DLL Entrep - October 7-11 2019
DLL Entrep - October 7-11 2019
DLL Entrep - October 7-11 2019
DAILY LESSON LOG Date September 30-October 4, 2019 Quarter 2nd QUARTER
B. Performance Standard The learner independently creates a The learner independently creates a The learner independently creates a
business vicinity map reflective of business vicinity map reflective of business vicinity map reflective of
potential market in ones locality/town potential market in ones locality/town potential market in ones locality/town
C. Learning Manifest understanding of starting and Manifest understanding of starting and Manifest understanding of starting and
Competency/Objectives operating a simple business operating a simple business operating a simple business
Write the LC code for each. 1.4Identify the reason for keeping 1.4Identify the reason for keeping 1.4Identify the reason for keeping
recordsCS_EP11/12ENTREP-0h- j-21 recordsCS_EP11/12ENTREP-0h- j-21 recordsCS_EP11/12ENTREP-0h- j-21
The learners…
Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher Resource Material pages 50-57 Teacher Resource Material pages 50-57 Teacher Resource Material pages 50-57
2. Learner’s Materials pages Teacher Resource Material pages 50-57 Teacher Resource Material pages 50-57 Teacher Resource Material pages 50-57
3. Textbook pages Entrepreneurhip by: Dr. Eduardo A. Entrepreneurhip by: Dr. Eduardo A. Entrepreneurhip by: Dr. Eduardo A.
Morato pages 50-57 Morato pages 50-57 Morato pages 50-57
4. Additional Materials from www.youtube.com, www.youtube.com, www.youtube.com,
Learning Resource www.google.com, Entrepreneurship by www.google.com, Entrepreneurship by www.google.com, Entrepreneurship by
Diwa Publishing; Diwa Publishing; Diwa Publishing;
https://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/startup- https://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/startup- https://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/startup-
tips/a-successful-entrepreneur-shares-his- tips/a-successful-entrepreneur-shares-his- tips/a-successful-entrepreneur-shares-his-
marketing-strategies marketing-strategies marketing-strategies
B. Other Learning Resource SHS Curicculum guide page 3 SHS Curicculum guide page 3 SHS Curicculum guide page 3
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preparatory Activity Preparatory Activity Preparatory Activity
presenting the new lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Attendance - Attendance - Attendance
Brief review about the previous Brief review about the previous discussion. Brief review about the previous
discussion. discussion.
B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher will present her objectives The teacher will present her objectives The teacher will present her objectives
lesson using the power point presentation using the power point presentation using the power point presentation
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will now discuss her lesson The teacher will now discuss her lesson The teacher will now discuss her lesson
practicing new skills #2 using her MS Power Point presentation using her MS Power Point presentation using her MS Power Point presentation
J. Additional activities for Sessions checking of their Business Sessions checking of their Business Sessions checking of their Business
application or remediation plan(progress report) plan(progress report) plan(progress report)
A.. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well:
E. Which of my teaching - Buzz session - Buzz session - Buzz session
strategies work well? - Lecture method - Lecture method - Lecture method
- Group discussion - Group discussion - Group discussion
Why did these work?
Students eagerness to learn Students eagerness to learn Students eagerness to learn
Group mmebers cooperation Group mmebers cooperation Group mmebers cooperation
F. What difficulties did I Students behavior and attitude Students behavior and attitude Students behavior and attitude
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized Planned innovations: Planned innovations: Planned innovations:
materials did I use/discover which Localized videos/product proposals of the Localized videos/product proposals of the Localized videos/product proposals of the
I wish to share with other students students/hiring and recruitment process of students
teachers? the students