Academic Anxiety
Academic Anxiety
Academic Anxiety
ISSN: 0975-833X
Copyright © 2018, Shangal Mirawdali et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
cannot be generalized among all pharmacy undergraduates as and GPAs to measure academic performance (Vitasari et al.,
the participants included in this study were first year pharmacy 2010). The authors reported a relationship between high
students, but from Malaysia, not the UK and data were solely anxiety levels and low academic performance. However, the
based on self-reported information (Rajiah et al., 2014). A study was insufficiently powered to detect significance. In
cross -sectional study design utilising questionnaires was used 2012, a study designed to identify the impact of anxiety on
to evaluate the effects of certain factors on academic academic achievement, in 97 students selected by stratified
performance in PharmD students and showed that 69.3% of the sampling, showed that anxiety negatively impacts academic
respondents experienced anxiety during examinations despite achievement in both male and female students; however, the
optimal preparation. Additionally, students in their didactic impact of anxiety was more significant in female students
years experienced higher levels of anxiety compared to compared to males (Nadeem et al., 2018). A systematic review
students in their experiential year. Reasons for this may conducted by Hashempour and Mehrad (2014), concluded that
include: fewer examinations and more experience in tests for academic anxiety negatively affects success as anxious
students in their experiential year (Sansgiry et al., 2006). A students are self-preoccupied, not focusing on their learning
cross-sectional study which measured pharmacy students’ process, had shorter memory span and poor emotional
anxiety towards research concluded that academic support intelligence (Hashempour, 2014).
significantly reduced anxiety and improved academic
performance through helping the students to develop “higher Test anxiety and other constructs: The use of the modified
self-expectations and a greater sense of self-perceived control Test Anxiety Inventory in this study was informed by 3 main
of academic outcomes for future academic success” cross-sectional studies (Talib, 2012; Sansgiry et al., 2006;
(Maharajan et al., 2017). Rajiah and Saravanan, recommended Ubaka, 2015). Sarason demonstrated that Cognitive Test
the use of psychological services, relaxation therapy and Anxiety Scale and Reactions to Tests provide high internal
systematic desensitisation to reduce test anxiety among consistency and predictive validity of examination
pharmacy students as their use proved effective during the performance (Sarason, 1984). A modified version of the 20-
study (Rajiah, 2014). Sansgiry, Bhosle, and Sail state that item Study Management and Academic Results Test (SMART)
various stress management programs can improve academic was adopted in this study. The readability coefficients of its
performance by reducing stress-induced anxiety (Sansgiry et scales were in the range of 0.67-0.81. The SMART tool
al., 2006). consists of 4 constructs: academic competence, test
competence, time management and strategic studying, each of
Conceptual Framework which is measured on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from
“strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”. The modified version
Indicator of Academic Performance (Test-Competence): of SMART used in this study, only consisted of 3 constructs
Although, Grade Point Average (GPA) is a widely used forming 14 items. The 5-point Likert scale used ranged from
indicator of academic performance (Lobb et al., 2006; Kuncel “not at all typical of me” to “very much typical of me”
et al., 2017; Kuncel et al., 2005), some researchers question its (Sansgiry et al., 2006).
validity and utility as a sole measure of academic competence
(Allen, 2005). Numerous studies have used the Pharmacy Sources of anxiety: In this study, social and family sources of
College Admission Test (PCAT) scores and first year grades as academic anxiety were investigated. The modified version of
predictors of academic performance in the remaining years of the study instrument used by Shahrouri was adopted (24).
pharmacy school (Lobb et al., 2006; Kuncel et al., 2005). Identifying the cause of academic anxiety is very useful to
However, various studies have focused on non-grade factors developing effective coping strategies, Shahrouri’s results
that could influence academic performance, such as test revealed the five major sources of academic anxiety. Studying
anxiety, academic competence, test competence, time in a foreign language was the second most significant source of
management and study strategies and reported that test anxiety among undergraduates, followed by fear of students
competence was the single most important factor that could with foreign language not being able to express themselves in a
significantly discriminate among high and low achievers and foreign language when delivering presentations. Parental
distinguish students’ academic performance (Sansgiry et al., expectations (feeling that “efforts will not match parenteral
2006; Lobb et al., 2006; Ubaka et al., 2015; Talib, 2012). Talib expectations to achieve outstanding grades”) was ranked fifth.
and Sansgiry (2012) also highlighted test competence as one of Renk, a psychologist at the University of Central Florida,
the determinants of academic performance that discriminates stated that “many parents and students have different
between low and high GPA achievers. Hence, in this study test perceptions of what the parents‟ expectations really are;
competence was selected as the primary indicator of academic students are often trying to meet goals that are far tougher than
performance (Talib, 2012). the ideals that their parents have in mind’’ (Shahrouri, 2016).
Anxiety and academic performance/achievement: Afolayan Coping strategies: Samson-Akpan investigated the most
et al. conducted a descriptive survey to determine the common coping strategies adopted by stressed Nursing
relationship between anxiety and academic performance students. A modified version of the study instrument was used,
among nursing students in Nigeria (6). Psychological combined with items to determine mental health-related stigma
disturbances, physiological imbalance and behavioural in pharmacy students (Samson-Akpan et al., 2017). The study
abnormalities, were a highly prevalent problem in students revealed that most of the respondents 69 (44.8%) seek social
during examinations, negatively affecting students’ support and 51 (33.1%) respondents received professional
examination performance and outcome. Additionally, the counselling. Avoidance was among the most commonly used
results suggested a possible difference between genders in coping strategies with a mean value of 17.70 (SD= 3.90).
academic performance (p = 0.543) but it was not statistically Other strategies such as smoking, using medications and
significant (Afolayan et al., 2013). Similarly, Vitasari et al. drinking alcohol were also used. It has been established that
measured anxiety using State Strait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) mental illness stigma exists among undergraduates and acts as
70019 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 06, pp.70017-70026, June, 2018
a barrier in seeking support (Eisenberg et al., 2009; Morrissey All MPharm students in stage 3 and 4 were invited to
et al., 2017; Chow et al., 2018; Patten et al., 2012). A participate, however a minimum sample size was calculated
randomised controlled trial evaluated the effectiveness of using the Raosoft™ software. The calculation was based on
contact-based education for reducing mental illness-related total population of 160 students in both academic years, 107
stigma in pharmacy students; the results showed a significant respondents were the estimated requirement to determine
reduction in stigma (mean change 4.3 vs. 1.5, t=2.1, p=0.04) prevalence.
(Patten et al., 2012).
Procedure: In this study, data collection took place during two
Stressors: Pharmacy students undergo rigorous training and separate workshops one for each of the two cohorts.
face a variety of evaluative situations, the MPharm Completion of the questionnaire required approximately 30
undergraduates at the University of Wolverhampton (UoW) minutes.
are no exception. Various evaluative assessments and
potentially stressful sessions within the MPharm curriculum at Study tool and design: This study was a descriptive in nature
UoW were investigated. Team-based learning (TBL) is an and utilised a cross-sectional survey. A questionnaire was
active-learning method commonly used in medical education developed based on tools validated in other studies. The survey
programs where students, complete their learning individually questions were adapted from the cross-sectional survey designs
before class, then in class as a team apply their knowledge to utilised by Sansgiry, Bhosle and Sail, and Shahrouri. The
solve case-based problems, usually workplace based (Allen et modified questionnaire consisted of 58 items, divided into nine
al., 2013). This method is adopted at UoW as class-room categories; test anxiety, academic competence, test
based, not workplace-based. Allen confirmed that “compared competence, time management, study strategies, social
with traditional lectures, TBL is perceived to enhance student sources, family sources, coping strategies and stressors.
engagement, improve students’ preparation for class, and Excepting the stressors category, all items were rated using a
promote achievement of course outcomes” (Allen et al., 2013). 5-point Likert-type scale where 1-not at all typical of me, 2-not
Ofstad and Brunner conducted a review on the fundamentals of very typical of me, 3-somewhat typical of me, 4-typical of me
TBL in pharmacy education (Ofstad, 2013). They concluded and 5-very much typical of me. Likert scales have
that workplace based TBL, not class-room based TBL, is a demonstrated high internal consistency with previous
learning strategy which can foster lifelong learning skills and instrument items used in similar studies (Ubaka et al., 2015).
develop communication and team-working skills necessary for Stressors specific to the MPharm curriculum at UoW were
a student’s success as a practitioner. Brand and Schoonheim- included. Stressors were rated using a 10-point scale where the
Klein used a survey study design to measure the levels of most stressful was 1 and the least stressful was 10 (Appendix
anxiety, self-perception of preparation and expectation for 1). The test competence category was the primary indicator of
success induced by an objective structured clinical academic performance (dependant variable). The survey
examination (OSCE), a written examination and a preclinical instrument also included questions to obtain demographic
preparation test among dental students (Brand, 2009). Results variables such as stage of pharmacy, age, gender, ethnicity,
revealed that the OSCE was the most anxiety-provoking employment and relationship statuses and any family history of
assessment method, students prepared for it more than the anxiety.
other examinations and the expectation to succeed was higher
for the OSCE compared to the other assessment methods. Validity and readability of the study tool: The survey was
Therefore, OSCE and similar style assessments such as oral based on validated tools; however, as it was modified, re-
presentations or case discussions are significant stressor and a validation would be appropriate but owing to budget and time
source of academic anxiety. constraints on this project it was not possible. The readability,
ambiguity and time required to complete was assessed by the
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the extent of academic project supervisor and the UoW ethics committee members.
anxiety and its effects on academic performance and, inform Readability was assessed by conducting a pilot study of 4
on any relationship between social and family sources of students, 2 from each year group.
anxiety as stressor that may cause academic anxiety and affect
Data analysis and analytical tool: Microsoft™ Excel™ was
academic performance among 3rd and 4th year pharmacy
used to analyse the data after creating one master sheet. The
undergraduates, at the University of Wolverhampton.
study objectives were evaluated by calculating mean and
Furthermore, the study aimed to examine the effect of
standard deviation. No additional statistical analysis was
demographic variables such as gender, age and ethnicity on
academic anxiety.
Expected benefit to pharmacy practice: Theresults from this
Ethical Approval: Participation in the study was voluntary. pilot research will inform MPharm provider institutions with
The research received ethical approval on 1st November 2017 the pharmacy students’ need for effective and efficient
by the UoW ethics committee. Anonymity was maintained university counselling services regarding stress management
throughout this study. programs which could assist in improving academic
achievement (Sansgiry et al., 2006; Ubaka et al., 2015).
Demographics: Similar toUbaka, Sansgiry and Ukwe, and Helping students to manage and avoid anxiety should improve
Sansgiry, Bhosle, and Sail, this study collected demographic outcomes and reduce support requirements.
data such as stage of pharmacy education, gender, age,
ethnicity, relationship status, employment status and family RESULTS
Altogether 147 pharmacy undergraduates were approached. In
Sampling procedure: A non-probabilistic pragmatic sample total 132 students participated, which exceeded the estimated
was used. required sample size. There were no exclusion criteria, all
70020 Shangal Mirawdali et al. Academic anxiety and its effects on academic performance
The most commonly employed coping strategies were Stressors vs. family sources and social sources: There was
breathing exercises (22%) and social support (20.5%). 45.5% and 37.9% of students, who rated OSCEs as the most
Whereas smoking cigarettes (3.0%) and seeking counselling stressful evaluative assessment, also indicated that their heart
(4.5%), were the least commonly
only employed coping strategies rate increases when delivering presentations and the thought of
(Figure 5). disappointing their parents with their academic performance
makes them anxious, respectively.
Table 1. Demographic characteristics the previous 3 years, discontinued and students had to adapt to
a traditional lecture and workshop type teaching strategy. This
Stage 3 Stage 4 Overall adjustment caused many students anxiety. Stage 4 students
(n= 67) (n=65) (n=132) must also complete a research project, which carries the
Gender (%) greatest weighing towards their grades, causing an additional
Male 43.3 44.6 43.9 stress and anxiety. Maharajan et al. states that “research
Female 52.2 52.3 52.3
Age (Y) anxiety acts as a carrier filter” which prevents new graduates
Mean (SD) 24.3(7.1) 23.7(7.1) 24.7(7.1) entering research related jobs. Students’ research anxiety not
Min 21 21 21 only affects their ability to master research concepts, but some
Max 35 35 35 undergraduates even develop a “phobia’ towards research
Ethnicity (%)
British Asian 38.8 69.2 53.8 (Maharajan et al., 2017). Another explanation for the higher
African 37.3 6.2 22.0 level of anxiety experienced among fourth year students may
Caucasian 20.9 4.6 12.9 be the OSCE. Brand and Schoonheim-Klein reported that the
Middle Eastern 3.0 15.4 9.1 OSCE was the most anxiety-provoking assessment method in
Other 0 4.6 2.3
Relationship status (%) dental education. The OSCE was the highest rated stressor
Single 74.6 84.6 79.5 among the pharmacy students and it has also being indicated as
Married 16.4 4.6 10.6 the most stressful assessment among medical, radiology and
Civil Partnership 6.0 7.7 6.8 nursing students (Brand, 2009). Among the participants in this
Other 3.0 3.1 3.0
Employment (%) study, most (59.1%) made every effort to understand the
Yes 64.2 70.8 67.4 course material being taught in the pharmacy school and some
No 36.9 29.2 32.6 (19%) indicated great difficulty in managing the academic
Family history (%) course load in the pharmacy curriculum. Considering the
Yes 20.9 33.8 27.3
No 79.1 66.2 72.7 variables that determine students’ academic competence, these
findings show that the students may not be enjoying their
classes, whether it is because of the classes not being
DISCUSSION interesting or too stressful is unknown (Sansgiry et al., 2006;
Kleijn et al., 1994). A higher proportion of students reported
This study examined the effect of academic anxiety on difficulty in managing the study material for an examination
academic performance, among third and fourth years pharmacy compared with that reported in the literature (Sansgiry et al.,
students at the UoW. The project explored factors such as test 2006; Ubaka et al., 2015; Talib, 2012). This may be explained
anxiety, academic competence, test competence, time by the amount of material the students had to undertake as self-
management and strategic study techniques to determine the directed with limited academic staff input or that the material
level of academic anxiety among MPharm students in their two assigned for examinations is large and not manageable. The
final years It also aimed to explore any major social and family students reported that they could not cope due to immense and
sources of academic anxiety and commonly adopted coping complex study material. In this study, there was a significant
strategies. Additionally, it aimed to inform the highest and and positive correlation between academic competence and
lowest rated academic stressors, plus their effects on academic academic performance, a trend reported by other researchers
performance. Furthermore, the effects of external to the (Sansgiry et al., 2006; Ubaka et al., 2015; Talib, 2012), this
university factors such as social and family sources of anxiety, highlights that students’ perception of course material and
demographics (e.g., gender, age and race), family history of study material for examinations are paramount in enhancing
anxiety and different stages of pharmacy were also explored. academic performance. These findings emphasise the
In this study, the test competence category was used as a recommendations by Sansgiry, Bhosle and Sail, which
primary indicator of academic performance as Sansgiry, suggests that faculty members should evaluate the amount of
Bhosle and Sail confirmed to be the single most important study material for examinations and avoid excessive material
factor that can help in distinguishing between students’ actual for each exam. Additionally, exams should test concepts rather
academic performance to that compromised by their anxiety than depend on memorisation, enabling students to improve
(Sansgiry et al., 2006). Thus, students who have difficulty in test competence and gain knowledge throughout the
managing the study material before examinations had lower curriculum (Sansgiry et al., 2014). When comparing the
grades, irrespective of other protective factors, such as good academic performance between third and fourth year students,
academic knowledge in class. The findings from this study third year students indicated a lower academic performance
could inform future academic curricula and classroom teaching compared to fourth year students. This may be due to reasons
methods in pharmacy schools. such as course entry level, or cohort ability to develop learning
skills as the course delivery methodology did not change.
The mean test anxiety score reported by the students These findings were comparable to Sansgiry, Bhosle and Sail.
participating in this study, were relatively higher than that When considering the participants demographic characteristics
reported in previous literature (12, 19-20). A lower proportion and academic performance, this study presented some
of students reported levels of anxiety during exams even when interesting findings. There were more females (23.5% than
they well prepared, compared to the levels reported by males (18.9%) reported inability to manage study material.
Sansgiry, Bhosle and Sail. However, similar to Sansgiry, the Several studies have noted that females are more prone to
majority of the participants reported no physical symptoms. anxiety which affects their ability to perform at an optimum
Fourth year students had a higher mean test anxiety score level (Singh, 2015; Nadeem et al., 2018; Syokwaa et al.,
compared to the third-year students, which may be due to the 2014). This may be explained by the results of a study
various course changes and multiple concurrent assessments conducted by Ghazvini and Khajehpour, which suggests that
which had occurred this academic year. In year 4, the TBL differences exist in the cognitive-motivational functioning of
approach to teaching, which students have experienced during males and females in an academic environment, as females
70023 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 06, pp.70017-70026, June, 2018
have a more adaptive approach to learning (Ghazvini, 2011). When there is inadequate time left for studying, Gloe
When analysing academic performance based on age group recommends that students get involved in group discussions
there was no significant difference. There were no rooms to and exchange ideas while memorising key points to improve
balance gender, age or ethnicity in the sample due to the high performance in exams (Gloe, 1999). Time management is
diversty of the cohort. These findings are similar to that significantly associated with academic performance, therefore
reported by Imlach et al. and Ebenuwa-Okoh who suggesting better time management leads to enhanced academic
that age does not impede academic achievement and that performance, a significant correlation consistent with previous
discrete cognitive skills and engagement in cognitively studies (Sansgiry et al., 2016; Syokwaa et al., 2014). For
stimulating activities promotes academic success in older students who regularly study for an average of 8-9 hours daily
students (Ebenuwa-Okoh, 2017; Haq et al., 2005). When may experience fatigue and exertion, leading to lower
comparing academic performance between ethnic groups, academic performance during exams. Therefore, regular breaks
British Asians had the lowest academic performance, however are necessary to enhance overall performance (Sansgiry et al.,
this result was insignificant when taking the overall study 2006). The impediment to MPharm students’ time
population into account. These finding were incompatible to management skills emphasises the significance of re-assessing
that reported by Haq et al., who suggested that medical the amount of study material for an exam (Sansgiry et al.,
students of Asian origin, of both genders, educated in the UK 2006). Furthermore, students with weak time management
with English as their first language, continue to perform at a skills could be identified and provided with counselling and
lower level in OSCEs and written assessments compared to support before it affects their academic performance. The
their white European peers (Imlach et al., 2017). Most students mean score for study strategies was consistent with that
participating in this study did not report having family history reported by Sansgiry, Bhosle and Sail and Talib and Sansgiry,
of anxiety. However, the students who reported family history but lower than that reported by Ubaka, Sansgiry and Ukwe.
of anxiety also reported that they are able to cope with Some students indicated that they utilised study strategies and
examination tension.In this study, the effects of social and techniques to improve academic performance throughout the
family sources of anxiety on academic performance were curriculum and during exams. Undergraduates develop their
analysed. There appeared to be a positive correlation between own study habits and techniques based on their learning style
social anxiety and academic performance, as students who and the technique that works best for them, as they progress
experienced symptoms of social anxiety indicated low through the pharmacy curriculum. Due to the excessive course
academic performance. This relationship has been noted in load of self-directed study, attendance for TBL and
previous studies (Vitasari et al., 2010; Dobson, 2012). Okazaki comprehensive assessments throughout a pharmacy education
stated that culture, ethnicity, emotional distress and self- programme.
construal are influential variables associated with social
anxiety (Okazaki, 1997). Foreign language is the one of most It is essential that students adopt an effective study strategy to
significant barriers and influential factors to academic ensure academic success (Sansgiry et al., 2016). To improve
performance and achievement among international students. academic achievement, faculty members could provide
Additionally, it is also a major source of social anxiety as workshops on study strategies and facilitate the academically
being part of social activities, team working and delivering weak students to effectively and appropriately apply their
presentations are difficult for these students (Shahrouri, 2016; course material and develop exam techniques. The mean
Diaz-Gilbert, 2014). Diaz-Gilbert studied the knowledge of scores for social and family sources of anxiety were lower and
pharmacy students with first or best language is not English non-significant among the participants of this study compared
and reported that the “students demonstrated significant to that reported in the literature (Shahrouri, 2016). However, a
misunderstanding of essential and commonly used health and small proportion of students indicated levels of social anxiety
pharmacy-related vocabulary” (Eze, 2015). Some students such as when delivering presentations and family sources of
participating in this study indicated that home crowdedness anxiety such as disappointing parents with academic
affects their academic performance, this is comparable to that performance. These findings were consistent with the results
reported by Harb and El-Shaarawi, as it was reported as one of reported by Shahrouri, as the study ranked social and parental
the most significant factors to negatively affect academic expectations as the 3rd and 4th major sources of academic
performance (Eze, 2015). Similar to that reported by Ebenuwa- anxiety. Therapy and counselling sessions may improve
Okoh, the students indicated that having a low socioeconomic confidence levels and students’ perceptions of parental
status is the most non-influential factor on academic expectations, improving anxiety and academic performance.
performance (Ebenuwa-Okoh, 2017). Few students participating in this study adopted coping
strategies to ease their academic anxiety, for the students that
This may be due to financial support from student finance, did, breathing exercises and social support were the most
which mitigates the financial burden of higher education on commonly utilised strategies, consistent with previous studies
low-income families. In the present study, most students found (Samson-Akpan et al., 2017). Samson-Akpan et al. advises
it difficult to combine their study and leisure time and some that students should seek counselling from their academic
were unable to study regularly, so ended up “scanning advisers and if professional support is required, the faculty
materials” for examinations. This could be attributed to their should arrange appropriate arrangements for consultations with
perceived course load, stress associated with examination or professional counsellors to reduce academic stress and anxiety.
that most of the participants were con-currently working. As established by previous studies (Eisenberg et al., 2009),
Students’ inability and lack of skills in time management has mental illness stigma acts as an important barrier to help
been reported in numerous previous studies (Sansgiry et al., seeking for mental health, therefore universities should provide
2006; Ubaka, 2015). The pharmacy education program one to one support for students with anxiety, to advise on
requires high level of reflective reasoning and critical thinking, coping strategies to improve their mental health and provide
making effective and optimum time management crucial for support in managing their overall studies.
academic success (Ubaka et al., 2015).
70024 Shangal Mirawdali et al. Academic anxiety and its effects on academic performance
The undergraduates participating in this study indicated that Seminar, confidence building, and counselling sessions can be
the OSCE and OSSA are the highest rated academic stressors. held to obtain understanding of these variables that’s affect
From the findings from this study, it was indicated that the academic performance (Ubaka et al., 2015). As part of this
students perceive oral exams as being more stressful than research, informational 3-fold leaflets about academic anxiety
assignments and written examinations. These results were were distributed, feedback was retained from the students and
comparable to that reported by Brand and Schoonheim-Klein. 87% (N=115) found the information very useful, suggesting
One of the reasons for these results is explained by Saidi, who that awareness of one’s anxiety disorder can help them
reveals that foreign language speaking anxiety negatively understand and cope with their condition much more
impacts oral performance and subsequently overall academic effectively (Figure 9). This resource also provided contact
performance, as these students lack communication skills (46). details for the universities counselling service, enabling easy
Various studies such as Longyhore and Zhang and Rabatsky access for support.
have established that OSCEs are associated with a great deal of
stress which negatively impacts academic performance; Limitations: The study was conducted at one University
therefore, stress management programs are essential (Saidi, (UoW), therefore differences in students’ demographic
2015; Zhang et al., 2015). characteristics and location may affect the results when applied
to other universities. The third and fourth years’ students are
Furthermore, focusing on interventions that could be exposed to different academic stressors (workload,
implemented beyond instructions could reduce OSCE assessments and tasks); hence this affects the responses in this
associated anxiety and improve students’ success in OSCEs specific item. Although anonymity was retained throughout the
(Longyhore, 2017). When analysing the effects of social and study, reducing response bias such as social desirability bias,
family sources of anxiety on stressors, a positive correlation the self-reported nature of data collection may still limit the
was observed. Students who experienced social and family results to a certain extent. To prevent these limitations, future
anxiety also rated the OSCE as the most stressful assessment. studies should use administrative student records from several
This emphasises the results reported by Okazaki, suggesting universities in the UK, which also ensures a larger sample size,
that culture and self-construal variables can influence self- all of which further validate these results.
esteem and confidence which prevents optimum performance
during oral examinations (Okazaki, 1997). Based on the Conclusion
findings of this study, it is suggested that faculty members
should assess the course load and study material assigned for The study investigated the extent of academic anxiety and its
each test to improve academic and test competence and impact on academic performance in Master of Pharmacy
subsequently academic performance. As suggested by Talib Undergraduates. It can be concluded that test anxiety,
and Sansgiry, review /discussion or workshop sessions should academic competence, time management and strategic
be held to ensure students can appropriately and effectively studying are all factors significantly affect academic
apply course content to examination questions, before an performance. Effective university counselling services
examination. It is important that faculty members address any involving trained mental health professionals with stress
factors that affect academic performance and provide the management programs could also increase academic success.
required support and attention to the students which are greatly With regards to academic stressors, oral assessment such as the
affected by academic anxiety, to improve academic success. OSCE and OSSA were the highest rated stressors, suggesting
that students require support in communication skills and
70025 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 06, pp.70017-70026, June, 2018
ability to quickly and effectively adapt to stressful clinical (online) YouGov: What the world thinks. Available at:
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This study is unique to previous studies in the literature as it Brand, H. and Schoonheim-Klein, M. 2009. Is the OSCE more
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Acknowledgments: To all pharmacy students who took part of Ebenuwa-Okoh, E. 2017. Influence of Age, Financial Status,
this study, thank you and I greatly appreciate spending some of and Gender on Academic Performance among
your valuable time in completing my survey. Undergraduates. Journal of Psychology, 1(2), pp.99-103.
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Funding: self-funded Stigma and Help Seeking for Mental Health Among
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