Design of Digital Voltmeter For AC Voltage Measurement Using PIC Microcontroller
Design of Digital Voltmeter For AC Voltage Measurement Using PIC Microcontroller
Design of Digital Voltmeter For AC Voltage Measurement Using PIC Microcontroller
Abstract: This article describes the design of a digital voltmeter for AC voltage measurement using PIC microcontroller. This design
uses the PIC microcontroller, rectifier, voltage divider and seven segment displays to complete the desired measurement. We are using
our microcontroller programming skills as well as our circuit designing expertise for the required design. This meter is calibrated for the
measurement of upto 500 volts AC. Here we are using PIC microcontroller because this is having an internal ADC, however any other
microcontroller can be used with or without internal ADC. But separate ADC is required if microcontroller used is without internal
Keywords: PIC 16F876 Microcontroller, Seven Segment Display, AC to DC Conversion, Voltage Divider
2. Objectives
The objective for this project is to design a digital voltmeter
for AC measurement upto 500 volts, which is one of the
general requirements for any electrical circuit. In order to
increase accuracy and repeatability this circuit is designed
using a microcontroller which also minimize the other
electronic circuitry. Thus this design will improve the overall
performance of the voltmeter.
3. System Architecture
This paper will describe how to make a simple digital
voltmeter using a PIC16F876 microcontroller. The range of
this DVM is 0-500V, but the range can be decreased based
on the requirements by using the hardware circuit needs
described in this project. The PIC microcontroller reads the Figure 1: Block Diagram of Digital Voltmeter
input voltage through one of the 5 analog channels and
converts it to a 10-bit digital number using the internal ADC. a) PIC 16F876 Microcontroller
By manipulating the output of the ADC this value can be The PIC16F876A-I/SP is an 8-bit enhanced Flash
Microcontroller with low-power, high-speed flash/EEPROM
Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2017579 154
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
technology. It features 256bytes of EEPROM data memory, common pin is cathode or anode seven segment displays can
self programming, an ICD, 2 comparators, 5 channels of 10- be either named as common cathode or common anode
bit Analogue-to-Digital (A/D) converter, 2 display respectively.
capture/compare/PWM functions, the synchronous serial port
can be configured as either 3-wire serial peripheral Interface
(SPI) or the 2-wire inter-integrated circuit (I²C) bus and a
universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART). The
data EEPROM, flash program memory is readable and
writable during normal operation (over the full VDD range).
This memory is not directly mapped in the register file space.
Instead, it is indirectly addressed through the special function
registers. All devices have a host of features intended to
maximize system reliability, minimize cost through
elimination of external components, provide power saving
operating modes and offer code protection.
Synchronous serial port (SSP) with SPI (master mode) and
I²C (master/slave) Figure 3: Pin Diagram of Seven Segment Display
Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
(USART/SCI) with 9-bit address detection Types of Seven Segment Displays:
Common Anode (CA): In common anode type, all the
Brown-out detection circuitry for brown-out reset (BOR)
anodes of 8 LED‟s are connected to the common terminal
-bit/up to 8-channel Analogue-to-digital converter (A/D)
and cathodes are left free. Thus, in order to glow the LED,
100,000 Erase/write cycles enhanced flash program these cathodes have to be connected to the logic „0‟ „0‟ and
memory typical anode to the logic „1‟.
1,000,000 Erase/write cycles data EEPROM memory
typical Common Cathode (CC): As the name indicates cathode is
>40 Years Data EEPROM retention the common pin for this type of seven segments and
Self-reprogrammable under software control remaining 8 pins are left free. Here, logic low is applied to
rcuit serial Programming (ICSP) via two pins
In-circuit the common pin and logic high to the remaining pins.
Single-supply 5V in-circuit serial programming
Programmable code protection Working:
Power saving sleep mode Seven segment display works, by glowing the required
respective LEDs in the numeral. The display is controlled
using pins that are left freely. Forward biasing of these pins
in a sequence will display the particular numeral or alphabet.
Depending on the type of seven segment the segment pins
are applied with logic high or logic zero and in the similar
way to the common pins also.
d) Software Implementation
CCS developed the first C Compiler for Microchip
microcontrollers over 20 years ago and continues to provide
software solutions to developers of embedded applications
using PIC MCU and PIC24/dsPIC DSC devices. CCS
compilers are easy to use and quick to learn.
7. Future Scope
We can extend this voltmeter to measure DC voltage also, so
that this voltmeter could be used for both types of
measurements AC voltages as well as DC voltages. Further
such meters can be interfaced with a complex measurement
system using serial interface or wireless mode so that data
could be utilized for control purposes.
8. Acknowledgment
We take this opportunity to thank all those who motivate us
to think innovative and design such a circuit which is usable
largely in the engineering field of measurement. We also
want to thank Mr. Vinod Verma, Director Vinytics
Peripherals Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi and the other staff members
especially from the production department of the company.
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Author Profile
Shagun Malhotra received his B.Tech degree from
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New
Delhi and M.Tech degree from Maharshi Dayanand
University, Rohtak. He is having a wide industrial
Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2017579 157