Pi Is 0749806319304943
Pi Is 0749806319304943
Pi Is 0749806319304943
Purpose: To compare the biomechanical effectiveness of human dermal allograft (HDA) anterior capsular reconstruction
(ACR) and pectoralis major tendon transfer (PMTT) for treating irreparable subscapularis tears with capsular insufficiency
in human cadaver shoulders. Methods: Glenohumeral rotational range of motion and translation were measured in
6 cadaveric shoulders under the following 5 conditions: intact, deficient subscapularis/anterior capsule, ACR using HDA,
HDA ACR with concomitant PMTT, and PMTT alone. Results: The deficient subscapularis/anterior capsule condition
significantly increased external and total rotational range of motion at 0 (P < .001, P < .001) and 30 (P ¼ .005, P ¼ .002)
abduction as well as anterior-inferior translation (P .001 to .03). HDA ACR, both with and without PMTT, restored
anterior-inferior stability to that of the intact condition; however, PMTT alone did not restore anterior-inferior translation
or rotational range of motion. Conclusions: HDA ACR for treating irreparable subscapularis tears with capsular insuf-
ficiency restored anterior-inferior glenohumeral translation and rotational range of motion at time 0 in human cadaver
shoulders. Clinical Relevance: Anterior capsule reconstruction may be a viable option for treating massive irreparable
subscapularis tears with capsular insufficiency.
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol -, No - (Month), 2019: pp 1-7 1
Fig 2. Experimental conditions. (A) Subscapularis/anterior capsule defect. (B) Anterior capsular reconstruction. (C) Anterior
capsular reconstruction with concomitant pectoralis major transfer.
o’clock and 5 o’clock positions (in a right shoulder) tendon was secured with two no. 2 FiberWire sutures,
medial to the labrum. Two bone tunnels were created passed through the drill holes on the lateral edge of
at the medial edge of the lesser tuberosity, 5 mm apart lesser tuberosity, and fixed with 2 standard simple
from the tear edge of the subscapularis tendon, to stitches.
perform transosseous fixation. The size of the HDA graft For PMTT (50% tendon) alone, after biomechanical
(JRF Ortho, Centennial, CO; and Community Tissue testing was completed for the above condition, the HDA
Services, Dayton, OH) was quantified based on the lo- ACR was carefully taken down by cutting the medial
cations of the glenoid anchors and bone tunnels on the and lateral sutures of the repair and removing the
lesser tuberosity using a MicroScribe 3DLX at 30 gle- dermal allograft. Care was taken not to disrupt the
nohumeral abduction and the midpoint of the total pectoralis major transfer. Thus, only the pectoralis
ROM for each specimen. Tensioning in this arm posi- major transfer remained.
tion has been previously shown to most closely recreate
the passive joint motion in the normal shoulder and Biomechanical Testing
avoid overconstraint.16 In preparing the HDA graft for Measurements were performed at 0 , 30 , and 60 of
the ACR, the graft was oversized 5 mm superiorly and glenohumeral abduction, which corresponded to 0 ,
10 mm inferiorly to provide adequate coverage of the 45 , and 90 of shoulder abduction. The rotator cuff and
capsular defect. Laterally, it was oversized 10 mm conjoined tendons were loaded based on physiological
lateral to the bone tunnel sites to cover the footprint on cross-sectional area ratios with multiple lines of pull to
the lesser tuberosity. The mean graft height in the create a balanced force couple.20 Two lines of pull were
superior-inferior direction was 34.1 mm on the glenoid used for the supraspinatus (10 N), 2 for the sub-
and 22.8 mm on the lesser tuberosity, and medial- scapularis (10 N), 2 for the infraspinatus/teres minor
lateral widths were 42.5 mm superiorly and 45.5 mm (10 N), 3 for the deltoid (12 N), 2 for the latissimus dorsi
inferiorly. Mean graft thickness was determined to be (10 N), 4 for the pectoralis major (10 N), and 1 for the
2.6 mm using a digital caliper. For the reconstruction, conjoined tendon (5 N). A string was attached to the
the graft was first fixed to the glenoid via a double humerus at the proximal pectoralis major insertion for
pulley suture construct and then fixed to the lesser application of anteroinferior translation force. The
tuberosity using a transosseous technique, 1 horizontal string passed through a pulley positioned perpendicular
mattress suture medially, and 2 simple stitches laterally. and anterior to the humerus with a 20 inferior pull.
To achieve consistent capsular tensioning, the arm was Three anteroinferior loads, 20, 30, and 40 N, were
held at 30 abduction, 30 forward flexion, and 30 applied to simulate an anteroinferior dislocation force.
external rotation (ER) while performing the lateral Glenohumeral translation was quantified using a
fixation. MicroScribe 3DLX. To ensure a consistent reference
For HDA ACR and PMTT (50% tendon) (Fig 2C), after point for digitizing measurements, 1 small screw was
biomechanical testing was completed with the HDA placed on the anterolateral edge of the acromion.
ACR described above, a subcoracoid PMTT was added Additionally, 1 screw was placed on the greater tuber-
to the reconstruction.5,17-19 The pectoralis major osity just lateral to the acromion when the arm was in
tendon was isolated at its insertion onto the lateral 60 abduction and 60 ER. These 2 screws were
aspect of the bicipital groove of the humerus, and the digitized at each position and loading condition, and the
superior 50% of the tendon was detached from the change in position of the humerus relative to the
humerus and released in its entirety from the humerus scapula was calculated. Maximum ER was defined as
and mobilized medially. The pectoralis major tendon the amount of rotation reached with 2.2 Nm of torque.
was passed under the conjoined tendon. The transferred This amount of torque is adequate to provide a
Table 1. Humeral External Rotation and Total Range of Motion for Each Testing Condition
Anterior Capsule
Reconstruction and
Subscapularis/Anterior Anterior Capsule Pectoralis Major Pectoralis Major
Intact Capsule Deficient Reconstruction Tendon Transfer Tendon Transfer
External rotation ( )
0 abduction 83.2 9.1 125.3 6.6* 82.4 3.5y 81.9 3.5y 129.5 6.6*zx
30 abduction 102.3 6.4 126.7 5.1* 92.9 5.2y 94.5 5.4y 128.8 5.0*zx
60 abduction 104.2 5.5 116.6 5.5 104.4 3.9 103.5 3.9 115.1 5.2
Total rotational range of motion ( )
0 abduction 87.7 13.5 131.3 13.5* 85.8 5.6y 85.1 6.3y 134.4 12.6*zx
30 abduction 108.8 11.0 135.3 9.5* 99.3 5.7y 101.7 5.8y 138.1 9.2*zx
60 abduction 97.1 9.2 111.9 10.0 97.7 7.0 98.6 7.5 112.3 10.2
NOTE. Data are mean standard error of the mean.
P < .05: *vs intact; yvs subscapularis/anterior capsule deficient; zvs anterior capsule reconstruction; xvs anterior capsule reconstruction and
pectoralis major tendon transfer.
Rotational ROM
The subscapularis/anterior capsuleedeficient
condition significantly increased ER and total ROM at
0 (P < .001, P < .001) and 30 (P ¼ .005, P ¼ .002)
abduction (Table 1). HDA ACR, both with and without
PMTT, restored ER and total ROM to the intact condi-
tion at all abduction angles (P ¼ .6 to .9). However,
PMTT alone resulted in ER and total ROM similar to
the intact condition in 60 of abduction only (P ¼ .5,
P ¼ .2).
condition. PMTT did not affect anterior-inferior trans- Several reports have detailed modest short-term
lation when combined with HDA ACR (P ¼ .7 to .9 for clinical outcomes for ACR using various grafts and
all comparisons). Compared with the intact condition, techniques.1,6,7 Our study, however, sought to show
PMTT alone showed significantly larger anterior- the biomechanical plausibility of a more anatomic
inferior translation with 60 N at 0 (P < .001) and approach to address chronic subscapularis/anterior
30 (P ¼ .003) abduction. capsular insufficiency using a technique developed by
Pogorzelski et al.14 Anterior static stabilizers of the
Discussion glenohumeral joint are important for providing an
In this biomechanical model, HDA ACR was effective anterior restraint to translation as well as a check rein
in restoring rotational ROM to the intact state. Specif- to rotation. This may explain, in part, why HDA ACR,
ically, ER at 0 abduction increased 42.1 from the a more anatomic reconstruction of the static shoulder
native to the defect state but was restored to intact ER stabilizers, exhibited better anteroinferior stability
with ACR, with or without added PMTT. There was a than PMTT, which is inherently a nonanatomic
loss of 0.8 ER with ACR, but this was not statistically technique and relies on dynamic stabilization from
significant. It may be inferred from this that the graft the transferred tendon. The HDA ACR repair, how-
was not overtightened with our fixation technique. ever, does not recreate the anterior force couple
At 30 abduction and 60 ER, there was a statistically provided by the subscapularis. Although the anterior
significant increase in anterior-inferior translation in force couple may be restored with the PMTT, the
the subscapularis-deficient state with 40- and 60-N muscle force vector of the pectoralis is altered after
loads. HDA ACR restored anterior glenohumeral sta- transferring the tendon, resulting in a more inferior
bility to the native state. PMTT did not appear to confer pull on the humerus, which may have allowed for
any significant added stability when combined with more translation in this biomechanical study. Also,
HDA ACR (P ¼ 1.00). There were no significant dif- the muscle function after PMTT is unknown and
ferences in the amount of anterior-inferior translation could not be simulated in this study.
when PMTT was added to the HDA ACR. PMTT alone HDA has become a popular graft choice for recon-
also did not restore anterior stability to the native state. structive shoulder surgery. Its clinical efficacy, at least in
These results trended similarly throughout the range of the short term, has been shown most notably with
observed abduction angles. It should be noted, how- superior capsular reconstruction.24 Given its proven
ever, that restoration of anterior-inferior stability biomechanical and emerging positive clinical profile, it
reached greater significance when tested at 60 ER was chosen as the preferred graft for this study.
versus 30 ER, possibly because the ACR is tighter at Although HDA has been shown to act as a biologic
higher ER angles. scaffold to promote cellular ingrowth and tissue
When PMTT was performed in isolation, it failed to remodeling, little is known with respect to tendon
replicate the translation and rotation of the intact state. regeneration and remodeling in vivo after its use as a
Furthermore, PMTT alone showed significantly biologic repair construct. Limited case reports have
increased anterior-inferior translation in comparison to corroborated bench research and animal models
the intact state. PMTT in theory should dynamically regarding the potential for acellular human dermal
restrict ER; however, our data failed to show decreased matrix allograft to exhibit biologic factors of the
ER compared with the tear condition at all testing po- remodeling process when used to augment rotator cuff
sitions and with all anterior forces. Although our results repairdnamely cellular proliferation, collagen fiber
failed to find statistically significant improvements with alignment, revascularization, minimal inflammatory
PMTT, a biomechanical study by Konrad et al.18 response, and incorporation with surrounding tissue.25
comparing supracoracoid with subcoracoid PMTT in This has yet to be histologically shown when HDA is
subscapularis-deficient shoulders did show partial used as an independent repair construct, however.
restoration of glenohumeral kinematics in the sub- Many cite subcoracoid PMTT as superior to supra-
coracoid PMTT group. Although their study examined a coracoid transfer because it more closely simulates the
complete subscapularis tendon tear, it is unclear subscapularis line of action. There is, however, a “ringer
whether the underlying static stabilizers (capsule and effect” that occurs when the pectoralis major, a thoracic
glenohumeral ligaments) were left intact, which could muscle, has its tendon rerouted underneath the cora-
cause the discrepancy with our results. Their study coid, thus impeding its excursion. HDA ACR avoids a
examined ER and translations at maximum abduction muscle transfer entirely, thereby avoiding these addi-
angles, whereas ours measured rotational motion at 3 tional concerns. Recently, Elhassan et al.4 proposed
specified points of abduction (0 , 30 , and 60 ), trans- using a latissimus dorsi tendon transfer to reconstruct
lations at multiple points of abduction, and ER with a irreparable subscapularis tears. The authors argued that
series of applied loads, thus making direct comparisons the posterior thorax pull of the latissimus dorsi more
between our results difficult. accurately replicates the pull of the subscapularis.
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