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Melanomacrophage Centers As A Histological Indicator of Immune Function in Fish and Other Poikilotherms

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Mini Review

published: 17 July 2017

doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00827

Melanomacrophage Centers
As a Histological indicator of
immune Function in Fish and
Other Poikilotherms
Natalie C. Steinel 1,2* and Daniel I. Bolnick 1
 Department of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States, 2 Department of Medical
Education, Dell Medical School, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States

Melanomacrophage centers (MMCs) are aggregates of highly pigmented phagocytes

found primarily in the head kidney and spleen, and occasionally the liver of many ver-
tebrates. Preliminary histological analyses suggested that MMCs are structurally similar
to the mammalian germinal center (GC), leading to the hypothesis that the MMC plays
a role in the humoral adaptive immune response. For this reason, MMCs are frequently
described in the literature as “primitive GCs” or the “evolutionary precursors” to the
mammalian GC. However, we argue that this designation may be premature, having
been pieced together from mainly descriptive studies in numerous distinct species.
Edited by: This review provides a comprehensive overview of the MMC literature, including a
Andrew Steven Flies,
phylogenetic analysis of MMC distribution across vertebrate species. Here, we discuss
University of Tasmania, Australia
the current understanding of the MMCs function in immunity and lingering questions.
Reviewed by:
Joachim Kurtz, We suggest additional experiments needed to confirm that MMCs serve a GC-like role
Universität Münster, Germany in fish immunity. Finally, we address the utility of the MMC as a broadly applicable histo-
Hao-Ching Wang,
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
logical indicator of the fish (as well as amphibian and reptilian) immune response in both
laboratory and wild populations of both model and non-model vertebrates. We highlight
Natalie C. Steinel the factors (sex, pollution exposure, stress, stocking density, etc.) that should be consid-
ered when using MMCs to study immunity in non-model vertebrates in wild populations.

Specialty section: Keywords: melanomacrophage center, germinal center, fish immunology, non-model organisms, comparative
This article was submitted to immunology
Comparative Immunology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Immunology
Received: 26 May 2017
Accepted: 30 June 2017 The study of immunology in wild vertebrates is hamstrung because many tools cannot readily
Published: 17 July 2017 be used in the field, and species-specific reagents do not exist for most non-model organisms.
Citation: Melanomacrophage centers (MMCs) might offer a simple, cheap, and broadly applicable measure
Steinel NC and Bolnick DI (2017) of adaptive immunity in poikilotherms. Here, we summarize and critically review this potentially
Melanomacrophage Centers valuable tool for wild immunology.
As a Histological Indicator
of Immune Function in Fish
and Other Poikilotherms. Abbreviations: MM, melanomacrophage; MMC, melanomacrophage center; GC, germinal center; RPMs, red pulp mac-
Front. Immunol. 8:827. rophages; TBMs, tingible body macrophages; FDC, follicular dendritic cell; TFH, T follicular helper cell; Ig, immunoglobulin;
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00827 SHM, somatic hypermutation; AID, activation-induced cytidine deaminase.

Frontiers in Immunology  |  www.frontiersin.org 1 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 827

Steinel and Bolnick MMCs as Poikilotherm Immune Biomarker

Melanomacrophages (or melanin-macrophages, MMs) are macrophages  (RPMs) found in mammals (15). Exogenous
pigmented phagocytes found primarily in poikilotherm lymphoid materials, of natural or experimental origins, also collect within
tissues. MMs are darkly pigmented due to high lipofuscin, mela- MMCs. Metal deposits (16, 17) and experimentally injected inert
nin, and haemosiderin content (1), making them histologically substances (13, 18–23) accumulate within MMs. These findings
distinguishable via light microscopy (Figure 1). Nodular accu- highlight the importance of MMCs in debris clearance and
mulations of closely packed MMs, known as MMCs, are primar- long-term storage of highly indigestible and/or toxic materials.
ily observed in the kidney, spleen, and liver. Generally, kidney The phagocytic nature of these cells is similar to that of the tin-
and liver MMCs are diffuse and less structured, while splenic gible body macrophage (TBM) found in the mammalian splenic
MMCs are more organized (2–4). As detailed below, the leading germinal center (GC) (24). While the role of waste product
hypothesis is that MMCs represent a primitive site of adaptive repository is considered non-immunological, as we discuss in the
immune system activation. As such, they may offer a valuable following section, this physiological necessity may overlap with
low-cost marker for measuring adaptive immunity across most of an important MMC immunological function: antigen retention.
the vertebrate tree of life, in both model and non-model species. If
so, MMCs could provide a widely applicable tool for wild immu-
nology, as they are near-ubiquitous across vertebrates. MMCs
are reported in over 130 fish species (Figure S1 and Table S1 in Early descriptions proposed that MMCs function in both the
Supplementary Material) and are also present in amphibians and innate and adaptive arms of the immune response (25). MM
most reptiles (Figures S2 and S3 and Table S2 in Supplementary phagocytic activity is not limited to erythrocytes as they also
Material). This review centers on the well-studied piscine MMC phagocytose infectious materials (14, 21, 25–27). Turtle MMs
but comments on the less-well known amphibian and reptile are described as “aggressively phagocytic,” attacking bacteria,
MMCs, where relevant. fungi, and helminth parasite eggs in  vitro (14). MMCs’ close
association with specialized capillaries in the spleen, known as
NON-IMMUNOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS ellipsoids (8, 28), suggests that they may scavenge blood borne
OF THE MMC pathogens. This notion is supported by the observation that,
in vivo, MMCs quickly remove injected foreign materials from
The MMC is thought to play dual roles, participating both in the circulation (13, 18–20, 27).
immune defenses and normal, non-immunological, physiologi- Morphological characteristics, organ location, and association
cal processes. This review focuses on MMC immune functions with infection/immunization led to the hypothesis that MMCs
but touches briefly on non-immunological roles [detailed are analogs, or “primitive” evolutionary precursors, of the mam-
review by Wolke (5)]. Like other macrophages, MMs’ primary malian GC (1, 5, 10, 21, 27–32). As such, they may participate in
function is phagocytosis. The presence and long-term storage the adaptive immune response. In mammals, the GC response is
of unmetabolized, effete materials, earned MMCs the title of crucial for the differentiation and clonal expansion of memory
“metabolic dumps”  (6). This indigestible material, which gives B cells and high-affinity plasma cells. Extensive experimentation
MMs their characteristic pigmentation, can be of endogenous or has elucidated the complex spatial structure, cell–cell interac-
exogenous origins. Endogenous materials are obtained through tions, and molecular processes that occur within the mammalian
the phagocytosis of exhausted cells, particularly erythrocytes. GC (33). The GC has a well-defined architecture, with distinctive
Erythrophagocytosis by MMCs is widely reported and goes back B-cell, follicular dendritic cell (FDC) and T follicular helper cell
to the earliest MMC description by Blumenthal in 1908 (7–13). (TFH) aggregates. Following antigen challenge, antigen-specific
More recent studies showed that turtle MMs can erythrophago- B cells accumulate and proliferate causing a transient increase in
cytose in  vitro (14). The presence of degraded erythrocytes GC size (33). During the GC response, antigen-specific B cells,
and hemosiderin suggests that MMs function in iron recycling mediated by interactions with FDCs and TFH, undergo clonal
(10, 11), much like the hemosiderin-laden splenic red pulp expansion and differentiate into memory and plasma cells (33).

Figure 1 | Light micrographs of stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) splenic melanomacrophage centers. (A) Unstained spleen at 50×. Scale bar equals 250 µm.
Box outlines magnified section in panel (B). (B) Unstained spleen at 200×. Scale bar equals 62.5 µm. (C) H&E-stained spleen at 200×, and black arrows indicate
MMCs. Scale bar equals 62.5 µm.

Frontiers in Immunology  |  www.frontiersin.org 2 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 827

Steinel and Bolnick MMCs as Poikilotherm Immune Biomarker

FDCs serve as long-term antigen depots by maintaining intact MMCs (13, 21, 53) and increase in response to immunization
antigen on their surface in the form of immune complexes (IC) (13). These studies, however, lacked species-specific reagents;
(34). It is within GCs that antibody affinity maturation occurs. so determination of cell identity was not possible. More recent
In this targeted microevolutionary process, immunoglobulin immunohistochemical studies revealed MMC-adjacent Ig+ cells
(Ig) genes undergo somatic hypermutation (SHM) and selection. that increase in number in response to experimental infection
In GC B cells, the enzyme activation-induced cytidine deaminase (2–4). These Ig+ cells were presumed to be B cells, but the cells’
(AID) generates Ig gene mutations (35–37). GC B cells express- identity has not been confirmed as these stains cannot differenti-
ing mutated Ig genes are then selected based on their affinity for ate between cells expressing Ig and those binding soluble Ig
antigen (38, 39). This process hones antibody specificity and is (or IC) on their cell surface (2–4). While some Ig+ cell aggre-
necessary for an efficient humoral immune response. gation was observed, they did not exhibit the highly compart-
Teleosts lack GCs; yet, nevertheless, they generate affinity- mentalized structure characteristic of mammalian GCs (2–4).
matured antibody in response to antigen challenge (40, 41). Unlike the GC, the MMC response in some teleost species does
Descriptive studies, across many fish species, identified numer- not correlate with an increased antibody production (13). More
ous similarities between GCs and MMCs (Table  1), raising recently, AID-expressing cells were identified in or proximal to
the possibility that MMCs are the site of the teleost humoral MMCs (54). Considering that AID expression is required for
adaptive immune response. MMs, like mammalian FDCs, SHM in mammals, this finding strongly supports the notion of a
stain positively with the CNA-42 monoclonal antibody (42) GC-like MMC. However, SHM has not been directly documented
and express CSF1-R (43). Fish injected with both infectious in MMCs (54). These studies provide compelling evidence that
and non-infectious substances demonstrated that MMCs are MMCs and mammalian GCs likely perform similar functions,
sites of antigen retention (18, 19, 21, 22, 30, 44–46). Notably, but differences do remain. A systematic investigation of MMC
carp immunized with Aeromonas hydrophila retained antigen function has never been performed. Toward the end of this
in and around splenic MMCs for at least a year (21). Antigen review, we suggest an experimental road map to fully characterize
retained near or within MMCs is extracellular, trapped within teleost MMC function.
IC, and the injection of preformed IC accelerates this retention
(47, 48). While these findings highlight many similarities EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF MMCs
between MMs and FDCs, the erythrophagocytic and scaveng-
ing functions described in the previous section also suggest Here, we consider both the likely timing and function of the
similarities between the MMC and RPMs and TBMs found in early evolution of MMCs. MMCs are present in both jawless
the mammalian spleen (Table 1). (Cyclostomata) and jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomata), imply-
Following immunization or infection, fish MMCs increase ing that MMCs likely evolved at least 525  mya in a common
in size and/or number (10, 13, 26, 32, 49–52), much like mam- ancestor of all Vertebrata (Figure  2). This evolutionary gain
malian GCs. Study of MMC kinetics in goldfish showed that likely proceeds the evolution of adaptive immunity as jawed and
MMs can both join existing aggregates or form new aggregates jawless vertebrates evolved unique adaptive immune systems
(22). Lymphoid cells are observed in close proximity to teleost (55, 56). In “primitive” vertebrates like hagfish (Myxiniformes)
and sharks and rays (Chondrichthyes), MMs are diffusely
distributed, mostly in liver tissue. In contrast, bony vertebrates
Table 1 | Comparison of poikilotherm melanomacrophages with mammalian [Euteleostomi (a.k.a., Osteichthyes)] exhibit more aggregated
follicular dendritic cells (FDC), red pulp macrophages (RPM), and tingible body MMs that form distinct MMCs primarily in the spleen and kid-
macrophages (TBM). ney (6). Because bony fish, amphibians, and reptiles share splenic
Mammals Poikilotherms
aggregations, we infer that MMC concentration into the spleen
must have evolved in a common ancestor to Euteleostomi. That
FDC RPM TBM MMC is, splenic MMCs evolved between 430 and 460 mya, prior to the
Location Spleen, Spleen Spleen, Spleen, kidney, split between ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) from lobe-finned
LN LN liver fishes and tetrapods (Sarcopterygii) but after their split from
Nodular aggregations + − − + Chondrichthyes (Figure 2). Note that this inference is based on
Erythrophagocytosis − + − + an assumption that MMCs are homologous structures (inherited
Phagocytosis of exhausted/dead − − + +
from a common ancestor) rather than having independently
Stain with CNA-42 + − − + evolved multiple times. This assumption has yet to be rigorously
Express CSF1-R + − − + tested with transcriptomic and genetic data.
Retain antigen long-term within ICs + − − + Melanomacrophage centers are retained in most poikilo-
Found in close proximity to: therms, though they are reported absent in a handful of species.
Lymphoid cells + − + +
AID-expressing cells + − + +
Admittedly, studies that did not locate MMCs (despite appreci-
B cells undergoing SHM + − + Unknown able investigation) might be false negatives. Studies of MMCs
Differentiating B cells + − + Unknown in jawless vertebrates are underrepresented, with reports from
Activated B cells + − + Unknown only two Cyclostomata species (6). MMCs are reportedly absent
LN, lymph node; IC, immune complexes; AID, activation-induced cytidine deaminase; in the lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis, but present in hagfish (6)
SHM, somatic hypermutation. (Figure 2; Tables S1 and S3 in Supplementary Material). We are

Frontiers in Immunology  |  www.frontiersin.org 3 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 827

Steinel and Bolnick MMCs as Poikilotherm Immune Biomarker

Collectively, evidence suggests several intriguing hypotheses

for the evolutionary origins of MMs, MMCs, and mammalian
GCs. We emphasize that these hypotheses are tentative but
intriguing enough to warrant rigorous evaluation. The first
hypothesis is that MMs initially evolved as molecular and cel-
lular “garbage dumps” without a particular immunological role,
in a common ancestor of all Vertebrata. Early MMs would have
encountered pathogens or their antigens while acting in this
clean-up capacity, which leads to a second hypothesis: MMs’
incidental interaction with pathogens subsequently became
entrenched and they gained immune function, perhaps in a
common ancestor to Gnathostomata. The third (and oldest)
hypothesis is that in early mammals, the MMCs evolved into
GCs, with splenic RPMs remaining to carry out erythrocyte
recycling function. We consider this third hypothesis in greater
detail in the next section.


The notion of a “primitive GC”-like MMC has long been
speculated (1, 5, 10, 21, 25, 27–32). However, this conclusion was
drawn from descriptive studies, across many fish species, which
Figure 2 | Phylogeny showing melanomacrophage center (MMC) gains and did not directly investigate how MMC parameters correlate with
losses across vertebrate species. Detailed phylogenies of fish, amphibian, immune function. As noted earlier, similarities between MMCs
and reptilian species can be found in Supplemental Material. The phylogeny and GCs make this conclusion compelling (Table  1). Chiefly,
is not time-calibrated and was plotted using the ape package in R (57),
both structures increase in size and/or number in response to
using a topology obtained from the OneZoom database (58). Drawings by
Doreen J. Bolnick. immunization or infection (10, 13, 26, 31, 50–52). The structures
also share cell types and expressed genes, but other observations
call the “GC-precursor” hypothesis into question. Most notably,
aware of only two bony fish species that reportedly lack MMCs: MMCs also respond to non-infectious settings, including poor
the fifteenspine stickleback, Spinachia spinachia, and the South body condition, pollution exposure, starvation, aging, and injury
American armored catfish, Hypostomus francisci (Figure S1 (discussed in detail below) (1, 10, 50, 60–63). When reconciling
and Table S3 in Supplementary Material) (8, 59). In all three the MMC response to both infectious and non-infectious
instances, MMC absence was determined by survey studies of a circumstances, these findings could be interpreted in several
few individuals from a single location. From these limited stud- different ways.
ies, it is difficult to determine if the absence of MMCs represents First, it is possible that MMCs evolved from a purely physi-
species- or population-level variation. These absences should be ological role, to gain immunological function, conducting both
investigated in greater detail but suggest that MMCs can be lost roles simultaneously. Subsequent GC evolution may be a case
(or, replaced by another feature) without lethal effect. The sister of sub-functionalization, in which a generalist tissue or cell
genus to Spinachia (Gasterosteus, including threespine stick- type, performing multiple roles, evolves into specialist sub-
leback) has distinct MMCs (Figure  1), indicating that loss can populations. Second, the conditions that influence MMC status,
occur over comparatively short macro-evolutionary time. MMCs including infection/immunization, are all associated with tissue
have also been lost, probably two separate times, in Squamate destruction. So it is possible that the MMC response may not
reptiles (in vipers and a large snake clade including rat snakes be immunological like the GC but may simply be a non-specific
and keelbacks) (Table S3 in Supplementary Material). But, MMCs expansion of MMs in response to generalized tissue damage. In
were located in all amphibians we found reports for (Figure S2 in this case, the proposed immune function of MMCs may be a
Supplementary Material), and in turtles, lizards, and crocodiles false lead.
(Figure S3 in Supplementary Material). These aggregates are Third, the association between MMCs and stress or tissue
generally less organized than those observed in bony fish. MMCs damage could be confounded with infection. Poor body condi-
are not observed in mammals or birds. If MMCs are indeed absent tion, aging, injury, pollution exposure, and starvation can facilitate
in birds and mammals, it is likely that they were independently secondary infections. Thus, experiments that manipulate stressors
lost. MMC loss in mammals is particularly note-worthy, because might have incidental effects on infection, making it difficult to
pigmented RPMs are still found in mammalian spleens. These experimentally distinguish between non-infectious versus infec-
macrophages perform physiological roles in erythrophagocyto- tious MMC responses. Conversely, infection or pollution expo-
sis and metabolic recycling but have no known role in the GC sure may lead to poor body condition, injury, and/or suppressed
response. appetite/starvation. As exposure to pathogens or contaminants

Frontiers in Immunology  |  www.frontiersin.org 4 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 827

Steinel and Bolnick MMCs as Poikilotherm Immune Biomarker

may not be readily detectible, an MMC response may mistakenly that the appropriate tissue(s) are sampled. The MMC response
be attributed to other environmental or physiological factors. is quantified using various parameters including aggregate
size, number, total pigmented area, pigmentation intensity, and
FUTURE DIRECTIONS aggregate circularity (shape factor). These variables can change
through time in response to various stressors, and some are cor-
To determine whether MMCs function in a GC-like capacity, related (e.g., size and pigmented area). However, in the absence
further studies must directly test this hypothesis. Antigen- of a functional understanding of the nature of the MMC in the
specific B-cell clonal expansion and high-affinity antibody immune response it’s not yet clear which metric(s) should be
production from mammalian GCs are the result of B-cell reported. Therefore, to avoid cherry-picking results, attention
proliferation, differentiation, and SHM. To determine if MMCs and justification should be given for choosing tissues to sample
are GC analogs, experiments must investigate if antigen-specific and MMC parameters to report.
B  cells proliferate and differentiate in association with MM The MMC can also respond to physiological and environ-
aggregates. While the presence of AID-expressing cells within mental changes. This presents a difficult situation for the wild
the MMC implies that affinity maturation is occurring (54), immunologist. Histological MMC parameters vary in response
further experiments are necessary to assess whether antibody to life history and environmental factors. Sex (60, 66), diet (52, 61,
gene SHM occurs within and is dependent on the MMC. The 63, 67), spawning phase (68), season (69), temperature (70), and
mammalian GC response is T-cell dependent, as GC B-cell UV exposure (71) influence MMC status. Several authors reported
clonal expansion and differentiation requires help from TFH a linear correlation between age and elevated MMC metrics
cells (64). T-dependent (TD) antigens are proteins that induce (17, 72–74). Studies also showed MMC responses to environmen-
GC reactions. T-independent (TI) antigens, in contrast, are tal stressors. In fish, farming increased MMC density compared
polysaccharide based, cannot be presented to TFH cells, and to the same species raised in wild conditions (75). Other aqua-
consequently do not stimulate a GC response (65). Therefore, culture variables, such as ranching time and stocking density,
a straightforward test of MMC function would compare the influence MMC metrics (67, 76).
MMC response to TD and TI antigens. Using next generation Numerous investigations report correlations between
sequencing tools, it would be useful to conduct a comparative “degraded environments” and MMC status. Decreased dissolved
transcriptomic analysis of MMCs and GCs to determine simi- oxygen levels were associated with an increased fish MMC
larities and differences in gene expression. Lastly, MMC fine- number (77). Several studies documented MMC responses to
scale structure should also be defined, for instance using single environmental contaminant exposure in wild fish and amphib-
molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization to generate spatially ians (66, 73, 77–81). However, many of these studies compared
explicit maps of gene expression and the distribution of cell contaminant-exposed animals to those from uncontaminated
types within MMCs. In the absence of functional studies that “control” areas, without accounting for confounding effects
directly test the hypothesis of a GC-like MMC, an abundance of of infection or other physiological or environmental factors.
caution should be used when drawing conclusions regarding the Nevertheless, controlled experimental exposure of lab-raised
nature of the MMC response in immune function. fish to environmental contaminants supports the notion of a
pollutant-induced MMC response (52, 82–85). These obser-
NOTES FOR THE WILD IMMUNOLOGIST vations, combined with MMC responses to life history and
environmental factors (1, 10, 17, 31, 49, 50, 60–63, 72–74, 80),
Though fundamental experiments are needed to clarify the underscore the difficulty in interpreting MMC metrics in wild
immunological significance of the MMC, we nevertheless assert populations. If meaningful conclusions are to be drawn regarding
that the MMC is potentially a practical biomarker of immune the MMC response in wild (and lab-raised) animals, thoughtful
function in both laboratory and wild studies. As MMCs are consideration must be given to choosing appropriate controls
evolutionarily conserved in many poikilothermic species, histo- and accounting for physiological and environmental variables
logical assays of the MMC state could provide a valuable tool for in analyses. Therefore, we recommend wild studies employing
comparative studies of adaptive immunity across the diversity the MMC assay without validation and appropriate controls be
of vertebrates. Due to their inherent pigmentation, the MMC interpreted with caution.
response can be easily visualized and quantified via light micros-
copy, without the need for costly species-specific reagents. This CONCLUSION
pigmentation also makes MMs highly autofluorescent, a feature
that can be employed to isolate MMs via FACS sorting (43, 54). The MMC shares many structural, cellular, and molecular simi-
Though MMCs appear to be a useful bioindicator of poikilotherm larities with the mammalian GC, suggesting an evolutionary tie
immune function, several variables must be considered when to mammalian adaptive immunity. Parallels between these struc-
designing and analyzing laboratory or wild studies. tures led researchers to recognize the potential for the MMC as
Careful consideration should be given to sampling relevant a histological biomarker of poikilotherm immune response. We
tissues and quantifying the appropriate MMC parameters. Most assert, however, that this tool should be used with caution. While
immunological (and non-immunological) studies of the MMC descriptive studies have identified important features of the MMC,
focus on a single tissue. In light of the phylogenetic association functional studies are needed to confirm its role in the adaptive
of the MMC with different organs (6), researchers should be sure immune system. If such studies validate this immunological tool,

Frontiers in Immunology  |  www.frontiersin.org 5 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 827

Steinel and Bolnick MMCs as Poikilotherm Immune Biomarker

they will pave the way for comparative studies of the evolutionary providing line drawings for Figure  2 and the Figure S1–S3 in
origins of vertebrate immunity and for experimental immunology Supplementary Material.
in wild populations.
This work was supported by research funding from the Howard
NS and DB wrote and edited the manuscript. Hughes Medical Institute.


We thank John Wiens for the reptile phylogeny, Mike Alfaro and The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at
Dan Rabosky for the ray-finned fish phylogeny, and Alex Pyron http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fimmu.2017.00827/
for the amphibian phylogeny. We thank Doreen J. Bolnick for full#supplementary-material.

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