Pas 12 Income Taxes
Pas 12 Income Taxes
Pas 12 Income Taxes
FINANCIAL STATEMENT APPROACH- This Deferred tax liabilities – recognized for all
method considers all temporary differences TAXABLE temporary differences
including timing differences. There are
differences which might affect only the financial EXCEPTIONS:
position which are technically not timing
Goodwill arising from business
combination and which is non-deductible
for tax purposes
IFRS requires the use of the statement of
Asset or liability, other than those in a
financial position approach
business combination, that does NOT
GUIDANCE IN DETERMINING TAX BASES affect either accounting or taxable
Assets – the tax base is the amount Undistributed profit from subsidiary,
that will be deductible against taxable associate or joint venture when:
economic benefits from recovering the
the timing of the reversal of the
differences; and Tax rate/base is impacted by the
it is PROBABLE that the reversal manner it recovers its assets or
will NOT occur in the foreseeable settles its liabilities – measurement is
future consistent in which asset is recovered or
liability is settled
Formula: Revalued non-depreciable assets –
measurement reflects the tax
Carrying amount consequences of selling the asset
Less: Tax Base Investment property measured at
Taxable Temporary Difference fair value – measurement reflect the
Multiplied by: Tax Rate rebuttable presumption that the
Deferred Tax Liability investment property will be recovered
through sale
RECOGNITION OF DEFERRED TAX ASSETS Deferred tax assets and liabilities
Deferred Tax Assets – recognized for: CANNOT be discounted
Current tax asset and current tax
liabilities can only be offset int the statement of
financial position if the entity has the legal right
and the intention to settle on a net basis.
Deferred tax asset and Deferred tax
liabilities can only be offset in the financial
position if the entity has the legal right to settle
current tax amounts on a net net basis and the
deferred tax amounts are levied by the same
taxing authority on the same entity or different
entities that intend to realize the asset and
settle the liability at the same time
The amount of tax expense (income)
related to profit or loss is required to be
presented in the statement of comprehensive
The tax effects of items included in other
comprehensive income can either be shown net
for each item, or the items can be shown before
tax effects with an aggregate amount of income
tax for group of items.
DISCLOSURE (not all are indicated others can be
seen in IAS 12.80, IAS 12.81 and IAS 12.82)
Current tax expense
Any adjustment of taxes of prior period
Amount of deferred taxes (income)
relating to the origination and reversal
of temporary differences.
Write down, or reversal of a previous
write down, of a deferred tax asset.
Aggregate current and deferred tax
relating to items recognized directly on
Changes in tax rates