7 - CNS - Motor-1
7 - CNS - Motor-1
7 - CNS - Motor-1
1. Electrical synapse is characterized by the presence of
a. Gap junctions.*
b. Neurotransmitters
c. Hormones
d. Enzymes
e. Acids
2. Acetylcholine is a
a. Neuropeptide.
b. Slowly acting transmitter.
c. Growth factor.
d. Small molecule, rapidly acting transmitter.*
e. Enzyme
3. Glycine is secreted at
a. Cerebellum.
b. Pons
c. Synapses in spinal cord.*
d. Thalamus.
e. Cerebrum
4. Excitatory post synaptic potential is
a. Electrotonic potential. ***
b. Propogative potential.
c. True action potential.
d. Biphasic.
e. Multiphasic
5. Effect of alkalosis on synaptic transmission
a. Decreases neuronal excitability.
b. Increases neuronal excitability.*
c. Both increase and decrease neuronal excitability.
d. No effect.
e. Both a and c are correct
6. Encapsulated receptors include
a. Markel’s disc.
b. Spray endings.
c. Pacinian corpuscles.*
d. Ruffini’s ending.
e. Thermo receptors
7. Chemoreceptors include
a. Pain receptors
b. Thermo receptors.
c. Muscle spindle.
d. Receptors of carotid and aortic bodies.*
e. Rods and cones
8. The first order neuron of dorsal column medial lemniscal system are found in which of the following
a. Nucleus cuneatus.
b. Spinal cord post.(dorsal) root ganglion.*
c. Spinal cord ventral horn.
d. Nucleus Gracalis
e. Medulla Oblongata
9- Which type of cholinergic receptor is found at synapse between pre and postganglionic neurons of
sympathetic nervous system
a. Muscuranic receptor.
b. Nicotinic receptor.*
c. Alpha receptor.
d. Alpha - 2 receptor.
e. Beta receptor.
10- ‘Anterior root of spinal cord is motor and posterior is secondary’. It is
a. Universal spinal law
b. All or none law
c. Law of gut
d. Bell Magendie law*
e. Law of reciprocal inhibition
a. Function of intermediate zone of cerebellum is
a. To plan movement.
b. To maintain balance.
c. To control reciprocal contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles in distal limb.*
d. To control postural attitude of body.
e. To control eye movements.
b. Which type of cholinergic receptor is found at synapse between pre and postganglionic
neurons of sympathetic nervous system
a. Muscuranic receptor.
b. Alpha 2 receptor.
c. Alpha receptor.
d. Beta receptor.
e. Nicotinic receptor.*
c. The withdrawl reflex is initated by stimulation delivered to which of the following receptor?
a. Muscle spindle.
b. Pacinian corpuscles.
c. Golgi tendon organ.
d. Meisner’s corpuscles.
e. Cutaneous free nerve ending.*
d. Which of the following neurotransmitter agent is used by axons of substantia nigra neurons
which project to caudate and putamen?
a. Norepinephrine.
b. Dopamine.*
c. Serotonin.
d. Acetylcholine.
e. Glycine.
f. In the patellar tendon reflex (knee jerk) which of the following synapse directly on alpha
motor neuron that innervate muscle being stretched
a. I a sensory fibre.*
b. I b sensory fibre.
c. Gama motor neurons.
d. Excitatory interneurons.
e. Alpha motor neuron.
g. Which of the following reflexes is correctly paired with the sensory structure that mediate
the reflex?
a. Autogenic inhibition---Muscle spindle.
b. Reciprocal inhibition---Pacinian corpuscles.
c. Stretch reflex---Muscle spindle.*
d. Golgi tendon reflex---Iggo dome receptor.
e. Reciprocal inhibition---Golgi tendon organ.
h. Stimulation of muscle activation in ipsilateral limb and inhibition of antagonist muscle in the
contralateral limb is
a. With drawl reflex.
b. Reciprocal inhibition.*
c. Autogenic inhibition.
d. Crossed extensor reflex.
e. Clonus.
i. Portion of cerebellum function in planning of sequential movement is
a. Vermis and festigeal nucleus.
b. Spinocerebellum and interposed nucleus.
c. Intermediate zone and festigeal nucleus.
d. Vermis and Interposed nucleus.
e. Cerebrocerebellum and dentate nucleus.*
j. Para ventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus is responsible for
a. Oxytocin release and water conservation.*
b. Body temperature regulation.
c. GIT stimulation.
d. Pupillary dilation.
e. Pupilary cnnstriction.
k. In rapid eye movement sleep brain waves shown on EEG are
a. Alpha waves.
b. Theta waves.
c. Sigma waves.
d. Delta waves.
e. Beta waves.*
1- Interruption of motor pathway in internal capsule on one side causes
a) Spastic paralysis on the same side of the body
b) Spastic paralysis on the other side of the body
c) Complete blindness
d) Flaccid paralysis on the same side of the body
e) Flaccid paralysis on the opposite side of the body
2- A system that controls all the voluntary & involuntary activities of our body is
a) Autonomic nervous system
b) Central nervous system
c) Peripheral nervous system
d) Cardiovascular system
e) Gastrointestinal system
3- Which of the following functions has no association with Cerebrospinal fluid
a) Fluid buffering
b) Shock absorber
c) Erythropoiesis
d) Removal of metabolites from CNS
e) Transport of medicines
4- Rigidity characterized by resistance through the whole range of passive movement is
a) Lead pipe rigidity
b) Clasp knife rigidity
c) Cog wheel rigidity
d) Ischemic Decerebrate rigidity
e) Classical Decerebrate rigidity
5- Amygdala, Hippocampus, Cingulate gyrus, and Mamillary bodies collectively form
a) Reticular formation
b) Vasomotor Center
c) Speech center
d) Limbic system
e) Basal ganglia
6- Autonomic control, endocrine control & metabolic control are characteristic features of
a) Hypothalamus
b) Thalamus
c) Medulla Oblongata
d) Basal ganglia
e) Cerebellum