DM-PH&SD-P4-TG13 - (Guidelines For Personal Protective Equipment-Foot Protection) PDF
DM-PH&SD-P4-TG13 - (Guidelines For Personal Protective Equipment-Foot Protection) PDF
DM-PH&SD-P4-TG13 - (Guidelines For Personal Protective Equipment-Foot Protection) PDF
3. Safety shoes and boots with steel toe caps should provide protection from
various degrees of impact. The protection is essentially to protect the toes.
Instep and shin protection may also be necessary in high risk areas.
4. The protection against cuts and punctures from sharp objects such as
nails, scrap metals, glass may be obtained by the use of steel shoe inserts
(steel mid-sole) which should be rubberized to prevent rusting and
excessive movement.
5. Contact with chemicals, will cause leather to crack and also result in
injury due to absorption of the chemical. Plastic and synthetic rubber e.g.
Neoprene, sole and uppers made from synthetic materials are more
resistant to chemicals.
7. For wet and muddy conditions, rubber, neoprene or plastic boots and
overshoes either with or without steel toe caps and in-soles should be
used. Leg length ranges from ankle boots and shin length, to knee and
thigh length should be selected depending upon the need.
8. The buildup static electricity on the person may be reduced by the use of
specially selected electrically conductive footwear. This is only suitable
for use in areas where the risk of electric shock from any electrical
apparatus has been completely eliminated.
9. Where live electrical current above 250 volts is the hazard, non-
conductive safety footwear free from nails, metal eyelet must be used. It
must be sewn or bonded construction.
10. Table -1 should be used a guide in the selection of safety shoes and boots
for certain operations. Where there is doubt about design and component
problems, it is advisable to contact the manufacturers and then make
comparisons for suitability.
En Standards Specification
a b c d e f g h i j k l mn o p q r s t
Suitable for -
Bitumen spraying
Boiler/furnace operations
Cleaning - high pressure water jets
Construction Work- general
Crane operations
Production operations
Electric welding
Electrical work- general
Engineering Workshops
Erection Work
Filling cylinders - LPG
Filling drums - chemicals (Note -1)
Filling drums - oil products
Filling gantries - Chemicals (Note-1)
Fire - fighting
Gas welding /cutting
General purposes
Handling bags
Handling /blending chemicals (Note-1)
Handling cryogenic materials
Handling drums
Handling scrap metal
Handling tins
Handling tinplate, glass etc.
Handling wet/greasy materials
Heavy manual work
Laboratories - general
TABLE 1 (Continued)
a b c d e f g h i j k l mn o p q r s t
Suitable for -
Metal spraying
Radiation heat
Slippery surfaces
Slush/oil covered surfaces
Spillages, chemical -clean up (note-1)
Spillages, oil - clean up
Steam cleaning
Tank/vessel cleaning:
- Chemicals
- Leaded gasoline
- Crude / other products
- Tank dipping / sampling
Tin factories