

Taxable Income p er ITR P12 0 ,375. 00

_Add_: Adju stmcn t ~ p cr I nvcs tig~tion
Income paymen t not s ubjected
to wit hh olding tax p 1,388, 11 1. 00
Disallowed exp enses (50% ) 12,525,469 .00
Unaccou n- ted
sou -rce of cash
_8 6,372 . 19 - 13,999,95 ~ 9
__Iaxablc _Income p er investiga tion __! _14, 12 0 ,327 :___19

Incom e Tax due th e- reon -- p 4,94~ , 114.52

- - - - - -

Less: 1\.llowa.b le tax c redi ts/ pay m e n ts:

Payment s 42,131.25
Deficie n cy I n co m e Tax 4,899,983.27
-Add: 2 0% In terest-p .a . (04 . 16.0-8 to 06.21.1 0) 2, 139,883.1 0
·- -
P7 ,039,866.3 7

A.l Income Payments Not Subjected to Withholding Tax -

P1,388 , 111.00

Respondent's verification disclosed that pctltloncr failed

to subject its income pay m ents for repa irs and maintenance to
withholding tax as required under Revenue Regulations (RR)
No. 0 2 -98 , as am e nd ed , thus , disallowed as deduction from
gross income pursuant to Section 34(K) of the NIRC of 1997,
as amended. 63

As a testament of respondent 's arbitrary measures in

disallowing repairs and mainten an ce, petitioner argues that
the Details of Discrepan cies did not eve n provide enough ~

62 Pa r. 15, Joint Stipula tion of Fa cts a nd Simplification of Issues, Docke t Vol. I, p. 2 06 ;

Exhibit "11I3-2" .
63 Pa r. a, Exhibit "1111 -1 ".
CTJ\ Case No. 83 7 5
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 2 1 of 10

details to enable petitioner to verify the accuracy of said

assessment. Respondent failed to indicate the payees as well
as the periods or dates when these income payments were
made. Thus, it could be possible that petitioner withheld the
tax but used a different withholding tax rate or these arc
exempt under the circumstances. The only information stated
in the Details of Discrepancies wasM:

Per Financial returns I
Statements alpha list Difference

Re pairs_a nd maintenance p 1 ,388,111.00 - p 1 ,388,111.

Income payments not
subjected to withholding
tax ~
P1,3~8__, 111.<:!_<!.._

Further, in its Protest Lcttcr65 dated ,June 4, 2010,

petitioner asserted that repairs and maintenance of
P1 ,388,111 .00 included labor and materials used in the
maintenance and repairs of buildings, equipments, tools,
water system and autos. Amounts paid to labor arc within the
minimum wages that are exempt from withholding tax.

As stated in his Judicial Affidavit66, the Court-

commissioned Independent Certified Public Accountant (ICPA),
Mr. Arden D. Retales, after the examination and verification of
petitioner's voluminous documents , found and concluded that:

"(a) The disallowed Repairs and Maintenance Expense in the

schedule of discrepancies for the cale nd a r year ending 31
December 2007 at.t.achcd t.o t.hc Formal Lct.t.cr of Demand dated 21
May 2010 issued by respondent. t.o pct.it.ioncr amounting t.o
P1,388,111.00 is not. subject. t.o withholding t.ax, is properly
substantiated, is a valid business expe nse of petition er a nd an
allowa blc deduction from pct.it.ioncr's t.axablc income for 2 007 ."

However, the Court disagrees with the findings of the


Based on Section 34(K) of the NTRC of 1997, as amended,

an expense/ cost shall be allowed as deduction from gross
income only if it is shown that the tax required to be deducted
and withheld therefrom has been paid to the BIR. For easy
reference , Section 34(K) is quoted hereinbelow: ~

64 Par. 3 . 1'1 , Pe titioner's Memorandum, Doc ke t Vol. III, p . 889.

6s Exhibit "CC" , p . 2 .
66 Exhibit "MM", Q&A no . 18 , Docke t Vol. II , p . 111.
CT/\ Case No. 837;)
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 22 of IJ 0

"(K) Additional Requirements for Deductibility of Certain

Payments. - J\ny amount paid or payable which IS
otherwise deductible from, or taken into account m
computing gross income or for which depreciation or
amortizntion may be allowed under this Section, shall be
allowed as a deduction only if it is shown that the tax
required to be deducted and withheld therefrom has been
paid to the Rurcnu of Intcrnnl Revenue in accordnncc with
this Section, Sections 58 and 81 of this Code."

Relative thereto, Section 2.57.2(E) and (M) of RR No. 02-

98, as amended by RR Nos. 06-01, 14-02, 17-03 and 30-03,
mandates the withholding of 2c% creditable income tax on
income payments to certain contractors and on purchases of
services by top 10,000 corporations, respectively, to wit:

Sec. 2 . 57.2 . Income Payme nt Subject to Creditable

Withholding Tax and Rates Prescribed Thereon . -
Sxccpt as herein otherwise provided, there shall be withheld
a creditable income tax at the rates herein specified for each
class of payee from the following items of income payments
to persons residing in the Philippines:


S)lncome payments to certain contractors - On gross

payments to the following contractors, whether individual or
corporate- Two percc-~ n t (2%)
( 1)General engineering contrnctors - Those whose
principal contracting business in connection with fixed
works requiring specialized engineering knowledge and skill,
including the following divisions or subjects:
(a) Reclamation works;
(b) Railroads;
(c) Highways, streets and roads;
(d) Tunnels;
(e) Airports and airways;
(f) Waste reduction plants;
(g) Bridges, ovcrpnsscs, undcrpnsscs and other
similar works;
(h) Pipelines and other systems for the transmission
of petroleum and other liquid or gaseous
(i) Land leveling;
(j) Sxcnvating;
(k) Trenching;
(I) Paving; and
(m) Surfacing work.
(2) General building contractors - Those whose
principal contracting business is in connection with any
structure buill, for lhc support, sheller and enclosure of
persons, animals, chaUcls, or movn blc properly of any kind,
requmng in its construction the use of more than two
unre lated building trades or crafts, or to do or superintend{-
CTJ\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 23 of IJ 0

the whole or any part thereto. Such structure includes

sewers and sewerage disposal plants and systems, parks,
playgrounds, and other recreational works, refineries,
chemical plants and similar industrial plants requiring
specialized engineering knowledge and skills, powerhouse,
power plants and other utility plants and installation, mines
and metallurgical plants, cement and concrete works in
connection with the above-mentioned fixed works.
(3) Specialty Contractors - Those whose operations
pertain to the performance of construction work requiring
special skill and whose principal contracting business
involves the use of specialized building trades or crafts.
(4) Other contractors-
(a) Filling, demolition and salvage work contractors
and operators of mine drilling apparatus;
(b) Operators of dockyards;
(c) Persons engaged in the installation of water
system, and gas or electric light, hca t or power;
(d) Operators of stevedoring, warehousing or
forwarding cs tablishmcn ts;
(c) Transportation contractors which include
common carriers for the carriage of goods and merchandise
of whatever kind by land, air or water, where the gross
payments by the payor to the same payee amounts to at
least two thousand pesos (1>2,000) per month, regardless of
the number of shipments during the month;
(1) Printers, bookbinders, lithographers and
publishers except those principally engaged in the
publication or printing of any newspaper, magazine, review
or bulletin which appears at regular intervals, with fixed
prices for subscription and sale;
(g) Messengerial, janitorial, private detective and/ or
security agencies, credit and/ or collection agencies and
other business agencies;
(h) Advertising agencies, exclusive of gross payments
to media;
(i) Independent producers of television, radio and
stage performances or shows;
Ul Independent producers of "jingles";
(k) Labor recruiting agencies and/or "labor-only"
contractors. For this purpose, any person who undertakes to
supply workers to an employer shall be deemed to be
engaged in "labor-only" contracting where such person docs
not have substantial capital or investment in the form of
tools, equipment, machineries, work premises and other
materials and the workers recruited and placed by such
person arc performing activities which arc directly related to
the principal business or operations of the employer which
the workers arc habitually employed;
(1) Persons engaged in the installation of elevators,
central air conditioning units, computer machines and other
equipment and machineries and the maintenance services
(m) Persons engaged in the sale of computer services,
computer programmers, software program
CTA Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 21J of IJ 0

developer j designer, inlcrncl service providers, web p age

d e signing, computer d ata processin g, conversion or base
services and other computer related activities;
(n) Persons engaged in land scaping services;
(o) Persons engaged in the collcclion and disposa l of
(p) TV and radio slation operators on sale of TV and
radio airlimc; and
(q) TV and radio blockt imers on sale of TV and radio
commercial spots.


(M) Income payments made by the top ten thousand

( 10)000) private corporations to their local/ resident supplier of
goods and local/ resident supplier qj" services othe r than those
covered by other rates of withholding tax. - Incom e
p ay m enls made by any of the lop len thousand (10 ,000)
private corporations, as d eterm in ed by the Commissioner, to
their local jrcsidcnl supplier of goods and localjrcsidcnl
supplier of services, including non-resident a lien engaged in
trade or busin ess in the Philippin es
Supplier of goods - One percent (I%)
Supplier of services - Two percent (2%)

As aptly found by the ICPA, petitioner is not required to

withhold 2°/o EWT as imposed under Section 2.57.2(M) of RR
No. 02-98, as amended by RR No. 17-03, on income payments
made by top ten thousand (1 0,000) private corporations to
their local suppliers of services since petitioner has not been
classified and duly notified by the BTR as belonging to the top
10,000 corporations.

However, petitioner must prove that its claimed

deduction for repairs and maintenance does not fall in any of
the aforcquotcd transactions subject to 2o/o EWT under Section
2.57.2 (E) of RR No. 2 -98, as amended.

A thorough examination of the documents submitted by

petitioner disclosed that repairs and maintenance amounting
only to P231 ,409.2467 was duly substantiated in accordance
with Section 34(A)( 1)(b) of NTRC of 1997 , as amended , which

"Sec. 34. Deductions from Gross Income. xxx

(/\) Expenses.

( 1) Ordinary and Necessary Trade) Rusiness or Professional

Bxpenses. V
67 See Annex A ( 1) of this Decision.
CTJ\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs CIR Page 25 of 10


(b) Substantiation Requirements. - No dcduclion from gross income

shall b e a llowed under Subscclion (A) hereof unless lhc laxpaycr
shall substantiate with s uffic ie nt e vidence, such as official
receipts o r other adequate records : (i) lhc amounl of lhc expense
being dcdu clcd, and (ii) lhc d irccl conncclion or rclalion of the
expense b e ing d educted to the d eve lopm e n t, manage m e nt,
operation a nd/ or conduct of th e trad e, business or profe ssion of
the laxp aycr." (Emphasis supplied)

Based on the summary schedule 68 prepared by the TCPA,

all items listed therein have cash or check vouchers 69 .
However, these vouchers arc self-serving as they were
prepared by petitioner's own accountant and if not
corroborated by invoices or official receipts have no evidentiary
weight because this Court cannot ascertain that expenses
were actually incurred or paid and the true nature of the

In the case of Da Jose vs. Angeles70 , the Supreme Court

had the occasion to rule in this wise:

"We thus agree with the RTC 's ruling that said cash vouchers
though admitted in evid e nce, whether objected to or not, have no
probative value for being hearsay ."

Also, the delivery receipts attached to the cash or check

vouchers deserve scant consideration. Being a document that
merely confirms delivery of an item , a delivery receipt cannot
be a valid proof of purchase or payment of an item.

Likewise, some of the items cannot be verified either,

because the receipts and/ or invoices were unreadable, or
because the item cannot be clearly classified as repairs and
main tcnancc.

Further, the verified amount. of :P231 ,409.24 for repairs

and maintenance was correctly not subjected to EWT as this

docs not fall within the purview of Section 2.57.2(E) of RR No.
2 -98, as amended.

70G .R. No. 187899, October 23, 2013.
CTJ\ Ca se No . 8 375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 26 of -10

Nonetheless, since the rcma1n1ng claimed d ed uction for

repairs and maintenance in the amount of P1,156,701.76
(P1,388 , 111.00 less P231 ,409.24) is not duly substantiated,
the same shall be considered as subject to 2°/o EWT as
prescribed under Section 2.57.2(E) of RR 2-98, as amended , in
line with the rule thai t.ax assessments by tax examiners are
presumed correct and made in good faith, with the taxpayer
having t.he burden of proving otherwise. Failure t.o present
proof of error in the assessment will justify the judicial
affirmance of said assessment. _71

Therefore , respondent's disallowance of the amount of

P1,156,701.76 as deduction from petitioner's taxable gross
1ncomc for taxable year 2007 is upheld. Accordingly,
petitioner's repairs and maintenance amounting io
P1, 156 ,701.76 shall be subject. t.o income t.ax:

Disallowed Repairs and Ma intenan ce F:x pcnsc Per

- - -
P1 ,3 88 , l_lL_OO
Le ss: Duly Substa nti ated Re pa irs a nd Mai n te n a n ce
found t o be no t subj ect to 2% ~WT(I\n.n.ex 1\, 1) 23 1,4 09.24
Should-be Disallowed Repairs and Maintenance p 1, 156,701.76

A.2 Disallowed Expenses (50°/o rule) - P 12,525,469.00

In disallowing the amount. of P12 ,52 5 ,469.00 ,

representing 50°/o of petitioner's claimed deductions for
variou s expenses, respondent siat.ed tn the Detail of
Discrcpancics 7 2 attached to the Formal Assessment Notice
sent io petitioner ihat_73 :

"xxx - In view of your con linu cd a nd unjustifia ble r efu sal to

prove w ith doc um e ntary evid e n ce th e correc tness of y our tax
r eturn for the calenda r year ending December 3 1, 2 007 , this
Office h a s b een constrained to resort to the Res t F:vid cncc
Rul e in d ete rminin g y our in come tax li a bili ty pursua n t to
Reve nue Me mora ndum Circ ula r No. 23 -2000 . Apply in g the
50% rule of a pproxima lion as enu ncia ted ls ic l the Court in
th e cas e of Ma ri a no Za m ora, t h e fo ll owin g ex pe n ses we re
disa llowed as d eduction s from your in com e, to wit:

Claimed 50%
Cost of sales:
Deductions Disallowance
beginning P l8,506 ,363 .00
_Direc t farm in pu ts

"flMa r cos II vs . Co urt of Appeals. et a t .GR. No . 120880, June 5, 1997.

·r2 "Exhibit "BB --1 ".
·r:~ "Exhibit "BB".
CTl\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs CIR Page 27 of II 0

Tota l !15,910,686.00 - -

Less: Inventory-end 2!1 ,053,669 .00 f>21,857,017.00 --

_Salaries and wages 1,887,568.00
!~ower j gasoline 571,568.00 --
Taxes and licenses 267,144.00
l.(cprcscntation 137,697 .00
Office supplies I
miscellaneous 211,945.00
Insurance; fees and
other charges 117,999 .00

Total 25,050,938.00 12 ,525, 469 .00

_!1isallowed expenses _Pl2,525,~69 . 00" .

This, however, was refuted by petltloner through a

leUer 74 dated May 31, 201 0, setting forth the fo ll owing
de fe n ses against the deficiency tax assessment:

"Salaries and Wages.Sal a ri es and wages, including 13th

month pay, SSS, Pag- Ibi g an d Philh ealth pre miums, are paid
lo our 13 farm hands and farm manager. Our employees
lake care of lhc breeding, assisl sows during lhc birthing,
fe edin g, vaccinating and m edicatin g. They ckan th e pe ns
and buildings using pressure washers a nd disinfcclanls. We
also have lhrcc (3) of our employees opcralc our own feed
mill to grind in gredi e nts such as ye llow corn and mix
according lo required formula tions. For maintenance, we
have lwo (2 ) full lime employees.

Power/Gasoline .~lectri c ity is used for the two submersible

pumps lhal supply walcr for lh c pigs and for cleaning of lhc
pig pe ns. We also operate two boos ter pumps, three high
pressure washers a.nd two power s praye rs . We use brood e rs
lights for our newly born pigs up lo nursery. We opcralc our
own feed mill with a h am m e r mill a nd a mixe r. For our
mainte n a nce a nd re pair, we have three welding machin es,
cul-off saws, bench drills and portable cquipmcnls such as
drills and angle grind ers. For manure lrcalmcnl, we operate
sludge pumps an d m a nure separators.

For gasoline and diesel, we have lwo diesel-powered

generators which we operate durin g power brownouts. Our
farm vehicle is an lsuzu ~If which we used to purchase feed,
ingredients and supplies.

Repairs and Maintenance . We h ave the following buildings

for our operation:

• 13reedin g 13uildings 3

74 Exhibit "AA'', pp. 1-3.

CT/\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs CIR Page 28 of IJ 0

• Gestating Buildings 4
• Farrowing 1.3uildings 8
• Gilt Building 1
• Weaning/ Nursery 1.3ldgs. 7
• Growing Buidlings 3
• Finishing 1.3uildings 4
• Feed Mill &, Warehouse 1
• Maintenance 1.3uilding
• Farm Office&, Storeroom 1

To maintain these buildings, we undertake repairs on daily

basis. We also do periodic repairs on the roof, curtains, on
the elevated plastic/ cast iron floorings, on the concrete
floorings and walls which are damaged by pig manure and

Depreciation.The depreciation refers to the annual

depreciation of the a bovc listed buildings and also for the
previously mentioned pumps, cquipmcnts and feed mill
machineries. The depreciable assets are a ll used m

Taxes and Licenses.The taxes and licenses are for the

Mayor's Permit and other City fees and charges . Fees arc
also paid to the Barangay office for Barangay Clearance. Real
~state taxes paid are for the farm lot and for the buildings.

Representation and Donation.Thcsc expenses arc incurred

in the normal pig production operations. The farm is located
within the 1.3arangay of 1.3alintawak III, Lipa City. Part of the
responsibility of the farm is to participate in community
affairs such as sponsoring the celebration of masses and
miscellaneous affairs particularly during barrio fiesta.

Office Supplies and Miscellaneous.Officc supplies include

the pre- printed production report forms submitted by the
farmhands on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Production
reports include breeding and gestating, farrowing, weaning
and nursery, etc. Reports on feed consumption, medicine
and vaccines, mortalities, maintenance, farm gate weights,

1\ccounting forms such as Cash Vouchers, Check Vouchers,

Payable Vouchers, etc. BIR mandated forms such as Invoices /r-
CTA Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 29 of IJ 0

and Official Receipts, Miscellaneous office supplies such as

ball pens, chalks, paper clips, staplers.

Insurance/Fees and Other Charges.lnsurancc/ fees and

other charges include fees and insurance of motor vehicles,
fire insurance, veterinary consultants' fees, audit fees, hog
raisers' association fees and dues.

Farming including hog breeding and rmsmg are

fundamentally and purely production operations. This is
particularly true in our instance since we do not engage in
marketing. We sell our produce as live animals. Our buyers
use their own trucks to pick-up the market hogs in our farm.
All of our employers arc involved in production."

To ascertain that the disallowed cost of sales/ expenses

are valid business expenses of petitioner and should not be
disallowed by the respondent, the ICPA performed the
fo ll owing procedures, viz75:

"(a) xxx obtained, traced and checked the petitioner's original

Check Vouchers including its supporting documents such as
Supplier's Invoices, Supplier's Official Receipts and

(2) xxx summarized the petitioner's allowable expenses based

on submitted original Check Vouchers with supporting

(3) xxx traced the Check Vouchers with the petitioner's 2007
J\udited Financial Statements."

Having performed all the procedures abovementioned,

the ICPA came up with the following conclusions 7 6:

"1. xxx, we have verified that P26,439,049.00 Cost of Sales

(repairs and maintenance P1,388,111.00 plus total cost of
sales P25,050,938.00) was properly substantiated. Check
vouchers supports the disbursements; and the
disbursements were evidenced by supplier's invoices and
related receipts.

2. We have determined that petitioner's Cost of Sales is an

allowable expense and a valid deduction from petitioner's
Taxable Income."

The Court finds the TCPA findings not in order.

Upon careful examination of petitioner's supporting

documents, the Court noted the following: ?-
75 Exhibit "MM", Docket Vol. I, p. IJ l!J; Exhibit "NN", p. 387.
76 Exhibit "NN", Docke t Vol. I, p . 389 .
CTJ\ Case No . 83 75
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 30 of 1J 0

1 . Cost of Sales

Petitioner's cost of sales in the amount of P21 ,857 ,017.00

was computed as follows77 :

Inve n tory, beginni ng p 18,50 6,363. 00

1\dd: Direct Fa rm Inp uts 27,40 4,323 .00
To tal p 45,9 10,686 .00
Less : In ve n tory , e nd 24, 0 53,669 .00
Cost of S a le s r 21, 857,0 1 7 .00

The beginning and e nding inve ntories in the respective

amounts of P18 ,506 ,363.00 and P24, 053 ,669.00 tally with the
figures reO ected in petition e r 's Audited Incom e State ments 7 8
for the y ears ended December 3 1, 2 007 and December 31 ,
2 006. Howe ver , a s r egards p e tition er's Direct Farm Inputs tn
the amount of P2 7 ,4 04, 3 23 .00 , only th e amount of
P8 ,083 ,9 7 1.81 79was duly accounte d for.

Using the amount of P8 ,0 83,97 1.81 for Direct Farm

Inputs , petitioner's substantia te d cost of s ales amounted only
to P2 ,536 ,665 .81 , as shown below:
Inven tory, beginning p 18,50 6,363. 00
Add : Direc t Farm Inputs 8, 0 83, 971.81
Total p 2 6,59 0 ,334.81
Less: Inven tory, end 24, 0 53,669 .00
Substa ntia t e d Cost of Sales p 2,536,665 .81

2. Salaries and Wages

Petitioner's claimed Sa la rie s and Wage s in the amount of

P 1,887 ,568 .00 consisted of the followingso:

Salaries ~lx, Wages p I ,586,63 1.84

13th Mon th J>ay 138,2 0 5. 00
F:mployccs Welfare 4 2 ,2 11.91
SSS Con tr ibuti on 86,365.40
Philh ealth Co n t ribu tio n 15,750.00
Pag-Ibig Fu nd Con tribution 18,40 4. 00
Total p 1,887, 568. 1 5

77 Exhibit "BB 4 ".

't8 J<:xhibit " 10", mR Records , p. 16.
7 9See details pe r Annex A of this Decision.

somR Records, pp . 6IJ -6 6.

CTJ\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 3 1 of 10

With respect to the claimed Employees Welfare of

P42,211.91, SSS Contribution of P86,365.40, Philhcalth
Contribution or P15 ,750.00 and Pag-Ibig Fund Contribution or
Pl8,404.00, the Court cannot verify the actual remittance
thereof because petitioner merely presented its check
vou ch ers81 without the related payment receipts issued by the
SSS, Philhcalth and Pag-lbig.

Regarding the Salaries & Wages in the amount of

Pl,586,631.84 and 13th Month Pay in the amount of
Pl38,205.00 totalling '?1,724 ,839. 84 , petitioner submitted
check vouchcrs82 , payslipsjpayroll computation83, Annual
In formation Return or Income Taxes Withheld on
Compensation and Final Withholding Taxes (BIR Form No.
1604-CF) and Monthly Remittance Returns of Income Taxes
Withheld on Compensation (BIR Forms No. 1601-C) with
attached UCPB BTR-BIR Deposit Slips for taxable year 20078 4 •

As indicated in the aforesaid BIR Forms Nos. 1604-CF

and 1601 -C , petitioner paid a total amount of'P1 ,623,960.00
taxable compensation income on which it withheld and
remitted to the BTR a total amount or P145, 728.00 creditable
withholding taxes for taxable year 2 007. However, absent or
the petitioner's alphalist of employees for taxable year 2007 ,
the Court cannot determine the accuracy or the amount or
P 145,728.00 taxes withheld on it.s employees' compensation
income ofP1 ,623 ,960.00.

It bears stressing that an expense, to be validly deducted

from the taxpayer's gross income , must not only be
substantiated by sufficient evidence such as official receipts or
a d equ ate records in accordance with Section 34(A)(1 )(b) or the
NIRC of 1997, as amended, but also it must be shown that the
tax required to be deducted or withheld therefrom has been
paid to the BIR pursuant to Section 34(K) of the same Code.

3. Power/Gasoline, Taxes and Lic e nses, Representation,

Office Supplies/Misce lla n e o u s , Insurance/Fees and
Other Charges ~


-1" to " -3".
8 4 Exhibit "TTTT'I'T'TTT'I''ITI''I'TT".
CT/\ Case No . 83 75
Village-Green Hog Famt, Inc. us CIR Page 3 2 of IJ 0

A scrutiny of the documents supporting each of these

accounts reveals thai only the foiiowing amounts are properly

Expense Account Substantiated
- ~

Power j Gaso lin e (1\n~ex 1\) 2) p 358,645.40

Taxes and Licenses (1\nnex 1\) 3) 10.00
Reprcscnlalion(Annex A 4) 1 3,500 .00
_Qf.£~c supp,!icsj miscellaneous: (Annex A 5) 1 19,465.~
Insurance/ fees and other charges: (1\nnex
11) 6) 5 5,2 5 0.QQ_

In fin e, petitioner was able to substantiate its claimed

deductions only to the extent of P2,973,536.48 out of the total
amount of P25,050,938.00, detailed as follows:
- - -
% of
Claimed Substantiated to Claimed
Deduction Deduction Deduction
Cost of sale s :
Inventory Beginning p 18 ,506 ,36 3. 00
Direct Fa rm Inputs 27 ,1]01] ,323. 00
Total 4 5 ,9 10,686. 00
Less : Inventory End 2 4,053,669 .00 P2 1,85 7 ,017 .00 f- 2,5 36,665. 81 12%
Sa la ries and Wages 1,887, 568.00 0%
Power I Gasoline 57 1,568 .00 3 58 ,64 5 .40 63%
Taxes and License s 267, 11JIJ .OO 10.00 0%
Representa tion 137,6 97 .00
3,500.00 3%
Office Supplie s
2 11 ,94 5. 00 19,465.27
/Miscellaneous 9%
Insurance/ Fee s a nd Other
11 7,999.00
Charge s 55 ,2 50.00 IJ7%
Total P25, 0 5 0 ,9 3 8.00 P2 ,973, 536 .1J8 12%

Considering thai petitioner's claimed deductions were not

adequately supported by documentary evidence as above-
indicated, the Court deems it appropriate to uphold
respondent's disallowances save for the Power/ Gasoline
account, applying the 50°/o rule of approximation provided
under Section 2.4 (c) of Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC)
23-00, which cited the case of Mariano Zamora vs. Collector of
Inte rnal Revenuess . Quoted hereinbelow is the pertinent pari
of RMC 23-00: y
85 En bane , M/\W/\NO Z/\MOR/\, pe tition er , vs . COLLECTOl~ OF INTERNAL l~EVENUJ:<:
and COUla OF T/\X 1\PPE/\LS, respond ents . (G .l<. No. L 15 290 , May 31 , 1963 .)
COLLECTOR OF INTE l-?N/\L Rl<:VENUE, petitioner, vs. M/\RI/\NO Z/\MOR/\,
r espondent. (G.R. No . L- 152 80 , May 3 1, 1963. ); ESPERANZA A. ZAMORA , a s specia l
Administra trix of the Esta te of FELICIDAD ZAMORA, p e titioner, vs . COLLECTOR OF
INTERNAL REVENUE a nd COURT OF TAX APPEALS , re spondents . (G .R. No . L-15 2 89 ,
CTJ\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 33 of IJ 0

(c) Assessment L?ased on Estimate; 50% A?ule, in the

Absence of Receipts to Prove Actual Amount of Rxpense
Deduction. - The Court held in the Mariano Zamora
case that, if there is a showing that expenses have
been incurred but the exact amount thereof cannot be
ascertained due to absence of documentary evidence,
it is the duty of the L31 R to make an estimate of the
deduction that may be allowable in computing the
taxpayer's taxable income, bearing heavily against the
taxpayer whose inexactitude is of his own making.
That disallowance of 50% of the taxpayer's claimed
deduction is valid.


"Section 30 of the Tax Code provides that m

computing net income, there shall be allowed as
deductions all the ordinary and necessary expenses
paid or incurred during the taxable year, in carrying
on any trade or business (Vol. 4, Mertens, Law of
Federal Income Taxation, sec. 25.03, p.307). Since
promotion expenses constitute one of the deductions
in conducting a business, same must satisfy these
requirements. Claims for the deduction of promotion
expenses or entertainment expenses must also be
substantiated or supported by record showing in detail
the amount and nature of the expense incurred (N.H.
Van Sicklcn, Jr. vs. Comm. of Int. Rev., 33 RTA 544).
Considering, as heretofore stated, that the application
of Mrs. Zamora for dollar allocation shows that she
went abroad on a combined medical and business trip,
not all of her expenses came under the category of
ordinary and necessary expenses; part thereof
constituted her personal expenses. There having been
no means by which to ascertain which expense was
incurred by her in connection with the business of
Mariano Zamora and which was incurred for her
personal benefit, the Collector and the CTA in their
decisions, considered 50% of the said amount of
P20,957.00 as business expense and the other 50%,
as her personal expense. We hold that said allocation
is very fair to Mariano Zamora, there having been no
receipt whatsoever, submitted to explain the alleged
business expenses, or proof of the connection which
said expenses had to the business or the
reasonableness of the said amount of 1'20,957.00.
While in situations like the present, absolute certainty
is usually not possible, the CTA should make as close
an approximate as it can, bearing heavily, if it chooses, j-
May 21, 1963.); COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE, petitioner, vs. ESPERANZA A.
ZAMORA, as Special Administratrix, etc., respondent, (G.R. No. L-15281, May 31,
1963) .
CTJ\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 31J of 1J 0

u pon lhc laxp aycr whose incxac lncss 1s of h is own

m a kin g."

Accordingly, petitione r 's claimed deductions from its

taxable gross in com e for th e year 2 007 in the amount of
P12,452, 607.60 shall be disa llowed , broken down as follows:
Claime d
Dedu ction 50% Disallowance
Cost of sales:
lnven tory- beginning
Direct farm inputs
Less: Inventory-end f> 21,857,017.00 f> 10,928,508.50
Salaries and wages 1,887,568.00 943,784 .00
Power I gasoline 571,568.00 212,922.6086
Taxes and licenses 267, liJIJ .00 133,572.00
l<.epresen ta tion 137,697.00 68,848.50
Office supplies I
miscellaneous 105,972.50
Insurance; fees and other
charges 58,999.50
Total 1"25,0 5 0 , 938 .00 ! 12, 45 2 ~!> 7.:60

A.3 Unaccounted Source of Cash - P86,372.19

Respondent imputed against p e tition e r an undeclared

income in the amount of P86 ,372 .1 9 based on the following
finding: 87

"Unaccou n lcd source of cash (P86,372.19) - Vcr ifica lion

d isclosed lha l your income paymcnls su bjccl lo exp and e d
w it hh o ld in g tax we re not reported in th e fina n cial
state m e n ts, as pe r analys is h e reun d er, w h ere in th e total
d ifference was considered as unaccoun lcd sou rce of cash
w hi c h led to th e in fe rence th at part of your in come h ave not
b een dec la red as e nunciated by the Court in th e case of
Perez v . CTA & CIR L -1 0 507 da lcd May 3 0 , 1958. Therefore,
lhc amou n l is a dded in your rcporlcd laxa b le income
purs u ant to Sectio n 31 of the Tax Code of 1997, as
amend ed."

Per Per Diffe re n ce I

rc lurns j Financial
alpha lisl Slalcmcnls
_~ecuri ty se rvices P58,472.19 p 58,4 7? .1_9 ?-
86 Claimed Deduction P571,568.00
Less: Amount Duly Substantiated 358,61J5.1JO
Disallowance P212,922.60
87 Par. c, Exhibit "f3f3-IJ ".
CTA Case No . 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 35 of 10

Other services 7,500.00 - 7,500.00

Professional fees 20,400.00 - 2 0 ,400 .00
-- - -
Unaccounted source of :P86,372.19"

In its letter dated June 4, 2010, petitioner controverted

the alleged unsupported source of cash, particularlyss:

"PROTEST NO. 2 - Unaccounted Source of Cash:

Security Services of P58,472.19 were subject lo 2% expanded

withholding lax. This 1s under the Accoun t Tille
Slalcmcnl. Other Services o f :P7 ,500 .00 arc those paid lo liason
person tha t we p a id only when there arc documentations needed lo
be done outside and not on a regular basis. This is not subject to
10% ~xpand e d Wi thholdin g Tax. This is a lso under the J\ccoun t
Statement. Profession a l Fees of P20,400.00 were subject to 10%
~xpand e d Withholdin g Tax. This is included under the J\ccoun t
Title OFFIC~/SUPPU~S/MISC~LLJ\N~OUS m our Income
Statement. These arc all accounted for m our Financial

The petitioner's protest above quoted is in accord with

the Judicial Affidavit89 of Mr. Arden Retales , TCPA. The
pertinent portion of the latter's testimony 1s set forth

"25.Q: xxx What is your basis for saymg that the alleged
unaccounted source of cash amount ing lo
Php86,372. 19 are valid business expe nses a nd
reclassified m the 2007 J\udited Financial

!\: l3ased on the procedures I performed, I ascertained

tha t the a lleged unaccounted source of cash
amou ntin g to Php86,372. 19 consists of valid
business expenses that are properly substantiated.
This alleged unaccounted source of cash amounting
to Php86,372.1 9 arc duly supported by Suppliers'
Invoices an d Suppliers' Official Receipts. Further, I
have checked that this alleged unaccounted source of
cash arc m fact expenses by the petitioner
reclassified m the · 2007 J\udited Fin a nci a l
Statements under Insura n ce Fe e s and Other
Charge s for Security Services and Other Services

a nd Office Supplies /Mis c e llaneous for Professional
Fees . XXX

88 Exhibit "CC".
89 Exhibit "MM", Docket Vol. II, p. 115.
CT/\ Case No . 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 36 of IJ 0

26.Q: Why do you say that. the alleged unaccounted source

of cash amounting to J>hp86,372.19 are valid
business expenses?

A: The unaccounted source of cash amounting to

Php86,372.19 was traced to Check Vouchers with
valid supporting documents as follows:

(a) Security Services of r>hp58,4 72. 19 which

was subject. lo 2% expanded withholding lax
and is accounted for as part. of account. Litle
insurance F'ees and Other Charges of the
2007 1\udited Financial Statements;

(b) Other Services of J>hp7,500.00 is accounted

for as part of account title Insurance f 1'ees
and Other Charges of the 2007 Audited
Financial St.alernent.s;

(c) Professional Fees of Php20,400.00 was

subject to I 0% expanded withholding tax
and is accounted for as part of account title
Office Supplies/ Miscellaneous of t.he 2007
Audit.ed Financial St.at.ernent.s."

The Court finds respondent's assessment devoid of merit.

Since the expenses reflected per petitioner's alphalist

were higher than the amounts reported in its financial
statements, respondent concluded that the difference pertains
to petitioner's undeclared income. By doing so, respondent
merely relied on assumptions without obtaining any evidence
corroborating such findings. This is contrary to the doctrine
laid down by the Supreme Court in Collector of Internal
Revenue vs . Be nipa yo9°, wherein it was held that:

"xxx An assessment. fixes and determines t.he lax

liability of a taxpayer. As soon as it. is served, an obligation
arises on the part of the taxpayer concerned to pay the
amount. assessed and demanded. I Icnce, assessments
should not. be based on mere presumptions no rna t.t.er how
reasonable or logical said presumptions may be xxx.
In order to stand the test of judicial scrutiny, the
assessment. must. be based on act.ual fact.s. The presumption
of correctness of assessment being a mere presumption
cannot be made to rest on another presumption xxx"

Even if these alleged unaccounted income payments are

to be treated as income, the same shall be offset by reporting
the equivalent payments as expenses. Hence, no taxable/--
9o G.R. No. L-13656, January 31, 1962.
CT/\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 37 of IJO

Income will result from the said transactions, as illustrated

-~ - - -~-

Und eclared income from unaccounted income

p ayments :
Security services p 58,472. 19
Oth er services 7,500.00
Professiona l fees 2 0 ,400.00 p 86,372.19
Less: Undeclared expe nses
Security services p 58,472.19
Other services 7,500.00
Profession a l fees 2 0,400.00 86,372.19
Taxable In come p -

For lack of factual basis, the deficiency income tax

assessment pertaining to the alleged undeclared income from
unaccounted Income payments of P86,372.19 IS hereby

In sum, petitioner is liable for basic deficiency income tax

for taxable year 2007 in the amount of P4 ,763,258.28,
computed as follows:

Taxable Income per ITR p 120,375. 00

Add: Adjustm ents p e r investigation
Income pay men ls not s ubjected
to withholding tax p 1'156,70 1. 76
Disallowed ex pe nses 12,452,60 7.60 13,609,309.36
Taxable Income per investigatio n P13, 729 ,684.36

Incom e tax due thereon p 4,805,389.53

Less: Paymen ts 42,131.25
Deficiency Income Tax ~~~, I63 , 2ss . 2s



Based on the finding that petitioner failed to withhold

and remit 2°/o EWT on its income payments for repairs and
maintenance in the amount of Pl ,388,111.00 pursuant to RR
No. 02 -98, as amended , as discussed under the dericiency
income tax assessment (sec discussion in item A.l above),
respondent. assessed petitioner of deficiency 2°/o EWT in the
amount ofP41 ,270.6391, computed as follows:~

91 Exhibit "Bf3" , p. 2.
CT/\ Case No . 8375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 38 of tJ 0

Amount EWT EWT Due

- --
Rate -- -- -
Repairs and Mainte n a nce p 1,388,111.00 2% P27, 762 .22
Deficiency Expanded Withholding Tax f27 ,762.22
Add: 20% inte rest p.a. (01.1 6. 0 8 to 13,508.41
06.21.1 0)
AMOUNT DUE P41 ,270.=6 3

As discussed earlier, petitioner failed to show that its

claimed repairs and maintenance expense in the amount of
P1, 156,701.76 is not subject. to 2°/o EWT or t.hat the prescribed
EWT thereon has been duly withheld and remitted to the B TR
pursuant to RR No. 02-98 , as amended, hence, petitioner shall
be held liable to pay basic deficiency EWT in the amount of
P23, 134.04, computed as follows:

Re pairs a nd Ma intenance ~xp e n se Pl, 156,70 1_.76

~WT Rate 2%
Basic Deficiency Expa nde d Withholding Tax p 23, 134.04

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the assessments

issu ed by respondent against petitioner covering deficiency
income tax and EWT for taxable year 2007 is hereby
AFFIRMED with some modifications . Accordingly, petitioner
ORDERED TO PAY respondent the amount of P5,982,990.40
representing deficiency income tax and EWT for taxable year
2 007, inclusive of the 25°/o surcharge imposed under Section
248 (3 ) of the NTRC of 1997, computed as follows:

Basic Tax 25% Surcharge Total

Deficiency Income
Tax p 4,763,258 .28 p 1'190,814.57 p 5,954, 0 72.85
Deficiency ~WT 23, 134.04 5, 7 83.51 28,917.55
Total P4 , 786,392 .32 .P 1' 196,598.08 .P5 ,982,990.40

In addition , petitioner ts ORDERED TO PAY the


a) Deficiency interest at the rate of 20°/o per annum on

the basic deficiency income tax of P4,763,258.28
computed from April 15, 2008 and on the basic
deficiency EWT of P23 , 134.04 computed from
January 15, 2008 until full payment thereof pursuant
to Section 249(B) of th e NIRC of 1997, as amended;

b) Delinquency interest at t.he rate of 20°/o per annum on

the total arnount of P5 ,982 ,990.40 and on the 20°/o /-
CTJ\ Case No . 8 375
Village-Green Hog Farm, Inc. us CIR Page 39 of 10

deficiency interest which have accrued as aforcstatcd

in (a) , computed from Jun e 2 1, 2 01 0 until full
payment thereof pursuant to Section 249 (C) of the
NTRC of 1997 , as am e nd ed.


~~- c: ~__./~
Associate ,J u sticc


~cd-~a4/~ ·
Associate ,J u sticc Associate J u sticc
CT/\ Case No. 8375
Village-Green Hog Famt, Inc. us CIR Page -'1 0 of-'1 0


I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision were

reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the
writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.

~~ C. a;T~o(p,~ ~.
Associate Justice


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VITI of the Constitution

and the Division Chairperson's Attestation, it is hereby
certified that the conclusions in t.he above Decision were
reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the
writer of t.he opinion of the Court..
CTA Case No. 8375 ANN EX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR

Dul Substa ntiated Ex enses

1. Repairs and Maintenance

~ --- --
O. R. I
Exhibit Dat e Invoice Payee Particulars Amount
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-/" 13-Jan- A 031698; ISUtU- INTECO vehicle repair
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-1" 01 0381~ 688.80
" WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 2" 22 Jan 10026; Jeida Farm Supply Corp materials for
repair 1 100.00
"AAAAAAAAAAA oAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-9" I /-Jan- 1~/48 Junction Jr. Corp. carwash
07 310.00
"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH1" 31 Jan 190111 Lito's Builder & Construction purchase of
01 Supply tubular 904.00
" NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN-1" 8-Feb-0/ 1318 Emil Aula Parts & Electrical water pump
Supply cleaninq,
check-up 1 /00 .00
"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 1" 27 Feb 21H6 Datacon Mana;wment Service subscription
07 Center, Inc. -
dues -
I-- _ _2,7SO .OO_
" HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ " 8-Mar-0/ 1303 Jacala Metal Works Corporation I units
bumJY 7,600.00_
- r--
" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2" 19 Mar 'i112; Indola Inti Phils., Inc. S units heavy
"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-1" 01 1/883 industrial fans ~~ 000.00
" HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ " /0-Apr- 11 ~/8 Fortune Kings Hardware & 1 roll barbed
07 -
Const. Supply Corr>.:_ -- -
wire - f-
, - 3 May 07 37'i77 YS Hardware 1 qallon paint
thinner 19~ . 00
"JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 1" 1 May 07 066 R&B Tradinq electrolytes
"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC- I" /-May-0/ 11/3; Pump up Trading materials for
"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC-1" 11/4 water system
repair 6,739.00
"JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ ~· H May 07 2291 Nina Vi rqinia Hardware and Construction
ConsL Supply material 41 . ~0
"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD-4" I ~-May- ~96/6; Clindisco Phil. Inc. repair of
"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 2" 07 7360H; water pump,
" DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1" 73609 purchase of
ball bearinq - - 2,262.1(1._
" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1" 1 Jun 07 736S1 Clindisco Phil. Inc. Sta rite
shallow well
jel pump - - 16 ,~40.QQ__
" MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 3" 21 Jun 'i3391 Hon<J Shun Hardware & deformed bar
07 Construction Supply 7130.00
"JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ-/" 11-Jun- 4/0 J.C Arivara Aula Electrical rewind of
01 Services - 1--_§ou lds puf1]J_ 1--- 1,600 .QQ__
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMSMMMMM 26 Jun S1976 Hcm;J Shun Hardware & wound bar,
3" 01 Construction Supply deformed bar 4 4/0.00
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~" 19-Jun- 4003 *** deformed bar
1- -
07 -
Jul 07 1790 Nina Virqinia Hardware and Construction
ConsL Supply material 18~.00
3-Jul-0/ 6//01 Tri-Mark Construction Supply Vulca Seal
- --- - -
3-Jul-0/ 6/100 Tri-Mark Construction Supply Vul ca Seal
98 .00-
1 Jul 07 12HH Prime House Hardware & Const. black sand
Supply H 'iOO.OO
4-Jul-0 I 41~8 *** deformed bar
- - r--
~RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :f S Jul 07 111673 A; IrH)asco, Inc. LPG
" 00000000000000000000000000-~ " 6-Jul-0/ 4480 *** Fortune
cement 7,00S.OO
9 Jul 07 1'i117 Prime House Hardware & Const. Fortune
Supply cemen t 4 3~0.00
9-Jul-0/ 1~086 Prime House Hardware & ConsL deformed bar
Supply H,1HO.OO
"00000000000000000000000000 3" 21 Jul 07 7SH7 Emil Auto Parts and Electrical repair of
Supply submersible
pump 3,~00 . 00
r..pppppppppppppppppppppppppp 3" :u Jul 07 131613 Our Penta;Jon Allied Commercial various
1 of 10
ITA Case No. 8375 ANNEX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR
- -~
- . - ,-- -
Corporati on construction
ma terials
" LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 3" :{ Auq 07 A ()]7917;
" LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1" 06826; I ndustrial & Transport
" LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-/ " 0/384 / Equipment Inc. Vehicle repair 3 696 . ~ 1
" PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP-3" 4-Aug-0 / 13/4 1/ Our Pentagon Allied Commercial various
Corporation construction
materials 1113.75
" PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP-3 " 10-Aug- 1/31 FJ H Hardware & Electrica l Construction
01 Supplies material - 9~ 0 . 0_Q__
" NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 1" 11 A u~J 76 11 Emil Auto Parts & Electri c Auto parts,
07 Supply ( Emi liano An ~J) electrical
supply 3 ~ 00 . 00
" 000000000000000000000-1" 3-Sep-0 / 604/ JB Hi Tech, Inc. Repair-power
-·----- -- - - washer - _ J!_,550 .(!.Q__
I 0-Sep- 001 0 Data Serve Management lnl'l subscri pti on
01 Corporation dues ") 1~ 0 . 00
15 Sep 180629; Timoq Tireha us Vehicle
07 216177 maintenance 50 .00
18-Sep- ~ ~ ~~9 Li bman Electrica l Servi ces Electrica l
01 -
services ---
3,8 / 0.0Q__
" SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 1" 21 Sep 1697 Four L's Corporation ca r battery
07 51 00.00
/ 6-Sep- 1/19 Otone Lin e Hardware & Construction
01 Con struction Supply
- - materials /64.00
- - - ~

" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1" 2 Oct 07 1301 Ozone Line Hardware & Construction
Construction Supply materials 116. 00
3-0 cl -0/ /6683 Carman Electrical Shop Electrical
supplies 613. 00
- -- ~ ~
5 Oct 07 01 87 D.A.R. Mufflers Vehicle
maintenance 3~ 0 . 00
" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-/" 6-0 cl- 0 / 146 /; On e unit
" I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I 1" 1557 Jaca la Metal Works Corporation concrete
b u~JCJY 3 700. 00
6-0 cl -0 / /044~6 Lito's Build er & Construction deformed bar
Supply 1 ,9 ~ 6. 00_

-- -
6 Oct 07 201159 Lito's Builder & Construction Sand
Supply 7 300 .00
19-0 cl - 1146 Masagana Auto Supply Vehicle repair
- --- --
07 --
785 .00
" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1" 22 Oct 7(199 Emil Auto Parts and El ectrical Submersible
01 Supply pump 3 600 .00
" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ " /~- Oc t- 1103 Emil Auto Parts and El ectrical Submersible
- ~~
07 Supply _ _pump - -
1,700. 00_
" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1" 27 Oct 71602 Tri Mark Construction Supply Construction
01 material 36.00
" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU1 " 6 Nov 07 01 98 D.A.R. Muffl ers Car repair
" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ " 6-Nov- 0 / 1 131 4 Galaxy Steel Consl. Suppl y Constructi on
material 100.00
- ~

13 Nov 181288 Timoq Tirehaus Vehicle

07 maintenance 15.00
" WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 14-Nov- 1963 Oton e Line Hardware & Constructi on
WWW-3" --~
01 -
Construction Supply
- materials / 16.QQ__
- ---
''VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV IJ'' 11 Nov A 012 180;
''VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1'' 07 026768;
INTECO Vehicle repa ir
·- - -
113 1 I
1 /, 0 /1 .~8-
''WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 15 Nov 25718 Lito's Bui lder & Construction Cement
WWW-3" 01 Supply 3 ~ 00 . 00
" WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW // -Nov- / 10/ Otone Line Hardware & Constructi on
WWW 3"
07 Construction Supply materi als -
''YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 2'' 31 Dec 537 1 TUF PARTS TRADING Materi als for
01 repair of
electirc motor
for power
sprayer 1 200 .00
Total P231,409.24
- -

2. Power/Gasoline

1----c-- - - -
I Date
I Payee I_ Amount
" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-4 " 1 //-Feb-0 / 1 060 / 4// 1 Ba l angas 11 Electric Cooperative, 1nc. I_

2 of 10
CTA Case No. 8375 ANNEX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR
. ~- . -~

"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD2 " 16 Mar 07 06171H * Batan9as II Electnc Cooperative, Inc. 9HS .95

" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2" 1H Ap r 07 06HS776 Batan~Jas II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1,21H.SO

" HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-7" 1 ~-May-O/ 01760* 7 Batangas 11 Electric Cooperative, 1nc. 1,788 . 0~

\'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,, -- - --
23 May 07 07SH112 Batan9as II Electric Cooperative, Inc. S1,073.90

"YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY - 1" 79-Jun-0 / 0 / 98874 Batangas II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 49,/46.00

-- -
" KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2" 30 Jun 07 076S632 Batan9as II Electric Cooperative, I nc. 1,07S.HS

''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-1 '' ~-Jul-0 / 0808160 Batangas 11 Electric Cooperative, 1nc. 4,763.90


19-Jul-0 / 083961~ Ba tangas II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 41,/73 . 1~

~ccccccccccccccccc:L·' 31 Jul 07 OH17639 Batan9as II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 9,1S6.70

" DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD-1 " 71-Aug-0 / 0880913 Batangas 11 Electric Cooperative, 1nc. 47, 181 . 0~
-- -·-
~EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1" - 3 1 AU ~l 07 OHHH1HO Bat<mcJas II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 10,16S.10

"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- 1" 70-Sep-0 / 09719 // Sa tang as I I Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4~ , 1 /3 . 8~

"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 H 29 Sep 07 0930713 BatarHJas II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1,SH3.0S

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2" 19 Nov 07 09720S9 Batan~Jas II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1,HH6.HO

" 111111111111111111 - 1 70-Nov-0/ ******* Satang as II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 47,689 .00
--- -
"JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 1" 20 Dec 07 1016630 BatarHJas II Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1S,902.10

Subtotal P354,475.40

" 11111111111111111111111111 :r·

" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-3"
26 Sep 07


Rico Shel l

Rico Shell
" 1S1.00

1,/1 6.0Q___
Petron Corporation 1 000 .00
Pet.ron Corporation - ~
p 4,170.00
r-=- - - - f--
P358,645.40 ~

3. Taxes and Licenses

Exhibit Date OR No. Payee Amount

"JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ- ~" 1 ~-Jun-O / 0467364 Lipa Cily Treasurer's Offi ce f> 10.00
~tal-- p 10.00

4. Representation

Exhibit Date OR No. Payee Amount

- ----
7 Feb 07 A 001993 Mt. Malarayat Golf & Country Club, -r- " 3,SOO.OO

Total p 3,500.00

5. Office Supplies/Miscellaneous

Exhibit Date I OR/Invoice I Payee Amount

I No. I -
Office Supplies


"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ- /" 11-Jan-0 / I ~ / 11 NS Ocana, Inc. ~-7~

" """"""" .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA H" 2 Feb 07 16S10 NS Ocana, Inc. 7H.OO

"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC -6" 9-Mar-0/ 1/977 NS Ocana, Inc. 101 . 7~

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE H" 21 Mar 07 007S1HS :~ YKL Photo Center S16 .00

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-8" 74-Mar-0/ 3639 National Bookstore ~8~ . ~0

- - - --
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-3" 74-Mar-0/ 16366 Silicon Valley 970.00
-- - ·-

3 of 10
CfA Case No. 8375 ANNEX A
Vil lage Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR


"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 8" 17 Mar 07 1080 National Bookstore 52.00
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-10" 13-Mar-0/ 149~~ Patricia Jewels Collection Store 71 .00
~GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG7" 7 Apr 07 7263 National Bookstore 16.25
"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-1" /-May-O/ 198~ 0 NS Ocana, Inc. 11.00
"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 6" 11 May 07 20093 NS Ocana, Inc. 300.00
"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-4" 18-May-0/ /0/61 NS Ocana, Inc. 8.00
"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-4" //-May-O/ /03 ** NS Ocana, Inc. 1~ . 00

~LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1" 26 May 07 20532 NS Ocana, Inc. 10.75

" LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-4" 76-May-0/ /0~3 * NS Ocana, Inc.
- --
" LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1" 21 Apr 07 19365 NS Ocana, Inc. 5.00
"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-4" 1 /-Apr-0/ 19*** NS Ocana, Inc. 1~/ . 00

:-:- LL-:-L:-c
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-LL-L 1 ' - 28 Jun 07 21711 NS Ocana, Inc. 6.25
"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1" 21 Jun 07 211 ** NS Ocana, Inc. :n.75
"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-4" 71 -Jun-O/ /1463 NS Ocana, Inc. 31 . /~
~LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1" 25 Jun 07 215** NS Ocana, Inc. 12.77
"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-4" /3-Jun-0/ /1~36 NS Ocana, Inc. 4.00
l- ,::c-
,.-,NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 7" 9 Jul 07 22091 NS Ocana, Inc. 11 .75
"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN-/" /0-Jul-0/ //631 NS Ocana, Inc. 18./~

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN-/" 70-Jul-0 / //6/8 NS Ocana, Inc. /3.~0

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 7" 16 Jul 07 2212] NS Ocana, Inc. 8.00

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN-/" /4-Jul-0/ //31~ NS Ocana, Inc. 10 . ~0

" 'NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 7" 21 Jun 07 oon Gilid nCJ Eskwela Gen. Mdse. 181 .00
"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN-/" /~-Jul-0/ //801 NS Ocana, Inc. 1~0 . 00

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 7" 27 Jul 07 22898 NS Ocana, Inc. 226.50

"NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNN 7" 9 AUCJ 07 0996 *** & Shen Xerox Copyer & Gen. 18.00
"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN-/" 9-Aug-0/ 996~ National Bookstore 14./~

1--;;-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 7" 17 Jul 07 0158 Gilid nCJ Eskwela Gen. Mdse. 120.00
/1 -Aug-0/ /3//~ NS Ocana, Inc. /49.00
1-- -
30 AUCJ 07 21026 NS Ocana, Inc. 3.75
1-Sep-0/ /410/6 NS Ocana, Inc. 1.~ 0

Sep-0/ /469 National Bookstore 4/8.~0

13 AUCJ 07 **** Gilid ncJ Eskwela Gen. Mdse. 107.00

"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-6" /-Sep-0/ /446~ NS Ocana, 1nc.
"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 6" 25 Sep 07 21865 NS Ocana, Inc. 15.25
"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-6" 1 /-Aug-0/ /36% NS Ocana, Inc. 1 . ~0

"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 6" 21 Sep 07 21886 NS Ocana, Inc. 66.00

"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 6" 1 Oct 07 25187 NS Ocana, Inc. 1.50
"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-6" 7-0ct-0/ 9810 National Bookstore 3~1 . /~

~SSSsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 6" 21 Sep 07 21796 NS Ocana, Inc. - 127.50

18-Sep-0/ 398/~3 NS Ocana, Inc. 43~ . 00

22 Sep 07 101313 A First Macro TradincJ, Inc. 150.00

"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-6" 1-0ct-0/ /~161 NS Ocana, Inc. 91 . ~0

~vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvv-~" 30-Nov-0/ 4~96 National Bookstore 388 .00

9 Nov 07 26503 NS Ocana, Inc. 11 .75
1 /-Nov-0/ 76/1/ NS Ocana, Inc.
- -
Subtotal p 6,646. 2 7

zz_z_z_z_z_8_"____________~___6_J_a_n _o_7__~___1_o_L 1_ ___L_*_**_L_e_ir_lE_I_ec_:tr_o_n_ic_s _c_or_p_. _________L__P____8_
J ~

4 of 10
CTA Case No. 8375 ANNEX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR
- - -
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 9" 28 Mar 07 019 Mari's Loadinq 'N Celfone Accessories 295.00
"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 5" 29 May 07 17"10 Zaide TradincJ 290.00
"LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-~ " 1~-Jun-O/ 149/8 *** /9~ . 00

Subtotal p 1,735.00

--- ·- - --- -
"SS-/" /3-Feb-0/ 08~1 Jhon & Jhon Farms r 3,000.00
~EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-1 0"- 1/-Mar-0/ / 40788 Joyselle Express, Inc. 10.00
- ---
~EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10" 12 Mar 07 7"10289 Joyselle Express, Inc. 10.00
"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-8" 19-Apr-0/ 060/14 *** 1.00
- - --
"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 8" 19 Apr 07 253218 Cher Transport 9.00
"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-8" 19-Apr-0/ 6093/6 Mayamy Transport 10.00
---- ---
6 Jul 07 275999 Marlea Transport "1.00
6 Jul 07 2756000 Marlea Transport "1 .00
6-Jul-0 / 7/~998 Marlea Transport 4.00
- -- ---
6 Jul 07 751622 MLI 10.00
16-Aug-0/ 039067 *** 6.00
-- ~---- - --
16 Auq 07 8"15236 P.C.L. Transport 10.00
16-Aug-0/ 039061 *** 6.00
--- - ---
Subtotal p 3,084.00
-- --- -

~ -

"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 5" 30 Jan 07 "16"1755 PNCC Skyway Corporation p 2,000.00

1 /-May-O/ ~4306~ PNCC Skyway Corporation 7,000.00
--- - - -~
5 Jul 07 575961 PNCC Skyway Corporation 2,000 .00
16 AU CJ 07 60"1675 PNCC Skyway Corporation 2,000.00
Subtotal p 8,000.00
- --
Total P19,465.27

6. Insurance/Fees/Other Charges
Exhibit I Date I OR No. I Payee ~ -Amount
Other Charges
-- - ---
" IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII 2" 8 Auq 07 "12"1"1 Uqnayan Security Acwncy, Inc. p 10,000.00

"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 2" 1"1 Sep 07 "l :n7 Uqnayan Security A\wnc:y, Inc. 10,000.00
"MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM -/" 30-Aug-0/ 4798 Ugnayan Security Agency, Inc 10,000.00
- -- - -
"0000000000000000000000000 2" 26 Sep 07 "1390 U\Jnayan Security Acwncy, Inc. 9,250.00
"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-1 " 1 /-Oct-O/ 4436 Ugnayan Security Agency, Inc 6,000 .00

"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 1" 28 Nov 07 "159"1 UcJnayan Security A\Jenc:y, Inc. 10,000.00

Total p 55,250.00

7. Purchases (Direct Farm Inputs)

Sales Invoice/
Official Receipt
Exhibit Date Number Supplier Amount
"SS-/" /f/3/01 08~1 JHON & JHON FARMS INC. p 100,000.00

'TT- -l " 3/ 13/ 01 13/1 ~ PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF HOG RAISERS /6 7~0 . 00

"UU 2" 1/8/07 2808"1 LA FILIPINA UYGONGCO CORP 391 510.00

5 of 10
CTA Case No. 8375 ANN EX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR

"WW- -1" 1/4/01 7896 CASTLE MARKETING 7,~96 . 00

"XX 1 11
1/1/07 20718 MAYERVET DISTRIBUTION 1022.60

"YY 1" 1/3/07 0753 TRI GEM MARKETING 28,100.00

"YY- -1" 1/3/01 01~3 TRI-GEM MARKETING I /00 .00

"AAA 3" 3/12/07 17218 PHILIPPINE SUPER FEED CORP. 297 262.00

"EEE- 1" 1/10/01 7911 CASTLE MARKETING /,940 .00

"EEE-7" 1/11/0/ 7913 CASTLE MARKETING 17,699.00

"EEE 2" 1/11/07 2913 CASTLE MARKETING 26,000.00

"FFF-1" 1/10/01 01~1 TRI-GEM MARKETING 10,8~0 . 00

"NNN 1" 1/17/07 0760 TRI GEM MARKETING 28100.00

"NNN 1" 1/17/07 0760 TRI GEM MARKETING 7,200.00

"QQQ-7" 3/76/ 0/ 4/4~8 PHILIPPINE SUPER FEED CORP. 473 6/1 .00

"RRR 1" 1/29/07 6061 RNT ENTERPRISES, INC. 1 250.00

"VVV-1" 1/74/01 0161 TRI-GEM MARKETING /,100 .00

"VVV-1" 1/74/01 0161 TR I-GEM MARKET! NG 6 700.00

"VW2n 1/25/07 0769 TRI GEM MARKETING 7,100 .00

"VVV-7" 1/7~/0/ 0169 TRI-GEM MARKETING 1,/00.00

"WV3" 1/26/07 0772 TRI GEM MARKETING 11 200.00

"WV3" 1/26/07 0772 TRI GEM MARKETING 6,200.00

"VVV-3" I f /6/01 0117 TRI-GEM MARKETING 1,/00.00

"YYY 1" 2/2/07 0771 TRI GEM MARKETING 62 000.00

"AAAA-1" 1/31/0/ 7943 CASTLE MARKETING 7,~96 . 00

"BBBB-1" I j/6/0 1 1634 7~ J.M. MENDOZA ENTERPRISES 7 79~.77

"FFFF 1" 2/5/07 58191

"FFFF-7" 4/74/01 10~/0

"HHHH 1" 2/5/07 0776 TRI GEM MARKETING 17 750 .00

"HHHH 1" 2/5/07 0776 TRI GEM MARKETING 18,000.00

"HHHH-7" /f9f01 0118 TRI -GEM MARKETING 78 400 .00

"JJJJ 1" 2/6/07 2960 CASTLE MARKETING 7 500.00

"JJJJ-1 " /!6/01 7960 CASTLE MARKETING 3,000 .00


"000 1" 2/ 15/07 00127 VET PROGEN CORPORATION 3,600.00

"RRRR-1 " /f/ 1/01 738~~/

~60 . 00
"RRRR 3" 5/2/07 138918

"TTTT 1" 2/22/07 0786 TRI GEM MARKETING 1,000.00

"TTTT-7" /f// / 01 018~ TRI-GEM MARKETING 3 600.00

"TTTT 2" 2/22/07 0785 TRI GEM MARKETING 8 875.00

"TTTT-3" /f/3/01 0188 TRI-GEM MARKETING 8,8h00

"TTTT-3" /f/3/01 0/88 TRI-GEM MARKETING 14 400.00

"UUUU 1" 2/ 16/ 07 2982 CASTLE MARKETING 3,970 .00

"UUUU-7" /f/0/01 798/ CASTLE MARKET! NG /,940 .00

"UUUU 3" 2/21/07 2992 CASTLE MARKETING 7 500.00

"UUUU-3" /f/1 / 01 7997 CASTLE MARKETING 7,900 .00

"YYYY-7" /f/ 1/01 ~896/

"YYYY 1" 5/8/07 10580

"ZZZZ-1" ~f / f OI 0/91 TRI-GEM MARKETING 1 /,/~0. 00

"CCCCC 1" 3/1/ 07 6381 RNT ENTERPRISES INC. 1 250.00

"EEEEE 1" 2/ 27/07 3053 CASTLE MARKETING 2,596.00

"EEEEE-1" /f/ 1/01 30~3 CASTLE MARKET! NG 3,000.00

6 of 10
CTA Case No. 8375 ANNEX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR

"HHHHH-1" 'J/ 1/0 1 019) TRI-GEM MARKETING 1/,/)0 .00

"HHHHH 1" 5/7/07 0792 TRI GEM MARKETING 9 000.00
"KKKKK 1" 3/9/07 3069 CASTLE MARKETING 12,699.00
"KKKKK-/" 3/9/01 3010 CASTLE MARKET! NG ) 900 .00
"KKKKK 2" 3/9/07 3070 CASTLE MARKETING 3,970.00
"NNNNN-1" 3/1 'J/ 01 0 191 TRI -GEM MARKETING 1 /,/)0 .00

"NNNNN-1 " 3/1 'J/ 01 0 191 TRI -GEM MARKETING I) 600.00

"00000 1" 3/3/07 163905 J.M. MENDOZA ENTERPRISES 2,295.22

"QQQQQ 1" 3/B/07 3071 CASTLE MARKETING 3 000.00
"QQQQQ 1" 3/B/07 3071 CASTLE MARKETING 7,500.00
"SSSSS-/'' 'J j) i/ 01 13 /3 1 PHLIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF HOG RAISERS, INC /6 /)0.00
"WWVl'' 3/20/07 00956 VET PROGEN CORPORATION 3 600.00
"YYYYY-1" 3/1 'J/01 0/94 TRI-GEM MARKETING 4),000 .00
"YYYYY-/" 3////01 0801 TRI-GEM MARKETING 14 400.00
"ZZZZZ 1" 3/19/07 3089 CASTLE MARKETING 7,910 .00
"ZZZZZ-/ " 3////01 3094 CASTLE MARKETING /6,000.00
"ZZZZZ 3" :~/23/ 07 31()1 CASTLE MARKETING 3,750.00
"ZZZZZ 3" 3/ 23/ 07 31()1 CASTLE MARKETING 2,900.00
"CCCCCC-1" 3f/6f 01 'J9611
"CCCCCC 2" 6/8/07 10777
"EEEEEE-1" 4/4/0/ 61/3 RNT ENTERPRISES, INC 4,/'JO .OO
"FFFFFF-1" 4} 4/ 01 31/8 CASTLE MARKET! NG 14,690.00
"HHHHHH 1" 1/1/07 0808 TRI GEM MARKETING 7,600.00
"JJJJJJ-1" 3/30/01 31/0 CASTLE MARKET! NG 4,164.00
"LLLLLL 1" 1/ 12/ 07 :H12 CASTLE MARKETING 2 900.00
"LLLLLL 2" 1/17/07 3Wi CASTLE MARKETING 3,300.00
"LLLLLL-3" 4/18/0/ 3148 CASTLE MARKET! NG 38,699.00
"NNNNNN 2" 1/11/07 211201
"NNNNNN-3" 4/11/0/ /41/00 INGASCO, INC ),360.00

"NNNNNN-1" 1/6/01 441/31

"000000 1" 1/10/07 0813 TRI GEM MARKETING 10,800.00
"000000-/" 4/ 13/ 01 0816 TRI-GEM MARKETING 4),000 00
"QQQQQQ 2" 6/28/07 18627 PHILIPPINE SUPER FEED CORP. 391 366.00
"SSSSSS 1" 6/18/07 0598 JHON & JHON FARMS INC. 100,000.00
"WWWWWW 1" 1/26/ 07 6878 RNT ENTERPRISES INC. 1 250.00
"XXXXXX -1 " 4/ 4/01 00986 VET PROGEN CORPORATION 3,600.00
"YYYYYY-1" 4//3/0/ 0819 TRI-GEM MARKETING 'J9 400.00
''AAAAAAA 1'' 1/25/07 3165 CASTLE MARKETING 16,120.00
"'DDDDDDD-1" 'J/8/ 0 1 334)) LA FILIPINA UYGONGCO CORP 88,6)0.00
"FFFFFFF 1" 5/2/07 3183 CASTLE MARKETING 2 900.00
"HHHHHHH 1" 5/8/07 33156 LA FILIPINA UYGONGCO CORP 392,360.00
"KKKKKKK -1 " 'J/8/ 01 101 R & B TRADING 3,600.00
"KKKKKKK 2" 5/10/07 077 R & B TRADING 150.00

"LLLLLLL-1 " 'J/ 8/01 3 193 CASTLE MARKET! NG 8,3/0.00

"NNNNNNN-1" )/ 1/01 60446
"NNNNNNN 2" 7/19/07 11120
"111 1111-1" 'J/ 9/01 08/) TRI-GEM MARKETING )),800 .00

7 of 10
erA Case No. 8375 ANNEX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR

"VVVVVVV-1" ':>/1 ':>/01 3/01 CASTLE MARKETING 10,100.00

"CCCCCCCC 1" '.i/22/07 3219 CASTLE MARKETING 19 319.00

"DDDDDDDD 1" 6/21/07 01009 VET PROGEN CORPORATION 3,600.00

"EEEEEEEE-1" ':>/ 18/01 164384 J.M. MENDOZA ENTERPRISES 7,79':>.77

"GGGGGGGG 1" '.i/23/07 096 R & B TRADING 3 600.00

"HHHHHHHH-1" ':>/18/01 0830 TRI-GEM MARKETING 10,400.00

"MMMMMMMM-1" '::Jj/9/01 3730 CASTLE MARKETING 6,800 .00

"NNNNNNNN 1" '.i/17/ 07 OH31
"NNNNNNNN-7" 6/1/01 0831

"RRRRRRRR=1" 6/2/07 OH39 TRI GEM MARKETING '.i2,27'.i.OO

"I I I I I I I 1-1" 6!77/01 3':>10 1 LA FILIPINA UYGONGCO CORP 389,810.00

"WWWWWWWW-1" 6/17/01 084':> TRI-GEM MARKETING 14,400.00
"YYYYYYYY -1 " 6!9/01 1303 RNT ENTERPRISES, INC. 4 7':>0.00

"ZZZZZZZZ 1" 6/'.i/07 32'.i1 CASTLE MARKETING 1'.i,3H1. 00

"CCCCCCCCC-7" 6/17/01 4101 BROADCHEM CORPORATION 11,':>00 00
"DDDDDDDDD 1" 6/2'.i/07 1617'.i6 J.M. MENDOZA ENTERPRISES 2 29'.i.22
"EEEEEEEEE 1" 6/2'.i/ 07 3266 CASTLE MARKETING 11,200.00
"FFFFFFFFF-1" 6/73/01 083':> TRI-GEM MARKETING 30 144.00

"GGGGGGGGG 1" 6/12/07 011'.i6 NUTRITECH VENTURES INC. 117 '.iOO .OO
"HHHHHHHHH-1" 6/19/01 4671 BROADCHEM CORPORATION 74,':>00 .00
"111111111 -1" 6/1 '::J/01 084 1 TRI-GEM MARKETING 36 000 .00
"KKKKKKKKK 1" 6/13/07 32'.i2 CASTLE MARKETING 10,396.00
"MMMMMMMMM-1" I / 13/ 01 36894 LA FILIPINA UYGONGCO CORP 73,400.00

" 1" 7/7/07 0907 TRI GEM MARKETING 3 67'.i.OO

"lllllllll 2" 10/9/07 13763 PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF HOG RAISERS, INC. 3'.i,OOO .OO
"111111111-1" 10/9/01 71863 PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF HOG RAISERS, INC. 717 .00
''VWVWWV 1'' 7/ '.i/07 1'.i7 R & B TRADING 3 600.00
"WWWWWWWWW-1" 1/3/01 3719 CASTLE MARKET! NG 8,170 .00
"XXXXXXXXX -1 " 6!77/01 01':>14 NUTRITECH VENTURES, INC. ':>6,/':>0 .00
''AAAAAAAMA 1'' 7/20/07 01H'.i9 NUTRITECH VENTURES, INC. 19,6'.i0.00
"CCCCCCCCCC -1" 1/3 1/ 01 16':>089 J.M. MENDOZA ENTERPRISES 7,7':>0 .00
"DDDDDDDDDD 1" 7/13/07 0910 TRI GEM MARKETING 36 000.00
"HHHHHHHHHH-1" 1/19/01 67049
"HHHHHHHHHH 2" 10/23/07 1193H
"LLLLLLLLLL-1" I /6/0 I 163 R & B TRADING 7,770.00
"0000000000 1" 7n/07 090'.i TRI GEM MARKETING 36,000.00
"PPPPPPPPPP-1" 1/3/01 3/8':> CASTLE MARKETING 38,699 .00
"UUUUUUUUUU 1" 7/ 27/ 07 01936 NUTRITECH VENTURES INC. '.i 000.00
"VVVVVVVVVV 1" 7/ 27/ 07 11201 DICONEX PHILS INC 7,2'.i0.00
"WWWWWWWWWW-1" I / 16/01 3318 CASTLE MARKET! NG 17,110.00
"WWWWWWWWWW 2" 7/21 / 07 :rns CASTLE MARKETING 10 916.00
"WWWWWWWWWW-3" 1/30/01 3341 CASTLE MARKET! NG 7,900.00
"XXXXXXXXXX -1 " 1/3/01 4184 BROADCHEM CORPORATION 1I ':>00.00
''YYYYYYYYYY 1'' 7/11/07 7'.iH6 RNT ENTERPRISES, INC. 1,2'.i0.00
"AAA.AAAAMA.A-1 .. 1/1 0/01 3303 CASTLE MARKETING 8,370 .00

8 of 10
CTA Case No. 8375 ANNEX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs . CIR

"FFFFFFFFFFF-1" /fll/01 4860 BROADCHEM CORPORATION 10,~00 . 00



"MMMMMMMMMMM -1" /f/4/01 0914 TR I-GEM MARKETING 36 000.00

"PPPPPPPPPPP 1" 8/23/07 62838

"PPPPPPPPPPP-/" 1/fl/01 1')/~ 4

" -1" 8/13/0/ 088~ BIOSAFE MARKETING ~,400 . 00

" RRRRRRRRRRR 1" 7/30/07 0916 TRI GEM MARKETING 1,000.00

"VVVVVVVVVVV-1" 8/1/01 19/ R & B TRAD ING 6,//0 .00

··xxxx:xxxxxxx 1'' 8/21/07 228 R & B TRADING 2 880.00


"ZZZZZZZZZZZ -1 " 8/11/01 0')')18 NUTRITECH VENTURES INC. 4~,000 . 00

''AAAAAAAAAAM 1'' 8/3/07 0918 TRI GEM MARKETING 36 000 .00

"BBBBBBBBBBBB-1" 8/14/01 3313 CASTLE MARKETING 6,no.oo

"CCCCCCCCCCCC-1" 9//0/01 41/1/ LA FILIP INA UYGONGCO CORP 401 9/~ . 00


" HHHHHHHHHHHH -1" 8/14/01 093/ TRI-GEM MARKETING 36,000 .00


"JJJJJJJJJJJJ 1" 8/22/07 3393 CASTLE MARKETING 8,320.00


"000000000000 1" 8/23/07 09:-!6 TRI GEM MARKmNG 21 675.00

"PPPPPPPPPPPP-1" 8/')')/01 /989 RNT ENTERPR ISES, INC. 4,/~0 . 00

" -1" 8//4/0/ 3399 CASTLE MARKETING 38 699 .00

"111111111111 1" 8/31/07 3331 PNEUMOVAC TRADING 3,600.00

"UUUUUUUUUUUU-1" 8//8/01 340~ CASTLE MARKET! NG 6,6~8 . 00

''YYYYYYYYYYYY 1'' 9/25/07 271 R & B TRADING 6 960.00

"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ 1" 8/1/07 3120 CASTLE MARKETING 11,960.00

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE-1" 9/4/01 09~1 TRI-GEM MARKETING 36 000 .00

"FFFFFFFFFFFFF 1" 12/1/07 INV7 68

"FFFFFFFFFFFFF-')" 1/10/ 08 0948


"JJJJJJJJJJJJJ 1" 11/7/07 11082 DICONEX PHILS INC 5,625 .00

"MMMMMMMMMMMMM-1" 11 /~/0/ 01614 LA FILIP INA UYGONGCO CORP 44~, 18~ . 00

"0000000000000 1" 11/8/07 26130 ROMAR FEED SUPPLY CORPORATION 7 000.00

"PPPPPPPPPPPPP 1" 9/11/07 3137 CASTLE MARKETING 5,198.00

"PPPPPPPPPPPP-/" 9/18/0/ 34~0 CASTLE MARKET! NG 10,140.00

" 1" 9/1/07 5296 BROADCHEM CORPORATION 7 000.00

"RRRRRRRRRRRRR-1" 9/11/01 09~~ TRI -GEM MARKETING 1/,000.00

"SSSSSSSSSSSSS-1 " 9/'?6/01 0/601 NUTRITECH VENTURES, INC. 16/~0.00

"I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1" 9/27/07 212392 PREMIUM AGRO VET PRODUCTS INC. 18,000.00
"VVVVVVVVVVVVV-1 " 11/4/ 01 ~164/ PHILIPPINE SUPER FEED CORP. ~4/,640 . 00

''XXXXX:XXXXXXXX 1'' 9/23/07 27111:-! INGASCO INC. 1 800.00

"XXXXX:XXXXXXXX 3" 9/21/07 251623 INGASCO, INC. 560.00


" HHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1"' 9/21/07 3169 CASTLE MARKETING 3 638.00

" KKKKKKKKKKKKKK-1 " 10/8/ 0/ 0/1/0 NUTRITECH VENTURES, INC. n ,3h00

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM-1" 11//1/0/ 0')')4~


"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM-4" 11 / /1 / 0/ ~664

9 of10
CTA Case No. 8375 ANN EX A
Village Green Hog Farm, Inc. vs. CIR

"PPPPPPPPPPPPPP-1" 11/1~/0/ 11689 DICONEX PHILS INC ~.800 . 00

" 1" 10/ 2/ 07 3179 CASTLE MARKETING 9 358.00

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRR 1" 10/15/07 02791 NUTRITECH VENTURES, INC. 91,875 .00
"SSSSSSSSSSSSSS-1" 10/9/ 0/ 34~8 PNEUMOVAC TRADING 91000 .00
''VWVWVWWVW 1•' 10/ 12/ 07 3169 PNEUMOVAC TRADING 17 390.00
"VVVVVVVVVVVVVV-/" 10/ 13/ 0/ 34/1 PNEUMOVAC TRADING 1,110.00

"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-1 " 10/9/ 0 / 349 / CASTLE MARKETING / , ~60.00

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1" 10/ 26/ 07 3529 PNEUMOVAC TRADING 7,200.00

""GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-1" 10! // / 01 3~18 CASTLE MARKETING 1/,918.00

"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1" 10/17/ 07 0989 TRI GEM MARKETING 2 125.00

"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2" 10/ 15/ 07 0986 TRI GEM MARKETING 39,000.00
"111111111111111-1 " 11 / 6/ 01 3 1/ R & B TRADING / //0 .00


"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK-/" 10/ 6/ 0/ 3~4 / CASTLE MARKETING 8,3/0 .00
"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-1 " 11 / / / 01 0998 TRI -GEM MARKETING 39,000.00
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-/" 11 /1/ 0 / 3 ~ /9 PNEUMOVAC TRADING / ,880 .00

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 1" 12/ 20/ 07 65361

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 2" 2/ 18/ 08 12711
" -1 " 11 /1/ 0/ 16~9 3 0 J.M. MENDOZA ENTERPRISES 3 44/.83

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 2" 11/9/ 07 251725 INGASCO, INC. 560.00

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-3" 11/9/ 0/ /~4 // 6 INGASCO, INC. 4,800 .00


"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1" 11/ 11/ 07 3618 CASTLE MARKETING 2,618.00
"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~" 11 / /0/ 0/ 3630 CASTLE MARKETING 3,618.00
"llZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 2" 12/ 19/07 11881 DICONEX PHILS INC 1 500.00
"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 3" 12/ 7/ 07 11817 DICONEX PHILS INC 5,800.00
"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ -4" I / / 13/ 01 118~0 DI CONEX PHILS INC 11 ,/hOO
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1" 12/ 7/ 07 1027 TRI GEM MARKETING 13 000 .00
''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-/'' 11 / 19/01 1009 TRI-GEM MARKETING 39,000 .00
''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3'' I / / 4/ 01 10/3 TRI -GEM MARKETING /000 .00
"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1" 11/ 28/ 07 3611 CASTLE MARKETING 8,320.00
"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-/" 1//4/ 0 / 3661 CASTLE MARKETING ~.968 . 00

"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3" 12/ 12/ 07 3682 CASTLE MARKETING 8 316.00

"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-1 " 1// 1// 01 360 R & B TRADING 3 840 .00
"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1" 12/ 11/ 07 103 2 TRI GEM MARKETING 10 000.00
"11111111111 11111-/" 1// 18/ 0 / 1034 TRI -GEM MARKETING 39,000.00
"JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ-1 " 1// 11/01 03393 NUTRITECH VENTURES INC. ~ /~0 . 00

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 1" 12/ 20/ 07 3710 CASTLE MARKETING 12,570.00

"0000000000000000-1" I / f /6/0 1 / 9/18 ELITE ENTERPRISES 4~0 . 00

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 2" 11/ 11/ 07 03077 NUTRITECH VENTURES INC. 67 625 .00
Total P8 083 97 1.8 1

10 of 10

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