Adr - Wjec
Adr - Wjec
Adr - Wjec
Rules and theory of criminal law
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Aims & Objectives: At the end of these sessions the student will be able to:
• Explain the need for Alternative Dispute Resolution instead of litigation.
• Explain the four main types of Alternative Dispute Resolution: negotiation, mediation,
arbitration and conciliation.
• Discuss the types of cases where each form of ADR may be used.
• Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the four different forms of alternative
dispute resolution.
Teacher/Lecturer Activities:
• Introduce the topic with reference to the aims and objectives set out above.
• Recap the emphasis and increasing importance placed on ADR since the Woolf Reforms
as outlined in Part 1 – the overriding objective.
Activity: Class Discussion – what are the problems with trying to resolve a dispute through
the courts? Consider the neighbourhood dispute scenario on the PowerPoint.
• Explain that there are four main types of ADR: negotiation, mediation, conciliation,
• Work through each form of ADR using the PowerPoint, and the activities as outlined in
the PowerPoint
• Facilitate group work – advantages and disadvantage of ADR and key exam content on
the explanation of each type of ADR.
Activity: ADR Summary Sheet – this could be given to learners as a blank table initially for
learners to consolidate their knowledge.
• Lead group discussion on the use of ADR, impact of Woolf Reforms and the use of ADR
in other countries – for example, USA, Australia.
Student Activities:
• Group work – discussion of the need for ADR and the problems with going to court.
• Research – look at key Mediation services and their roles in resolving disputes.
• Evaluation exercise – look at the advantages and disadvantage of mediation, arbitration
and ADR in general.
• Short essay writing on role of each of the four types of ADR.
• Video exercise – role of ACAS and the idea that they adopt a prevention rather than cure
approach to disputes.
• Research exercise – current ACAS issues and a look at the role of ACAS in key industrial
• Research exercise – role of the Court of Arbitration for Sport and recent issues involving
key sporting figures, including Luis Suarez.
• Exam Practice – 5 important things to include in an exam for each type of ADR.
Assessment of Learning
Group exercises and direct questioning show how much the students
During the lesson have understood the law relating to Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Subsequent to