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Ergonomics Measurements Using Kinect With A Pose Correction Framework

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Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose

Correction Framework
Pierre Plantard, Hubert Shum, Franck Multon

To cite this version:

Pierre Plantard, Hubert Shum, Franck Multon. Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose
Correction Framework. Digital Human Modeling, Jun 2016, Montreal, Canada. pp.8. �hal-01332716�

HAL Id: hal-01332716

Submitted on 16 Jun 2016

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P. Plantard, Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose Correction Framework

Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose

Correction Framework
Pierre PLANTARD*a-b, Hubert P. H. SHUMc and Franck MULTONb-d

a Faurecia Automative Seating

b M2S Lab., University Rennes2
c Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University
d MimeTIC, Inria

Evaluation of potential risks of musculoskeletal disorders in real workstations is challenging as the environment
is cluttered, which makes it difficult to correctly and accurately assess the pose of a worker. Being marker-free
and calibration-free, Microsoft Kinect is a promising device to assess these poses, but it can deliver unreliable
poses especially when occlusions occur. To overcome this problem, we propose to detect badly recognized body
parts and to replace them by an appropriate combination of example poses gathered in a pre-recorded pose. The
main contribution of this work is to organize the database as a filtered pose graph structure that enables the system
to select relevant candidates for the combination: candidates that ensure continuity with the previous pose and
similarity with the available reliable information. We applied the proposed method in a realistic environment that
involved sub-optimal Kinect placement and several types of occlusions. An optoelectronic motion capture system
was concurrently used to obtain ground truth joint angles. In an ergonomics context, we also computed Rapid
Upper Limb Assessment RULA scores. This kind of ergonomics tool requires to rate the pose of the worker based
on an estimation of the joint angles. These latter are then used to provide a global risk score. Results showed that
when occlusions occur, the inaccurate raw Kinect data could be significantly improved using our correction
method, leading to acceptable joint angles. As RULA calculation is based on angular thresholds, which tends to
minimize the effect of joint angle errors, when these error values are not close to thresholds. However, for realistic
scenarios with occlusions that lead to very large joint angle errors, the correction method also provided
significantly better RULA scores. Our method opens new perspectives to define new fatigue or solicitation indexes
based on continuous measurement contrary to classical static images used in ergonomics. As the computation time
is very low, it also enables real-time feedback and interaction with the operator.

Keywords: Kinect, Pose correction, RULA Grid, Occlusions

1. Introduction the workplace (Vieira and Kumar 2004).

Consequently, several works have proposed
Microsoft Kinect is nowadays widely used to
assessment grids based on body posture, such as the
measure performance of a user in various application
famous RULA grid (McAtamney and Corlett 1993).
domains. Initially designed for video games, such a
This kind of ergonomics tool requires to rate the pose
low-cost and easy-to-use motion capture device has
of the worker based on an estimation of the joint
been applied in clinical gait analysis (Auvinet et al.
angles. These latter are then used to provide a global
2012; Auvinet et al. 2014; Galna et al. 2014), human-
risk score. Recent works in ergonomics (Vignais et
computer interactions (Wang et al. 2013), sign-
al. 2013) have demonstrated that real-time
language analysis (Gameiro et al. 2014; Pedersoli et
ergonomic feedback through Head Mounted Display
al. 2014), sport training (Cassola et al. 2014) and
positively influences the motion of workers
ergonomics (Diego-Mas and Alcaide-Marzal 2014;
decreasing locally hazardous RULA values.
Vignais et al. 2013). In ergonomics, posture and
However, the method was based on inertial sensors
movement of the worker are important information
and feedback devices that can change the way people
for determining the risk of musculoskeletal injury in
perform the motion. Optical motion capture systems

*Corresponding author. Email: pierre.plantard88@gmail.com 1

P. Plantard, Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose Correction Framework

require positioning sensors or markers on the body 2. Correction framework

and calibrating the system and the skeleton, which is
The correction method improves the quality of
not always possible in real work conditions. Indeed,
Kinect data thanks to an example-based approach.
sensors can be incompatible with security constraints
The correction framework is composed of an offline
and can also be perturbed by electromagnetic
and an online process as shown in Figure 1. The
environment. These motion capture problems are
offline and the online part are described in the sub
also encountered in other application domain such as
section 2.1 and 2.2 respectively.
sports, training or rehabilitation.
Recent papers evaluated the accuracy of the Kinect
skeleton data mostly for very simple motions and in
accordance with the Kinect recommendation (sensor
placed in front of the subject) (Clark et al. 2012;
Kurillo et al. 2013; Bonnechère et al. 2014). It has
been shown that this error rapidly increases for
complex motions with auto-occlusions and when the
sensor is not placed in the recommended position
(Plantard et al. 2015).
Several methods have been proposed to correct
baldy reconstructed poses provided by the Kinect.
Since human motion is highly non-linear, learning
statistical dynamic models (based on database of
examples) as a motion prior can produce higher
quality movements (Chai et al. 2007). Applying
these methods to reconstruct Kinect poses has a
major drawback as each body joint position is
assumed to be accurately reconstructed whereas
Kinect data deliver noisy or even incorrect Figure 1: Overview of the pose correction method inspired
information. To overcome this limitation, recent by Shum et al. (2013). Offline database preprocessing: a)
works have proposed to take the reliability of the Posture database to b) Filtered Graph representation.
Kinect data into account in the correction process. Online pose correction: a) Reliability estimation, b) pose
Reliability can then be integrated into a lazy learning optimization and c) Physical filtering.
framework to reconstruct a more reliable pose
(Shum et al. 2013, Liu et al. 2014). 2.1. Offline
However, these methods have not been adapted and
The offline process organizes the database of poses
tested in constrained conditions, with many
extracted from motion capture clips to produce a so-
occlusions and poor sensor placement. In this paper,
called Filtered Pose Graph (a and b in the offline part
we propose a new method inspired by this example-
in Figure 1). The Filtered Pose Graph is a graph in
based correction approach by introducing a new
which nodes are individual poses and edges are
motion data structure to model the database of
potential links between the two poses if they could
examples. The resulting structure, named Filtered
be connected without discontinuities (i.e. distance
Pose Graph, enables us to efficiently preselect a
between poses is below a given threshold). The
relevant subset of poses before correction, ensuring
graph is filtered to eliminate redundant poses and
continuity and maximizing reliability even when
avoid creating an too-dense graph with numerous
important occlusions occur. This enhances both
edges and nodes. The resulting graph enables us to
computation speed and reconstruction quality of the
rapidly select poses that are close to a given current
pose, which could be considered as potential next
The main contributions of the paper are:
poses in the studied motion. Hence, in the online
 a method to correct Kinect data and to correction phase, the idea is to rapidly gather this set
compute RULA scores, of pose examples that could help to correct badly
 an evaluation of the actual usability of this reconstructed body parts.
method in constrained environments, in an
ergonomic perspective. 2.2. Online
The paper is organized as follows. The method used The online correction process involves three steps. It
in this paper to improve the quality of Kinect data is first estimates the reliability of each joint center
presented in section 2. The computation of the reconstructed by the Kinect (Figure 1.a). Then, based
RULA grid and the protocol used for the reliability on the reliable information delivered by the Kinect,
evaluation of our method are given in section 3. it selects the potential nodes (i.e. pose examples) in
Results about the joint angles evaluation and the the Filtered Pose Graph that can help to correct
RULA score estimation in constrained environments unreliable joint positions. The resulting pose
is given in section 4, and discussed in section 5. examples are combined using an optimization

P. Plantard, Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose Correction Framework

process to replace unreliable information by For example, the upper arm score ranges from 1 to 4
plausible combined one while preserving continuity if the shoulder flexion is within [-20; +20], < -20 or
and similarity to the reliable information (Figure within [20; 45], within [45; 90], or >90 respectively.
1.b). Finally, a physical model is used to filter the The same type of threshold are applied to the other
resulted pose and avoid jerky motions (Figure 1.c). upper-body joints angles. This approach leads to a
For the first step, reliability of Kinect joint is discretization of the score that may be less sensitive
computed with the method described in (Shum et al. to noise than methods that are based on continuous
2013) which provides a reliable value between 0 and scores. One has to notice that additional conditions
1 for each joint. can increase the local body part scores, such as when
In the second step, the unreliable part of the Kinect the shoulder is raised or the upper arm is abducted.
pose is corrected using a local optimization process. These scores are combined to provide a global risk
Firstly, the method selects the pose candidates that score for the left and right body parts, ranging from
are relevant with respect to the reliable Kinect 1 (posture is acceptable) to 7 (workstation requires
information in the Filtered Pose Graph. The Filtered investigation and changes immediately).
Pose Graph allowed us to use large database while
maintaining good real time performance during this 3.1.2 Computation of joint angles using the Kinect
online candidate selection. Moreover, selecting data
poses connected to the current one helps us to
consider only candidates that ensures continuity with To use the RULA method, relevant joint angles have
the current pose, while unorganized databases to be computed based on the Kinect skeleton data
cannot guarantee continuity. (see Figure 2). A Kinect pose is defined as 𝑝 =
Then, a combined pose is obtained by minimizing a {𝑥𝑗 , 𝑦𝑗 , 𝑧𝑗 }𝑗=1..𝑁 where N stands for the number of
set of energy functions in an optimisation process.
joints in the pose, and 𝑥𝑗 , 𝑦𝑗 , 𝑧𝑗 stand for the 3D
More precisely, optimization aims at finding the
most appropriate weights used to linearly combine a Cartesian coordinates of the 𝑗𝑡ℎ joint. According to
set of pose candidates while minimizing a set of the estimated joint positions, joint angles should be
constraints modelled as energy terms: 1) Minimizing computed using the ISB recommendation (Wu et al.
the difference between the optimizing pose and the 2002, Wu et al. 2005). However, the Kinect skeleton
observed Kinect pose for the joints considered as is not fully compatible with this recommendation as
reliable. 2) The style term minimizes the difference it does not provide all the required anatomical
between the optimizing pose and the selected pose in landmarks.
the Filtered Pose Graph. 3) Avoiding changes in We consequently slightly adapted the joint angle
bone length when combining various joint centers definition to take the available Kinect joints (maned
positions. 4) Ensuring continuity to minimize high with letters in Figure 2 a)) into account.
frequency jittery movements.
The optimization score is evaluated as a weighted
sum of the energy terms. The optimization process
continues until an optimal solution is found, or the
number of iterations reaches a predefined limit.
In the last step we filter the optimized joint positions
using a dynamic model to accurately maintain
kinematics features such as segment lengths.
Readers are referred to Shum et al. (2013) for more

3. Material and methods

This section describes the method and experimental
protocol used to evaluate the method introduced
above in ergonomic context.
3.1. Computation of the RULA grid
3.1.1 Introduction to RULA grid
Figure 2: a) Skeleton model provided by the Kinect and
the correction method. (a) hip center, (b) spine, (c)
In ergonomics, one of the most popular shoulder center, (d) head, (e) left and (i) right shoulders,
observational method is the Rapid Upper Limb (f) left and (j) right elbows, (g) left and (k) right wrists, (h)
Assessment (RULA) (McAtamney and Corlett left and (l) right hands, (m) left and (n) right hips. b) Body
1993). This tool requires to rate the pose of the part coordinates (pelvic, trunk and shoulder). X-axis in red
worker based on an estimation of the upper-body pointing forward, Y-axis in green pointing upward and Z-
joint angles. Each joint angle is associated with a axis in blue pointing to the right.
joint score according to predefined range of angles.

P. Plantard, Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose Correction Framework

The pelvis coordinate is define relatively to the 40 cm per 30 cm per 17 cm box with the two hands,
recommendation (Wu and al. 2002). Y-axis is along place it in front of the abdomen, wait few seconds
the trunk axes represented by the vector from the hip and put it back to the original position. The box
center (a) to the spine (b). The X-axis is defined as (attached to a magnet) had two target placements, in
the normal of the plan formed by the Y-axis, the left order to generate two different motions. The first
(m) and the right (n) hips. Finally the Z-axis is placement named F (i.e. Front) the target was located
computed as the normal of the X-axis and Y-axis. in front of the subject, at 1.70 m high, 0.35 m left and
For the trunk coordinate system, the Y-axis is 0.50 m in front. In the second placement S (i.e. Side)
represented by the vector from the spine joint (b) to the target was located on the left of the subject,
the shoulder center joint (c). The X-axis is defined as aligned with the two shoulders at the same height and
the normal of the plan formed by the Y-axis, the left 0.55m left.
(e) and the right (i) shoulders. Finally the Z-axis is To simulate workplace environmental constraints,
computed as the normal of the X-axis and Y-axis. three experimental setups were defined, including
The shoulder coordinate system is defined according manipulation box (to add occlusions during the
to the ISB recommendation. The Y-axis is given by manipulation task) and various Kinect placements:
the vector from elbow joint (f or j) to shoulder joint - [NB – No Box condition]: the manipulation
(e or i). The Z-axis is the normal of the plan formed of the box was simulated by the subject
by the Y-axis and the lower arm defined from wrist without using actually a box to avoid
joint (g or k) to elbow joint (f or j). The X-axis is the occlusions. The Kinect was placed in front
normal of the plane formed by the two previous axis. of the subjects, as recommended by
These three coordinate systems were placed to the Microsoft. It enabled us to test the
hip center (a), shoulder center (c) and shoulder joints robustness of the Kinect sensor under
(e or i) respectively, as depicted in Figure 2 b). favourable conditions. In this condition, the
The trunk and shoulder joint angles were then subject simply reached to the position of the
computed according to the ISB recommendation. attachment where the box would usually be
We changed the matrix decomposition sequences of located.
the shoulder joint angle computation from YXY to - [B – Box]: the manipulation is actually
ZXY, to obtain abduction values and to limit gimbal preformed with the box to created
lock problems as suggested in (Senk and Chèze occlusions of parts of the body, as in real
2006). working situation. The Kinect was again
The Kinect skeleton also does not provide enough placed in front of the subject, as
points to compute the neck and elbow local recommended by Microsoft.
coordinate systems. We alternatively computed the - [B45 – Box and 45° sensor placement] As
elbow joint angles using the vector convention in the B condition the subject actually
detailed by (Bonnechère et al. 2014). manipulated the box but the Kinect was
The neck joint angles were computed by planar placed 45° left forward of the subject, as in
projection of the neck vector (c to d) expressed into real cluttered environments. In this
the local trunk coordinate system. condition, occlusion was more important.
As there is not enough available information to The subject repeated each gesture 5 times: getting,
compute the wrist angles, the wrist, and wrist twist and putting, for each conditions and box placement
RULA scores are set manually. Finally, all the (FNB, FB45, FB, SNB, SB45 and SB): 5 × 3 × 2 = 30
threshold values that are not provided by the RULA motions were recorded for each subject.
method are set to 20°, such as (Aptel et al. 2000) for In this experimentation, the correction was
the shoulder joint abduction. performed using a Filtered Motion Graph made-up
with 130 professional example gestures leading to
3.2. Experimental set-up
532,624 poses. The poses were then filtered into
In this section, we present the experimental protocol 2,048 nodes with an average of almost 7.81 links per
used to evaluate the relevance of the proposed node. The filtration intensity was chosen relative to
method in constrained conditions, such as work the optimal condition used in (Shum et al. 2013).
conditions. To this end, we carried-out an
experimental protocol with 12 male participants 4. Results
(age: 30.1±7.0 years, height: 1.75±0.046 m, mass:
Firstly, we evaluated the accuracy of the joint angles
62.2±7 kg). They were equipped with 47 reflective
measured with raw Kinect data or corrected ones, as
markers positioned at standardized anatomical
these angles were used in RULA. To this end, we
landmarks, as suggested in (Wu et al. 2005). The
computed the root mean square error (RMSE)
motion of the participants was recorded by both
between the joint angles measured with the reference
Microsoft Kinect 2 sensor and 15 cameras Vicon
Vicon motion capture system, and those computed
optical motion capture system.
with the raw and corrected Kinect data, as described
The subject had to perform getting and putting
in section 3.1.2. This RMSE has been applied to the
motions. More precisely, the subject had to carry a
8 main angles used in the RULA score: αT, γT, for the

P. Plantard, Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose Correction Framework

torso, αLS/RS, βLS/RS for the left/right shoulders, and

αLE/RE for the left/right elbow flexion. Table 1 reports
the joint angles ranges for all the joint angles and all
the conditions, obtained with reference Vicon data.

Table 1: Joint angle ranges for the 6 scenarios in degree.

αT 11.4 12.6 13.2 7.4 5.8 6.1
γT 19.2 19.0 18.2 33.0 29.0 29.4
αLS 130.8 104.6 108.6 111.5 93.5 90.9
βLS 47.1 37.7 38.7 57.0 56.8 55.0
αLE 76.8 67.9 67.4 85.9 71.9 74.5
αRS 125.4 99.3 99.5 111.9 83.8 85.8
βRS 30.7 25.1 24.3 38.7 36.8 35.8
αRE 73.9 69.0 68.4 83.1 73.9 75.5

One can see that some angles exhibit very low

ranges, such as the trunk flexion αT, whereas other
vary in a wider range, such as the shoulder flexion
αLS. Consequently, displaying RMSE in a unique
figure for all the joint angles may be difficult to
analyse. Thus, to have a synthetic view of all the Figure 3: Normalized RMSE between reference
results in a unique figure, we normalized the RMSE angles using the Vicon data and using both raw
by the range of angles reported in Table 1: Kinect (in red) and corrected Kinect (in green), for
𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸(𝜃𝑖 ) the 6 situations.
𝑛𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸(𝜃𝑖 ) =
max(𝜃𝑖 ) − min(𝜃𝑖 )
Secondly, based on the joint angles computed with
The resulting synthetic figure is given in Figure 3 for
the raw and corrected Kinect data, we computed the
the 8 main angles (one star diagram per type of trial).
corresponding RULA score, as described in section
The results exhibit the nRMSE between 0 (no error)
3.1. In the same way, we computed the RMSE
to 1 (error corresponding to the range of motion). It
between the RULA score computed using the
is displayed for the 6 studied conditions.
reference Vicon data and the two Kinect ones. Let us
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check the
recall here that the RULA score ranges from 1 to 7
normality of the distribution of the nRMSE for this
only for each body side. The results are reported in
analysis. The distributions did not follow a normal
Table 2. Significant difference between the RMSE is
law. A Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for detect
noticed with *, **, and *** for p < 0.05, p < 0.01 and
significant differences between Kinect error and
p < 0.001 respectively.
corrected error for all the subject in each condition.
In this Figure, no-occlusion scenarios (FNB and SNB)
Table 2: RMSE between the reference RULA score
exhibit lower errors compared to those involving computed with Vicon data compared to using direct or
partial occlusion (FB45, SB45, FB and SB). In no- corrected Kinect measurements. Significance between the
occlusion scenarios, correction of Kinect data did not two performances is given by *** for p < 0:001.
significantly decrease this error. On the opposite,
when occlusions occurred, corrected Kinect data RULA Left RULA Right
leads to significantly (p < 0.001) better estimation of Motion Kinect Correct p Kinect Correct p
joint angles compared to reference Vicon data. FNB 0.49 0.50 NS 0.45 0.41 *
For scenario FB (displacing a box), nRMSE reached FB45 0.66 0.65 NS 0.66 0.55 ***
higher values than 1 for two torso angles: αT and γT. FB 1.30 0.63 *** 1.40 0.49 ***
This is mainly due to the fact that the joint angles
SNB 0.55 0.63 * 0.65 0.62 **
varied in small ranges while occlusions due to the
SB45 0.59 0.60 NS 0.62 0.45 ***
box leaded to high errors when using a Kinect placed
SB 0.51 0.51 NS 0.42 0.36 **
in front.
In this table, one can see that the average error is
below 1 for most of the scenarios, except FB where
occlusions with the box occurred. For scenarios with
occlusions, frequently observed in real workstations,
the correction method provides significantly better
angles and RULA scores.

P. Plantard, Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose Correction Framework

As RULA is based on angular thresholds, it tends to

minimize the effect of noise when the angle is far
from the thresholds. Hence, it leads to more
acceptable errors than simply looking at the joint
angles. However, in a multimedia interface
delivering real-time feedback to a user about his
RULA performance, this could be a problem.
Indeed, if the user can visualize an avatar with a Figure 4: The two simulated workstations scenarios. (left)
badly reconstructed pose, different from his actual lightly occluded scenario. (right), heavily occluded
performance, he may not be able to understand and
adapt his performance to decrease the RULA score.
As shown in the Figure 4, the camera was not placed
In this type of real-time feedback system (Vignais et
in the position recommended by Microsoft. The first
al. 2013), the coherence between the user's motion,
scenario involved light occlusion, whereas heavy
the avatar pose and the RULA score is very
occlusion occurred in the second one. The Vicon
important. In most of no-occlusion scenarios we
system was also placed in the environment to
could expect to have acceptable results. This
measure reference data, as for the previous
statement could be confirmed by carrying-out
controlled conditions.
perceptual studies.

Table 3: Percentage of correctly computed RULA score

for the left and right body parts, using the direct Kinect
measurement or the corrected one. Significance between
the two performances is given by *** for p < 0.001
RULA Left RULA Right
Motion Kinect Correct p Kinect Correct p
FNB 77 75 NS 80 82 *
Figure 5: Histogram showing the percentage of frames for
FB45 71 69 NS 62 75 *** which the RULA score error is 0, 1...5 when using raw
FB 52 69 *** 55 79 *** (red) and corrected (green) Kinect data. Two realistic
SNB 76 71 NS 76 78 ** scenarios are studied: a) simple one with few occlusions,
SB45 74 71 NS 64 80 *** b) complex one with many occlusions.
SB 78 77 NS 82 86 **
Figure 5 depicts the histogram of the RULA score
RMSE is based on averaged errors and it could be errors when using raw and corrected Kinect data: the
interesting to also analyse the performance of the percentage of images where the error was equal to 0,
Kinect correction to correctly compute the RULA 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. These results show that almost all
score. To this end, Table 3 reports the percentage of the errors greater than 1 disappeared when using the
correctly computed RULA scores (zero difference corrected data instead of raw Kinect data. As
between the Vicon-based score and the Kinect-based expected, the second scenario with many occlusions
scores) in all the conditions. For RULA scores based (Figure 5.b) exhibits lower occurrence of 0-error
on raw Kinect data, this percentage is between 51% images compared to the first scenario (Figure 5.a).
(most occluded condition) and 82% (few occlusions However, correction of Kinect data enabled us to
condition). In the worst case, with many occlusions, eliminate almost all the errors greater than 1, while
this percentage significantly raised from 52% (resp. it corresponded to almost 20% of the cases without
55%) to 69% (resp. 79%) for the left (resp. right) correction.
To summarize, results reported in this paper are
The above analyses have been carried-out with the 6 promising for the ergonomic evaluation of
controlled laboratory conditions. However, in real workstations in real environments, using standard
workstations the occlusion and camera placement measurement methods. The current framework
may be much more important. Indeed, the sensor shows a practical capacity to correctly provide
placement is highly constrained by the environment ergonomics evluation for working tasks with a cheap
and many occlusions may occur, due to the objects and easy-to-use system. Figure 6 depicts an example
which are manipulated. Consequently, as a proof of of potiential application based on our framework,
concept, we applied our method to two simulated where joint angles and resulting RULA score are
workstations scenarios, involving the manipulation given to the ergonomists. The user can visualize the
of a real car seat, as depicted in the Figure 4. video, the 3D character, joint angles, and RULA
scores for each frame of the recording, at 30Hz. It
provides supplementary temporal information, such
as the time spent above a given RULA score.

P. Plantard, Ergonomics Measurements using Kinect with a Pose Correction Framework

posture representation. This study shows the

applicability of our framework for a wider use and
global evaluation tool. Using such automatic system
enables to deliver a score at each frame (30Hz with
a Kinect), which is an improvement compared to
traditional methods based on few key frames. Indeed
it could provide the amount of time spent above a
given score as an additional information for the

6. Conclusion
Figure 6: Example of ergonomics application based on our
Kinect data correction framework. This paper presents an evaluation of the quality of
angular and RULA score values when using a Kinect
5. Discussion with software correction. The result showed that
both corrected and uncorrected Kinect data enabled
The results showed correction of Kinect data to compute acceptable to reliable angular and RULA
allowed us a significant improvement of the joint score data in occlusion-free conditions. However, in
angle accuracy, particularly when the body was more challenging environments with occlusions,
partially occluded. RULA score was more reliable kinematic data provided by the Kinect was more
with corrected data, although angular thresholds noisy, leading to inaccurate estimation of the joint
tended to minimize the effect of noise when using angles. The proposed correction framework enables
Kinect raw data. us to consider encumbered capture area (e.g.
The skeleton delivered by the Kinect did not contain production chain) that leads to such occlusions or
all the required information to compute all the joint bad sensor placements. Uncorrected Kinect data
angles as accurately as using Vicon data with ISB exhibited much higher errors than corrected ones,
recommendations. Particularly, Kinect delivered which may lead to difficulties when using the system
very noisy and unreliable information about the in real working environments.
hand. Hand configuration is a key point in
ergonomics, as reported in the RULA assessment Finally, one has to notice that correction runs in real
scores. As it is not correctly measured by the Kinect time and allows the possibility to implement real-
most of the time, further research would be necessary time user feedback, with potential application in
to address this particular point. Hence, motion training or virtual prototyping, as suggested by
involving dexterous manipulation and fine motion of (Vignais et al. 2013).
the wrist cannot be studied with such a system. The
method used for correction involves that a minimum Acknowledgement
set of reliable information is delivered by the Kinect,
which is not guaranteed for the wrist in Kinect v1 This work was partially funded by the Cifre
and v2. convention N1222/2012 and Faurecia Company. It
Another limitation of the method is the use of a was also partially supported by the Engineering and
database that may not correspond to the actual use of Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (Ref:
the system. In this paper, we used a database trained EP/M002632/1).
with working motions, similar to those performed by
the subject. For other type of motions, involving References
poses that have never been recorded before,
Aptel M, Lahaye S, Gerling A, 2000. Un outil
especially for larger ranges of motions, the
d'évaluation des facteurs biomécaniques: OREGE
performance of the correction method would not be
(Outil de Repérage et d'Evaluation des Gestes). In
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