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SGC Token

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The document is being issued by Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited and is or any other person as to the accuracy or completeness of the
being provided for informational purposes only. No information set out or information or opinions contained in the Pages & Slides and the
referred to in this document shall form the basis of any contract. SGC accompanying verbal presentation, and no liability is accepted for any
coins are not to be considered a legal tender, securities or commodities. such information or opinions (including in the case of negligence, but
Although SGC coins may be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, Secured excluding any liability for fraud). All opinions and estimates contained in
Gold Coin Pty Limited disclaims responsibility for their negotiability. SGC the Pages & Slides and the accompanying verbal presentation are subject
coins are a digital asset, bearing value by themselves based on their to change without notice and are provided in good faith but without any
underlying use-value, properties and/or rights only. SGC coins convey no legal responsibility.
voting rights, no equity interest, no share interest, no debenture interest, The Pages & Slides and the accompanying verbal presentation contain
nor any other interest or entitlement in Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited. forward-looking statements, which relate, inter alia, to Secured Gold Coin
These pages and presentation Pages & Slides (the “Pages & Slides”) do Pty Limited proposed strategy, plans, and objectives. Such
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relied on in connection with a decision to purchase or subscribe for any Gold Coin Pty Limited that could cause actual performance or
such securities. The Pages & Slides and the accompanying verbal achievements of Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited to be materially different
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to sell or purchase coins in Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited. on any forward-looking statements and Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited
The Pages & Slides and the accompanying verbal presentation are accepts no obligation to disseminate any updates or revisions to such
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your information and may not be reproduced or distributed to any other digital assets or digital currencies, to which the Pages & Slides relates
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The digital asset and transaction matters referred to in these Pages &
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high degree of risk and the value of such digital assets may be highly
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unanticipated market developments, the risk of issuer default and risk of
liquidity. In certain transactions, counterparties may lose their entire
digital assets or incur an unlimited loss. This brief statement does not
purport to identify or suggest all the risks (directly or indirectly) and other
significant aspects in connection with transactions of the type described
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advisory, fiduciary or similar relationship with the recipient.
Table of Contents 4 SGC Blockchain 30
Executive Summary 5 Why SGC Blockchain 35
Introduction 6 SGC Blockchain Architecture 36
Problems in Crypto Market 9 Coin Ecosystem 53
Challenges in Banking System 9 Payment Solutions 57
Stock Exchange Challenges 11 SGC Wallet 57
Challenges of Cryptocurrencies 12 SGC PAY 60
Asset-Backed Hybrid Coins - The Hope 19 SGC Online Shop 62
Market Analysis 23 SGC Coin Sale 63
Why SGC 26 SGC Bounty Program 64
Competitor Analysis 26 Road Map 65
Features and Benefits 27 Company Information 66
Major Prospects 28 SGC Team 67
Success Factors 29 Partners and Affiliations 75

To empower people with stability, usability, and security, Secured Pty Limited, by enabling SGC PAY Debit Card integration. This
Gold Coin Pty Limited comes with a digital currency - SGC Coin, an increases the usability of SGC coin as the users can use it for making
initial released 60% gold backed hybrid coin. SGC coin is based on daily payments via SGC PAY Debit Card.*
revolutionary technology - Blockchain, which makes it secure, durable, Our strategic objective is to change the global market by providing a
trustworthy, easily accessible, and redeemable. SGC Coin is developed decentralized cryptocurrency to all users globally. At the same time,
on SGC Blockchain. SGC coin is for all, it is not restricted to any our vision is to serve the global community by advocating a fair
specific user type as all users including corporate users, Gold bullion market on the basis of actual demand and supply.
users, hedge fund buyers, and everyday users can get facilitated with
the features being offered by it.
Initially released 60% gold backed coin is not just a claim, as all
physical gold bullion is stored and housed in a secured vault under
the safe-keeping of Gold Silver Central Pty Limited in Singapore and
the gold certificates will be updated at the end of every month.
Contents insurance is provided by Lloyd’s of London. This insurance is
applied to all gold bullion and covers the value of gold bullion in the
event of theft, damage, or loss starting from 100 million US dollars.
Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited provides several privileges to its users.
SGC has developed SGC wallets for several platforms that are SGC
desktop wallet (Windows, Linux, MAC), SGC web wallet, SGC Mobile
wallet (Android, iOS), all of them allowing users an easier way to send
and receive SGC Coins. The users can utilize SGC coin for trade, for
purchasing items, and to transfer coins from one part of the world to
another part by using any SGC wallet. In addition, users can also use
SGC PAY: a payment transfer method offered by Secured Gold Coin

*Terms and Conditions apply for the use of SGC PAY Debit Card

The world economy is littered with miscellaneous cryptocurrencies market or to trade-in any amount of SGC coins. All physical gold
that fail to deliver on their promises and fiat currencies that are bullion is stored and housed in a secured vault under the safe-keeping
controlled by governments for the benefit of themselves. In response of Gold Silver Central Pty Limited in Singapore and the gold certificate
to this growing problem, Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited; based in will be updated at the end of every month. Contents insurance is
Australia, has developed Secured Gold Coin (SGC coin), a provided by Lloyd’s of London. This insurance is applied to all gold
cryptocurrency that is initially released 60 percent gold-backed coin, bullion and covers the value of gold bullion in the event of theft,
is completely decentralized, and is free from manipulation by any damage, or loss starting from 100 US Dollars.
single entity. The initial released 60% gold backed coin means that the Our strategic objective is to change the global market by providing a
quantity of gold backing the coin at the time of initial release is not decentralized cryptocurrency to all users globally. At the same time,
affected by the price volatility of SGC coin or Gold in the future. SGC our vision is to serve the global community by advocating a fair
coins are unique because they have been created specifically for market on the basis of actual demand and supply. By April 2020,
global usage with a virtual wallet that eliminates the need to carry Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited is estimated to have at least 250,000
physical cash. users in the global market. This user base is expected to rise to
The advantages of SGC blockchain based software contracts (smart 500,000 by December 2020.
contracts) enable SGC coins to be decentralized, secure, and
transparent for all users. SGC will initially employ standard digital
coins that are exchangeable for specified cryptocurrencies and fiat
currencies. SGC holders will have the ability to buy and sell their coins
following the official listing on the public cryptocurrency exchange.
All users of SGC coins are entitled to use their coins to make payments
or remittances, to sell their coins on the cryptocurrency exchange

We are focused on achieving three critical objectives. We believe the achievement of these objectives are congruent with the best interests of SGC
users and will provide intrinsic value to the communities that embrace SGC coins.

First objective is to Secondly, we aim to Finally, it is essential

develop a secure, supply digital assets that principals of
stable, and usable asset that incorporate security, stability, and
backed hybrid ease-of-access, usability are embedded
currency, thus transparency, and within the concepts of
digitizing the reliability in digital SGC.

real-world assets. assets that can be used
daily or held long-term.

Other than our key objective of providing a universal cryptocurrency for the users to trade hybrid digital assets (asset + utility), and make
payments, we are looking forward towards the goals that will lead the SGC coin to become global. With our SGC PAY Debit Card integration, the
SGC coin will be adopted as mainstream. The SGC PAY will open new ways of spending and sending SGC coins. The SGC Online Shop aims to
provide ways of utilization for our hybrid (asset + utility) coin. And finally listing our coin on global exchanges will make trading easier for the

We’ve established Achieve at least

a fundamental a 51% utilization rate
association with MasterCard, in the retail based market
Visa Card, and Union Pay by 2024.
SGC Online Shop

SGC Crypto
SGC PAY debit List SGC Bank
card integration coin on exchange

In the banking system, there are several monetary issues specifically in

the cross-border payments settlement which is the base of our
businesses today. The system has many inherent flaws and challenges
that we need to overcome. Many of our businesses are struggling
because of the drawbacks of our conventional banking system. The
centralized banking system has been the root of the challenges. Banks
being controlled by a central authority who demands the users and
businesses to be dependent on it. So, even if it is a cross-border
payment or even a transaction of one’s money from the banks, one is
dependent on the banks to perform the transaction which also
charges heavy fees in turn. These high fees in itself are not favourable
for businesses as they gallop a part of the company’s profit.
Moreover, we’ve not yet developed a fully automatic banking system
and thus manual work is involved in making it prone to human errors.
We’re dependent on a central bank for our data security and financial
matters and thus are vulnerable. The databases where our financial
ledgers are stored are also susceptible to hacking attempts. The
biggest case ever recorded by FCA was the Barclay Bank case, where
the bank was fined with the highest amount ever fined by FCA which
was £72 million for poor handling of financial crime risks1. However,
the issues still persisted and Barclays Boss Mr. James Staley was again
fined in the year 2018 jointly by FCA and PRA by an amount of
£642,430 over the whistleblowing scandal2.

1. "FCA fines Barclays £72 million for poor handling of financial crime risks." 26 Nov. 2015,
2. "FCA and PRA jointly fine Mr James Staley £642,430 and announce ...." https://www.fca.org.uk/news/press-releases/fca-and-pra-jointly-fine-mr-james-staley-announce-special-requirements.

Share of total volume of operational risk events for UK Lloyds Banking Group from 2014 to 2017, by risk category*
UK Lloyds Banking Group volume share of operational risk events 2014-2017

2017 2016 2015 2014

Share of event volume

0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0%
External Fraud 71.96%
Execution , delivery and 24.8%
process management 15.81%
Clients, products 11.31%
and business practices 11.46%
Business disruption 1.01%
and system failures 0.4%
Internal Fraud 0.28%
Employee practices 0.04%
and workplace safety 0.03%

Figure 3.1.13

3. "HELPING BRITAIN PROSPER - Lloyds Banking Group." 20 Feb. 2018, https://www.lloydsbankinggroup.com/globalassets/documents/investors/2017/2017_lbg_annual_report_v3.pdf.


Figure 3.2.25 6
Top10 world stock exchanges with the highest turnover growth

Figure 3.2.14
4. "Challenges for the developing Warsaw Stock Exchange in the light of ...." 23 Jan. 2012,
5. "BSE Ltd (BSE) - KRChoksey." 15 Feb. 2017, https://www.krchoksey.com/WB_Reports/BSE_150217.pdf.
6. "• India - equity cash segment turnover in BSE 2017 | Statistic - Statista." https://www.statista.com/statistics/720152/india-equity-cash-segment-turnover-in-bse/.

To overcome the issues of traditional investments and stock

exchanges, cryptocurrencies were introduced. A cryptocurrency is a
digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using
cryptography to secure transactions, to control the creation of
additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies
are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as
a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies. Initially, they
seemed to solve the problems faced in the traditional investment
procedures but they have there inherent limitations and challenges as
well. Over a period of time, cryptocurrencies are evolved in the
following manner,

Currency Coins
Currency tokens/coins like BTC, ETH, and LTC were made just as a
replacement for fiat money. They are used as a payment method and
can be traded for real fiat. users have used them as investments owing
to the trends of various cryptocurrencies showing an increase in
valuation Bitcoin being on the top. But these currency coins
specifically bitcoin have been incredibly volatile since its inception.
The price volatility of bitcoin can be visualized from the graph below
where the bitcoin index value for the end of October 2016 was 679
U.S. dollars reaching to 19,783.06 U.S. dollars on December 17, 2017,
in just a year.


Bitcoin Price Linear in US Dollars

Bitcoin Price Log in US Dollars





2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 3.3.17

7. "Bitcoin price - Buy Bitcoin Worldwide." https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/price/.







2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 3.3.28

The other most famous bitcoin replacement - ethereum, has shown the same volatile trends since its inception. The given graph presents the
evolution of the price of the virtual currency Ethereum, where it is constantly showing an extremely volatile behavior.

8. "Ethereum Price Index — Real-time Ethereum (ETH) Price ... - CoinDesk." https://www.coindesk.com/price/ethereum.

The trends of other currency coins can also be viewed from the given graphs, where the volatile nature of Ripple and Litecoin can be seen.

Ripple price chart Litecoin price chart

Figure 3.3.3 9 10

9. "Ripple - WorldCoinIndex." https://www.worldcoinindex.com/coin/ripple.

10. "Litecoin price | index, chart and news | WorldCoinIndex." https://www.worldcoinindex.com/coin/litecoin.
Utility Coins
Utility tokens/coins came into being after the evolution of currency coins. These coins are mostly used in ICO’s and expect an increase in value to the users
by providing practical utilities to the users and platform users. The valuation of these coins is dependent on supply and demand cycles and are thus
vulnerable to outside stimuli. One cannot guarantee a future profit while investing in a utility coin. Here’s a plot of 118 coins that have been floated onto
the markets that have achieved at least an average of $250,000 market cap in any one year of their existence. The graph clearly depicts how the value of
most of the coins has fallen11.

11. Data visualisation: 118 coins plotted over time this is why ... - Woobull." 3 Nov. 2016,

The visualization comes more interesting when the researcher zooms it by year. We can observe that an average coin performance is getting worse
over time.
Security Tokens
Security tokens and Security Token Offerings (STO’s) are the new things in the market. They were introduced to tackle the problem of currency
tokens and utility tokens. Security tokens offer dividends from the company’s profit to the users. They work the same as the stock exchange shares.
Security tokens are however more secure than utility currencies but the problem of losing all the investment in case of loss is still there. There is
just a need for a digital asset that can assure users of some guaranteed value to remove the insecurities. The predicted hype cycle also foresee a
fall in the liquidity of the security tokens in the upcoming years.

Security token
liquidity in 2018
Peak of Inflated

Eventual seccurity
token liquidity

Plateau of
Security token Productivity
liquidity in

Innovation Trough of
Trigger Disillusionment

Early 2018 Time

Hype Cycle Figure 3.3.412

12. "Can security tokens fulfill their promise of liquidity? - Hacker Noon." 20 Aug. 2018, https://hackernoon.com/can-security-tokens-fulfill-their-promise-of-liquidity-938022e53133.

After the introduction of Bitcoin and Ethereum, there has been Asset-backed coins are the invention for the future. These are the
constant research on improving the cryptocurrency market. The blockchain coins backed by real valuable assets mostly at 1:1 ratio but
cryptocurrencies have kept on improving from a basic investment can be changed depending on the need of a platform. Backing a coin
based tradable currencies to utility coins, security coins, asset-backed with the real-world tangible or intangible object of economic value
coins, and now the hybrid coins. makes the worth of coin exactly the value they are backed for. Thus,
there is never the risk of losing digital assets until or unless the worth
of asset falls.

Of asset-backed coins, gold-backed coins are most secure and

mainstream because of the stable gold prices. SGC, in order to
provide the audience with the best asset backed payment option, has
developed an initial released 60% gold backed coin that has the
stability of gold and usability of crypto. The SGC coin will be 60% gold
backed at the time of initial release which means that the quantity of
gold backing the coin at the time of coin being released, will not get
affected by the price volatility of SGC coin or gold in future.

SGC coin is not just an asset-backed coin but a hybrid coin that can be
used for various payment options ranging from paying on an online
e-commerce platform to point-of-sale payments through SGC PAY
Debit Card. Hybrid coins are a thing of the future. Withholding all the
properties of a secure and stable asset-backed coin as well as the
usability of a utility coin, SGC is the solution to all the payment, and
crypto problems the world is facing.

Tokenizing assets has become a very advantageous source of making Ownership transference without restrictions
investments as it is turning the world into a massive stock market. There Asset-backed coins let the dealers and owners transfer
are some benefits of asset-backed coins given below: ownership without the restrictions of temporal and territorial
barriers as the coins can be sold globally.
Liquidity enhancement
Asset tokenization enhances the liquidity of assets that A secure and cost-efficient way of getting ownership
otherwise have very low liquidity. It allows asset owners to Asset-backed coins on blockchain provide secure,
capture liquidity premiums from assets that otherwise, due to cost-efficient, and fast way of getting ownership as the
low liquidity would not be actively traded because of low transactions on the blockchain have low to no transaction
liquidity results in making assets expensive to trade. cost.

Instant traceability via exchanges Referral incentivization for influencers

Liquidity matters when introducing a new type of asset; users An influencer who has fractional ownership of an asset
will be nervous and so will want to avoid long-term lock-in. through asset-backed coins is incentivized for bringing more
Real-time settlement offers instant traceability via crypto users or buyers into the asset.
exchanges, which is the first step towards liquidity.

Diversification of risk
Through tokenizing assets, people who cannot make huge
investments can invest in some percentage of the whole asset
making them able to get the ownership of one cheap part
instead of an expensive whole. Tokenizing the asset allows
diversification of risk such that one owner won't be much
affected if the whole asset is damaged and lose its value
because he has invested in a part of different assets.

Low administrative costs

Tokenization diminishes the administrative costs: due to
excessive documentation because smart contracts instantly
execute agreements that improve the speed of settlements.

Availability of assets’ ownership history

Trust through verifiability, transparency, and immutability.
This is where regulation is critical as we are in the scammy
era of Blockchain today. Tokenizing the assets using block-
chain makes the asset securitization easier because the
owners can know the history of the asset about previous
ownership. Moreover, lawyers can make use of the transac-
tions history to transfer ownership of the asset. In this way,
the frauds like occupying land illegally, in the real estate
industry would be minimized as complete history would be

Tokenization provides several other security advantages

owing to its major prospects like unique, unable to be imi-
tated, copied or double spent.
People often question how digital currencies can have value without
being backed by any tangible asset. The answer is: they are more
durable, divisible, fungible, scarce, and transferable than fiat
currencies. But there are several digital currencies backed by tangible
asset known as asset-backed tokens/coins. The most popular of
asset-backed digital currencies are Gold-backed coins that have
physical gold to sustain their value. The potential asset-backed coin
market size is much bigger and encompasses different assets such as
oil, gold, fiat currencies, diamonds, real estate, shares of companies,
artwork, intellectual property etc.
Each of the different categories of assets: tangible and intangible
assets (e.g., gold and copyright), fungible and non- fungible assets
(e.g. crude oil and artwork), movable and non-movable property (e.g.,
cars and real estate), requires a different procedure and protocol of
storing and tokenizing. Thus, it is needed that the assets must be held
by a trusted party who can issue them in the form of coins, consider
the substance of the assets, their storage capacity, and their valuation

The debit card payments have been increased massively as they have
doubled as compared in 2006. SGC PAY Debit Card functionality will
increase its demand owing to the huge usage potential of debit card
payments. A study conducted by the US Federal Reserve in 2016
found that the value of transactions made using debit cards in the US
rose from $2.1 trillion in 2012 to nearly $2.6 trillion in 2015; the
volume of transactions in the US increased from 56.5 billion in 2012 to
69.5 billion in 2015; that is an increase in value and volume of 23.81%
and 23%, respectively13.

In India, the number of transactions using debit cards doubled from

133.97 million to 267.51 million in a period of 12 months14. Similarly in
2016, there were 13.11 billion debit card transactions in the United
Kingdom; 3.74 billion in the Netherlands; and nearly 3 billion in Ger-
many. This upward trend is forecasted to continue which only enhanc-
es the need and demand for SGC coins. SGC will carry the essential
function of being able to be transferred between debit card holders as
a result of Master Card and Visa Card integration. Similarly, according
to statista, the USA has around 210 million Master Card debit cards in
circulation at that time. Not only this, the stats in this regard say that
there are 867 million debit cards being used by the users around the

13. "2016 Federal Reserve Payments Study - Federal Reserve Bank." 22 Dec. 2016, https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/other/2016-payments-study-20161222.pdf.
14. "India had 30.86M credit cards, 880.03M debit cards in May 2017 ...." https://www.medianama.com/2017/07/223-india-credit-cards-debit-cards-may-2017/.
15. "+ + Number of MasterCard debit cards in the U.S. and ... - Statista." https://www.statista.com/statistics/624337/number-of-mastercard-debit-cards-usa-globally/.
Number of Mastercard Debit Cards in the United States and 70

worldwide in the 2nd quarter of 2018 (in millions)

Payments per day in millions


50 60

1000 40

Number of debit cards in millions

800 867 20 39.2

600 0
2006 2016 2026*

Figure 5.2.217

210 Everyday user: Being a decentralized and borderless commodity
that can be spent and obtained in any country around the globe, it
avoids the risk of volatility in foreign exchange markets.
International United States
Gold bullion users: Gold have a history of being a stable asset in
terms of price and value but difficult and tedious to obtain. SGC coins
Figure 5.2.1
are substantially more convenient and streamline the acquisition of
The number of debit card payments is increasing day-by-day. The
Corporate users: The ideal option for companies to acquire and
forecast statistics particularly made for the United Kingdom shows
sell gold efficiently and in large quantities without affecting liquidity.
that the increase in the adoption of this payment way is remarkable as
Hedge fund buyers: For those concerned with inflation, political
it is expected to reach up to 60 million payments per day by 202616.
instability, economic uncertainty, gold as a bullion product, together
with the security of blockchain makes SGC coins an appealing option.

16. "Card payments per day estimate in the UK 2006, 2016 and ... - Statista." https://www.statista.com/statistics/719708/card-payments-per-day-forecast-united-kingdom/.
17. "Card payments per day estimate in the UK 2006, 2016 and ... - Statista." https://www.statista.com/statistics/719708/card-payments-per-day-forecast-united-kingdom/.
Most of the companies offering gold-backed digital currencies are
reluctant to store any physical gold for avoiding the headache of
security or any other risk involved. Moreover, they do not want to be
dependent on any third party to get involved in their systems to
ensure the security of their gold reserves. Secured Gold Coin with its
partners, is ready to face the challenges as they store physical gold in
a secure vault. Thus, when you become the user of SGC coins, the
physical gold equivalent to 60% part of your initially released SGC
coin will be attached to your wallet address and displayed on the SGC
Blockchain Explorer. So whenever a user buys SGC coins, a gold
certificate is attached to the wallet address of the user. Once the
certificate is issued, the wallet address shall remain the same even if
its traded to other addresses. Which means that the price and quantity
of gold mentioned on the certificate against the SGC coin being
purchased, will remain the same and cannot change on the re-selling,
valuation, or devaluation of the same coin.
Another reason that sets SGC apart from other asset-backed digital
currency based systems is its usability through the SGC PAY Debit
Card. Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited is providing its users with this
SGC PAY Debit Card functionality to increase the utility of SGC coins as
the users can purchase different items by making payments via SGC
PAY Debit Card: containing SGC coins.

Features Benefits

Security The users will be able to track all transactions and these transactions will be immutable courtesy
blockchain technology.

The SGC coins are stable with their value because their value will not fluctuate or deplete as other
cryptocurrencies’ values have become.
SGC coin is backed by gold which will remain on high demand that will keep its value stable. So the
users will get a definite benefit when they exchange SGC with fiat currency at a high exchange rate.

Users can use secured gold coins for making payments while purchasing different items.

They can use SGC coins for trading and exchanging them with other cryptocurrencies or fiat from
Usability the global exchange.

SGC coins are available to any new user as the Signup process is quick and easy.

SGC PAY As cryptocurrency has not been accepted everywhere till now, therefore it is a very useful way of
Debit Card spending SGC coins using your SGC PAY Debit Card as it makes SGC coins usable everywhere.

SGC coins come up with many prospects that make it a trustworthy, Insurance: Each Secured Gold Coin has the asset-backing of
authentic, easily accessible, and durable. These prospects are, physical gold bullion. All physical gold bullion is stored and housed in
a secured vault under the safe-keeping of Gold Silver Central Pty
Sufficient Value: All coins are coded to a specific block of bullion Limited in Singapore. Additionally, content insurance is applied to all
gold. This means each coin holds a sufficient value equivalent to 60% gold bullion associated with each Secured Gold Coin. The purpose of
of the initial released coins, which secures SGC from fluctuations this insurance is to cover the value of gold bullion in the event of
observed in other cryptos. theft, damage, or loss. Thus, the second layer of protection, in the
form of insurance, is in place to protect your physical gold. The initial
Anti-Counterfeiting: SGC is accountable through the blockchain insurance will start from 100 million Euros and will be increased in the
technology. Furthermore, all coins are coded to a specific block of future as per company requirements.
bullion gold. The gold certificates shall be updated at the end of every
month. Obtaining SGC Coins: Bitcoin, Ethereum, or bank transfer of USD
can be used to exchange for SGC coins.
Trust: The blockchain maintains all relevant data that cannot be
controlled or altered and is viewable to all. Safest Cryptocurrency: As a unique gold-backed cryptocurren-
cy, SGC coins will be tradable on exchanges and globally portable. As
Exchangeable: Ideal for payments, remittances, gifting, and a valued cryptocurrency, SGC coins can be used for day-to-day pay-
trading on cryptocurrency exchanges or for physical gold bullion. ments or stored as digital assets for the future.

Access and Usability: SGC coins are accessible and tradable all Redeemable: The SGC users can optionally exchange their coins
around the world by any person or company. for the initially released 60% physical gold, attached to the wallet
addresses of the initial users, after SGC becomes listed on Cryptocur-
Durable: SGC coins cannot be damaged or destroyed, rency Exchanges. The value of this initially released 60% gold will
circumventing the need to replace older coins. Thus, SGC coins will remain the same, irrespective of the value of the coin.
live on indefinitely.
The aim is to encourage the maximum possible number of users and
merchants to use SGC coins in their day-to-day transactions. Our
integration with SGC PAY Debit Card will enable users to trade their Demand: The global market is in need of an efficient,
SGC coins for products and services offered by participating trusted, and accessible Asset-backed currency. The
merchants. Users and merchants receive the benefits of immediate presumption is that this exists, and SGC is the solution to
access through the functionality of instant coin transfer. Our this problem.
blockchain technology provides transparency for all completed SGC
coin transfers. Acceptance: The global market understands the benefits
of SGC coins and accepts SGC as the optimal choice to
Additionally, the total capacity of SGC coins in existence will never everyday users for buying, selling, or spending.
exceed one billion. When SGC coins shall be purchased, they will be
transferred to the virtual wallet of the successful buyer at his/her Extensive Use: More than simply a form of currency, SGC
unique wallet address and a gold certificate will be attached to the is a claim to a specified quantity of gold bullion that can be
wallet address of the buyer and displayed on the SGC Blockchain easily traded or used for payments and remittances. SGC
Explorer. This address and other coin details mentioned on the gold coins can be tracked, verified, and validated at any point in
certificate shall remain the same even if the coin will be sold to the time, and at any location in the world.
other user. Anti-DDOS software will be implemented on all servers to
help mitigate connection issues and ensure that the website remains
online at all times.

Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited reserves the right in its absolute
discretion to deny any application for SGC coins. This right is further
reserved for any subsequent attempt to exchange SGC coins for
physical gold bullion if participating parties are unable or refuse to
comply with Anti Money Laundering (AML), Counter-Terrorism
Financing (CTF), and Know Your Client (KYC) regulations, laws, best
practice, and any other applicable compliance that may apply at any
The blockchain is a decentralized distributed ledger that allows
secure, fast, and cost-efficient transactions to be made in no
time. With blockchain, the data stored cannot be changed once
entered which makes it an immutable distributed ledger. Being
a decentralized and distributed architecture, blockchain allows
everyone on the network, to take part in the transaction
validation mechanism called consensus making it a highly
trustworthy, secure, anti-fraudulent, and durable for data

Blockchain with its massive ability to secure the data provides

several features to its users like data transparency, immutability,
faster transactions, and most importantly, no third party
involvement in transaction propagation.
How Blockchain Benefits you?

Blockchain benefits18

18. "Blockchain Infographic: Growth, Use Cases & Facts - Dot Com Infoway." 15 May. 2018, https://www.dotcominfoway.com/blog/growth-and-facts-of-blockchain-technology.
Due to these features, blockchain technology has been able to attract many of the industries so far in the recent times. The ultimate benefit of
blockchain is that it allows digital information to be distributed but not copied, which can be accessed by anyone but prevents attempts at deletion,
alterations, concealment, or falsification. Digital information can be duplicated over a network of thousands and this information can be updated
regularly which is then instantly reflected in the network. Irrespective of how many times SGC coins are sold, the ledger of accounts will reflect the
latest information. Each block in the blockchain consists of data that is embedded within the network as a whole, and by definition, it is within the
public domain.

Records and validate every transaction made, which makes it secure and reli-

Discards the ned for any third-party for peer-to-peer transactions

Users are in control of all their information and transactions

Complete, consistant, timely, accurate and widely available

Reduce transaction time to minutes and are processed 24/7

The decentralized system, therefore, it is less risky to be hacked Importance of Blockchain19

19. "Blockchain Infographic: Growth, Use Cases & Facts - Dot Com Infoway." 15 May. 2018, https://www.dotcominfoway.com/blog/growth-and-facts-of-blockchain-technology.
According to statista report 2017, the blockchain market worldwide is expected to reach up to 2.3 billion US dollars by 2021.20



Market in million U.S. dollars





500 548.2

2016* 2017* 2018* 2019* 2020* 2021*

Figure 7.1.121

20. "• Global market for blockchain technology 2016-2021 | Statistic - Statista." https://www.statista.com/statistics/647231/worldwide-blockchain-technology-market-size/.
21. "• Global market for blockchain technology 2016-2021 | Statistic - Statista." https://www.statista.com/statistics/647231/worldwide-blockchain-technology-market-size/. Accessed 11 Nov. 2018.
Moreover, different industries are adopting the blockchain technology with a fast pace including healthcare, logistics, supply chain, and banking
as well. The market growth of blockchain technology has shown great potential in this year 2018 as the global spending on blockchain technology
related solutions is 2.1 billion dollars.

Average number
69% Banks
currently experimenting
33% Bankers
of monthly ICO
went from $2.1 Billion with Blockchain
8 to 200 Global spending
on blockchain
expecting commercial
blockchain adoption
solutions in 2018 next year
$8-$12 Billion
ICO Reported potential
annual savings for
banks utilizing

increased Blockchain
16 times
14 Countries
3x exploring
developing official
Ethereum The number cryptocurrencies $20 Billion
grew of blockchain Amount the global
50 times related LinkedIn
job postings more
blockchain market
is expected to be
than tripled over worth in 2024
the last year

The growth of blockchain technology 22

22. "Blockchain Infographic: Growth, Use Cases & Facts - Dot Com Infoway." 15 May. 2018, https://www.dotcominfoway.com/blog/growth-and-facts-of-blockchain-technology.

SGC is one of next generation blockchain supporting Hybrid Coins (digital assets) - The coins of the future. SGC blockchain supports a hybrid coin that is
initially released with 60% Gold Backing, and 40% Utility. SGC Blockchain has been developed to enable far better Security, Stability, and Usability in the
decentralized world. By making the blockchain hybrid in nature and by attaching real world asset certifications to the gold and any asset that might get
registered in the future, SGC is aiming at making the world a secure place to be. SGC Blockchain can be compared to the others in the table.

Comparison SGC ETH EOS Cardano

Coin Type Hybrid Coin Utility Coin Utility Token Utility Coin

Total Supply 1 billion 97 million 1 billion 45 billion

Consensus PoW PoW DPoS PoS (Ouroboros)

Block interval 14.5 sec 15 sec 1 sec 20 sec

Block size 2 MB 2 MB N/A N/A

Mining hardware GPU GPU N/A N/A

Master node supported No No No No

Smart contract Yes Yes Yes Yes

Block Reward Starts from 0.52 SGC and 3 ETH N/A N/A
will be stable at 0.11
SGC in 2024 and onwards.

SGC Blockchain has been developed from an open-sourced code 23 EIP150Block

and is technically more stable and reliable due to the changes it has While the architecture for SGC blockchain was being designed, it was
implemented. Some of the important parameters of the SGC kept under consideration that the SGC blockchain should enable fast
Blockchain have been discussed below. synchronization. For that, SGC has left the EIP150 enabled in the
source code. This has made the SGC blockchain capable for fast syn-
Genesis Block chronization.
Genesis Block is the first block of a blockchain, containing the initial
configurations of the system according to which the network will EIP155Block
execute. The Genesis block for SGC Blockchain has been structured as SGC blockchain architecture has been designed by keeping in view the
various factors that can affect its security. Therefore, SGC has kept
ChainID: big.NewInt(786), EIP155 enabled in the source code to keep it secure from attacks such
DAOForkSupport: false, as replay attacks.
EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP155Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP158Block
EIP158Block: big.NewInt(0) SGC blockchain has been built space efficient. The mechanism applied
inside its architecture to keep it space efficient is that it removes the
Chain ID empty accounts. In SGC blockchain, the empty accounts are consid-
Every chain has its own unique ID which is used in connection. ered as non-existing.
representing mainnet of SGC. Chain ID has to be unique so that the
transactions included in one chain cannot be included into the other
chain. Chain ID is a uniquely defined integer which is used in the
processes of transaction signing and verifying transaction signature.

23. "ethereum - GitHub." https://github.com/ethereum.

SGC Consensus

In SGC blockchain, the transaction validation and reward distribution are carried through Proof of Work which is currently being used by bitcoin
and ethereum. In Proof of Work, when a transaction is broadcasted on the network, the miners start a battle of verifying the transaction by solving
a cryptographic puzzle hash. The one who solves the puzzle first will add the transaction into the block and broadcast it on the network. In return,
the miner gets a reward in the form of coins. However, there are some changes being implemented in the block generation and block reward
distribution in the SGC Blockchain.

A wants to send The transaction is The block is broadcasted

money to B, a new represented as a block. to every miner node on
transaction is initiated the blockchain

The money is The validated block The miners validate

moved from A to B can now be added on the the transaction by solving
chain to provide an indelible and complex mathematical puzzles.
transparent record of transaction.
Removal of Uncle Miner Therefore, keeping uncle rewards in the system would result in
making it difficult to control the mining supply which would be
In traditional PoW consensus, there are more than one miners who difficult to manage while keeping the quantity of physical gold
solve the cryptographic puzzle hash successfully, verify the under consideration.
transaction, add it in the block, but finally somehow cannot
broadcast it on the network at first place. These miners are known BlockTime
as uncle miners and they get reward in less proportion than the
miner who successfully broadcasted the block on the network at Block Time is the time after which an SGC protocol uses POW for
first place. the consensus of the transactions in the network. In the POW con-
sensus, miners try to solve the puzzle as fast as they can. SGC has
In SGC, as the total supply of SGC coins per year is limited and the set the Avg block time to 14.5 secs. It means after every 14.5 secs
physical gold is stored equivalent to 60% value of each initially a new block will be added in the blockchain.
released coin, the uncle miner rewards have been eliminated.
Moreover, to manage the supply of SGC coins and avoid the
randomness and uncertainty in uncle rewards, it was very Year Time Block
important to remove it from SGC where each initially released coin
will be 60% gold-backed. We can see in the image below that the
2019 14.5 613738
supply for uncle rewards is random and uncontrolled in ethereum.
2020-2062 14.5 2,174,897
Average Uncle Blocks From Etherscan
Average Uncle Blocks/ Month (July-Decemeber)2015 To achieve this approximate time for block generation, time range
12669.4 is set to 14-15 sec in the protocol code base. This will help to
maintain the approximate time avg by increasing and decreasing
Average Uncle Blocks/ Month 2016 14612
the difficulty level of the network.
Average Uncle Blocks/ Month 2017 14754
Average Uncle Blocks/ Month 2018 33500
Average Uncle Blocks/ Month 2019 10982

Reward Mechanism Block Reward

SGC is the first minable asset backed hybrid blockchain in the In SGC blockchain, the time to generate a block has been set to
crypto world. SGC reward system is introduced to compensate the 14.5 seconds whereas the block reward in SGC starts from 0.52
miners of the network for the PoW. SGC Blockchain has the limited SGC coin which will gradually decrease every year onwards till
supply which will be released until 2062, and thus for each year 2024, after which it will become constant at 0.11 SGC coins per
there is a different reward rate for the miners. block. Both time and reward for one block, have been calculated
according to the total number of blocks to be generated in a year.
Every year 2,174,897 blocks shall be broadcasted on the SGC
blockchain network.

2,174,897 blocks each year
Year Reward

Block Time 2019 0.52

14.5 sec for block generation
2020 0.30

2021 0.25

2022 0.21

Block Reward 2023 0.16

0.52 SGC in 2019 2024-2062 0.11

Decreases gradually over years
Will be stable at 0.11 SGC in 2024

The activation of the reward distribution on yearly basis is defined in Premine2019Start: big.NewInt(50),
the parameters configuration of the mainnet. Total blocks per month Premine2020Start: big.NewInt(613788),
are calculated and on the basis of these estimations, the reward for
Premine2021Start: big.NewInt(2788684),
each new year is enabled from the configurations. Example of rewards
enabling is described below Premine2022Start: big.NewInt(4963581),
Premine2023Start: big.NewInt(7138478)
BlockReward2019 = big.NewInt(520000000000000000)
All SGC pre-mined coins are equally distributed in 500 pre-specified
BlockReward2020 = big.NewInt(300000000000000000)
addresses, but it does not give any dominance to these addresses
BlockReward2021 = big.NewInt(250000000000000000) over the others. Each of the addresses is under check and anyone can
BlockReward2022 = big.NewInt(210000000000000000) track it. When any transaction from any of the specified addresses
BlockReward2023 = big.NewInt(160000000000000000) takes place, it can be tracked through the SGC explorer. Each detail
regarding how many coins have been transacted by one address
Premine Reward (sender) to another address (receiver) can be tracked. This way, we’re
From the yearly total supply of SGC coins, there is a specific amount keeping a6,675
check on the circulating supply of SGC coins.
of SGC coins that are pre-mined and stored on already specified
multiple addresses. This does not mean that the SGC pre-mined
supply is under the control of the addresses containing them rather it
is totally dependent on the demand & supply tradeoff. SGC has not
allocated any specific amounts of SGC coins from the pre-mined
supply for different purposes unlike the traditional ICOs do, this is to
ensure the decentralization and to respect the market trends for coin

SGC Accounts are objects having 20-byte public address, that makes up state. State transitions are thus the transfer of information between two or more
accounts. As every typical blockchain object SGC accounts have following fields and are of two types

Nonce: this is a counter that ensures each transaction can only be processed once
Balance: The account’s current balance
Contract Code: The account’s contract code, (if present, applicable to smart contracts)
Storage: The account’s storage box (empty by default)

Nonce Nonce

Balance Balance

Externally Owned Contract Code Contract Code

Account Contract Account

Storage Storage
- Controlled by external party or person - Controlled by Contract code
- Accessed through Private keys - Can ‘trigger’ other contract accounts
- Have no inherent code. - Contain inherent codes
- Can ‘trigger’ contract accounts - Also contain balance
- Is live on blockchain
Code Executed
Gas Utilized: 600

Contract Message Contract

Code Executed Gas Limit: 200 Code Executed

Gas Utilized: 200 Gas Utilized: 200

Gold Certificate Issuance

All the transactions which have not been awarded a gold certification,
shall be awarded with a certificate by setting up a range of dates
(Starting date - Ending date) on which the blocks (containing those
transactions) were added on the blockchain. In this way, a gold
certificate is generated and attached for all these transactions. The
system also checks how much supply (SGC coins) added during these
dates and according to that supply the quantity of physical gold is
stored in the secured vault. Hence, all the transactions added during
the specified range (dates) shall have the same gold certificate with
the same certificate ID.

A contract
is created
two parties
Terms/event Code is Self executes
triggers are placed in the on triggering
produced in blockchain events
SGC has developed the SGC Blockchain explorer to let the users get
insights of the blockchain and activities happening within. The SGC Block-
chain explorer updates the users about insights of the SGC Blockchain from
its transactions to the blocks created, and even the difficulty of the blocks.
In addition to the traditional stats of a blockchain explorer, the SGC Explor-
er will also be providing the information regarding gold certificates as well.
This information shows details regarding the gold rates attached to the
initial wallets and the initial transactions. Thus SGC is providing with as
much transparency and trust to the users to make it easier and favorable for
them to trade SGC24.

24 SGC Blocks https://www.sgcblocks.com/


SGC Transactions

SGC Blocks

SGC Gold Certificates *

*Data will be available after a month from the launch of Secured Gold Coin, as certificates are
to be updated by the end of each month

To get a deeper look into the SGC Blockchain, SGC provides its users with SGC Stats, which gives a deeper insight of the
SGC Blockchain, than the SGC Explorer. The SGC Stats will allow the users to see the statistics like network blocks, block
time, network speed, last block miners(addresses), gas price, gas limit, gas spending, hash rate, difficulty, number of
transactions, number of pending transactions, and other vital details of the blockchain.

Best Block Average Block Time

Difficulty Average Difficulty

Network Hashrate Block Gas Limit

Average Gas Limit Average Gas Price

Last Block Miners Active Nodes


SGC coin is a hybrid coin which is being developed on SGC blockchain. Afterwards, the gold per coin shall remain the same and will be
SGC coin is a mintable, burnable, capped and pausable coin. controlled by the latest gold prices, whereas the coin price of the
The first released SGC Coin is 60% backed by gold and the rest of 40% rest of the part shall depend on the market demand and users.
is utility crypto part. The SGC coin shall be 60% gold backed at the
time of initial release, launch and/or mine only, the gold weight will
then remain static and the price shall vary depending on the latest Coin at time of initial release
gold price. An increase in the price of crypto (40% utility section of the
coin) will not cause an increase in the price, value, or weight of the Total Price Per Coin (USD) $10
gold part and vice versa. It is important to note that the prices of both Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD – 40%) $8.8
sections are independent of each other. SGC will be issuing gold Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD – 60%) $1.2
certificates attached to the wallet addresses of first users, which can Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD) $80
be validated from the SGC Blockchain Explorer as well. Gold Per Coin (Grams) 0.015 gm
For example if the SGC Coin at the time of release/launch/mining is
worth $1, gold equivalent to 60% of this price will be allocated for the
coin and the certificate shall be attached with the wallet address of
the first users’ account. The coins details and gold per coin will be as

Coin at time of initial release 40% Crypto

The initial released SGC Coin 60%

Total Price Per Coin (USD) $1 Controlled by Gold backed and 40% utility coin Controlled by

Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD – 40%) $0.4

Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD – 60%) $0.6
Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD) $40
Gold Per Coin (Grams) 0.015 gm
Gold Price Token Utility Inflation
Certification of SBMA
(Singapore Bullion
Market Association)

24 caret gold
with 99.99
purity Coin Decimal : 18

The initial release

of SGC Coin is
60% Gold backed and
40% is utility coin 60% Gold
40% Crypto
SGC Coin Supply Timetable

Total Supply SGC Supply SGC Supply Block Time Yearly Blocks Block
Year (Yearly) (Mining) (Premined) (Seconds) (Number) Reward

2019 10,000,000 319,143 9,680,857 14.5 613,738 0.52

2020 12,000,000 650,000 11,350,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.30
2021 15,000,000 550,000 14,450,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.25
2022 16,000,000 450,000 15,550,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.21
2023 17,000,000 350,000 16,650,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.16
2024 18,000,000 250,000 17,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2025 19,000,000 250,000 18,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2026 20,000,000 250,000 19,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2027 20,000,000 250,000 19,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2028 20,000,000 250,000 19,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2029 21,000,000 250,000 20,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2030 21,000,000 250,000 20,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2031 21,000,000 250,000 20,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2032 22,000,000 250,000 21,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2033 22,000,000 250,000 21,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2034 22,000,000 250,000 21,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2035 23,000,000 250,000 22,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2036 23,000,000 250,000 22,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2037 23,000,000 250,000 22,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2038 23,000,000 250,000 22,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2039 24,000,000 250,000 23,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2040 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2041 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2042 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11

Total Supply SGC Supply SGC Supply Block Time Yearly Blocks Block
Year (Yearly) (Mining) (Premined) (Seconds) (Number) Reward

2043 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11

2044 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2045 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2046 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2047 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2048 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2049 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2050 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2051 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2052 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2053 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2054 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2055 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2056 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2057 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2058 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2059 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2060 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2061 26,000,000 250,000 25,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11
2062 16,000,000 250,000 15,750,000 14.5 2,174,897 0.11

This schedule of events is merely a projection of future coin releases:

depending on demand and supply and is subject to change at any time.
Deviations from this schedule will be accompanied by an official
announcement to the public. Furthermore, the total supply of SGC coins in
existence will not at any point in time exceed one billion SGC coins.

As a step towards listing SGC on all major currency exchanges, SGC will
potentially be listed on various potential exchange platforms including
DCoin, BW, Simex, Coinbene, LATOKEN, COINSBIT, SGC DEX,
Binance, and EXMARKETS. These exchanges will provide the storage
and transactions of buying, selling, and paying through their SGC coin
wallet services. Customers will be able to exchange most of the major
cryptocurrencies and the major fiat currencies for SGC, and vice versa.
Moreover, SGC exchange will be fully functional from September - October

SGC Coin is not just an asset backed cryptocoin rather it works as a

hybrid coin. On one hand, its initial release is 60% backed by physical
gold on the other it can be used as a utility coin on our E-commerce
platform, be traded on exchanges or can even be integrated with our
SGC PAY Debit Card for further payment options. To make the
currency available everywhere you go, SGC has introduced various
methods for SGC usability. These options make SGC available for you
as and when required according to your need and choice. From
making payments on online e-commerce platforms to paying on point
of sale with SGC PAY Debit Card, from trading to sending and
receiving of money from mobile application SGC coin has got all
options to make the SGC user content.

Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited has developed its crypto wallet that will
facilitate the users to make transactions and view their information on
transactions made by themselves. SGC in its aim to provide users with
ease with as many options as possible, has developed the SGC Wallet
across multiple platforms including SGC Web Wallet, SGC Mobile
Wallet (Android, iPhone), and SGC Desktop Wallet (Windows, Linux,

Our SGC wallet enables the user to,

Create New Account: the users can create new wallets from
the SGC Wallet applications on all platforms. This refers to the
generation of new credentials.

Import Accounts: a user can import an already existing

accounts into the SGC Wallet using KeyStore file or private keys.

Passphrase and Pattern Security: SGC has employed

passphrase and pattern security. This involves key encryption with
a passphrase or a pattern (for mobile devices).
Web Wallet
Check Account Balance: a user can check his/her account

Check Overall Balance of Accounts in Wallet:

Check Transactions:

Desktop Wallet Check Transaction History:

Windows MAC Linux Send SGC Coins: A user can send SGC coins from his wallet by
setting the transaction fee as per his/her choice. A user is
required to provide the passphrase of account before transaction.

Integrate SGC PAY Debit Card: SGC wallet comes with the
functionality of SGC PAY Debit Card integration to allow an
Mobile Wallet additional usability feature for the SGC Coins.
Android IOS Deploy Contract: Users can deploy contracts from the SGC
Wallets by providing private key at the run time. No keys will be
stored during the process.

SGC Wallet
Web Wallet Desktop Wallet Mobile Wallet

Watch Contract: A user can view contracts from SGC Wallet by

adding contract address & ABI to interact with contract functions.

Send Tokens: A user can send tokens developed on SGC Blockchain

from his wallet by setting the transaction fee as per his/her choice.
A user is required to provide the passphrase of account before

Watch Token: In addition to other contracts, a user can also view

token contracts by providing with token information.

Run Nodes: The SGC Desktop Wallets are running their own nodes.

Check Block Count and Peers Count: Users can also see the
current block counts & total peers on network from the SGC Wallet.
SGC PAY is a Payment Gateway Service that enables users to spend reaching out. It might take from minimum 60 to maximum 90 days for
cash that has been collateralised by their cryptocurrencies. It is an a Debit Card to be processed. Eligible SGC users will have the option
additional payment feature where SGC Coin users can use it for daily of linking an SGC PAY Debit Card to their SGC wallet. This function is
to daily purpose. designed for customers to use SGC coins in making purchases. The
Following three key principles of convenience, simplicity, and speed, SGC wallet of the users using SGC PAY Debit Card with SGC Coins will
SGC PAY is an application that can be downloaded to your smart be locked. The balance available for use in debit transactions will
devices (iPhone or Android), allowing you to manage your day to day represent 60% of the total value of SGC coins held by a customer in
monetary tasks without any hassle. Whether you want to send money terms of local fiat. The SGC wallet of the users using SGC PAY Debit
locally, internationally, make a cash withdrawal, exchange fiat Card with SGC Coins will be locked. The balance available for use in
currencies, or exchange cryptocurrencies, SGC PAY provide these debit transactions will represent 60% of the total value of SGC Coins
capabilities all within a single application on a mobile device. This in local fiat. It is to be noted that this initial approval of 60% will carry
unique payment feature improves the financial liquidity of a user by on for all the users for continued use of SCC PAY except for some
providing him with ample solutions for his daily payment needs. With cases where based on SGC PAY Credit Criteria, gold rate, and user
features like payment through QR code scanning, bill payment, peer rating, SGC PAY can decide to allow variable usability models (more
to peer trading etc., SGC PAY has made it easier than ever to make than or less than 60%) for SGC PAY Debit Card users subject to SGC
payments for any need a user might have. With SGC PAY at your PAY Terms and Conditions25.
fingertips, you can perform transactions almost instantly.

SGC PAY Debit Card *

SGC PAY has integrated Debit Cards in order to allow an even better
usability option for SGC Coins. SGC PAY Debit Card functionality will
be enabled and fully exercisable by September 2019. SGC Debit Card
processing would require the user to verify the identity through KYC,
this is done in order to make sure that only authentic entities are

25 "SGCPAY." https://www.sgcpay.io/.

Customers will be given ten (10) business days from the last day of the
month to restore the local fiat balance on their SGC PAY Debit Card before
any SGC coins are irreversibly subtracted from their account. Subsequent
to this allotted time, any and all reductions in SGC coins as a result of
transactions processed are permanent. Customers may obtain additional
SGC coins directly from Secured Gold Coin, or from the cryptocurrency
exchange markets. The following is an illustrative example.

An example of using your SGC-Linked SGC PAY Debit Card,

John wants to purchase a new computer. He has 500 SGC coins in his
SGC Wallet.
To make a purchase in dollars, his SGC coins must be converted to
At $2.00 per SGC, John may make purchases of up to $600.00 using
their SGC PAY Debit Card.
SGC PAY is only an additional feature providing usability to the SGC
Coins. For security, the SGC wallets of the users using SGC PAY debit
card would be locked. The coins shall be released back to the users
once they return the SGC PAY Debit Card

*Special Note: Terms and Conditions apply to the application and usage
of SGC PAY Debit Card, please refer to the T&C document in the website.

E-commerce is an activity that customers may participate in. It involves

buying or selling products through online services or over the internet.
Electronic commerce relies on technologies such as mobile
commerce, electronic funds transfer, internet marketing, online
transaction processing, or electronic data interchange.
SGC will develop an online E-commerce platform on which all the
participating merchants from Australia, Canada, China, Dubai, India,
and the United Kingdom will accept SGC coins as a form of payment
for goods and services provided by these vendors. Customers may
purchase additional SGC coins from SGC or from global exchange
markets when they will become available. On this platform, third-party
entities will be allowed to come and sell their items. On selling their
items these parties will accept SGC coins. Merchants will be able to get
registered on the E-commerce platform, free of cost. The merchants
can start registering on our e-commerce platform from our SGC
website. Our platform will start working on March 2020.

Join at: sale.securedgoldcoin.com

Contact ID: sale@securedgoldcoin.com
SGC Sale Start Date: October 04th, 2019
Special Offer End Date: October 14th, 2019
SGC Sale Supply: 1 Million
Coin Price: 1 US Dollar
Currencies Accepted: BTC, ETH, USD

SGC Special Bonus

SGC Sale https://sale.securedgoldcoin.com/en


SGC have allocated a reasonable amount of SGC Coins for the new and existing loyal users. Unlike other bounty programs, SGC have planned the bonus
schedule for the next 10 years and may elongate if needed. The bounty has been allocated from the premined coins, the allocations for the first 10 years
are as follows.26

Year Pre-Mined Allocated Percentage Coins Allocated

2019 9,680,857 2.5% 242,000

2020 11,350,000 5% 567500
2021 14,450,000 4.5 % 650250
2022 15,550,000 4% 622000
2023 16,650,000 4% 666000
2024 17,750,000 2.8 % 497000
2025 18,750,000 2.6 % 487500
2026 19,750,000 2.5 % 493750
2027 19,750,000 2.5 % 493750
2028 19,750,000 2.5 % 493750
2029 20,750,000 2.4 % 498000

26. For further information regarding bounty please refer to bounty.securedgoldcoin.com


SGC Referral Program

SGC Merchant Partners

SGC Crypto Bank

SGC Online Shop

250,000 Global Users

500,000 Global Users

Secured Gold Coin cryptocurrency is a trademark of Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited,

Registered Business Information

Trading Name Registered Address Contact Number

Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited Level 1, Suite 19, 2-14 Station Place Head Office: +61 387426659
ABN: 33 624 066 860 Werribee, Melbourne, Victoria 3030
ACN: 624 066 860

Email Websites
General: info@securedgoldcoin.com Homepage: www.securedgoldcoin.com
Support: support@securedgoldcoin.com Help and Support: support@securedgoldcoin.com
Founder Co Founder
Qazi Ahmad Mukhtar Alvia Wang

Board Of Directors

Chief Executive Officer

Qazi Ahmad Mukhtar

Administration Manager Compliance Manager Finance Manager Chief Operation Officer Chief Technology Officer Lead Research and Marketing Manager Legal Manager
Nebli Ali Mark Anastacio Emily Wang Alvia Wang Junaid Mushtaq Development Waleed Paracha Parvez Rehman
Faryal Qazi

Staff Staff Staff Staff Assistant CTO Blockchain Research Analyst Staff
Talha Yusuf Ammad Ul Islam

Public Relation Specialist Social Media Director Business Development

Natalya Bronzova Anza Dar Manager
Adam Barack

Bachelors of Commerce (Honours)

Master of Business Accounting (Victoria University, Australia)

Qazi Ahmad Mukhtar is a visionary and an innovator, a corporate leader with more than 15
years of experience in Accounting, Business, and Management. Mr. Mukhtar took up business
accountancy as his profession but ever since he was a child he had a calling to do something
big for the community.
An entrepreneur by nature, he has worked in vastly diverse fields to help the society that we live
in. Alongside being an exceptional accountant, he ventured into the fields of education and
land development. Due to his strong beliefs of youth empowerment, he started a charity school
in providing quality education to over 300 students. His desire to make the world a better place
QAZI AHMAD MUKHTAR led him to develop a keen interest in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.
Founder, Chief Executive Officer Mr. Mukhtar conceptualized Secured Gold Coin to provide a secure, usable and stable
cryptocurrency that is aimed at creating a fair and free from manipulation financial system.


Bachelor of Business in International Trade (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Masters of Professional Accounting (Victoria University, Australia) CPA (Australia)
Alvia Wang is a CPA Australia certified accountant, with over 10 years of providing a compre-
hensive commercial finance and accounting support services to businesses and individuals
within a broad range of industries including Management Consultancy, Food Retail, Telecom-
munications, Travel Retail and Hospitality.
Alvia Wang is an altruist at heart and has always been thinking of ways to better the lives of
others around her. Ms. Wang believes that blockchain technology can be a phenomenal tool in
ALVIA WANG improving the lives and financial freedom for the masses and should be used to its full potential
Co-Founder, to provide a fair and transparent environment in the financial sector.
Chief Operations Officer

Dr. Saliba Sassine is a seasoned and experienced senior executive with deep knowledge of
corporate finance and structuring, international and cross-border transactions, and the
application of technology and innovation for competitive advantage. He has served as
Chairman and CEO of a number of companies and is currently Managing Director of BlueMount
Capital in Western Australia and Chairman of the Australian and International Board of the
BlueMount Capital Group of companies.
Dr. Sassine has advised on or led biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, ICT, mining and exploration,
and agriculture projects. He has led or managed cross-border transactions in Peru, Thailand,
USA, India, China, and Japan. He has served as a Senior Ministerial Advisor in Australia, and has
served as Chairman of several high profile visual and performing arts outfits. He has a First Class
DR. SALIBA SASSINE Honours Degree in Economics from the University of Western Australia and was awarded a
Non - Executive Director Doctor of Philosophy from the University of WA.

Nebil Ali is a graduate in Information Systems and with over 25 years of experience in the field
of Computer and Systems Engineering, he is an expert in Advanced Interactive Executive OS,
System Security, Intrusion Detection, Infrastructure Operations, Solaris, AIX, Linux, VMware, and
Wintel servers.
Nebil has worked for many major Australian Fortune 500 companies including Telstra,
Wesfarmers, and Computershare. Through his problem solving skills and his ability to think
outside the box, he has led and managed many IT projects to completion and has won multiple
commendations in doing so.
NEBIL ALI Nebil Ali has been a blockchain enthusiast for over 5 years and has studied it to a great extent
to understand the issues with today’s cryptocurrencies and with these insights and his technical
Executive Director / abilities, he can deliver significant contributions to the success of Secured Gold Coin.
Board Member

Rajesh holds graduate and post-graduate qualifications in Civil Engineering from the Indian
Institute of Technology in Delhi, and a Computer Systems Engineering degree from RMIT
University in Melbourne. He has significant industry experience from having worked for major
corporations, government agencies in both India and Australia.
Rajesh is currently the principal of a medium manufacturing enterprise in Melbourne. He is a
blockchain enthusiast and believes that blockchain technology can make revolutionary changes
in business domains. His main interests are in cryptocurrencies and providing solutions to the
existing issues in the crypto world.
Board Member

Skilled Solution Architect, and experienced Blockchain Developer with a focus on designing and
implementing Scalable and Highly Available integrated solutions, Junaid is a meaningful
addition to our SGC team. He has years of experience in blockchain development with expertise
in Solidity, Ethereum, Quorum, Hyperledger Fabric, NodeJS, Go, Python, AngularJS, ReactJS,
Docker, RESTful API Design, Back-End Development, and Web Development. He has a number
of successful international blockchain projects. Junaid holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer
Sciences with a core focus on Computer Software Engineering from the University of Central

JUNAID MUSHTAQ https://www.linkedin.com/in/junaid-mushtaq-171112126/

Chief Technology Officer

Talha is an experienced developer, speaker, and a blockchain expert. He is a blockchain enthusi-

ast and is known for conducting blockchain awareness campaigns at several well-known plat-
forms in Pakistan. He is proficient in all three forms of blockchain namely Private, Public, and
Permissioned. He is specifically skilled in Ethereum, Monero, Hyperledger Fabric, EOS, Electron,
Solidity, MeteorJS, NodeJS, Go, Python, ReactJS, and many other blockchains. He is also actively
involved in solving the scalability issues of the blockchain and is giving a positive contribution
to the industry by working on multiple international blockchain projects. With his vast experi-
ence and expertise he can deliver significant contributions to SGC.

TALHA YUSUF https://www.linkedin.com/in/talha-yusuf-66067610b/

Assistant CTO

Faryal is a skilled Solution Architect, researcher and blockchain business analyst. She has 5 years
of experience in research, development,, and public speaking. She is efficient in white paper
writing, blockchain researching, Initial Coin Offerings, and excels in Ethereum, Quorum,
Hyperledger, IPFS, and private blockchains with a number of international successful projects.
Other than blockchain she is highly skilled in the field of data science, artificial intelligence, and
computer vision.
She is a public speaker and spreads blockchain awareness in various seminars and summits. She
is a tech enthusiast and has her Master’s degree in Data Sciences and Bachelor’s degree in
Computer System Engineering.
FARYAL QAZI https://www.linkedin.com/in/faryal-qazi-532541a7/
Lead Research and Development

Ammad is a passionate, research-oriented blockchain enthusiast. He is currently working as a

Research Analyst at Blockchain Expert Solutions powered by Miranz where he is efficiently
involved in white paper writing, business analysis, market analysis, and designing technical
models. He has a grip over the public, private and permissioned blockchains excelling in
Ethereum, Hyperledger, LISK, and IOTA. He has done his Bachelors in Computer Sciences from
Government College University.

AMMAD UL ISLAM https://www.linkedin.com/in/ammad-ul-islam-683143b3/

Blockchain Research Analyst

Waleed Paracha holds multiple qualifications in Information Systems and Management, with
over 15 years of experience in Information Technology, Education, Marketing and Service
Delivery domains. Starting off on the helpdesk, Waleed Paracha made his way up the corporate
ladder, while managing educational and business projects on the side.
Waleed Paracha is a prodigious advocate of fairness and transparency in the business sector
and wants to encourage integrity and ethics in all walks of life. Since being introduced to
blockchain and cryptocurrencies by Qazi Ahmad Mukhtar, Waleed Paracha sees great potential
in these technologies to make the business world a better place for both vendors and
WALEED PARACHA Waleed Paracha aspires to make the world fairer, more transparent and ethical principles to be
employed by all businesses across the globe.
Marketing Director /
Board Member https://www.linkedin.com/in/waleedparacha/

They say looks can be deceptive and that fits the bill for Natalya Bronzova. You can tell the
accomplishments of this young lady by just looking at her. Natalya has got a postgraduate
education in the Philosophy of Russian Language and Literature and is currently the President
of Event Management Company HB Suria, and also the National Director for Miss Russia Kebaya
Natalya currently holds many awards, the most notable of which are the Elite Award of the
Philippines, Chipao Timeless Elegant Queen, Miss Canada Millennium Universe. She has also
been awarded the Most Encouraging Woman for 2018 and also nominated as the World
Ambassador for Art and Beauty by the Artist Association in 2017. She has acted in multiple art
movies and has a real ability for getting her ideas and emotions across. In a nutshell, Natalya is
NATALYA BRONZOVA an outright combination of Beauty and Brains.
Public Relation Specialist Being an entrepreneur and a Public Relations guru, Natalya with all her knowledge, skills and
connections, has a dream of empowerment of the global masses and bring a positive change in


Anza is a positive, proactive and results-driven senior manager with more than 7 years of
experience engaging members of diverse communities, government agencies and private
organizations in strategic marketing ventures to develop cross-functional relationships that
contribute to business growth and awareness-raising. With a highly successful background in
the achievement of business growth through successful development & execution of strategies,
she possesses strong leadership role with experience in dealing with people from diverse
She has served in multiple multinational ventures guiding them to success, with her guidance,
experience, and skills, we believe she can drag us to the success.
Social Media Director

Being a skilled manager, seasoned administrator, and an experienced business developer,

Adam barack is no doubt a positive addition to SGC. Adam has served for more than 12 years
in the industry leading a number of companies to success. He is an expert in forex bureau
services, financial product development, generating sales leads, pitch, and managing a good
communication with the new contacts. We hope his years of experience and proficiency in the
work would contribute a lot to the success of Secured Gold Coin.

Business Development Manager

Mudaser Iqbal is the founder and CIO of Blockchain Expert Solutions. He is an expert in writing
quality whitepapers, SRS for complex blockchain design, ICO planning & execution and finan-
cial analysis of projects. With an experience of more than 12 years in the IT industry Mudaser
has served a number of international industries and has now groomed into an entrepreneur. He
is a keen believer of the revolution with blockchain and is constantly involved in providing tech-
nical and business advisorship to a number of projects.

MUDASER IQBAL https://www.linkedin.com/in/mudaseriqbal/

Blockchain Business Advisor


Gold Partners

Gold Storage Partners

Project Partners

Blockchain Partners

Media Partners

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