LTD Case
LTD Case
LTD Case
The Spouses
Llanes attached the corrected CENRO Certification as Annex "A" to their Appellees’
NATIVIDAD STA. ANA VICTORIA VS. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Brief submitted to the Court of Appeals, but the appellate court, without providing
G.R. No. 179673 June 8, 2011 any reason, did not consider the same.
To prove that the land subject of the application for registration is alienable, an
Hence, the present petition.
applicant must establish the existence of a positive act of the government such as
a presidential proclamation or an executive order; an administrative action;
investigation reports of Bureau of Lands investigators; and a legislative act or The CA granted the appeal of the Republic.
ISSUE: Whether the Court of Appeals erred in reversing and setting aside the
The applicant may secure a certification from the government that the lands grant by the MCTC of the Spouses Llanes’ Application for Registration of Title
applied for are alienable and disposable, but the certification must show that the based on its finding that the subject property became alienable and disposable
DENR Secretary had approved the land classification and released the land of the only on 22 December 1997.
pubic domain as alienable and disposable, and that the land subject of the
application for registration falls within the approved area per verification through
survey by the PENRO or CENRO. The applicant must also present a copy of the HELD: YES. The three requisites for the filing of an application for registration
original classification of the land into alienable and disposable, as declared by the of title are: (1) that the property in question is alienable and disposable land of the
DENR Secretary or as proclaimed by the President. public domain; (2) that the applicants by themselves or through their
predecessors-in-interest have been in open, continuous, exclusive, and notorious
SPS. GABRIEL LLANES and MARIA LLANES vs. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES possession and occupation; and (3) that such possession has been under abona
G.R. No. 177947 November 27, 2008 fide claim of ownership since 12 June 1945 or earlier.
FACTS: The Spouses Llanes applied for registration of their title over a parcel of To prove that the land subject of an application for registration is alienable, an
land located in Malvar, Batangas. The land had been in the possession of Gabriel’s applicant must conclusively establish the existence of a positive act of the
grandmother since the 1930s and declared the said property for taxation government such as a presidential proclamation or an executive order, or an
purposessince 1948. It was classified as agricultural land and was being cultivated administrative action, investigation reports of the Bureau of Lands investigator or a
by Eugenia’s son and Gabriel’s father. legislative act or statute. A certification by the CENRO of the DENR stating that the
land subject of an application is found to be within the alienable and disposable
site per a land classification project map is sufficient evidence to show the real
On 29 December 1995, the subject property came into the possession of the character of the land subject of the application.
Spouses Llanes when they purchased the same from Servillano (Gabriel’s brother)
and Rita as evidenced by a Kasulatan ng Bilihan. Gabriel himself cultivated the
subject property and religiously paid real property taxes. In the instant case, the Spouses Llanes submitted to the MCTC Certifications from
DENR Region IV and CENRO, Batangas City, to prove the alienability and
disposability of the subject property. However, the two Certifications contained
In 1996, however, the Spouses Llanes conveyed the subject property to ICTSI different dates as to when the subject property became alienable and
Warehousing, Inc. (ICTSI), by virtue of a Deed of Absolute Sale. disposable: 26 March 1928 per the DENR Certification, but 22 December
1997 according to the CENRO Certification. The discrepancy between the two
ICTSI filed an application for registration of title over the subject property before Certifications was overlooked by the parties during the trial stage of the case
the RTC of Batangas, but has to amend the application due to the alleged before the MCTC. The MCTC granted the Spouses Llanes’ Application for
technicality that the sale between ICTSI and the Spouses Llanes could not push Registration of Title without mentioning the said discrepancy between the two
through because the tax declaration covering the subject property was still in the Certifications. The discrepancy was discovered only when the present case was
names of the Spouses Llanes and could not be transferred and declared in the already before the Court of Appeals. The Spouses Llanes immediately verified and
name of ICTSI. secured a corrected Certification from the CENRO, which confirmed the DENR
Certification that the subject property became alienable and disposable on 26
March 1928. The appellate court, however, did not consider the corrected CENRO
The Republic submitted to the RTC its Opposition to the Spouses Llanes’
Certification and, in ruling against the Spouses Llanes’ application, still relied on
the first CENRO Certification which incorrectly stated that the subject property
became alienable and disposable only on 22 December 1997.
On 21 April 1993, the Court issued Administrative Circular No. 64-93 delegating to
first level courts the jurisdiction to hear and decide cadastral and land registration
Since the determination of the true date when the subject property became
cases. Pursuant thereto, the RTC issued an Order remanding the entire records of
alienable and disposable is material to the resolution of this case, it behooves this
the Spouses Llanes’ application to the MCTC.
Court, in the interest of substantial justice, fairness, and equity, to consider the
corrected CENRO Certification even though it was only presented during the
The Spouses Llanes filed their formal offer of evidence before the MCTC. Among appeal to the Court of Appeals.
the evidence they submitted were the Certifications issued by the DENR IV, Forest
Management Bureau (FMB) dated 9 March 2000 and by the CENRO, Batangas City G.R. No. 179905 August 19, 2009
dated 15 June 2000, both declaring the subject property as alienable and REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. NEPTUNA G. JAVIER
The MCTC rendered a Decision granting the Application for Registration of Title of
the Spouses Llanes.
- Javier acquired property through Deed of Donation executed by her
paternal aunt, Catalina Javier, a childless widow, on 27 Nov 1956.
The Republic appealed to the Court of Appeals, arguing that the MCTC erred in Javier’s cousins questioned the execution of DD. CFI declared DD void,
granting the Application for Registration of Title of the Spouses Llanes because the since, being unnotarized, failed to comply with the legal requisites for a
latter failed to comply with the statutory requirement of possession for 30 years, valid donation. Nevertheless, in a Deed of Partition, Catalina’s heirs
the subject property becoming alienable and disposable only on 22 December allocated property to Javier. Catalina and her husband had been in
1997 per the CENRO Certification. possession of the property since 1907. Javier gained personal
knowledge of Catalina’s ownership when Catalina came to live with
Javier in 1940. The subject property was being tilled by a kasama when
It was only at this point that the Spouses Llanes realized that the Certifications
Javier acquired the said property, but at the time she filed her
issued to them by the government agencies concerned stated different dates when
Application for Registration, there were no more tenants on the subject
the subject property became alienable and disposable. Based on the DENR-FMB
property. -> Javier had been in OCEN possession and occupation,
Certification, the subject property became alienable and disposable on 26 March
together with her PII, for more than 30 years. Catalina declared the
1928. However, according to the CENRO Certification, the subject property became
subject property in her name for taxation purposes even before 1945,
alienable and disposable only on 22 December 1997. The Spouses Llanes then
Javier subsequently declared the subject property in her name under
verified the correctness of the CENRO Certification and found that CENRO
Tax Dec in 1966. Javier had been paying real property tax
committed a mistake therein. CENRO itself rectified its gaffe by issuing another
- 25 March 1999: Javier (75yo) filed before MTC a verified Application for
Certification dated 20 July 2004, consistent with the DENR Certification, that the
Original Registration of Title to the subject property
Case Digest in Land Titles and Deeds
1stSem AY 2013-2014, Arellano University School of Law 1
- Petitioner filed its Notice of Appearance and Opposition: neither Javier FACTS:
nor her PII had been in OCEN possession and occupation of the land
since 12 June 1945; that the muniments of title alleged in the
T.A.N. Properties filed an Application for Original Registration of Title for a land
Application did not constitute sufficient evidence of a bona fide
located at Sto. Tomas, Batangas.
acquisition; that the subject property was a portion of the public
- Laguna Lake Development Authority also filed its Opposition: property During the trial, the only oppositor is the Republic..
was public land, forming part of the bed of Laguna de Bay (located
below the reglementary lake elevation of 12.50 meters) The testimonies of respondent’s witnesses showed that Prospero Dimayuga
- During the hearing, no private oppositor appeared except for LLDA -> (Kabesang Puroy) had peaceful, adverse, open, and continuous possession of the
court issued an Order of General Default land in the concept of an owner since 1942. Upon his death, Kabesang Puroy was
- Pablo Javier Quinto also offered his testimony in support of Javier’s succeeded by his son Antonio Dimayuga (Antonio). On 27 September 1960,
claims: familiar with property because he and his siblings co-owned a Antonio executed a Deed of Donation covering the land in favor of one of his
lot adjacent to the same (both part of Javier’s inheritance from children, Fortunato Dimayuga (Fortunato). Later, however, Antonio gave Fortunato
Catalina) another piece of land. Hence, on 26 April 1961, Antonio executed a Partial
- MTC granted Javier her Application for Registration Revocation of Donation, and the land was adjudicated to one of Antonio’s children,
- Republic, through OSG, filed a Notice of Appeal: testimonies of Javier Prospero Dimayuga (Porting). On 8 August 1997, Porting sold the land to
and Quinto hardly established that Javier and her PII have occupied respondent.
property OCEN, and under a claim of title since 12 June 1945 or earlier;
tax decs submitted were not conclusive proof of ownership.
- CA again ruled in Javier’s favor The trial court ruled that a juridical person or a corporation could apply for
- Republic: Possession of the subject property by Catalina, then Javier, registration of land provided such entity and its predecessors-in-interest have
can only be characterized as casual cultivation of the same; Deed of possessed the land for 30 years or more. The trial court ruled that the facts
Partition executed by Catalina’s heirs do not prove ownership of the showed that respondent’s predecessors-in-interest possessed the land in the
subject property; and Javier has not been able to positively establish concept of an owner prior to 12 June 1945, which possession converted the land to
that property is A&D private property.
I: WON MTC erred in granting Javier’s Application for Registration. Petitioner appealed from the trial court’s Decision. Petitioner alleged that the trial
court erred in granting the application for registration absent clear evidence that
the applicant and its predecessors-in-interest have complied with the period of
H: NO. possession and occupation as required by law. Petitioner alleged that the
testimonies of Evangelista and Torres are general in nature. Considering the area
- Javier was able to sufficiently establish her title under Sec14(1) of PRD: involved, petitioner argued that additional witnesses should have been presented
The following persons may file an application for registration of title to to corroborate Evangelista’s testimony.
land: Those who by themselves or through their PII have been in OCEN
possession and occupation of A&D lands of PUBD under a bona fide The Court of Appeals affirmed in toto the trial court’s Decision.
claim of ownership since June 12, 1945, or earlier.
- Assertion of Republic that property is not A&D is belied by: To prove
alienability, an applicant must establish the existence of a positive act ISSUE: 1. Whether the land is alienable and disposable;
of the gov
- In this case: (1) CENRO Report confirms that the subject property falls 2. Whether respondent or its predecessors-in-interest had open,
within A&D zone and that the same was neither covered by any public continuous, exclusive, and notorious possession and occupation of the
land application nor embraced by any administrative title; (2) Javier’s land in the concept of an owner since June 1945 or earlier; and
Approved Plan contains the statement that the subject property is
within A&D area of PUBD as Project No. 5-A
- Evidence on record likewise supports the fact that Javier and PII 3. Whether respondent is qualified to apply for registration of the land
occupied property in the concept of an owner since 12 June 1945 or under the Public Land Act.
- Per CENRO Report, property is not covered by any public land HELD: YES.
application or embraced by any administrative title. The Report of the
Office of the Provincial Engineer of Rizal, likewise affirmed that there
On the first issue, the well-entrenched rule is that all lands not appearing to be
were no provincial projects that would be affected by the registration of
clearly of private dominion presumably belong to the State. The onus to overturn,
the subject property in Javier’s name.
by incontrovertible evidence, the presumption that the land subject of an
application for registration is alienable and disposable rests with the applicant.
G.R. No. 157683. February 11, 2005
In this case, respondent submitted two certifications issued by the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The 3 June 1997 Certification by the
While the petitioner correctly asserts that the submission in evidence of the
Community Environment and Natural Resources Offices (CENRO), Batangas City,
original tracing cloth plan, duly approved by the Bureau of Lands, is a mandatory
certified that "lot 10705, Cad-424, Sto. Tomas Cadastre situated at Barangay San
requirement, this Court has recognized instances of substantial compliance with
Bartolome, Sto. Tomas, Batangas with an area of 596,116 square meters falls
this rule. In previous cases, this Court ruled that blueprint copies of the original
within the ALIENABLE AND DISPOSABLE ZONE under Project No. 30, Land
tracing cloth plan from the Bureau of Lands and other evidence could also provide
Classification Map No. 582 certified [on] 31 December 1925." The second
sufficient identification to identify a piece of land for registration purposes.
certification in the form of a memorandum to the trial court, which was issued by
the Regional Technical Director, Forest Management Services of the DENR (FMS-
The petitioner’s contention that the Property’s status as alienable and disposable
DENR), stated "that the subject area falls within an alienable and disposable land,
land was unsubstantiated is likewise unavailing. As stated earlier, the respondents
Project No. 30 of Sto. Tomas, Batangas certified on Dec. 31, 1925 per LC No. 582."
offered as evidence before the trial court a certification from the DENR CENRO
stating that the Property is entirely within the alienable and disposable zone
classified under Project No. 8, Land Classification Map No. 582 and certified on The certifications are not sufficient. DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No.
December 31, 1925. 20, dated 30 May 1988, delineated the functions and authorities of the offices
within the DENR. Under DAO No. 20, series of 1988, the CENRO issues certificates
of land classification status for areas below 50 hectares. The Provincial
Environment and Natural Resources Offices (PENRO) issues certificate of land
classification status for lands covering over 50 hectares. DAO No. 38, dated 19 April
1990, amended DAO No. 20, series of 1988. DAO No. 38, series of 1990 retained
the authority of the CENRO to issue certificates of land classification status for
areas below 50 hectares, as well as the authority of the PENRO to issue certificates
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. T.A.N. PROPERTIES, INC. of land classification status for lands covering over 50 hectares. In this case,
G.R. No. 154953 June 26, 2008 respondent applied for registration of Lot 10705-B. The area covered by Lot
10705-B is over 50 hectares (564,007 square meters). The CENRO certificate
Case Digest in Land Titles and Deeds
1stSem AY 2013-2014, Arellano University School of Law 2
covered the entire Lot 10705 with an area of 596,116 square meters which, as such acquisitive prescription since both the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions prohibit
per DAO No. 38, series of 1990, is beyond the authority of the CENRO to certify as corporations from acquiring lands of the public domain.
alienable and disposable.
Admittedly, a corporation can at present still apply for original registration of land
The Regional Technical Director, FMS-DENR, has no authority under DAO Nos. 20 under the doctrine in Director of Lands. Republic Act No. 9176 (RA 9176) further
and 38 to issue certificates of land classification. Under DAO No. 20, the Regional amended the Public Land Act and extended the period for the filing of applications
Technical Director, FMS-DENR: for judicial confirmation of imperfect and incomplete titles to alienable and
disposable lands of the public domain until 31 December 2020. Thus:
Further, it is not enough for the PENRO or CENRO to certify that a land is
alienable and disposable. The applicant for land registration must prove that the Under RA 9176, the application for judicial confirmation is limited only to 12
DENR Secretary had approved the land classification and released the land of the hectares, consistent with Section 3, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution that a
public domain as alienable and disposable, and that the land subject of the private individual may only acquire not more than 12 hectares of alienable and
application for registration falls within the approved area per verification disposable land. Hence, respondent, as successor-in-interest of an individual
through survey by the PENRO or CENRO. In addition, the applicant for land owner of the land, cannot apply for registration of land in excess of 12 hectares.
registration must present a copy of the original classification approved by the Since respondent applied for 56.4007 hectares, the application for the excess area
DENR Secretary and certified as a true copy by the legal custodian of the official of 44.4007 hectares is contrary to law, and thus void ab initio. In applying for land
records. These facts must be established to prove that the land is alienable and registration, a private corporation cannot have any right higher than its
disposable. predecessor-in-interest from whom it derived its right. This assumes, of course,
that the corporation acquired the land, not exceeding 12 hectares, when the land
had already become private land by operation of law. In the present case,
Only Torres, respondent’s Operations Manager, identified the certifications
respondent has failed to prove that any portion of the land was already private
submitted by respondent. The government officials who issued the certifications
land when respondent acquired it from Porting in 1997.
were not presented before the trial court to testify on their contents. The trial
court should not have accepted the contents of the certifications as proof of the
facts stated therein. Even if the certifications are presumed duly issued and
G.R. No. 171514 July 18, 2012
admissible in evidence, they have no probative value in establishing that the land
is alienable and disposable.
Applying Section 24 of Rule 132, the record of public documents referred to in
Section 19 (a), when admissible for any purpose, may be evidenced by an official - March 3, 1999, R filed an application for land registration covering a
publication thereof or by a copy attested by the officer having legal custody of the parcel of land (5,525sqm) in Consolacion, Cebu; alleged that: (a)
record, or by his deputy…The CENRO is not the official repository or legal property is A&D; (b) he purchased the property from his mother, Isabel
custodian of the issuances of the DENR Secretary declaring public lands as Espinosa, on July 4, 1970; and (c) he and his PII had been in possession
alienable and disposable. The CENRO should have attached an official publication of the property in the concept of an owner for more than 30 years
of the DENR Secretary’s issuance declaring the land alienable and disposable. - R submitted the blueprint of Advanced Survey Plan, 2 tax dec for the
years 1965 and 1974 in Isabel’s name, Certification issued by the Office
of the Treasurer of Consolacion, Cebu and 3 tax dec for the years 1978,
As to the second issue, The Court of Appeals ruled that there is no law that
1980 and 1985
requires that the testimony of a single witness needs corroboration. However, in
- P opposed: (a) Sec 48(b) of CA141had not been complied with as
this case, we find Evangelista’s uncorroborated testimony insufficient to prove that
Espinosa’s PII possessed the property only after June 12, 1945; and (b)
respondent’s predecessors-in-interest had been in possession of the land in the
tax dec do not prove that possession are in the character and for the
concept of an owner for more than 30 years. The Court cannot consider the
length of time required by law
testimony of Torres as sufficient corroboration. Torres testified primarily on the
- MTC granted Espinosa’s petition: Espinosa was able to establish his
fact of respondent’s acquisition of the land. While he claimed to be related to the
ownership and possession over the subject lot which is within the area
Dimayugas, his knowledge of their possession of the land was hearsay. He did not
considered by DENR as A&D; applicant has been in OCEN and under
even tell the trial court where he obtained his information.
claim of title thereto within the time prescribed by law (Sec. 14, sub-
par. 1, P.D. 1529)
The tax declarations presented were only for the years starting 1955. While tax - CA dismissed petitioner’s appeal and affirmed MTC: possession for at
declarations are not conclusive evidence of ownership, they constitute proof of least 30 years, despite the fact that it commenced after June 12, 1945,
claim of ownership. Respondent did not present any credible explanation why the sufficed to convert the property to private.
realty taxes were only paid starting 1955 considering the claim that the Dimayugas
were allegedly in possession of the land before 1945. The payment of the realty
I: WON Espinosa has acquired an imperfect title over the subject property that is
taxes starting 1955 gives rise to the presumption that the Dimayugas claimed
worthy of confirmation and registration.
ownership or possession of the land only in that year.
As to the third issue, the 1987 Constitution absolutely prohibits private
corporations from acquiring any kind of alienable land of the public domain.
- Erred in not applying the present text of Section 48(b) of the PLA
- Sec 14(2) of PD 1529: The following persons may file an application for
Director of Lands is not applicable to the present case. In Director of Lands, the
registration: Those who have acquired ownership of private lands by
"land x x x was already private property at the time it was acquired x x x by
prescription under the provision of existing laws.
Acme." In this case, respondent acquired the land on 8 August 1997 from Porting,
- Sec 48(b) of the PLA originally states: Those who by themselves or
who, along with his predecessors-in-interest, has not shown to have been, as of
through PII have been in OCEN possession and occupation of
that date, in open, continuous, and adverse possession of the land for 30 years
agricultural lands of the public domain, under a bona fide claim of
since 12 June 1945. In short, when respondent acquired the land from Porting, the
acquisition or ownership, except as against the Government, since July
land was not yet private property.
26, 1894, except when prevented by war or force majeure.
- June 22, 1957: RA 1942 amended Sec 48(b) of the PLA by providing a
For Director of Lands to apply and enable a corporation to file for registration of 30-year prescriptive period for JC of imperfect title
alienable and disposable land, the corporation must have acquired the land when - Jan 25, 1977: PD 1073 was issued, changing the requirement for
its transferor had already a vested right to a judicial confirmation of title to the possession and occupation for a period of 30 years to possession and
land by virtue of his open, continuous and adverse possession of the land in the occupation since June 12, 1945 or earlier
concept of an owner for at least 30 years since 12 June 1945. - PD 1073, in effect, repealed RA 1942 such that applications under Sec
48(b) of PLA filed after the promulgation of PD 1073 should allege and
What is determinative for the doctrine in Director of Lands to apply is for the prove possession and occupation that dated back to June 12, 1945 or
corporate applicant for land registration to establish that when it acquired the earlier
land, the same was already private land by operation of law because the statutory - For one to invoke Sec 48(b), it must be demonstrated that such
acquisitive prescriptive period of 30 years had already lapsed. The length of possession and occupation commenced on Jan 24, 1947 and 30-year
possession of the land by the corporation cannot be tacked on to complete the period was completed prior to the effectivity of PD 1073.
statutory 30 years acquisitive prescriptive period. Only an individual can avail of