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Situational Problems (Nikko Barongan)

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Day 2 (Chemical Engineering)

Situational (21 problems)-3 questions each.

Situational 1: Combustion of solid fuel given %C, H, O using 20% excess air. Given din ung weight na
ibuburn. Net heating value, latent heat of vaporization and heat capacity are also given. 1st question:
Find moles of theoretical oxygen. 2nd question: Calculate moles of CO2 in dry flue gas. 3rd question:
determine the heat transferred to the furnace.

Situational 2: 3 simple calculations (2 material balance problem, 1 problem on solving pressure using

Situational 3: Stoichiometry of limestone (calcination). Given percentage of CaCO3, MgCO3, and inert.
Molecular weight of CaCO3, MgCO3, CaO and MgO are also given. Sa 1st question, 1 ton of limestone
was burned. Calculate kg of lime produced. 2nd question: Given kg of lime, calculate kg of limestone
needed. Di ko na maalala yung 3rd question.

Situational 4: Thermodynamics. Given P, T, Virial Coefficients (B and C). 1st question: Calculate molar
volume using ideal gas law. 2nd question: Calculate the molar volume using Z as function of V (Z= 1+ B/V
+C/V^2). 3rd question: Calculate the molar volume using Z as function of P (Z= 1 + B’P + C’P^2). Nasa
perrys yung conversion ng B and C to B’ and C’ for the 3rd question.

Situational 5: Thermodynamics. Given n-butane at 510 K and 25 bar. 1st question: Determine the molar
volume using ideal gas equation. 2nd question: Determine the molar volume using generalized
compressibility factor correlation. 3rd question: Determine molar volume using Pitzer correlation. (see
Smith and Van Ness 7th ed, Example 3.10)

Situational 6: Drying. Given % xi1, xc, xe, xf1 and time of drying. Then given another drying condition
starting from %xi2 to %xf2. 1st question: Rate of drying for the first drying period. 2nd question: Rate of
the drying in the falling rate of the 2nd drying condition. 3rd question. Time of drying.

Situational 7: Adiabatic Drying. 0.126 kg/s of a solid product containing 4% water is produced in a dryer
from a wet feed containing 42% water on a wet basis. Ambient air at 294K and of 40% RH is heated to
366K in a preheater before entering the dryer from which it leaves at 60% RH. Assume dryer operates
adiabatically. 1st question: calculate the water evaporated (pero yung choices niya is the mass flow rate
of dry air in kg/s so kelangan pang i-figure out ano talaga ang 1st question niya). 2nd question: If the
humidity of entering air at 294K is 0.006 kg/kg, what must be the flowrate of air to the preheater? 3rd
question: How much heat must be added to the preheater? (see Coulson and Richardson, Vol. 2,
Problem 16.7)

Situational 8: Combustion problem. 1 ton of unknown hydrocarbon with orsat analysis of 9.something%
CO (pero dapat CO2 talaga ito) and 5.something % O2 burned with 25% excess air and efficiency of 80%.
1st question: Determine %N2 in the flue gas. 2nd question: moles of fuel for a basis of 100 moles stack
gas. 3rd question: what is the unknown hydrocarbon? (choices: Butane, Propane, Hexane, Methane)
Situational 9: Thermodynamics. Given a composition of gas mixture (%C2H4, %O2, %N2) at a certain P
and T. 1st question: Calculate the average molecular weight of the gas. 2nd question: Calculate the critical
pressure of the gas using Kay’s method. 3rd question: Calculate the molar volume of the gas using Kay’s

Situational 10: Membrane Separation. A hollow-fiber permeator with Do = 300 µm and Di = 200 µm
gives a water flux of 10 gal/day-ft^2 with 0.1M NaCl solution at 20 degC and the salt rejection is 97%.
Feed solution flows normal to the fibers at an average superficial velocity of 0.5 cm/s. 1st question:
Estimate the exit velocity (Ans: 0.425 m/s). 2nd question: Determine the pressure drop within the fibers
if the fiber length is 3m. (Ans: 510 kPa). 3rd question: What is the pressure drop if the fibers are open at
both ends? (Ans: 128 kPa). (see McCabe and Smith, 7th ed, example 26.5)

Situational 11: Gas absorption. 28 lbmol/h of gas containing 8% SO3 (the rest inert) is fed to a gas
absorption column using 97.5% H2SO4 as absorbing acid. It is desired to produce 98% H2SO4 and the
percent recovery is 76% (not sure of this value). 98.5% of H2SO4 solution was used as make-up acid. 1st
question: Calculate the amount of 97.5% H2SO4 needed in lb/day? 2nd question: Calculate the amount
of 98% H2SO4 produced in lb/day? 3rd question: Calculate the amount of 98.5% H2SO4 make-up acid
needed in lb/day? (sabog ang choices niya for the 3 questions, hula!)

Situational 12: Liquid-liquid extraction. In the extraction of acetic acid from an aqueous solution with
benzene a packed column of height 1.4 m and cross-sectional area 0.0045 m^2, the concentrations
measured at the inlet and the outlet of the column are:

Acid concentration in the inlet water phase, Cw2 = 0.69 kmol/m^3

Acid concentration in the outlet water phase, Cw1 = 0.684 kmol/m^3
Flow rate of benzene phase = 5.6 x 10^-6 m^3/s
Inlet benzene phase concentration, Cb1 = 0.0040 kmol/m^3
Outlet benzene phase concentration, Cb2 = 0.0115 kmol/m^3
Relationship: Cb*/Cw = 0.0247

1st question: Calculate the acid transferred to the benzene phase. 2nd question: Determine the overall
transfer coefficient. 3rd question: Calculate the height of the transfer unit. (see Coulson and Richardson
Vol.2, problem 13.7)

Situational 13: Single Effect evaporation. A single effect evaporator is to concentrate 20,000 lb/h (9,070
kg/h) of a 20% solution of NaOH to 50% solids. The gauge pressure of the steam is to be 20 psi (1.37
atm); the absolute pressure in the vapor space is to be 100 mmHg (1.93 psi). The overall coefficient is
estimated to be 250 Btu/ft^2-h-degF (1,400 W/m^2-degC). The feed temperature is 100 deg F (37.8
degC). 1st question: Calculate the rate of heat transfer to the evaporator. 2nd question: Calculate the
amount of steam used. 3rd question: determine the heating area required in ft^2. (see McCabe and
Smith, 7th ed, example 16.2)
Situational 14: Single Effect evaporation. Same as situational 13 except for the 2nd question which asked
for the steam economy and the 3rd question asked for the heating area but in m^2.

Situational 15: Single Effect evaporation without BPR. Given flow rate of feed, xf, Tf, enthalpy of feed, T
of steam, P of vapor space, overall transfer coefficient (U), enthalpy of thick liquor and xT. 1st question:
Calculate heat transferred to the evaporator. 2nd question: Calculate the steam required. 3rd question:
Calculate the heating area required.

Situational 16: Use of psychrometric chart. Given dry bulb (Ty1) and wet bulb temperature (Tw1). 1st
question: Determine the dew point. 2nd question: Determine the % humidity given Ty2. 3rd question:
Calculate the enthalpy from Ty1 to Ty2 (just use Hy = (0.24+0.45H)(Ty1-Ty2)).

Situational 17: Heat exchanger. Given the mass flowrate of fluid entering, inlet and outlet temperature.
Brackish water is flowing outside given are the mass flow rate, inlet and outlet temperature. The
properties (density, Cp and Pr) for the two fluids are also given. Fouling factor, overall coefficient (U) and
log mean temp given. 1st question: Calculate the heating area required. 2nd question: Given nung
specification ng plate (length, width, number of passes, spacing). Calculate the channeling velocity of the
fluid. 3rd question: calculate the channeling velocity of the brackish water.

Situational 18: Thermodynamics. Given 2 moles of hydrogen and 2 moles of oxygen each at
temperature of 100 deg C and pressure 1 atm separated by a membrane. The membrane suddenly failed
and the 2 gases mixed. 1st question: calculate the change in entropy for each gas. 2nd question: Calculate
the entopy change for the 4 moles of gas. 3rd question: Calculate the entropy of the system.

Situational 19: Thermodynamics. Given water at 45 deg C and something pressure P1 (I forgot) flows
through an adiabatic pump and discharged at something pressure P2 (I forgot the value). Volume
expansivity, Cp of water, specific volume and efficiency of the pump (75%) are given. 1st question:
Calculate the work done in kJ/kg. 2nd question: What is the temperature change of the water? (wala
akong makuha sa choices). 3rd question: Calculate the entropy change.

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