Good Book
Good Book
Good Book
Abstract- A significant amount of research has been conducted to be used in automating home appliances and is applied in
in order to make home appliances more efficient in terms of
energy usage. Various techniques have been designed and
implemented in order to control the power demand and supply.
This paper encompasses reviews of different research works on a
wide range of energy management techniques for smart homes
aimed at reducing energy consumption and minimizing energy
wastage. The idea of smart home is elaborated followed by a
review of existing energy management methods.
A home constituting of such appliances or devices that
consume energy in an efficient manner and operate digitally is
known as a smart home [1]. A network oriented home makes
communication between devices in an easy manner. It enables
the devices to be connected to the internet server and usually
communicates wirelessly. The internet or service providers are
the ones responsible for providing new services to the
customers and making them easily accessible for the Fig. 1. Smart appliances for efficient energy management
individuals. In some cases, the smart devices are supposed to order to manage time and energy used by the appliances.
be smart enough to observe the inhabitants residing in these A method to conserve energy build upon home information
homes. Latest technologies are used to build such devices that state has been used in [3]. In order to manage and control
operate and communicate automatically. appliances that work on the principle of user’s operational
The sole purpose of these smart devices is to provide its information, a network including IP, XML and JAVA is
residents with a secure, active and quality environment leading present at most of the companies dealing in appliances used at
to a positive impact on their lives. The issues such as home. An experiment was carried out by simulating an
environmental disruptions, insecurity, communication environment consisting of hundred homes in which 16
difficulties, health dilemmas and entertainment discrepancies different home appliances operating electrically were used. The
are reduced to a minimum by the use of smart devices. Smart simulation was carried out carefully and in a very professional
home devices are capable of monitoring internal activities of manner so that accurate results could be achieved. The
the home and use technology that enables the devices, for occupants of these homes were told to behave normally while
example, to turn on and turn off automatically. Concept of the the devices were being operated by using the neural fuzzy
smart home is elaborated in Figure 1. It shows different smart technology. The results showed that the appliances helped in
devices to be controlled for efficient energy management. reducing the energy consumption by 15.6% in contrast to those
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II is devices which were operating manually. Another system to
dedicated for energy regulation methods used in smart homes manage energy has been presented in [4]; it consists of a
simple desktop PC and some sensors in a building. The
where as section III describes the quest for efficient energy
purpose was to ensure the conservation of energy that is lost by
resources and energy management using ZigBee. Conclusions
carelessness caused by users. The sensors are used in order to
are drawn in section IV.
see how many individuals entered and exited the building.
II. ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN SMART HOMES An energy management system was developed that operated
intelligently inside a small building occupied by inhabitants
Various energy management methods for smart homes are
[5]. It basically works by observing the activities of individuals
described in this section. The use of neural fuzzy network has
using thermal and visual aid. The sensors were used to monitor
been in use to control devices in the house. A controller based
the activities by sensing the heat level of the people. By
upon a neural fuzzy logic was designed in MATLAB interface
building a system that operated visually and thermally, the
and it was converted into a tool with the help of hardware and
energy wastage was reduced to a great level. A smart home
the use of internet technology [2]. However, this technique is
system was designed to control the energy consumption in