Evaluation of Progressive Deterioration of A Squirrel-Cage Rotor, With A Condition Monitoring System That Implements The Sideband Methodology
Evaluation of Progressive Deterioration of A Squirrel-Cage Rotor, With A Condition Monitoring System That Implements The Sideband Methodology
Evaluation of Progressive Deterioration of A Squirrel-Cage Rotor, With A Condition Monitoring System That Implements The Sideband Methodology
Abstract— The Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA), is to be able to discriminate among various machine conditions.
one of the most used methods to diagnose failures on squirrel The noise, together with the nonlinear behavior of the machine,
cage induction rotors. This paper presents the application of the make this task very difficult [2]. Despite the above mentioned
MSCA to the experimental test results, performed on an initially disadvantages, the MCSA method has proved efficiency in
healthy motor, which has several rotor bars progressively fault detection and diagnosis processes [6].
fractured. The tests were applied using a monitoring condition
system, developed in LabVIEW®, designed to detect the In this paper, a condition monitoring system based on
sidebands. The results show that the loading of the motor has an LAbVIEW®, was developed to apply the MCSA, to the rotors
important effect in the magnitude difference between the of induction motors. The experimental test was designed to
fundamental harmonic, and the lower sideband. evaluate the performance of the condition monitoring system,
in detecting a different number of broken bars, under various
Keywords— Induction motor, broken bars, Sidebands, digital motor operating conditions.
The history of fault diagnosis and protection is as old as the A. Breakdown origins and evolution
machines themselves. As the tasks performed by these The problems of broken bars or rings can start during the
machines became increasingly complex, and important, construction of the machine, due to a defective melting or
improvements were also sought in the field of fault diagnosis, union (depending on the type of rotor), giving rise to hot spots.
and now it is very important to diagnose faults as early as The fracture commonly starts in the vicinity of the union of the
possible, at their very inception [1]. bars with the short circuit ring, or on the ring itself, since this is
In the last 30 years, there has been a substantial amount of the area where mechanical stresses tend to accumulate [7].
research to provide new condition monitoring techniques for ac With regard to the process of evolution of the fracture, it
induction motors [2]. Some of these techniques are [3], [4], [5]: should be noted that the rotor bars support the braking and
1. Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA). acceleration forces of the motor; therefore, if the machine
suffers sudden spin speed fluctuations, that may even be
2. Spectral analysis of the electromagnetic torque. caused by its own normal work cycle, the fault may develop
3. Spectral analysis of active and reactive power. rapidly as a result of material fatigue. Also, due to thermal
4. Spectral analysis of axial vibrations. transients of the motor, the cage can suffer differential
movements within the rotor magnetic package, which generally
5. Extended Park’s vector approach.
leads to stress and cracking of the rings [7].
Some of the techniques listed above imply using high cost
Once a bar or ring has been cracked, the process is
transducers, whose mechanical installation must be carefully
degenerative [8]:
done, and also the signals measured during the tests need
special care when they are registered. Some other methods 1. The defective bar is heated around the crack until it finally
require using detailed mathematical models, and parameters of breakdown.
the machine, but they are not always available on site. 2. The breakdown causes the appearance of electric arcs
On the other hand, in this paper the MCSA technique was between the two separate parts, damaging the magnetic
selected, because current signals can easily be measured for circuit.
condition monitoring. The problem in this case is how to 3. Due to rupture, adjacent bars carry greater currents, so that
extract the different features of interest from the current signal, the process of emergence of new cracks starts.
Although broken rotor bars do not initially cause an and monitoring of synchronous machines; nevertheless, it
induction motor to fail, there can be serious secondary effects. offers adequate flexibility to be utilized for motor condition
The fault mechanism can result in broken parts of the bar monitoring. As explained in [11], the condition monitoring
hitting the end winding of a motor at high velocity [9]. system’s main target is to measure in real-time both types of
variables of interest of the machine, electrical and mechanical.
B. Sidebands Frequencies Broadly speaking, the measurement system at the hardware
One of the most generalize and widespread methods [8] for level consists of potential and current transformers, as well as
diagnosing induction motors’ rotor, is to track two harmonics, an inductive proximity sensor in order to obtain the rotor
called lower lateral harmonic and upper lateral harmonic, speed. For acquisition and analysis processing purposes, a
which are located on both sides of the fundamental harmonic, cRIO 9074 (400 MHz real-time processor and a 40 MHz
and separated from it, at frequencies given by (1) [6]: FPGA embedded in a single device) in addition with an NI-
9205 (analog input module with: 250 kS/s, 32 channels)
fl = f ⋅ (1 ± 2s ) (1) acquisition card were used ([12] [13]). The above mentioned
These are classic sidebands of twice the slip frequency, due equipment gives a sufficient processing and data acquisition
to rotor broken bars. The frequency f (1 - 2s) is called Lower capabilities to address the main targets with respect to the
Sideband, while the frequency f (1 + 2s) is called Upper present work. Regarding transformers to measure electrical
Sideband, and their magnitudes are a function of the degree of variables, it is important to mention that, because the method
asymmetry presented by the rotor [10]. used in this work, which requires analyzing only frequency
bands around the main harmonic (relative low frequencies, fs ±
It is noteworthy that the amplitude of all harmonic currents 2s fs), it does not require a wide bandwidth. On the other hand,
is a function of the load applied to the motor; therefore, it is at software level, the main program that was designed for data
very difficult to define an amplitude for the sidebands that processing also provides a graphical user interface (GUI); this
could be considered a border between a healthy rotor and one program was implemented using the LabVIEW® 2014
presenting asymmetries. In addition, many harmonics are Development Environment. The data processing stage
present in the current spectrum of a healthy motor, and their performed by the main program is explained on the next
amplitudes are due to its constructive characteristics, and the section.
machine’s non sinusoidal waveform field. Because of these
reasons, the direct use of the harmonic amplitudes for the
diagnosis of a motor does not have practical use. A. Data processing
For the data processing stage, the system acquires a
To solve this problem, the measurement of the amplitudes fixed-sized window of data through an array, which contains
can be standardized, in a similar way to the per unit value that all measured values obtained by the analog-digital converter;
is used in power systems. In this case, it comes to measuring the above is carried on by an embedded FPGA on the device.
the amplitude difference between the fundamental current and Each time the system has a valid data window, the main
the characteristic harmonics of the failure, on a logarithmic program retrieves this data to perform data processing; in this
scale. If the amplitudes are measured on a spectrum in decibels way data losses are avoided, while data processing is
(dB), this difference is equivalent to a ratio between the conducted. As mentioned earlier, the theory of sidebands states
amplitude of the fundamental harmonic and the harmonic of that, to obtain an adequate diagnosis of rotor’s state, it is
interest; it means the results will be normalized, regarding the necessary to distinguish between the first harmonic and the
value of the fundamental harmonic. Thus, the influence of the upper and lower side bands. Therefore, the features of the
machine size is eliminated, and the results are valid for any monitoring condition system must include: a high sampling
motor, regardless of their rated current. rate and a time window long enough to distinguish such bands.
By observing a large number of motors, Table I presents It is important to maintain generality on the procedure
the difference in dB between the amplitude of the fundamental performed by the monitoring system, with the objective of
harmonic and the amplitude of the Lower Sideband, being able to perform different tests on several motors within a
corresponding to progressive increases of rotor failures [8]. broad range of capacities. Without modifying internally the
analysis module, the parameters mentioned above (sampling
rate and time window) were adjusted to obtain a resolution
frequency of 0.0954 Hz. This resolution was obtained using a
Difference in window length of 10 seconds of recorded data (a sampling
Rotor condition
dB frequency of 20.4 kHz with 214000 samples, according to (4)).
49 or more Healthy motor
46 to 49 A high resistance point The Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) is used to
44 to 46 Several high resistance points analyze a continuous time periodic signal on the frequency
39 to 44 Many high resistance points or a broken bar
domain, that was previously digitized through an analog-digital
35 to 39 At least one broken bar
35 or less Several broken bars converter with a sampling frequency (fs) [14]:
N −1 2π nk
X(k) data array indicating the magnitude of each frequency The steps performed to obtain the difference between the
of the input signal [V2 rms]. sidebands and first harmonic magnitude, are shown in the flow
N number of elements in the array x(n). diagram of Fig. 1. On the flow diagram there are three
x(n) sampled input data array [V]. important stages. The first stage carries out a FFT calculation
using data obtained throughout the test. Secondly, the search
When applying expression (2), the resulting array shows and identification of maximum magnitude (sidebands and first
the signal contents, distributed among bands or frequency harmonic) are conducted, using the preliminary value of
lines; this frequency lines span from 0 Hz (the dc component) frequency, obtained in the previous step, as an approximation.
up to a maximum frequency fMAX determined by (3). On the third section, a diagnosis is determined based on the
fs fs difference between bands and on the data shown on Table I.
f MAX = − (3) The stages shown in this section are described in [16].
2 N
The frequency intervals or frequency lines are:
Δf = (4)
Δf is the interval or maximum resolution frequency
spectrum lines of the input signal [Hz].
Besides the measurement of phase currents, used for the
determination of sidebands, the measurement of voltages and
rotor position was also carried out. Although latter
measurement it is not strictly necessary to accomplish the main
target of this work, this was used to obtain rotor’s parameters
including: real, active and reactive power, and power factor.
The rotor position, obtained via the proximity induction sensor,
is used to compute rotor speed. With this value, the slip is
determined as shown in en (5) [15].
ns − n
s= ⋅ 100 (5)
s is the rotor slip [%].
ns is the synchronous speed of the electrical system
[rad/s] ó [rpm].
n is the motor’s speed [rad/s] ó [rpm].
The main program determines the slip through the
frequency of the signal generated by the proximity sensor. This
sensor generates a pulse on each revolution of the rotor; with Fig. 1 Flow Diagram for the implemented function
this data the frequency of such signal is determined. Once the used for sidebans detection.
motor speed and the system frequency (obtained through
current transformers signals) are known, the slip is then IV. TESTS AND RESULTS
computed by means of (5).
Laboratory tests consisted of measuring the signals of the
The slip's accuracy directly affects the reliability of the current consumed by the motor under study, as well as its
method used in this work, as it can be seen in equation (1); the speed. Through the software developed, the sinusoidal time
determination of the sidebands depends upon the slip domain current signals were transformed to their representation
measurement. For an accurate slip measurement, a function in the frequency domain. Also, the speed was used to
using lineal interpolation was implemented, in order to determine the motor slip. The difference between the
improve the slip’s accuracy. This function computes the magnitude of the fundamental harmonic, and the lower
frequency of sensor input signal, through the zero crossing sideband, was then determined at different rotor deteriorating
developed within the main program. The accuracy when conditions, for a motor running at no load, and at rated load.
determining the slip, is validated by comparing the preliminary The main characteristics of the motor tested are: power, 5 HP;
values of sidebands, with those obtained by computing the voltage, 220/440 V; current, 15.6 / 7.8 A; speed, 1723 rpm; 48
frequency spectrum; then, the relative error between them is bars in the rotor.
computed in order to assess their reliability. The computed
relative error throughout the tests performed was in the range Initial measurements were performed with the healthy rotor
of 0.0303% to 0.0025% (as detailed in [9]). without fail, for the two load conditions above mentioned
(Fig. 2a)).
ROPEC 2015 - Power Systems
Variable DC
Source TCs
Switch 3 Source
DC Generator Motor under test
3 Source
to PC
To the local measurement
Then, for breaking 2, 3 and 6 bars, holes were drilled in the should be noted that the magnitude of the sidebands is
rotor, obtaining measurements at each step, for the same load dependent on the broken rotor bars, as mentioned in [1], [17],
percentages. Figure 2 shows the evolution of the fault. In order [18], [19]. With the values of ΔdB between the fundamental
to vary the percentage of load, the motor under test was frequency and the lower sideband (Table II) it was possible to
coupled to a direct current generator, which feeds a bank of develop the trend chart shown in Fig. 5; in this figure the
variable resistors. Figure 3, shows the test connection diagram. relationship between the number of broken bars and the
difference or the fundamental with the lower sideband is
It is important to mention that all results presented in this
paper were obtained by the program developed in LabVIEW®,
which is responsible for the acquisition and processing of data.
Subsequently, in order to analyze the results, two conditions of V. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS
the rotor were plotted in the same image by using DIAdem® In the graph shown in Figure 4.a), it can be seen that when
software. In Fig. 4.a) the obtained graphs of all measurements the motor is unloaded, the sidebands method is inefficient,
with the motor unloaded are shown; in Fig. 4.b), 4.c) and 4.d) since the slip is very small, which makes the frequencies
the graph obtained with 0 broken bars is compared with those f (1±2s) be located too close to the fundamental frequency (a
obtained with 2, 3, and 6 broken bars respectively; all these more detailed explanation can be found in [16]). Therefore, it is
measures were done with the motor operating at rated load. difficult to determine in an accurate way, the ΔdB difference
The results of tests performed with the motor operating at between the fundamental harmonic and the lower sideband.
rated load, in different fault conditions, are summarized in The analysis of the unloaded motor armature current, during its
Table II. With regard to the values of the differences (in dB) start transient, has been proposed in [20], [21] and [22], by
between the fundamental harmonic, and the lower sideband, it using tools in time-frequency decomposition to overcome the
problem above mentioned, when the motor load is low.
ROPEC 2015 - Power Systems
a) Motor with no load, 0, 2, 3 and 6 broken bars. b) Motor with 100% load 0 and 2 broken bars.
c) Motor with 100% load 0 and 3 broken bars. d) Motor with 100% load 0 and 6 broken bars.
Fig. 4 Comparison of current spectra for different levels of failure.
Broken Average Fundamental Frequency Lower sideband f (1 - 2s) Upper sideband f (1 + 2s)
bars slip[%] Frequency [Hz] Magnitude [dB] Frequency [Hz] Magnitude [dB] Δ dB Frequency [Hz] Magnitude [dB] Δ dB
0 4.6617 60.0506 21.9969 54.3616 -33.1053 55.1022 65.6493 -29.4759 51.4728
2 4.2956 59.9962 22.4636 54.7997 -24.9045 47.3681 65.1927 -36.7423 59.2059
3 4.9762 60.0186 22.5129 53.9888 -18.1697 40.6826 65.9555 -21.6831 44.1960
6 5.3583 60.0801 21.1073 53.5953 -6.3877 27.4950 66.4696 -11.1621 32.2694
In Figures 4.b), 4.c) and 4.d), showing the measurements reference [8], it is mentioned that motors are "fundamentally
obtained with the motor operating at 100% load, the location belonging to companies in the electricity sector." On the other
and magnitude of the sidebands is graphically evident, thus hand, during this work, the authors always worked with the
facilitating the study of ΔdB. The numerical values of the same low capacity motor, only varying the number of broken
difference in decibels, between the fundamental frequency and bars between one measurement and the next.
both sidebands, are brought together in Table II.
In Fig. 5, the theory relating the level of damage in the
Taking as reference the values listed in Table I, and the rotor, to the magnitude difference between the fundamental
conditions that such values imply, and comparing them with harmonic and the lower sideband is proved. Furthermore, it can
the results reported in Table II, for the lower sideband values, it be confirmed that, as the number of broken rotor bars
is clear that there are only two coincidences: the rotor increases, the value of the difference in decibels (ΔdB) between
conditions denominated as “Healthy” and “Several broken both frequencies decreases. However, it is essential to get more
bars”. measurement points, in order to develop a more accurate graph.
Also, by testing more similar motors, it would be feasible to
The differences between both tables could be explained by develop an equation that describes the tendency of this
the differences between the motors used to develop them. In behavior.
ROPEC 2015 - Power Systems