‘Mansfield Bureau of Bullding Inepections, Licenses and Permits
20X Diasnad Stra Mans OH S001 PH 1) 7859608 Pas: (19) 755489
July 1, 2088
[Ibi Mohan, Property Management
150 Groat Neck Road, Suto 304
Great Neck, NY 11024
‘Ph: 516.775.0010 ext. 124
‘Property recor indicate thet you aretha owner or person in charge of property located at 1157 PARK
ofthe consecutive rumbored lots nthe City of Manafild Oho, slo known as Wesigaa
‘Shopping Center, West Mansfield Reaty LLC, CO NAMDAR REALTY GROUP.
of th Coded Orcinancee forthe Cy of Manta.
SECTION ONE 1371.09 - condemnation: (0) One which i 0 damaged, decayed, dlapidated,
‘Uneantary, end unéafe or vermin infested tet creates a serous hazard tothe heath or setly ofthe
ccupants or ofthe publ.
“1. Pale sign has soveral safety concems, large panels have bean broken and or dsrsaged
by the wind and poeslly vandalized and fallen onto parking lot below, end this tem
nods to be addressed.
"a. The rovilone of Section 1380.28 through 1399.24 shall be appicabie to all
‘ge and provided further, tht any sgn weich sat anytime found to be unsafe
‘or Inseaure or which i an immedi perl to person or property shall be
Femaved, repaired or altered in eocordance with Sections 1339.23 and 1390.24,
provided, however, that nonconforming eign ls replaced by anober eign, euch
Feplacement eign must conform vith the provlone ofthis chapter; Ikewis,
‘nonconforming sign which Is removed or stared so as to subetataly henge
{he azo, appearance or nature of tho elgn must conform tothe proven of tis
2. Any fim, business or parson who eiscotinuss« business, vacates the promises or
‘moves hi place of bubnaes to a nw location shall be required to remove areal estate
‘gna, poltealslgns, Christmas toe lgns and anyother signs or advertsing media frm
{he promises the fr, buslnass or porson has vacated. Al signs and eign structures shal
bbe removed om te pramisgs within thirty daye fom the date such praises ar to be
‘I the Superintandent fre that any firm, business or pereon has fled to comply
wah the provelone of Socton 1336.16 he shall gv Immediate writen notice to
the fm, buinees or person for whom the sign was erected orto the property
‘owner ofthe vacatad premises upon which the sgn i located. te frm,
business oF person falls to remove or cman the sign so a to comply wth the
provision ofthis section within in days after such noice, such ign may be
‘removed by the Superntondent a the expense ofthat person.
that ey eign la unsete or hazardous, or has been constructed ora being
‘malnsined in vlation ofthe provisos of thie chepter, e shal gle immedto
“wrt neice tothe parson for who or by whom the sign le erecta or otheCITY OF MANSFIELD
‘Mansfield Bureau of Building Inspections, Licenses and Permits
‘30 Diamond Seren Manta OT 4903 PH 19) 195 5688 - Fe: 49) 759483
‘owner ofthe property upon which the sign is located. the parson fle to
remove, repair or alter the sign 80 as to comply with the provisions of this chapter
\whin fn days afer such noice, euch en may be removed, repaired or alored
by the Superandent atthe expense of tht person, The Superintendent may
‘cause any sgn which is of immedi perl to persona or propery, or erected of
placed in vlan withthe provaion of tls chaptar to summery be removed
‘rato noice.
3. Canopy around the front ofthe bung has been broken and or dsmaged bythe wind
‘and possibly vandalzed and fon onto the walkway.
1.” Provisons of Section 1371.08 shall be applicable for eaety hazards os this could
sally fall onto the sidewalk below and poeslby eirke oocupants or members
ofthe pubic.
4, Exposed wire and broken conc lading into the parting lt ights
‘8. Provisions of Section 1971.00 shal be applicable for safety hazards as this could
posslly lad to someone gating shockod.
5. Large windows have boon broken and or poselly vandalized
"2. Provisions of Seton 1371.09 shall be applicable fr eafety concer for is
‘2. Provisions of Section 1871.00 shall be applicable for safety hazard for this may
_aow for ierrcelng panos 1 fl onto Rs ocupars and mombary of ho
7. Sidewalk ard walkwaye, Several arass of sidewalks are brokon to 8 point thet can cause
‘cupants and members ofthe public the sk of nury
(a) No owner or any other pereon shall construct, erect, build or equip any bung or sructure to
hich the Ohio Bulding Code is applicable, or make ary addon thereto or alteraon there, excopt in
‘aso of rpars for maintenance without affecting the construction, saritaton, safety or other vil feature
of such bulldng or sbucture, without complying wth thls chapter, Oho FLC. Chaptors 3781 and 3761 or
{ha Ohio Building Code, or flo comply wih any lawl order issued pursuant thereto.
‘You have the right appeal this noice and order before the Board of Housing Appeats in accordance
‘wt the provision of tis chapter,
Under Sections 1371.99 "Whoever vioiates any provision ofthis chapters gufty of @ misdemeanor ofthe
fourth degree o the fra offense, and a misdemeenor of te second degree fs second or subsequent
\olaton. Prosecution shal alvays be as and fora frat offense unless the afdavt upon which the
‘Prosecution Instivied contains the elogation that the offense ls a eacord or repeated offense.
‘Steve Risser Mare Mition,
Balding Oficial Department ManagerZoning Administrator