Understanding Data Communications: From Fundamentals to Networking.
Third Edition Gilbert Held
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Print ISBN 0-471-627453 Online ISBN 0-470-84148-6
From Fundamentals to Networking
Third Edition
Gilbert Held
4-Degree Consulting
Macon, Georgia,
Preface xix
Acknowledgements xxi
Index 841
Understanding Data Communications: From Fundamentals to Networking.
Third Edition Gilbert Held
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Print ISBN 0-471-627453 Online ISBN 0-470-84148-6
concepts and theory, and relates practical experiences in a manner useful for
persons involved or planning to work with data communications within an
This new edition of Understanding Data Communications was written for
both the student and the professional who wish to obtain a solid foundation
concerning how data communications systems operate, why, where, and
when certain types of equipment should be networked together, and the role of
evolving communications technologies. In revising this book I continued to
include and expand upon many basic communications concepts. History has
a way of repeating itself and knowledge of how older communications systems
operate that may not appear to be particularly important yesterday may be
extremely useful tomorrow when attempting to understand the operation and
utilization as well as limitations associated with a new technology. One key
example of this is frequency division multiplexing, a technology considered
relatively obsolete by the 1980s but which now forms the foundation for the
operation of several types of high speed digital subscriber lines that represent
a new generation of modem technology. Thus, while a major emphasis of this
book is upon modern communications equipment and transmission systems,
as an educator I felt it was important to include historical information and an
overview of older technology that illustrates important concepts that are
applicable for understanding modern technologies.
In developing this book I used a layered approach, building upon the
knowledge presented in each prior chapter. This layered approach facilitates
the utilization of this book as a one-semester course at a high undergraduate
or at a first-year graduate level.
Throughout this book I have included numerous illustrations, tables and
schematic diagrams to illustrate concepts, theory and practice. I believe this
material will facilitate the use of this book long after a reader completes the
course that it is used in, and will provide a reference for future endeavors in
communications. Finally, at the end of each section I have included a
comprehensive series of questions that cover many of the important concepts
covered in the section. These questions can be used as a review mechanism
prior to going forward in the book.
As both a professional author and an educator I highly value feedback. You
can write to me through my publisher whose address is on page iv of this
book, or you can communicate with me via email at gil_held@yahoo.com. Let
me know if I committed the sin of omission and need to include other topics, if
you feel I devoted too much space to a particular topic, or any other area you
may wish to comment upon.
Gilbert Held
Macon, GA
Understanding Data Communications: From Fundamentals to Networking.
Third Edition Gilbert Held
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Print ISBN 0-471-627453 Online ISBN 0-470-84148-6