Amazon MQ DG
Amazon MQ DG
Amazon MQ DG
Developer Guide
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
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Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Table of Contents
What is Amazon MQ? ......................................................................................................................... 1
What Are the Main Benefits of Amazon MQ? ................................................................................. 1
How Is Amazon MQ Different from Amazon SQS or Amazon SNS? .................................................... 1
How Can I Get Started with Amazon MQ? ..................................................................................... 2
We Want to Hear from You ......................................................................................................... 2
Frequently Viewed Topics .................................................................................................................... 3
Setting Up ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Step 1: Create an AWS Account and an IAM Administrator User ........................................................ 4
Step 2: Create an IAM User and Get Your AWS Credentials .............................................................. 4
Step 3: Get Ready to Use the Example Code ................................................................................. 5
Next Steps ................................................................................................................................ 5
Getting Started .................................................................................................................................. 6
Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. 6
Step 1: Create an ActiveMQ Broker .............................................................................................. 6
Step 2: Connect a Java Application to Your Broker ......................................................................... 7
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 7
Create a Message Producer and Send a Message .................................................................... 8
Create a Message Consumer and Receive the Message ............................................................ 9
Step 3: Delete Your Broker ........................................................................................................ 10
Next Steps ............................................................................................................................... 10
Tutorials .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Creating and Configuring a Broker .............................................................................................. 12
Step 1: Configure Basic Broker Settings ............................................................................... 12
Step 2: (Optional) Configure Advanced Broker Settings ......................................................... 13
Step 3: Finish Creating the Broker ...................................................................................... 14
Accessing the ActiveMQ Web Console of a Broker without Public Accessibility ........................... 15
Creating and Configuring a Network of Brokers ............................................................................ 16
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 17
Step 1: Allow Traffic between Brokers ................................................................................. 17
Step 2: Configure Network Connectors for Your Broker ......................................................... 18
Next Steps ....................................................................................................................... 19
Editing Broker Preferences ......................................................................................................... 20
To Edit Broker Engine Version, CloudWatch Logs, and Maintenance Preferences ........................ 20
Creating and Applying Configurations ......................................................................................... 21
Step 1: Create a Configuration from Scratch ........................................................................ 21
Step 2: Create a New Configuration Revision ....................................................................... 21
Step 3: Apply a Configuration Revision to Your Broker .......................................................... 22
Editing Configurations and Managing Configuration Revisions ........................................................ 23
To View a Previous Configuration Revision ........................................................................... 23
To Edit the Current Configuration Revision .......................................................................... 20
To Apply a Configuration Revision to Your Broker ................................................................. 25
To Roll Back Your Broker to the Last Configuration Revision ................................................... 25
Connecting a Java Application to Your Broker .............................................................................. 26
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 26
To Create a Message Producer and Send a Message .............................................................. 27
To Create a Message Consumer and Receive the Message ...................................................... 28
Listing Brokers and Viewing Broker Details .................................................................................. 29
To List Brokers and View Broker Details .............................................................................. 29
Creating and Managing Broker Users .......................................................................................... 30
To Create a New User ....................................................................................................... 31
To edit an existing user ..................................................................................................... 31
To Delete an Existing User ................................................................................................. 32
Rebooting a Broker ................................................................................................................... 32
To Reboot an Amazon MQ Broker ...................................................................................... 32
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
What Are the Main Benefits of Amazon MQ?
Amazon MQ works with your existing applications and services without the need to manage, operate, or
maintain your own messaging system.
• What Are the Main Benefits of Amazon MQ? (p. 1)
• How Is Amazon MQ Different from Amazon SQS or Amazon SNS? (p. 1)
• How Can I Get Started with Amazon MQ? (p. 2)
• We Want to Hear from You (p. 2)
Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS are queue and topic services that are highly scalable, simple to use, and
don't require you to set up message brokers. We recommend these services for new applications that can
benefit from nearly unlimited scalability and simple APIs.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
How Can I Get Started with Amazon MQ?
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Step 1: Create an AWS Account
and an IAM Administrator User
Setting Up Amazon MQ
Before you can use Amazon MQ, you must complete the following steps.
• Step 1: Create an AWS Account and an IAM Administrator User (p. 4)
• Step 2: Create an IAM User and Get Your AWS Credentials (p. 4)
• Step 3: Get Ready to Use the Example Code (p. 5)
• Next Steps (p. 5)
1. Navigate to the AWS home page, and then choose Create an AWS Account.
2. Follow the instructions.
Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a PIN using the phone
3. When you finish creating your AWS account, follow the instructions in the IAM User Guide to create
your first IAM administrator user and group.
To work with Amazon MQ, you need the AmazonMQFullAccess policy and AWS credentials that are
associated with your IAM user. These credentials are comprised of an access key ID and a secret access
key. For more information, see What Is IAM? in the IAM User Guide and AWS Security Credentials in the
AWS General Reference.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Step 3: Get Ready to Use the Example Code
The IAM user is created and the Access key ID is displayed, for example:
9. To display your Secret access key, choose Show, for example:
You can view or download your secret access key only when you create your credentials
(however, you can create new credentials at any time).
10. To download your credentials, choose Download .csv. Keep this file in a secure location.
You can also create and manage brokers programmatically using Amazon MQ REST API and AWS SDKs.
Next Steps
Now that you're prepared to work with Amazon MQ, get started by creating a broker (p. 6) and then
connecting a Java application (p. 26) to your broker.
You can also try the more advanced Amazon MQ tutorials (p. 12).
For more information on configuring a network of brokers, see Network of Brokers (p. 46).
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
The following 3-minute video provides a preview of creating and using an Amazon MQ broker.
• Prerequisites (p. 6)
• Step 1: Create an ActiveMQ Broker (p. 6)
• Step 2: Connect a Java Application to Your Broker (p. 7)
• Step 3: Delete Your Broker (p. 10)
• Next Steps (p. 10)
Before you begin, complete the steps in Setting Up Amazon MQ (p. 4).
The first and most common Amazon MQ task is creating a broker. The following example shows how you
can use the AWS Management Console to create a basic broker.
• If this is your first time using Amazon MQ, in the Create a broker section, type MyBroker for
Broker name and then choose Next step.
• If you have created a broker before, on the Create a broker page, in the Broker details section,
type MyBroker for Broker name.
3. In the Broker details section, choose a Broker instance type (for example, mq.m5.large). For more
information, see Broker Instance Types (p. 38).
4. Choose a Deployment mode. In this example, Single-instance broker is selected.
• A Single-instance broker is comprised of one broker in one Availability Zone. The broker
communicates with your application and with an AWS storage location. For more information, see
Amazon MQ Single-Instance Broker (p. 44).
• An Active/standby broker for high availability is comprised of two brokers in two different
Availability Zones, configured in a redundant pair. These brokers communicate synchronously
with your application, and with a shared storage location. For more information, see Amazon MQ
Active/Standby Broker for High Availability (p. 45).
5. Choose a Broker engine version.
Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ActiveMQ broker engine versions 5.15.8, 5.15.6
and 5.15.0.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Step 2: Connect a Java Application to Your Broker
6. In the ActiveMQ Web Console access section, type a Username and Password.
7. Choose Create broker.
While Amazon MQ creates your broker, it displays the Creation in progress status.
When your broker is created successfully, Amazon MQ displays the Running status.
8. Choose MyBroker.
On the MyBroker page, in the Connect section, note your broker's ActiveMQ Web Console URL, for
Also, note your broker's wire-level protocol Endpoints. The following is an example of an OpenWire
You can connect to ActiveMQ brokers using various ActiveMQ clients. We recommend using the
ActiveMQ Client.
Enable VPC Attributes
To ensure that your broker is accessible within your VPC, you must enable the enableDnsHostnames
and enableDnsSupport VPC attributes. For more information, see DNS Support in your VPC in the
Amazon VPC User Guide.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Create a Message Producer and Send a Message
7. In the Edit inbound rules dialog box, add a rule for every URL or endpoint that you want to be
publicly accessible (the following example shows how to do this for an ActiveMQ Web Console).
For more information about activemq-client.jar, see Initial Configuration in the Apache ActiveMQ
In the following example code, producers and consumers run in a single thread. For production
systems (or to test broker instance failover), make sure that your producers and consumers run
on separate hosts or threads.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Create a Message Consumer and Receive the Message
Message producers should always use the PooledConnectionFactory class. For more
information, see Always Use Connection Pooling (p. 87).
2. Create a session, a queue named MyQueue, and a message producer.
// Create a session.
final Session producerSession = producerConnection.createSession(false,
3. Create the message string "Hello from Amazon MQ!" and then send the message.
// Create a message.
final String text = "Hello from Amazon MQ!";
TextMessage producerMessage = producerSession.createTextMessage(text);
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Step 3: Delete Your Broker
Message consumers should never use the PooledConnectionFactory class. For more
information, see Always Use Connection Pooling (p. 87).
2. Create a session, a queue named MyQueue, and a message consumer.
// Create a session.
final Session consumerSession = consumerConnection.createSession(false,
3. Begin to wait for messages and receive the message when it arrives.
Unlike AWS messaging services (such as Amazon SQS), the consumer is constantly
connected to the broker.
4. Close the consumer, session, and connection.
The following example shows how you can delete a broker using the AWS Management Console.
Next Steps
Now that you have created a broker, connected an application to it, and sent and received a message,
you might want to try the following:
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Next Steps
You can also begin to dive deep into Amazon MQ best practices (p. 85) and Amazon MQ REST APIs,
and then plan to migrate to Amazon MQ (p. 80).
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Creating and Configuring a Broker
Amazon MQ Tutorials
The following tutorials show how you can work with Amazon MQ and ActiveMQ using the AWS
Management Console and Java. To use the example code, you must install the Java Standard Edition
Development Kit and make some changes to the code.
• Tutorial: Creating and Configuring an Amazon MQ Broker (p. 12)
• Tutorial: Creating and Configuring an Amazon MQ Network of Brokers (p. 16)
• Tutorial: Editing Broker Engine Version, CloudWatch Logs, and Maintenance Preferences (p. 20)
• Tutorial: Creating and Applying Amazon MQ Broker Configurations (p. 21)
• Tutorial: Editing Amazon MQ Broker Configurations and Managing Configuration Revisions (p. 23)
• Tutorial: Connecting a Java Application to Your Amazon MQ Broker (p. 26)
• Tutorial: Listing Amazon MQ Brokers and Viewing Broker Details (p. 29)
• Tutorial: Creating and Managing Amazon MQ Broker Users (p. 30)
• Tutorial: Rebooting an Amazon MQ Broker (p. 32)
• Tutorial: Deleting an Amazon MQ Broker (p. 33)
• Tutorial: Accessing CloudWatch Metrics for Amazon MQ (p. 33)
The first and most common Amazon MQ task is creating a broker. The following example shows how you
can use the AWS Management Console to create and configure a broker using the AWS Management
• Step 1: Configure Basic Broker Settings (p. 12)
• Step 2: (Optional) Configure Advanced Broker Settings (p. 13)
• Step 3: Finish Creating the Broker (p. 14)
• Accessing the ActiveMQ Web Console of a Broker without Public Accessibility (p. 15)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Step 2: (Optional) Configure Advanced Broker Settings
• If this is your first time using Amazon MQ, in the Create a broker section, type MyBroker for
Broker name and then choose Next step.
• If you have created a broker before, on the Create a broker page, in the Broker details section,
type MyBroker for Broker name.
3. In the Broker details section, choose a Broker instance type (for example, mq.m5.large). For more
information, see Broker Instance Types (p. 38).
4. Choose a Deployment mode:
• A Single-instance broker is comprised of one broker in one Availability Zone. The broker
communicates with your application and with an AWS storage location. For more information, see
Amazon MQ Single-Instance Broker (p. 44).
• An Active/standby broker for high availability is comprised of two brokers in two different
Availability Zones, configured in a redundant pair. These brokers communicate synchronously
with your application, and with a shared storage location. For more information, see Amazon MQ
Active/Standby Broker for High Availability (p. 45).
• For more information on the sample blueprints for a network of brokers, see Sample
Blueprints (p. 48).
Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ActiveMQ broker engine versions 5.15.8, 5.15.6
and 5.15.0.
5. Choose a Broker engine version.
Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ActiveMQ broker engine versions 5.15.8, 5.15.6
and 5.15.0.
6. In the ActiveMQ Web Console access section, type a Username and Password.
• Subnet(s) – A single-instance broker requires one subnet (for example, the default subnet). An
active/standby broker requires two subnets.
• Security group(s) – Both single-instance brokers and active/standby brokers require at least
one security group (for example, the default security group).
• VPC – A broker's subnet(s) and security group(s) must be in the same VPC. EC2-Classic
resources aren't supported. Amazon MQ only supports default VPC tenancy, and does not
support dedicated VPC tenancy.
• Public accessibility – Disabling public accessibility makes the broker accessible only within
your VPC. For more information, see Prefer Brokers without Public Accessibility (p. 85) and
Accessing the ActiveMQ Web Console of a Broker without Public Accessibility (p. 15).
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Step 3: Finish Creating the Broker
If you don't add the CreateLogGroup permission to your Amazon MQ user (p. 102)
before the user creates or reboots the broker, Amazon MQ doesn't create the log group.
If you don't configure a resource-based policy for Amazon MQ (p. 103), the broker can't
publish the logs to CloudWatch Logs.
4. In the Network and security section, configure your broker's connectivity:
a. To upgrade the broker to new versions as Apache releases them, choose Enable automatic
minor version upgrades. Automatic upgrades occur during the maintenance window defined by
the day of the week, the time of day (in 24-hour format), and the time zone (UTC by default).
For an active/standby broker, if one of the broker instances undergoes maintenance,
it takes Amazon MQ a short while to take the inactive instance out of service, allowing
the healthy standby instance to become active and to begin accepting incoming
b. Do one of the following:
While Amazon MQ creates your broker, it displays the Creation in progress status.
When your broker is created successfully, Amazon MQ displays the Running status.
2. Choose MyBroker.
On the MyBroker page, in the Connect section, note your broker's ActiveMQ Web Console URL, for
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Accessing the ActiveMQ Web Console
of a Broker without Public Accessibility
Also, note your broker's wire-level protocol Endpoints. The following is an example of an OpenWire
For an active/standby broker, Amazon MQ provides two ActiveMQ Web Console URLs, but only
one URL is active at a time. Likewise, Amazon MQ provides two endpoints for each wire-level
protocol, but only one endpoint is active in each pair at a time. The -1 and -2 suffixes denote a
redundant pair. For more information, see Amazon MQ Broker Architecture (p. 43)).
For wire-level protocol endpoints, you can allow your application to connect to either endpoint
by using the Failover Transport.
To perform the following steps, you must configure the following:
• VPCs
• The VPC without an internet gateway, to which the Amazon MQ broker is attached, named
• A second VPC, with an internet gateway, named public-vpc.
• Both VPCs must be connected (for example, using VPC peering) so that the Amazon EC2 instances in
the public VPC can communicate with the EC2 instances in the private VPC.
• If you use VPC peering, the route tables for both VPCs must be configured for the peering
• Security Groups
• The security group used to create the Amazon MQ broker, named private-sg.
• A second security group used for the EC2 instance in the public-vpc VPC, named public-sg.
• private-sg must allow inbound connections from public-sg. We recommend restricting this
security group to port 8162.
• public-sg must allow inbound connections from your machine on port 22.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Creating and Configuring a Network of Brokers
3. From your machine, create an ssh tunnel to the EC2 instance using the path to your private key file
and the IP address of your broker instance. For example:
When you enable your proxy client, you can access the ActiveMQ Web Console on your machine.
For a conceptual overview and detailed configuration information, see the following:
You can use the Amazon MQ console to create an Amazon MQ network of brokers. Because you can start
the creation of the two brokers in parallel, this process takes approximately 15 minutes.
• Prerequisites (p. 17)
• Step 1: Allow Traffic between Brokers (p. 17)
• Step 2: Configure Network Connectors for Your Broker (p. 18)
• Next Steps (p. 19)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To create a network of brokers, you must have the following:
• Two or more simultaneously active brokers (named MyBroker1 and MyBroker2 in this tutorial). For
more information about creating brokers, see Creating and Configuring a Broker (p. 12).
• The two brokers must be in the same VPC or in peered VPCs. For more information about VPCs, see
What is Amazon VPC? in the Amazon VPC User Guide and What is VPC Peering? in the Amazon VPC
Peering Guide.
If you don't have a default VPC, subnet(s), or security group, you must create them first. For
more information, see the following in the Amazon VPC User Guide:
• Creating a Default VPC
• Creating a Default Subnet
• Creating a Security Group
• Two users with identical usernames and passwords for both brokers. For more information about
creating users, see Creating and Managing Amazon MQ Broker Users (p. 30).
The following example uses two single-instance brokers (p. 44). However, you can create networks of
brokers using active/standby brokers (p. 45) or a combination of broker deployment modes.
1. On the Amazon MQ console, on the MyBroker2 page, in the Details section, under Security and
network, choose the name of your security group or .
• If you want to restrict access to a particular IP address, for Source, leave Custom selected, and
then enter the IP address of MyBroker1, followed by /32. (This converts the IP address to a
valid CIDR record). For more information see Elastic Network Interfaces.
To retrieve the IP address of MyBroker1, on the Amazon MQ console, choose the
name of the broker and navigate to the Details section.
• If all the brokers are private and belong to the same VPC, for Source, leave Custom selected
and then type the ID of the security group you are editing.
For public brokers, you must restrict access using IP addresses.
e. Choose Save.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Step 2: Configure Network Connectors for Your Broker
The broker engine type and version that the configuration uses (for example, Apache ActiveMQ
5.15.0) are displayed.
c. On the Configuration details tab, the configuration revision number, description, and broker
configuration in XML format are displayed.
d. Choose Edit configuration.
e. At the bottom of the configuration file, uncomment the <networkConnectors> section and
include the following information:
<networkConnector name="connector_1_to_2" userName="myCommonUser"
• If you are connecting the broker to an active/standby broker, use the masterslave: prefix
and the OpenWire endpoint uri for both brokers. For example:
<networkConnector name="connector_1_to_2" userName="myCommonUser"
Don't include the password for the ActiveMQ user.
f. Choose Save.
g. In the Save revision dialog box, type Add network of brokers connector for
h. Choose Save to save the new revision of the configuration.
2. Edit MyBroker1 to set the latest configuration revision to apply immediately.
Next Steps
After you configure your network of brokers, you can test it by producing and consuming messages.
Make sure that you enable inbound connections (p. 71) from your local machine for broker
MyBroker1 on port 8162 (for the ActiveMQ Web Console) and port 6167 (for the OpenWire
You might also need to adjust your security group(s) settings to allow the producer and
consumer to connect to the network of brokers.
1. On the Amazon MQ console, navigate to the Connections section and note the ActiveMQ Web
Console endpoint for broker MyBroker1.
2. Navigate to the ActiveMQ Web Console for broker MyBroker1.
3. To verify that the network bridge is connected, choose Network.
In the Network Bridges section, the name and the address of MyBroker2 are listed in the Remote
Broker and Remote Address columns.
4. From any machine that has access to broker MyBroker2, create a consumer. For example:
The consumer connects to the OpenWire endpoint of MyBroker1 and begins to consume messages
from queue MyQueue.
5. From any machine that has access to broker MyBroker1, create a producer and send some
messages. For example:
The producer connects to the OpenWire endpoint of MyBroker1 and begins to produce persistent
messages to queue MyQueue.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Editing Broker Preferences
The following example shows how you can edit Amazon MQ broker preferences using the AWS
Management Console.
To upgrade the broker to new versions as AWS releases them, choose Enable automatic minor
version upgrades. Automatic upgrades occur during the maintenance window defined by the day of
the week, the time of day (in 24-hour format), and the time zone (UTC by default).
For an active/standby broker, if one of the broker instances undergoes maintenance, it takes
Amazon MQ a short while to take the inactive instance out of service, allowing the healthy
standby instance to become active and to begin accepting incoming communications.
7. Choose Schedule modifications.
If you choose only Enable automatic minor version upgrades, the button changes to Save
because no broker reboot is necessary.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Creating and Applying Configurations
The following example shows how you can create and apply an Amazon MQ broker configuration using
the AWS Management Console.
• Step 1: Create a Configuration from Scratch (p. 21)
• Step 2: Create a New Configuration Revision (p. 21)
• Step 3: Apply a Configuration Revision to Your Broker (p. 22)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Step 3: Apply a Configuration Revision to Your Broker
The first configuration revision is always created for you when Amazon MQ creates the
On the MyConfiguration page, the broker engine type and version that your new configuration
revision uses (for example, Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.8) are displayed.
2. On the Configuration details tab, the configuration revision number, description, and broker
configuration in XML format are displayed.
Editing the current configuration creates a new configuration revision.
2. From the broker list, select your broker (for example, MyBroker) and then choose Edit.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Editing Configurations and
Managing Configuration Revisions
3. On the Edit MyBroker page, in the Configuration section, select a Configuration and a Revision
and then choose Schedule Modifications.
4. In the Schedule broker modifications section, choose whether to apply modifications During the
next scheduled maintenance window or Immediately.
Your broker will be offline while it is being rebooted.
5. Choose Apply.
To keep track of the changes you make to your configuration, you can create configuration revisions.
The following examples show how you can edit Amazon MQ broker configurations and manage broker
configuration revisions using the AWS Management Console.
• To View a Previous Configuration Revision (p. 23)
• To Edit the Current Configuration Revision (p. 20)
• To Apply a Configuration Revision to Your Broker (p. 25)
• To Roll Back Your Broker to the Last Configuration Revision (p. 25)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To Edit the Current Configuration Revision
Unless you select a configuration when you create a broker, the first configuration revision
is always created for you when Amazon MQ creates the broker.
On the MyBroker page, the broker engine type and version that the configuration uses (for
example, Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.8) are displayed.
4. Choose Revision history.
5. The configuration Revision number, Revision date, and Description are displayed for each revision.
6. Select a revision and choose View details.
On the MyBroker page, the broker engine type and version that the configuration uses (for
example, Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.8) are displayed.
5. On the Configuration details tab, the configuration revision number, description, and broker
configuration in XML format are displayed.
Editing the current configuration creates a new configuration revision.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To Apply a Configuration Revision to Your Broker
The Amazon MQ console automatically sanitizes invalid and prohibited configuration
parameters according to a schema. For more information and a full list of permitted XML
parameters, see Amazon MQ Broker Configuration Parameters (p. 54).
Making changes to a configuration does not apply the changes to the broker immediately.
To apply your changes, you must wait for the next maintenance window (p. 25) or
reboot the broker (p. 32). For more information, see Amazon MQ Broker Configuration
Lifecycle (p. 54).
Currently, you can't delete a configuration.
4. (Optional) To review the Current configuration or the Last configuration, on the Roll back to the
last configuration page, in the Summary section, choose Edit for either configuration.
5. In the Schedule broker modifications section, choose whether to apply modifications During the
next scheduled maintenance window or Immediately.
Your broker will be offline while it is being rebooted.
6. Choose Apply.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Connecting a Java Application to Your Broker
You can connect to ActiveMQ brokers using various ActiveMQ clients. We recommend using the
ActiveMQ Client.
• Prerequisites (p. 26)
• To Create a Message Producer and Send a Message (p. 27)
• To Create a Message Consumer and Receive the Message (p. 28)
Enable VPC Attributes
To ensure that your broker is accessible within your VPC, you must enable the enableDnsHostnames
and enableDnsSupport VPC attributes. For more information, see DNS Support in your VPC in the
Amazon VPC User Guide.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To Create a Message Producer and Send a Message
For more information about activemq-client.jar, see Initial Configuration in the Apache ActiveMQ
In the following example code, producers and consumers run in a single thread. For production
systems (or to test broker instance failover), make sure that your producers and consumers run
on separate hosts or threads.
Message producers should always use the PooledConnectionFactory class. For more
information, see Always Use Connection Pooling (p. 87).
2. Create a session, a queue named MyQueue, and a message producer.
// Create a session.
final Session producerSession = producerConnection.createSession(false,
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To Create a Message Consumer and Receive the Message
3. Create the message string "Hello from Amazon MQ!" and then send the message.
// Create a message.
final String text = "Hello from Amazon MQ!";
TextMessage producerMessage = producerSession.createTextMessage(text);
Message consumers should never use the PooledConnectionFactory class. For more
information, see Always Use Connection Pooling (p. 87).
2. Create a session, a queue named MyQueue, and a message consumer.
// Create a session.
final Session consumerSession = consumerConnection.createSession(false,
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Listing Brokers and Viewing Broker Details
3. Begin to wait for messages and receive the message when it arrives.
Unlike AWS messaging services (such as Amazon SQS), the consumer is constantly
connected to the broker.
4. Close the consumer, session, and connection.
The following example shows how you can confirm your broker's existence by listing your brokers in the
current region using the AWS Management Console.
• Name
• Creation date
• Status (p. 41)
• Deployment mode (p. 43)
• Instance type (p. 38)
2. Choose your broker's name (for example, MyBroker).
On the MyBroker page, the configured (p. 41) Details are displayed for your broker:
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Creating and Managing Broker Users
• In the Connections section, the ActiveMQ Web Console URL and the wire-level protocol endpoints
• In the Users section, the users (p. 43) associated with the broker
A group is a semantic label. You can assign a group to a user and configure permissions for groups to
send to, receive from, and administer specific queues and topics.
You can't configure groups independently of users. A group label is created when you add at
least one user to it and deleted when you remove all users from it.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To Create a New User
The following examples show how you can create, edit, and delete Amazon MQ broker users using the
AWS Management Console.
• To Create a New User (p. 31)
• To edit an existing user (p. 31)
• To Delete an Existing User (p. 32)
On the MyBroker page, in the Users section, all the users for this broker are listed.
On the MyBroker page, in the Users section, all the users for this broker are listed.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To Delete an Existing User
6. (Optional) To enable the user to access the ActiveMQ Web Console, choose ActiveMQ Web Console.
7. To save the changes to the user, choose Done.
Making changes to a user does not apply the changes to the user immediately. To apply
your changes, you must wait for the next maintenance window (p. 25) or reboot
the broker (p. 32). For more information, see Amazon MQ Broker Configuration
Lifecycle (p. 54).
On the MyBroker page, in the Users section, all the users for this broker are listed.
The following example shows how you can reboot an Amazon MQ broker using the AWS Management
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Deleting a Broker
The following example shows how you can delete a broker using the AWS Management Console.
For a full list of Amazon MQ metrics, see Monitoring Amazon MQ Using CloudWatch (p. 95).
For information about creating a CloudWatch alarm for a metrics, see Create or Edit a CloudWatch Alarm
in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
There is no charge for the Amazon MQ metrics reported in CloudWatch. These metrics are
provided as part of the Amazon MQ service.
CloudWatch monitors only the first 200 destinations.
• AWS Management Console (p. 34)
• AWS Command Line Interface (p. 35)
• Amazon CloudWatch API (p. 35)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
AWS Management Console
• Broker Metrics
• Queue Metrics by Broker
• Topic Metrics by Broker
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
AWS Command Line Interface
• To graph the metric, select the check box next to the metric.
• To filter by metric, choose the metric name and then choose Add to search.
For more information, see Get Statistics for a Metric in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
For more information, see Get Statistics for a Metric in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Basic Elements
This section describes the basic elements of a message broker, lists available Amazon MQ broker instance
types and their statuses, provides an overview of broker architecture, explains broker configuration
parameters and offers a working example of using Java Message Service (JMS) with an ActiveMQ broker.
To learn about Amazon MQ REST APIs, see the Amazon MQ REST API Reference.
• Amazon MQ Basic Elements (p. 36)
• Amazon MQ Broker Architecture (p. 43)
• Amazon MQ Broker Configuration Parameters (p. 54)
• Working Examples of Using Java Message Service (JMS) with ActiveMQ (p. 70)
• Tagging resources (p. 78)
• Broker (p. 36)
• Configuration (p. 41)
• Engine (p. 42)
• User (p. 43)
A broker is a message broker environment running on Amazon MQ. It is the basic building block of
Amazon MQ. The combined description of the broker instance class (m5, t2) and size (large, micro)
is a broker instance type (for example, mq.m5.large). For more information, see Broker Instance
Types (p. 38).
• A single-instance broker is comprised of one broker in one Availability Zone. The broker communicates
with your application and with an AWS storage location.
• An active/standby broker is comprised of two brokers in two different Availability Zones, configured in
a redundant pair. These brokers communicate synchronously with your application, and with a shared
storage location.
You can enable automatic minor version upgrades to new minor versions of the broker engine, as Apache
releases new versions. Automatic upgrades occur during the maintenance window defined by the day of
the week, the time of day (in 24-hour format), and the time zone (UTC by default).
For information about creating and managing brokers, see the following:
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
• MQTT over WebSocket
• OpenWire
• STOMP over WebSocket
A broker has several attributes, for example:
• A name (MyBroker)
• An ID (b-1234a5b6-78cd-901e-2fgh-3i45j6k178l9)
• An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) (arn:aws:mq:us-
• An ActiveMQ Web Console URL (https://
For more information, see Web Console in the Apache ActiveMQ documentation.
If you specify an authorization map which doesn't include the activemq-webconsole group,
you can't use the ActiveMQ Web Console because the group isn't authorized to send messages
to, or receive messages from, the Amazon MQ broker.
• Wire-level protocol endpoints:
• amqp+ssl://
• mqtt+ssl://
• ssl://
This is an OpenWire endpoint.
• stomp+ssl://
• wss://
For more information, see Configuring Transports in the Apache ActiveMQ documentation.
For an active/standby broker, Amazon MQ provides two ActiveMQ Web Console URLs, but only
one URL is active at a time. Likewise, Amazon MQ provides two endpoints for each wire-level
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
protocol, but only one endpoint is active in each pair at a time. The -1 and -2 suffixes denote a
redundant pair.
For a full list of broker attributes, see the following in the Amazon MQ REST API Reference:
Instance Types
The combined description of the broker instance class (m5, t2) and size (large, micro) is a broker
instance type (for example, mq.m5.large). The following table lists the available Amazon MQ broker
instance types.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
For more information about throughput considerations, see Choose the Correct Broker Instance Type for
the Best Throughput (p. 89).
A broker's current condition is indicated by a status. The following table lists the statuses of an Amazon
MQ broker.
A configuration contains all of the settings for your ActiveMQ broker, in XML format (similar to
ActiveMQ's activemq.xml file). You can create a configuration before creating any brokers. You can
then apply the configuration to one or more brokers.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Making changes to a configuration does not apply the changes to the broker immediately. To
apply your changes, you must wait for the next maintenance window (p. 25) or reboot the
broker (p. 32). For more information, see Amazon MQ Broker Configuration Lifecycle (p. 54).
Currently, you can't delete a configuration.
For information about creating, editing, and managing configurations, see the following:
To keep track of the changes you make to your configuration, you can create configuration revisions. For
more information, see Creating and Applying Broker Configurations (p. 21) and Editing and Managing
Broker Configurations (p. 23).
A broker configuration has several attributes, for example:
• A name (MyConfiguration)
• An ID (c-1234a5b6-78cd-901e-2fgh-3i45j6k178l9)
• An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) (arn:aws:mq:us-
For a full list of configuration attributes, see the following in the Amazon MQ REST API Reference:
A broker engine is a type of message broker that runs on Amazon MQ.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
An ActiveMQ user is a person or an application that can access the queues and topics of an ActiveMQ
broker. You can configure users to have specific permissions. For example, you can allow some users to
access the ActiveMQ Web Console.
A group is a semantic label. You can assign a group to a user and configure permissions for groups to
send to, receive from, and administer specific queues and topics.
Making changes to a user does not apply the changes to the user immediately. To apply your
changes, you must wait for the next maintenance window (p. 25) or reboot the broker (p. 32).
For more information, see Amazon MQ Broker Configuration Lifecycle (p. 54).
For information about users and groups, see the following in the Apache ActiveMQ documentation:
• Authorization
• Authorization Example
For information about creating, editing, and deleting ActiveMQ users, see the following:
For a full list of user attributes, see the following in the Amazon MQ REST API Reference:
You can access your brokers by using any programming language that ActiveMQ supports and by
enabling TLS explicitly for the following protocols:
• MQTT over WebSocket
• OpenWire
• STOMP over WebSocket
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Single-Instance Broker
• Amazon MQ Single-Instance Broker (p. 44)
• Amazon MQ Active/Standby Broker for High Availability (p. 45)
• Amazon MQ Network of Brokers (p. 46)
• Amazon MQ Broker Configuration Lifecycle (p. 54)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Active/Standby Broker for High Availability
Normally, only one of the broker instances is active at any time, while the other broker instance is on
standby. If one of the broker instances malfunctions or undergoes maintenance, it takes Amazon MQ a
short while to take the inactive instance out of service, allowing the healthy standby instance to become
active and to begin accepting incoming communications. When you reboot a broker, the failover takes
only a few seconds.
For an active/standby broker, Amazon MQ provides two ActiveMQ Web Console URLs, but only one
URL is active at a time. Likewise, Amazon MQ provides two endpoints for each wire-level protocol, but
only one endpoint is active in each pair at a time. The -1 and -2 suffixes denote a redundant pair. For
wire-level protocol endpoints, you can allow your application to connect to either endpoint by using the
Failover Transport.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Network of Brokers
A network of brokers is comprised of multiple simultaneously active single-instance brokers (p. 44)
or active/standby brokers (p. 45). You can configure networks of brokers in a variety of
topologies (p. 48) (for example, concentrator, hub-and-spokes, tree, or mesh), depending on your
application's needs, such as high availability and scalability. For instance, a hub and spoke (p. 50)
network of brokers can increase resiliency, preserving messages if one broker is not reachable. A network
of brokers with a concentrator (p. 51) topology can collect messages from a larger number of brokers
accepting incoming messages, and concentrate them to more central brokers, to better handle the load
of many incoming messages.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Network of Brokers
• Creating a network of brokers allows you to increase your aggregate throughput and maximum
producer and consumer connection count by adding broker instances.
• You can ensure better availability by allowing your producers and consumers to be aware of multiple
active broker instances. This allows them to reconnect to a new instance if the one they're currently
connected to becomes unavailable.
• Because producers and consumers can reconnect to another node in the network of brokers
immediately, and because there's no need to wait for a standby broker instance to become promoted,
client reconnection within a network of brokers is faster than for an active/standby broker for high
availability (p. 45).
• How Does a Network of Brokers Work? (p. 47)
• How Does a Network of Brokers Handle Credentials? (p. 48)
• Sample Blueprints (p. 48)
• Network of Brokers Topologies (p. 48)
• Cross Region (p. 52)
• Dynamic Failover With Transport Connectors (p. 53)
A network of brokers is established by connecting one broker to another using network connectors. Once
connected, these brokers provide message forwarding. For instance, if Broker1 establishes a network
connector to Broker2, messages on Broker1 are forwarded to Broker2 if there is a consumer on that
broker for the queue or topic. If the network connector is configured as duplex, messages are also
forwarded from Broker2 to Broker1. Network connectors are configured in the broker configuration.
See, Configuration (p. 41). For instance, here is and example networkConnector entry in a broker
<networkConnector name="connector_1_to_2" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
A network of brokers ensures that messages flow from one broker instance to another, forwarding
messages only to the broker instances that have corresponding consumers. For the benefit of broker
instances adjacent to each other within the network, ActiveMQ sends messages to advisory topics about
producers and consumers connecting to and disconnecting from the network. When a broker instance
receives information about a producer that consumes from a particular destination, the broker instance
begins to forward messages. For more information, see Advisory Topics in the ActiveMQ documentation.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Network of Brokers
Brokers must be in the same VPC or in peered VPCs. For more information, see Prerequisites (p. 17) in the
Creating and Configuring a Network of Brokers (p. 16) tutorial.
Sample Blueprints
To get started using a Network of Brokers, Amazon MQ provides sample blueprints. These
sample blueprints create a Network of Brokers deployment, and all related resources using, AWS
CloudFormation. The two sample blueprints available are:
From the Create brokers page, select one of the sample blueprints and choose Next. Once the resources
have been created, review the generated brokers and their configurations in the Amazon MQ console.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Network of Brokers
demand message forwarding between connected brokers. Connections can be configured as duplex,
where messages are forwarded both ways between brokers, or not duplex, where the forwarding only
propagates from one broker to the other. For example, if we have a duplex connection between Broker1
and Broker2, messages will be forwarded from each to the other if there is a consumer.
With a duplex network connector, messages are forwarded from each broker to the other. These are
forwarded on-demand: if there is a consumer on Broker2 for a message on Broker1, the message is
forwarded. Similarly, if there is a consumer on Broker1 for a message on Broker2 the message is also
For non-duplex connections, messages are forwarded only from one broker to the other. In this example,
if there is a consumer on Broker2 for a message on Broker1, the message is forwarded. But messages will
not be forwarded from Broker2 to Broker1.
Using both duplex and non-duplex network connectors, it is possible to build a network of brokers in any
number of network topologies.
In each of the network topology examples, the networkConnector elements reference
the endpoint of the brokers they connect to. Replace the broker endpoint entries in the
uri attributes with the endpoints of your brokers. See, Listing Brokers and Viewing Broker
Details (p. 29).
Mesh Topology
A mesh topology provides multiple brokers that are all connected to each other. This simple example
connects three single-instance brokers, but you can configure more brokers as a mesh.
This topology, and one that includes a mesh of active/standby pairs of brokers, can be created using
sample blueprints in the Amazon MQ console. You can create these sample blueprint deployment to see
a working network of brokers, and review how they are configured.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Network of Brokers
You can configure a three broker mesh network like this by adding a network connector to Broker1 that
makes duplex connections to both Broker2 and Broker3, and a single duplex connection between Broker2
and Broker3.
<networkConnector name="connector_1_to_2" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
<networkConnector name="connector_1_to_3" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
<networkConnector name="connector_2_to_3" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
By adding the above connectors to the configurations of Broker1 and Broker2, you can create a mesh
between these three brokers that forwards message between all the brokers on demand. For more
information, see Amazon MQ Broker Configuration Parameters (p. 54).
To configure the hub and spoke network of brokers in this example, you could add a
networkConnector to each of the brokers on the spokes in the configuration of Broker1.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Network of Brokers
Concentrator Topology
In this example topology, the three brokers on the bottom can handle a large number of connections,
and those messages are concentrated to Broker1 and Broker2. Each of the other brokers has a non-
duplex connection to the more central brokers. To scale the capacity of this topology, you can add
additional brokers that receive messages and concentrate those messages in Broker1 and Broker2.
To configure this topology, each of the brokers on the bottom would contain a network connector to
each of the brokers they are concentrating messages to.
<networkConnector name="3_to_1" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="false"
<networkConnector name="3_to_2" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="false"
<networkConnector name="4_to_1" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="false"
<networkConnector name="4_to_2" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="false"
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Network of Brokers
<networkConnector name="5_to_1" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="false"
<networkConnector name="5_to_2" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="false"
Cross Region
To configure a network of brokers that spans AWS regions, deploy brokers in those regions, and
configure network connectors to the endpoints of those brokers.
To configure a network of brokers like this example, you could add networkConnectors entries to the
configurations of Broker1 and Broker4 that reference the wire-level endpoints of those brokers.
<networkConnector name="1_to_2" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
<networkConnector name="1_to_3" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
<networkConnector name="1_to_4" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Network of Brokers
<networkConnector name="2_to_3" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
<networkConnector name="4_to_3" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
<networkConnector name="4_to_2" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
<networkConnector name="4_to_1" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
<transportConnector name="openwire" updateClusterClients="true"
rebalanceClusterClients="true" updateClusterClientsOnRemove="true"/>
Available options:
When updateClusterClients is set to true, clients can be configured to connect to a single broker in
a network of brokers.
When a new broker connects, it will be receive a list of URIs of all brokers in the network. If the
connection to the broker fails, it can dynamically switch to one of the brokers provided when it
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Broker Configuration Lifecycle
For more information on failover, see Broker-side Options for Failover in the Active MQ documentation.
For information about creating, editing, and managing configurations, see the following:
For information about creating, editing, and deleting ActiveMQ users, see the following:
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Working with Spring XML Configuration Files
The full set of supported configuration options is specified in the Amazon MQ XML schemas:
You can use these schemas to validate and sanitize your configuration files. Amazon MQ also lets you
provide configurations by uploading XML files. When you upload an XML file, Amazon MQ automatically
sanitizes and removes invalid and prohibited configuration parameters according to the schema.
You can use only static values for attributes. Amazon MQ sanitizes elements and attributes that
contain Spring expressions, variables, and element references from your configuration.
• Elements Permitted in Amazon MQ Configurations (p. 55)
• Elements and Their Attributes Permitted in Amazon MQ Configurations (p. 57)
• Elements, Child Collection Elements, and Their Child Elements Permitted in Amazon MQ
Configurations (p. 65)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Elements
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Attributes
Element Attribute
abortSlowAckConsumerStrategy abortConnection
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Attributes
Element Attribute
abortSlowConsumerStrategy abortConnection
authorizationEntry admin
broker advisorySupport
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Attributes
Element Attribute
cachedMessageGroupMapFactory cacheSize
compositeQueue concurrentSend
compositeTopic concurrentSend
constantPendingMessageLimitStrategy limit
discarding deadLetterQueue
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Attributes
Element Attribute
discardingDLQBrokerPlugin dropAll
filteredDestination queue
fixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy maximumSize
fixedSizedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy maximumSize
forcePersistencyModeBrokerPlugin persistenceFlag
individualDeadLetterStrategy destinationPerDurableSubscriber
messageGroupHashBucketFactory bucketCount
mirroredQueue copyMessage
oldestMessageEvictionStrategy evictExpiredMessagesHighWatermark
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Attributes
Element Attribute
policyEntry advisoryForConsumed
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Attributes
Element Attribute
prefetchRatePendingMessageLimitStrategy multiplier
queryBasedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy query
queue DLQ
redeliveryPlugin fallbackToDeadLetter
redeliveryPolicy backOffMultiplier
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Attributes
Element Attribute
sharedDeadLetterStrategy enableAudit
storeDurableSubscriberCursor immediatePriorityDispatch
tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry admin
tempQueue DLQ
tempTopic DLQ
timedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy zeroExpirationOverride
timeStampingBrokerPlugin recoverDuration
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Attributes
Element Attribute
topic DLQ
transportConnector •
uniquePropertyMessageEvictionStrategy evictExpiredMessagesHighWatermark
virtualTopic concurrentSend
• broker (p. 64)
broker is a parent collection element.
To mitigate network latency and to allow other networks to start in a timely manner, use the
<networkConnectionStartAsync> tag. The tag instructs the broker to use an executor to start
network connections in parallel, asynchronous to a broker start.
Default: false
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Collections
Example Configuration
<broker networkConnectorStartAsync="false"/>
defaultEntry authorizationEntry
destinationPolicy policyMap
destinations queue
plugins authorizationPlugin
transportConnector name
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Collections
destination queue
dispatchPolicy priorityDispatchPolicy
messageEvictionStrategy oldestMessageEvictionStrategy
messageGroupMapFactory cachedMessageGroupMapFactory
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Collections
pendingQueuePolicy fileQueueCursor
pendingSubscriberPolicy fileCursor
slowConsumerStrategy abortSlowAckConsumerStrategy
subscriptionRecoveryPolicy fixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy
policyEntries policyEntry
redeliveryPolicyEntries redeliveryPolicy
wrapped fixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Collections
virtualDestinations compositeQueue
• authorizationEntry (p. 68)
• networkConnector (p. 68)
• kahaDB (p. 70)
authorizationEntry is a child of the authorizationEntries child collection element.
The permissions granted to a group of users. For more information, see Always Configure an
Authorization Map (p. 86).
Default: null
Example Configuration
<authorizationEntry admin="admins,activemq-webconsole"
read="admins,users,activemq-webconsole" write="admins,activemq-webconsole" queue=">"/>
<authorizationEntry admin="admins,activemq-webconsole"
read="admins,users,activemq-webconsole" write="admins,activemq-webconsole" topic=">"/>
networkConnector is a child of the networkConnectors child collection element.
• Attributes (p. 69)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Permitted Collections
Specifies whether a network connection in a network of brokers treats multiple consumers subscribed to
the same destination as one consumer. For example, if conduitSubscriptions is set to true and two
consumers connect to broker B and consume from a destination, broker B combines the subscriptions
into a single logical subscription over the network connection to broker A, so that only a single copy of a
message is forwarded from broker A to broker B.
Setting conduitSubscriptions to true can reduce redundant network traffic. However,
using this attribute can have implications for the load-balancing of messages across consumers
and might cause incorrect behavior in certain scenarios (for example, with JMS message
selectors or with durable topics).
Default: true
Specifies whether the connection in the network of brokers is used to produce and consume messages.
For example, if broker A creates a connection to broker B in non-duplex mode, messages can be
forwarded only from broker A to broker B. However, if broker A creates a duplex connection to broker B,
then broker B can forward messages to broker A without having to configure a <networkConnector>.
Default: false
The name of the bridge in the network of brokers.
Default: bridge
The wire-level protocol endpoint for one of two brokers (or for multiple brokers) in a network of brokers.
Default: null
The username common to the brokers in a network of brokers.
Default: null
Example Configurations
When using a networkConnector to define a network of brokers, don't include the password
for the user common to your brokers.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Working Java Examples
For more information, see Configure Network Connectors for Your Broker (p. 18).
<networkConnector name="connector_1_to_2" userName="myCommonUser" duplex="true"
We recommend using the masterslave: prefix for networks of brokers. The prefix is identical
to the more explicit static:failover:()?randomize=false&maxReconnectAttempts=0
kahaDB is a child of the persistenceAdapter child collection element.
Specifies whether to use concurrent store and dispatch for queues. For more information, see Disable
Concurrent Store and Dispatch for Queues with Slow Consumers (p. 89).
Default: true
Example Configuration
<kahaDB concurrentStoreAndDispatchQueues="false"/>
• The OpenWire example Java code connects to a broker, creates a queue, and sends and receives
a message. For a detailed breakdown and explanation, see Connecting a Java Application to Your
Broker (p. 26).
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
• The MQTT example Java code connects to a broker, creates a topic, and publishes and receives a
• The STOMP+WSS example Java code connects to a broker, creates a queue, and publishes and receives
a message.
Enable VPC Attributes
To ensure that your broker is accessible within your VPC, you must enable the enableDnsHostnames
and enableDnsSupport VPC attributes. For more information, see DNS Support in your VPC in the
Amazon VPC User Guide.
Add the activemq-client.jar and activemq-pool.jar packages to your Java class path. The
following example shows these dependencies in a Maven project pom.xml file.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
For more information about activemq-client.jar, see Initial Configuration in the Apache
ActiveMQ documentation.
Add the org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.jar package to your Java class path. The following
example shows this dependency in a Maven project pom.xml file.
• spring-messaging.jar
• spring-websocket.jar
• javax.websocket-api.jar
• jetty-all.jar
• slf4j-simple.jar
• jackson-databind.jar
The following example shows these dependencies in a Maven project pom.xml file.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
For more information, see STOMP Support in the Spring Framework documentation.
In the following example code, producers and consumers run in a single thread. For production
systems (or to test broker instance failover), make sure that your producers and consumers run
on separate hosts or threads.
* Copyright 2010-2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.activemq.jms.pool.PooledConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.*;
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
// Create a session.
final Session producerSession = producerConnection
.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// Create a message.
final String text = "Hello from Amazon MQ!";
final TextMessage producerMessage = producerSession
// Create a session.
final Session consumerSession = consumerConnection
.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
* Copyright 2010-2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.*;
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
// Create a message.
final MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage(text.getBytes());
public void connectionLost(Throwable cause) {
System.out.println("Lost connection.");
public void messageArrived(String topic, MqttMessage message) throws MqttException
System.out.println("Received message from topic " + topic + ": " + message);
public void deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken token) {
System.out.println("Delivered message.");
* Copyright 2010-2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
import org.springframework.messaging.converter.StringMessageConverter;
import org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.*;
import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketHttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.web.socket.client.WebSocketClient;
import org.springframework.web.socket.client.standard.StandardWebSocketClient;
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
import org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.WebSocketStompClient;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
// Create a connection.
return stompClient.connect(WIRE_LEVEL_ENDPOINT, headers, head,
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Tagging resources
Tagging resources
Amazon MQ supports resource tagging to help track your cost allocation. You can tag resources when
creating them, or by viewing the details of that resource.
• Tagging for Cost Allocation (p. 78)
• Managing Tags in the Amazon MQ Console (p. 78)
• Managing Using Amazon MQ API Actions (p. 79)
For instance, you could add tags that represent the cost center and purpose of your Amazon MQ
This tagging scheme allows you to group two state machines performing related tasks in the same cost
center, while tagging an unrelated broker with a different cost allocation tag.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Managing Using Amazon MQ API Actions
Under the Tags section, review the existing tags for that resource.
2. To add new or manage existing tags, select Edit (or Create tag if have no existing tags).
3. Update tags for your resource:
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Without Service Interruption
Migrating to Amazon MQ
Use the following topics to get started with migrating your on-premises message broker to Amazon MQ.
• Migrating to Amazon MQ without Service Interruption (p. 80)
• Migrating to Amazon MQ with Service Interruption (p. 82)
For detailed information and examples, see Migrating from RabbitMQ to Amazon MQ in the AWS
Compute Blog.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To migrate to Amazon MQ without service interruption
For either of the following cases, use the Failover Transport to allow your consumers to randomly
connect to your on-premises broker's endpoint or your Amazon MQ broker's endpoint. For example:
• One by one, point each existing consumer to your Amazon MQ broker's endpoint.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
With Service Interruption
• Create new consumers and point them to your Amazon MQ broker's endpoint.
If you scale up your consumer fleet during the migration process, it is a best practice to scale it
down afterward.
One by one, stop each existing producer, point the producer to your Amazon MQ broker's endpoint,
and then restart the producer.
Wait for your consumers to drain the destinations on your on-premises broker.
Change your consumers' Failover transport to include only your Amazon MQ broker's endpoint. For
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To migrate to Amazon MQ with service interruption
Stop your existing producer, point the producer to your Amazon MQ broker's endpoint, and then
restart the producer.
This step requires an interruption of your application's functionality because no consumers are
yet consuming messages from the Amazon MQ broker.
Wait for your consumers to drain the destinations on your on-premises broker.
• One by one, point each existing consumer to your Amazon MQ broker's endpoint.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
To migrate to Amazon MQ with service interruption
• Create new consumers and point them to your Amazon MQ broker's endpoint.
If you scale up your consumer fleet during the migration process, it is a best practice to scale it
down afterward.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Using Amazon MQ Securely
• Using Amazon MQ Securely (p. 85)
• Connecting to Amazon MQ (p. 86)
• Ensuring Effective Amazon MQ Performance (p. 88)
• Avoid Slow Restarts by Recovering Prepared XA Transactions (p. 90)
• Prefer Brokers without Public Accessibility (p. 85)
• Always Use Client-Side Encryption as a Complement to TLS (p. 85)
• Always Configure an Authorization Map (p. 86)
• Always Configure a System Group (p. 86)
• Block Unnecessary Protocols with VPC Security Groups (p. 86)
• MQTT over WebSocket
• OpenWire
• STOMP over WebSocket
Amazon MQ encrypts messages at rest and in transit using encryption keys that it manages and stores
securely. For additional security, we highly recommend designing your application to use client-side
encryption. For more information, see the AWS Encryption SDK Developer Guide.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Always Configure an Authorization Map
The settings for the activemq-webconsole group in the authorization map restrict which operations
can be performed on queues or topics from the web console. For more information and an example
configuration, see authorizationEntry (p. 68).
If you specify an authorization map which doesn't include the activemq-webconsole group,
you can't use the ActiveMQ Web Console because the group isn't authorized to send messages
to, or receive messages from, the Amazon MQ broker.
• AMQP: 5671
• MQTT: 8883
• OpenWire: 61617
• STOMP: 61614
• WebSocket: 61619
Connecting to Amazon MQ
The following design patterns can improve the effectiveness of your application's connection to your
Amazon MQ broker.
• Never Modify or Delete the Amazon MQ Elastic Network Interface (p. 87)
• Always Use Connection Pooling (p. 87)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Never Modify or Delete the Amazon
MQ Elastic Network Interface
• Always Use the Failover Transport to Connect to Multiple Broker Endpoints (p. 88)
• Avoid Using Message Selectors (p. 88)
• Prefer Virtual Destinations to Durable Subscriptions (p. 88)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Always Use the Failover Transport to
Connect to Multiple Broker Endpoints
However, in more realistic scenarios with multiple producers and consumers, it can be costly and
inefficient to create a large number of connections for multiple producers. In these scenarios, you should
group multiple producer requests using the PooledConnectionFactory class. For example:
Message consumers should never use the PooledConnectionFactory class.
In general, avoid letting consumers route messages because, for optimal decoupling of consumers and
producers, both the consumer and the producer should be ephemeral.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Disable Concurrent Store and Dispatch
for Queues with Slow Consumers
• Disable Concurrent Store and Dispatch for Queues with Slow Consumers (p. 89)
• Choose the Correct Broker Instance Type for the Best Throughput (p. 89)
• Configure Your Network of Brokers Correctly (p. 90)
• Consumers are considered fast if they are able to keep up with the rate of messages generated by
• Consumers are considered slow if a queue builds up a backlog of unacknowledged messages,
potentially causing a decrease in producer throughput.
To instruct Amazon MQ to optimize for queues with slow consumers, set the
concurrentStoreAndDispatchQueues attribute to false. For an example configuration, see
concurrentStoreAndDispatchQueues (p. 70).
• If your messages are smaller than 100 KB, persistent storage latency is the limiting factor.
• If your messages are larger than 100 KB, persistent storage throughput is the limiting factor.
When you use ActiveMQ in persistent mode, writing to storage normally occurs when there are either
few consumers or when the consumers are slow. In non-persistent mode, writing to storage also occurs
with slow consumers if the heap memory of the broker instance is full. Because Amazon MQ has highly-
durable storage (all persistent messages are replicated across three Availability Zones), the throughput to
persistent storage is smaller than the throughput to local, single-AZ storage.
To determine the best broker instance type for your application, we recommend testing different
broker instance types. For more information, see Broker Instance Types (p. 38) and also Measuring the
Throughput for Amazon MQ using the JMS Benchmark.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Configure Your Network of Brokers Correctly
You can't change an existing broker to a different broker instance type. Using a different
broker instance type requires creating a new broker (p. 12), modifying your application's
configuration (p. 26) to use the new broker's wire-level protocol endpoint, and deleting the old
broker. You must also drain all the messages from the old broker before using the new broker.
• Non-persistent mode – When your application is less sensitive to losing messages during broker
instance failover (p. 45) (for example, when broadcasting sports scores), you can often use ActiveMQ's
non-persistent mode. In this mode, ActiveMQ writes messages to persistent storage only if the heap
memory of the broker instance is full. Systems that use non-persistent mode can benefit from the
higher amount of memory, faster CPU, and faster network available on larger broker instance types.
• Fast consumers – When active consumers are available and the
concurrentStoreAndDispatchQueues (p. 70) flag is enabled, ActiveMQ allows messages to
flow directly from producer to consumer without sending messages to storage (even in persistent
mode). If your application can consume messages quickly (or if you can design your consumers to
do this), your application can benefit from a larger broker instance type. To let your application
consume messages more quickly, add consumer threads to your application instances or scale up your
application instances vertically or horizontally.
• Batched transactions – When you use persistent mode and send multiple messages per transaction,
you can achieve an overall higher message throughput by using larger broker instance types. For more
information, see Should I Use Transactions? in the ActiveMQ documentation.
• Enable persistent mode – Because (relative to its peers) each broker instance acts like a producer
or a consumer, networks of brokers don't provide distributed replication of messages. The first
broker that acts as a consumer receives a message and persists it to storage. This broker sends an
acknowledgement to the producer and forwards the message to the next broker. When the second
broker acknowledges the persistence of the message, the first broker deletes the message.
If persistent mode is disabled, the first broker acknowledges the producer without persisting the
message to storage. For more information, see Replicated Message Store and What is the difference
between persistent and non-persistent delivery? in the Apache ActiveMQ documentation.
• Don't disable advisory messages for broker instances – For more information, see Advisory Message
in the Apache ActiveMQ documentation.
• Don't use multicast broker discovery – Amazon MQ doesn't support broker discovery using multicast.
For more information, see What is the difference between discovery, multicast, and zeroconf? in the
Apache ActiveMQ documentation.
Unresolved prepared XA transactions are replayed on every restart. If these remain unresolved, their
number will grow over time, significantly increasing the time needed to start up the broker. This affects
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Avoid Slow Restarts by Recovering
Prepared XA Transactions
restart and failover time. You must resolve these transactions with a commit() or a rollback() so that
performance doesn't degrade over time.
One cause of these unresolved transactions is an issue with Apache ActiveMQ. This may cause unresolved
prepared transactions when Amazon MQ restarts. For more information, see the related Apache
ActiveMQ defect.
The following example code walks through prepared XA transactions and closes them with a
import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.XAConnection;
import javax.jms.XASession;
import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource;
import javax.transaction.xa.Xid;
} catch (Exception e) {
In a real-world scenario, you could check your prepared XA transactions against your XA Transaction
Manager. Then you can decide whether to handle each prepared transaction with a rollback() or a
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Limits in Amazon MQ
This topic lists limits within Amazon MQ. Many of the following limits can be changed for specific AWS
accounts. To request an increase for a limit, see AWS Service Limits in the Amazon Web Services General
• Brokers (p. 92)
• Configurations (p. 92)
• Users (p. 93)
• Data Storage (p. 93)
• API Throttling (p. 93)
The following table lists limits related to Amazon MQ brokers.
Limit Description
Destinations (queues and topics) monitored in CloudWatch monitors only the first 200
CloudWatch destinations.
The following table lists limits related to Amazon MQ configurations.
Limit Description
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Limit Description
• Can contain only alphanumeric characters,
dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _
The following table lists limits related to Amazon MQ users.
Limit Description
Data Storage
The following table lists limits related to Amazon MQ data storage.
Limit Description
API Throttling
The following throttling limits are aggregated per AWS account, across all Amazon MQ APIs to maintain
service bandwidth. For more information about Amazon MQ APIs, see the Amazon MQ REST API
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
API Throttling
These limits don't apply to ActiveMQ broker messaging APIs. For example, Amazon MQ doesn't
throttle the sending or receiving of messages.
100 15
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Monitoring Brokers Using CloudWatch
• Monitoring Amazon MQ Brokers Using Amazon CloudWatch (p. 95)
• Logging Amazon MQ API Calls Using AWS CloudTrail (p. 99)
• Configuring Amazon MQ to Publish General and Audit Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (p. 101)
For information about accessing Amazon MQ CloudWatch metrics, see Accessing CloudWatch Metrics for
Amazon MQ (p. 33).
The following statistics are valid for all of the metrics:
• Average
• Minimum
• Maximum
• Sum
Broker Metrics
Metric Unit Description
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Broker Metrics
InactiveDurableTopicSubscribersCount The number of inactive durable
topic subscribers, up to a
maximum of 2000.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Destination (Queue and Topic) Metrics
Dimension Description
• EnqueueCount
• ExpiredCount
• DequeueCount
• DispatchCount
• InFlightCount
For instance, in a 5 minute CloudWatch period, EnqueueCount has 5 count values, each for a
1 minute portion of the period. The Minimum and Maximum statistics provide the lowest and
highest per-minute value during the specified period.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Destination (Queue and Topic) Metrics
Dimension Description
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Logging API Calls Using CloudTrail
Using the information that CloudTrail collects, you can identify a specific request to an Amazon MQ API,
the IP address of the requester, the requester's identity, the date and time of the request, and so on. If
you configure a trail, you can enable continuous delivery of CloudTrail events to an Amazon S3 bucket.
If you don't configure a trail, you can view the most recent events in the event history in the CloudTrail
console. For more information, see Overview for Creating a Trail in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.
A trail allows CloudTrail to deliver log files to an Amazon S3 bucket. You can create a trail to keep
an ongoing record of events in your AWS account. By default, when you create a trail using the AWS
Management Console, the trail applies to all AWS Regions. The trail logs events from all AWS Regions
and delivers log files to the specified Amazon S3 bucket. You can also configure other AWS services to
further analyze and act on the event data collected in CloudTrail logs. For more information, see the
following topics in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide:
Amazon MQ supports logging both the request parameters and the responses for the following APIs as
events in CloudTrail log files:
• CreateConfiguration
• DeleteBroker
• DeleteUser
• RebootBroker
• UpdateBroker
For the GET methods of the following APIs, the request parameters are logged, but the
responses are redacted:
• DescribeBroker
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Example Amazon MQ Log File Entry
• DescribeConfiguration
• DescribeConfigurationRevision
• DescribeUser
• ListBrokers
• ListConfigurationRevisions
• ListConfigurations
• ListUsers
For the following APIs, the data and password request parameters are hidden by asterisks
• CreateBroker (POST)
• CreateUser (POST)
• UpdateConfiguration (PUT)
• UpdateUser (PUT)
Every event or log entry contains information about the requester. This information helps you determine
the following:
For more information, see CloudTrail userIdentity Element in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.
An event represents a single request from any source and includes information about the request to
an Amazon MQ API, the IP address of the requester, the requester's identity, the date and time of the
request, and so on.
The following example shows a CloudTrail log entry for a CreateBroker API call.
Because CloudTrail log files aren't an ordered stack trace of public APIs, they don't list
information in any specific order.
"eventVersion": "1.06",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/AmazonMqConsole",
"accountId": "111122223333",
"accessKeyId": "AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE",
"userName": "AmazonMqConsole"
"eventTime": "2018-06-28T22:23:46Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "CreateBroker",
"awsRegion": "us-west-2",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Configuring Amazon MQ to
Publish Logs to CloudWatch Logs
"userAgent": "PostmanRuntime/7.1.5",
"requestParameters": {
"engineVersion": "5.15.9",
"deploymentMode": "ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ",
"maintenanceWindowStartTime": {
"dayOfWeek": "THURSDAY",
"timeOfDay": "22:45",
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles"
"engineType": "ActiveMQ",
"hostInstanceType": "mq.m5.large",
"users": [
"username": "MyUsername123",
"password": "***",
"consoleAccess": true,
"groups": [
"username": "MyUsername456",
"password": "***",
"groups": [
"creatorRequestId": "1",
"publiclyAccessible": true,
"securityGroups": [
"brokerName": "MyBroker",
"autoMinorVersionUpgrade": false,
"subnetIds": [
"responseElements": {
"brokerId": "b-1234a5b6-78cd-901e-2fgh-3i45j6k178l9",
"brokerArn": "arn:aws:mq:us-
"requestID": "a1b2c345-6d78-90e1-f2g3-4hi56jk7l890",
"eventID": "a12bcd3e-fg45-67h8-ij90-12k34d5l16mn",
"readOnly": false,
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"recipientAccountId": "111122223333"
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Understanding the Structure
of Logging in CloudWatch Logs
To allow Amazon MQ to publish logs to CloudWatch Logs, you must add a permission to your Amazon
MQ user (p. 102) and also configure a resource-based policy for Amazon MQ (p. 103) before you
create or restart the broker.
For more information about configuring Amazon MQ to publish general and audit logs to CloudWatch
Logs, see Configure Advanced Broker Settings (p. 13).
• Understanding the Structure of Logging in CloudWatch Logs (p. 102)
• Add the CreateLogGroup Permission to Your Amazon MQ User (p. 102)
• Configure a Resource-Based Policy for Amazon MQ (p. 103)
• Troubleshooting CloudWatch Logs Configuration (p. 104)
General logging enables the default INFO logging level (DEBUG logging isn't supported) and publishes
activemq.log to a log group in your CloudWatch account. The log group has a format similar to the
Audit logging enables logging of management actions taken using JMX or using the ActiveMQ Web
Console and publishes audit.log to a log group in your CloudWatch account. The log group has a
format similar to the following:
Depending on whether you have a single-instance broker (p. 44) or an active/standby broker (p. 45),
Amazon MQ creates either one or two log streams within each log group. The log streams have a format
similar to the following.
The -1 and -2 suffixes denote individual broker instances. For more information, see Working with Log
Groups and Log Streams in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.
The following example IAM-based policy grants permission for logs:CreateLogGroup to user
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Configure a Resource-Based Policy for Amazon MQ
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "111122223333"
"Action": "logs:CreateLogGroup",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/amazonmq/*"
For more information, see CreateLogGroup in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs API Reference.
• CreateLogStream – Creates a CloudWatch Logs log stream for the specified log group.
• PutLogEvents – Delivers events to the specified CloudWatch Logs log stream.
If you don't configure a resource-based policy for Amazon MQ, the broker can't publish the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
The following example resource-based policy grants permission for logs:CreateLogStream and
logs:PutLogEvents to AWS.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Resource" : "arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/amazonmq/*"
Because this example uses the /aws/amazonmq/ prefix, you need to configure the resource-
based policy only once per AWS account, per region.
You can achieve the same effect using the following AWS CLI command:
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Troubleshooting CloudWatch Logs Configuration
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Tag-based Policies
Amazon MQ Security
This section provides information about Amazon MQ and ActiveMQ authentication and authorization.
For information about security best practices, see Using Amazon MQ Securely (p. 85).
• Tag-based Policies (p. 105)
• Authentication (p. 105)
• API Authentication and Authorization for Amazon MQ (p. 107)
• Messaging Authentication and Authorization for ActiveMQ (p. 109)
Tag-based Policies
Amazon MQ supports policies based on tags. For instance, you could deny access to Amazon MQ
resources that include a tag with the key environment and the value production:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:ResourceTag/environment": "production"
This policy will Deny the ability to delete or reboot an Amazon MQ broker that includes the tag
You can access AWS as any of the following types of identities:
• AWS account root user – When you first create an AWS account, you begin with a single sign-in
identity that has complete access to all AWS services and resources in the account. This identity is
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
called the AWS account root user and is accessed by signing in with the email address and password
that you used to create the account. We strongly recommend that you do not use the root user for
your everyday tasks, even the administrative ones. Instead, adhere to the best practice of using the
root user only to create your first IAM user. Then securely lock away the root user credentials and use
them to perform only a few account and service management tasks.
• IAM user – An IAM user is an identity within your AWS account that has specific custom permissions
(for example, permissions to create a broker in Amazon MQ). You can use an IAM user name and
password to sign in to secure AWS webpages like the AWS Management Console, AWS Discussion
Forums, or the AWS Support Center.
In addition to a user name and password, you can also generate access keys for each user. You can
use these keys when you access AWS services programmatically, either through one of the several
SDKs or by using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). The SDK and CLI tools use the access keys
to cryptographically sign your request. If you don’t use AWS tools, you must sign the request yourself.
Amazon MQ supports Signature Version 4, a protocol for authenticating inbound API requests. For
more information about authenticating requests, see Signature Version 4 Signing Process in the AWS
General Reference.
• IAM role – An IAM role is an IAM identity that you can create in your account that has specific
permissions. An IAM role is similar to an IAM user in that it is an AWS identity with permissions policies
that determine what the identity can and cannot do in AWS. However, instead of being uniquely
associated with one person, a role is intended to be assumable by anyone who needs it. Also, a role
does not have standard long-term credentials such as a password or access keys associated with it.
Instead, when you assume a role, it provides you with temporary security credentials for your role
session. IAM roles with temporary credentials are useful in the following situations:
• Federated user access – Instead of creating an IAM user, you can use existing identities from AWS
Directory Service, your enterprise user directory, or a web identity provider. These are known as
federated users. AWS assigns a role to a federated user when access is requested through an identity
provider. For more information about federated users, see Federated Users and Roles in the IAM User
• AWS service access – A service role is an IAM role that a service assumes to perform actions in your
account on your behalf. When you set up some AWS service environments, you must define a role
for the service to assume. This service role must include all the permissions that are required for
the service to access the AWS resources that it needs. Service roles vary from service to service, but
many allow you to choose your permissions as long as you meet the documented requirements
for that service. Service roles provide access only within your account and cannot be used to grant
access to services in other accounts. You can create, modify, and delete a service role from within
IAM. For example, you can create a role that allows Amazon Redshift to access an Amazon S3 bucket
on your behalf and then load data from that bucket into an Amazon Redshift cluster. For more
information, see Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide.
• Applications running on Amazon EC2 – You can use an IAM role to manage temporary credentials
for applications that are running on an EC2 instance and making AWS CLI or AWS API requests. This
is preferable to storing access keys within the EC2 instance. To assign an AWS role to an EC2 instance
and make it available to all of its applications, you create an instance profile that is attached to
the instance. An instance profile contains the role and enables programs that are running on the
EC2 instance to get temporary credentials. For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant
Permissions to Applications Running on Amazon EC2 Instances in the IAM User Guide.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
API Authentication and Authorization
To authorize AWS users to work with brokers, configurations, and users, you must edit your IAM policy
• IAM Permissions Required to Create an Amazon MQ Broker (p. 107)
• Amazon MQ REST API Permissions Reference (p. 108)
• Resource-Level Permissions for Amazon MQ API Actions (p. 109)
The following custom policy is comprised of two statements (one conditional) which grant permissions
to manipulate the resources which Amazon MQ requires to create an ActiveMQ broker.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Action": [
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
REST API Permissions Reference
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:AuthorizedService": ""
For more information, see Create an IAM User and Get Your AWS Credentials (p. 4) and Never Modify or
Delete the Amazon MQ Elastic Network Interface (p. 87).
CreateBroker mq:CreateBroker
CreateConfiguration mq:CreateConfiguration
CreateTags mg:CreateTags
CreateUser mq:CreateUser
DeleteBroker mq:DeleteBroker
DeleteUser mq:DeleteUser
DescribeBroker mq:DescribeBroker
DescribeConfiguration mq:DescribeConfiguration
DescribeConfigurationRevision mq:DescribeConfigurationRevision
DescribeUser mq:DescribeUser
ListBrokers mq:ListBrokers
ListConfigurationRevisions mq:ListConfigurationRevisions
ListConfigurations mq:ListConfigurations
ListTags mq:ListTags
ListUsers mq:ListUsers
RebootBroker mq:RebootBroker
UpdateBroker mq:UpdateBroker
UpdateConfiguration mq:UpdateConfiguration
UpdateUser mq:UpdateUser
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Supported Resource-Level Permissions
The following table describes the Amazon MQ API actions that currently support resource-level
permissions, as well as the supported resources, resource ARNs, and condition keys for each action.
If an Amazon MQ API action is not listed in this table, then it does not support resource-level
permissions. If an Amazon MQ API action does not support resource-level permissions, you can
grant users permission to use the action, but you have to specify a * wildcard for the resource
element of your policy statement.
CreateConfiguration configurations*
CreateUser brokers*
DeleteBroker brokers*
DeleteUser brokers*
DescribeBroker brokers*
DescribeConfiguration configurations*
DescribeConfigurationRevision configurations*
DescribeUser brokers*
ListConfigurationRevisions configurations*
ListConfigurationRevisions configurations*
ListUsers brokers*
RebootBroker brokers*
UpdateBroker brokers*
UpdateConfiguration configurations*
UpdateUser brokers*
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Messaging Authentication and Authorization
• MQTT over WebSocket
• OpenWire
• STOMP over WebSocket
Amazon MQ uses native ActiveMQ authentication to manage user permissions. For information about
restrictions related to ActiveMQ usernames and passwords, see Limits Related to Users (p. 93).
To authorize ActiveMQ users and groups to works with queues and topics, you must edit your broker's
configuration (p. 23). Amazon MQ uses ActiveMQ's Simple Authentication Plugin to restrict reading and
writing to destinations. For more information and examples, see Always Configure an Authorization
Map (p. 86) and authorizationEntry (p. 68).
Currently, Amazon MQ doesn't support Client Certificate Authentication or plugins for Java
Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS).
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Amazon MQ Resources
Related Resources
Amazon MQ Resources
The following table lists useful resources for working with Amazon MQ.
Resource Description
Amazon MQ in the AWS CLI Command Reference Descriptions of the AWS CLI commands that you
can use to work with message brokers.
Amazon MQ in the AWS CloudFormation User The AWS::Amazon MQ::Broker resource lets
Guide you create Amazon MQ brokers, add configuration
changes or modify users for the specified broker,
return information about the specified broker, and
delete the specified broker.
AWS Premium Support Information The primary web page for information about
AWS Premium Support, a one-on-one, fast-
response support channel to help you build and
run applications on AWS infrastructure services
Resource Description
Apache ActiveMQ Getting Started Guide The official documentation of Apache ActiveMQ.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Apache ActiveMQ Resources
Resource Description
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
June 19, 2019 Amazon MQ is available in the EU (Paris) and Asia Pacific (Mumbai) regions. For
information on available regions, see AWS Regions and Endpoints.
June 12, 2019 Amazon MQ is available in the Canada (Central) region. For information on
available regions, see AWS Regions and Endpoints.
May 10, 2019 Data storage for new mq.t2.micro instance types are limited to 20 GB. See:
April 29, 2019 You can now use tag-based policies and resource-level permissions. For more
information, see:
April 16, 2019 You can now retrieve information about broker engine and broker instance
options using the REST API. For more information, see:
April 8, 2019 Amazon MQ supports ActiveMQ 5.15.9. For more information, see the following.
March 4, 2019 Improved the documentation for configuring dynamic failover and the
rebalancing of clients for a network of brokers. Enable dynamic failover by
configuring transportConnectors along with networkConnectors
configuration options. For more information, see:
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
February 27, 2019 Amazon MQ is available in the EU (London) Region in addition to the following
January 24, 2019 The default configuration now includes a policy to purge inactive destinations.
January 17, 2019 Amazon MQ mq.t2.micro instance types now support only 100 connections per
wire-level protocol. See, Limits in Amazon MQ (p. 92).
December 19, You can configure a series of Amazon MQ brokers in a network of brokers. For
2018 more information, see the following sections:
December 11, Amazon MQ supports ActiveMQ 5.15.8, 5.15.6, and 5.15.0. For more information,
2018 see the following:
December 5, 2018 AWS supports resource tagging to help track your cost allocation. You can tag
resources when creating them, or by viewing the details of that resource. See
Tagging resources.
November 19, AWS has expanded its SOC compliance program to include Amazon MQ as an SOC
2018 compliant service.
October 15, 2018 • The maximum number of groups per user is 20. For more information, see
Limits Related to Users (p. 93).
• The maximum number of connections per broker, per wire-level protocol is
1,000. For more information, see Limits Related to Brokers (p. 92).
October 2, 2018 AWS has expanded its HIPAA compliance program to include Amazon MQ as a
HIPAA Eligible Service.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
September 27, Amazon MQ supports ActiveMQ 5.15.6, in addition to 5.15.0. For more
2018 information, see the following:
For more information, see the Broker Metrics (p. 95) section.
• The IP address of the broker is displayed on the Details page.
For brokers with public accessibility disabled, the internal IP address is
August 30, 2018 Amazon MQ is available in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region in addition to the
following regions:
• US East (Ohio)
• US East (N. Virginia)
• US West (N. California)
• US West (Oregon)
• Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
• Asia Pacific (Seoul)
• Asia Pacific (Sydney)
• EU (Frankfurt)
• EU (Ireland)
July 30, 2018 You can configure Amazon MQ to publish general and audit logs to Amazon
CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see Configuring Amazon MQ to Publish
Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (p. 101).
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
July 25, 2018 Amazon MQ is available in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) and Asia Pacific (Seoul) Regions
in addition to the following regions:
• US East (Ohio)
• US East (N. Virginia)
• US West (N. California)
• US West (Oregon)
• Asia Pacific (Sydney)
• EU (Frankfurt)
• EU (Ireland)
July 19, 2018 You can use AWS CloudTrail to log Amazon MQ API calls. For more information,
see Logging Amazon MQ API Calls Using CloudTrail (p. 99).
June 29, 2018 In addition to mq.t2.micro and mq.m4.large, the following broker instance
types are available for regular development, testing, and production workloads
that require high throughput:
• mq.m5.large
• mq.m5.xlarge
• mq.m5.2xlarge
• mq.m5.4xlarge
June 27, 2018 Amazon MQ is available in the US West (N. California) Region in addition to the
following regions:
• US East (Ohio)
• US East (N. Virginia)
• US West (Oregon)
• Asia Pacific (Sydney)
• EU (Frankfurt)
• EU (Ireland)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
June 14, 2018 • You can use the AWS::Amazon MQ::Broker AWS CloudFormation resource to
perform the following actions:
• Create a broker.
• Add configuration changes or modify users for the specified broker.
• Return information about the specified broker.
• Delete the specified broker.
When you change any property of the Amazon MQ Broker
ConfigurationId or Amazon MQ Broker User property type, the broker
is rebooted immediately.
• You can use the AWS::Amazon MQ::Configuration AWS CloudFormation
resource to perform the following actions:
• Create a configuration.
• Update the specified configuration.
• Return information about the specified configuration.
You can use AWS CloudFormation to modify—but not delete—an
Amazon MQ configuration.
June 7, 2018 The Amazon MQ console supports German, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Italian,
and Traditional Chinese.
May 17, 2018 The limit of number of users per broker is 250. For more information, see Limits
Related to Users (p. 93).
March 13, 2018 Creating a broker takes about 15 minutes. For more information, see Finish
creating the broker (p. 14).
March 1, 2018 • You can configure the concurrent store and dispatch (p. 89) for Apache KahaDB
using the concurrentStoreAndDispatchQueues (p. 70) attribute.
• The CpuCreditBalance CloudWatch metric (p. 95) is available for
mq.t2.micro broker instance type.
January 10, 2018 The following changes affect the Amazon MQ console:
• In the broker list, the Creation column is hidden by default. To customize the
page size and columns, choose .
• On the MyBroker page, in the Connections section, choosing the name of
your security group or opens the EC2 console (instead of the VPC console).
The EC2 console allows more intuitive configuration of inbound and outbound
rules. For more information, see the updated Enable Inbound Connections (p. 7)
January 9, 2018 • The permission for REST operation ID UpdateBroker is listed correctly as
mq:UpdateBroker on the IAM console.
• The erroneous mq:DescribeEngine permission is removed from the IAM
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
November 28, This is the initial release of Amazon MQ and the Amazon MQ Developer Guide.
• Amazon MQ is avaialble in the following regions:
• US East (Ohio)
• US East (N. Virginia)
• US West (Oregon)
• Asia Pacific (Sydney)
• EU (Frankfurt)
• EU (Ireland)
Using the mq.t2.micro instance type is subject to CPU credits and baseline
performance—with the ability to burst above the baseline level (for more
information, see the CpuCreditBalance (p. 95) metric). If your application
requires fixed performance, consider using an mq.m5.large instance type.
• You can create mq.m4.large and mq.t2.micro brokers.
Using the mq.t2.micro instance type is subject to CPU credits and baseline
performance—with the ability to burst above the baseline level (for more
information, see the CpuCreditBalance (p. 95) metric). If your application
requires fixed performance, consider using an mq.m5.large instance type.
• You can use the ActiveMQ 5.15.0 broker engine.
• You can also create and manage brokers programmatically using Amazon MQ
• You can access your brokers by using any programming language that
ActiveMQ supports and by enabling TLS explicitly for the following protocols:
• MQTT over WebSocket
• OpenWire
• STOMP over WebSocket
• You can connect to ActiveMQ brokers using various ActiveMQ clients. We
recommend using the ActiveMQ Client. For more information, see Connecting a
Java Application to Your Broker (p. 26).
• Your broker can send and receive messages of any size.
April 22, 2019 Added new topics for tag-based policies and resource-level permissions.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
March 4, 2019 Improved the documentation for configuring dynamic failover and the
rebalancing of clients for a network of brokers. Enable dynamic failover by
configuring transportConnectors along with networkConnectors
configuration options. For more information, see:
January 5, 2019 Improved documentation on some per-minute metrics. See: Destination (Queue
and Topic) Metrics (p. 97).
December 5, 2018 Added a new topic on cost allocation tagging. See: Tagging resources (p. 78).
October 26, 2018 Added a new Best Practices topic. See: Avoid Slow Restarts by Recovering
Prepared XA Transactions (p. 90).
October 15, 2018 Updated the Limits in Amazon MQ (p. 92) section.
October 8, 2018 Updated the Frequently Viewed Amazon MQ Topics (p. 3) section.
October 3, 2018 Corrected outdated links in the Setting Up Amazon MQ (p. 4) and Amazon MQ
Tutorials (p. 12) sections.
October 1, 2018 Corrected the information in the Next Steps (p. 10) section.
September 27, • Added the Editing Broker Engine Version, CloudWatch Logs, and Maintenance
2018 Preferences (p. 20) section.
• Updated the following sections:
• Broker Engine (p. 42)
• Create an ActiveMQ Broker (p. 6)
• Configure Basic Broker Settings (p. 12)
September 18, Added the following note to the Creating and Managing Amazon MQ Broker
2018 Users (p. 30) section: You can't configure groups independently of users. A group
label is created when you add at least one user to it and deleted when you
remove all users from it.
September 10, Updated the Frequently Viewed Amazon MQ Topics (p. 3) section.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
August 31, 2018 • Clarified the terminology for active/standby brokers. For more information, see
Amazon MQ Active/Standby Broker for High Availability (p. 45).
• Simplified the terminology for the maintenance window. For more information,
see Amazon MQ Broker Configuration Lifecycle (p. 54).
• Rewrote the Configure Advanced Broker Settings (p. 13) section.
• Updated the Broker Metrics (p. 95) and Listing Brokers and Viewing Broker
Details (p. 29) sections.
August 15, 2018 Corrected the information in the Create an ActiveMQ Broker (p. 6) section.
August 13, 2018 Added the Accessing the ActiveMQ Web Console of a Broker without Public
Accessibility (p. 15) section.
August 3, 2018 Updated the Frequently Viewed Amazon MQ Topics (p. 3) section.
August 2, 2018 • Added the Troubleshooting CloudWatch Logs Configuration (p. 104) section.
• Added the following admonition throughout this guide:
In the following example code, producers and consumers run in a
single thread. For production systems (or to test broker instance
failover), make sure that your producers and consumers run on
separate hosts or threads.
July 31, 2018 • Moved the 3-minute demo video to the Getting Started with Amazon MQ (p. 6)
• Added the 3-minute getting started video to the What is Amazon MQ? (p. 1)
July 30, 2018 • Added the Configuring Amazon MQ to Publish Logs to Amazon CloudWatch
Logs (p. 101) section.
• Updated the Configure Advanced Broker Settings (p. 13) section.
July 19, 2018 • Added the Logging Amazon MQ API Calls Using CloudTrail (p. 99) section.
• Corrected the information in the What Are the Main Benefits of Amazon
MQ? (p. 1) section.
June 29, 2018 • Updated the information in the Broker Instance Types (p. 38) section.
• Added the Choose the Correct Broker Instance Type for the Best
Throughput (p. 89) section.
June 26, 2018 Added a link to a related resource to the Migrating to Amazon MQ (p. 80) section.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
June 8, 2018 Updated the Frequently Viewed Amazon MQ Topics (p. 3) section.
June 4, 2018 In addition to GitHub, HTML, PDF, and Kindle, the Amazon MQ Developer Guide
release notes are available as an RSS feed.
May 29, 2018 Made the following changes in the Working Java Example (p. 70) section:
May 24, 2018 Corrected the wire-level protocol endpoint port in the MQTT Java example in the
Working Java Example (p. 70) section.
May 22, 2018 Corrected the information in all Java dependency sections.
May 17, 2018 Corrected the information in the Limits Related to Users (p. 93) section.
May 15, 2018 Corrected the information in the Ensuring Effective Amazon MQ
Performance (p. 88) section.
May 8, 2018 • Placed the Amazon MQ REST API Permissions Reference (p. 108) in its own
• Created the IAM Permissions Required to Create an Amazon MQ Broker (p. 107)
section with an example custom IAM policy.
May 7, 2018 • Clarified throughout this guide that the broker maintenance window is 2
hours long. For more information, see Amazon MQ Broker Configuration
Lifecycle (p. 54).
• Added explanations for why the ec2:CreateNetworkInterface and
ec2:CreateNetworkInterfacePermission permissions are necessary
for creating a broker. For more information, see API Authentication and
Authorization for Amazon MQ (p. 107).
May 4, 2018 Updated the Frequently Viewed Amazon MQ Topics (p. 3) section.
May 1, 2018 Clarified the information about the maintenance window for active/standby
brokers in the following sections:
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
April 27, 2018 Rewrote the following sections and optimized example Java code to match the
recommendation to use connection pooling only for producers, not consumers:
April 26, 2018 Added an MQTT Java example to the Working Java Example (p. 70) section. The
MQTT example Java code connects to a broker, creates a topic, and publishes and
receives a message.
April 6, 2018 Updated the Frequently Viewed Amazon MQ Topics (p. 3) section.
April 4, 2018 Renamed the Communicating with Amazon MQ section to Connecting to Amazon
MQ (p. 86).
April 3, 2018 Clarified and corrected the information in the Disable Concurrent Store and
Dispatch for Queues with Slow Consumers (p. 89) section.
April 2, 2018 Moved the Concurrent Store and Dispatch for Queues in Amazon MQ
section to the Disable Concurrent Store and Dispatch for Queues with Slow
Consumers (p. 89) section.
March 27, 2018 • Replaced the re:Invent launch video with a 3-minute demo video in the What is
Amazon MQ? (p. 1) section.
• Rewrote the What Are the Main Benefits of Amazon MQ? (p. 1) section to
include information about recently released features.
• Restructured the following sections:
• Amazon MQ Broker Architecture (p. 43)
• How Amazon MQ Works (p. 36)
• Migrating to Amazon MQ (p. 80)
• Moved Amazon MQ Broker Configuration Lifecycle (p. 54) under the Amazon
MQ Broker Architecture (p. 43) section.
March 22, 2018 Clarified the following statement throughout this guide: Amazon MQ encrypts
messages at rest and in transit using encryption keys that it manages and stores
securely. For additional security, we highly recommend designing your application
to use client-side encryption. For more information, see the AWS Encryption SDK
Developer Guide.
March 19, 2018 Clarified the following statement throughout this guide: An Active/standby
broker is comprised of two brokers in two different Availability Zones, configured
in a redundant pair. These brokers communicate synchronously with your
application, and with a shared storage location.
March 15, 2018 • Restructured the Amazon MQ Basic Elements (p. 36) section.
• Improved the explanation of the diagrams in the following sections:
• Migrating to Amazon MQ without Service Interruption (p. 80)
• Migrating to Amazon MQ with Service Interruption (p. 82)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
March 12, 2018 • Clarified and corrected the information in the Using Amazon MQ
Securely (p. 85) and Connecting to Amazon MQ (p. 86) sections.
• Added the Disable Concurrent Store and Dispatch for Queues with Slow
Consumers (p. 89) section.
• Grouped admonitions into a preface for the Configure advanced broker
settings (p. 13) section.
March 9, 2018 • Clarified and corrected the information in the Always Configure an
Authorization Map (p. 86) and Always Configure a System Group (p. 86)
• Added the authorizationEntry (p. 68) section and updated the kahaDB (p. 70)
March 8, 2018 • Added the Always Configure an Authorization Map (p. 86) and Always Configure
a System Group (p. 86) sections.
• Added notes about broker suffixes to the Monitoring Amazon MQ Using
CloudWatch (p. 95) section.
March 7, 2018 Updated the Frequently Viewed Amazon MQ Topics (p. 3) section.
March 1, 2018 • Added the CpuCreditBalance metric to the Broker Metrics (p. 95) section.
• Added the Amazon MQ Child Element Attributes (p. 68) section.
• Added links from elements in the the section called “Permitted
Elements” (p. 55) section to their attributes and to child collection elements.
• Made corrections to the AWS Glossary in GitHub.
February 27, 2018 In addition to HTML, PDF, and Kindle, the Amazon MQ Developer Guide is available
on GitHub. To leave feedback, choose the GitHub icon in the upper right-hand
February 26, 2018 • Made regions consistent in all examples and diagrams.
• Optimized links to the AWS console and product webpages.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
February 22, 2018 Clarified and corrected the information in the following sections:
February 21, 2018 Corrected the Java code in the following sections:
February 20, 2018 Clarified and corrected the information in the Amazon MQ Security (p. 105) and
Best Practices for Amazon MQ (p. 85) sections.
February 19, 2018 • Corrected the Java code in the Always Use Connection Pooling (p. 87) section.
• Clarified and corrected the information in the Always Use Client-Side
Encryption as a Complement to TLS (p. 85) section.
• Restructured and expanded the Best Practices for Amazon MQ (p. 85) and
Amazon MQ Security (p. 105) sections.
February 16, 2018 • Added the Using Amazon MQ Securely (p. 85) section.
• Updated the Connecting to Amazon MQ (p. 86) section.
• Corrected the Java code in the following sections:
• Getting Started with Amazon MQ (p. 6)
• (p. 73)
February 15, 2018 • Restructured and expanded the Best Practices for Amazon MQ (p. 85) section.
• Updated the following sections:
• How Can I Get Started with Amazon MQ? (p. 2)
• Next Steps (p. 10) (Getting Started)
• Related Resources (p. 111)
February 13, 2018 • Updated the Related Resources (p. 111) section.
• Updated the Limits in Amazon MQ (p. 92) section.
• Added the We Want to Hear from You (p. 2) section.
February 2, 2018 Created the Frequently Viewed Amazon MQ Topics (p. 3) section.
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
January 25, 2018 • Fixed an error in the Add Java Dependencies (p. 71) subsection of the Working
Java Example (p. 70) section.
• The permission for REST operation ID RebootBroker is listed correctly as
mq:RebootBroker on the IAM console.
January 24, 2018 • Added the Never Modify or Delete the Amazon MQ Elastic Network
Interface (p. 87) section.
• Updated all diagrams throughout this guide.
• Added links to the Amazon MQ REST API Reference throughout this guide and
links to specific REST APIs to the API Authentication and Authorization for
Amazon MQ (p. 107) section.
January 19, 2018 Updated the information in the Apache ActiveMQ Resources (p. 111) section.
January 18, 2018 Clarified and corrected the information in the Limits in Amazon MQ (p. 92)
January 17, 2018 Reinstated the recommendation to prefer virtual destinations over durable
subscriptions (p. 88), with an improved explanation.
January 11, 2018 • The Amazon MQ Developer Guide is available in Kindle format, in addition to
• Clarified and corrected information in the API Authentication and Authorization
for Amazon MQ (p. 107) and Create an IAM User and Get Your AWS
Credentials (p. 4) sections.
December 15, Removed the recommendation against durable subscriptions from the Best
2017 Practices for Amazon MQ (p. 85) section.
December 8, 2017 • Added the Enable Inbound Connections (p. 7) prerequisite to the Connecting
a Java Application to Your Broker (p. 26) and Working Java Example (p. 70)
• Added the following note throughout this guide: Currently, you can't delete a
December 5, 2017 • Clarified and corrected information in the Monitoring Amazon MQ Using
CloudWatch (p. 95) section:
• Improved the metric descriptions.
• Added the Dimension for Broker Metrics (p. 97) and Dimensions for
Destination (Queue and Topic) Metrics (p. 98) sub-sections.
• Added the "Introducing Amazon MQ" video to the What is Amazon MQ? (p. 1)
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
Document History
December 4, 2017 • Clarified the following information in the Limits Related to Data Storage (p. 93)
section: Storage capacity per broker is 200 GB.
• Added the Prerequisites (p. 71) to the Working Java Example (p. 70) section.
(The activemq-client.jar and activemq-pool.jar packages are
required for the example to work. For more information, see Connecting a Java
Application to Your Broker (p. 26)).
December 1, 2017 • Updated and improved the screenshots in all the tutorials.
• Clarified the following explanation throughout this guide: Making changes
to a configuration revision or an ActiveMQ user does not apply the changes
immediately. To apply your changes, you must wait for the next maintenance
window (p. 25) or reboot the broker (p. 32). For more information, see Amazon
MQ Broker Configuration Lifecycle (p. 54).
Amazon MQ Developer Guide
AWS Glossary
For the latest AWS terminology, see the AWS Glossary in the AWS General Reference.