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Traffic Engineering Lab Exercise Report 1&2 Department of Civil Engineering Name:Mekuanint Getnet Entry No: 2018cep2086

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Traffic engineering lab Exercise report 1&2

Department of Civil Engineering

Name:Mekuanint Getnet

Entry no: 2018cep2086

Submitted to: K.Ramachandra Rao (Prof.)

Submission Date: August 07/2018


First and foremost I would like to thank my almighty GOD for giving me the strength to do this lab

Secondly I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher K.Ramachandra Rao
(Prof.) as well as my lab advisors (Sir/Madam) who gave me this opportunity to do this lab exercises on
the topic of Speed characteristics of uninterrupted flow & head way distribution.

Finally I would like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this lab report
within the given time schedule.
Lab Exercise 1

Speed–flow functions have been to predict accurately the speed of urban road network.
Speed-Flow Curve are some extraordinary efforts to define the shape of speed-flow
curve.eventhough , the complexity of driver's behaviour, interactions among different
type of vehicles, lateral clearance, co-relation of driver's psychology with vehicular
characteristics and interdependence of various variables of traffic has led to continuous
increments and refinement of speed-flow curves. The problem gets more boring in case
of urban roads with different traffic, oversaturated flow and signalized network this lab
report covers or includes speed-flow analysis for urban roads (India nearby IITD main
road) with uninterrupted traffic flow, figures and tables for. Frequency and probability of

Uninterrupted traffic flow refers to flow of those streams where vehicular motion is not interrupted by
stoppages. Movement of vehicles on expressways and certain arterial sections can be classified as
uninterrupted traffic flow. In fact, to some extent, all flows except at or near intersections can be said to
be within the scope of uninterrupted traffic flow.The fundamental relation of traffic flow is valid for
interrupted as well as uninterrupted traffic flow


 To determine different percentile speeds

 To know how to analysis traffic speeds for different vehicles
 To able to draw speed distribution
 Knows Microscopic speed characteristics,
 To understand general equation related to mean, standard devation,probability of occurrence
 Able to read different charts like Z score, Chi-square distribution


Radar speed gun (speed gun )

Is an equipment used for measuring speeds of different moving vehicles, and it is easy hand-held,

The Radar speed gun was first invented by Bryce K Brown of Decatur electronic in March 1954 and
applied for use at Chicago Illinois in April 1954.

Fig1. Radar Gun

 Point the radar gun on the moving vehicle
 Then the radar gun radio transmitter and receiver send radio signal into narrow beam
 In the same way it receives the same signal back after it bounces the target object
 Finally press the speed gun and read the values of speed and record it
 Repeat the above procedure and read for different vehicle classes

Table1.traffic speed count

Car Two wheeler Auto Bus Truuck LCV
43 42 40 47 47 28 46 45 45 30 41 35
63 34 50 58 52 40 44 35 49 35 53 31
49 41 55 55 56 33 24 53 48 48 38 37
47 36 48 43 52 41 47 43 42 42 42 35
47 41 58 40 49 43 44 41 47 42 39 41
53 60 52 35 43 46 46 40 36 43 39 39
50 45 53 35 46 46 58 38 31 38 34 32
39 48 56 56 48 52 54 42 45 41 37
67 56 45 54 55 48 66 45 45 33 35
60 51 49 57 50 54 53 44 44 37 33
70 55 58 62 62 56 47 43 45 44 44
40 46 48 49 45 52 42 49 37 37
61 38 37 62 45 42 44 42 34
52 46 50 54 49 47 32 50 42
68 46 36 45 47 28 34 42 35
64 38 40 54 34 48 51 47 38
55 55 59 57 35 50 36 41
55 50 56 42 34 48 44 52
57 57 32 57 35 51 42 47
71 56 37 43 45 43 30 44
61 39 44 58 51 50 51 44
73 48 52 53 37 31 47 48
53 52 46 55 49 37 44
46 25 47 68 31 44
Total number of Traffic count=235
The speed of individual vehicles are measured and recorded, this result gives individual values of speed
such like, 50Km/hr, 60Km/hr, and 70 Km/hr. etc. but mostly we have used grouped speed observation

The frequency of each speed interval are determined from the serious of individual vehicle speed

Step1: range calculation

Range=max speed limit-lower speed limit



Step2: Interval
I=1+3.322𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑁 where N=no of total traffic

I=1+3.322𝑙𝑜𝑔235 N=235


Step3: Number of intervals


Tabale2 Grouped speed data

speed Class Upper middle Frequency Commulative

interval limit(U) value (Ui) (fi) %Frequency Frequency % fi*Ui fi*Ui*Ui
20-26 26 23 2 0.85106383 2 0.8510638 46 1058
26-32 32 29 11 4.68085106 13 5.5319149 319 9251
32-38 38 35 38 16.1702128 51 21.702128 1330 46550
38-44 44 41 54 22.9787234 105 44.680851 2214 90774
44-50 50 47 62 26.3829787 167 71.06383 2914 136958
50-56 56 53 41 17.4468085 208 88.510638 2173 115169
56-62 62 59 18 7.65957447 226 96.170213 1062 62658
62-68 68 65 6 2.55319149 232 98.723404 390 25350
68-74 74 71 3 1.27659574 235 100 213 15123
235 10661 502891
Step4: Determining sample mean and sample variance by using the following formulas

I. Mean

̅ = ∑(𝑓𝑖 ∗ 𝑈𝑖)/𝑁

̅ = ∑𝑛𝑖=0(10661)/235=

̅ =45.3659574
II. Variance and standard deviation

𝑛 𝑛
III. S2=((∑𝑖=0(𝑓𝑖 ∗ (𝑈𝑖)²-∑𝑖=0(𝑓𝑖 ∗ 𝑈𝑖)² /𝑁))/N-1
=((∑𝑛𝑖=0(502891)-∑𝑖=0(10661)² /235))/235-1

S2= 82.2415712
S= 9.06871387
̅=Speed sample mean
Where 𝑈
S=sample standard deviation
S2=sample variance
fi=Frequency of observation
Ui=midpoint speed of group
i=speed group
g=number of speed groups
Step5: Mathematical Distribution
This distribution applied to show measured speed distribution are normal distribution

Frequency of Speed Observation



30 Frequency (fi)



26 32 38 44 50 56 62 68 74

Speed Km/hr

Fig2: measured speed distribution speed vs. frequency



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Fig3: measured speed vs. % of vehicle traveling

From the above figures we conclude that
I. we can get the values of different percentile speed values
II. We can also measure the three central tendency values
Sample mean=45.3659574
Sample mode from fig2=
Mode=49.5+((62−54)+(62−41)) ∗ 6=50=52Km/hr
Sample Median from fig 3=45Km/hr

Step6: determine zscore value

Zscore=(𝑈 − 𝑈
Sample calculation for speed class interval between 20-26km/hr.

Zscore=(26 − 45.3659574)/9.06872387
Zscore= -2.135469013
By using the above formula we can fill the value of zscore in the following table
Table 3:zscore value

speed Class Upper middle Frequency Commulative Zscore=

interval limit(U) value (Ui) (fi) %Frequency Frequency % fi*Ui fi*Ui*Ui (U-Umean)/Std
20-26 26 23 2 0.85106383 2 0.8510638 46 1058 -2.135469013
26-32 32 29 11 4.68085106 13 5.5319149 319 9251 -1.473853696
32-38 38 35 38 16.1702128 51 21.702128 1330 46550 -0.812238379
38-44 44 41 54 22.9787234 105 44.680851 2214 90774 -0.150623062
44-50 50 47 62 26.3829787 167 71.06383 2914 136958 0.510992255
50-56 56 53 41 17.4468085 208 88.510638 2173 115169 1.172607573
56-62 62 59 18 7.65957447 226 96.170213 1062 62658 1.83422289
62-68 68 65 6 2.55319149 232 98.723404 390 25350 2.495838207
68-74 74 71 3 1.27659574 235 100 213 15123 3.157453524
235 10661 502891
Step7: Finding z value from z table chart
Zvalues from the table are
Z1= 0.0166 Z2= 0.0708
Z3= 0.209 Z4= 0.4404
Z5= 0.695 Z6= 0.879

Z7= 0.9664 Z8= 0.9936

Z9= 0.9992

Steps 8: probability of occurrence (Po)

Po1=Z2-Z1=0.0708-0.0166= 0.0542
Po2=Z3-Z2=0.209-0.0708= 0.1382
Po3=Z4-Z3=0.4404-0.209= 0.2314
Po4=Z5-Z4=0.695-0.4404= 0.2546
Po5=Z6-Z5=0.879-0.695= 0.184
Po6=Z7-Z6=0.9664-0.879= 0.0874
Po7=Z8-Z7=0.9936-0.9664= 0.0272
Po8=Z9-Z8=0.9992-0.9936= 0.0056
Po9=Z9= 0.9992

Step9: Expected frequency

Expected frequency=probability of occurrences*number of vehicle
E1=0.0542*235= 12.737
E2=0.1382*235= 32.477
E3=0.2314*235= 54.379
E4=0.2546*235= 59.831
E5=0.184*235= 43.24
E6=0.0874*235= 20.539
E7=0.0272*235= 6.392
E8=0.0056*235= 1.316
E9=0.9992*235= 234.812

Chi-squared teste
A chi-squared test,(χ)2 test, is any statistical hypothesis test where the sampling distribution of the test
statistic is a chi-squared distribution when the null hypothesis is true. The chi-squared test is used to
determine whether there is a significant difference between the expected frequencies (E) and the
observed frequencies (O) in one or more categories.

In the standard applications of the test, the observations are classified into mutually exclusive classes,
and there is some theory, or say null hypothesis, which gives the probability that any observation falls
into the corresponding class. The purpose of the test is to evaluate how likely the observations that are
made would be, assuming the null hypothesis is true.

Chi-squared tests are often constructed from a sum of squared errors, or through the sample variance.
Test statistics that follow a chi-squared distribution arise from an assumption of independent normally
distributed data, which is valid in many cases due to the central limit theorem. A chi-squared test can be
used to attempt rejection of the null hypothesis that the data are independent.
 Sample calculated examples from my traffic count
(𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦−𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦)²
(χ) 2 = = (𝑂 − 𝐸)2 /𝐸
𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦

(χ) 2 = (2-12.737)2/12.737=9.051045694
(χ) 2 = (11-32.477)2/32.477=14.20271358
(χ) 2 =(38-54.379)2/54.3789=4.933368414
(χ) 2 = (54-59.831)2/59.831=0.568276663
Observed frequency Expected frequency Chi-squared value

38 0.568276663
54 8.139167438
62 20.38329622
41 21.08036045
18 16.6716231
6 228.8503285
3 323.8801801
Lab Exercise 2

Headway or inter arrival time (IAT) data of successive vehicles in free-flowing traffic ahead of work
zones for each lane on six different Ohio freeways (two with two lanes in one direction, three with three
lanes, and one with four lanes) for 3 days were measured and analysed. Approximated IAT distributions
were generated as a function of the traffic volume for each lane, and relationships between traffic
volumes and approximate cumulative IAT distributions were established; this allowed a direct
conversion from hourly traffic counts to corresponding cumulative IAT distributions. On the basis of
the validation of these IAT distributions with IAT data collected in an independent study, this conversion
method produces fairly accurate cumulative IAT distributions for selected hourly traffic volumes. A set
of cumulative IAT distribution spreadsheets may be downloaded at
webce.ent.ohiou.edu/orite/cumulativeIATdistributions.html. It was also found that the same
approximated cumulative IAT distribution can be used to model and simulate free-flowing traffic at
other freeway locations in Ohio. It is not known whether these universal approximated IAT distributions
would apply for freeways in other states.

Aim of the Exercise

To understand about probability of occurrence

Intersection near groim oil petrol
Observed Frequency
Total Observed
Two Track Vehicle for each
Minutes Car wheeler Bus Auto /LCV minutes
1st 13 3 1 5 1 23
2nd 12 10 0 5 3 30
3rd 0 5 0 4 0 9
4th 0 0 0 0 0 0
5th 0 0 0 0 0 0
6th 18 12 0 2 5 37
7th 18 4 1 6 0 29
8th 4 3 0 3 0 10
9th 2 2 0 0 0 4
10th 2 0 0 0 0 2
11th 26 15 1 10 1 53
12th 15 3 0 4 0 22
13th 8 5 0 5 0 18
14th 0 0 0 0 0 0
15th 1 3 0 2 0 6
16th 28 13 1 5 0 47
17th 10 2 0 1 1 14
18th 3 3 0 1 0 7
19th 6 2 0 0 0 8
20th 4 2 0 2 0 8
21st 30 15 0 7 1 53
22nd 14 5 0 6 1 26
23rd 10 5 0 4 2 21
24th 5 3 0 4 1 13
25th 4 2 1 3 1 11
26th 25 9 1 6 0 41
27th 10 2 1 4 0 17
28th 0 2 0 1 0 3
29th 0 2 0 2 0 4
30th 12 5 0 3 1 21
31st 21 2 1 7 3 34
32nd 13 4 1 7 0 25
33rd 7 6 1 2 0 16
34th 12 4 0 4 0 20
35th 17 6 0 4 0 27
36th 17 7 0 2 4 30
37th 6 3 0 0 0 9
38th 9 10 0 1 0 20
39th 0 0 0 0 0 0
40th 10 14 2 1 0 27
41st 21 4 1 3 0 29
42nd 7 6 0 3 1 17
43rd 9 4 0 3 3 19
44th 1 1 0 1 0 3
45th 15 6 0 6 0 27
46th 15 6 1 5 0 27
47th 6 2 1 1 0 10
48th 0 1 0 0 0 1
49th 0 0 0 0 0 0
50th 18 17 0 6 2 43
51st 11 7 0 5 2 25
52nd 7 1 0 2 0 10
53rd 1 0 0 1 0 2
54th 0 0 0 0 0 0
55th 21 9 1 7 1 39
56th 14 5 0 8 3 30
57th 11 0 1 1 1 14
58th 0 0 0 0 0 0
59th 0 0 0 0 0 0
60th 15 5 1 5 2 28

Average of observed frequency= 17.81666667

From the above table the maximum frequency observed from one hour vehicle counted is 53which at
21st minutes.by taking the above maximum values we construct a new table values which hold up
maximum observation values.
Observed value expected
upto max no Probablity frequancy= chi-
vehicle=K Frequency A*B of occurance D*60min square=B*D
0 8 0 1.82945E-08 1.098E-06 1.46356E-07
1 1 1 3.2595E-07 1.956E-05 3.25947E-07
2 2 4 2.9036E-06 0.0001742 5.80728E-06
3 2 6 1.7244E-05 0.0010347 3.44888E-05
4 2 8 7.6809E-05 0.0046086 0.000153619
5 0 0 0.0002737 0.0164219 0
6 1 6 0.00081273 0.0487638 0.00081273
7 1 7 0.00206859 0.1241155 0.002068591
8 2 16 0.00460692 0.2764155 0.009213849
9 2 18 0.00912 0.5472003 0.018240009
10 3 30 0.01624881 0.9749285 0.048746423
11 1 11 0.02631814 1.5790887 0.026318144
12 0 0 0.03907513 2.344508 0
13 1 13 0.05355297 3.2131783 0.053552972
14 2 28 0.06815253 4.0891519 0.136305064
15 0 0 0.08095006 4.8570038 0
16 1 16 0.09014127 5.4084761 0.090141268
17 2 34 0.09447158 5.668295 0.188943168
18 1 18 0.09350937 5.6105624 0.093509374
19 1 19 0.08768554 5.2611326 0.087685544
20 2 40 0.07811321 4.6867923 0.156226411
21 2 42 0.06627224 3.9763341 0.132544471
22 1 22 0.05367047 3.2202282 0.05367047
23 1 23 0.04157517 2.4945101 0.041575168
24 0 0 0.03086379 1.8518273 0
25 2 50 0.02199559 1.3197356 0.043991186
26 1 26 0.01507262 0.9043573 0.015072621
27 4 108 0.00994607 0.5967641 0.039784276
28 1 28 0.00632878 0.3797267 0.006328778
29 2 58 0.0038882 0.2332919 0.007776396
30 3 90 0.00230916 0.1385494 0.006927472
31 0 0 0.00132714 0.0796287 0
32 0 0 0.00073892 0.0443349 0
33 0 0 0.00039894 0.0239364 0
34 1 34 0.00020905 0.0125431 0.000209052
35 0 0 0.00010642 0.0063851 0
36 0 0 5.2667E-05 0.00316 0
37 1 37 2.5361E-05 0.0015216 2.53607E-05
38 0 0 1.1891E-05 0.0007134 0
39 1 39 5.4321E-06 0.0003259 5.43209E-06
40 0 0 2.4195E-06 0.0001452 0
41 1 41 1.0514E-06 6.309E-05 1.05142E-06
42 0 0 4.4602E-07 2.676E-05 0
43 1 43 1.848E-07 1.109E-05 1.84804E-07
44 0 0 7.4832E-08 4.49E-06 0
45 0 0 1.1475E-08 6.885E-07 0
46 0 0 1.1475E-08 6.885E-07 0
47 1 47 4.3501E-09 2.61E-07 4.35007E-09
48 0 0 1.6147E-09 9.688E-08 0
49 0 0 5.871E-10 3.523E-08 0
50 0 0 2.092E-10 1.255E-08 0
51 0 0 7.3084E-11 4.385E-09 0
52 0 0 2.5041E-11 1.502E-09 0
53 2 106 8.4178E-12 5.051E-10 1.68356E-11

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7. Helmut T. Zwahlen, , Erdinc Oner, Kiran R Suravaram
8. Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment, Ohio University, 114 Stocker
Engineering and Technology Center, Athens, OH 45701-2979

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