Tulsi The Wonder Herb Pharmacologicalactivities of Ocimum Sanctum PDF
Tulsi The Wonder Herb Pharmacologicalactivities of Ocimum Sanctum PDF
Tulsi The Wonder Herb Pharmacologicalactivities of Ocimum Sanctum PDF
1, 089-095
Available online at http://www.ajethno.com
© American Journal of Ethnomedicine
Ocimum sanctum is an annual herb belonging to the mint family with 150
varieties worldwide. Ocimum sanctum emits a spicy scent when bruised. It is
believed to purify expectorants, and called the “wonder herb”. Tulsi is pungent
and bitter in taste, pungent in the post digestive effect and has hot potency. The
roots, leaves and seeds of Tulsi possess several medicinal properties. Ayurvedic
texts categorise Tulsi as stimulant, aromatic and antipyretic. It has a variety of
biological / pharmacological activities such as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal,
anti protozoal, anti malarial, anthelmentic, anti diarrhoeal, analgesic, antipyretic,
anti inflammatory, anti allergic, antihypertensive, cardio protective, central
nervous system (CNS) depressant, memory enhancer, antihyper-
cholesterolaemic, hepatoprotective, anti diabetic, anti asthmatic, anti thyroidic,
antioxidant, anticancer, chemopreventive, radio protective, immunomodulatory,
anti fertility, antiulcer, anti arthritic, adaptogenic / anti stress, anti cataract, anti
leucodermal and anticoagulant activities. Its leaves are helpful in sharpening
memory and in curing fever and common cold. Ocimum contains fixed oil which
is confirmed by chemical tests for glycerine. The plant increased the physical
endurance and prevented stress-induced ulcers.
American Journal of Ethnomedicine
The leaves are opposite, about 2-4 cm long, Just as Tulsi respect is rewarding, her
margins entire or toothed, hairy on both the contempt attracts the wrath of Vishnu.
surfaces, dotted with minute glands and are Precautions are taken to avoid this. It is
aromatic. The flowers are tiny, purple and taboo to urinate, excrete or throw waste
inflorescence is a long spike or 12-14 cm in water near the plant. Uprooting and cutting
length. The fruits are small, smooth nut lets, branches of the plant is prohibited. When the
reddish grey in color. Botanically, Tulsi is plant withers, the dry plant is immersed in a
known as Ocimum sanctum and it belongs water body with due religious rites as is the
to family Laminacea. The leaves contain an custom for broken divine images, which are
essential oil, which contains eugenol, unworthy for worship. Though Tulsi leaves
eugenal, carvacrol, methylchavicol, limatrol are necessary for Hindu worship, there are
and caryophylline. The seeds contain oil strict rules for it. Only a male must cut them
composed of fatty acids and sitosterol. The and only in the daylight. A prayer of
roots contain sitosterol forgiveness may also be offered to Tulsi
before the act.
Tulsi has been used for thousands of Tulsi as a Diety3,4
years in Ayurveda, a Hindu form of medical The presence of tulsi plant
science, for its diverse healing properties. It symbolizes the religious bent of a Hindu
is mentioned in the Charaka Samhita, an family. A Hindu household is considered
ancient Ayurvedic text. Tulsi is considered incomplete if it doesn't have a tulsi plant in
to be an adaptogen, balancing different the courtyard. Many families have the tulsi
processes in the body, and helpful for planted in a specially built structure, which
adapting to stress. Marked by its strong has images of deities installed on all four
aroma and astringent taste, it is regarded in sides, and an alcove for a small earthen oil
Ayurveda as a kind of "elixir of life" and lamp. Some households can even have up to
believed to promote longevity. If sprinkled a dozen tulsi plants on the verandah or in the
over cooked food in stored water, tulsi garden forming a "tulsi-van" or "tulsi-
leaves prevent bacterial growth during vrindavan" - a miniature basil forest.
the eclipses.
Importance in Hinduism Tulsi is pungent and bitter in taste,
Every part of the Tulsi plant is pungent in the post digestive effect and has
revered and considered sacred. Even the soil hot potency. It alleviates kapha and vata
around the plant is holy. The Padma doshas, but slightly aggravates the pitta
Purana declares a person who is cremated dosha. It possesses light and dry attributes.
with Tulsi twigs in his funeral pyre On the contrary the seeds are oily and slimy
gains moksha and a place in Vishnu's in attributes and have a cold potency. Tulasi
abode Vaikuntha. If a Tulsi stick is used to is a stimulant, aromatic herb and effectively
burn a lamp for Vishnu, it is like offering the reduces the fever.
gods lakhs of lamps. If one makes a paste of
Tulsi leaves and smears it over his body and Morphology4,5
worships Vishnu, it is worth several Tulsi belongs in the basil genus in
ordinary pujas and lakhs of Godan (donation the family Lamiaceae. It is an aromatic plant
of cows). Water mixed with the Tulsi leaves which is native throughout the Eastern
is given to the dying to raise their departing World tropics and widespread as a cultivated
souls to heaven. plant and an escaped weed. The plant is an
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American Journal of Ethnomedicine
Ocimum sanctum is native to India,
Iran and now cultivatedin Egypt, France,
Hungary, Italy, Morocco, USA. Basil is
naturally found wild in the tropical and
subtropical regions of the world. Basil
thrives in warm and temperate climates.
Basil is an aromatic, low growing herb the
leaves of which have a bright green to
purple ovate color, and is grown in warm,
tropical climate.
Therepeutic Uses6-8
Some of the basils are a rich source
of key nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C,
calcium and phosphorus. The presence of
Pharmacognistic Study3-5 Vitamin A helps in strengthening eyesight.
It is much branched small herb and Basils also contain antioxidants like beta
30 to 75 cm in height. All parts of Tulasi are carotene that help in preventing cell
used in medicine, especially fresh and dried damage.
leaves. Leaves are oblong, acute with entire “Tulsi” or the holy basil is famous
or serrate margin, pubscent on both sides throughout the globe for its healing and
and minutely gland-dotted. The leaves are other medicinal properties. Its leaves are
green in color with aromatic flavour and helpful in sharpening memory and in
slightly pungent taste. Flowers are purplish curing fever and common cold.
in color in the form of racemes. Nutlets are They also act as an anti stress agent and
subglobose, slightly compressed, pale brown also help in purifying blood. This, in
or red in color. Seeds are reddish-black and turn, helps in reducing the risk of heart
subglobose. attacks and also lowers the cholesterol
Botanical classification The leaves of the basil are also effective
in reducing mouth ulcer and other
Kingdom : Planta infections of the mouth.
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American Journal of Ethnomedicine
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American Journal of Ethnomedicine
glucose Inhibits Lipid peroxidation (the typhoid; The Imperial Malarial Conference
oxidative deterioration of Lipids) normalizes has declared Tulsi to be a genuine remedy
lipids Anti ulcer activity well as ulcer- for malaria. Drug and nicotine withdrawal
healing properties and could act as a potent Tulsi oil is also used as ear drops in case of
therapeutic agent against peptic ulcer pain. Add fresh garlic juice after you cook
disease decreases incidence of gastric ulcer. Tulsi in mustard oil and then place this
Reduces the effect of irritating drugs on the warm medicated oil in the ears to remove
stomach lining and increases the production ear aches. The fresh juice of Tulsi taken
of protective stomach mucous. with black pepper powder cures periodic
fevers. In case of acute fevers, a decoction
Cardiovascular-Circulatory System of the leaves boiled with powdered
(Heart, blood, circulation) Cardio cardamom in half a liter of water and mixed
tonic-prevents heart attack Lowers stress- with sugar and milk brings down the
related high blood pressure normalizes temperature. Reproductive System Anti-
blood pressure Vascular protection-protects fertility effect – may reduce the estrogen
the heart and blood vessels, promotes even hormone levels in females and decrease the
circulation Mild blood thinning qualities sperm count in men.
thereby decreasing like likelihood of strokes
Lowers dangerous cholesterol protects Precaution7,8
against damage caused by foreign toxins in Although tulsi is a safe herb, consult
the blood(such as industrial chemicals) a doctor before consuming tulsi in any form
treatment of stress-related arterial if you are nursing or pregnant. Also consult
hypertension (high blood pressure). a physician if you are taking any
prescription medications, before you take
Muscular System any tulsi.
(Skeletal, smooth and cardiac
muscles) Anti-arthritic activity Anabolic Uses
activity- enhances protein synthesis, muscle Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is an
mass and strength A remedy for sore eyes herb native to India. People in India honor
and night blindness (Vitamin A) To treat tulsi as a sacred plant and revere it as a
conjunctivitis the juice of Tulsi mixed with cleaning and healing agent of the mind,
honey is used as an eye wash to either wash body and spirit. Although Indians use tulsi
the eyes or spread on the tender skin below in religious rituals, tulsi is more commonly
the eye. used for medicinal purposes and as a natural
remedy for common ailments.
Nervous System
Other Health Benefits11,12
(Brain, spinal cord, nerves) Anti-
In recent years, as more holistic
convulsions potential Central nervous
methods of healing are gaining acceptamec,
system effect- increased motor activity,
research studies have delved into various
Analgesic activity Normalizes neuro-
medicinal herbs. Studies of tulsi validated
transmitter levels in brain Influences the
ancient healer’s claims and have yielded
neurochemistry of the brain and also
new discoveries about tulsi. Scientists have
sharpens memory.
discovered that tulsi has rich antioxidant and
potent anti-inflammatory properties. As
records on organicindia.com, Dr. Ralph
Prevents, removes or reduces fevers
Miller, former director research for the
Treatment for viral encephalitis, malaria and
Canadian Dept. of Health and welfare
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American Journal of Ethnomedicine
summarizes the results;” Modern scientific their results in the Indian Journal action to a
research offers impressive evidence that compound within the essential oil of Tulsi
tulsi reduces tulsi, enhances stamina, called eugenol.
relieves inflammation, lowers cholesterol,
eliminates toxins, protects against radiation, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
prevents gastric ulcers, lowers fevers,
With due respect to the almighty
improves digestion and provides a rich
god, “my parents” and my siblings, I would
supply of antioxidants and other nutrients.
like to thank my college i.e., SIMS college
Tulsi of especially blood pressure and blood
of pharmacy for permitting me to do this
sugar. review work. I thank the publishers of
Tulsi And Swine Flu12,13 “American journal of ethnomedicine”
Doctors have postulated yet another Here I would like to specify my source of
benefit of tulsi that it can help prevent and the context in the article i.e., the internet,
also decreases the severity and duration of which helped me for putting fourth this
the swin flu. Dr. U.K. tiwari, an herbal article in front of many people around the
medicine practitioner comments, The anti world. I finally would specially thank my
flu property of tulsi has been discovered by guide P.Prem Kumar sir and T.Bhavani
medical experts across the world quite ramesh sir for supporting me and for
recently. Tulsi improves the body’s overall contributing their valuable time.
defence mechanism including its ability to
fight viral diseases. It was successfully used CONCLUSION
in combating Japanese Encephalitis and the
Tulsi is a popular home remedy
same theory applies to swine flu. Even when
for many ailments such as wound,
a person has already contracted swine flu.
bronchitis, liver diseases, catarrhal fever,
Tulsi can help in speeding up the recovery
otalgia, lumbago, hiccough, ophthalmia,
process and also help in strengthening the
gastric disorders, genitourinary disorders,
immune system of the body.
skin diseases, various forms of poisoning
Stress13 and psychosomatic stress disorders1-2. It
Tulsi has been used extensively has also aromatic, stomachic, carminative,
throughout its history in India as a supreme demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, expec-
anti stress solution, used for claiming the torant, alexiteric, vermifuge and febrifuge
distraught and dealing with long-term properties. Tulsi is also known as "the elixir
irritants. In a 2000 study performed at the of life” since it promotes longevity.
University of Madras, in Madras, India, Different parts of plant are used in
researchers tested Tulsi extract on rats who Ayurveda and Siddha Systems of
were also subjected to acute levels of noise. Medicine for prevention and cure of
The stress altered levels of several brain many illnesses and everyday ailments like
chemical makers including corticosterone common cold, headache, cough, flu,
were lowered after feeding the rats. earache, fever, colic pain, sore throat,
bronchitis, asthma, hepatic diseases, malaria
Immunity14 fever, as an antidote for snake bite and
Tulsi is close to being un-surpassed scorpion sting, flatulence, migraine
in traditional Ayurvedic medicine as a headaches, fatigue, skin diseases, wound,
general overall tonic for the immune system. insomnia, arthritis, digestive disorders,
A team of researchers conducted a reviews night blindness, diarrhea and influenza.
of the studies done on Tulsi and published This review will definitely help for the
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American Journal of Ethnomedicine
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