Directions (1-5): Each of the questions below consists law of L. Only three married couples are there in family.
of a question and two statements numbered I and II F and P unmarried members of the family.
given below it. You have to decide whether the data Statement II: L is son of Q and is son-in-law of M. K is
provided in the statements are sufficient to answer only son of D, who is married to G. R is only son of H.
the question: G is sister of F. P and R are siblings. L is brother-in-law
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer of R. F and R are unmarried member of family. H is
the question, while the data in Statement II alone is not brother-in-law of K.
sufficient to answer the question.
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to 3) Seven person namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are
answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone sitting in a row facing north. Each person likes
is not sufficient to answer the question. different fruits viz. Banana, Mango, Papaya, Guava,
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in Statement Orange, Grapes and Litchi. All the given
II alone is sufficient to answer the question. information are not necessary in same order. One
d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together are who likes Banana sits third from right end. T, who
not sufficient to answer the question. doesn’t sit neighbor of one who likes Banana, sits
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together are second to left of one who likes Papaya. Only three
necessary to answer the question. person sits between R and one who likes Banana. T
1) In a row of twelve persons are facing north how likes Litchi. Only two person sits between S and one
many person sits between L and G? who likes Papaya. How many person sits right of one
Statement I: Only two person sits between L and R. who likes Grapes?
Only one person sits between B and R, who doesn’t sit Statement I: Q, who neither sits adjacent to one who
with L. D sits third to right of K, neither of them sits likes Litchi nor one who likes Papaya, sits second to
adjacent to R or B. At least two person sits between B right of one who likes Mango. Only three person sits
and G, who neither sits adjacent to D nor L, who sits at between one who likes Orange and P, who sits adjacent
left end of the row. Only three person sits between D to T.
and H, who doesn’t sit adjacent to B. Statement II: Only two person sits between S and V,
Statement II: R sits fourth from left end. Only two who sits with one who likes Mango. Only one person
person sits between G and D. Only one person sits sits between one who likes Mango and one who likes
between L and R. Only two person sits between H and Guava.
G, who sits immediate left of K. D sits at end of the
row. 4) Seven boxes viz. P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are kept
one above other. How many boxes are kept below
2) How many female members are there in family of box V?
ten members? Statement I: Box R is kept third from top. Box S and U
Statement I: Q is only son of H, who is son-in-law of are kept together. Box T, which is neither kept adjacent
G. K is only daughter of D. L is sister-in-law of P. G is to box U nor box R. Only three boxes are kept between
brother-in-law of F, who is sister of D. M is brother of S and R. Box P, which is not kept adjacent to box Q, is
K. L is married to B. K is mother of P and is mother-in- kept at any place above box V.
Statement II: Only three boxes are kept between box U I. Box V is kept at a gap of two from box P and
and P, which is kept second from top. Box Q, which is Box W is neither kept at bottom nor adjacent of
neither kept adjacent to box P nor box U, is kept just R. Box V is kept at a gap of two from box U.
below box R. Only three boxes are kept between box S II. Box U is kept at a gap of two from box V, which
and box R. is kept adjacent of box R. Box W is kept
immediate neighbor of box P.
5) Seven person namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
have different height. How many person are taller to 7). Six persons namely – Raj, Gaurav, Payal, Dev,
S? Riya and Hari are sitting in a circular table facing
Statement I: S is taller to T, Q but not as much as P, R. center but not necessarily in same order. Each
T is taller to V, U but not as much as R, S. R is only person likes different pet Parrot, Horse, Monkey,
short to one person and U is shortest among all. Cat, Rat and Dog not necessary in same order. Who
Statement II: T is taller to V, U but not as much as R, sits immediate right of the one who likes Rat?
S. Q is taller to T, V but not as much as S, R. P is tallest I. Riya sits second to left of Dev, who sits third to
among all. V is only taller to U. right of Gaurav. One who likes Dog sits
immediate neighbor of Gaurav and sits second to
Directions (6-8): Each of the questions below consists right of one who likes Parrot. One who likes
of a question and two statements numbered I and II Dog sits immediate right of Raj who likes Cat.
given below it. You have to decide whether the data Hari sits second to left of one who likes
provided in the statements are sufficient to answer Monkey, who sits immediate neighbor of Payal.
the question: II. Dev likes Parrot sits second to left of Hari, who
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to sits second to left of Riya. Payal sits second to
answer the question, while the data in Statement the left of Raj, who sits immediate left of one
II alone is not sufficient to answer the question. who likes Dog and Raj likes Cat. The One who
b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to likes Horse sit immediate neighbor of Hari. Riya
answer the question, while the data in Statement likes monkey.
I alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in 8). Seven persons namely – Riya, Hema, Golu, Zoya,
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the Hari, Ravi and Jiya are sitting in a row not necessary
question. in same order in such a way that some are facing
d) If the data in both the Statements I and II north while others are facing south. Riya sits third to
together are not sufficient to answer the left of Hari, either of them sits at end of the row and
question. Ravi sits immediate left of Riya. Ravi sits second to
e) If the data in both the Statements I and II left of Zoya, who is facing south. How many person
together are necessary to answer the question. sits facing south?
I. Person sitting immediate neighbor of Zoya sits
6). Eight boxes namely -P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W fourth to right of Jiya. Person sitting at end of
are kept one above another not necessarily in the the row sits facing in opposite direction and
same order. Box R is kept third from bottom at a Golu sits third from right end. Hari faces north
gap of two from box S, which is kept adjacent to box direction.
Q and box P is kept at a gap of one from Q. Which II. Person sitting immediate left of Ravi sits fourth
box is kept immediate above box T? to right of Jiya and Golu sits second to left of
Direction (9-13): Each of the questions below consists a) Only I and II are sufficient to answer the
of a question and three statements numbered I, II question
and III given belowit. Youhave to decide whether the b) Only I is sufficient to answer the question
data provided in the statementsare sufficient to c) All I, II and III are not sufficient to answer the
answer the question. Read the question and all three question
statements and give answer accordingly. d) All I, II and III are sufficient to answer the
9). Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a question
circular table. Each of them faces inside the table but e) Either only I alone or Both II and III are
not necessarily in the same order. Who among the sufficient to answer the question
following persons sits second to the left of F?
I. Two persons sit between E and A. D is not sits an
immediate neighbour of either E or B. The numbers of
persons sit between D and B is same as C and F.
II. Three persons sit between C and F. C is not an
11). The conclusion of Some Mouse is Modem which
immediate neighbour of B. Two persons sit between D
is not A RAM is definitely followed by which of the
and F.
following statements?
III. D is not an immediate neighbour of B. One person
I. Some ROM is Mouse; All Mouse is Modem; No
sits between D and A. E sits third to the left of A. F is
RAM is a Laptop; Some Pen drive is Mouse.
not an immediate neighbour of D.
II. Some Modems are Laptop; No Pen drive is a
a) Only I and II are sufficient to answer the
Modem; All Laptops are Mouse; No Laptop is a RAM.
III. No RAM is a Pen drive; Some Pen drive is Laptop;
b) Only I and III are sufficient to answer the
No Mouse is a Modem; All Mouse is ROM.
a) Both I and II are sufficient to answer the
c) All I, II and III are not sufficient to answer the
b) Only I is sufficient to answer the question
d) All I, II and III are sufficient to answer the
c) Only II is sufficient to answer the question
d) Only III is sufficient to answer the question
e) Only I and either II or III are sufficient to answer
e) Both II and III are sufficient to answer the
the question
a) Only I and II are sufficient to answer the 14). Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting
question around a circular table facing the centre but not
b) Only I and III are sufficient to answer the necessarily in the same order. Who sits third to the
question left of E?
c) All I, II and III are not sufficient to answer the I. Two persons sit between A and B. F is not an
question immediate neighbour of A.
d) All I, II and III are sufficient to answer the II. C and D are immediate neighbours. F is second to
question the right of D.
e) Only I and either II or III are sufficient to answer III. Two persons sits between D and E. E is second to
the question the left of C.
a) Only I and II are sufficient to answer the
13). Seven persons J, K, L, M, N, O and P are living question
in seven different floors. Ground floor is numbered b) All I, II and III together sufficient to answer the
as one and the above floor is numbered as two and so question
on till the topmost floor is numbered as seven. Then c) Only II and III are sufficient to answer the
O lives in which floors? question
I. N lives in the odd numbered floor below J. The d) Either both I and II or only III is sufficient to
numbers of floors above L is same as below M. answer the question
II. There are two floors between where K and J lives. P e) All I, II and III together not sufficient to answer
does not live in the even numbered floor. N lives the question
immediately above M who lives in the odd numbered
floor. 15). Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are
III. J lives in an even numbered floor. K lives below attending the interview on six different days starting
third floor. O lives below L. L lives two floors below P. from Monday to Sunday in a week but not
a) Only I and III are sufficient to answer the necessarily in the same order. Who among the
question following persons attend the interview on
b) Only I and II are sufficient to answer the Wednesday?
question I. Three persons attend the interview between R and V.
c) Only II and III are sufficient to answer the R attends the interview immediately after T.
question II. P attends the interview on Friday. One person attends
d) All I, II and III are sufficient to answer the the interview between P and S
question III. As many person sits above U and below U are
e) Only I and either II or III are sufficient to answer same. S and U are immediate neighbours.
the question a) Only I and II are sufficient to answer the
Direction (14-18): Each of the questions below b) All I, II and III together sufficient to answer the
consists of a question and three statements question
numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to c) Only II and III are sufficient to answer the
decide whether the data provided in the statements question
are sufficient to answer the question. Read the d) Either both I and II or only III is sufficient to
question and all three statements and give answer answer the question
accordingly. e) All I, II and III together not sufficient to answer
the question
16). Among six persons H, I, K, L, R and S are one and the above floor is numbered as two and so
standing in row but not necessarily in the same on till the topmost floor is numbered as eight. Who
order. Who is the tallest? lives in the topmost floor?
I. Only three persons are shorter than K. K is taller than I. J lives in even numbered floor but not lives above
I. I is not shortest. fifth floor. Two persons live between J and O.
II . is shorter than S who is not tallest. R is shorter than II. Four persons live between H and O. N lives an
I. adjacent floor of K.
III. L is shorter than I and R. III. As many persons live between J and K is same as J
a) Only I and II are sufficient to answer the and M. K lives above M. I lives in second floor. N is an
question immediate neighbour of K and H.
b) All I, II and III together sufficient to answer the a) Only I and III are sufficient to answer the
question question
c) Only II and III are sufficient to answer the b) Only II and III are sufficient to answer the
question question
d) Either both I and II or only III is sufficient to c) All I, II and III together sufficient to answer the
answer the question question
e) All I, II and III together not sufficient to answer d) Either both I and II or only III is sufficient to
the question answer the question
e) All I, II and III together not sufficient to answer
17). Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting the question
in a row. All are facing south direction but not
necessarily in the same order. Who sits fourth to the 19). The following question consists of three
left of A? statements numbered I, II and III. Decide if data
I. F sits middle of the row. Two persons sit between G given in the statements are sufficient to answer the
and F. questions below.
II. D is not an immediate neighbour of G. A sits second On which day of the week did Priya arrive?
to the right of C. C is not sits at any extreme end of the I. Her sister, Anu, correctly remembers that she did not
row. arrive on Monday.
III. Three person sit between G and A. Both D and B II. Her friend, Bala, correctly remembers that she
are not immediate neighbours of A. arrived before Friday.
a) Only I and II are sufficient to answer the III. Her mother correctly mentions that she arrived
question before Friday but after Tuesday.
b) Only II and III are sufficient to answer the a) Only I and II
question b) Only II and III
c) All I, II and III together sufficient to answer the c) Only I and III
question d) All I, II and III
d) Either both I and II or only III is sufficient to e) Data inadequate
answer the question
e) All I, II and III together not sufficient to answer 20). The following question consists of two
the question statements numbered I, II. Decide if the data given in
the statements are sufficient to answer the question.
18). Eight persons H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O are Read the statements carefully and give the answer.
living in eight floors building but not necessarily in How is S related to N?
the same order. The lowermost floor is numbered as Statements:
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I. A is the daughter of S and wife of Q. d) If the data even in both statements I and II
II. N is the son of L who is A's grandfather. together are not sufficient to answer the
a) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to question.
answer the question, while the data in statement e) If the data in both statement I and II together are
II are not sufficient to answer the question. necessary to answer the question.
b) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in statement 22). Five boxes D, V, F, N, K are placed in a row
I are not sufficient to answer the question. from west to east direction according to their weight
c) The data in statement I alone or data in statement in an increasing order. And also each of them is of
II are sufficient to answer the question. different color. The box which is second lightest is of
d) The data in both statement I and II together are which color?
necessary to answer the question. I. F placed at one of the extreme end. Purple box is
e) The data even in both statement I and II together heavier than Red box. Neither box K nor V is the
are not sufficient to answer the question heaviest. Box D is not of Blue and Red color. Pink box
is not heavier than Red box.
Directions (21 – 23): Each of the questions below II. Only one box is placed in between box K and V.
consists of three statements numbered I, II and III Box D is heavier than Pink box. Box V is not placed
given below it. You have to decide whether the data adjacent to F. Box N is of Black color. Blue box is
provided in the statements are sufficient to answer lighter than N. Neither K nor F is of Blue color. Blue
the question. Given answer: box is heavier than Purple box.
21). Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting a) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to
around a circular table, are they all facing the answer the question, while the data in statement
centre? II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
I. P sits second to the left of U. S sits second to the right b) If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to
of U. T does not sit opposite to S who sit second to the answer the question, while the data in statement
left of P. Both T and R are immediate neighbour of P. U I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
is facing the center. R sits second to the right of T. Q c) If the data either in statement I alone or in
sits second to the right of R. Both Q and S are facing statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
same direction as P. question.
II. Q is second to the left of T. Only S is between Q and d) If the data even in both statements I and II
T. R is to immediate left of U. Q sits opposite to P. P is together are not sufficient to answer the
second to the right of S. T is second to the right of Q question.
and second to the left of R. Both Q and P faces each e) If the data in both statement I and II together are
other. necessary to answer the question.
a) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in statement
II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
b) If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in statement
23). Five persons K, L, M, N, O lives on five different
I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
floors such as bottom floor is numbered as 1 and top
c) If the data either in statement I alone or in
floor is numbered as 5. Also each of them born in
statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
different months of a year but no two person born in
two consecutive months. The one who lives on fourth c) If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to
floor born in which of the following month? answer the question, while the data in statement
I. Three person lives between L and O. O is older than I is not sufficient to answer the question.
M and born in a month having 31 days. M lives on third d) If the data in statement I and III are sufficient to
floor and born in April. L is born in one of the month answer the question, while the data in statement
after July but in a month having 30 days. II is not sufficient to answer the question.
II. Only one person lives between K and N and K is e) If the data in all the statement I, II and III are
younger than N. O does not live above M. N is born necessary to answer the question.
before L. K was not born in last month of the year and is
younger than L. N was not born in a month of 30 days. 25). Six people – Hina, Raj, Rupa, Rani, Gopi and
a) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to Damu are living in six floor building each lives on
answer the question, while the data in statement one of the floors of the building. There are six floors
II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. in the building such that ground floor is numbered I,
b) If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to the floor above it is numbered II and so on. Who is
answer the question, while the data in statement living on Ground floor?
I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. I. There is only one floor between the floors on which
c) If the data either in statement I alone or in floor Rupa and Raj are living. Hina is living on an even
statement II alone are sufficient to answer the numbered floor.
question. II. Gopi is not living on an even numbered floor. Raj is
d) If the data even in both statements I and II living on an even numbered floor. Raj is not living on
together are not sufficient to answer the the top floor
question. III. Rani is living on an odd numbered floor. There are
e) If the data in both statement I and II together are two floors between the floor on which Rani and Hina
necessary to answer the question. are living. Gopi is living immediately above Rupa.
a) If the data in statement I alone or in the
Directions (24 – 28): Each of the questions below statement II alone or in the statement III alone is
consists of a question and three statements sufficient to answer the question.
numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to b) If the data in statement I and II are sufficient to
decide whether the data provided in the statements answer the question, while the data in statement
are sufficient to answer the question: III are not sufficient to answer the question.
24). Who is the youngest among six family members c) If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to
Depa, Siya, Daya, Kana, Aman and Shiv? (Each answer the question, while the data in statement
member is of different age.) I is not sufficient to answer the question.
I. Depa is the daughter-in-law of Kana, Aman is d) If the data in statement I and III are sufficient to
grandson of Shiv, who is the father of Siya. answer the question, while the data in statement
II. Depa is not youngest while Shiv is the eldest. II is not sufficient to answer the question.
III. Siya is the father of Daya, who is grandson of Shiv. e) If the data in all the statement I, II and III are
Kana is the wife of Aman’s son and Daya’s father. necessary to answer the question
a) If the data in statement I alone or in the
statement II alone or in the statement III alone is 26). In which direction is point R with respect to P?
sufficient to answer the question. Statements:
b) If the data in statement I and II are sufficient to I. C is in the north of P and R is in the west of C.
answer the question, while the data in statement II. Q is in west of P and R is in the North of Q.
III are not sufficient to answer the question. III. R is in the north-west direction of P.
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TOP 50 Data Sufficiency in Reasoning Questions for Clerk Mains Exams
a) Statement (i) and statement (ii) are sufficient to d) Data in both the Statements I and II is not
answer the question. sufficient to answer the question.
b) Statement (i) alone is sufficient to answer the e) Data in both the Statements I and II together is
question. necessary to answer the question.
c) Either statement (i) alone or statement (ii) alone
or statement (iii) alone is sufficient to answer the Directions (29-31): Each of the questions below
question. consists of a question and two statements numbered
d) All the statement (i), statement (ii) and statement I and II given below it. You have to decide whether
(iii) are sufficient to answer the question. the data provided in the statements are sufficient to
e) None of the statement (i), statement (ii) and answer the question:
statement (iii) is sufficient to answer the a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer
question. the question, while the data in Statement II alone is not
sufficient to answer the question.
27). Who among L, Q, C, T, and U is the oldest? b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to
I. C and T are older than L and U answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone
II. Q is older than L but younger than C. is not sufficient to answer the question.
a) Data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in Statement
the question, while the data in statement II alone II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
are not sufficient to answer the question. d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together are
b) Data in statement II alone are sufficient to not sufficient to answer the question.
answer the question, while the data in statement e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together are
I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. necessary to answer the question.
c) Data either in statement I alone or in statement II
alone are sufficient to answer the question. 29). Eight person namely – A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S
d) Data given in both the statements I and II are sitting in a circular table facing centre not
together are not sufficient to answer the question necessary in same order. Who sits immediate left of
e) Data in both the statements I and II together are Q?
necessary to answer the question. I. P sits third to the left of A. R, who neither sits
adjacent to A nor P, sits second to the left of B. Only
28). What is the code for ‘walks’ in the code one person sits between C and D. A and S sits together.
language? II. Only one person sits between B and Q. C, who
I. In the code language ‘she walks fast’ is written as ‘he neither sits adjacent to Q nor D, sits facing S. D sits
ka to’. third to the left of B. P sits second to the left of S.
II. In the code language ‘she learns fast’ is written as ‘jo
ka he’. 30). Seven boxes viz. P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are kept
a) Data in Statement I alone, is sufficient to answer one above other in the form of stack. How many
the question, while the data in Statement II alone boxes are kept above box T?
is not sufficient to answer the question. I. Only two boxes are kept between box Q and box U.
b) Data in Statement II alone, is sufficient to Only three boxes are kept above box S. Box Q and S are
answer the question, while the data in Statement kept together. Only one box is kept between box T and
I alone is not sufficient to answer the question. box V. Box P is neither kept at bottom nor adjacent to
c) Data in Statement I alone or in Statement II box Q.
alone is sufficient to answer the question. II. Box R is kept second from top. Box T is kept at any
place above box V. Only three boxes are kept between
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(e) if the data in both statement I and II together are the data provided in the statements are sufficient to
necessary to answer the question. answer the question:
a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer
34). Six persons Y, P, K, L, M and T attend the the question, while the data in Statement II alone is not
seminar in two different months March and June. sufficient to answer the question.
Three persons attend the seminar in each month on b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to
three different dates 5, 13 and 18. Which of the answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone
following person attends the seminar immediately is not sufficient to answer the question.
before M? c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in Statement
I. Three persons attend the seminar between L and P. L II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
attends the seminar in odd numbered date. P attends the d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together are
seminar after L. More than two persons attend the not sufficient to answer the question.
seminar between T and Y. K attends the seminar e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together are
immediately before Y. necessary to answer the question.
II. Two persons attend the seminar between M and P. L 37). In a row of twelve person facing north how
attends the seminar immediately after T. K attends the many person sits between L and G?
seminar on odd number date. I. Only two person sits between L and R. Only one
person sits between B and R, who doesn’t sit with L. D
35). Six persons M, N, P, H, L and Z are arranged sits third to right of K, neither of them sits adjacent to R
according to their height. Which of the following or B. At least two person sits between B and G, who
person is shortest? neither sits adjacent to D nor L, who sits at left end of
I. M is taller than only one person. Z is taller than P and the row. Only three person sits between D and H, who
H but shorter than N. H is not the shortest. N is not the doesn’t sit adjacent to B.
tallest. II. R sits fourth from left end. Only two person sits
II. Z is shorter than only one person. H is taller than M between G and D. Only one person sits between L and
and L but shorter than P, who is not the tallest. R. Only two person sits between H and G, who sits
immediate left of K. D sits at end of the row.
36). Point Q is in which direction with respect to
Point L? 38). How many female members are there in family
I. Point Q is 3m north of Point M. Point R is 4m west of of ten members?
Point Q. Point V is 5m north of Point R. Point X is 6m I. Q is only son of H, who is son-in-law of G. K is only
east of Point V. Point L is 10m south of Point X. daughter of D. L is sister-in-law of P. G is brother-in-
II. Point M is 4m north of Point N. Point R is 3m east of law of F, who is sister of D. M is brother of K. L is
Point N. Point Q is 2m south of Point R. Point V is 5m married to B. K is mother of P and is mother-in-law of
west of Point M. Point L is 7m north of Point V. L. Only three married couples are there in family. F and
P unmarried members of the family.
II.L is son of Q and is son-in-law of M. K is only son of
D, who is married to G. R is only son of H. G is sister of
F. P and R are siblings. L is brother-in-law of R. F and
R are unmarried member of family. H is brother-in-law
Directions (37-41): Each of the questions below
of K.
consists of a question and two statements numbered
I and II given below it. You have to decide whether
39). Seven person namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
are sitting in a row facing north. Each person likes
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different fruits viz. Banana, Mango, Papaya, Guava, I. Two boxes are kept between Box K and the box
Orange, Grapes and Litchi. All the given which contain 20 chocolates. Neither Box K nor the box
information are not necessary in same order. One which contain even number of chocolate is in top or
who likes Banana sits third from right end. T, who bottom. Only two boxes are kept below F. Only one box
doesn’t sit neighbour of one who likes Banana, sits is kept between Box F and the box which contain 24
second to left of one who likes Papaya. Only three chocolates.
person sits between R and one who likes Banana. T II. Only two boxes are kept above Box G. Two boxes
likes Litchi. Only two person sits between S and one are kept between Box G and the box which contains 36
who likes Papaya. How many person sits right of one chocolates. More than three boxes are kept between the
who likes Grapes? box which contain 36 chocolates and Box K. Three
I. Q, who neither sits adjacent to one who likes Litchi boxes are kept between Box T and the box which
nor one who likes Papaya, sits second to right of one contains 28 chocolates. Box T does not contain 36
who likes Mango. Only three person sits between one chocolates.
who likes Orange and P, who sits adjacent to T. a) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to
II. Only two person sits between S and V, who sits with answer the question, while the data in statement II
one who likes Mango. Only one person sits between one alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
who likes Mango and one who likes Guava. b) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in statement I
40). Seven boxes viz. P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are kept alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
one above other. How many boxes are kept below c) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement
box V? II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
I. Box R is kept third from top. Box S and U are kept d) if the data in both statement I and II together are not
together. Box T, which is neither kept adjacent to box U sufficient to answer the question.
nor box R. Only three boxes are kept between S and R. e) if the data in both statements I and II together are
Box P, which is not kept adjacent to box Q, is kept at necessary to answer the question.
any place above box V.
II. Only three boxes are kept between box U and P, 43). Seven persons K, G, B, C, S, Q and V lives on
which is kept second from top. Box Q, which is neither eight different floors, such that lowermost floor is
kept adjacent to box P nor box U, is kept just below box numbered 1, the above floor is numbered 2, and the
R. Only three boxes are kept between box S and box R. topmost floor is numbered 7 but not necessarily in
the same order. Who lives immediately above S?
41). Seven person namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V I. S lives on even numbered floor. Three persons live
have different height. How many person are taller to between S and Q. Number of persons live above Q is
S? one more than number of persons live below V. Two
I. S is taller to T, Q but not as much as P, R. T is taller persons live between V and F. Neither B nor C lives
to V, U but not as much as R, S. R is only short to one immediately above S.
person and U is shortest among all. II. Two persons live between S and C. B lives above C.
II. T is taller to V, U but not as much as R, S. Q is taller As many persons live above C as below K.
to T, V but not as much as S, R. P is tallest among all. V a) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to
is only taller to U. answer the question, while the data in statement II
alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
42). Six boxes T, P, K, Q, F and Z are kept one above b) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to
the other. Each box contains different number of answer the question, while the data in statement I
chocolates. How many chocolates are there in box K? alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
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48). Eight person namely – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, c) The data in either in statement I alone or
have different salary not necessary in same order. statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
Salary of how many person are more than B? question.
I. Salary of A is more than B, D but not as much as G, d) The data in both statements I and II are not
H. Salary of only three person are more than C. Salary sufficient to answer the question.
of only two person are less than E. Salary of F is lowest e) The data in both statements I and II are sufficient
and that of H is only less than G. to answer the question.
II. Salary of C is more than B, D but not as much as G,
A. Salary of E is more than D, F but not as much as H, 50). Six friends A, B, C, D, E, and F are seated in a
C. Salary of F is lowest and salary of H is only less G. circular table facing centre. Who among them sits
immediate right of A?
Directions (49-50): Each of the questions below has Statements:
question and followed by two statements I and II. I) Only one person sits between A and B. Two people
You have to decide whether the data provided in the sit between F and B. C and D sits opposite to each other.
statements are sufficient to answer the question. E sits second to the right of D.
Read the question and both the statements and give II) B and F sit opposite each other. A sits second to the
answer. right of C. C and D are immediate neighbours.
a) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to
49). Five persons Sahib, Sachin, Ishant, Dhoni, and answer the question, while the data in statement
Virat having different heights. Who among them is II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
the tallest person? b) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to
Statements: answer the question, while the data in statement
I) Sachin is taller than Ishant and Virat. Dhoni is taller I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
than Sahib. c) The data in either in statement I alone or
II) Only three persons are shorter than Ishant. The statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
Height of Sachin is 156cm which is 6cm more than question.
Dhoni. d) The data in both statements I and II are not
a) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to sufficient to answer the question.
answer the question, while the data in statement e) The data in both statements I and II are sufficient
II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. to answer the question.
b) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in statement
I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
P and R are siblings. R is only son of H, that Only three person sits between one who
means M is married to H and P is married to likes Orange and P, who sits adjacent to T,
L. that means P sits immediate right of T.
H is brother-in-law of K. Based on above given information we have:
K is only son of D, who is married to G, that
means K is brother of M.
G is sister of F, that means D is father of K.
Based on above given information we have:
Clearly, we don’t know exact position one who likes
Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From Statement II:
We have:
Only two person sits between S and V, who
sits with one who likes Mango, that means V
Clearly, gender of F and Q is not known.
likes Papaya.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Only one person sits between one who likes
Mango and one who likes Guava, that means
3) Answer: e)
R likes Guava.
We have:
Based on above given information we have:
One who likes Banana sits third from right
Only three person sits between R and one
who likes Banana, that means R sits at
extreme left end.
Clearly, we don’t know exact position one who likes
T, who doesn’t sit neighbor of one who likes
Banana, sits second to left of one who likes
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Papaya. T likes Litchi, that means T sits
After combining statement I and II we have:
second from left end.
Only two person sits between S and one who
likes Papaya, that S sits at extreme right end.
Based on above given information we have:
From Statement I:
4) Answer: e)
We have:
We have:
Q, who neither sits adjacent to one who likes
From Statement I:
Litchi nor one who likes Papaya, sits second
We have:
to right of one who likes Mango, that means
Box R is kept third from top. Only three
Q sits immediate left of S.
boxes are kept between S and R, that means
box S is kept at bottom.
Box S and U are kept together, that means Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box V.
box U is kept second from bottom. Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Box T, which is neither kept adjacent to box From I and II:
U nor box R, that means box T is kept at top. After combining above statements we have:
Box P, which is not kept adjacent to box Q,
is kept at any place above box V, that means
box P is kept just below box T.
Based on above given information we have:
5) Answer: a)
Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box V. We have:
Hence, statement I is not sufficient. P, R > S > T, Q.
From Statement II: S, R > T > V, U.
We have: R is only short to one person.
Only three boxes are kept between box U U is shortest among all.
and P, which is kept second from top, that Based on above given information we have:
means box U is kept second from bottom.
Box Q, which is neither kept adjacent to box
P nor box U, is kept just below box R, that Clearly, height of only two person are more than S.
means box R is kept just below box P. Hence, statement I is alone sufficient.
Only three boxes are kept between box S and From II:
box R, that means box S is kept at bottom. We have:
Based on above given information we have: R, S > T > V, U.
S, R > Q > T, V.
P is tallest among all.
V is only taller to U.
Based on above given information we have:
6). Answer: C
We have:
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From II:
We have:
Box W is kept immediate neighbor of box P,
which means in case (1) box W is kept
immediately below box P and in case (2) the
box W is kept immediately above box P.
Box U is kept at a gap of two from box V,
which is kept immediate neighbor of box R, that
means case (1) is not valid and in case (2) box
From I: V is kept immediate above box R.
We have: Based on above given information we get final
Box W is neither kept at bottom nor immediate arrangement as follow:
neighbor of R, which means box W is kept at
top. Box V is kept at a gap of two from box P,
which means in case (1) V is kept immediate
above box R and in case (2) box V is kept
immediate above box R.
Box V is kept at a gap of two from box U,
which means case (1) is not valid and in case (2)
box U is kept at bottom.
Based on above given information we get final
arrangement as follow:
7). Answer: B
From I:
We have:
8). Answer: D
We have:
Riya sits third to left of Hari, either of them sits
at end of the row, which means we get two
possibilities, in case (1) Hari sits facing north at
right end and in case (2) Riya sits at extreme left
Ravi sits immediate left of Riya and Ravi sits
second to left of Zoya, who sits facing south,
Since, we don’t know who likes Rat, thus result can’t that means case (2) is not valid, in case (1a)
be determined. Riya sits facing south and in case (1b) Riya sits
Hence, statement I is not sufficient. facing north.
From II: Based on above given information we get:
We have:
Dev likes Parrot sits second to left of Hari, who
sits second to left of Riya. Payal sits second to
left of Raj, who sits immediate left of one who
likes Dog and Raj likes Cat.
One who likes Monkey sits second to right of
one who likes Dog, which means Riya likes From I:
Monkey. One who likes Horse sit immediate We have:
neighbor of Hari, that means Gaurav likes Person sitting immediate neighbor of Zoya sits
Horse. Riya likes monkey. fourth to right of Jiya, which means Jiya must
Based on above given information we get: sits facing south.
Person sitting at end of the row sits facing in
opposite direction, which means person at left
end sits facing south. Golu sits third from right
end, which means case (1a) is not valid.
Based on above given information, we have following
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9). Answer: C
All I, II and III are not sufficient answer the question.
Statement I:
Statement II:
Statement III:
10). Answer: E
Either only I alone or Both II and III are sufficient to answer the question
Statement I:
11). Answer: C
Only II is sufficient to answer the question
Statement II:
12). Answer: D
All I, II and III are sufficient to answer the question
Statement I, II and III:
13). Answer: A
Statement I and III:
16). Answer: E
14). Answer: D (OR)
Statements I and II: HRKSIL
17). Answer: B
Combining Statements II and III we get,
Statement III: Two person sit between D and E means, 18). Answer: A
Obviously D sits third to the left of E. Combining the statements we get,
15). Answer: B
On combining all the statements we get,
19). Answer: E)
From statement I:
20). Answer: E)
From Statement I:
Even with both the statements we cant decide the
relation between N and S as N can be husband or
brother in law of S.
21). Answer: C)
From statement I:
No relation between N and S
From Statement II:
22). Answer: E)
From Statement I:
24). Answer: C
From Statement I: As all the members were not
included in the statement we can not decide who is
And Pink < Red < Purple youngest.
From statement II: From Statement II: As all the members were not
included in the statement we can not decide who is
From Statement III:As all the members were not
And Purple < Blue < Black (N) and Pink < D included in the statement we can not decide who is
From both statements I and II We get that F is the youngest.
lightest box and is of Pink color and K is second Combining Statement I and II:There is no
heaviest and is of Red color. information about Daya we cant decide who is
F (Pink) < K (Red) < D (Purple) < V ( Blue) < N ( youngest.
Black) Combining Statement II and III:
23). Answer: D)
From Statement I
25). Answer: C
From Statement I: There is only one floor between the
So, either Hina or Rupa lives on an even numbered
floors on which floor Rupa and Raj are living. Hina is
floor, but, as we are not clear so, this combination is not
living on an even numbered floor.
able to answer the question.
This statement alone is not sufficient to answer the
Combining II and III statements:
From Statement II:Gopi is not living on an even
numbered floor. Raj is living on an even numbered
floor. Raj is not living on the top floor
This statement alone is not sufficient to answer the
From Statement III:Rani is living on an odd
numbered floor. There are two floors between the floor
on which Rani and Hina are living. Gopi is living
immediately above Rupa.
Clearly we can see that in Case 3 there is no space for
Gopi and Rupa to accomodate.
In cases 1 and 2, Tolu lives on an even numbered floor
which violates the first reference.
Only case 2A satisfies all the conditions.
So, Hina lives on the top-most floor.
Statement (II) and Statement (III) together are
26). Answer: C
From statement (i), C is in the north of P and R is in the
This statement alone is not sufficient to answer the west of C.
Combining I and II Statements:
Hence, concluded that R is in North-West of P. Only one person sits between C and D.
From statement (ii), Q is in west of P and R is in the A and S sits together, that means S sits to the
North of Q. immediate left of A.
Based on above given information we have:
28). Answer: E
From Statement I: We can’t decide the code for walks
From Statement II:We can’t decide the code for walks
Combining Statements I and II: we can eleminate ‘she’
and ‘fast’ then walks is coded as to.
Hence data in both the Statements I and II together is
necessary to answer the question.
Clearly, only two person sits between Q and C.
Hence, statement II is alone sufficient.
29). Answer: C
We have:
30). Answer: B
From I:
From I:
We have:
We have:
P sits third to left of A.
Only three boxes are kept above box S.
R, who neither sits adjacent to A nor P, sits
Box Q and S are kept together.
second to the left of B, that means B sits second
Only two boxes are kept between box Q and
to the right of P.
box U.
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Only one box is kept between box T and box V. Clearly, only four boxes are kept above box T.
Box P is neither kept at bottom nor adjacent to Hence, statement II alone is sufficient.
box Q, that means box P is kept at top and box
U is kept below box Q. 31). Answer: A
Based on above given information we have: We have:
R, who lives on odd numbered floor but not on
floor marked 3, lives just above one who likes
White, that means R lives on floor marked 5.
Only two person lives between S and one who
likes White, that means S lives on floor marked
T, who likes Blue, neither lives adjacent floor of
S nor on adjacent floor of R, that means T lives
on floor marked 3.
One who likes Black lives on topmost floor.
Based on above given information we have:
Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box T.
Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
From II:
We have:
Box R is kept second from top.
Only three boxes are kept between box U and
box R, that means box U is kept second from
Box S, which is neither kept adjacent to box R
nor box U, which is kept at a gap of two box
from P, that means box S is kept fourth from From I:
bottom. We have:
Box Q doesn’t kept adjacent to box U but kept U, who neither likes Black nor likes White,
at any place below box P, that means box P is lives at a gap of two floor from one who likes
kept at top. Red, that means U lives on floor marked 2.
Box T is kept at any place above box V, that Only two person lives between Q and one who
means box V is kept at bottom. likes Green, that means Q likes White.
Based on above given information we have: Based on above given information we have:
36). Answer: C
From I,
34). Answer: A
From I,
37). Answer: B
From I:
We have:
Only two person sits between L and R. L sits at Hence, statement II alone sufficient.
left end.
Only one person sits between B and R, who 38). Answer: A
doesn’t sit with L, that means B sits second to We have:
right of R. M is brother of K and K is only daughter of D.
D sits third to right of K, neither of them sits G is brother-in-law of F, who is sister of D, as F
adjacent to R or B. is unmarried member of family, that means G is
Only three person sits between D and H, who married to D.
doesn’t sit adjacent to B, that means D sits at Based on above given information we have:
extreme right end.
At least two person sits between B and G, who
neither sits adjacent to D nor L, that means we
have two different case, in case (1) G sits left of
B, in case (2) G sits right of B.
Based on above given information we have: Again, we have:
Q is only son of H, who is son-in-law of G, that
means K must be married to H.
K is mother of P and is mother-in-law of L.
B is married to L, that means B is sister of Q, as
Q is only son of H, that means P is also sister of
Based on above given information we have:
From II:
We have:
Only two person sits between S and V, who sits
with one who likes Mango, that means V likes
Only one person sits between one who likes
Mango and one who likes Guava, that means R
Clearly, gender of F and Q is not known.
likes Guava.
Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
Based on above given information we have:
39). Answer: E
We have:
One who likes Banana sits third from right end.
Only three person sits between R and one who
Clearly, we don’t know exact position one who likes
likes Banana, that means R sits at extreme left Grapes.
end. Hence, statement II is not sufficient.
T, who doesn’t sit neighbor of one who likes
From I and II:
Banana, sits second to left of one who likes After combining statement I and II we have:
Papaya. T likes Litchi, that means T sits second
from left end.
Only two person sits between S and one who
likes Papaya, that S sits at extreme right end.
Based on above given information we have: Clearly, one person sits immediate right of one who
likes Grapes.
Hence, statement I and II together sufficient.
40). Answer: E
From I: We have:
We have: From I:
Q, who neither sits adjacent to one who likes We have:
Litchi nor one who likes Papaya, sits second to Box R is kept third from top. Only three boxes
right of one who likes Mango, that means Q sits are kept between S and R, that means box S is
immediate left of S. kept at bottom.
Only three person sits between one who likes Box S and U are kept together, that means box
Orange and P, who sits adjacent to T, that U is kept second from bottom.
means P sits immediate right of T. Box T, which is neither kept adjacent to box U
Based on above given information we have: nor box R, that means box T is kept at top.
Box P, which is not kept adjacent to box Q, is
kept at any place above box V, that means box
P is kept just below box T.
Based on above given information we have:
Clearly, we don’t know exact position one who likes
Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
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From II,
From I:
We have:
Only two boxes are kept between box T and Q,
which is kept adjacent to box S, that means Box
So, the data either in statement I alone or in statement II
T is kept at bottom.
alone are sufficient to answer the question.
Box that contains Radio is kept below one that
contains Laptop. Box Q contains Mobile, that
43). Answer: (a)
means box R contains Radio.
From I,
Based on above given information we have:
Clearly, we don’t know exact position of box that Clearly, we don’t know who likes Pink.
contains Radio. Hence, statement I is not sufficient.
Thus, result can’t be determined. From II:
Hence, statement II is not sufficient. We have:
Hence, option A is correct choice. One who likes Blue lives just below Sanju, who
doesn’t lives adjacent floor of Manyta, that
45). Answer: B means Sanju lives on top floor.
We have: Only one person lives between one who likes
Mehul lives on floor marked 4 at a gap of two Black and Golu, that means Sanju likes Black.
floor from one who likes Orange. Based on above given information we have:
Manyta, neither likes Orange nor lives adjacent
to Mehul, lives just below one who likes
Yellow, that means Manyta lives on floor
marked 2.
Based on above given information we have: