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Rbi Abbreviations

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ABCI - Association of Business CBLO - Collateralised Borrowing and

Communicators of India Lending Obligation
ACU - Asian Clearing Union CBS - Core Banking Solution
AEs - Advanced Economies CCB - Committee of the Central Board
AIF - Alternative Investment Funds CCIL - Clearing Corporation of India Limited
AIFIs - All India Financial Institutions CCPs - Central Counterparties
AMRMS - Audit Management and Risk CD - Certificate of Deposit
Monitoring System
CERSAI - Central Registry of Securitisation
APMC - Agricultural Produce Marketing Asset Reconstruction and Security
Committee Interest
ARCs - Asset Reconstruction Companies CFA - Chartered Financial Analyst
ARMS - Audit and Risk Management Sub- CFL - Centre for Financial Literacy
CFR - Central Fraud Registry
AUM - Assets Under Management
CGFS - Committee on the Global Financial
BBPOU - Bharat Bill Payment Operating Unit System
BCBS - Basel Committee on Banking CIMS - Centralised Information Management
BCM - Business Continuity Management
CP - Commercial Paper
BCPs - Business Continuity Plans
CPC - Central Pay Commission
BFS - Board for Financial Supervision
CPIN - Common Portal Identification
BIS - Bank for International Settlements Number
BPSS - Board for Regulation and Supervision CPMI-IOSCO - Committee on Payments and
of Payment and Settlement Systems Market Infrastructures - International
BRBNMPL - Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Organization of Securities
Mudran Private Limited Commissions

BSBDAs - Basic Savings Bank Deposit CRA - Contingent Reserve Arrangement

Accounts CRAR - Capital to Risk Weighted Assets
BSE - Bombay Stock Exchange Ratio

CA - Concurrent Audit CRILC - Central Repository of Information on

Large Credits
CAB - College of Agricultural Banking
CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio
CAFRAL - Centre for Advanced Financial
Research and Learning CSAA - Control Self-Assessment Audit
CBGG - Central Bank Governance Group CSF - Consolidated Sinking Fund


CSITE - Cyber Security and Information FIAC - Financial Inclusion Advisory

Technology Examination Committee
CVPS - Currency Verification and Processing FICN - Fake Indian Currency Notes
FIDF - Fisheries and Aquaculture
DEA - Depositor Education and Awareness Infrastructure Development Fund
FinTech - Financial Technologies
DIDF - Dairy Processing and Infrastructure
FIPs - Financial Inclusion Plans
Development Fund
FIRMS - Foreign Investment Reporting and
DIF - Deposit Insurance Fund
Management System
DTAA - Double Taxation Avoidance
FMCG - Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
FMI - Financial Market Infrastructure
EAMS - Enterprise Access Management
System FPI - Foreign Portfolio Investment

ECB - European Central Bank FRBM - Fiscal Responsibility and Budget

Management Act
EDC - Executive Directors’ Committee
FSB - Financial Stability Board
EDMS - Electronic Document Management
System FSDC - Financial Stability and Development
EMEs - Emerging Market Economies
FVCI - Foreign Venture Capital Investor
EMV - Europay, Mastercard and Visa
eNAM - National Agriculture Market FWG - Framework Working Group

ERM - Enterprise-wide Risk Management GFCE - Government Final Consumption

ETCD - Exchange Traded Currency
Derivatives GFCF - Gross Fixed Capital Formation

ETP - Electronic Trading Platform GFD - Gross Fiscal Deficit

FATF - Financial Action Task Force GNDI - Gross National Disposable Income

FBIL - Financial Benchmark of India Private GRF - Guarantee Redemption Fund

Limited GRIHA - Green Rating for Integrated Habitat
FCCB - Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds Assessment

FCI - Food Corporation of India G-sec - Government Securities

FDI - Foreign Direct Investment GVA - Gross Value Added

FEMA - Foreign Exchange Management Act HLCCSM - High Level Committee on Currency
Storage and Movement
FETERS - Foreign Exchange Transactions
Electronic Reporting System HQLA - High Quality Liquid Assets


HRM-SC - Human Resource Management Sub- IRTG - Inter-Regulatory Technical Group

Committee IT-SC - Information Technology Sub-
HTM - Held to Maturity Committee

IBC - Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code IVRS - Interactive Voice Response System

ICCOMS - Integrated Computerised Currency KCC - Kisan Credit Card

Operations Management System
KYC - Know Your Customer
ICMTS - Integrated Compliance Management
LAF - Liquidity Adjustment Facility
and Tracking System
LBS - Lead Bank Scheme
ICSD - International Central Securities
Depositories LCR - Liquidity Coverage Ratio

IDRBT - Institute for Development and LEEP - Leadership and Executive Education
Research in Banking Technology Programme

IESH - Inflation Expectations Survey of LEI - Legal Entity Identifier

Households LPA - Long Period Average
IFA - International Financial Architecture LRS - Liberalised Remittance Scheme
IFRS - International Financial Reporting LSE - London School of Economics
LTV - Long Term Visa
IFTAS - Indian Financial Technology and
MCLRs - Marginal Cost of Funds Based
Allied Services
Lending Rates
IGBC - Indian Green Building Council
MCMTP - Mid-Career Mandatory Training
IGIDR - Indira Gandhi Institute of Programme
Development Research
MHP - Minimum Holding Period
IIBs - Inflation Indexed Bonds
MIS - Management Information System
IIBM - Indian Institute of Bank Management
MoE - Memorandum of Errors
IL&FS - Infrastructure Leasing & Financial
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding
Services Limited
MPC - Monetary Policy Committee
Ind AS - Indian Accounting Standards
MSF - Marginal Standing Facility
IMD - India Meteorological Department
MSMEs - Micro, Small and Medium
IPOs - Initial Public Offers
IRAC - Income Recognition and Asset
MSP - Minimum Support Price
MTFP - Medium Term Fiscal Policy
IRDAI - Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority of India MTM - Mark-to-Market


MUNFI - Monitoring Universe of Non-Bank QIP - Qualified Institutional Placement

Financial Intermediation RBIA - Risk Based Internal Audit
NACH - National Automated Clearing House RBSC - Reserve Bank Staff College
NCFE - National Centre for Financial RDB - Rupee Denominated Bonds
REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate
NCLAT - National Company Law Appellate
SARFAESI - Securitisation and Reconstruction of
Financial Assets and Enforcement of
NETC - National Electronic Toll Collection Securities Interest
NIBM - National Institute of Bank SARTTAC - South Asia Regional Training and
Management Technical Assistance Center
NSFI - National Strategy for Financial SBNs - Specified Bank Notes
SDLs - State Development Loans
NSSF - National Small Savings Fund
SEACEN - South East Asian Central Banks
OBICUS - Order Books, Inventories and
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of
Capacity Utilisation Survey
OIS - Overnight Index Swaps
SFMS - Structured Financial Messaging
OMO - Open Market Operations System

OPEC - Organization of the Petroleum SGB - Sovereign Gold Bond

Exporting Countries SIFIs - Systemically Important Financial
OSDT - Ombudsman Scheme for Digital Institutions
Transactions SLBC - State Level Bankers’ Committee
OTC - Over the Counter SLCC - State Level Coordination Committee
PADO - Public Administration, Defence and SMEs - Small and Medium Enterprises
Other Services
SPMCIL - Security Printing and Minting
PFCE - Private Final Consumption Corporation of India Limited
SSCI - Service Sector Composite Index
PFRDA - Pension Fund Regulatory and
TReDS - Trade Receivables Discounting
Development Authority
PLF - Plant Load Factor
UAN - Udyog Aadhaar Number
PML - Prevention of Money Laundering
UAT - User Acceptance Testing
POS - Point of Sale
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade
PPIs - Prepaid Payment Instruments and Development
PSLCs - Priority Sector Lending Certificates UPI - Unified Payments Interface

VA-PT - Vulnerability Assessment and WAY - Weighted Average Yield
Penetration Testing
WLA - White Label ATM
VCFs - Venture Capital Funds
WLAOs - White Label ATM Operators
VRR - Voluntary Retention Route
XBRL - eXtensible Business Reporting
WACR - Weighted Average Call Rate Language
WAM - Weighted Average Maturity ZTCs - Zonal Training Centres

This Report can be accessed on Internet

URL : www.rbi.org.in

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