Materials Science & Engineering C: V.R. Raphey, T.K. Henna, K.P. Nivitha, P. Mufeedha, Chinnu Sabu, K. Pramod T
Materials Science & Engineering C: V.R. Raphey, T.K. Henna, K.P. Nivitha, P. Mufeedha, Chinnu Sabu, K. Pramod T
Materials Science & Engineering C: V.R. Raphey, T.K. Henna, K.P. Nivitha, P. Mufeedha, Chinnu Sabu, K. Pramod T
Keywords: With advances in nanotechnology, the applications of nanomaterial are developing widely and greatly. The
Bioimaging characteristic properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) make them the most selective candidate for various multi-
Biomedicine functional applications. The greater surface area of the CNTs in addition to the capability to manipulate the
Biosensing surfaces and dimensions has provided greater potential for this nanomaterial. The CNTs possess greater potential
Carbon nanotube
for applications in biomedicine due to their vital electrical, chemical, thermal, and mechanical properties. The
Drug delivery
unique properties of CNT are exploited for numerous applications in the biomedical field. They are useful in both
Gene delivery
therapeutic and diagnostic applications. They form novel carrier systems which are also capable of site-specific
delivery of therapeutic agents. In addition, CNTs are of potential application in biosensing. Many recently re-
ported advanced systems of CNT could be exploited for their immense potential in biomedicine in the future.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Pramod).
Received 12 July 2018; Received in revised form 26 February 2019; Accepted 11 March 2019
Available online 13 March 2019
0928-4931/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
Fig. 1. Various cellular responses to carbon nanotube (CNT) leading to toxicity. CNT induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) which leads to apoptosis. Macrophage-
like cells migrate to the CNT, releases Interleukin 18 (IL-18), and produce amyloid deposits. CNT can directly produce genotoxicity or through the induced ROS. CNT
can induce mitochondrial damage which subsequently results in lysosomal damage. Metal impurities present in CNT, such as iron, induce ROS and results in cell
electrodes are placed in the vacuum and an inert gas is exerted into this apart and carbon nanotubes get collected on the negative electrode.
region. The presence of the gas causes faster carbon deposition. When After reaching a specific location, the current is turned off and the
the pressure is regulated, the current is turned on. The positive elec- machine is allowed for cooling. This technique forms both MWCNTs
trode in proximity to the negative electrode strikes the electric arc. and SWCNTs. Polyhedron shaped graphitic substances are formed as
Thus, the electrodes get converted to red and hot and plasma is de- the by-product during the MWCNT growth in the arc discharge method.
veloped. When the arc becomes stabilized, the rods are kept somewhat Thus MWCNTs with a wide range of diameters and of different
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
micrometers are formed. Of advantage, the MWCNTs formed are highly Since the functionalization with biocompatible materials and size can
crystalline and are set around by van der Waals forces [19]. greatly influence the toxicity of CNTs, the MWCNTs with small size
The second method involves the utilization of a laser ablation conjugated with polyethylene glycol is exhibiting reduced toxicological
technique. In this technique, stronger laser pulses are used towards the profile [33]. Various cellular responses to CNT leading to toxicity are
carbon target [18]. The SWCNTs are formed at 1200 °C where inactive shown in Fig. 1.
gas is already present. Thus formed SWCNTs are of rope or bundle The CNT toxicity is encountered as DNA damage or mutation, in-
shaped with less than 20 nm and less than 100 μm in length. The uti- flammatory responses, oxidative stress, malignant transformation, the
lization of high vacuum laser-ablation leads to the development of formation of interstitial fibrosis, and granuloma [34]. A toxicological
multi-layered MWCNTs. The yield of CNTs formed basically depends study conducted with both pure and metal-doped SWCNT in mice has
upon the catalyst used for the reaction, the strength of the laser, the gas induced lung granulomas, peribronchial inflammation, and necrosis
utilized for the purpose and also upon the temperature and pressure. pointing towards pulmonary toxicity. Moreover, based on different
The secondary products formed during the synthesis of SWCNTs are studies, CNTs are proved to be cytotoxic and also have adverse effects
fullerenes, graphitic polyhedrons [20]. on cardiovascular and reproductive systems [35]. CNTs can be carci-
Another technique utilized for the synthesis of CNT involves using nogenic based on its ability to induce genotoxic stress. The gene ex-
hydrocarbons which specifically acts as an energy source. With the help pression profiles of untreated and SWCNT treated human normal lung
of this energy, molecules get converted into radical species in the cells have been analyzed in order to detect the genotoxicity of CNTs and
temperature 550–750 °C. The catalytic degradation of acetylene over this microarray analysis has shown marked changes in gene expressions
iron particles at 700 °C yields carbon nanotubes of different length. The [36]. Despite all these characters, they have succeeded in their bio-
CVD technique using microwave energy is used for this synthesis [13]. medical applications with different functionalization strategies as it
On the whole, the arc discharge and laser ablation techniques provide a causes a reduction in the toxic effects which makes them more useful.
higher yield when compared to the CVD technique [21].
4. Properties of carbon nanotubes
3. Toxicity of carbon nanotubes
Carbon nanotubes are privileged members of the fullerenes family
When comparing other bulk materials, nanomaterials have some [37]. The conductivity of CNT depends on several properties. The
significant characteristics because of the increased surface area to size electrical conductivity order of a single CNT is usually between
ratio. This property of carbon nanotubes makes them more reactive and 104–107 S/m [38,39]. But often, the MWCNT possesses greater voltage
more toxic. Carbon nanotubes act like haptens and change the protein leading to higher electrical conductivity. The percolation threshold for
structures and make them more antigenic by increasing the chances for MWCNT is lower when compared to other composites. The volume of
autoimmune effects. The major reasons behind the toxicity of carbon the carbon nanotube can suitably increase the electrical conductivity.
nanotubes are the reduced size that causes an increment in their total The SWCNT produces networks that form a contact blockage [40–42].
surface area which preferably indicates that the contact area with the This formed contact blockage is typically dependent upon length, dia-
cellular membranes has been increased or else the absorption/trans- meter and structural configuration of nanotubes. The association en-
portation of toxins has been substantially enhanced [22]. The formation hances in between atoms when they are assembled in a media or matrix
of superoxides and subsequently reactive oxygen species is yet another system. The electric tunneling effect, however, provides a stronger
reason [23]. coating and that reduces the electrical conductivity of the material. The
The toxicity of CNTs is evaluated by both in vitro and in vivo nanotube waviness plays a significant role in regulating the electrical
methods. In vivo toxicity studies are primarily conducted in mice and conductivity of the carbon nanotubes [43]. The wavy nanotubes have a
rats. Nevertheless, studies in guinea pigs are also reported. Toxicity to greater number of associations when compared to that of the straight
specific organs and biodistribution studies are commonly employed. In one which suitably interrupts the electrical conductivity of the material.
vitro toxicity studies are possible using animal cell lines and microbes The structural configuration of the carbon nanotube has made a path
such as bacteria and yeast. Cell proliferation/viability assay, apoptosis for the increased electrical activity of the material [44].
detection assay, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production assay, and Carbon nanotubes possess greater mechanical properties especially
superoxide dismutase measurement are very useful in vitro methods for because of their cylindrical graphitic structure [45]. The average
the assessment of toxicity of CNTS [24–26]. Young's modulus and tensile strength of carbon nanotubes are lesser
Physical properties such as the type and length of carbon nanotubes, than the observed value. From the theoretical studies, it is revealed that
mode functionalization, metal impurities present, and the presence of SWNTs possess greater tensile strength when compared to the MWNTs
solubilizing agents influence the toxic effects of CNT [27]. The major [46]. The carbon nanotubes are incorporated into several matrix sys-
mechanisms behind the toxicity of carbon nanotubes are oxidative tems in order to enhance the physicochemical properties of the nano-
stress, membrane injury, and the genotoxicity of CNTs [28]. The oxi- tubes. For instance, carbon nanotubes are incorporated with the epoxy
dative stress is generated either because of diminished levels of anti- polymer systems in order to produce newer composite materials [47].
oxidants or enhanced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and The nanometer dimensions of carbon nanotubes are of paramount sig-
certain in vitro studies has revealed it as the function of the con- nificance in the sense that they are responsible for the perpetual char-
centration of SWCNTs [29]. The effect of membrane injury in gen- acteristics of the system. The CNTs possess excellent tensile force which
erating cytotoxicity has been studied by exposing the highly purified makes them the most stronger component with increased thermal
MWCNTs to mouse macrophages [30]. The CNTs can, directly and in- conductivity [48]. The inherent optical properties like NIR photo-
directly, cause genotoxicity by the direct interaction with DNA or by luminescence exhibited by CNTs make them excellent bioimaging
generating ROS from the inflammatory cells and these ROS may in- probes [49].
teract with the genetic materials producing genotoxicity [31]. The ef- The capability of carbon nanotubes for the incorporation of the
fect of catalyst residue formed after the synthesis of carbon nanotubes is molecules like proteins and oligosaccharides enables them an essential
a better reason for the toxicity. The synthesis of carbon nanotubes re- carrier for the delivery of various active molecules like drugs and re-
quires certain metal catalysts which are themselves toxic [32]. The ROS lated molecules [50]. The solubility of carbon nanotubes is an issue, but
formed due to the free radical generation creates oxidative damage to this can be overcome to a greater extent by means of covalent func-
cells and membranes. Certain post-fabrication treatments also induce tionalization [51]. Polyethylene glycol and ammonium terminated tri-
toxicity. The fiber shape, length, and aggregation of CNTs could pro- ethylene glycol and some bioactive molecules like oligonucleotides and
duce immune responses and cause their deposition in the tissues [28]. proteins are utilized to functionalize CNT. The bonding of the
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
Fig. 2. In-vivo biodistribution of fluorescent labeled rigid CNT (A) and flexible CNT (B) in mice. A2 and B2 are the corresponding shortened CNTs. “Reprinted with
permission from [55]. © (2017) American Chemical Society.”
functional groups to the active moieties leads to the enhanced solubility CNTs also act as a carrier for immunization against antigens [51].
of CNT. Nanotubes can be used as superstrong fibers, as a reactant and For some substances like acetylcholine, which cannot be transported to
also as molecular switches. The CNTs are also used as loudspeakers the brain through normal means can be easily delivered using SWCNT
which produce sound with a different frequency range. The carbon [64]. Nevertheless, covalent functionalization of SWCNT with amide
nanotube loudspeaker has a fine structure with different characteristics. and ester bonds allows delayed release of drug for a sufficient time
The carbon nanotube thin film consists of carbon nanotube with 10 nm period which causes the increase in solubility of aqueous and organic
diameter and it is aligned parallelly. The carbon nanotube loudspeaker media [65]. MWCNTs are used for interaction with neural tissue cells
can produce a sound similar to that of the commercial loudspeaker. The and are useful for developing efficient gene and drug delivery systems
carbon nanotubes exhibit excellent mechanical and electronic proper- [66]. The capacity of SWCNT for the incorporation of the drugs is
ties. The nanotubes may be metallic or semiconducting based on the greater. The drug encapsulated functionalized CNTs enters the cells by
chirality and diameter of the carbon nanotube [52]. The greater elec- crossing the cell membrane either by endocytosis or passive diffusion
trical conductivity and the high aspect ratio of the carbon nanotube is and gets internalized within the cell organelles and nucleus. Exocytosis
the reason behind the field emission characteristic of the carbon na- and enzymatic degradation are the two mechanisms by which the CNTs
notubes [53,54]. The different physicochemical properties of carbon get eliminated from the cell [67]. The novel cocoon-like nanoparticles
nanotube can be highly influential on cell toxicity, cell uptake, and its based on polyethylene glycol and MWCNTs exhibit high potential to be
distribution. Rigid and flexible CNT show significant differences in their used as nano-biomaterials and can be easily loaded with the natural
in-vivo biodistribution pattern (Fig. 2) [55]. anticancer drug curcumin [33]. Recently, the anticancer drug cisplatin
has been reported to have antileishmanial activity in a recent study.
5. Biomedical applications of CNT The study revealed the less cytotoxic nature and enhanced an antil-
eishmanial activity of cisplatin bonded MWCNTs at a very low con-
CNTs possess unique characteristics which equip them for a variety centration emphasizing the tremendous potential of CNTs as drug na-
of applications in biomedicine. CNTs are hydrophobic in character and nocarriers [68]. Recently, CNT buckypapers have proved to be useful
therefore are suitable for various biological applications [56]. The CNT for transdermal delivery of drugs. The in vitro studies demonstrated the
interacts with the receptors present in the cell surface which leads to potential of CNT bucky papers in controlling drug release [69].
their internalization due to the presence of different functional moi- The carbon nanotubes form several molecular complexes with nu-
eties. These receptor-mediated processes allow specific cell loading cleic acids due to the electrostatic interrelationships. The cellular de-
which can facilitate a reduction in the dose of a drug [57]. livery of nucleic acids is one among the major function of the carbon
nanotubes [70]. The major aim behind this is the incorporation of the
5.1. Therapeutic applications plasmid DNA into the cells and entering into the nucleus of the cell. Like
that of the other groups of non-viral carriers like liposomes, positively
5.1.1. Drug and gene delivery charged polymers and nanoparticles, the functionalized carbon nano-
CNTs have been utilized for designing a wide variety of drug de- tubes has been useful in condensation of plasmid DNA [71,72]. The
livery systems for the treatment of many diseases. Certain unique complex structures can be formed with both single walled and multi-
properties of carbon nanotubes (high drug loading capacity, large sur- walled carbon atoms. The functionalized carbon nanotubes have a
face area, high mechanical strength, and adequate chemical stability) critical role in the case of assertion of β-galactosidase [73]. The profi-
make them excellent nanocarriers for drug delivery [58]. CNT-based ciency of gene transfer with the functionalized carbon nanotube is en-
anticancer drug delivery systems are prevalent which involves selective hanced by the formation of the covalent structure along with the outer
targeting obtained through functionalization [59–62]. CNTs can be walls of the tube with polyethylene mine. The polyethyleneimine in-
tuned sensitive to tumor microenvironment which results in the re- corporated MWCNT releases plasmid DNA to a variety of cells. An in-
duction in toxicity and of side effect. The multi-drug resistance of tumor teresting fact about cationic carbon nanotubes is their ability to com-
cells and prevention of cell proliferation and cell cycle in the affected press shorter oligodeoxynucleotides by the stimulation of the
cancer cells can be probably reduced by the utilization of a CNT-based adrenaline. More precisely, greater amounts of functionalized CNT with
system [63]. The development of peptide-modified SWCNTs has shown a decreased immunostimulatory amount of oligodeoxynucleotide en-
a high anti-tumor effect and enhanced tumor-targeting [57]. hance the immunostimulating activity in vitro by reducing the discharge
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
conjugation with iron nanoparticles and folic acid with MWCNTs [28].
The magnetic nanoparticles in the carbon nanotubes can be used for
cancer diagnosis. The tumor targeting effect of the carrier is enhanced
by the effect of a magnetic field. The destruction of the tumor cells is
characterized by the selective and specific production of the che-
motherapeutic agents [78]. Some of the chemotherapeutic agents stop
the DNA replication, reduces the cancer cell development, and also
diminishes the activity of the DNA [79]. During the incorporation of an
anti-neoplastic drug inside the MWCNT, CNTs with the greater dia-
meter provide higher loading efficiency than the CNTs with a smaller
diameter [80]. The functionalization of the carbon nanotubes further
enhances the loading efficiency of the tube. On carboxylation, CNTs
exhibit higher conjugation with hydrogen bonds. The stability and the
capturing capacity is higher for these carboxylated MWCNTs [7]. The
CNT-based hybrid nanocomposites have been useful in the case of
cancer diagnosis and treatment. The greater surface reactivity, smaller
arrangement, and increased biocompatibility enable CNT a better drug
delivery system. The reaction of the folic acid and iron nanoparticles
with oxidized MWCNTs leads to the synthesis of double targeted drug
delivery system in order to target cancer cells in the presence of ex-
ternally applied magnetic field [81]. The biostable and less cytotoxic
MWNTs with excellent photothermal conversion efficiency can be a
therapeutic regimen for pancreatic cancer in the future [82]. The
gemcitabine (GEM) loaded MWCNTs surface modified with PEG and
hyaluronic acid has resulted in a sustained and temporal release of GEM
indicating its potency to be utilized in colon cancer targeting [83].
Recently, a novel CNT based drug delivery system was developed spe- Fig. 5. Diagrammatic presentation of CNT-mediated drug delivery across the
cifically for tumor targeting. Here, an in vivo biodistribution and en- BBB.
hanced therapeutic efficacy for cisplatin has been demonstrated using
three different human breast cancer xenograft models, after the en- CNT as a carrier [88–112].
capsulation using SWCNT capsules. A significant change in circulation
rate and a more tumor-specific accumulation was determined when
compared with free cisplatin administration [84]. 5.1.2. Carbon nanotubes in vaccine delivery
The carbon nanotubes anchored with antigenic peptides could Carbon nanotubes for drug delivery across the blood-brain overcome the major hurdles associated with vaccine delivery [113].
barrier. The drug delivery to the brain is challenged as it is difficult The adjuvant property of carbon nanotube makes them excellent vac-
to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Some recent studies have shown cine delivery systems having immense potential to stimulate the innate
the possibility of targeting the brain with functionalized carbon immune response [58,79]. The carbon nanotubes have also been proved
nanotubes. In comparison with other nanocarriers, they possess to be a better non-viral gene delivery vector which could probably limit
intrinsic optical and thermal properties. In addition, the ability of the other non-viral vectors which show poor pharmacokinetic profile.
functionalized carbon nanotubes to cross the biological barriers by The capability of a vaccine to induce spontaneous immune response
transcytosis and passive process makes them optimal nanocarriers in develops the efficiency of that particular one. The vaccine reacts with
brain targeting [81]. A diagrammatic presentation of functionalized cytotoxic T cells which aim at the infected cells through opsonization
CNT-mediated drug delivery across the BBB is shown in Fig. 5. and pathogen clearance. The CNTs are capable of stimulating various
The first evidence for the capability of the functionalized carbon genes during immune response production like nuclear factor kappa-
nanotubes to cross the blood-brain barrier when administered sys- light-chain-enhancer of B cells, interleukins, and tumor necrosis factor-
temically was provided using a co-culture BBB model of porcine brain α. The antigen presenting cell plays a significant role in the immune
endothelial cells. It was shown that functionalized MWCNTs crosses the response of the cells. They uptake antigen and then destructs it and then
BBB through a transcellular route and there is no involvement of tight delivers it to the surface complexes through major histocompatibility
junctions in it [81]. Considering the ability of carbon nanotubes to cross complexes (MHC Class 1 or Class 2). The MHC-Class 1 produces greater
BBB and focusing on the targeting of amyloid β plaques in Alzheimer's cytotoxic CD8+ T cell response whereas MHC Class 2 transfers the
disease and the early detection of the disease, functionalized carbon immune response to helper CD4+ T cells that will probably enhance
nanotubes were selected as the nanocarriers for the Pittsburgh com- antibody induced response [114]. CNT can stimulate both MHC Class 1
pound B (Amyloid β binding molecule) with a suitable ligand. This and MHC Class 2 such that inducing a humoral response.
study pointed out the potential of functionalized carbon nanotubes to CNT containing peptides against foot and mouth disease virus
deliver the drugs and compounds that usually do not cross BBB [85]. (FMDV) or the N-terminal of the Plasmodium vivax Apical Membrane
The functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (f-MWNTs) with the Antigen 1 creates a greater amount of antibodies. In addition, the an-
brain targeting ligand Angiopep-2 (ANG) having a high affinity for the tibodies formed are particular to the regions of the CNT. These anti-
low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1(LRP1) facilitated the bodies regulated FMDV infections. Nevertheless, Wilm's Tumor Protein
brain delivery. The study also reported the improved BBB permeation 1 is reacted with single-walled carbon nanotube which is rapidly ac-
and in-vitro and in-vivo brain tumor targeting with ANG conjugated companied by human Apical Membrane Antigen. The SWCNT com-
carbon nanotubes [86]. In brain glioma, a combination of oxidized bined with Wilm's Tumor Protein through ingestion of macromolecular
MWCNTs-PEG with angiopep-2 as targeting ligand is reported to have a antigen undergoes the mechanism that they get coordinated in the ly-
dual targeting ability [87]. sosomal region which causes the destruction of antigen and leads to
There are still more drug and gene delivery applications reported for greater therapeutic response. However, SWCNT related peptides pro-
CNTs. Table 1 provides the most recent and advanced applications of vide a much greater response than tumor self-antigens. CNTs can also
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
Table 1
Recent and advanced drug/gene delivery applications of CNT.
Sl. No. System Drug/gene Application Reference
1. Incorporation of functionalized CNTs into Griseofulvin and sulfamethoxazole Dissolution enhancement [88]
hydrophobic drug crystals
2. Functionalized CNTs Cladribine Anti-cancer therapy [89]
3. Hydrogel-CNT delivery system Doxorubicin and rhodamine B (model drug) Simultaneous monitoring of the release of dual drugs [90]
4. CNT-(Fe)/hydroxyapatite composite Doxorubicin Magnetic targeted drug delivery carrier [91]
5. TiO2-Au embedded on MWCNTs Doxorubicin Tumor-targeted drug delivery [92]
6. pH-responsive polyethylenimine-betaine siRNA and doxorubicin Combination of gene therapy and chemotherapy [93]
functionalized CNT
7. CNT–dendrimer system Ubiquitin and pyrene (Molecular modeling) Drug loading [94]
8. Carbon Nanotubes Double-stranded nucleic acids (Molecular Gene delivery [95]
9. Injectable and thermosensitive chitosan–CNT hybrid Methotrexate Anti-tumor [96]
10. Antibody-conjugated CNTs Anti-P-glycoprotein antibody P-glycoprotein-targeted photothermal therapy [97]
11. Boron nitride nanotubes and CNTs Efavirenz Anti-HIV drug delivery [98]
12. Carboxylated CNT Hydroxyurea Enhanced drug loading [99]
13. MWCNT-gemcitabine- lentinan composite Gemcitabine Cancer therapy [100]
14. Hydroxyapatite-MWCNT composite filled by iron Chlorhexidine Drug delivery [101]
15. PEG-functionalized CNTs/gelatin-chitosan Ciprofloxacin Drug delivery and dissolution [102]
16. Cyclodextrin-modified SWCNTs Formononetin Drug delivery [103]
17. Functionalized SWCNTs Flutamide Enhanced drug loading [104]
18. Hyperbranched polyglycerol modified CNTs Doxorubicin Drug delivery [105]
19. Covalently functionalized carbon nanotubes Doxorubicin Enhanced encapsulation efficiency [106]
20. Oxidized MWCNTs Metformin Reduced cellular uptake of CNT [107]
21. Copper nanoparticles synthesized on the surface of Copper nanoparticles Increased antimicrobial activity against biofilms and [108]
CNTs without toxicity
22. Biodegradable MWCNTs Oxidized MWCNTs Anti-tumoral effect [109]
23. Noncovalent pyrene-PEG coated CNTs Pyrene-PEG coating (without drug) Enhanced biocompatibility for carrier [110]
24. MWCNTs modified with cyclodextrins and Cidofovir Antiviral drug delivery [111]
25. Starch/MWCNT-glucose nanocomposites Zolpidem Drug delivery [112]
induce stimulation in MHC Class 1 receptors which cause toxicity for due to the introduction of various methodologies based on the
the cells leading to the production of IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-12. applications of CNTs. Thus, the generated mesenchymal stem cells
were capable of differentiating into various cells and tissues [120]. The
SWCNTs were capable of existing in the same cellular structure without
5.1.3. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
changes in the significant viability for over 24 h. This special
Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine by means of carbon
characteristic of CNTs allowed their continuous use in stem cell
nanotubes have been developed recently [115]. In this method, cells are
therapy and in the tissue regenerative techniques [121].
encapsulated into suitable biological materials so that the development
of the newer tissues takes place [115–117]. The carbon nanotubes have
been useful for improvising the mechanoelectrical aspects of scaffolds, Neural regeneration. CNTs are composed of graphene sheets;
for the sensation of the micro ambiance of the cell, and they permit the
the number of graphene cylinders determines the type of carbon
chemical reactions taking place inside the cells.
nanotube. The carbon nanotubes are inert in nature and are not
biodegradable. This makes the material ideal in bioengineering, Bone and muscle regeneration. The utilization of carbon mainly for scaffold production for cellular growth. The MWCNT can
nanotubes as scaffolds for rejuvenation of the neural system is a act as a product for neuronal cell development and is vital in the
promising development in the field of neurosurgery, osteology, and manipulation of the neural cells. MWNTs are beneficial in the
cardiology. The bone development is obtained by the functionalization production of scaffolds in the neural sciences. CNTs can be used as
of the carbon nanotubes which bears certain groups that adhere to the implants in cases of spinal cord regeneration or brain injury [122].
carbon cations. Usually, MWCNTs are utilized for these procedures One of the vital clinical manifestations is that the injured region
which help in the bone formation [28]. The conducting property and causes an increase in length for the neuritis and thus causing the
the ability of CNT to electrically stimulate the cells aids in osteogenic ‘bridging’ effect. The total neurite length remains the same because the
differentiation and cell proliferation [118]. The fibrillar/extracellular average length of neurites enhances proportionally. The manipulations
matrix protein mimicking morphology of CNTs and the capacity to in the intracellular calcium level homeostasis prevent the entry of cal-
promote cell adhesion make them able to use with synthetic bone cium ions to the intracellular space. Whenever there is an enhanced
substrates [119]. The MWCNTs can be used for the development of intracellular calcium level, it proceeds to the enhanced length of the
myoblast. The electrically conductive hydrogels have been fabricated neurites. The neurons which are incorporated by SWCNT and PEG
with the inclusion of MWCNTs generating an electrical stimulation that cause the enhanced growth of the neurites. Nevertheless, the water-
improves the myoblast formation by enhancing the myotube soluble SWCNTs can be used for CNS injury as it causes neurite de-
maturation [119]. The growth period of myotube has extended due to velopment which further leads to renewal of the neuronal joints which
the utilization of the electrical sensations produced by MWCNTs. The are disconnected due to the injury. Further, the characterization of
development of biohybrid tissue actuators leads to the establishment of carbon nanotubes is prevalent in order to obtain ideas about the reg-
a newer technique for solving the existing drawbacks in the biorobotics ulatory effects on cellular development. During functionalization of
and drug development [28]. The stem cell therapy has been flourishing SWCNTs, the SWCNT incorporated with 4-benzoic acid provides lower
due to the recent developments in tissue engineering and regeneration cellular assembly when compared to other systems such as with 4-tart-
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
Fig. 6. Cytotoxic effects on the viability of A549 cells (A, B) and HeLa cells (C, D) with different concentration of f-SWNT/PPP-g-PSt-PCL with and without folic acid.
“Reprinted with permission from [101]. © (2013) American Chemical Society.”
butylphenyl. Thus, CNTs are capable of providing different products the prepared nanotube films with neuronal cells in the culture medium
that are suitable for the regeneration and cellular growth of the neurons is an exact estimation of the biocompatibility. The polymer in-
[123]. corporated nanotube-containing layer-to-layer structure is useful in the
The collaboration of the carbon nanotubes with the endogenous development of the neural cells [124].
ligands present in CNS causes a reduction in the ligand activity during The spraying technique of the SWCNTs and MWCNTs solutions into
combination with CNT [122]. The MWNTs associated with the neu- the already prepared heated substrate is prevalent. The capability of the
trophils are the leading edge for the neuronal outgrowth. The en- formed material is greater in the culture and is well suited for the im-
dogenous ligands like nerve growth factor and brain-derived neuro- planting procedure. Thus, prepared neuroprosthetic implants are sui-
trophic factor are some of the suitable linkers. The incorporation of this table for neuronal maintenance and regulation. The formed neurites
nerve growth factor further causes neural development, whenever the suitably resemble the external characterizations of the nanotube in-
soluble neutrophin gets affixed with the receptor forming a complex volved structures. Thus, the layer-to-layer SWCNTs can be suitably
that could envisage into cells [123]. utilized for neuronal development and implantations. The structural
characterizations and the morphology of the product are responsible for
these effects. The capability of the layer-to-layer membrane for asso-
5.1.4. CNTs in neuroprosthetic implants
ciating various drug substances allows neural growth following sy-
The SWCNTs are characterized by greater strength and enhanced
naptic relationships without varying the versatile characteristics of
conductivity properties. The implant prototypes are formed by affixed
SWCNT which is the loophole in the production of implantable mate-
packing of SWCNTs for the prevention of nanotube dispersions. An
rials [125]. Studies prove the immense potential for CNTs as the elec-
aqueous suspension of SWCNT with a specific amphiphilic polymer
trode material in retinal implants with greater biocompatibility and
enhances cellular attraction and enhances the application in biomedi-
electrical properties [126]. Several surface modifications are done to
cine. The presence of a positive charge on the surface of the polymer is a
fabricate the electrodes with the intention of directly stimulating the
suitable reason for the increased cellular adhesion. The incubation of
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
Fig. 7. TEM images of CNT@Au (A, B, C). And D represents a SEM image of single CNT@Au deposited on silicon substrate Reprinted with permission from [134]. ©
(2012) American Chemical Society.
spiral ganglion neurons using a neuroprosthetic cochlear implant which The utilization of PEGylated amphiphilic polymer is useful for the so-
consists of an array of electrodes. MWCNTs used along with conducting lubilization of the carbon nanotubes. Fluorescence imaging can be
polymers could intensify electroactivity of neural electrodes. The sur- utilized for the complete diagnosis in the tumor cells [28]. Carbon
face properties of carbon nanotubes including polarity, charge and its nanotubes complexed with metal oxides can contribute vital char-
chemistry could produce efficient neuron electrode coupling [127]. acteristics to bioimaging processes [132]. The CNT electrodes obtained
In order to identify the effectiveness of the implant after surgery, the through the carbon nanotube templated microfabrication (CNT-M)
cross-section of the implanted electrode is done by scanning electron technique has resulted in low distortion images in MRI tests when
microscopy. The condition of the implanted electrode can be done by compared with other reference electrodes and this CNT electrode with
two imaging techniques, ex vivo photoacoustic microscopy and mag- good electrochemical properties offers advanced application opportu-
netic resonance imaging [128]. nities in the field of MRI as well as deep brain stimulation [133].
The synthesis of gold nanoparticles on the surface of CNT is useful
for both biomedical imaging and for other therapeutic applications. For
5.2. Diagnostic applications
this purpose, the optical properties of branched nanoparticles are
combined with CNT. Gold nanoparticles incorporated CNT can be
5.2.1. Carbon nanotubes for biomedical imaging
loaded with drugs such as doxorubicin. TEM and SEM images of gold
This resembles an excellent idea for perfect imaging of the cells,
nanoparticle incorporated CNT are shown in Fig. 7 [134].
tissues, and organs. Carbon nanotubes can be used for improvisation of
the functionalities in case of imaging [129]. The two specialized
methods that can be utilized are photoacoustic imaging and magnetic 5.2.2. Carbon nanotubes as biosensors
resonance imaging. Moreover, carbon nanotubes can be provoked by Biosensors are one among the vital tools in the biological recogni-
additionally applying an external magnetic field. The complete char- tion of the bioactive molecules. They have enhanced electromechanical
acterizations of the CNT vary when newer elements are incorporated. properties for the sensation of the bioactive materials. The increased
The capacity of imaging can be developed by the utilization of various surface area of CNTs develops them as a major vehicle for biological
techniques such as by the addition of gold nanoparticles, quantum dots species detection at smaller concentrations. This characteristic of bio-
etc. It has to be perpetually checked of the toxicity levels of the adding sensors makes them more useful as an ultrasensitive biosensor. The
elements. This is a promising technique for the treatment of a tumor. greater sensitivity, faster action, greater lifespan, and enhanced shelf
A fluorescent bioimaging probe was developed that provides the life properties make them of enhanced significance [135].
folate receptor positive HeLa cell-specific bioimaging. The carboxyl Nanobiosensors are useful in the diagnosis of various materials. The
functionalized SWCNTs modified with the copolymer poly(para-phe- implantable biosensors are greater in size. Due to their bigger size,
nylene) (PPP) containing polystyrene (PSt) and poly(ε-caprolactone) when they enter into the body it causes a traumatic effect. The nano-
(PCL), and folic acid conjugate can be an effective bioimaging probe for sensors are the nanosized biosensors which are useful in recognizing the
targeting the folate receptor overexpressing tumor cells. Dose-depen- various body conditions such as diabetes. Glucose biosensors are criti-
dent cytotoxic effect of f-SWNT/PPP-g-PSt/PCL/FA on A549 cells and cally vital. They measure the glucose level and are therefore very much
HeLa cells were obtained (Fig. 6) [130]. useful for diabetes patients. Other examples for the nanotube biosensors
The fluorescence emission in the near-infrared (NIR) region by the are protein sensors, immunosensors, nucleic acid sensors, and infection
semiconducting SWCNTs renders them excellent fluorescent bioima- sensors. The ultrasensitive detection of volatile biomarkers of gastric
ging probes. The physical characteristics of CNTs, especially SWCNTs, cancer cells has made possible with the development of a novel elec-
are responsible for their imaging capability. CNTs due to their specia- trochemical biosensing interface with Au-Ag alloy composites covered
lized property of greater NIR absorbance are suitable for photoacoustic MWCNTs [136].
imaging [131]. Moreover, fluorescence imaging has been a vital tool for The modulation of an electrochemical biosensor utilizing functio-
the biomedical and scientific field. The SWCNTs are one dimensional in nalized MWCNT with indium tin oxide is much useful in urea detection.
nature and their densities are represented by Vant Hoffs singularities. The formed bioelectrode possesses higher sensitivity and it enhances
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
Fig. 8. Aptamer-CNT based biosensor system. In the presence of the biomolecule, CNT interacts with the electrode to produce an electrochemical current. In the
absence of the biomolecule, no signal is obtained.
the sensitivity of the MWCNT itself. This further leads to the greater suitable for DNA biosensing. Thus CNT-DNA complexes are highly
redox potential of the MWCNT. The electrical conductivity of MWCNT beneficial in biosensing of several properties of the bioactive species.
is increased and it acts as an electron wire in between the enzymes and These mechanisms had further reached the establishment of ultra-
the electrode's surface. The bioelectrode helps in the retention of the sensitive biosensors and DNA sequencing detectors [28]. The DNA
enzyme activity even after 30 days under a refrigerated condition at sensors that can be applied for genetic screening and detection have
4 °C [137]. An aptamer wrapped SWCNT-based electrochemical bio- been fabricated with MWCNT and polydimethylsiloxane composite
sensing system has been developed for the sensitive detection of various electrode and the DNA sensing is by electrochemical impedance spec-
biomolecules like thrombin. An electrochemical current will be gener- troscopy. The DNA gets physisorbed on the electrode surface and the
ated as the CNTs gets adsorbed on the gold electrode modified with a DNA recognition occurs via the π-π interaction of DNA with the
self-assembled monolayer of 16-mercaptohexadecanoic acid only in the MWCNT surface [140]. The enzymatic and the electrochemical re-
presence of target biomolecule [138]. An illustration of general me- sponse of sensors has improved upon the incorporation of the surfac-
chanism of aptamer-CNT based biosensor system is shown in Fig. 8. tant-modified single-walled carbon nanotubes because of its high sur-
Enzyme biosensors are widely used, for instance, the tyrosinase face area networks. The films of glucose oxidase and ferrocene having
biosensor is one among them. The electrocatalytic activity of MWCNTs polyethylenimine film base have resulted in a five-fold increase in
increases the reaction signal that leads to greater shelf life and activity. glucose electro-oxidation current when SWCNTs were incorporated.
The first reason behind the biomolecular conjugation is the greater The glassy carbon electrodes modified with SWCNTs elicits a number of
surface area which is the most promising characteristic of carbon na- possibilities for the fabrication of novel biosensors with improvised
notubes. The glucose level estimation is one of the better achievements enzymatic and electrochemical performance [141]. The two essential
of this enzyme biosensors [139]. The applications of CNT as biosensors catecholamine neurotransmitters, dopamine and epinephrine levels
involve several fields like medical diagnosis and forensic sciences. Both vary during schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's dis-
double and single-stranded DNA is having the sensing capacity. The ease. The conventional detection methods are found to be less efficient
adsorptive property of single-stranded DNA to the CNTs makes it more as the biological fluids of dopamine and epinephrine mostly coexist
V.R. Raphey, et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 100 (2019) 616–630
Table 2
Projected future applications of recently reported advanced systems of CNT.
Sl. No. Advanced systems of CNT Projected future application in biomedicine Reference
with uric acid. Moreover, the potential at which the uric acid gets In comparison to conventional tweezers, the nanotweezers are capable
oxidized is almost similar to that of dopamine and epinephrine. A of facilitating simultaneous variations and relations in the analytical
boron-doped MWCNT modified with gold nanoparticles nanocomposite studies. The nanotweezers can also be useful for nucleic acid-based
material has succeeded in simultaneous electrochemical analysis of the spectroscopy. It has precise flow control, greater stability and higher
two catecholamines from biological fluids in the presence of uric acid capacity for nanoparticle entrapment [149].
[142]. A cyclodextrin‑carbon nanotube composite based biosensor for
the fluorescent detection of cholesterol in the presence of rhodamine 5.2.4. Carbon nanotubes for biomolecular detection
was also developed recently [143]. Protein functionalized carbon nanotubes are utilized for the pro-
Recently, CNT-based sensors have shown the potential to detect duction of a lab-on-a-chip (LOC) that is capable of detecting low-density
therapeutic molecules from different pharmaceutical formulations. A lipoprotein. The various physicomechanical properties of CNTs are
composite fabricated with carbon paste, SWCNTs and neodymium significant in biomedicine such that they could act as biomarkers and
oxide (Nd2O3) was been evaluated to detect its efficiency in quantifying implantable devices. The greater electrical and mechanical properties
paracetamol in pharmaceutical matrices like tablets, powders, and of the CNT enable it as a suitable material for the production of su-
syrups mainly for children. The combination of carbon nanotubes and persensitive LOC which could be useful for biomolecular detection
Nd2O3 favored the sensitive detection of acetaminophen from distinct [132,150]. Another interesting fact is the formation of a suspension of
dosage forms [144]. An electrochemical sensor was proposed for di- CNT with the nickel oxide subsistence which acts as a biomarker for
clofenac detection from tablets and also from human urine samples cholesterol detection [151]. The existence of nickel oxide establishes
based on a gold electrode modified with functionalized MWCNTs and larger surface expansion, greater electromechanical properties and has
gold‑platinum bimetallic nanoparticles [145]. Another electrochemical greater degradation potential towards protein, enzyme, RNA, anti-
sensor was fabricated, using Nafion and MWCNTs modified glassy bodies and so on. The nickel oxide creates a greater electrostatic po-
carbon electrode, exhibiting greater sensitivity and stability for the tential which is a key factor behind the transmission of the antibody
oxidation reactions of acetaminophen and N-acetyl cysteine [146]. through electrostatic connections with carbon nanotubes. Carbon na-
notubes provide electronic pavement and they act as a messenger on
5.2.3. Carbon nanotube nanotweezers in biomedicine the electrode surface. Carbon nanotubes are also selective due to their
The nanotweezers are of appreciable use in various fields for dif- characteristic nature which causes decreased utilization of samples and
ferent measurements involving the mass and electrical conductivity of lesser energy consumption.
the nanomaterials. The nanotweezers contain two arms of carbon na- Lipoproteins are characterized by the function of transportation of
notubes [147]. The distance between the two carbon nanotubes reduces cholesterol in the bloodstream and are metabolized in the liver, kid-
as there is an increased voltage exposure. These nanotubes are regarded neys, and in the tangential tissues. Moreover, the cholesterol im-
as a suitable flexible material with the structure of a cylinder. mobilization leads to the contact of apolipoproteins with sulfated gly-
The different procedures of the variations in the tweezers while cosaminoglycans which cause cholesterol deposition in the arterial
operating in the atomic force microscope (AFM) involve certain steps. surfaces. This eventually leads to the formation of plaques which causes
An AFM image is picked for the tweezers enclosed with the given vol- the reduced flexibility of arteries and causes major heart diseases like
tage applied between the CNTs. The required nanomaterial is obtained atherosclerosis. The general method for the assessment of the quantity
for the tweezer working. Thus, the tweezer gets little bit moved and the of low-density lipoprotein molecule is by nuclear magnetic resonance
target material is located on a specific point. When the adhesion be- spectroscopy, electrophoretic methods, and ultracentrifugation
tween the CNT and the nano-substance is greater than that between the methods. All these methods are quite expensive, time-consuming and
nano-substance and the substrate, the material could be expelled by tedious. Thus, the utilization of an impedimetric LOC is preferential to
applying a potential between the nano-substance and the substrate above all. The metal oxide used in the impedimetric LOC is indium‑tin-
[148]. oxide along with anti-apolipoprotein and bovine serum albumin char-
The nanotweezers can be used in different biomedical applications. acterized CNT‑nickel oxide nanocomposite [152].
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