What Is Research: Definition
What Is Research: Definition
What Is Research: Definition
For e.g Revenue of a car company has decreased by 12% in the last year.
The following could be the probable causes: There is no optimum
production, poor quality of a product, no advertising, economic conditions
1. One-to-one interview
2. Focus groups
3. Ethnographic Research
4. Content/ Text Analysis
5. Case study research
Learn more: Qualitative Research Methods
1. Quantitative Research: Qualitative research is a structured way of
collecting data and analyzing it to draw conclusions. Unlike qualitative
research, this research method uses a computational, statistical and
similar method to collect and analyze data. Quantitative data is all
about numbers.
Quantitative research methods are the methods that deal with numbers
and anything that can be dealt with a measurable form, in a systematic way
of investigating the phenomenon. It is used to answer questions in terms of
justifying relationships with measurable variables to either explain, predict
or control a phenomenon.
There are three methods that are often used by researchers to conduct this
type of research, they are: